Re: [racket-dev] Math library pushed

2012-11-17 Thread Kevin Tew
Use git format-patch to create patch files for your range of commits and 
then apply them to the current head using git am


On 11/17/2012 06:57 AM, Jens Axel Søgaard wrote:

2012/11/16 Neil Toronto

I've just made the initial commit for the math library. You will all notice
the build time increase. Some will notice that (require math) imports a
bunch of goodies that Racket didn't have before.

About half is documented so far, and half has coverage in the test cases.
Some things are known to be broken, but not many. The most egregious, which
needs to be fixed very soon, is this one:

I have made a pull request on Github with documentation on the number
theory functions (and other stuff).

However since Neil's initial commit didn't include the history, the
pull request contains ~300 commits.

Is there a better way to commit my changes?

 Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] Math library pushed

2012-11-17 Thread Robby Findler
Well, you can also use git rebase. It basically the same as that, but easier.


On Sat, Nov 17, 2012 at 12:29 PM, Kevin Tew wrote:
 Use git format-patch to create patch files for your range of commits and
 then apply them to the current head using git am


 On 11/17/2012 06:57 AM, Jens Axel Søgaard wrote:

 2012/11/16 Neil Toronto

 I've just made the initial commit for the math library. You will all
 the build time increase. Some will notice that (require math) imports a
 bunch of goodies that Racket didn't have before.

 About half is documented so far, and half has coverage in the test cases.
 Some things are known to be broken, but not many. The most egregious,
 needs to be fixed very soon, is this one:

 I have made a pull request on Github with documentation on the number
 theory functions (and other stuff).

 However since Neil's initial commit didn't include the history, the
 pull request contains ~300 commits.

 Is there a better way to commit my changes?

  Racket Developers list:

  Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] Math library pushed

2012-11-17 Thread Jens Axel Søgaard
Hi All,

Thanks to Asumu, Erich and a few others on the irc channel
I got it working.

I tried rebasing, but couldn't make it work. I am not sure why.
The resulting pull request still had the entire history.

Then I tried making a new branch. Reseting to a point before
Neils initial commit. Then fetching and merging the plt/racket
repository and finally cherry-picking the commits I needed.

Jens Axel Søgaard

  Racket Developers list:

Re: [racket-dev] Math library pushed

2012-11-17 Thread Jay McCarthy
I just read the documentation. This is great stuff.

Some choices quotes and comments:

[sum] is like (apply + xs), but incurs rounding error only once when
adding inexact numbers. (In fact, the inexact numbers in xs are summed
separately using flsum.)

Use (random-natural k) instead of (random k) when k could be larger
than 4294967087.

[flhypot] computes (flsqrt (+ (* x x) (* y y))) in way that overflows
only when the answer is too large.

xrefs in flfactorial are broken.

All of fllog1p and flexpm1

xrefs in section 2.2 are broken

In log space, exponentiation becomes multiplication, multiplication
becomes addition, and addition becomes tricky. See lg+ and lgsum for

I like that catastrophic cancellation is a technical term in this document.

flonum-ordinal is ridiculous

The beginning of section 3 is interesting.

The example in the lambert section is neat.

xrefs in gamma-inc are broken, same with beta-inc

The inverse documentation (and a few other of the number theoretic
functions) have contracts errors that don't seem intentional

You should document the efficiency of prime?

You need racket/function in 4.5's evals

4.6 should use @link

All of 5.2 is fascinating

On Fri, Nov 16, 2012 at 11:59 AM, Neil Toronto wrote:
 I've just made the initial commit for the math library. You will all notice
 the build time increase. Some will notice that (require math) imports a
 bunch of goodies that Racket didn't have before.

 About half is documented so far, and half has coverage in the test cases.
 Some things are known to be broken, but not many. The most egregious, which
 needs to be fixed very soon, is this one:


   Because of recent changes to how Typed Racket deals with Any types at
   the contract boundary, typed/rackunit cannot now test higher-order
   values, such as arrays.


 A practical consequence is that math/tests/array-tests.rkt simply doesn't

 One thing I'm not sure of is whether the FFI to libmpfr works on all our
 supported platforms. Could I have all the devs run the following program
 after your next compile?

   #lang racket
   (require math/bigfloat)

   (parameterize ([bf-precision 8192])

 Then reply with the last four digits printed. They should be 4888. If the
 program doesn't run because Racket can't load libmpfr, it's an opportunity
 to test the documentation. Please see if I've made the docs for the
 `math/bigfloat' module clear enough to help you fix the problem.


 Neil ⊥
  Racket Developers list:

Jay McCarthy
Assistant Professor / Brigham Young University

The glory of God is Intelligence - DC 93

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Re: [racket-dev] Revision to the Language Dialog

2012-11-17 Thread Robby Findler
I've finally gotten back to this and just pushed something that uses
tooltips for these messages now.


On Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 9:56 PM, Stephen Bloch wrote:
 I find confusing the caption at the bottom of the dialog that explains what 
 the currently-selected language means.  I think we could provide the same 
 information more intuitively with mouseover tooltips, and lose the caption 
 entirely.  I'm not worried about showing a caption for the language the mouse 
 is currently over, rather than the currently selected language, because 
 people are accustomed to tooltips and expect them to come and go with where 
 the mouse is.

 Stephen Bloch

   Racket Developers list:

  Racket Developers list:

[racket-dev] Closing pull requests

2012-11-17 Thread Neil Toronto
How do I close pull requests made to the plt/racket repo on GitHub? Am I 
authorized to do that in the first place?

Neil ⊥
 Racket Developers list: