Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Sling Authentication XING Login 0.0.2

2014-07-08 Thread Carsten Ziegeler

2014-07-09 1:16 GMT+02:00 Robert Munteanu :

> +1
> Robert
> On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 6:07 PM, Oliver Lietz 
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > We solved 1 issue in this release:
> >
> >
> > Staging repository:
> >
> >
> > You can use this UNIX script to download the release and verify the
> > signatures:
> >
> >
> > Usage:
> > sh 1078 /tmp/sling-staging
> >
> > Please vote to approve this release:
> >
> >   [ ] +1 Approve the release
> >   [ ]  0 Don't care
> >   [ ] -1 Don't release, because ...
> >
> > This majority vote is open for at least 72 hours.
> >
> > Regards,
> > O.

Carsten Ziegeler
Adobe Research Switzerland

[jira] [Commented] (SLING-3736) Expose OSGi Installer state via JMX

2014-07-08 Thread Carsten Ziegeler (JIRA)


Carsten Ziegeler commented on SLING-3736:


> Expose OSGi Installer state via JMX
> ---
> Key: SLING-3736
> URL:
> Project: Sling
>  Issue Type: Improvement
>  Components: Installer
>Reporter: Chetan Mehrotra
>Priority: Minor
> Attachments: SLING-3736.patch
>  Would be helpful to have OSGi installer expose an MBean which can provide 
> information like
> * Current pending installations
> * Last OSGi installer state - Active, Suspended, Processed
> * Time of last activity
> This MBean can then be used by administrators to determine when its safe to 
> shutdown Sling or start test say after installation of a patch.
> [1]

This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA

[jira] [Resolved] (SLING-3742) Python and Ruby language bundle throw exception with sling scripting console

2014-07-08 Thread Chetan Mehrotra (JIRA)


Chetan Mehrotra resolved SLING-3742.

Resolution: Fixed

With Sling Script Console the request would be null so yes adding a null check 
for it makes sense

Thanks for the patch. Applied it in

> Python and Ruby language bundle throw exception with sling scripting console
> Key: SLING-3742
> URL:
> Project: Sling
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: Console, Extensions
>Reporter: Nitin Nizhawan
>Assignee: Chetan Mehrotra
> Attachments: SLING-3742.patch
> When running Ruby and Python language bundles from contrib/scripting with 
> sling scripting console I am getting following exception
> java.lang.NullPointerException
> at 
> at 
> at 
> at 
> at 
> javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
> at 
> javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
> at 
> org.apache.felix.webconsole.internal.servlet.OsgiManager.service(
> at 
> org.apache.felix.webconsole.internal.servlet.OsgiManager.service(
> at 
> org.apache.felix.http.base.internal.handler.ServletHandler.doHandle(
> at 
> org.apache.felix.http.base.internal.handler.ServletHandler.handle(
> at 
> org.apache.felix.http.base.internal.dispatch.ServletPipeline.handle(

This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA

[jira] [Updated] (SLING-3747) Provide a way to signal Jcr Installer to pause and resume scanning

2014-07-08 Thread Chetan Mehrotra (JIRA)


Chetan Mehrotra updated SLING-3747:

Attachment: SLING-3747-2.patch

Updated [patch|^SLING-3747-2.patch] which does not rely on observation. Instead 
a check for property value is made if any of the watched folder needs scan as 
per [~fmeschbe] suggestion

bq. What about - as Felix suggest - simply check the value of the property 
before runOneCycle() is invoked instead of relying on observation to be 
deliverd in the correct order?

Well that becomes polling and making JCR call every 500 msec. Might be better 
to check for property value only if any of the WatchedFolder.needsScan returns 
true. Then we would not be making too frequent JCR calls.

Updated patch to use that approach

bq.  but maybe a session.refresh() needs to be added as well.
When session with which ObservationListener is registerd is used to read a 
value post event delivery then as per spec its ensured that session is upto 

> Provide a way to signal Jcr Installer to pause and resume scanning
> --
> Key: SLING-3747
> URL:
> Project: Sling
>  Issue Type: New Feature
>  Components: Installer
>Reporter: Chetan Mehrotra
> Attachments: SLING-3747-1.patch, SLING-3747-2.patch, SLING-3747.patch
> Currently Sling Installer JCR Provider would listen for observation event and 
> would perform a rescan every 500 msec upon receiving any observation event. 
> This at times cause issue when large number of bundles get updated in 
> repository say via installation of bug fixing content package. Further if 
> same content package also updates the repository bundle then it causes issues 
> as repository bundle might get updated midway while content package is still 
> being deployed
> Based on [~fmeschbe] suggestion this can be done via introducing a signalling 
> mechanism between component which installs package and JCR Installer. It 
> would work something like this
> # JCR Installer would listen to changes done to property 
> {{/system/sling/installer/jcr/pauseInstallation}}
> # Package installer would set the above flag to true before installing the 
> package and reset it back to false post installation
> # If JCR Installer detects that flag is set to true it would not scan the 
> watch folders untill it get reset back to false
> This should also address the issue in cluster deployment

This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Sling Authentication XING OAuth 0.0.2

2014-07-08 Thread Carsten Ziegeler

2014-07-09 1:13 GMT+02:00 Robert Munteanu :

> +1
> Robert
> On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 6:08 PM, Oliver Lietz 
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > We solved 1 issue in this release:
> >
> >
> > Staging repository:
> >
> >
> > You can use this UNIX script to download the release and verify the
> > signatures:
> >
> >
> > Usage:
> > sh 1079 /tmp/sling-staging
> >
> > Please vote to approve this release:
> >
> >   [ ] +1 Approve the release
> >   [ ]  0 Don't care
> >   [ ] -1 Don't release, because ...
> >
> > This majority vote is open for at least 72 hours.
> >
> > Regards,
> > O.

Carsten Ziegeler
Adobe Research Switzerland

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Sling Authentication XING API 0.0.2

2014-07-08 Thread Carsten Ziegeler

2014-07-09 1:06 GMT+02:00 Robert Munteanu :

> +1
> Robert
> On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 6:07 PM, Oliver Lietz 
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > This is a shared API bundle for Sling Authentication XING Login and Sling
> > Authentication XING OAuth:
> >
> >
> > Staging repository:
> >
> >
> > You can use this UNIX script to download the release and verify the
> > signatures:
> >
> >
> > Usage:
> > sh 1077 /tmp/sling-staging
> >
> > Please vote to approve this release:
> >
> >   [ ] +1 Approve the release
> >   [ ]  0 Don't care
> >   [ ] -1 Don't release, because ...
> >
> > This majority vote is open for at least 72 hours.
> >
> > Regards,
> > O.

Carsten Ziegeler
Adobe Research Switzerland

[jira] [Commented] (SLING-3747) Provide a way to signal Jcr Installer to pause and resume scanning

2014-07-08 Thread Carsten Ziegeler (JIRA)


Carsten Ziegeler commented on SLING-3747:

What about - as Felix suggest - simply check the value of the property before 
runOneCycle() is invoked instead of relying on observation to be deliverd in 
the correct order?
I haven't looked at the code in detail, but maybe a session.refresh() needs to 
be added as well.

> Provide a way to signal Jcr Installer to pause and resume scanning
> --
> Key: SLING-3747
> URL:
> Project: Sling
>  Issue Type: New Feature
>  Components: Installer
>Reporter: Chetan Mehrotra
> Attachments: SLING-3747-1.patch, SLING-3747.patch
> Currently Sling Installer JCR Provider would listen for observation event and 
> would perform a rescan every 500 msec upon receiving any observation event. 
> This at times cause issue when large number of bundles get updated in 
> repository say via installation of bug fixing content package. Further if 
> same content package also updates the repository bundle then it causes issues 
> as repository bundle might get updated midway while content package is still 
> being deployed
> Based on [~fmeschbe] suggestion this can be done via introducing a signalling 
> mechanism between component which installs package and JCR Installer. It 
> would work something like this
> # JCR Installer would listen to changes done to property 
> {{/system/sling/installer/jcr/pauseInstallation}}
> # Package installer would set the above flag to true before installing the 
> package and reset it back to false post installation
> # If JCR Installer detects that flag is set to true it would not scan the 
> watch folders untill it get reset back to false
> This should also address the issue in cluster deployment

This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Sling Scripting Thymeleaf 0.0.2

2014-07-08 Thread Carsten Ziegeler

2014-07-09 1:01 GMT+02:00 Robert Munteanu :

> On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 12:39 PM, Robert Munteanu  wrote:
> >
> > I'll try this again when I am able to retrieve the key.
> +1
> Retrieved the key, signatures check out fine at my end.
> Robert

Carsten Ziegeler
Adobe Research Switzerland

[jira] [Commented] (SLING-3749) [OSGi Installer] Intelligently manage start level during artifact handling

2014-07-08 Thread Carsten Ziegeler (JIRA)


Carsten Ziegeler commented on SLING-3749:

Looks good to me, we definitely should make this configurable.
I might be wrong, but I think you need to check whether a bundle is using the 
default start level (=0) and ignore those.
I'm not 100% sure but maybe it makes sense to go to the start level right below 
the lowest update level, so if e.g. a bundle at level 15 is updated, go to 
level 14, update and then increase again.
In addition, an update might change the start level (see update task), 
therefore the new start level should be used.

> [OSGi Installer] Intelligently manage start level during artifact handling
> --
> Key: SLING-3749
> URL:
> Project: Sling
>  Issue Type: Improvement
>  Components: Installer
>Reporter: Chetan Mehrotra
> Attachments: SLING-3749.patch
> OSGi Installer should be made more intelligent in deciding how to handle 
> bundle updates, if multiple bundles need to be updated e.g. by lowering the 
> system start level when updating important bundles or when updating a large 
> number of bundles to reduce oscillation of the system and thus reduce update 
> time and increase stability.
> Some thoughts around this as per [~fmeschbe]:
> * Bundle installations are not problematic and don't need to be treated 
> specially
> * Bundle updates and uninstallations may cause the system to oscillated 
> because services may come and go during updates and package refreshes
> * Some bundles are more central than other bundles. For example the  bundle 
> providing the JCR Repository service is "used" by almost all of the system. 
> And bundle may be important because a certain threshold if API importing 
> bundles is reached (e.g. the Sling API bundle) or because one of the 
> registered services is used by a certain threshold of consumers.
> * When at least one important bundle is updated or uninstalled in a single 
> batch, the OSGi installer should reduce the system start level before 
> handling the batch and raise the start level after the batch again.
> * The start level to which the system is reduced is the lower of the start 
> level of the OSGi installer and its helper bundles (probably the Task 
> provides) and the start levels of the important bundle(s) handled in the 
> batch.

