[dev] Re: [ooo-announce] [pr] FINAL: OpenOffice.org 2.0.4 Is Here.... And It's Our Birthday!

2006-10-13 Thread Christian Andersson
I hope someone writes the release notes soon because
gives me an error 404

Louis Suarez-Potts wrote:
 This is Friday 13 October and the day marks two important events: the
 immediate availability of OpenOffice.org 2.0.4 and our sixth anniversary.
 First things first.
 OpenOffice.org 2.0.4 is ready for download now. It is a significant
 release and recommended for all. As with all OpenOffice.org releases, it
 runs natively on Windows, Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X (X11) and many other
 platforms; and it probably runs in your language. Check with your
 favourite Native Language Project to see if the application is available
 New features, bugfixes, and improvements include:
 * Enhanced PDF management
 * Direct export to LaTex
 * Nested queries in Base
 * New functionality in Calc and Impress
 * Mac OS X (X11) uses system fonts
 * And a lot more...
 But the most important is our improved use of extensions. We've been
 very busy here, and have succeeded in making it easier for developers of
 any level to create extensions (aka packages) for OpenOffice.org. With
 2.0.4, a new door to the future is opened: Developers everywhere are
 invited to start writing extensions! To learn more, visit our Extensions
 Project, http://extensions.openoffice.org/.
 Download the application now, start using it immediately, and write
 extensions tomorrow.
 * Download: http://downloads.openoffice.org/2.0.4/
 * Release Notes: http://development.openoffice.org/releases/2.0.4.html
 And now our anniversary.
 Six years ago today, OpenOffice.org was launched as an open-source
 project. Wikipedia [0] has an excellent timeline, and in the last OOoCon
 we presented on the State of the Project [1], but the basic fact is that
 in the last six years we have helped shape a new world. Tens of millions
 of people use OpenOffice.org daily; governments have or are considering
 mandating it or its open-standard file format, the OpenDocument format,
 or ODF; and all have saved hundreds of millions of dollars and taken
 significant steps to ensuring that data is not lost to proprietary
 technologies. No small accomplishment.
 If you want to participate in this huge and peaceful movement for a
 better world, join us, spread the word, help us and yourself out.
 Build your world with OpenOffice.org.
 -The OpenOffice.org Team
 [0] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenOffice.org
 [1] http://www.openoffice.org/editorial/state_of_the_project_year_6.html
 About OpenOffice.org
 The OpenOffice.org Community is an international team of volunteer and
 sponsored contributors who develop, support, and promote the leading
 open-source office productivity suite, OpenOffice.org®.
 OpenOffice.org supports the Open Document Format for Office
 Applications (OpenDocument) OASIS Standard (ISO/IEC 26300) as well as
 legacy industry
 file formats and is available on major computing platforms in over 65
 languages. OpenOffice.org is provided under the GNU Lesser General
 Public Licence (LGPL).
 The OpenOffice.org Community acknowledges generous sponsorship from a
 number of companies, including Sun Microsystems, the founding sponsor and
 primary contributor.
 The OpenOffice.org Project can be found at http://www.openoffice.org
 The OpenOffice.org office productivity suite may be downloaded free of
 charge from http://download.openoffice.org
 Further information about the suite may be found at
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Configuration and Collaboration for OpenOffice.org
Open Framework Systems AS http://www.ofs.no

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Re: Fwd: [dev] Announcement: OpenOffice.org Premium 2.0.3 has released

2006-08-31 Thread Christian Andersson

Rene Engelhard wrote:
 Am Donnerstag, 31. August 2006 12:17 schrieb Rich:
 hmm. and there i was, thinking that was irony...
 in the end you will be left with a single, blank image probably :)
 No. He has a point. While you can argue about China/Taiwan, Kashmir or so,
 the Nazi symbols *are* illegal in Germany and many european countries.

regarding the nazi symbols  since I could not believe that they
could completelly ban those symbols (take for example a history book
showing photos of hitler, would thye have to redoo every book hiding the

I found this...  http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/4178643.stm
this article is ofcourse over 1.5 years old.. but if you look at the
bottom of this article, you will find this..

But German ambassador to Britain, Thomas Matussek, told Today the ban
had helped put Germany among countries in Europe with the least number
of people subscribing to Nazi ideas.

