[OSM-dev] A spreadsheet to generate Mapnik stylesheets

2013-11-23 Thread Andrew M. Bishop
For the past few years I have used a slightly modified version of the
OSM Mapnik stylesheet on my own website.  With the recent change to
CartoCSS I transfered my patches across.  Both the original raw XML
format and the newer CSS type format are quite complicated to modify
(although the new format is easier than the old one).

To make creating Mapnik stylesheets even easier I have created a new
tool that is somewhat like Spreadnik [1] in that it uses a spreadsheet
to define the formatting.  Compared to Spreadnik though it is somewhat
simpler because one line in the spreadsheet can define everything
about a single object type (for example highway=motorway).

The spreadsheet has four types of style definition sheet:
 * shapefiles - for low zoom shapefiles, coastlines etc.
 * areas - for polygons with optionally: solid fill, pattern fill,
   outline, label.
 * lines - for linear features with optionally: casing, fill, tunnel
   and bridge styles, oneway arrows, up to two labels.
 * points - for nodes (and optionally polygons) with optionally:
   symbol, up to two labels.

The Perl script that processes the text files (exported from the
spreadsheet) will automatically generate a reasonably optimised SQL
statement for a group of objects and the styles and layers to draw
everything required for each zoom level.

I have written a longer description on a web page [2] which also
includes a download of the Perl script and the spreadsheet that
re-implements ~99% of the OSM map styles (with a few style changes).
The download is a bit rough at the moment, more like a dump of my
working version.  There is also a side-by-side slippy map comparison
[3] of the standard OSM stylesheet and this new stylesheet (for the UK

[1] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Spreadnik
[2] http://www.gedanken.org.uk/mapping/custom-maps/
[3] http://www.gedanken.org.uk/mapping/custom-maps/comparison.html


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Reminder: Node 32-bit exhaustion

2013-02-07 Thread Andrew M. Bishop
Stephan Knauss o...@stephans-server.de writes:

 On 06.02.2013 21:25, Andrew M. Bishop wrote:
 Does anybody know if there is a released version of Mapnik that
 supports ids up to (2^32)-1 rather than requiring an unreleased 64-bit

 could you give details about a use case where mapnik needs the osm_id? The
 official styles do not contain a reference to osm_id, it's an internal thing
 in the database.

 Might be worth being clarified on the wiki page. Currently it reads as mapnik 
 broken in general.

I asked the question based on the new wiki page which says that the
unreleased Mapnik version 2.2 is required for 64-bit ids.

My question could have been more accurately stated as:

If using the standard toolchain of osm2psql, postgresql and mapnik
what is the minimum software versions that are needed to continue
creating maps after ids reach 2^31-1?

The wiki page says that osm2psql version 0.81.1 is required but the
version that I have reports itself as osm2pgsql SVN version 0.80.0
(32bit id space).  This suggests to me that it will work up until id
2^32-1 appears but this may be wishful thinking on my part.

Andrew M. Bishop a...@gedanken.demon.co.uk

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Reminder: Node 32-bit exhaustion

2013-02-06 Thread Andrew M. Bishop
Ilya Zverev zve...@textual.ru writes:

 Andrew M. Bishop wrote:

 Since 2^31 nodes will make older versions of some software unusable
 and 2^32 nodes will make other versions unusable it would be helpful
 to have a wiki page to record this information.  I think that most
 useful would be a table of the minimum version of each piece of
 software to support true 32-bit ( 2^31) and 64-bit node numbers.

 I've started it at http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/64-bit_Identifiers
 Please update with any software I've missed.

That's very helpful, I have added my software (Routino) to the list.

Does anybody know if there is a released version of Mapnik that
supports ids up to (2^32)-1 rather than requiring an unreleased 64-bit

Andrew M. Bishop a...@gedanken.demon.co.uk

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Reminder: Node 32-bit exhaustion

2013-02-05 Thread Andrew M. Bishop
Paul Norman penor...@mac.com writes:

 As of right now, we are 5.31 million nodes away from hitting our 2^31th
 node. This is likely to cause some software to break. Hopefully everything
 major has been tested, but if you haven't checked your software now would be
 a good time to do so. I think coastcheck will break in substantial untested
 ways, but I haven't checked.

Since 2^31 nodes will make older versions of some software unusable
and 2^32 nodes will make other versions unusable it would be helpful
to have a wiki page to record this information.  I think that most
useful would be a table of the minimum version of each piece of
software to support true 32-bit ( 2^31) and 64-bit node numbers.

Andrew M. Bishop a...@gedanken.demon.co.uk

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Status of the Mapnik stylesheets

2012-11-16 Thread Andrew M. Bishop
SomeoneElse li...@mail.atownsend.org.uk writes:

 The thing that I was trying to have a stab at England and Wales designation
 rendering, a bit like this question:


 However, after a lot of buggering about it had stopped raining, so I went back
 outside (where mkgmap-based Garmin maps, with muppet-proof style file support,
 can render absolutely any OSM feature without problems!).

This sounds like Trac ticket 3968[1] for which I added a link[2] to a
proof-of-concept Mapnik stylesheet a week ago.

[1] https://trac.openstreetmap.org/ticket/3968
[2] http://www.gedanken.org.uk/mapping/custom-maps/#H_1_3_4

Andrew M. Bishop a...@gedanken.demon.co.uk

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Patch for osm2pgsql duplicate keys

2011-12-16 Thread Andrew M. Bishop
Nick Whitelegg nick.whitel...@solent.ac.uk writes:

I know on my (rather old) version of osm2pgsql, append fails with duplicate 
Will have to try the new version and see if I get the same problem.

 Sorry, this is with slim mode only. Dup ways give no error with
 regular mode. Does the patch relate to slim mode or regular mode?

Yes, I use slim mode and this patch was written for slim mode.  I
didn't realise that regular mode was different in this respect but I
don't personally have enough RAM to use that anyway.

Andrew M. Bishop a...@gedanken.demon.co.uk

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Osm2pgsql failure with low-end server

2011-12-16 Thread Andrew M. Bishop
Martijn van Oosterhout klep...@gmail.com writes:

 On 8 December 2011 11:13, Nick Whitelegg nick.whitel...@solent.ac.uk wrote:

700 MB is a tiny machine, but then the Finland data set isn't that large
either... it must be possible somehow ;)

 Incidentally why would it run out of memory in slim mode? I had the same
 problem too some time ago when trying to import the whole of England, back
 in the days before the county extracts.

 I did some research into this a while back and it has to do with the
 code that goes over all pending ways after the import, to deal with
 polygons. It looks like the number of pending ways is a lot more than
 it used to be. Osm2pgsql requests all the pending ways in a single
 query which fails on small machines.

 Can someone check if there is really the case. i.e. show the number of
 pending ways after a simple import.

With this command line:

osm2pgsql --create --database GIS --slim --cache 128 great_britain.osm

I get this output:

 osm2pgsql great_britain.osm 
Reading in file: great_britain.osm
Processing: Node(32899k) Way(4022k) Relation(80855)  parse time: 3481s

Node stats: total(32899023), max(1541436207)
Way stats: total(4022307), max(140763013)
Relation stats: total(80855), max(1905258)

Going over pending ways
processing way (1639k)

Going over pending relations

node cache: stored: 8047817(24.46%), storage efficiency: 47.97%, hit rate: 

osm2pgsql SVN version 0.70.5
 osm2pgsql great_britain.osm 

This runs on a VPS with ~512MB RAM (I think that this is the
guaranteed level but I have certainly used ~50% more at times).

Andrew M. Bishop a...@gedanken.demon.co.uk

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Patch for osm2pgsql duplicate keys

2011-12-11 Thread Andrew M. Bishop
+   osmdata-action = ACTION_CREATE;
 else if (!strcmp(name, osmChange))
@@ -280,7 +289,10 @@
 } else if (!strcmp(name, add) ||
!strcmp(name, create)) {
-osmdata-action = ACTION_MODIFY; // Turns all creates into modifies, makes it resiliant against inconsistant snapshots.
+   osmdata-action = ACTION_MODIFY;
+   osmdata-action = ACTION_CREATE;
 } else if (!strcmp(name, modify)) {
 osmdata-action = ACTION_MODIFY;
 } else if (!strcmp(name, delete)) {
Index: parse-xml2.c
--- parse-xml2.c	(revision 27196)
+++ parse-xml2.c	(working copy)
@@ -50,7 +50,12 @@
 actions_t new_action = ACTION_NONE;
 xmlChar *action = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute( reader, BAD_CAST action );
 if( action == NULL )
-new_action = ACTION_CREATE;
+   new_action = ACTION_MODIFY;
+   new_action = ACTION_CREATE;
 else if( strcmp((char *)action, modify) == 0 )
 new_action = ACTION_MODIFY;
 else if( strcmp((char *)action, delete) == 0 )
@@ -73,7 +78,11 @@
 if (xmlStrEqual(name, BAD_CAST osm))
 osmdata-filetype = FILETYPE_OSM;
-osmdata-action = ACTION_CREATE;
+   osmdata-action = ACTION_MODIFY;
+   osmdata-action = ACTION_CREATE;
 else if (xmlStrEqual(name, BAD_CAST osmChange))
@@ -205,7 +214,10 @@
 } else if (xmlStrEqual(name, BAD_CAST add) ||
xmlStrEqual(name, BAD_CAST create)) {
-osmdata-action = ACTION_MODIFY; // Turns all creates into modifies, makes it resiliant against inconsistant snapshots.
+   osmdata-action = ACTION_MODIFY;
+   osmdata-action = ACTION_CREATE;
 } else if (xmlStrEqual(name, BAD_CAST modify)) {
 osmdata-action = ACTION_MODIFY;
 } else if (xmlStrEqual(name, BAD_CAST delete)) {