This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA

Re: [VOTE] Include ide tooling source bundle on

2014-07-08 Thread Carsten Ziegeler

2014-07-08 16:28 GMT+02:00 Robert Munteanu :

> Hi,
> As Bertrand has noticed [1], the Sling IDE Tooling 1.0.0 release does
> not include a source bundle on .
> Following that discussion, I propose that we upload a source bundle at
> . The
> source bundle is a plain SVN export from the tag used to generate the
> 1.0.0 release.
> The candidate source bundle is uploaded at [2] . It can be used to
> rebuild the IDE tooling with
>mvn clean package
> Please vote to approve this inclusion.
> Thanks,
> Robert
> [1]:
> [2]:

Carsten Ziegeler
Adobe Research Switzerland

[VOTE] Release Apache Sling Scripting JSP 2.1.4 and Apache Sling Scripting Java 2.0.10

2014-07-08 Thread Carsten Ziegeler

We solved two issues for each scripting bundle, especially with SLING-3724
bundles now provide a better experience with Java 8 as they run without
changes on Java 8 as well as previous versions.

Scripting JSP
Scripting Java

Staging repository:

You can use this UNIX script to download the release and verify the

sh 1074 /tmp/sling-staging

Please vote to approve this release:

   [ ] +1 Approve the release
   [ ]  0 Don't care
   [ ] -1 Don't release, because ...

This majority vote is open for at least 72 hours.

Carsten Ziegeler
Adobe Research Switzerland

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Sling Scripting JSP 2.1.4 and Apache Sling Scripting Java 2.0.10

2014-07-08 Thread Carsten Ziegeler

2014-07-09 7:36 GMT+02:00 Carsten Ziegeler :

> Hi,
> We solved two issues for each scripting bundle, especially with SLING-3724
> these
> bundles now provide a better experience with Java 8 as they run without
> configuration
> changes on Java 8 as well as previous versions.
> Scripting JSP
> Scripting Java
> Staging repository:
> You can use this UNIX script to download the release and verify the
> signatures:
> Usage:
> sh 1074 /tmp/sling-staging
> Please vote to approve this release:
>[ ] +1 Approve the release
>[ ]  0 Don't care
>[ ] -1 Don't release, because ...
> This majority vote is open for at least 72 hours.
> Regards
> Carsten
> --
> Carsten Ziegeler
> Adobe Research Switzerland

Carsten Ziegeler
Adobe Research Switzerland

[VOTE CANCELLED] Release Apache Sling Scripting JSP 2.1.2 and Apache Sling Scripting Java 2.0.8

2014-07-08 Thread Carsten Ziegeler
Hi, as mentioned earlier in this thread, I cancel this vote and start a new
one for the updated artifacts/releases.


Carsten Ziegeler
Adobe Research Switzerland

Jenkins build is still unstable: sling-trunk-1.7 #647

2014-07-08 Thread Apache Jenkins Server

Jenkins build is still unstable: sling-trunk-1.7 » Apache Sling Launchpad Testing #647

2014-07-08 Thread Apache Jenkins Server

Build failed in Jenkins: sling-trunk-1.6 #2274

2014-07-08 Thread Apache Jenkins Server


[rombert] Update svn:ignore for the xing bundles

[...truncated 26837 lines...]
[INFO] Sling Servlet Archetype ... SUCCESS [12.378s]
[INFO] Sling Bundle Archetype  SUCCESS [15.034s]
[INFO] Sling JCRInstall Bundle Archetype . SUCCESS [12.775s]
[INFO] Sling Taglib Archetype  SUCCESS [6.196s]
[INFO] Apache Sling API .. SUCCESS [20.946s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Resource Resolver  SUCCESS [20.543s]
[INFO] Apache Sling System Bundle Extension: Java Transaction API  SUCCESS 
[INFO] Apache Sling System Bundle Extension: XML APIs  SUCCESS [6.061s]
[INFO] Apache Sling System Bundle Extension: Activation API  SUCCESS [6.491s]
[INFO] Apache Sling System Bundle Extension: WS APIs . SUCCESS [8.355s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Dynamic Class Loader Support . SUCCESS [22.496s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Commons Java Compiler  SUCCESS [12.300s]
[INFO] Apache Sling JSON Library . SUCCESS [11.323s]
[INFO] Apache Sling SLF4J Implementation (Logback) ... SUCCESS [47.634s]
[INFO] Apache Sling OSGi LogService Implementation ... SUCCESS [6.644s]
[INFO] Apache Sling MIME type mapping support  SUCCESS [13.344s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Commons OSGi support . SUCCESS [14.605s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Scheduler Support  SUCCESS [9.857s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Testing Utilities  SUCCESS [45.564s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Thread Dumper  SUCCESS [6.303s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Thread Support ... SUCCESS [8.596s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Authentication Service ... SUCCESS [9.525s]
[INFO] Apache Sling OpenID Authentication  SUCCESS [12.726s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Form Based Authentication Handler  SUCCESS [15.062s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Authentication Selector .. SUCCESS [8.442s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Engine Implementation  SUCCESS [36.836s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Repository API Bundle  SUCCESS [9.060s]
[INFO] Apache Sling JCR Base Bundle .. SUCCESS [12.153s]
[INFO] Apache Sling JCR ClassLoader .. SUCCESS [10.243s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Initial Content Loader ... SUCCESS [14.519s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Jackrabbit Embedded Repository ... SUCCESS [19.134s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Jackrabbit UserManager Support ... SUCCESS [13.915s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Jackrabbit JSR-283 Access Control Manager Support  SUCCESS 
[INFO] Apache Sling Wrapper Bundle for the JCR API ... SUCCESS [7.869s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Object Content Mapping ... SUCCESS [11.528s]
[INFO] Apache Sling JCR Resource Resolver  SUCCESS [2:32.477s]
[INFO] Apache Sling JCR Repository Registration .. SUCCESS [9.701s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Simple WebDAV Access to repositories . SUCCESS [11.712s]
[INFO] Apache Sling DavEx Access to repositories . SUCCESS [11.554s]
[INFO] Apache Sling JCR WebConsole Bundle  SUCCESS [8.645s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Oak Repository Server  SUCCESS [10.952s]
[INFO] Apache Sling SlingRepository Integration Tests  SUCCESS [1:16.771s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Servlet Resolver . SUCCESS [16.988s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Default GET Servlets . SUCCESS [17.040s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Default POST Servlets  SUCCESS [17.577s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Compat Servlets .. SUCCESS [9.388s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Scripting Implementation API . SUCCESS [8.373s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Scripting Core implementation  SUCCESS [20.083s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Scripting JavaScript Support . SUCCESS [43.389s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Scripting JSP Support  SUCCESS [24.090s]
[INFO] Apache Sling JSP Tag Library .. SUCCESS [20.658s]
[INFO] Apache Sling JSP Standard Tag Library . SUCCESS [6.990s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Adapter Manager Implementation ... SUCCESS [17.531s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Bundle Resource Provider . SUCCESS [9.201s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Discovery API  SUCCESS [8.739s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Resource-Based Discovery Service . SUCCESS [5:29.319s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Discovery Support Bundle . SUCCESS [11.710s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Discovery Standalone Implementation .. SUCCESS [9.425s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Event Support  FAILURE [7:06.015s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Feature Flags  SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache Sling Filesystem Resource Provider . SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache Sling javax.activation bundle .. SKIPPED
[INFO] Apache Sling Service User Mapper .

Build failed in Jenkins: sling-trunk-1.6 » Apache Sling Event Support #2274

2014-07-08 Thread Apache Jenkins Server

[...truncated 10981 lines...]
09.07.2014 01:26:08.115 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] org.apache.felix.inventory 
Service [37] ServiceEvent REGISTERED
09.07.2014 01:26:08.115 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] Service [Apache Sling Scheduler 
Configuration Printer,36] ServiceEvent REGISTERED
09.07.2014 01:26:08.117 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] Service 
[,34] ServiceEvent 
09.07.2014 01:26:08.117 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] Service 
09.07.2014 01:26:08.118 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] org.apache.felix.inventory 
Service [41] ServiceEvent REGISTERED
09.07.2014 01:26:08.118 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] org.apache.felix.inventory 
Service [40] ServiceEvent REGISTERED
09.07.2014 01:26:08.118 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] Service [Apache Sling Thread Pool 
Configuration Printer,39] ServiceEvent REGISTERED
09.07.2014 01:26:08.119 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] BundleEvent STARTED
09.07.2014 01:26:08.119 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] 
BundleEvent RESOLVED
09.07.2014 01:26:08.119 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] 
BundleEvent STARTING
09.07.2014 01:26:08.119 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] 
BundleEvent STARTED
09.07.2014 01:26:08.120 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] 
BundleEvent RESOLVED
09.07.2014 01:26:08.120 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] 
BundleEvent RESOLVED
09.07.2014 01:26:08.120 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] 
BundleEvent STARTING
09.07.2014 01:26:08.130 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] 
Service [,42] ServiceEvent 
09.07.2014 01:26:08.130 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] 
Service [,43] ServiceEvent 
09.07.2014 01:26:08.131 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] 
BundleEvent STARTED
09.07.2014 01:26:08.131 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] 
BundleEvent RESOLVED
09.07.2014 01:26:08.131 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] 
BundleEvent STARTING
09.07.2014 01:26:08.131 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] 
BundleEvent STARTED
09.07.2014 01:26:08.132 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] 
BundleEvent RESOLVED
09.07.2014 01:26:08.132 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] BundleEvent RESOLVED
09.07.2014 01:26:08.132 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] BundleEvent STARTING
09.07.2014 01:26:08.134 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] BundleEvent STARTED
09.07.2014 01:26:08.134 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] 
BundleEvent STARTING
09.07.2014 01:26:08.134 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] 
BundleEvent STARTED
09.07.2014 01:26:08.134 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] 
BundleEvent STARTING
09.07.2014 01:26:08.137 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] 
BundleEvent STARTED
09.07.2014 01:26:08.137 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] BundleEvent RESOLVED
09.07.2014 01:26:08.138 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] BundleEvent RESOLVED
09.07.2014 01:26:08.138 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] BundleEvent STARTING
09.07.2014 01:26:08.143 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] Service 
09.07.2014 01:26:08.143 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] BundleEvent STARTED
09.07.2014 01:26:08.143 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] 
BundleEvent RESOLVED
09.07.2014 01:26:08.144 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] 
BundleEvent STARTING
09.07.2014 01:26:08.146 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] 
Service [,45] ServiceEvent 
09.07.2014 01:26:08.164 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] org.apache.felix.inventory 
Service [48] ServiceEvent REGISTERED
09.07.2014 01:26:08.164 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] org.apache.felix.inventory 
Service [47] ServiceEvent REGISTERED
09.07.2014 01:26:08.164 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] 
Service [,46] 
09.07.2014 01:26:08.164 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] 
BundleEvent STARTED
09.07.2014 01:26:08.165 *INFO* [FelixStartLevel] 
BundleEvent RESOLVED