He also pointed out that the Nazi symbols were not completely banned in
Germany and were still used in education and arts.

so writing a book and having the nazi symbol in there is not completelly

I see no reason for removing any nazi symbols from OOo Premium.. if
there are any (I don't have OOo premium, jsut the plain vanilla one)

Christian Andersson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Configuration and Collaboration for OpenOffice.org
Open Framework Systems AS http://www.ofs.no

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Re: [dev] how to create your own configuration reader in OpenOffice.org (configmgrrc)

2006-07-17 Thread Christian Andersson
see answers inline

Joerg Barfurth wrote:
 Hi Christian,
 from what I understand this stuff can only be done in c++ right now, not

 Not so. The backends are accessed as UNO services and can be written in
 any language suitable for writing UNO components. This includes Java and
 even Python.

My information about this is a little bit dated I think the last time we
checked if we could use java was on the 1.1.x series of OOo, not 2.0.x
series. I've searched the mailiong list but cannot find the mail
regarding this, so I might be totally wrong.
Anyway, if it now works in OOo 2.0.x that is a great benefit for me,
since I don't have to learn c++ :-)

 The only premise is that the UNO language binding does not access the
 configuration database for its own startup configuration. IIRC that used
 to be a problem with Java in OOo 1.1.x, but shouldn't be the case any
 more in OOo 2.

hopefully it does not need to, since the url from where it needs to
download the files are specified in the configmgrrc file..

 We did create a modified version of the Configuration chapter in the
 developer's guide that explains the services and interfaces involved in
 this. Unfortunately it seems to have not made it into the OOo 2.0
 version of the guide. I'll check if I can find it somewhere and get it
 up onto the website.

That would be very much appreciated. and if you could telt us the url of
this document when/if you find it and have it uploaded :-)

 The short summary is: You need to create a UNO service that implements
 one of the abstract services
 com.sun.star.configuration.backend.SingleLayerStratum [1] or
 com.sun.star.configuration.backend.MultiLayerStratum [2].
 This essentially amounts to implementing the methods of the
 XSingleLayerStratum or XMultiLayerStratum interface to return a Layer
 object whose XLayer::readData method reads and parses from your data store.
 If you store your data in the 'xcu' XML format, you can use the existing
  com.sun.star.configuration.backend.xml.LayerParser service to implement
 the Layer object. All you need to do is provide an XInputStream to read
 the data.

ok, this sounds doable, adn I'm looking forward to start testing it next
week :-)

 If I manage to write my own configurationreader can this then be
 installed using unopkg? or do I have to compile it within my own version
 of OpenOffice.org?

 You can install such a backend using unopkg add --shared. That will not
 automatically enable its use for the standard configuration stack
 though. To activate it for that purpose, you need to add it to the
 CFG_Strata entry in $officeinstall/program/bootstrap.
don't you mean $officeinstall/program/configmgr[rc|.ini] ?`because that
is where I have changed CFG_Strata variable before? and looking in
bootstrap now, it shows no such variable..

 Alternatively you can have your SingleLayerStratum register itself as an
 instance of service com.sun.star.configuration.backend.PlatformBackend.
 In that case it will be used automatically through the special
 'SystemIntegration' backend service.
 Warning: this service is still declared 'unpublished' and thus is
 subject to change in a future version. (I do think that is unlikely,
 though and changes will be announced using the interface-announce
 mailing list.)

well, if this is as well-documented in the developersguide as the rest
of the configuration system, I'll probably try to add it to the
configmgr file :-)

Christian Andersson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Configuration and Collaboration for OpenOffice.org
Open Framework Systems AS http://www.ofs.no

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[dev] how to create your own configuration reader in OpenOffice.org (configmgrrc)

2006-07-10 Thread Christian Andersson
Hi there, I have some questions regarding the configuration system
within openoffice. (as you will se from below I'm not that good with how
OOo works internally, nor c++)

I think I partly understand that basics about what it does (reading
configuration files from different places, etc) and what can be done
using this, but I have come to a situation where I need to read the
configuration from a server using http/soap/etc instead of local files.

today I have it working so that it can read these files using
com.sun.star.comp.configuration.backend.LocalStratum  but that can only
read from file:// and not from http://

from what I understand this stuff can only be done in c++ right now, not

so my questions will be..

how can I create my own version
com.sun.star.comp.configuration.backend.LocalStratum that instead of
reading from the harddrive it reads over http..

