[OSM-dev] Einladung Berliner OSM Hackweekend 15.&16.09.2018

2018-07-17 Thread lars lingner

there will be an OpenStreetMap Hackweekend in Berlin at September 15./16.

The organizing is taking place at the OSM-Wiki [1], where you can also
put your name in a list if you want to join. It helps to organize the
event if you do.
If you like you can also follow the Meetup event [2]

The day before, Friday 14th, there will be the monthly Stammtisch [3].

Best wishes


[1] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Berlin_Hack_Weekend_September_2018
[2] https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/OSM-Berlin-Brandenburg/events/251912823/
[3] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Berlin/Stammtisch

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] OpenStreetMap Hack Weekend Berlin 2018

2018-01-26 Thread lars lingner

I'm happy to annouce that there will be hack weekends hosted in Berlin
in 2018.

The first one is scheduled in April, a second one probably in August. We
also found a new location, some OSM hacker might already know. It will
hosted at the mindbox from Deutsche Bahn.

The OSM Wiki [1] was updated with latest infos. A formal announcement
will follow approximately 4-6 week in advance.

Please also check if the hack weekend held in Karlsruhe [2] suits you
better. It will take place in February.

Best wishes,


[1] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Berlin_Hack_Weekend_April_2018
[2] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Karlsruhe_Hack_Weekend_February_2018

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] cross-fade map sample code (ol3 or leaflet)

2016-06-03 Thread lars lingner
Hi Sven,

Am 03.06.2016 um 10:29 schrieb Sven Geggus:
> lars lingner <gislars+l...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> There are examples for OL3  [1] and for Leaflet [2] and [3].
> This is simular, but not exactly what I'm up to. What I actually want is
> dissolving layers transparently like in http://sautter.com/map

I see, I wasn't sure about the transparency. I couldn't find an exact
example. But have a look at [1]. My idea would be to modify one layer
slider so that it is effecting the transparency of two layers.

> Sven
> P.S.: Looks like the correct word for "überblenden" is dissolve in this case
> not fade.

Thanks, thats helpful. I ended up searching for the word "swipe" which
isn't right either.



dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] cross-fade map sample code (ol3 or leaflet)

2016-06-03 Thread lars lingner

Am 31.05.2016 um 19:54 schrieb Sven Geggus:
> Hello,
> you probably know http://sautter.com/map/
> This is Openlayers 2 code which uses the concept of Base Layers and
> Overlays thus this map is kind of an abusing this concept.
> I was wondering if there is some sample code for leaflet or Openlayers 3
> which will do something like this.

There are examples for OL3  [1] and for Leaflet [2] and [3].

Hope this helps.


[1] http://openlayers.org/en/latest/examples/layer-swipe.html

[2] http://spatialhast.github.io/leaflet.swipe.html
[3] https://www.mapbox.com/mapbox.js/example/v1.0.0/swipe-layers/

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] osm2pgsql bbox filter when applying diffs?

2010-03-26 Thread Lars Lingner
John Smith schrieb:
 On 25 March 2010 17:54, Frederik Ramm frede...@remote.org wrote:
is the osm2pgsql bbox filter also usable for applying diffs  (in a
 situation where somebody wants to keep a country extract in osm2pgsql
 form up to date), or does it only work for full imports?
 I think it only filters nodes, I haven't checked for a while but
 previously I had ways with no nodes in the database outside the area I
 was filtering...

What would be the best way to keep an individual extent updated?

Fetching the planet, extracting the extent of the area of interest and
create my own diffs?

I could also apply the planet wide diffs and remove everything outside
of the extent afterwards. But I don't like this idea.

Is there a way to process the diff files in a way that the diff only
contains changes in my area of interest?

Thanks for any hints.


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Mirroring OpenStreetMap

2010-02-08 Thread Lars Lingner
Ian Monroe schrieb:
 I'm going to talk tomorrow with the director of WiderNet, which has an
 eGranary Digital Library project that mirrors websites on to hard
 disks and sends them to schools and hospitals in the developing world
 (mainly Africa) which have slow or no Internet. So currently the
 eGranary is 2 terabytes containing Wikipedia, opencourseware, books
 etc. My thought was that OpenStreetMap would be a great addition to
 it. And OSM really has more to offer Africa then anywhere else due to
 lack of commercial maps on the web.
 I volunteered to perhaps implement this because I have the technical
 skills in general to be able to set it up, but not because I know much
 about OSM technology in particular. :) I'm finding the resources on
 rendering a bit hard to get into.
 Right now the important question is the feasibility. How big is a
 fully rendered OpenStreetMap? Or would it make more sense to render

For offline usage of OSM I created an live cd environment. It uses
extracts from the planet file and covers only some parts for Europe for

It uses PostgreSQL, MapServer to query and render the data and MapFish
as client to interact with the map.

Depending on the bounding box I could create a cd image for africa. You
don't need the whole planet on a disc, don't you? That wouldn't be possible.

You can grab a copy from http://www.lingner.eu/discosm/download/

Its a prototype to prove that you can have a live OSM rendering on a
disc. First thing you (and others) might struggle with: It is build only
for x86_64 architecture. As a minimum of RAM you'll need 1 GB. With more
than that, you can load everything into RAM and then its pretty fast.

If it fits your needs or at least some of them, let me know. In the last
weeks I had no time for new features but the OSM data is from around
20th January 2010

Putting the tiles on CD/DVD could be more complicated as you will need a
lot of those discs (sorry no current number available) depending on the
extent you need to cover.
I'm sure other users have some more ideas so you can compare different


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