Re: [ANNOUNCE] New Committer: Qiang Huang

2022-10-13 Thread Max Xu
Congratulations! Qiang

Max Xu

On Fri, Oct 14, 2022 at 12:04 PM guo jiwei  wrote:

> The Project Management Committee (PMC) for Apache Pulsar has invited
> Qiang Huang ( to become a committer and
> we are pleased to announce that he has accepted.
> Qiang Huang (with Github id: hqebupt) contributed many improvements
> and bug fixes to Pulsar.
> Being a committer enables easier contribution to the project since
> there is no need to go via the patch submission process. This should
> enable better productivity.
> Welcome and Congratulations, Qiang Huang!
> Please join us in congratulating and welcoming Qiang Huang onboard!
> Regards
> Jiwei Guo on behalf of the Pulsar PMC

Re: [ANNOUNCE] New Committer: Qiang Huang

2022-10-13 Thread houxiaoyu
Congratulations Qiang Huang

Xiaoyu Hou

guo jiwei  于2022年10月14日周五 12:04写道:

> The Project Management Committee (PMC) for Apache Pulsar has invited
> Qiang Huang ( to become a committer and
> we are pleased to announce that he has accepted.
> Qiang Huang (with Github id: hqebupt) contributed many improvements
> and bug fixes to Pulsar.
> Being a committer enables easier contribution to the project since
> there is no need to go via the patch submission process. This should
> enable better productivity.
> Welcome and Congratulations, Qiang Huang!
> Please join us in congratulating and welcoming Qiang Huang onboard!
> Regards
> Jiwei Guo on behalf of the Pulsar PMC

Re: [DISCUSS] Pulsar Metrics - Current State and Future Directions

2022-10-13 Thread Michael Marshall
Hi Asaf,

This is a great topic for discussion, and your document is extremely
thorough! I agree with the general proposal to improve Pulsar's

> *Metrics Cardinality: *

+100 if we want to scale Pulsar (and I do!) we need to make this manageable

> *Consolidate into a single library:*

This makes sense to me, and it ensures that new metrics will not be in
one API but not another.

I haven't read the whole doc, but I did read the suggested
improvements. Here are some additional improvements that I've thought
about before.

Are there any metrics we can drop? This would definitely require a
community effort to verify, but I think it could prove valuable.

Can we make the number of histogram buckets configurable? I proposed
this here [0].

Would it be possible to produce a script to help users convert
existing grafana dashboards to work with the new metrics?

Finally, it'd be great to create a metrics section in the contributors
guide when you've completed your work. That will help existing and new
contributors adjust to the new style.



On Mon, Oct 3, 2022 at 3:36 AM Asaf Mesika  wrote:
> Hi All,
> I would like to share with you a document I wrote during the last months
> titled Pulsar Metrics - Current State and Future Directions
> ,
> and most importantly *get your feedback.*
> The initial motivation is to rethink/refactor the way metrics are used in
> Pulsar codebase to solve two large pain points:
> 1. *Metrics Cardinality: *As Pulsar can support up to 1M topics
> cluster-wide, this translates into ~100M unique time series, which becomes
> both an impossible cost and affects query performance and general usability
> of metrics. This issue starts surfacing even at 50k-100k topics.
> Today users work-around it by disabling topic-granularity metrics and
> scripting their own ETL for generating metrics they can use (based on admin
> stats API), switching between granular topic-level metrics to a group-by
> view of their choosing.
> The document outlines a solution built upon the notion of Groups, in which
> users can define a group of metrics, and specify if they wish to define a
> roll-up on it (i.e. remove labels) and filter (i.e. remove specific
> metrics).
> The solution should be able to bring the granularity from topic level (1M)
> to group level (1000).
> 2. *Consolidate into a single library:* Today there are 4 different metrics
> libraries/systems in Pulsar. This creates lots of confusion and unhappy
> developer experience, among other impacts. Also achieving (1) requires
> having (2).
> The document outlines the different libraries, their functionality and the
> problems they create. The doc also describes one idea for such a library,
> but it still requires a POC.
> The main goal of the document is mainly to garner feedback to see if the
> directions stipulated there are agreed upon, and if there is any other
> problem missing or existing functionality missed as it serves as the basis
> for the requirements for the solution that will be chosen.
> Thanks!
> Asaf Mesika
> Document link:

[ANNOUNCE] New Committer: Qiang Huang

2022-10-13 Thread guo jiwei
The Project Management Committee (PMC) for Apache Pulsar has invited
Qiang Huang ( to become a committer and
we are pleased to announce that he has accepted.

Qiang Huang (with Github id: hqebupt) contributed many improvements
and bug fixes to Pulsar.

Being a committer enables easier contribution to the project since
there is no need to go via the patch submission process. This should
enable better productivity.

Welcome and Congratulations, Qiang Huang!

Please join us in congratulating and welcoming Qiang Huang onboard!

Jiwei Guo on behalf of the Pulsar PMC

Pulsar Community Meeting Notes 2022/10/13, (8:30 AM PST)

2022-10-13 Thread Michael Marshall
Hi Pulsar Community,

Here are the notes from the community meeting two weeks ago. We had
several very good discussions.

I want to emphasize that we do not make any official decisions during
these meetings. It is an essential part of the Apache Way [0] to make
project decisions on the dev mailing list. I share the meeting notes
to archive insights, context, and ideas from the meetings that might
hopefully be valuable as we work to improve Pulsar.

Disclaimer: if something is misattributed or misrepresented, please
send a correction to this list.

