Re: [OSM-dev] Info request on: additional GIS layers

2012-03-06 Thread Andre Joost

Am 06.03.12 21:20, schrieb Tomas Straupis:


   Some governmental institutions are willing to use OSM software stack
and share their information. For example they could use a base map and
share information they have. Some information they want to collect and
give out to public is perfectly fit for OSM (say max speeds) while
others are purely their thing which should not go to main OSM
database (say information like which community a specific house
belongs to). (So they want to share all information with public, but
some information should be captured on a separate storage/db)

   They would like to have a separate layer to hold such non-OSM
information. This would keep OSM database clean and it would allow
government to take responsibility for quality assurance and updates of
that data.

This is a point which breaks the idea:

If *they* want to be responsible for the data and making updates, no 
other user should have access to it.
OSM is a community project where evereyone is allowed to change any 
data. And we are worldwide, and not restricted to any adminstrative 
boundaries, as the governmentals.

So the only way is to add a separate layer with openlayers. Or use a WMS 
layer with OSM data in the governmental Web-GIS.

Andre Joost

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Info request on: additional GIS layers

2012-03-06 Thread Andre Joost

Am 07.03.12 07:58, schrieb Tomas Straupis:

   The part of creating separate layers (say with mapnik) and
presenting them (say with openlayers) is clear. Uncertain part (for
me) is just the database part because I only have a general
understanding of what would be required (I guess database and
something which gives API to access that database from JOSM/Mapnik

Another question is how they keep their basic database in sync with ours?
If someone in OSM moves a node because he was there with his GPS unit, 
or a new street/house/something is build, the two databases get 
out-of-sync. So someone has to overlook every change in OSM, and decide 
if it was a beginners error or not.

A lot of our POIs are placed in our database according to our street 
ways. If we throw away our streets and import theirs, the POIs are 

I am sure the governmental GIS has more place-accurate data, but 
probably out-of-date at some places.

   Therefore my question is: where can I get more information about
creating own database/api and setting up all infrastructure around
it (f.e. authorisation, editors etc.). Or if there is any other
approach of achieving this goal of GIS layers?

I think
is what you are looking for.

Apart form that, Mapnik can render data from different databases, and 
shapefiles and other sources:

shape : ESRI shapefile
postgis : Postgis table or query
raster : Tiled or stripped TIFF
gdal : GDAL supported raster dataset
ogr : OGR supported vector datasource
osm : Open Street Map

Or they can use the UMN Mapserver to combine Data from several sources.

Andre Joost

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] osm2pgsql patch for nested relations

2012-02-29 Thread Andre Joost

Am 29.02.2012 20:31, schrieb Darafei Praliaskouski:

I am not using route= relations in osm2pgsql. Is there a way to skip their
processing, to get more speed than 4 relations/sec?

You can filter them out with osmosis or osmfilter before processing the 
osm data with osm2pgsql.

But you will most probably want multipolygon relations.

André Joost

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Rendering transparent OSM maps using Mapnik

2012-02-03 Thread Andre Joost

Am 03.02.2012 09:00, schrieb Ciprian Talaba:


I have a working installation of Mod_tile + Tirex + Mapnik rendering a
small region. The next step was to create s simpler style without
landuse and with transparent background in order to use this as an
overlay. Currently osm.xml have a map background of #B5D0D0 (assuming
that this is due to the fact that a lot of tiles contain water areas).
The rendered tiles have instead a background of #F1EEE8 so somewhere
this is set, but a search in the original style (and any includes) led
me to nothing.

Have anyone tried to generate transparent tiles with Mapnik. I am
missing something here?

The blue background is replaced by a white background along with the 
coastline rendering. To have transparent tiles, just leave out the 
background-color entry from your style.

André Joost

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Rendering transparent OSM maps using Mapnik

2012-02-03 Thread Andre Joost

Am 03.02.2012 09:09, schrieb Andre Joost:

The blue background is replaced by a white background along with the
coastline rendering. To have transparent tiles, just leave out the
background-color entry from your style.

