Re: [OSM-dev] osm2pgsql slow on update import

2011-04-28 Thread Sven Geggus
Markus Wagner wrote:

 After vacuuming and fiddling with those values I am much closer to
 realtime. Currently at approx ~120% of realtime. So I think, there is
 hope, once I get faster disks.

I'm reopening this thread because I have a very simular Problem and I
suspect that this could be an issue of the particular Software versions
and/or psql configuration.

I'm using Debian squeeze (64 Bit) with postgresql 9.0.3/postgis 1.5.2
(homebrew backport) and I've got a Problem with very slow updates as well.

Disk speed can not be the Problem as I'm using a 2-Disk lvm on SSD here.

The initial import is very fast (with pbf) and still fast (with .osm.bz2).
It is just updates which are very slow here.

Two differences to the standard setup are a hstore column and that my
database is using lat/long instead of sperical mercator.

osm2pgsql is a very recent version from svn (25689) including a few non
invasive minor changes to the hstore support which I added myself. Of course
these can not be the cause of the problem ;)

The Machine I'm using is quite fast (8 cores) and should have enough RAM

Here is what postgresql.conf looks like:

data_directory = '/var/lib/postgresql/9.0/main'
hba_file = '/etc/postgresql/9.0/main/pg_hba.conf'
ident_file = '/etc/postgresql/9.0/main/pg_ident.conf'
external_pid_file = '/var/run/postgresql/'
listen_addresses = '*'
port = 5432
max_connections = 80
unix_socket_directory = '/var/run/postgresql'
ssl = true
shared_buffers = 7680MB
work_mem = 192MB
maintenance_work_mem = 1GB
fsync = off
synchronous_commit = off
wal_buffers = 8MB
checkpoint_segments = 16
checkpoint_completion_target = 0.9
effective_cache_size = 22GB
default_statistics_target = 50
constraint_exclusion = on
log_line_prefix = '%t '
autovacuum = off
datestyle = 'iso, dmy'
lc_messages = 'de_DE.UTF-8'
lc_monetary = 'de_DE.UTF-8'
lc_numeric = 'C'
lc_time = 'de_DE.UTF-8'
default_text_search_config = 'pg_catalog.german'

I still suspect that there is some setting here which I should change to
speed this up. For some strange reason it would currently be fastest to use
complete reimports of the planet rather that updates :(



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Re: [OSM-dev] XAPI and other solutions

2011-04-28 Thread Pierre-Alain Dorange
Serge Wroclawski wrote:

  Yes, but they are huge...
  My original place=* for france is 50 MB (not compressed).
 50 meg doesn't seem so big.

Yes 50MB is fine. 2 GB (compressed) is huge.

  France extract if 2 GB compressed, i don't think my python script was
  able to handle such a huge data.
 What kind of processing were you doing? I'm assuming some kind of XML
 (unless you were using the protobuffs). If thats the case, you can use
 a simple SAX parser. If you need an example, I'll send you one.

Yes i preprocess XML to extract city data (place=town, place=village,
etc...) to match them with an official source with population data.
For that i uses elementTree lib (python) that's fine.
I don't know about SAX, but i just see that contrary to DOM technique it
do not need to load the whole XML into memory, so it can be helpful if i
swtich to huge XML data file.
I'll check.

Pierre-Alain Dorange
OSM experiences :

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Re: [OSM-dev] XAPI and other solutions

2011-04-28 Thread Oliver Tonnhofer

On 28.04.2011, at 13:57, Pierre-Alain Dorange wrote:
 What kind of processing were you doing? I'm assuming some kind of XML
 (unless you were using the protobuffs). If thats the case, you can use
 a simple SAX parser. If you need an example, I'll send you one.
 Yes i preprocess XML to extract city data (place=town, place=village,
 etc...) to match them with an official source with population data.
 For that i uses elementTree lib (python) that's fine.
 I don't know about SAX, but i just see that contrary to DOM technique it
 do not need to load the whole XML into memory, so it can be helpful if i
 swtich to huge XML data file.
 I'll check.

If you are using Python, you should use iterparse from the ElementTree API, it 
is much nicer and faster. 

Here is a complete OSM parser from an earlier version of Imposm:
It just 40 lines of code and can parse arbitrary large OSM files.


Oliver Tonnhofer| Omniscale GmbH  Co KG| | | @oltonn

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] XAPI and other solutions

2011-04-28 Thread Oliver Tonnhofer

On 28.04.2011, at 14:46, Serge Wroclawski wrote:

 On Thu, Apr 28, 2011 at 8:30 AM, Oliver Tonnhofer wrote:
 If you are using Python, you should use iterparse from the ElementTree API, 
 it is much nicer and faster.
 Faster than SAX? I'm not so sure. SAX calls the C directly.

Here is a benchmark:


Oliver Tonnhofer| Omniscale GmbH  Co KG| | | @oltonn

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] XAPI and other solutions

2011-04-28 Thread Oliver Tonnhofer

On 28.04.2011, at 16:00, Martijn van Exel wrote:
 Interesting, this totally uproots my firm conviction that SAX parsing is 
 always more time- and memory-efficient than tree/DOM-based parsing.

Sure. DOM based parser need to keep the whole tree in memory which doesn't work 
well with large XML files. SAX and other stream based parser (like iterparse 
for Python) do not keep any information in memory. Stream based parser require 
more work from the developer, you can't use XPath expressions for example. So 
DOM based parsing still makes sense for documents with a known size, but for 
OSM data SAX/iterparse is the way to go.

 The article is 6 years old, do the benchmarks still hold in your experience?

Yes, for iterparse is still faster than xml.sax for Python.


Oliver Tonnhofer| Omniscale GmbH  Co KG| | | @oltonn

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] XAPI and other solutions

2011-04-28 Thread Peter Körner

Am 28.04.2011 16:11, schrieb Oliver Tonnhofer:

On 28.04.2011, at 16:00, Martijn van Exel wrote:

Interesting, this totally uproots my firm conviction that SAX parsing is always 
more time- and memory-efficient than tree/DOM-based parsing.

From my experience the expat-sax immplementation is faster then the 
libxml sax-parser.


dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Which seperator is used for keyborad shortcuts in wiki/josm-jar

2011-04-28 Thread colliar
Am 26.04.2011 16:35, schrieb Dirk Stöcker:
 On Tue, 26 Apr 2011, colliar wrote:
 I have found different seperators for keyboard shortcuts in JOSM.

 * On the wiki pages mainly - is used.
 * In JOSM menus a wild mixture of + and - is used.
 In the menus is no wild mixture, but:
  * control-keys are added with +
  * keys are appended with -
 Means: Ctrl+Alt-U and Alt-U or Ctrl-U.
 I don't know whether this is Java standard or produced by class.

At least we have only two systems, but which one to use ?

We should state our decision on the wiki.


josm-dev mailing list

[josm-dev] How to present results of my conflation analysis

2011-04-28 Thread Josh Doe
I've implemented the algorithmic part of a conflation tool in a JOSM
plugin, pretty much following what I wrote down here:

Right now I'm just using the Euclidean distance in the cost function,
but we can of course add other costs like dissimilarity between key

My big question now is how to present the results to the user, and to
allow them to manually confirm/reject matches. All I've done so far is
to create a new layer which draws arrows connecting the matched
nodes/ways. However that's only a useful visualization tool but
doesn't manage the actual conflation process. You can see the option
dialog and arrow layer here:

The first question is whether this tool should only merge data from
one layer to another, or if it should allow syncing (i.e.
bidirectional merging) between layers.

The former is of course easier, and can possibly take advantage of
existing functionality in JOSM, namely the conflict resolution tools.
In fact I've added conflicts which appear in the conflict dialog when
the Conflation layer is selected. Some things that are missing with
that approach is to highlight the arrow connecting the matched nodes,
and being able to select the arrow to conflate/resolve the pair of

Also this conflation approach is slightly different from conflict
resolution since I'm mostly concerned about resolving tags, and
possibly center locations. Right now the conflict tools only support
resolving conflicts between like primitives, i.e. Node-Node,
however I need to allow any combination of Node, Way, or Relation. In
other words I may want to match a GNIS feature node (from a fresh GNIS
data set) to an existing feature in OSM that may be a node, area, or
multipolygon. I'm not so much concerned about the geometry but rather
the tags. Conflating geometry is much more complicated and is a future
project. :)

Any ideas would be much appreciated!

josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] How to present results of my conflation analysis

2011-04-28 Thread Dirk Stöcker

On Thu, 28 Apr 2011, Josh Doe wrote:

Any ideas would be much appreciated!

A long term plan is to use the mapview also to view subsets of the map. So 
we could have e.g. a dialog with two small sections, each showing a 
partial map. One map shows the old state, one map the new state. This 
would improve conflict resolution a lot and probably also be the solution 
for your tasks.

If you would like to implement this ...

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