Source google doc:



-2022/10/13, (8:30 AM PST)
-   Attendees:
-   Matteo Merli
-   Michael Marshall
-   Lari Hotari
-   Dave Fisher
-   Andrey Yegorov
-   Rajan Dhabalia

-   Discussions/PIPs/PRs (Generally discussed in order they appear)

-   Michael: what is the current flow for getting PRs to run CI? Lari:
CI will run when a PR is either (approved or has the ready-to-test
label) and the “/pulsarbot rerun-failure-scenarios” comment is added
to the PR. Also, we have had the flaky tests failing for a while and
we don’t have enough attention on the flaky tests. We do seem to have
more resources. Dave: we could could use ASF infra. Matteo: we
switched because the experience there was terrible. Dave: there have
been a lot of updates in the past couple years, though I haven’t
tested it. Matteo: also, switching CI jobs is a ton of work. There was
resource contention previously on the ASF infra. Dave: you can get
your own dedicated works. Companies do fund project related nodes.
Matteo: you can also do this with GitHub actions. Dave: there are some
security concerns. When will the ASF infra trust runners. Matteo: one
of the things in GitHub actions is to have MacOS and Windows runners.
Michael: the flaky test reports are really helpful. Lari: that is
something I handed off to Nicolò. At Apache Con, Gradle announced that
there will be gradle enterprise integration. This will give us live
reports on the build, flaky tests, and more. Matteo: is it a runner or
uploading the build data? Lari: it is an upload. Dave: there is also a
speculative test run feature. Matteo: we’d need to build with gradle.
Lari: they have maven plugins that integrate into maven. Matteo: I
would still support switching to gradle. There were issues in the
bookkeeper project. Lari: I was late to it, but I was disappointed to
see that initiative fall through. Matteo: I feel similarly. We’ll need
strong support from multiple committers to get it done. It would
improve developer experience. It would be a lot of work and we need to
decide that we want to get it done and we should be very committed to
get it done. Dave: I’ve seen projects where there were big problems in
the community and if the change doesn’t have complete buy in, it’ll
cause fracture. Matteo: we also need to make sure that multiple people
will push on the work. If there is enough community support, we can
get this done. Rajan: is the main benefit of switching speed? Lari:
one of the first benefits is that is has a correct incremental build.
Many of the benefits are around that. Build caching is correct and
consistent. Rajan: so the speed? Lari: it’s also the correctness.
Often with maven, you need to do a clean install because you don’t
know that it is correct. Andrey: was correctness the issue in the
bookkeeper project? Matteo: it was related to the build. Andrey: it
had to do with the binary artifacts and issues with how they were
produced. Then, the people who contributed it were unavailable to
support it. Matteo: that is why we want to make sure we have buy in.
The other benefit is the preciseness of the dependencies. In maven, we
are using indirect dependencies, so we don’t have a strong sense of
what we need. With gradle, by default, you have to declare
dependencies. This helps clarify the classpath.

-   Rajan:
- blue/green cluster migration support. PIP 188. This is the first
part which is most of the changes. The second part requires some other
changes to maintain ordering. I plan to implement that once this first
PR is merged. Please review it if you have time. Lari: this is late to
share, but I came across another submission of a similar feature, but
it wasn’t submitted to the project itself.
Matteo: that design is from splunk. Rajan: that was incomplete, and
PIP 188 was made as a kind of successor.

-   Michael: just want to check in on There was a question
about multiple zookeeper instances (see issue for context). Will that
be a blocker for this PIP? Matteo: it should not be a blocker. That is
a non-standard deployment (though some users do take that approach).

Re: [VOTE] Pulsar Node.js Client Release 1.7.0 Candidate 2

2022-10-13 Thread Yuri Mizushima
Hi Masahiro,

It seems the C++ client causes the AlreadyClosed issue.

I think this issue doesn't block releasing new Node.js client.
What do you think?

Yuri Mizushima

"Masahiro Sakamoto"  wrote:

-1 (binding)

I almost always get "Failed to send message: AlreadyClosed" errors when running 
the following code:
$ cat producer.js
const Pulsar = require('./index.js');

(async () => {
  const client = new Pulsar.Client({
serviceUrl: 'pulsar://localhost:6650',

  const producer = await client.createProducer({
topic: 'persistent://public/default/t1',
batchingEnabled: false,

  for (let i = 0; i < 10; i += 1) {
const msg = `my-message-${i}`;
  data: Buffer.from(msg),
console.log(`Sent message: ${msg}`);
  await producer.flush();

  await producer.close();
  await client.close();
$ node producer.js
Sent message: my-message-0
Sent message: my-message-1
Sent message: my-message-2
Sent message: my-message-3
Sent message: my-message-4
Sent message: my-message-5
Sent message: my-message-6
Sent message: my-message-7
Sent message: my-message-8
Sent message: my-message-9
(node:18572) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Failed to send message: 
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
(node:18572) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. 
This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a 
catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). To 
terminate the node process on unhandled promise rejection, use the CLI flag 
`--unhandled-rejections=strict` (see
 (rejection id: 1)
(node:18572) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are 
deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will 
terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.
(node:18572) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Failed to send message: 
(node:18572) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. 
This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a 
catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). To 
terminate the node process on unhandled promise rejection, use the CLI flag 
`--unhandled-rejections=strict` (see
 (rejection id: 2)
(node:18572) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Failed to send message: 
(node:18572) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. 
This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a 
catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). To 
terminate the node process on unhandled promise rejection, use the CLI flag 
`--unhandled-rejections=strict` (see
 (rejection id: 3)
(node:18572) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Failed to send message: 
(node:18572) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. 
This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a 
catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). To 
terminate the node process on unhandled promise rejection, use the CLI flag 
`--unhandled-rejections=strict` (see 

Pulsar Community Meeting Notes 2022/09/29, (8:30 AM PST)

2022-10-13 Thread Michael Marshall
Hi Pulsar Community,

Here are the notes from the community meeting two weeks ago. It was a
brief meeting.

Disclaimer: if something is misattributed or misrepresented, please
send a correction to this list.

Source google doc:


2022/09/29, (8:30 AM PST)
-   Attendees:
-   Matteo Merli
-   Nicolò Boschi
-   Michael Marshall
-   Ayman Khalil

-   Discussions/PIPs/PRs (Generally discussed in order they appear)

-   Nicolò: CI is broken right now, there is a PR to fix it, and it is
still making it through the CI before it can be merged.

-   Matteo: started moving the C++ code out of the build. There is
still more work, but once it is done, we can do the cut off. The code
is not yet removed. The new repo will have different commit hashes.
The history will be intact. We’ll make sure no commits get missed.

[GitHub] [pulsar-helm-chart] michaeljmarshall closed pull request #297: Upgrade to grafana 9.2.0

2022-10-13 Thread GitBox

michaeljmarshall closed pull request #297: Upgrade to grafana 9.2.0

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[GitHub] [pulsar-helm-chart] michaeljmarshall commented on pull request #297: Upgrade to grafana 9.2.0

2022-10-13 Thread GitBox

michaeljmarshall commented on PR #297:

   Superseded by

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[GitHub] [pulsar-helm-chart] michaeljmarshall closed pull request #296: Upgrade prometheus docker image to 2.39.1

2022-10-13 Thread GitBox

michaeljmarshall closed pull request #296: Upgrade prometheus docker image to 

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[GitHub] [pulsar-helm-chart] michaeljmarshall commented on pull request #296: Upgrade prometheus docker image to 2.39.1

2022-10-13 Thread GitBox

michaeljmarshall commented on PR #296:

   Superseded by #299 

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[GitHub] [pulsar-helm-chart] michaeljmarshall opened a new pull request, #299: Replace monitoring solution with kube-prometheus-stack dependency

2022-10-13 Thread GitBox

michaeljmarshall opened a new pull request, #299:

   Related issues #294 #65
   Supersedes #296 and #297
   ### Motivation
   Our helm chart is out of date. I propose we make a breaking change for the 
monitoring solution and start using the `kube-prometheus-stack` as a 
dependency. This should make upgrades easier and will let users leverage all of 
that chart's features.
   This change will result in the removal of the StreamNative Grafana 
Dashboards. We'll need to figure out the right way to address that. The 
apache/pulsar project has grafana dashboards, but they have not been 
maintained. With this added dependency, we'll have the benefit of being able to 
use k8s `ConfigMap`s to configure grafana dashboards.
   ### Modifications
   * Remove old prometheus and grafana configuration
   * Add kube-prometheus-stack chart as a dependency
   * Enable several components by default. I am not opinionated on these, but 
it is based on the other values in the chart.
   ### Verifying this change
   This is a large change that will require manual validation, and may break 
deployments. I propose this triggers a helm chart 3.0.0 release.

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[GitHub] [pulsar-helm-chart] michaeljmarshall merged pull request #298: Update links to Pulsar Docs

2022-10-13 Thread GitBox

michaeljmarshall merged PR #298:

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[GitHub] [pulsar-helm-chart] majiwhut commented on issue #267: helm chart for pulsar version 2.10.0

2022-10-13 Thread GitBox

majiwhut commented on issue #267:

   How about use the latest pulsar helm chart to adapt pulsar v2.10.0?
   I don't known in this way whether make the pulsar not work

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[GitHub] [pulsar-helm-chart] majiwhut closed issue #293: 2.10.0 pulsar helm chart is not published,when will publish?

2022-10-13 Thread GitBox

majiwhut closed issue #293: 2.10.0 pulsar helm chart is not published,when will 

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[GitHub] [pulsar-helm-chart] michaeljmarshall commented on issue #290: Release Pulsar Helm Chart in GitHub Pages flavor

2022-10-13 Thread GitBox

michaeljmarshall commented on issue #290:

   I found this relevant jira ticket: It shows that the Apache 
Airflow project is using a formal voting process and is having their binaries 
hosted on Here is one of their release votes:

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[GitHub] [pulsar-helm-chart] michaeljmarshall commented on issue #290: Release Pulsar Helm Chart in GitHub Pages flavor

2022-10-13 Thread GitBox

michaeljmarshall commented on issue #290:

   I'm just seeing your response and PR now. Thanks for working on this 
   I think we should get specific permission from the ASF to verify this 
release process. I am going to figure out how to get a discussion going to move 
this forward.
   My primary concerns are that this flow releases code/binaries that not voted 
on by the PMC, release artifacts are not signed, and release artifacts are not 
verified before publication. This is my primary source

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Re: [DISCUSS] Apache Pulsar 2.11.0 Release

2022-10-13 Thread Christophe Bornet
The blockers mentioned by Nicolo seem to have been fixed.
Is there still something blocking the release ?

Le mer. 28 sept. 2022 à 15:36, Nicolò Boschi  a
écrit :