Note: This patch was created against osm2pgsql-intarray since I use
  Postgres 8.3 which isn't supported by the newer osm2pgsql but I
  would imagine that it should apply against both.

Andrew M. Bishop a...@gedanken.demon.co.uk
dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Patch for osm2pgsql duplicate keys

2011-12-11 Thread Andrew M. Bishop
Martijn van Oosterhout klep...@gmail.com writes:

 On 11 December 2011 10:51, Andrew M. Bishop a...@gedanken.demon.co.uk wrote:
 My own personal need is to import great_britain.osm and then add
 ireland.osm both using data from geofabrik.  Either file can be
 imported on its own and the only duplicate data comes from the tiny
 overlap of the two data sets.  With this patch I can run osm2pgsql
 twice, the first of which is fast because there is no duplicate data
 to worry about and the second of which is fast because although there
 is duplicate data there are not as many objects in the second file.
 With this command line option it is faster to import now than it was
 with both patches applied.

 osm2pgsql --create             [...] great_britain.osm
 osm2pgsql --append --allow-dups [...] ireland.osm

 Ok, that's weird because --append is supposed to allow duplicates
 already, that's why the MODIFY flag exists already. Otherwise it would
 be a bit pointless.

I invite you to try it like I have.  The SVN code does not use MODIFY
instead of CREATE for the places that matter in this case.  The 2010
patch from the mailing list that I referred to in my original e-mail
is the one that does this.

Just to be clear, using these two commands (without the --allow-dups
option) with the SVN version of the intarray branch gives this error:

Reading in file: osm-data/ireland.osm
Processing: Node(3020k) Way(0k) Relation(0)COPY_END for COPY planet_osm_nodes 
 failed: ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint 
CONTEXT:  COPY planet_osm_nodes, line 22424: 21043717  735445482   
-55818613   \N

 Secondly, your patch changes some places where it does MODIFY now to
 using CREATE, so I imagine it's going to break some stuff in normal

Yes, I did say that in my original e-mail.  I reverted the 2008 patch
from the mailing list and included that change only when enabled by my
new command line option.

What was originally written about the 2008 patch by you (Martijn van
Oosterhout) was:

: Umm, yeah. There's that. The way I solved it was with the patch below,
: which is a gross hack but it works. Basically it turns every create
: into a modify so it deletes any conflicting rows before inserting. It
: may be the only way, but I'm still thinking on it...

If you look at the diff to the code you will see that this patch
applies to only one out of the three cases (the one nearest the bottom
of the file).

In 2008 it was a gross hack but perhaps is now considered part of
the normal operation - in that case you might want to leave that
change out of the new command line option.  If using MODIFY instead of
CREATE is slower then making it selectable on the command line would
be an improvement but, as you say, it would change the current

Andrew M. Bishop a...@gedanken.demon.co.uk

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] How to earn undying fame

2010-06-22 Thread Andrew M. Bishop
Tom Hughes t...@compton.nu writes:

 On 21/06/10 17:19, Kai Krueger wrote:

 My guess would be that Nic meant: Fork (i.e. copy) the git rails_port
 repository. Add the desired functionality and then once done try and get
 it merged back into trunc. So the usual development way to get new
 functionality into the main site.

 In case someone would try and do it, it would probably be a good idea to
 make the frontend code as backend agnostic as possible. In that case it
 may even be possible for people to choose which routing engine they want
 to use. Be it gosmore, some other yet to be written opensource routing
 engine, open route service, or even a commercial provider like
 cloudmade's routing.