If I manage to write my own configurationreader can this then be
installed using unopkg? or do I have to compile it within my own version
of OpenOffice.org?

I have read the Developers manual, but I still have a hard time figuring
out how to do this, is there any other documentation for this then the

/Christian Andersson

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[dev] Password protecting TextSections

2006-06-29 Thread Christian Andersson
I'm not sure if this falls into this mailing this,  but I've already
asked on the [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Anyway, I need to know how the text:protection-key value is calculated
for TextSections.

I'm manipulating the xml directly  to create password protected sections
that the users cannot edit inside openoffice.org , if this was just a
straight denial I could enter anything I wanted and be pretty sure that
noone from within openoffice.org would be able to unprotect the
textsection since it would be very improbable that any hash system would
create a hash like this unlikellyhash.

unfourtunally I must allow some users to unprotect the section from
within openoffice.org and by this I must create a text:protection-key
that is compatible with the openoffice.org way, but sofar (without
reading the sources for openoffice.org) I have found no other definition
on this other then it is an encrypted hash value...

can anyone in here help me with the algorithms used?

/Christian Andersson

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Re: [dev] Innbrudd på no.OOo's hjemmesi de?

2006-02-14 Thread Christian Andersson
No offence but this translation sucks :-) you must have been 
translating the wrong message :-)

What he wants to know is if there is a (norwegian) 2.0.1 version of 
OpenOffice.org and why the pages he got when trying to download the 
version found at the no.openoffice.org site looked liek the site had 
been hacked!

/Christian Andersson

Robin Monks wrote:

A rough translation of this message would go like:


I've been trying your OpenOffice 2.0.1 and it never prints as it appears
while I'm editing it.

Nils M. Nielsen

Although that translation is very rough.


On 2/14/06, Nils Nielsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Forsøkte å finne ut om dere hadde OOo 2.0.1 klar. Gikk til nedlasting, og
fikk en side med noe tekst som slett ikke virket som den var produsert av


Nils M. Nielsen

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Robin Monks,
CSL Web Administrator
Public Key: http://shurl.org/key/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
( http://gmking.org, a gamers dream, looking for admins )

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Re: [dev] Innbrudd på no.OOo's hjemmesi de?

2006-02-14 Thread Christian Andersson
first of all, you are writing to a mailing list that is english based, 
therefore most users in here will not understand what you have written.

what you might have experienced is that the download of OOo 2.0 on 
no.openoffice.org links to the ftp site that holds the 2.0 norwegian 
build of OpenOffice.org, this build is not hosted on the main 
openoffice.org site.

(btw I have nothing to do with the norwegian version, or any other 
version, I'm just an user reading the mailing list you have written to)

however the links on the norwegian download pages seems to be wrong 
since they give an error 404 page

from wha tI can see that build has been removed on the ftp site, and a 
newer build (2.0.1 rc5) can be downloaded instead here (on the same 

fo windows you probably want to download 
OOo_2.0.1_windows_install_nb.exe for the bokmål version and

OOo_2.0.1_windows_install_nn.exe for the nynorsk version

/Christian Andersson

Nils Nielsen wrote:


Forsøkte å finne ut om dere hadde OOo 2.0.1 klar. Gikk til nedlasting, og fikk 
en side med noe tekst som slett ikke virket som den var produsert av dere!


Nils M. Nielsen

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Re: [dev] Jar files

2005-11-10 Thread Christian Andersson
they get installed with openoffice, if you look in the installation 
directory of openoffice under program/classes you will find all the jar 
files you need.

Selim Yucel wrote:

I am trying to run java sample codes.
I have been looking the jar files imported in the application such as 
import com.sun.star.bridge.XUnoUrlResolver;

import com.sun.star.uno.UnoRuntime;

import com.sun.star.uno.XInterface;

import com.sun.star.uno.XNamingService;

import com.sun.star.uno.XComponentContext;

unfortunately I can not find them. Where can I get them?

Best Regards,

Selim Yucel
Certusoft, Inc.
7900 West 78th Street
Suite 165
Minneapolis, MN 55439
Direct/Cell : (612) 462-1235

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Re: [dev] createUnoService problem in 1.9.x on windows

2005-08-03 Thread Christian Andersson
The problem is that I'm not writing anything to stdout/stderr, the 
problem I have is that I think that OOo isnot beeang able to create my 
javaservice even though it continues to execute AFTER the 
createUnoService call from basic. (previous versions of 1.9 has stopped 
at this line, but 118 does not)

Ok, I admitt it, I'm in error. my problem was (in windows strangly 
enough) was that the user had no write permissions to the directory 
where my debug file was supposed to be placed (for some reason I was 
locked out of that directory)  anyway, this has nothing to do with my 
problem, since my problem appeard before I tested this..

anyway, After making sure that the log file can be written to, I could 
redirect both stdout and stderr in java, and use my debug function.

anyway after getting the debug info I can still not see why it fails, 
there are no strange exceptions, it just does not work...

the debug-file for linux looks like this

- installation part

- Execution part
new Service:1
new Service:2

- installation part

- Execution part
new Service:1
new Service:2

for windows it looks like this...
- installation part

- Execution part
new Service:1
new Service:2

as as you can see there is no difference, except that the function 
getConfigurationValue is never called and the log-file stops

the new Service:1 and :2 are the first and last thingh that happens 
when instatiating the service class, so there is no exception there 

and neither stdout or stderr says anything, so it looks like there are 
no exceptions, it just does not work...

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Re: [dev] createUnoService problem in 1.9.x on windows

2005-08-02 Thread Christian Andersson

Andrew Douglas Pitonyak wrote:

Thats what I do also, I have created a message system that I can call
from basic that will open a dialog that holds all debug information for
me, unfourtunally this does not cover everything..
what wil happen with all those uncaught RuntimeExceptions? like
NullpointerException? as you have not done any try catch for those (I
said uncaught above) , you will never see them, and what if there is an
exeption when calling createUnoService, ie the class could not be
created because it threw an exception? those you can't catch either,
since you don't have any try catch around this.

it is for those kind of uncaught exceptions that I would like to get a
hold of stdout/stderr and see what is going on...

Write it all out to a log file... Remove the logging code when you are 

what if the problem is the instantiation of the class that does the 
writing? for example, I get an exception creating the class, trying to 
open the file to write to?

there is still quite valid reasons to be able to see what gets written 
out to stdout/stderr from java, not everything can be solved by 
manually logging stuff..

If I could have told java itself via some parameter that stdout/stderr 
should be redirected to a file, that would also work, since I can add 
parameters to how java will start inside openoffice. But from what I can 
see, that is not possible either.

Christian Andersson

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Re: [dev] createUnoService problem in 1.9.x on windows

2005-08-01 Thread Christian Andersson

Jürgen Schmidt wrote:

Hi Christian,

Christian Andersson wrote:

Hi there, I have created an package for Openoffice V2 series (using 
1.9 for now to test)

The package works flawless on linux, however on windows there is just 
a small problem (sofar) that makes my package useless.

My package contains basic code/dialogs and javaclasses/services

 From what I can see, runnings under windows 2000 and java 1.5.0_02 
the services I create using createUnoService(my.package.Service)

will not work properly.

How did you have installed your package, did you have used the package 
manager? If yes, marked the package manger ui your package as enabled or 
got you any errors during the installation?

I used the package manager, and it produced no errors

Did you have compiled your package with Java 1.5 and did you use Java 
1.5 in your office as well because otherwise it won't work. In your 
office you have to use the same or a higher version of Java.

java 1.5.0_x (not sure which exact version of 1.5.0 was used) was used 
when compiling, and as you can see below 1.5.0_02 is used on the windows 

the windows machine is situated at a different location compared to the 
linux machine that I'm developing with, so at the moment I cannot check 
the exact version of java, but would it make a high difference if java 
1.5.0_03 or 04 was used and java 1.5.0_02 was used within OOo?

/Christian Andersson


With OOo 1.9.03 Openoffice stopped executing the basic code when it 
came to the createUnoService line, with no information at all.

With OOo 1.9.118 the basic code will not stop at this line no more, 
but whenever I try to use the service I do get an Exception of Type: 
Unknown with the message: Illegal object given!