> I've found another release blocker about client compatibility with jdk8/11,
> please review
> Nicolò Boschi
> Il giorno ven 16 set 2022 alle ore 10:54 Nicolò Boschi <
> ha scritto:
> > Actually Yong found the root cause of the issue, see
> > -
> >
> > The issue only appears if "numReadWorkerThreads" is set to zero, which is
> > a non-sense config in a production environment.
> >
> >
> > But I found another release blocker here:
> >
> >
> > After that, I think we should go forward and continue with the release.
> > Pulsar 2.11 will contain awesome features and we already have held it too
> > much based on the release schedule.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Nicolò Boschi
> >
> >
> > Il giorno mar 13 set 2022 alle ore 10:02 Nicolò Boschi <
> >> ha scritto:
> >
> >> The only blocker now should be
> >>
> >> The description says that reverting BK to 4.15.0, the issue seems
> >> resolved.
> >>
> >> If so, I think we should revert the BK upgrade and then go forward with
> >> Pulsar 2.11.0.
> >>
> >> I know that there are some suspects of a regression in BK 4.15.0 raised
> >> by the Pravega team (
> >> but we can't wait for them.
> >> We don't know if the same issue applies to Pulsar and the time for: find
> >> the issue - fix it - cut a release may be weeks or months.
> >>
> >>
> >> Nicolò Boschi
> >>
> >>
> >> Il giorno lun 5 set 2022 alle ore 14:03 Enrico Olivelli <
> >>> ha scritto:
> >>
> >>> Got it
> >>> thanks fro the update and also thanks for being so careful in
> >>> following the issues
> >>> and we are finding on Pulsar
> >>>
> >>> Il giorno lun 5 set 2022 alle ore 13:00 guo jiwei
> >>>  ha scritto:
> >>> >
> >>> > Hi  dev,
> >>> > We find two new issues[1] that block the release.
> >>> > After the two issues are resolved, I will start the release.
> >>> >
> >>> > [1] :
> >>> >
> >>>
> >>> This is a BookKeeper bug, so it will take much time to see it fixed
> >>> and released in order to be
> >>> consumed by Pulsar.
> >>>
> >>> The issue was reported on Pravega, that uses BK in a very different
> way.
> >>> I am not sure that we have to hold off this release waiting for
> >>> feedback on that issue
> >>>
> >>> The 2.11 release was due to August, before PulsarSummit
> >>>
> >>> any other opinions from the community ?
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Enrico
> >>>
> >>> >
> >>> > Regards
> >>> > Jiwei Guo (Tboy)
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> > On Fri, Aug 26, 2022 at 10:02 AM guo jiwei 
> >>> wrote:
> >>> >
> >>> > > Hi  Anon
> >>> > >After we cut the branch, the code freezed.
> >>> > >
> >>> > >
> >>> > > Regards
> >>> > > Jiwei Guo (Tboy)
> >>> > >
> >>> > >
> >>> > > On Thu, Aug 25, 2022 at 9:45 PM Anon Hxy 
> >>> wrote:
> >>> > >
> >>> > >> Hi jiwei
> >>> > >>
> >>> > >> Sorry for late reply.  I'd like to add PIP189 to 2.11.0, is it
> >>> possible
> >>> > >> now
> >>> > >>
> >>> > >> - PIP 189: No batching if only one message in batch.
> >>> > >>
> >>> > >>
> >>> > >> Thanks,
> >>> > >> Xiaoyu Hou
> >>> > >>
> >>> > >> guo jiwei  于2022年8月24日周三 10:16写道:
> >>> > >>
> >>> > >> > Hi all,
> >>> > >> >We have merged all the blocker patches, and I decide to start
> >>> the
> >>> > >> > release.
> >>> > >> >The release note[1] for 2.11.0 is available for review,
> please
> >>> help
> >>> > >> > review it and feel free to leave comments.
> >>> > >> >
> >>> > >> >
> >>> > >> > [1]
> >>> > >> >
> >>> > >> >
> >>> > >> > Regards
> >>> > >> > Jiwei Guo (Tboy)
> >>> > >> >
> >>> > >> >
> >>> > >> > On Wed, Aug 17, 2022 at 10:43 PM Enrico Olivelli <
> >>>>
> >>> > >> > wrote:
> >>> > >> >
> >>> > >> > > This test is blocking all the PRs and so it is blocking the
> >>> release:
> >>> > >> > > Error: Tests run: 9, Failures: 2, Errors: 0, Skipped: 3, Time
> >>> elapsed:
> >>> > >> > > 21.724 s <<< FAILURE! - in
> >>> > >> > > org.apache.pulsar.client.impl.MultiTopicsConsumerImplTest
> >>> > >> > > 3681 Error:
> >>> > >> > >
> >>> > >> >
> >>> > >>
> >>>
> testParallelSubscribeAsync(org.apache.pulsar.client.impl.MultiTopicsConsumerImplTest)
> >>> > >> > > Time elapsed: 5.05 s <<< FAILURE!
> >>> > >> > > org.testng.internal.thread.ThreadTimeoutException: Method
> >>> > >> > >
> >>> > >> > >
> >>> > >> >
> >>> > >>
> >>>

[GitHub] [pulsar-dotpulsar] blankensteiner commented on issue #114: When i run test console app consumer is creating and when i integrate same to actual product consumer is not creating and going to F

2022-10-13 Thread GitBox

blankensteiner commented on issue #114:

   Have a look at TrustedCertificateAuthority, VerifyCertificateAuthority and 
   Maybe start by setting VerifyCertificateAuthority to false.

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[GitHub] [pulsar-helm-chart] michaeljmarshall opened a new pull request, #298: Update links to Pulsar Docs

2022-10-13 Thread GitBox

michaeljmarshall opened a new pull request, #298:

   ### Motivation
   Some of the links in the README are out of date. This PR fixes the ones that 
I found. Note that the ones with `/en` were not technically broken.

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[GitHub] [pulsar-helm-chart] michaeljmarshall commented on issue #294: [security] helm chart is outdated and includes images with 992 vulnerabilities (623 fixable)

2022-10-13 Thread GitBox

michaeljmarshall commented on issue #294:

   @hpvd - thank you for creating this issue. I am going to look into how we 
can get these issues resolved.

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[GitHub] [pulsar-helm-chart] michaeljmarshall opened a new pull request, #297: Upgrade to grafana 9.2.0

2022-10-13 Thread GitBox

michaeljmarshall opened a new pull request, #297:

   Master Issue #294 
   ### Motivation
   The current grafana version is very out of date. We need to upgrade to the 
latest version. This will trigger a major version bump in the helm chart.
   Note that the previous distribution of the Grafana docker image had 
StreamNative's grafana dashboards. This was convenient for shipping dashboards, 
but is not the recommended way to deliver dashboards. In the long term, I think 
we should switch to using the kube prometheus stack and should mount grafana 
dashboards as config maps. Note that this kind of change is part of modernizing 
the helm chart and would help address this long standing issue #65.
   We'll need to solve this problem before releasing the next version of the 
helm chart.
   Here is a reference to this chart:
   ### Modifications
   * Upgrade grafana from 
`streamnative/apache-pulsar-grafana-dashboard-k8s:0.0.16` to 
   ### Verifying this change
   - [ ] Make sure that the change passes the CI checks.

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[GitHub] [pulsar-helm-chart] michaeljmarshall opened a new pull request, #296: Upgrade prometheus docker image to 2.39.1

2022-10-13 Thread GitBox

michaeljmarshall opened a new pull request, #296:

   Master Issue #294 
   ### Motivation
   The current prometheus version is very out of date. We need to upgrade to 
the latest version. This will trigger a major version bump in the helm chart.
   ### Modifications
   * Upgrade prometheus from 2.12.2 to 2.39.1
   ### Verifying this change
   - [ ] Make sure that the change passes the CI checks.

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[VOTE] PIP-208: HTTP Sink

2022-10-13 Thread Christophe Bornet
Hi folks,

I'd like to start a vote for the PIP-208: HTTP Sink (

The discussion can be found here:

Best regards.


[VOTE] Pulsar Client C++ Release 3.0.0 Candidate 2

2022-10-13 Thread Matteo Merli
This is the first release candidate for Apache Pulsar Client C++, version 3.0.0.

It fixes the following issues:

*** Please download, test and vote on this release. This vote will stay open
for at least 72 hours ***

Note that we are voting upon the source (tag), binaries are provided for

Source and binary files:

SHA-512 checksums:

The tag to be voted upon:
v3.0.0-candidate-2 (d9706b379a28731556a51e97c1cf251d3ffcd461)

Pulsar's KEYS file containing PGP keys you use to sign the release:

Please download the source package, and follow the README to compile and test.
Matteo Merli

Re: [VOTE] Pulsar Client C++ Release 3.0.0 Candidate 1

2022-10-13 Thread Matteo Merli
Canceling this vote. I'll send out the RC2 in a bit.
Matteo Merli

On Wed, Oct 12, 2022 at 9:08 AM Matteo Merli  wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 12, 2022 at 9:02 AM Matteo Merli  wrote:
> > Honestly, I don't know why it was ever documented in the README.
> BTW: it turns out it was me who added these scripts in the README, in 2017 臘
> --
> Matteo Merli

[GitHub] [pulsar-helm-chart] hpvd commented on issue #294: [security] helm chart is outdated and includes images with 992 vulnerabilities

2022-10-13 Thread GitBox

hpvd commented on issue #294:

   would/will be very interesting to see, how an updated helm chart with latest 
pulsar image perform in the same scan.
   => is the update already the big part of the solution?

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[GitHub] [pulsar-helm-chart] MonicaMagoniCom opened a new issue, #295: Pulsar-manager connection refused

2022-10-13 Thread GitBox

MonicaMagoniCom opened a new issue, #295:

   Hi all,
   I have updated my pulsar cluster from 2.6.1 to 2.10.1 with pulsar-manager 
version 0.3.0.
   I try to login on pulsar-manager with credentials _pulsar/pulsar_ but it 
fails; from the logs I see:
   org.mybatis.spring.MyBatisSystemException: nested exception is 
   ### Error querying database.  Cause: 
org.springframework.jdbc.CannotGetJdbcConnectionException: Failed to obtain 
JDBC Connection; nested exception is org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: 
**Connection to refused.** Check that the hostname and port are 
correct and that the postmaster is accepting TCP/IP connections.
   I have also tried to change in the file 
"" to "false" but nothing changes.
   Even if i run this curl
   CSRF_TOKEN=$(curl http://localhost:7750/pulsar-manager/csrf-token)
   I got connection refused.
   Can someone help me?
   Thank you

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Re: [VOTE] Pulsar Release 2.10.2 Candidate 3

2022-10-13 Thread Enrico Olivelli
+1 (binding)
- validated RAT, checksums and signatures
- built from sources and run smoke tests on the built binaries (JDK11
temurin on Mac)


Il giorno gio 13 ott 2022 alle ore 13:10 houxiaoyu
 ha scritto:
> +1 (non-binding)
> - Checksum and signatures
> - Build on Mac, using JDK17
> - Run Pulsar standalone and produce/consume case
> Thanks,
> Xiaoyu Hou
> Haiting Jiang  于2022年10月13日周四 18:52写道:
> > This is the third release candidate for Apache Pulsar, version 2.10.2.
> >
> > This release contains 252 commits by 57 contributors.
> >
> >
> > CI for this release candidate
> >
> >
> > *** Please download, test and vote on this release. This vote will stay
> > open
> > for at least 72 hours ***
> >
> > Note that we are voting upon the source (tag), binaries are provided for
> > convenience.
> >
> > Source and binary files:
> >
> >
> > SHA-512 checksums:
> >
> > c136ef4f47b3b4edfb99d8a927ba70df19c12ac28d1711825bda4ef09e543d3d473ce732996244042ec3387f0e3cafdde6c8f5a0d7d18ad24429e781e65d3328
> >  ./apache-pulsar-2.10.2-bin.tar.gz
> >
> > 1fd10fbb48e734dbb95f20b0d396cb9f875a0a1c93f44b639dc730379ce93bc59ce20bfba137f28897c1e5b3351b08ca3341863c903cf2b6d3dc7108046f2f8f
> >  ./apache-pulsar-2.10.2-src.tar.gz
> >
> > Maven staging repo:
> >
> >
> > The tag to be voted upon:
> > v2.10.2-candidate-3 (11b5df797b2e9cb48dfc38137f0b7ef736a8a47c)
> >
> >
> > Pulsar's KEYS file containing PGP keys we use to sign the release:
> >
> >
> > Docker images:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Please download the source package, and follow the
> > release-candidate-validation doc to build
> > and run the Pulsar standalone service.
> >
> >
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Haiting
> >

[GitHub] [pulsar-helm-chart] hpvd commented on issue #293: 2.10.0 pulsar helm chart is not published,when will publish?