 Well if somebody can provide a backend that returns a GPX or KML or something
 then I'm sure somebody will hack up the rails port to be able to display those

 Nominatim is the model here - a separate server with an API the rails code can
 call to get what it needs.

There is an OSM wiki page that lists many online routers (presumably
meaning they already have a web interface), several of which are free


They offer a wide variety of features (according to the comparison
table) and nearly all of them offer results as GPX format.

Before I finish I should declare an interest here: I wrote one of the
free software routers listed on that wiki page.

Andrew M. Bishop a...@gedanken.demon.co.uk

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Recursive relations

2009-09-14 Thread Andrew M. Bishop
Shaun McDonald sh...@shaunmcdonald.me.uk writes:

 On 13 Sep 2009, at 10:56, Andrew M. Bishop wrote:

 In OSM a relation can contain other relations but it seems that there
 is nothing to check that a relation doesn't contain itself.  I can't
 think of any legitimate reason that it should be allowed though.

 From a data and technical point of view this has always been possible  
 in the API intentionally. It's just that no one has come up with a  
 good use for it yet.

Since I can't see any purpose that it can serve for a route or a
boundary I have edited the relations listed in my original e-mail and
removed the self-recursion.

As others have pointed out JOSM warned me that the relations were
self-recursive when I edited them and offered to automatically fix the
problem.  The JOSM validator doesn't check for this condition though.

For reference I created two changesets, one for route relations 12179,
15852, 80545, 101440, 163368, 165638, 167468, 170290 and one for
boundary relation 57535.  There are no other self-recursive relations
within the UK.  For the route relations the changeset is 2478746 and
for the boundary relation the changeset is 2478757.

 Within the UK alone the following route relations all contain


 Also within the UK there is one boundary relation that contains


Andrew M. Bishop a...@gedanken.demon.co.uk

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Recursive relations

2009-09-13 Thread Andrew M. Bishop
In OSM a relation can contain other relations but it seems that there
is nothing to check that a relation doesn't contain itself.  I can't
think of any legitimate reason that it should be allowed though.

For example relation 15852 has contained itself since version 108
which was created at the beginning of July (changeset 1754423).

Within the UK alone the following route relations all contain


Also within the UK there is one boundary relation that contains


Obviously it is possible to ignore these when parsing the data (which
is what I do and what alerted me to them in the first place) but it
would be better if it didn't happen.

This is probably something that the OSM editors should warn users
about when they try to create such a relation.

Is there somebody that can find and fix all such relations on the
server (if they have no legitimate use)?

Obviously self-recursion is easy to find; there might be mutually
recursive relations as well but I haven't looked for them.

Andrew M. Bishop a...@gedanken.demon.co.uk

UK OpenStreetMap Route Relations:

UK OpenStreetMap Boundary Relations:

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Routino - a router for OpenStreetMap data

2009-04-20 Thread Andrew M. Bishop
Steve Hosgood st...@tallyho.bc.nu writes:

 Claudius wrote:
 Am 16.04.2009 18:52, Andrew M. Bishop:
 An online demonstration of the router for the UK is available as well:


 The map div of your demo page doesn't show at all in Opera browser. This 
 is probably caused by loads of /td and /tr missing. Use the W3C HTML 
 validator to clean up your HTML source: http://validator.w3.org/

 ...and keep your good work. Looks primising.

 Yeah - I'll second that. I see the map display is working now, so
 obviously the missing tags are fixed.

Thanks for the words of encouragement.

It wasn't missing tags (they aren't missing, they are optional in HTML
4.01 - the page validated OK) it was a difference of opinion between
browsers on how to interpret the HTML/CSS.

Apparently an HTML DIV marked with height: 100% inside a table row
marked as height: 100% inside a table marked as height: 100%
inside an absolutely positioned DIV that fills the window height is
only shown as tall as possible in Firefox v3.x and zero height
otherwise.  I have reverted the HTML/CSS combination to an earlier one
that worked.

 Useful effects of this router are being able to spot broken connectivity
 - especially in things I've not spotted using mkgmap to create Garmin
 routable maps for my in-car GPS unit. For instance: things wrong with
 the cycleways. As soon as the OSM - 0.6 API kerfuffle is over, I've got
 a few cycleway edits for Swansea!

Yes, I have found several of those while developing it.  Also
roundabouts not tagged as such (it was routing the wrong way round).

I had thought about using it to find roads that are not connected to
the highway network.  Start somewhere that obviously is connected and
try routing to one node on each other road way.  I don't know how you
would interpret the data though.  It also wouldn't find breaks that
can be routed round.

 May I offer a couple of comments please:
 1) The positioning of the 'start' and 'end' markers for the route are a
 bit over-critical. The slippy map provided doesn't let you zoom in
 enough to place them accurately enough. Either please add a further
 layer of zoom to the zoom-tool, or increase the tolerance for searching
 for a road near the 'start' or 'end' markers.

Currently it finds the closest highway node of any type.  I have been
thinking about limiting it to finding only nodes that are connected to
highway types that you have selected to use.  This should solve your

 2) Would be nice to mark a road type as avoid if possible. For
 instance, when finding a bicycle route you might like to mark primary
 roads in that way. I obtained a similar result by setting the speed
 limit for a primary as 5kph, then selecting find fastest but of course
 the estimated arrival time would be skewed by doing that. I'd might
 expect to do 20kph on a bike on a primary if I was on such a road, but
 would rather not be there in the first place. Sometimes, there's just no
 avoiding riding the bike on a primary - or even a trunk.

This is already a work in progress - replacing the yes/no selection
with a percentage preference.

 Other than that - great work, neat GUI, interesting results.
 Keep it up, and thanks for what you've done so far.

Andrew M. Bishop a...@gedanken.demon.co.uk

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Routino - a router for OpenStreetMap data

2009-04-16 Thread Andrew M. Bishop
[This has already been announced on the talk-gb list, but obviously
 there is likely to be interest here as well.]

I have written a routing algorithm that uses OSM format data as its
input and calculates either the shortest or quickest route between two

You can select from any of the major OSM transport types (foot,
bicycle, horse, motorbike, motorcar, goods, hgv, psv).  For each of
the OSM highway types (motorway, trunk, primary, secondary, tertiary,
unclassified, residential, service, track, path, bridleway, cycleway,
footway) you can select whether to use them and if so what speed
limit.  Restrictions on one-way streets, weight, height, width and
length are also options.

The router takes into account private/public/permissive restrictions
on highways as well as tagged speed limits.  What it doesn't do is
barriers (gates, bollards) and turn restriction relations (which I
have heard about but never seen).

More information about the software and source code (Affero GPLv3
license) can be downloaded from here:


An online demonstration of the router for the UK is available as well:


Andrew M. Bishop a...@gedanken.demon.co.uk

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] JOSM Jumbo patch v8 (JOSM and validator enhancements)

2008-02-01 Thread Andrew M. Bishop
Dave Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 There was something wrong with my publishing scripts and I was copying
 old versions of the validator plugin from _my_ end.  Can you try version


That runs fine without the validator crashing - thanks for sorting it
out and I hope that you keep up the good work with new validator tests.

Andrew M. Bishop [EMAIL PROTECTED]

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] JOSM Jumbo patch v8 (JOSM and validator enhancements)

2008-01-31 Thread Andrew M. Bishop
Dave Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Wed, 2008-01-30 at 19:27 +, Andrew M. Bishop wrote:
  I have downloaded and tried version 10 and version 11 but they both
  fail in the validator with a Java error:
  at org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.Node.visit(Node.java:44)
  If I disable all tests on nodes then it is OK but this means the
  motorway tests and the duplicated nodes tests.
 Are you using both my version of JOSM _and_ the validator plugin?  I
 added some new support to JOSM that my validator requires to run.

Yes, I am fairly sure that I am - but how to tell?

You haven't changed the version number string which means that the
dialog box warning about the problem still refers to the original
author.  The version number in the preferences dialog is still the
same as well.  Perhaps you should add a specific version number string
of your own to make this clearer.

On the other hand the error message stacktrace seems (to me) to be
saying that it is one of the new JOSM functions that it is not
finding.  The original validator.jar file DuplicateNode.class doesn't
call the function Node.waysUsing() but the one in your new
validator.jar does.  This means that I must be using the new validator
plugin.  I also get the options to check motorway junctions which is
one of your new options.

I am sure that I am using the new JOSM as well because I noticed some
new information (time remaining) on the upload progress dialog box.  I
also get loads of debugging messages that are not in the normal JOSM.

Running 'java -version' says that I am using:

java version 1.6.0
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0-b105)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.6.0-b105, mixed mode, sharing)

This is on a Linux 32-bit system that is up to date as far as I know.
I haven't had any problems running the mainline JOSM versions.

I have just downloaded and tried version 12 and that is the same.

I have deleted every mention of validator from the preferences file
and then re-enabled it but that is the same.

Andrew M. Bishop [EMAIL PROTECTED]

dev mailing list