System information:
Windows 2000 SP3
java 1.5.0_02
OOo 1.9.109 and 118

/Christian Andersson

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Re: [dev] createUnoService problem in 1.9.x on windows

2005-08-01 Thread Christian Andersson

Jürgen Schmidt wrote:

Hi there, I have created an package for Openoffice V2 series (using 
1.9 for now to test)

The package works flawless on linux, however on windows there is 
just a small problem (sofar) that makes my package useless.

My package contains basic code/dialogs and javaclasses/services

 From what I can see, runnings under windows 2000 and java 1.5.0_02 
the services I create using createUnoService(my.package.Service)

will not work properly.

the windows machine is situated at a different location compared to 
the linux machine that I'm developing with, so at the moment I cannot 
check the exact version of java, but would it make a high difference 
if java 1.5.0_03 or 04 was used and java 1.5.0_02 was used within OOo?

no, it should be no difference. The important part is that you use the 
same major version.

I've not tested with java 1.5.0_04 on the windows machine (which is the 
latest java it would update to) still the same problem.

si there anything that I need to do to get it to work in windows 
compared to linux?

Is this a bug in OOo for windows?
would it work if I changed to windows XP? (can't test it in that case)

/Christian Andersson

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Re: [dev] createUnoService problem in 1.9.x on windows

2005-08-01 Thread Christian Andersson

Jürgen Schmidt wrote:

Hi Christian,

Christian Andersson wrote:

Jürgen Schmidt wrote:

Hi there, I have created an package for Openoffice V2 series 
(using 1.9 for now to test)

The package works flawless on linux, however on windows there is 
just a small problem (sofar) that makes my package useless.

My package contains basic code/dialogs and javaclasses/services

 From what I can see, runnings under windows 2000 and java 
1.5.0_02 the services I create using 

will not work properly.

I've not tested with java 1.5.0_04 on the windows machine (which is 
the latest java it would update to) still the same problem.

si there anything that I need to do to get it to work in windows 
compared to linux?

Is this a bug in OOo for windows?

mmh, maybe but i think it's no general problem, a lot of other 
components work. I can offer (if it is not secret) that you send me your 
package and i will take a closer look on it and test it on my machine.

unfourtunally, no, that is not an option at the moment atleast, my boss 
is on vacation, but I doubt he will allow it even when he comes back..

The SDK I'm using is 1.9.m77 if that would be the problem, but I still 
doubt it since it works under linux using the same version of OOo and java.


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Re: [dev] createUnoService problem in 1.9.x on windows

2005-08-01 Thread Christian Andersson

James Black wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Christian Andersson wrote:

do you know if there is a way to see what comes out of stdout/stderr
from java? if there is some exception in creating the class for example,
it would be nice to be able to see this exception.

  What I do to see the exceptions is to create a message box, and I pass
to it the error message, and at times turn the stacktrace into a string,
and have it display that also.

  Makes my coding much simpler. :)

Thats what I do also, I have created a message system that I can call 
from basic that will open a dialog that holds all debug information for 
me, unfourtunally this does not cover everything..
what wil happen with all those uncaught RuntimeExceptions? like 
NullpointerException? as you have not done any try catch for those (I 
said uncaught above) , you will never see them, and what if there is an 
exeption when calling createUnoService, ie the class could not be 
created because it threw an exception? those you can't catch either, 
since you don't have any try catch around this.

it is for those kind of uncaught exceptions that I would like to get a 
hold of stdout/stderr and see what is going on...

/Christian Andersson

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Re: [dev] XML/EDI questions

2005-05-26 Thread Christian Andersson

what about ebxml?  Is that what you are looking for?  http://www.ebxml.org/

This is after all an Oasis standard? (as the Open Document format that 
OpenOffice.Org v2.0 uses)

/Christian andersson

Vizion wrote:


Does anyone know if there is are any open XML schemas for EDI?
If not strikes me as an interesting project for open source collaboration.
I do not know whether my impression is accurate or not, but it seems to me 
that the current approach towards EDI seems to be focused on an exclusive 
approach towards the distribution of EDI standards rather then open access. 

Please forward this to any forums or lists that may have an interests in this 



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