Jenkins build is back to stable : sling-trunk-1.6 » Apache Sling Resource-Based Discovery Service #2274

2014-07-08 Thread Apache Jenkins Server

Build failed in Jenkins: sling-contrib-1.6 » Apache Sling Authentication XING Login #1175

2014-07-08 Thread Apache Jenkins Server


[rombert] Update svn:ignore for the xing bundles

[INFO] Building Apache Sling Authentication XING Login 0.0.3-SNAPSHOT
[WARNING] The POM for 
is missing, no dependency information available
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled

Build failed in Jenkins: sling-contrib-1.6 #1175

2014-07-08 Thread Apache Jenkins Server


[rombert] Update svn:ignore for the xing bundles

[...truncated 54 lines...]
[INFO] Apache Sling Google Web Toolkit Servlet Library
[INFO] Apache Sling Google Web Toolkit Sample
[INFO] Apache Sling Internationalization Support
[INFO] Apache Sling JMX Resource Provider
[INFO] Apache Sling MongoDB Resource Provider
[INFO] Apache Sling OSGi Bundle Repository
[INFO] Apache Sling Request Processing Analyzer
[INFO] Apache Sling Resource Merger
[INFO] Apache Sling Rewriter
[INFO] Apache Sling Tenant
[INFO] Apache Sling Replication
[INFO] Apache Sling Replication Integration Tests
[INFO] Apache Sling Repository Accessor
[INFO] Apache Sling JCR Java Compiler
[INFO] Apache Sling JCR Prefs
[INFO] Apache Sling JCR Resource Security
[INFO] Apache Sling Launchpad Karaf
[INFO] Apache Sling Launchpad Karaf - Features
[INFO] Apache Sling Launchpad Karaf - Integration Tests
[INFO] Apache Sling Launchpad Karaf Builder
[INFO] Apache Sling Launchpad Contrib Testing
[INFO] Apache Sling Script Console
[INFO] Apache Sling Atom Tag Library
[INFO] Apache Sling Scripting Freemarker Support
[INFO] Apache Sling Scripting Java Support
[INFO] Apache Sling Scripting JST Support
[INFO] Apache Sling Scripting Python Support
[INFO] Apache Sling Scripting Ruby Support
[INFO] Apache Sling Scripting Velocity Support
[INFO] Apache Sling Scripting W3C XML Processing Support
[INFO] Scala Script Engine
[INFO] Apache Sling Scala Scripting Configuration
[INFO] Scala for Sling Demo Application - Hello World
[INFO] Scala for Sling Demo Application - Forum
[INFO] Apache Sling Contrib (Builder)
[INFO] Building Apache Sling Authentication XING API 0.0.3-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ ---
[INFO] Deleting 

[INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.3.1:enforce (enforce-java) @ ---
[INFO] --- maven-antrun-plugin:1.7:run 
(set-bundle-required-execution-environment) @ ---
[INFO] Executing tasks

Setting Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment=JavaSE-1.6 from
[INFO] Executed tasks
[INFO] --- maven-remote-resources-plugin:1.5:process (default) @ ---
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:resources (default-resources) @ ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory 

[INFO] Copying 3 resources
[INFO] --- maven-antrun-plugin:1.7:run (check-memory-task) @ ---
[INFO] Executing tasks

 [echo]  WARNING (SLING-443/SLING-1782) 
 [echo] On most platforms, you'll get OutOfMemoryErrors when building 
unless you set
 [echo] on 32bit platforms: MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx256M -XX:MaxPermSize=256M", see 
 [echo] on 64bit platforms: MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx512M -XX:MaxPermSize=512M", see 
[INFO] Executed tasks
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:compile (default-compile) @ ---
[INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module!
[INFO] Compiling 6 source files to 

[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:testResources (default-testResources) @ ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory 

[INFO] Copying 3 resources
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ ---
[INFO] No sources to compile
[INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.16:test (default-test) @ ---
[JENKINS] Recording test results
[INFO] --- animal-sniffer-maven-plugin:1.9:check (default) @ ---
[INFO] Checking unresolved references to org.codehaus.mojo.signature:java16:1.0
[INFO] --- maven-bundle-plugin:2.4.0:bundle (default-bundle) @ ---
[INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.3.1:enforce (

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Sling Authentication XING Login 0.0.2

2014-07-08 Thread Robert Munteanu


On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 6:07 PM, Oliver Lietz  wrote:
> Hi,
> We solved 1 issue in this release:
> Staging repository:
> You can use this UNIX script to download the release and verify the
> signatures:
> Usage:
> sh 1078 /tmp/sling-staging
> Please vote to approve this release:
>   [ ] +1 Approve the release
>   [ ]  0 Don't care
>   [ ] -1 Don't release, because ...
> This majority vote is open for at least 72 hours.
> Regards,
> O.

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Sling Authentication XING OAuth 0.0.2

2014-07-08 Thread Robert Munteanu


On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 6:08 PM, Oliver Lietz  wrote:
> Hi,
> We solved 1 issue in this release:
> Staging repository:
> You can use this UNIX script to download the release and verify the
> signatures:
> Usage:
> sh 1079 /tmp/sling-staging
> Please vote to approve this release:
>   [ ] +1 Approve the release
>   [ ]  0 Don't care
>   [ ] -1 Don't release, because ...
> This majority vote is open for at least 72 hours.
> Regards,
> O.

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Sling Authentication XING API 0.0.2

2014-07-08 Thread Robert Munteanu


On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 6:07 PM, Oliver Lietz  wrote:
> Hi,
> This is a shared API bundle for Sling Authentication XING Login and Sling
> Authentication XING OAuth:
> Staging repository:
> You can use this UNIX script to download the release and verify the
> signatures:
> Usage:
> sh 1077 /tmp/sling-staging
> Please vote to approve this release:
>   [ ] +1 Approve the release
>   [ ]  0 Don't care
>   [ ] -1 Don't release, because ...
> This majority vote is open for at least 72 hours.
> Regards,
> O.

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Sling Scripting Thymeleaf 0.0.2

2014-07-08 Thread Robert Munteanu
On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 12:39 PM, Robert Munteanu  wrote:
> I'll try this again when I am able to retrieve the key.


Retrieved the key, signatures check out fine at my end.


[jira] [Resolved] (SLING-3741) When processing deleted folders, check for a covering aggregate higher in the filesytem hierarchy

2014-07-08 Thread Robert Munteanu (JIRA)


Robert Munteanu resolved SLING-3741.

Resolution: Fixed

Thanks for confirming, resolving as fixed.

> When processing deleted folders, check for a covering aggregate higher in the 
> filesytem hierarchy
> -
> Key: SLING-3741
> URL:
> Project: Sling
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: IDE
>Affects Versions: Sling Eclipse IDE 1.0.0
>Reporter: Robert Munteanu
>Assignee: Robert Munteanu
> Fix For: Sling Eclipse IDE 1.0.2
> Attachments:
> Minimal scenario reported by [~egli]
> * Create:
> {code}
> grandparent [nt:unstructured]
> \- parent [nt:unstructured]
>  |- child1 [nt:unstructured]
>  \- child2 [nt:unstructured]
> {code}
> * Then change child2 to sling:Folder
> * Changing child2 back to nt:unstructured then causes the deletion of parent 
> (since I delete parent/child2 and parent folders explicitly, as they are no 
> longer needed)

This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Sling Settings 1.3.2

2014-07-08 Thread Justin Edelson

On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 5:20 PM, Carsten Ziegeler  wrote:
> Hi,
> We solved 1 issue in this release:
> Staging repository:
> You can use this UNIX script to download the release and verify the
> signatures:
> Usage:
> sh 1080 /tmp/sling-staging
> Please vote to approve this release:
>   [ ] +1 Approve the release
>   [ ]  0 Don't care
>   [ ] -1 Don't release, because ...
> This majority vote is open for at least 72 hours.
> Regards,
> Carsten
> --
> Carsten Ziegeler
> Adobe Research Switzerland

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Sling Settings 1.3.2

2014-07-08 Thread Daniel Klco

On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 1:27 PM, Robert Munteanu  wrote:

> +1
> Robert
> On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 6:20 PM, Carsten Ziegeler 
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > We solved 1 issue in this release:
> >
> >
> > Staging repository:
> >
> >
> > You can use this UNIX script to download the release and verify the
> > signatures:
> >
> >
> > Usage:
> > sh 1080 /tmp/sling-staging
> >
> > Please vote to approve this release:
> >
> >   [ ] +1 Approve the release
> >   [ ]  0 Don't care
> >   [ ] -1 Don't release, because ...
> >
> > This majority vote is open for at least 72 hours.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Carsten
> >
> > --
> > Carsten Ziegeler
> > Adobe Research Switzerland
> >

Jenkins build is still unstable: sling-trunk-1.6 #2273

2014-07-08 Thread Apache Jenkins Server

Jenkins build is still unstable: sling-trunk-1.6 » Apache Sling Launchpad Testing #2273

2014-07-08 Thread Apache Jenkins Server

Jenkins build became unstable: sling-trunk-1.6 » Apache Sling Resource-Based Discovery Service #2273

2014-07-08 Thread Apache Jenkins Server

Jenkins build is back to stable : sling-trunk-1.6 » Apache Sling Installer Integration Tests #2273

2014-07-08 Thread Apache Jenkins Server

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Sling Settings 1.3.2

2014-07-08 Thread Robert Munteanu


On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 6:20 PM, Carsten Ziegeler  wrote:
> Hi,
> We solved 1 issue in this release:
> Staging repository:
> You can use this UNIX script to download the release and verify the
> signatures:
> Usage:
> sh 1080 /tmp/sling-staging
> Please vote to approve this release:
>   [ ] +1 Approve the release
>   [ ]  0 Don't care
>   [ ] -1 Don't release, because ...
> This majority vote is open for at least 72 hours.
> Regards,
> Carsten
> --
> Carsten Ziegeler
> Adobe Research Switzerland

Jenkins build is unstable: sling-trunk-1.7 #646

2014-07-08 Thread Apache Jenkins Server

Jenkins build is back to normal : sling-trunk-1.7 » Apache Sling Resource Access Security Integration Tests #646

2014-07-08 Thread Apache Jenkins Server

Jenkins build is unstable: sling-trunk-1.7 » Apache Sling Launchpad Testing #646

2014-07-08 Thread Apache Jenkins Server

Jenkins build is still unstable: sling-trunk-1.6 #2272

2014-07-08 Thread Apache Jenkins Server

Jenkins build is still unstable: sling-trunk-1.6 » Apache Sling Launchpad Testing #2272

2014-07-08 Thread Apache Jenkins Server

Jenkins build became unstable: sling-trunk-1.6 » Apache Sling Installer Integration Tests #2272

2014-07-08 Thread Apache Jenkins Server

[jira] [Commented] (SLING-3741) When processing deleted folders, check for a covering aggregate higher in the filesytem hierarchy

2014-07-08 Thread Stefan Egli (JIRA)


Stefan Egli commented on SLING-3741:

[~rombert], looks good now, thx!

> When processing deleted folders, check for a covering aggregate higher in the 
> filesytem hierarchy
> -
> Key: SLING-3741
> URL:
> Project: Sling
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: IDE
>Affects Versions: Sling Eclipse IDE 1.0.0
>Reporter: Robert Munteanu
>Assignee: Robert Munteanu
> Fix For: Sling Eclipse IDE 1.0.2
> Attachments:
> Minimal scenario reported by [~egli]
> * Create:
> {code}
> grandparent [nt:unstructured]
> \- parent [nt:unstructured]
>  |- child1 [nt:unstructured]
>  \- child2 [nt:unstructured]
> {code}
> * Then change child2 to sling:Folder
> * Changing child2 back to nt:unstructured then causes the deletion of parent 
> (since I delete parent/child2 and parent folders explicitly, as they are no 
> longer needed)

This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA

Build failed in Jenkins: sling-trunk-1.7 #645

2014-07-08 Thread Apache Jenkins Server


[olli] [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration

[olli] [maven-release-plugin] prepare release

[olli] SLING-3731 use 0.0.2

[olli] SLING-3731 set version of package to 

[olli] SLING-3732 use 0.0.2

[olli] SLING-3732 add package info

[olli] style

[cziegeler] SLING-3737 : Instance Sling Identifier may be randomly reset on 
restart. Apply patch from Timothee Maret

[olli] [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration

[olli] [maven-release-plugin] prepare release

[olli] SLING-3731 SLING-3732 set version of packages and to 0.0.2

[...truncated 31558 lines...]
[INFO] Sling Launchpad Standalone Archetype .. SUCCESS [18.241s]
[INFO] Sling Launchpad Webapp Archetype .. SUCCESS [12.115s]
[INFO] Sling Initial Content Archetype ... SUCCESS [7.138s]
[INFO] Sling Servlet Archetype ... SUCCESS [8.998s]
[INFO] Sling Bundle Archetype  SUCCESS [8.006s]
[INFO] Sling JCRInstall Bundle Archetype . SUCCESS [8.541s]
[INFO] Sling Taglib Archetype  SUCCESS [5.481s]
[INFO] Apache Sling API .. SUCCESS [12.027s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Resource Resolver  SUCCESS [11.936s]
[INFO] Apache Sling System Bundle Extension: Java Transaction API  SUCCESS 
[INFO] Apache Sling System Bundle Extension: XML APIs  SUCCESS [3.425s]
[INFO] Apache Sling System Bundle Extension: Activation API  SUCCESS [4.841s]
[INFO] Apache Sling System Bundle Extension: WS APIs . SUCCESS [5.378s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Dynamic Class Loader Support . SUCCESS [11.972s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Commons Java Compiler  SUCCESS [6.550s]
[INFO] Apache Sling JSON Library . SUCCESS [8.351s]
[INFO] Apache Sling SLF4J Implementation (Logback) ... SUCCESS [34.914s]
[INFO] Apache Sling OSGi LogService Implementation ... SUCCESS [3.850s]
[INFO] Apache Sling MIME type mapping support  SUCCESS [6.951s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Commons OSGi support . SUCCESS [6.694s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Scheduler Support  SUCCESS [5.730s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Testing Utilities  SUCCESS [55.112s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Thread Dumper  SUCCESS [4.096s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Thread Support ... SUCCESS [7.544s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Authentication Service ... SUCCESS [8.954s]
[INFO] Apache Sling OpenID Authentication  SUCCESS [7.255s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Form Based Authentication Handler  SUCCESS [9.854s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Authentication Selector .. SUCCESS [5.687s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Engine Implementation  SUCCESS [23.246s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Repository API Bundle  SUCCESS [9.381s]
[INFO] Apache Sling JCR Base Bundle .. SUCCESS [8.715s]
[INFO] Apache Sling JCR ClassLoader .. SUCCESS [5.340s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Initial Content Loader ... SUCCESS [8.595s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Jackrabbit Embedded Repository ... SUCCESS [8.596s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Jackrabbit UserManager Support ... SUCCESS [6.953s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Jackrabbit JSR-283 Access Control Manager Support  SUCCESS 
[INFO] Apache Sling Wrapper Bundle for the JCR API ... SUCCESS [5.295s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Object Content Mapping ... SUCCESS [9.101s]
[INFO] Apache Sling JCR Resource Resolver  SUCCESS [52.032s]
[INFO] Apache Sling JCR Repository Registration .. SUCCESS [6.629s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Simple WebDAV Access to repositories . SUCCESS [5.739s]
[INFO] Apache Sling DavEx Access to repositories . SUCCESS [8.295s]
[INFO] Apache Sling JCR WebConsole Bundle  SUCCESS [5.738s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Oak Repository Server  SUCCESS [6.673s]
[INFO] Apache Sling SlingRepository Integration Tests  SUCCESS [49.300s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Servlet Resolver . SUCCESS [8.952s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Default GET Servlets . SUCCESS [8.482s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Default POST Servlets  SUCCESS [8.947s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Compat Servlets .. SUCCESS [5.728s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Scripting Implementation API . SUCCESS [8.181s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Scripting Core implementation  SUCCESS [11.798s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Scripting JavaScript Support . SUCCESS [27.916s]
[INFO] Apache Sling Scripting JSP Support

Build failed in Jenkins: sling-trunk-1.7 » Apache Sling Resource Access Security Integration Tests #645

2014-07-08 Thread Apache Jenkins Server

[INFO] Building Apache Sling Resource Access Security Integration Tests 
[INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ ---
[INFO] Deleting 

[INFO] Deleting 

 (includes = [sling/**], excludes = [])
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled

[jira] [Created] (SLING-3750) Delay discovery-service readiness until first vote has finished, to avoid leader being overthrown

2014-07-08 Thread Stefan Egli (JIRA)
Stefan Egli created SLING-3750:

 Summary: Delay discovery-service readiness until first vote has 
finished, to avoid leader being overthrown
 Key: SLING-3750
 Project: Sling
  Issue Type: Bug
  Components: Extensions
Affects Versions: Discovery Impl 1.0.8
Reporter: Stefan Egli
Assignee: Stefan Egli
Priority: Critical
 Fix For: Discovery Impl 1.0.10

The current implementation of discovery.impl has a subtle problem at startup. 
Consider the following problem happening with two simultaneous starts:

 * two (sling) instances start at roughly the same time
 * the goal is to write a service which runs on one of the two only, ever
 * to achieve that, on a TopologyEventListener is used to get hold of the 
latest TopologyView and derive whether the local instance is leader or not
 * currently, upon registration of a TopologyEventListener, a TOPOLOGY_INIT 
event is sent out immediately with the current TopologyView available
 * right after startup though - hence before the first voting has passed - 
discovery.impl considers itself to be in so-called "isolated" mode, creates a 
topology which contains only itself, and makes itself leader (since every 
cluster must have a leader)
 * that means, both instances will receive that isolated view in the 
TOPOLOGY_INIT and are marked as leader (which is kind of right as they don't 
know about any other instance yet - but also wrong as it is not yet an 
established view)
 * at the same time, they both start voting, then find out about each other and 
establish a view where one of the two is marked as leader - hence for the other 
of the two a 'coup d'etat' is happening (the leader is overthrown even though 
the instance did not crash). 

This is certainly very problematic and should be avoided.

The suggested way to avoid this is to delay both the time when the 
discovery.impl service is registered with OSGi (by making it a @Component only 
and registering it as a service explicitly after the first voting) - and by 
delaying the sending of TOPOLOGY_INIT until again said first voting is finished.

This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA

[jira] [Updated] (SLING-3749) [OSGi Installer] Intelligently manage start level during artifact handling

2014-07-08 Thread Chetan Mehrotra (JIRA)


Chetan Mehrotra updated SLING-3749:

Attachment: SLING-3749.patch

Initial proposal for the approach to be taken so as to get feedback. Would add 
relevant test once we have agreement on the solution

For now it takes a simple approach and takes the lowest start level of bundle 
to be updated. 

*To be done*
This can be improved by also taking into account the startLevel of Bundles 
which provide the task impls

*To be explored*
Another approach we can take is make use of 
 to get an estimate of what all bundles would be effected by bundles being 
update. If the ratio is high then we should take the lowest startLevel

Any other heuristics if possible

[~cziegeler], [~fmeschbe] Thoughts?