2022-10-13 Thread GitBox

hpvd commented on issue #293:

   just opend an issue for this from security pov:
   helm chart is outdated and includes images with 992 vulnerabilities

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[GitHub] [pulsar-helm-chart] hpvd commented on issue #267: helm chart for pulsar version 2.10.0

2022-10-13 Thread GitBox

hpvd commented on issue #267:

   please see:
   helm chart is outdated and includes images with 992 vulnerabilities

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[GitHub] [pulsar-helm-chart] hpvd commented on issue #294: helm chart is outdated and includes images with 992 vulnerabilities

2022-10-13 Thread GitBox

hpvd commented on issue #294:

   overview from link above:

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[GitHub] [pulsar-helm-chart] hpvd commented on issue #294: helm chart is outdated and includes images with 992 vulnerabilities

2022-10-13 Thread GitBox

hpvd commented on issue #294:

   more details:

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[GitHub] [pulsar-helm-chart] hpvd opened a new issue, #294: helm chart is outdated and includes images with 992 vulnerabilities

2022-10-13 Thread GitBox

hpvd opened a new issue, #294:

   **Describe the bug**
   helm chart is outdated and includes images with 992 vulnerabilities
   In detail:
   - there are dependencies with well known security issues (with official CVE 
   - there is a pretty huge number of known and documented vulnerabilities: 992
   -  including important ones (critical, high rating)
   -  not only in the accompanying software in helm (prometheus, grafana) but 
in core directly (pulsar)
   -  some were known for 9 years (CVE numbers from 2013)
   - there are possible fixes for most of them (for 623)
   see source
   Of course, this is only a first rough impression given by this analysis.
   And the chart does not contain the very latest version of pulsar (even so, 
it's the latest official helm chart)
   When looking into every detail of the reported numbers, you can of course 
argue why not every counted vulnerabilities is a disaster...
   => But how can you easily argue to anyone having seen this fast result
   >  In general, this software (pulsar) is secure, you can use it without any 
   This issue is a shortened copy from
   for more details and comments, please see there.

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Re: [DISCUSS] Planning for Apache Pulsar 3.0

2022-10-13 Thread Massimiliano Mirelli
Similarly to Lari, I hear your concerns about not breaking client APIs
compatibility, but I share his view of being playful about the changes.
IMO, this mindset is essential for brainstorming. When delivering we should
then do that responsibly and according to a plan. The plan is the one
ensuring that the compatibility is not at stake and describing the rollout
phases. So, I read Lari's thread as "Pulsar Community, let's *responsibly*

But now, let's continue with the brainstorming. I am not sure my suggestion
is appropriate or whether pulsar-perf already (perhaps partially) supports
this, so feedback and / or pointers to relevant material are very
appreciated. In my wishlist of pulsar tooling is a pulsar-perf subcommand
allowing us to do more advanced E2E performance validation of the platform.
Basically, the development of E2E client-side metrics, for example:
1. percentile latencies
2. message loss
3. message re-ordering

Thank you,

On Wed, 12 Oct 2022 at 13:18, Enrico Olivelli  wrote:

> Il giorno mer 12 ott 2022 alle ore 00:40 Matteo Merli
>  ha scritto:
> >
> > Agree, though let's make separate discussions. Putting all random
> > ideas into the same cauldron is a good recipe for making no one able
> > to follow or see a common line.
> >
> > That's what I meant when I started the proposal of having 3.0
> > completely detached from "features".
> >
> > If you start making a big container, you're going to fill it up with
> > all the "breaking changes" that you want to include, because "hey,
> > that's the only window of opportunity". That in turn is the surest way
> > to not ship anything for the next 24 months, as all the changes are
> > unavoidably going to get delayed and will take a long time to
> > stabilize.
> >
> > Going back to API breakages:
> >  1. We never break wire protocol compatibility
> >  2. We try to never break client API
> >  3. We need a very good & compelling reason in order to break client API
> >  4. When we do so, we need to provide a clear path for users (eg:
> > pulsar-client-1.x compatibly drop-in).
> I totally agree with Matteo and Joe,
> We cannot break compatibility.
> and if we need to introduce some new form of inter-broker communication
> protocol
> we must support the current protocol and provide a smooth upgrade path.
> Now there are many Pulsar clusters around the world that cannot
> tolerate stop-the-world upgrades
> and we MUST also allow some sort of rollback in case of problems.
> Enrico
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Matteo Merli
> > 
> >
> > On Tue, Oct 11, 2022 at 11:58 AM Dave Fisher  wrote:
> > >
> > > Let’s discuss any and all ideas for improvement. As each is discussed
> we can figure out how to make them non-breaking, We all want Pulsar to
> improve.
> > >
> > > We should encourage an open discussion where no idea is automatically
> bad or wrong. They can just be discussed without fear.
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > > Dave
> > >
> > > > On Oct 10, 2022, at 3:05 PM, Joe F  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > I would prefer that we avoid using the term “breaking changes”,
> which is
> > > > too vague to convey any specific meaning. So let me try to bring some
> > > > clarity.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > There have been many changes to implementations, APIs and data
> storage
> > > > formats in Pulsar (and book keeper also). I have deployed many of
> these
> > > > changes to production. And I know  that Matteo and Rajan  (and
> others too,
> > > > about  whom I’m not up to date  on) have implemented and deployed
> many such
> > > > changes.  But  none of those changes ever required taking the system
> > > > offline. NONE.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Pulsar was developed as a 24x7x365 system, and rolling upgrades and
> > > > rollbacks were a given. Like “this is water”,  there was no special
> callout
> > > > needed for declaring this reality. No change, including enhancements
> to
> > > > wire protocols, broke client compatibility.  Existing clients
> continued to
> > > > work; they may not be able to use all the new features. Use of new
> features
> > > > would require the app to be rebuilt anyway.  (Checksums, e2e
> encryption are
> > > > examples)
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > We have even succeeded in getting Pulsar adopted for some use
> cases,  just
> > > > because the complexity of upgrading from K’s old clients to new ones
> were
> > > > costly enough to allow consideration of an alternative like Pulsar.
> The
> > > > business cost of forcing a client upgrade can be significant,  to
> the point
> > > > of this being unviable for business.   That just cannot be
> hand-waved over
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > There have also been changes in storage formats(the ZK metadata
> change from
> > > > text to binary is an example). But through all such changes,
> compatibility
> > > > and upgradeability has been a given. There has never been a
> situation where
> > > > a live Pulsar upgrade was not possible, and   a coordinated  client
> upgrade
> > > > was 

[GitHub] [pulsar-dotpulsar] amareshmad commented on issue #114: When i run test console app consumer is creating and when i integrate same to actual product consumer is not creating and going to Fault

2022-10-13 Thread GitBox

amareshmad commented on issue #114:

   Mainly observed, whenever after creating producer/consumer if I start 
send/receive through await producer/consumer object state is going to 
   When I comment send/receive through their respective object the 
producer/consumer object is going to **Closed state**

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[GitHub] [pulsar-dotpulsar] amareshmad commented on issue #114: When i run test console app consumer is creating and when i integrate same to actual product consumer is not creating and going to Fault

2022-10-13 Thread GitBox

amareshmad commented on issue #114:

   Windows app. Running in windows server 2016.
   Test apps also running in same windows server 2016.
   Producer .net framework test console 
  Class ProductMainClass{
  public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task CreateProducer(string queueName)
   var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
   Console.CancelKeyPress += (sender, args) =>
   args.Cancel = true;
   const string myTopic = "persistent://x";
   string SERVICE_URL = "pulsar+ssl://xx:6651";
   string username = "xx";
   string password = "xx";
   Uri sURl = new(SERVICE_URL);
   log.Info($"build producer client");
   ExceptionHandler pException = new ExceptionHandler();
   await using var client = PulsarClient.Builder()
AuthenticationBasic(username, password))

  log.Info($"creating producer...");
   await using var producer = client.NewProducer(Schema.String)
   log.Info($"waiting for producer ...");
   await ProduceMessages((IProducer)producer, cts.Token);

private static void Monitor(ProducerStateChanged 
   var topic = stateChanged.Producer.Topic;
   var state = stateChanged.ProducerState;
  log.InfoFormat($"The producer for topic '{topic}' changed state 
to '{state}'");
public class AuthenticationBasic : IAuthentication
   private string username;
   private string password;
   public AuthenticationBasic(string uname, string passwd)
   username = uname;
   password = passwd;
   public string AuthenticationMethodName
   get { return "oms3.0"; }
   public ValueTask GetAuthenticationData(CancellationToken 
   return new ValueTask(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(username + 
":" + password));
   public interface IHandleException
   /// Called after an action has thrown an Exception.
   ValueTask OnException(ExceptionContext exceptionContext);
   public class ExceptionHandler : IHandleException
   static private readonly ILog log = 
   public ValueTask OnException(ExceptionContext exceptionContext)
   log.Error("An error occured while creating pulsar client", 
   return new ValueTask();
It is able to create producer & its status is Connected.

When i integrate same into my actual product code I can see below error

   at System.Net.Security.SslState.ValidateCreateContext(Boolean isServer, 
String targetHost, SslProtocols enabledSslProtocols, X509Certificate 
serverCertificate, X509CertificateCollection clientCertificates, Boolean 
remoteCertRequired, Boolean checkCertRevocationStatus, Boolean checkCertName)
  at System.Net.Security.SslStream.BeginAuthenticateAsClient(String 
targetHost, X509CertificateCollection clientCertificates, SslProtocols 
enabledSslProtocols, Boolean checkCertificateRevocation, AsyncCallback 
asyncCallback, Object asyncState)
 callback, Object state)
  at System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory`1.FromAsyncImpl(Func`3 beginMethod, 
Func`2 endFunction, Action`1 endAction, Object state, TaskCreationOptions 
  at System.Net.Security.SslStream.AuthenticateAsClientAsync(String 
targetHost, X509CertificateCollection clientCertificates, SslProtocols 
enabledSslProtocols, Boolean checkCertificateRevocation)
  at DotPulsar.Internal.Connector.d__7.MoveNext()
  at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task 

Re: [VOTE] Pulsar Release 2.10.2 Candidate 3

2022-10-13 Thread houxiaoyu
+1 (non-binding)

- Checksum and signatures
- Build on Mac, using JDK17
- Run Pulsar standalone and produce/consume case

Xiaoyu Hou

Haiting Jiang  于2022年10月13日周四 18:52写道:

> This is the third release candidate for Apache Pulsar, version 2.10.2.
> This release contains 252 commits by 57 contributors.
> CI for this release candidate
> *** Please download, test and vote on this release. This vote will stay
> open
> for at least 72 hours ***
> Note that we are voting upon the source (tag), binaries are provided for
> convenience.
> Source and binary files:
> SHA-512 checksums:
> c136ef4f47b3b4edfb99d8a927ba70df19c12ac28d1711825bda4ef09e543d3d473ce732996244042ec3387f0e3cafdde6c8f5a0d7d18ad24429e781e65d3328
>  ./apache-pulsar-2.10.2-bin.tar.gz
> 1fd10fbb48e734dbb95f20b0d396cb9f875a0a1c93f44b639dc730379ce93bc59ce20bfba137f28897c1e5b3351b08ca3341863c903cf2b6d3dc7108046f2f8f
>  ./apache-pulsar-2.10.2-src.tar.gz
> Maven staging repo:
> The tag to be voted upon:
> v2.10.2-candidate-3 (11b5df797b2e9cb48dfc38137f0b7ef736a8a47c)
> Pulsar's KEYS file containing PGP keys we use to sign the release:
> Docker images:
> Please download the source package, and follow the
> release-candidate-validation doc to build
> and run the Pulsar standalone service.
> Thanks,
> Haiting

[VOTE] Pulsar Release 2.10.2 Candidate 3

2022-10-13 Thread Haiting Jiang
This is the third release candidate for Apache Pulsar, version 2.10.2.