EDIT: And the shapefile-rendering!


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] generate image failed

2012-02-02 Thread Andre Joost

Am 02.02.2012 10:56, schrieb Anwar Azulfa:

It's not working on me,

what repository which i must add to install mapnik2 or libmapnik2 ?

i hvae add repostiry

apt-get install python-software-properties

sudo apt-get install python-mapnik2
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package python-mapnik2

Any idea to solve it ?

Sorry, I am only working on Windows with a pre-compiled binary.

Have a look here:

André joost

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] generate image failed

2012-02-02 Thread Andre Joost

Am 03.02.2012 04:13, schrieb Anwar Azulfa:

I check on /usr/lib/ ,obviously that there are and

Then i remove them and build mapnik2 again.

Now i got no error when i try to import mapnik2 on pythn

Python 2.6.6 (r266:84292, Sep 15 2010, 15:52:39)
[GCC 4.4.5] on linux2
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.

import mapnik2

But my mad_tile still don't generate image on webserver.
when i execute renderd -f on mod_tile inside, i got error message like

renderd: error while loading shared libraries: cannot
open shared object file: No such file or directory

Sorry, I dont use renderd. Did you manage to get working?

One thing I got stuck with:
Mapnik 2.0.0 starts with try: import mapnik2 which was changed to 
import mapnik in Mapnik 2.0.1. Maybe renderd still uses the wrong 

André Joost

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] problem with fonts

2012-02-02 Thread Andre Joost

Am 02.02.2012 23:41, schrieb Alexandre Busquets:


I try to generate my osm.xml file with this command
/ osm.xml my_osm.xml --dbname xxx --user xxx --password xxx
--host localhost --port 5432
but I have this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File ./, line 201, inmodule
   File ./, line 77, in serialize
RuntimeError: Failed to find font face '' in FontSet 'book-fonts'

I downloaded the code from

My scenario is:
ubuntu server 10.04
libmapnik0.7 from package
python-mapnik from package
mapnik-utils from package

What is the problem?

The current Style files are made for mapnik2, and won't work with 0.7.1 

André Joost

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] generate image failed

2012-02-01 Thread Andre Joost

Am 02.02.2012 03:42, schrieb Anwar Azulfa:

Hi All,

I try to genenerate image with mapnik on my other server,But if's failed

i got error message like :

*$./ *
*Traceback (most recent call last):*
*  File ./, line 42, inmodule*
*RuntimeError: Required attribute 'name' is missing in TextSymbolizer in
style 'area-text'*


*Source: mapnik*
*Version: 0.7.1-6*

What's the error ?
what should i do ?

The osm.xml style file you used is made for mapnik 2
Either install that, or use the mapnik-german style from svn, which 
still expects mapnik 0.7


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] generate image failed

2012-02-01 Thread Andre Joost

Am 02.02.2012 07:32, schrieb Andre Joost:

The osm.xml style file you used is made for mapnik 2


You have to install that, unless you find the old Styles and python 
files for mapnik 0.7.1 somewhere.


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] osm2pgsql not appending changeset?

2011-12-07 Thread Andre Joost

Am 08.12.2011 02:00, schrieb Ákos Maróy:

On 07/12/11 01:28, Erik Johansson wrote:

Or the well written prose version:
or lots of links in

I tried the above, and I got to the following error message:

$   osmosis --rri $(pwd) --sc --wpc user=osm database=osm password=osm
Dec 08, 2011 1:56:12 AM org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.Osmosis run
INFO: Osmosis Version 0.34


I wonder what I'm doing wrong..

outdated osmosis version?
current is 0.40

André Joost

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] New transport render (and bugs on ÁÉÍÓÚÑ)

2011-12-05 Thread Andre Joost


Jet another problem: we have some trolley-busses in Germany, which won't 
get rendered, for example this relation:

I wouldn't mind if you render it as a normal bus.

andré Joost

dev mailing list