> [OSGi Installer] Intelligently manage start level during artifact handling
> --
> Key: SLING-3749
> URL:
> Project: Sling
>  Issue Type: Improvement
>  Components: Installer
>Reporter: Chetan Mehrotra
> Attachments: SLING-3749.patch
> OSGi Installer should be made more intelligent in deciding how to handle 
> bundle updates, if multiple bundles need to be updated e.g. by lowering the 
> system start level when updating important bundles or when updating a large 
> number of bundles to reduce oscillation of the system and thus reduce update 
> time and increase stability.
> Some thoughts around this as per [~fmeschbe]:
> * Bundle installations are not problematic and don't need to be treated 
> specially
> * Bundle updates and uninstallations may cause the system to oscillated 
> because services may come and go during updates and package refreshes
> * Some bundles are more central than other bundles. For example the  bundle 
> providing the JCR Repository service is "used" by almost all of the system. 
> And bundle may be important because a certain threshold if API importing 
> bundles is reached (e.g. the Sling API bundle) or because one of the 
> registered services is used by a certain threshold of consumers.
> * When at least one important bundle is updated or uninstalled in a single 
> batch, the OSGi installer should reduce the system start level before 
> handling the batch and raise the start level after the batch again.
> * The start level to which the system is reduced is the lower of the start 
> level of the OSGi installer and its helper bundles (probably the Task 
> provides) and the start levels of the important bundle(s) handled in the 
> batch.

This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA

[VOTE] Release Apache Sling Settings 1.3.2

2014-07-08 Thread Carsten Ziegeler

We solved 1 issue in this release:

Staging repository:

You can use this UNIX script to download the release and verify the

sh 1080 /tmp/sling-staging

Please vote to approve this release:

  [ ] +1 Approve the release
  [ ]  0 Don't care
  [ ] -1 Don't release, because ...

This majority vote is open for at least 72 hours.


Carsten Ziegeler
Adobe Research Switzerland

[jira] [Issue Comment Deleted] (SLING-3578) Support mapping amendments for service user mapper

2014-07-08 Thread Antonio Sanso (JIRA)


Antonio Sanso updated SLING-3578:

Comment: was deleted

(was: I am out of office, back on June 22.




> Support mapping amendments for service user mapper
> --
> Key: SLING-3578
> URL:
> Project: Sling
>  Issue Type: Improvement
>  Components: Service User Mapper
>Reporter: Antonio Sanso
>Assignee: Carsten Ziegeler
>Priority: Minor
> Fix For: Service User Mapper 1.0.2
> It would be nice to have a way to support an application deployment providing 
> some service user mapping configuration to ammend/merge the existing 
> configuration.  
> See also discussion in [0]
> [0]

This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA

Build failed in Jenkins: sling-contrib-1.6 » Apache Sling Authentication XING Login #1174

2014-07-08 Thread Apache Jenkins Server


[olli] [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration

[olli] [maven-release-plugin] prepare release

[olli] SLING-3732 use 0.0.2

[olli] SLING-3732 add package info

[olli] style

[INFO] Building Apache Sling Authentication XING Login 0.0.3-SNAPSHOT
 (7 KB at 288.6 KB/sec)
[WARNING] The POM for 
is missing, no dependency information available
 (10 KB at 5.7 KB/sec)
 (85 KB at 5.0 KB/sec)
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled

Build failed in Jenkins: sling-contrib-1.6 #1174

2014-07-08 Thread Apache Jenkins Server


[olli] [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration

[olli] [maven-release-plugin] prepare release

[olli] [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration

[olli] [maven-release-plugin] prepare release

[olli] SLING-3731 use 0.0.2

[olli] SLING-3731 set version of package to 

[olli] SLING-3732 use 0.0.2

[olli] SLING-3732 add package info

[olli] style

[olli] [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration

[olli] [maven-release-plugin] prepare release

[olli] SLING-3731 SLING-3732 set version of packages and to 0.0.2

[...truncated 143 lines...]
[INFO] Apache Sling JCR Resource Security
[INFO] Apache Sling Launchpad Karaf
[INFO] Apache Sling Launchpad Karaf - Features
[INFO] Apache Sling Launchpad Karaf - Integration Tests
[INFO] Apache Sling Launchpad Karaf Builder
[INFO] Apache Sling Launchpad Contrib Testing
[INFO] Apache Sling Script Console
[INFO] Apache Sling Atom Tag Library
[INFO] Apache Sling Scripting Freemarker Support
[INFO] Apache Sling Scripting Java Support
[INFO] Apache Sling Scripting JST Support
[INFO] Apache Sling Scripting Python Support
[INFO] Apache Sling Scripting Ruby Support
[INFO] Apache Sling Scripting Velocity Support
[INFO] Apache Sling Scripting W3C XML Processing Support
[INFO] Scala Script Engine
[INFO] Apache Sling Scala Scripting Configuration
[INFO] Scala for Sling Demo Application - Hello World
[INFO] Scala for Sling Demo Application - Forum
[INFO] Apache Sling Contrib (Builder)
[INFO] Building Apache Sling Authentication XING API 0.0.3-SNAPSHOT
 (3 KB at 11.5 KB/sec)
(2 KB at 40.9 KB/sec)
(5 KB at 150.0 KB/sec)
 (13 KB at 910.6 KB/sec)
(1744 KB at 10443.1 KB/sec)
[INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ ---
[INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.3.1:enforce (enforce-java) @ ---
[INFO] --- maven-antrun-plugin:1.7:run 
(set-bundle-required-execution-environment) @ ---
[INFO] Executing tasks

Setting Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment=JavaSE-1.6 from
[INFO] Executed tasks
[INFO] --- maven-remote-resources-plugin:1.5:process (default) @ ---
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:resources (default-resources) @ ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory 

[INFO] Copying 3 resources
[INFO] --- maven-antrun-plugin:1.7:run (check-memory-task) @ ---
[INFO] Executing tasks

 [echo]  WARNING (SLING-443/SLING-1782) 
 [echo] On most platforms, you'll get OutOfMemoryErrors when building 
unless you set
 [echo] on 32bit platforms: MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx256M -XX:MaxPermSize=256M", see 
 [echo] on 64bit platforms: MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx512M -XX:MaxPermSize=512M", see 
[INFO] Executed tasks
[INFO] --- mave

[jira] [Created] (SLING-3749) [OSGi Installer] Intelligently manage start level during artifact handling

2014-07-08 Thread Chetan Mehrotra (JIRA)
Chetan Mehrotra created SLING-3749:

 Summary: [OSGi Installer] Intelligently manage start level during 
artifact handling
 Key: SLING-3749
 Project: Sling
  Issue Type: Improvement
Reporter: Chetan Mehrotra

OSGi Installer should be made more intelligent in deciding how to handle bundle 
updates, if multiple bundles need to be updated e.g. by lowering the system 
start level when updating important bundles or when updating a large number of 
bundles to reduce oscillation of the system and thus reduce update time and 
increase stability.

Some thoughts around this as per [~fmeschbe]:

* Bundle installations are not problematic and don't need to be treated 
* Bundle updates and uninstallations may cause the system to oscillated because 
services may come and go during updates and package refreshes
* Some bundles are more central than other bundles. For example the  bundle 
providing the JCR Repository service is "used" by almost all of the system. And 
bundle may be important because a certain threshold if API importing bundles is 
reached (e.g. the Sling API bundle) or because one of the registered services 
is used by a certain threshold of consumers.
* When at least one important bundle is updated or uninstalled in a single 
batch, the OSGi installer should reduce the system start level before handling 
the batch and raise the start level after the batch again.
* The start level to which the system is reduced is the lower of the start 
level of the OSGi installer and its helper bundles (probably the Task provides) 
and the start levels of the important bundle(s) handled in the batch.

This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA

[jira] [Updated] (SLING-3749) [OSGi Installer] Intelligently manage start level during artifact handling

2014-07-08 Thread Chetan Mehrotra (JIRA)


Chetan Mehrotra updated SLING-3749:

Component/s: Installer

> [OSGi Installer] Intelligently manage start level during artifact handling
> --
> Key: SLING-3749
> URL:
> Project: Sling
>  Issue Type: Improvement
>  Components: Installer
>Reporter: Chetan Mehrotra
> OSGi Installer should be made more intelligent in deciding how to handle 
> bundle updates, if multiple bundles need to be updated e.g. by lowering the 
> system start level when updating important bundles or when updating a large 
> number of bundles to reduce oscillation of the system and thus reduce update 
> time and increase stability.
> Some thoughts around this as per [~fmeschbe]:
> * Bundle installations are not problematic and don't need to be treated 
> specially
> * Bundle updates and uninstallations may cause the system to oscillated 
> because services may come and go during updates and package refreshes
> * Some bundles are more central than other bundles. For example the  bundle 
> providing the JCR Repository service is "used" by almost all of the system. 
> And bundle may be important because a certain threshold if API importing 
> bundles is reached (e.g. the Sling API bundle) or because one of the 
> registered services is used by a certain threshold of consumers.
> * When at least one important bundle is updated or uninstalled in a single 
> batch, the OSGi installer should reduce the system start level before 
> handling the batch and raise the start level after the batch again.
> * The start level to which the system is reduced is the lower of the start 
> level of the OSGi installer and its helper bundles (probably the Task 
> provides) and the start levels of the important bundle(s) handled in the 
> batch.

This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA

[VOTE] Release Apache Sling Authentication XING Login 0.0.2

2014-07-08 Thread Oliver Lietz

We solved 1 issue in this release:

Staging repository:

You can use this UNIX script to download the release and verify the 

sh 1078 /tmp/sling-staging

Please vote to approve this release:

  [ ] +1 Approve the release
  [ ]  0 Don't care
  [ ] -1 Don't release, because ...

This majority vote is open for at least 72 hours.


[VOTE] Release Apache Sling Authentication XING OAuth 0.0.2

2014-07-08 Thread Oliver Lietz

We solved 1 issue in this release:

Staging repository:

You can use this UNIX script to download the release and verify the 

sh 1079 /tmp/sling-staging

Please vote to approve this release:

  [ ] +1 Approve the release
  [ ]  0 Don't care
  [ ] -1 Don't release, because ...

This majority vote is open for at least 72 hours.


[VOTE] Release Apache Sling Authentication XING API 0.0.2

2014-07-08 Thread Oliver Lietz

This is a shared API bundle for Sling Authentication XING Login and Sling 
Authentication XING OAuth:

Staging repository:

You can use this UNIX script to download the release and verify the 

sh 1077 /tmp/sling-staging

Please vote to approve this release:

  [ ] +1 Approve the release
  [ ]  0 Don't care
  [ ] -1 Don't release, because ...

This majority vote is open for at least 72 hours.


Jenkins build is still unstable: sling-trunk-1.6 #2271

2014-07-08 Thread Apache Jenkins Server

Jenkins build is still unstable: sling-trunk-1.6 » Apache Sling Launchpad Testing #2271

2014-07-08 Thread Apache Jenkins Server

Jenkins build is still unstable: sling-trunk-1.7 #644

2014-07-08 Thread Apache Jenkins Server

Jenkins build is back to stable : sling-trunk-1.7 » Apache Sling Models Integration Tests #644

2014-07-08 Thread Apache Jenkins Server

Jenkins build is back to stable : sling-trunk-1.7 » Apache Sling Resource Access Security Integration Tests #644

2014-07-08 Thread Apache Jenkins Server

Jenkins build is still unstable: sling-trunk-1.7 » Apache Sling Launchpad Testing #644

2014-07-08 Thread Apache Jenkins Server

[jira] [Resolved] (SLING-3737) Instance Sling Identifier may be randomly reset on restart

2014-07-08 Thread Carsten Ziegeler (JIRA)


Carsten Ziegeler resolved SLING-3737.

Resolution: Fixed

Thanks, Timothee for the patch. It's applied now

> Instance Sling Identifier may be randomly reset on restart
> --
> Key: SLING-3737
> URL:
> Project: Sling
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: Extensions
>Affects Versions: Settings 1.3.0
>Reporter: Timothee Maret
>Assignee: Carsten Ziegeler
> Fix For: Settings 1.3.2
> Attachments: SLING-3737.diff, SLING-3737.diff, SLING-3737.diff
> In our Setup, we experience instances changing their Sling identifier upon 
> restart.
> We have experienced only a few occurrences of this issue, but the effect is 
> really bad, turning the services relying on the Sling Identifier into 
> unexpected state (for instance Sling discovery service).
> We have checked that the was present before the issue occurred.
> We also checked that the value in this file was valid (36 byte long UUID).
> Despite having a valid file, the instance sometimes reset the 
> Sling ID upon restart.
> Looking at the latest code in 
> it seems there is a bug in the way the sling id is read from the file 
> {code}
> private String readSlingId(final File idFile) {
> if (idFile.exists() && idFile.length() >= 36) {
> FileInputStream fin = null;
> try {
> fin = new FileInputStream(idFile);
> final byte[] rawBytes = new byte[36];
> if ( == 36) {
> final String rawString = new String(rawBytes, 
> "ISO-8859-1");
> // roundtrip to ensure correct format of UUID value
> final String id = UUID.fromString(rawString).toString();
> logger.debug("Got Sling ID {} from file {}", id, idFile);
> return id;
> }
> } catch (final Throwable t) {
> logger.error("Failed reading UUID from id file " + idFile
> + ", creating new id", t);
> } finally {
> if (fin != null) {
> try {
> fin.close();
> } catch (IOException ignore) {
> }
> }
> }
> }
> return null;
> }
> {code}
> In the line
> {code}
> if ( == 36) {
> {code}
> The code miss uses the API.
> {code}
> /**
>  * Reads up to b.length bytes of data from this input
>  * stream into an array of bytes. This method blocks until some input
>  * is available.
>  *
>  * @param  b   the buffer into which the data is read.
>  * @return the total number of bytes read into the buffer, or
>  * -1 if there is no more data because the end of
>  * the file has been reached.
>  * @exception  IOException  if an I/O error occurs.
>  */
> {code}
> The API stipulates that the method blocks until if finds *some* data.
> This is a common pattern with Java IO APIs, and indeed, the method may return 
> with only one byte read even though the end of the stream was not reached.
> If this is the case, the current logic will treat the slingId as invalid and 
> generate a new one.
> A way to fix that is to read the sling id file completely, for instance using 
> the API
> We are running on CentOS 6.2, JDK 1.7.

This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA

Re: Eclipse stuff, source vs. convenience binaries

2014-07-08 Thread Robert Munteanu
> Ack, I'll prepare a source bundle today and upload it to my personal
> space for voting.

Started a different thread for the source bundle inclusion vote at [1]



[VOTE] Include ide tooling source bundle on

2014-07-08 Thread Robert Munteanu

As Bertrand has noticed [1], the Sling IDE Tooling 1.0.0 release does
not include a source bundle on .

Following that discussion, I propose that we upload a source bundle at . The
source bundle is a plain SVN export from the tag used to generate the
1.0.0 release.

The candidate source bundle is uploaded at [2] . It can be used to
rebuild the IDE tooling with

   mvn clean package

Please vote to approve this inclusion.




[jira] [Created] (SLING-3748) Provide single update site url which works for the latest version

2014-07-08 Thread Robert Munteanu (JIRA)
Robert Munteanu created SLING-3748:

 Summary: Provide single update site url which works for the latest 
 Key: SLING-3748
 Project: Sling
  Issue Type: Improvement
  Components: IDE
Affects Versions: Sling Eclipse IDE 1.0.0
Reporter: Robert Munteanu
 Fix For: Sling Eclipse IDE 1.0.2

As asked by [~kwin] on the dev list ( ) , we should provide an 
update site URL which always points to the latest release.

This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA

Re: Sling IDE Tooling P2-Update-Site URL

2014-07-08 Thread Robert Munteanu
Hi Konrad,

On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 5:04 PM, Konrad Windszus  wrote:
> Currently the update site for Eclipse is deployed at 
> //sling/eclipse/1.0.0. If installing from there, one 
> would never get notified about updates, because that Update Site will always 
> only contain 1.0.0. Once there is a new version a new Update Site will be 
> deployed at a different URL.
> Please provide a stable update URL which always points to the most recent 
> (release) version of Sling IDE Tools.

Good idea, filed for this.

> Thanks,
> Konrad
> P.S. The table of contents within (in 
> the second paragraph below headline downloads) does not mention Sling IDE 
> Tooling.

Now fixed, thanks for noticing.


Sent from my (old) computer

Sling IDE Tooling P2-Update-Site URL

2014-07-08 Thread Konrad Windszus

Currently the update site for Eclipse is deployed at 
//sling/eclipse/1.0.0. If installing from there, one 
would never get notified about updates, because that Update Site will always 
only contain 1.0.0. Once there is a new version a new Update Site will be 
deployed at a different URL. 
Please provide a stable update URL which always points to the most recent 
(release) version of Sling IDE Tools.

P.S. The table of contents within (in the 
second paragraph below headline downloads) does not mention Sling IDE Tooling.

Jenkins build is still unstable: sling-trunk-1.6 #2270

2014-07-08 Thread Apache Jenkins Server

Jenkins build is back to stable : sling-trunk-1.6 » Apache Sling Event Support #2270

2014-07-08 Thread Apache Jenkins Server

Jenkins build is back to stable : sling-trunk-1.6 » Apache Sling Installer Integration Tests #2270

2014-07-08 Thread Apache Jenkins Server

Jenkins build is back to stable : sling-trunk-1.6 » Apache Sling Models Integration Tests #2270

2014-07-08 Thread Apache Jenkins Server

Jenkins build is still unstable: sling-trunk-1.6 » Apache Sling Launchpad Testing #2270

2014-07-08 Thread Apache Jenkins Server

[jira] [Resolved] (SLING-3294) Simplify Performance Test Creation

2014-07-08 Thread Antonio Sanso (JIRA)


Antonio Sanso resolved SLING-3294.

Resolution: Fixed

> Simplify Performance Test Creation
> --
> Key: SLING-3294
> URL:
> Project: Sling
>  Issue Type: Improvement
>  Components: Testing
>Reporter: Antonio Sanso
>Assignee: Antonio Sanso
>Priority: Minor
> Fix For: Performance 1.0.0
> The current mechanism of differentiate between performance tests is a bit 
> cumbersome and requires to have a different class for different test 
> parameter.
> The new mechanism will avoid to have those ad-hoc classes

This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA

[jira] [Reopened] (SLING-3294) Simplify Performance Test Creation

2014-07-08 Thread Antonio Sanso (JIRA)


Antonio Sanso reopened SLING-3294:

> Simplify Performance Test Creation
> --
> Key: SLING-3294
> URL:
> Project: Sling
>  Issue Type: Improvement
>  Components: Testing
>Reporter: Antonio Sanso
>Assignee: Antonio Sanso
>Priority: Minor
> Fix For: Performance 1.0.0
> The current mechanism of differentiate between performance tests is a bit 
> cumbersome and requires to have a different class for different test 
> parameter.
> The new mechanism will avoid to have those ad-hoc classes

This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA

[jira] [Updated] (SLING-3294) Simplify Performance Test Creation

2014-07-08 Thread Antonio Sanso (JIRA)


Antonio Sanso updated SLING-3294:

Fix Version/s: Performance 1.0.0

> Simplify Performance Test Creation
> --
> Key: SLING-3294
> URL:
> Project: Sling
>  Issue Type: Improvement
>  Components: Testing
>Reporter: Antonio Sanso
>Assignee: Antonio Sanso
>Priority: Minor
> Fix For: Performance 1.0.0
> The current mechanism of differentiate between performance tests is a bit 
> cumbersome and requires to have a different class for different test 
> parameter.
> The new mechanism will avoid to have those ad-hoc classes

This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA

[jira] [Commented] (SLING-3737) Instance Sling Identifier may be randomly reset on restart

2014-07-08 Thread Timothee Maret (JIRA)


Timothee Maret commented on SLING-3737:

bq. I don't want to allow the Sling ID to be easily specified by users. This is 
not the goal of the Sling ID.


I added a new patch leveraging Data[Input|Output]Stream, please shop, improve 
and fix :-)

> Instance Sling Identifier may be randomly reset on restart
> --
> Key: SLING-3737
> URL:
> Project: Sling
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: Extensions
>Affects Versions: Settings 1.3.0
>Reporter: Timothee Maret
>Assignee: Carsten Ziegeler
> Fix For: Settings 1.3.2
> Attachments: SLING-3737.diff, SLING-3737.diff, SLING-3737.diff
> In our Setup, we experience instances changing their Sling identifier upon 
> restart.
> We have experienced only a few occurrences of this issue, but the effect is 
> really bad, turning the services relying on the Sling Identifier into 
> unexpected state (for instance Sling discovery service).
> We have checked that the was present before the issue occurred.
> We also checked that the value in this file was valid (36 byte long UUID).
> Despite having a valid file, the instance sometimes reset the 
> Sling ID upon restart.
> Looking at the latest code in 
> it seems there is a bug in the way the sling id is read from the file 
> {code}
> private String readSlingId(final File idFile) {
> if (idFile.exists() && idFile.length() >= 36) {
> FileInputStream fin = null;
> try {
> fin = new FileInputStream(idFile);
> final byte[] rawBytes = new byte[36];
> if ( == 36) {
> final String rawString = new String(rawBytes, 
> "ISO-8859-1");
> // roundtrip to ensure correct format of UUID value
> final String id = UUID.fromString(rawString).toString();
> logger.debug("Got Sling ID {} from file {}", id, idFile);
> return id;
> }
> } catch (final Throwable t) {
> logger.error("Failed reading UUID from id file " + idFile
> + ", creating new id", t);
> } finally {
> if (fin != null) {
> try {
> fin.close();
> } catch (IOException ignore) {
> }
> }
> }
> }
> return null;
> }
> {code}
> In the line
> {code}
> if ( == 36) {
> {code}
> The code miss uses the API.
> {code}
> /**
>  * Reads up to b.length bytes of data from this input
>  * stream into an array of bytes. This method blocks until some input
>  * is available.
>  *
>  * @param  b   the buffer into which the data is read.
>  * @return the total number of bytes read into the buffer, or
>  * -1 if there is no more data because the end of
>  * the file has been reached.
>  * @exception  IOException  if an I/O error occurs.
>  */
> {code}
> The API stipulates that the method blocks until if finds *some* data.
> This is a common pattern with Java IO APIs, and indeed, the method may return 
> with only one byte read even though the end of the stream was not reached.
> If this is the case, the current logic will treat the slingId as invalid and 
> generate a new one.
> A way to fix that is to read the sling id file completely, for instance using 
> the API
> We are running on CentOS 6.2, JDK 1.7.

This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA

[jira] [Updated] (SLING-3737) Instance Sling Identifier may be randomly reset on restart

2014-07-08 Thread Timothee Maret (JIRA)


Timothee Maret updated SLING-3737:

Attachment: SLING-3737.diff

> Instance Sling Identifier may be randomly reset on restart
> --
> Key: SLING-3737
> URL:
> Project: Sling
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: Extensions
>Affects Versions: Settings 1.3.0
>Reporter: Timothee Maret
>Assignee: Carsten Ziegeler
> Fix For: Settings 1.3.2
> Attachments: SLING-3737.diff, SLING-3737.diff, SLING-3737.diff
> In our Setup, we experience instances changing their Sling identifier upon 
> restart.
> We have experienced only a few occurrences of this issue, but the effect is 
> really bad, turning the services relying on the Sling Identifier into 
> unexpected state (for instance Sling discovery service).
> We have checked that the was present before the issue occurred.
> We also checked that the value in this file was valid (36 byte long UUID).
> Despite having a valid file, the instance sometimes reset the 
> Sling ID upon restart.
> Looking at the latest code in 
> it seems there is a bug in the way the sling id is read from the file 
> {code}
> private String readSlingId(final File idFile) {
> if (idFile.exists() && idFile.length() >= 36) {
> FileInputStream fin = null;
> try {
> fin = new FileInputStream(idFile);
> final byte[] rawBytes = new byte[36];
> if ( == 36) {
> final String rawString = new String(rawBytes, 
> "ISO-8859-1");
> // roundtrip to ensure correct format of UUID value
> final String id = UUID.fromString(rawString).toString();
> logger.debug("Got Sling ID {} from file {}", id, idFile);
> return id;
> }
> } catch (final Throwable t) {
> logger.error("Failed reading UUID from id file " + idFile
> + ", creating new id", t);
> } finally {
> if (fin != null) {
> try {
> fin.close();
> } catch (IOException ignore) {
> }
> }
> }
> }
> return null;
> }
> {code}
> In the line
> {code}
> if ( == 36) {
> {code}
> The code miss uses the API.
> {code}
> /**
>  * Reads up to b.length bytes of data from this input
>  * stream into an array of bytes. This method blocks until some input
>  * is available.
>  *
>  * @param  b   the buffer into which the data is read.
>  * @return the total number of bytes read into the buffer, or
>  * -1 if there is no more data because the end of
>  * the file has been reached.
>  * @exception  IOException  if an I/O error occurs.
>  */
> {code}
> The API stipulates that the method blocks until if finds *some* data.
> This is a common pattern with Java IO APIs, and indeed, the method may return 
> with only one byte read even though the end of the stream was not reached.
> If this is the case, the current logic will treat the slingId as invalid and 
> generate a new one.
> A way to fix that is to read the sling id file completely, for instance using 
> the API
> We are running on CentOS 6.2, JDK 1.7.

This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Sling Scripting Thymeleaf 0.0.2

2014-07-08 Thread Oliver Lietz
On Monday 07 July 2014 21:40:08 Oliver Lietz wrote:
> Hi,
> We solved 1 issue in this release:



Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Sling Scripting Thymeleaf 0.0.2

2014-07-08 Thread Oliver Lietz
On Tuesday 08 July 2014 07:30:26 Chetan Mehrotra wrote:
> Hi Oliver,

Hi Chetan,

> On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 1:10 AM, Oliver Lietz  wrote:
> > sh 1076 /tmp/sling-staging
> +1 for the release.
> All checks ok
> One minor note - Currently quite a few classes are part of public
> package ''. May be all are not
> required in Export-Package like SlingWebContext,
> ThymeleafScriptEngine, ThymeleafScriptEngineFactory.

thanks for having a closer look and sharing your opinion.
They are indeed not required and I will move them to impl before the next 
release. I hadn't a strong opinion on that as some of our other scripting 
bundles handle it similar and some not.


> Chetan Mehrotra

[jira] [Commented] (SLING-3741) When processing deleted folders, check for a covering aggregate higher in the filesytem hierarchy

2014-07-08 Thread Robert Munteanu (JIRA)


Robert Munteanu commented on SLING-3741:

* - simplified 
repository API for deleting nodes
* - when resource 
data is found in a covering parent on a resource delete,  generate an 
add/update operation instead.

[~egli] - with the above changes, folder deletion should no longer be 
problematic, given that the parent's .content.xml is changed beforehand. Can 
you please cross-check?

> When processing deleted folders, check for a covering aggregate higher in the 
> filesytem hierarchy
> -
> Key: SLING-3741
> URL:
> Project: Sling
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: IDE
>Affects Versions: Sling Eclipse IDE 1.0.0
>Reporter: Robert Munteanu
>Assignee: Robert Munteanu
> Fix For: Sling Eclipse IDE 1.0.2
> Attachments:
> Minimal scenario reported by [~egli]
> * Create:
> {code}
> grandparent [nt:unstructured]
> \- parent [nt:unstructured]
>  |- child1 [nt:unstructured]
>  \- child2 [nt:unstructured]
> {code}
> * Then change child2 to sling:Folder
> * Changing child2 back to nt:unstructured then causes the deletion of parent 
> (since I delete parent/child2 and parent folders explicitly, as they are no 
> longer needed)

This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA

[jira] [Commented] (SLING-3737) Instance Sling Identifier may be randomly reset on restart

2014-07-08 Thread Felix Meschberger (JIRA)


Felix Meschberger commented on SLING-3737:

The Sling ID is a machine identifier which is why it is a UUID for good 
uniqueness garantee. I don't want to allow the Sling ID to be easily specified 
by users. This is not the goal of the Sling ID.

> Instance Sling Identifier may be randomly reset on restart
> --
> Key: SLING-3737
> URL:
> Project: Sling
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: Extensions
>Affects Versions: Settings 1.3.0
>Reporter: Timothee Maret
>Assignee: Carsten Ziegeler
> Fix For: Settings 1.3.2
> Attachments: SLING-3737.diff, SLING-3737.diff
> In our Setup, we experience instances changing their Sling identifier upon 
> restart.
> We have experienced only a few occurrences of this issue, but the effect is 
> really bad, turning the services relying on the Sling Identifier into 
> unexpected state (for instance Sling discovery service).
> We have checked that the was present before the issue occurred.
> We also checked that the value in this file was valid (36 byte long UUID).
> Despite having a valid file, the instance sometimes reset the 
> Sling ID upon restart.
> Looking at the latest code in 
> it seems there is a bug in the way the sling id is read from the file 
> {code}
> private String readSlingId(final File idFile) {
> if (idFile.exists() && idFile.length() >= 36) {
> FileInputStream fin = null;
> try {
> fin = new FileInputStream(idFile);
> final byte[] rawBytes = new byte[36];
> if ( == 36) {
> final String rawString = new String(rawBytes, 
> "ISO-8859-1");
> // roundtrip to ensure correct format of UUID value
> final String id = UUID.fromString(rawString).toString();
> logger.debug("Got Sling ID {} from file {}", id, idFile);
> return id;
> }
> } catch (final Throwable t) {
> logger.error("Failed reading UUID from id file " + idFile
> + ", creating new id", t);
> } finally {
> if (fin != null) {
> try {
> fin.close();
> } catch (IOException ignore) {
> }
> }
> }
> }
> return null;
> }
> {code}
> In the line
> {code}
> if ( == 36) {
> {code}
> The code miss uses the API.
> {code}
> /**
>  * Reads up to b.length bytes of data from this input
>  * stream into an array of bytes. This method blocks until some input
>  * is available.
>  *
>  * @param  b   the buffer into which the data is read.
>  * @return the total number of bytes read into the buffer, or
>  * -1 if there is no more data because the end of
>  * the file has been reached.
>  * @exception  IOException  if an I/O error occurs.
>  */
> {code}
> The API stipulates that the method blocks until if finds *some* data.
> This is a common pattern with Java IO APIs, and indeed, the method may return 
> with only one byte read even though the end of the stream was not reached.
> If this is the case, the current logic will treat the slingId as invalid and 
> generate a new one.
> A way to fix that is to read the sling id file completely, for instance using 
> the API
> We are running on CentOS 6.2, JDK 1.7.

This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA

Jenkins build is still unstable: sling-trunk-1.6 #2269

2014-07-08 Thread Apache Jenkins Server

Jenkins build became unstable: sling-trunk-1.6 » Apache Sling Event Support #2269

2014-07-08 Thread Apache Jenkins Server

Jenkins build became unstable: sling-trunk-1.6 » Apache Sling Installer Integration Tests #2269

2014-07-08 Thread Apache Jenkins Server

Jenkins build is still unstable: sling-trunk-1.6 » Apache Sling Launchpad Testing #2269

2014-07-08 Thread Apache Jenkins Server

Jenkins build became unstable: sling-trunk-1.6 » Apache Sling Models Integration Tests #2269

2014-07-08 Thread Apache Jenkins Server

[jira] [Comment Edited] (SLING-3737) Instance Sling Identifier may be randomly reset on restart

2014-07-08 Thread Timothee Maret (JIRA)


Timothee Maret edited comment on SLING-3737 at 7/8/14 12:58 PM:

bq. Timothee Maret DataInputStream.readFully(byte[]) introduces no platform 
dependency since this just makes sure all bytes are read as-is.