This release contains 252 commits by 57 contributors.

CI for this release candidate

*** Please download, test and vote on this release. This vote will stay open
for at least 72 hours ***

Note that we are voting upon the source (tag), binaries are provided for

Source and binary files:

SHA-512 checksums:

Maven staging repo:

The tag to be voted upon:
v2.10.2-candidate-3 (11b5df797b2e9cb48dfc38137f0b7ef736a8a47c)

Pulsar's KEYS file containing PGP keys we use to sign the release:

Docker images:

Please download the source package, and follow the
release-candidate-validation doc to build
and run the Pulsar standalone service.


[GitHub] [pulsar-dotpulsar] amareshmad commented on issue #114: When i run test console app consumer is creating and when i integrate same to actual product consumer is not creating and going to Fault

2022-10-13 Thread GitBox

amareshmad commented on issue #114:

   windows app and running in windows server 2016.
   Trying producer by test application, it is going to closed state. mean from 
test-console app producer itself is not created.

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Re: [DISCUSS] Update schema authentication permission issue

2022-10-13 Thread Enrico Olivelli

Il giorno gio 13 ott 2022 alle ore 06:00 丛搏  ha scritto:
> Hello, Pulsar community:
> Now, we have two authentications for updating the schema
> 1. producer and consumer can update the schema using TopicOperation
> produce or consume when open autoUpdateSchema
> 2. pulsar admin uses Tenant authentication
> This will produce problems when using different authentications to
> update the schema.
> There are two solutions here:
> 1. use produce authentication, small changes, and compatibility with
> the original mode. But it's not clear and not flexible enough

If a user can now update the schema using the Producer API, then it
must be allowed
to do so using the other APIs as well.
I lean towards this way

> 2. add single update schema authentication in TopicOperation. Big
> changes, not compatible with the original mode, but more clear and
> flexible
We cannot break compatibility this way.


> I prefer to use the produce authentication because it doesn't affect
> the existing authentication policy.
> I hope you can discuss and provide your own views
> Thanks, Bo

[GitHub] [pulsar-helm-chart] majiwhut commented on issue #293: 2.10.0 pulsar helm chart is not published,when will publish?

2022-10-13 Thread GitBox

majiwhut commented on issue #293:

   thank you very much

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[GitHub] [pulsar] BewareMyPower added a comment to the discussion: Introduce @Nullable @Notnull annotations.

2022-10-13 Thread GitBox

GitHub user BewareMyPower added a comment to the discussion: Introduce 
@Nullable @Notnull annotations.

Cannot agree more.

GitHub link:

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[GitHub] [pulsar-helm-chart] eolivelli commented on issue #293: 2.10.0 pulsar helm chart is not published,when will publish?

2022-10-13 Thread GitBox

eolivelli commented on issue #293:

   Good point.
   Currently you can use Pulsar 2.10.x with the latest version of helm chart.
   The only thing you need it to override the image versions.

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[GitHub] [pulsar-helm-chart] majiwhut opened a new issue, #293: 2.10.0 pulsar helm chart is not published,when will publish?

2022-10-13 Thread GitBox

majiwhut opened a new issue, #293:

   **Describe the bug**
   A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
   **To Reproduce**
   Steps to reproduce the behavior:
   1. Go to '...'
   2. Click on ''
   3. Scroll down to ''
   4. See error
   **Expected behavior**
   A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
   If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
   **Desktop (please complete the following information):**
- OS: [e.g. iOS]
   **Additional context**
   Add any other context about the problem here.

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Re: [Vote] PIP-192 New Pulsar Broker Load Balancer

2022-10-13 Thread Enrico Olivelli
+1 (binding)

What's the status of this PIP ?


Il giorno gio 25 ago 2022 alle ore 05:04 Hang Chen
 ha scritto:
> +1 (binding)
> Awesome job!
> Thanks,
> Hang
> Heesung Sohn  于2022年8月24日周三 05:29写道:
> >
> > Hi, Pulsar dev community,
> >
> > This vote has been open for 23 days, and we are closing this vote today as
> > this PIP received three binding +1s.
> >
> > We are moving forward and starting implementation -- there will be a series
> > of PRs and sub-PIPs(if further design discussions are required).
> >
> > Thank you,
> > Heesung
> >
> > On Tue, Aug 9, 2022 at 4:56 AM guo jiwei  wrote:
> >
> > > +1
> > >
> > > Regards
> > > Jiwei Guo (Tboy)
> > >
> > >
> > > On Tue, Aug 9, 2022 at 3:12 PM Qiang Huang 
> > > wrote:
> > >
> > > > +1 (non-binding)
> > > >
> > > > Kai Wang  于2022年8月5日周五 10:18写道:
> > > >
> > > > > +1 (non-binding)
> > > > >
> > > > > Thanks,
> > > > > Kai
> > > > >
> > > > > Heesung Sohn  于2022年8月2日周二
> > > > 08:50写道:
> > > > >
> > > > > > Dear Pulsar Community,
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Please review and vote on this PIP.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > PIP link:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Thank you,
> > > > > > -Heesung
> > > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --
> > > > BR,
> > > > Qiang Huang
> > > >
> > >