Indeed, DataInputStream representation should be compatible among platforms.. 
but AFAIK, it is an opaque binary format.
If the is not meant to be edited, then whatever representation 
would fit.
The DataInputStream has the advantage of not requiring an ad-hoc reader given 
the no external lib constraint.

With the DataInputStream solution, I think it would make sense to offer a way 
to allow users to specify sling identifiers.
This would allow to define structured scheme of identifiers which would be 
easier for a human to deal with.

was (Author: marett):
bq. Timothee Maret DataInputStream.readFully(byte[]) introduces no platform 
dependency since this just makes sure all bytes are read as-is.

Indeed, DataInputStream representation should be compatible among platforms.. 
but AFAIK, it is an opaque binary format.
If the is not meant to be edited, then whatever representation 
would fit.
The DataInputStream has the advantage of not requiring an ad-hoc reader given 
the no external lib constraint.

In any case, I think it would make sense to offer a way to allow users to 
specify sling identifiers.
This would allow to define structured scheme of identifiers which would be 
easier for a human to deal with.

> Instance Sling Identifier may be randomly reset on restart
> --
> Key: SLING-3737
> URL:
> Project: Sling
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: Extensions
>Affects Versions: Settings 1.3.0
>Reporter: Timothee Maret
>Assignee: Carsten Ziegeler
> Fix For: Settings 1.3.2
> Attachments: SLING-3737.diff, SLING-3737.diff
> In our Setup, we experience instances changing their Sling identifier upon 
> restart.
> We have experienced only a few occurrences of this issue, but the effect is 
> really bad, turning the services relying on the Sling Identifier into 
> unexpected state (for instance Sling discovery service).
> We have checked that the was present before the issue occurred.
> We also checked that the value in this file was valid (36 byte long UUID).
> Despite having a valid file, the instance sometimes reset the 
> Sling ID upon restart.
> Looking at the latest code in 
> it seems there is a bug in the way the sling id is read from the file 
> {code}
> private String readSlingId(final File idFile) {
> if (idFile.exists() && idFile.length() >= 36) {
> FileInputStream fin = null;
> try {
> fin = new FileInputStream(idFile);
> final byte[] rawBytes = new byte[36];
> if ( == 36) {
> final String rawString = new String(rawBytes, 
> "ISO-8859-1");
> // roundtrip to ensure correct format of UUID value
> final String id = UUID.fromString(rawString).toString();
> logger.debug("Got Sling ID {} from file {}", id, idFile);
> return id;
> }
> } catch (final Throwable t) {
> logger.error("Failed reading UUID from id file " + idFile
> + ", creating new id", t);
> } finally {
> if (fin != null) {
> try {
> fin.close();
> } catch (IOException ignore) {
> }
> }
> }
> }
> return null;
> }
> {code}
> In the line
> {code}
> if ( == 36) {
> {code}
> The code miss uses the API.
> {code}
> /**
>  * Reads up to b.length bytes of data from this input
>  * stream into an array of bytes. This method blocks until some input
>  * is available.
>  *
>  * @param  b   the buffer into which the data is read.
>  * @return the total number of bytes read into the buffer, or
>  * -1 if there is no more data because the end of
>  * the file has been reached.
>  * @exception  IOException  if an I/O error occurs.
>  */
> {code}
> The API stipulates that the method blocks until if finds *some* data.
> This is a common pattern with Java IO APIs, and indeed, the method may return 
> with only one byte read even though 

[jira] [Commented] (SLING-3290) Long startup time with many vanityPath

2014-07-08 Thread Antonio Sanso (JIRA)


Antonio Sanso commented on SLING-3290:

added performance test in rev. r1608751

> Long startup time with many vanityPath
> --
> Key: SLING-3290
> URL:
> Project: Sling
>  Issue Type: Improvement
>  Components: ResourceResolver
>Reporter: Antonio Sanso
>Assignee: Antonio Sanso
>  Labels: vanity
> Attachments: StartupWithManyVanityPath.jpg
> When many vanityPath or alias are present the system take long time to 
> startup , Same when a vanityPath/alias is removed or updated .
> The reason behind is the usage of a query that updates the global mapentry.
> I have added a new Test to the performance test suite and this is the outcome
> {code}
> 0 vanityPath  16ms
> 1  vanityPath 19ms
> 10 vanityPath 70ms
> 100 vanityPath111ms
> 1000 vanityPath   200ms
> 1 vanityPath  1173ms
> 3 vanityPath  3358ms
> {code}

This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA

[jira] [Commented] (SLING-3737) Instance Sling Identifier may be randomly reset on restart

2014-07-08 Thread Timothee Maret (JIRA)


Timothee Maret commented on SLING-3737:

bq. Timothee Maret DataInputStream.readFully(byte[]) introduces no platform 
dependency since this just makes sure all bytes are read as-is.

Indeed, DataInputStream representation should be compatible among platforms.. 
but AFAIK, it is an opaque binary format.
If the is not meant to be edited, then whatever representation 
would fit.
The DataInputStream has the advantage of not requiring an ad-hoc reader given 
the no external lib constraint.

In any case, I think it would make sense to offer a way to allow users to 
specify sling identifiers.
This would allow to define structured scheme of identifiers which would be 
easier for a human to deal with.

> Instance Sling Identifier may be randomly reset on restart
> --
> Key: SLING-3737
> URL:
> Project: Sling
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: Extensions
>Affects Versions: Settings 1.3.0
>Reporter: Timothee Maret
>Assignee: Carsten Ziegeler
> Fix For: Settings 1.3.2
> Attachments: SLING-3737.diff, SLING-3737.diff
> In our Setup, we experience instances changing their Sling identifier upon 
> restart.
> We have experienced only a few occurrences of this issue, but the effect is 
> really bad, turning the services relying on the Sling Identifier into 
> unexpected state (for instance Sling discovery service).
> We have checked that the was present before the issue occurred.
> We also checked that the value in this file was valid (36 byte long UUID).
> Despite having a valid file, the instance sometimes reset the 
> Sling ID upon restart.
> Looking at the latest code in 
> it seems there is a bug in the way the sling id is read from the file 
> {code}
> private String readSlingId(final File idFile) {
> if (idFile.exists() && idFile.length() >= 36) {
> FileInputStream fin = null;
> try {
> fin = new FileInputStream(idFile);
> final byte[] rawBytes = new byte[36];
> if ( == 36) {
> final String rawString = new String(rawBytes, 
> "ISO-8859-1");
> // roundtrip to ensure correct format of UUID value
> final String id = UUID.fromString(rawString).toString();
> logger.debug("Got Sling ID {} from file {}", id, idFile);
> return id;
> }
> } catch (final Throwable t) {
> logger.error("Failed reading UUID from id file " + idFile
> + ", creating new id", t);
> } finally {
> if (fin != null) {
> try {
> fin.close();
> } catch (IOException ignore) {
> }
> }
> }
> }
> return null;
> }
> {code}
> In the line
> {code}
> if ( == 36) {
> {code}
> The code miss uses the API.
> {code}
> /**
>  * Reads up to b.length bytes of data from this input
>  * stream into an array of bytes. This method blocks until some input
>  * is available.
>  *
>  * @param  b   the buffer into which the data is read.
>  * @return the total number of bytes read into the buffer, or
>  * -1 if there is no more data because the end of
>  * the file has been reached.
>  * @exception  IOException  if an I/O error occurs.
>  */
> {code}
> The API stipulates that the method blocks until if finds *some* data.
> This is a common pattern with Java IO APIs, and indeed, the method may return 
> with only one byte read even though the end of the stream was not reached.
> If this is the case, the current logic will treat the slingId as invalid and 
> generate a new one.
> A way to fix that is to read the sling id file completely, for instance using 
> the API
> We are running on CentOS 6.2, JDK 1.7.

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Jenkins build is still unstable: sling-trunk-1.7 #643

2014-07-08 Thread Apache Jenkins Server

Jenkins build is still unstable: sling-trunk-1.7 » Apache Sling Launchpad Testing #643

2014-07-08 Thread Apache Jenkins Server

Jenkins build became unstable: sling-trunk-1.7 » Apache Sling Resource Access Security Integration Tests #643

2014-07-08 Thread Apache Jenkins Server

Jenkins build became unstable: sling-trunk-1.7 » Apache Sling Models Integration Tests #643

2014-07-08 Thread Apache Jenkins Server

[jira] [Resolved] (SLING-3712) Increase code coverage for MapEntries

2014-07-08 Thread Antonio Sanso (JIRA)


Antonio Sanso resolved SLING-3712.

   Resolution: Fixed
Fix Version/s: Resource Resolver 1.1.2

> Increase code coverage for MapEntries
> -
> Key: SLING-3712
> URL:
> Project: Sling
>  Issue Type: Task
>  Components: ResourceResolver
>Reporter: Antonio Sanso
>Assignee: Antonio Sanso
>Priority: Minor
> Fix For: Resource Resolver 1.1.2
> With SLING-3505 the internal of the MapEntries class has changed quite 
> substantially hence it would be good to increase the code coverage of this 
> area

This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA

Re: Eclipse stuff, source vs. convenience binaries

2014-07-08 Thread Robert Munteanu
On Tue, 2014-07-08 at 14:27 +0200, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
> Hi,
> On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 2:05 PM, Robert Munteanu  wrote:
> > ...So what should the next step from me be? Upload the source bundle for
> > 1.0.0 release and restart the 1.0.0 vote?...
> I think you can just put the 1.0.0 source archive somewhere
> ( for example) so that we can vote to add it
> to the existing 1.0.0 release at dist/release/sling/eclipse. No need
> to update what was released on Maven as that's only convenience
> binaries anyway.

Ack, I'll prepare a source bundle today and upload it to my personal
space for voting.



[jira] [Updated] (SLING-3741) When processing deleted folders, check for a covering aggregate higher in the filesytem hierarchy

2014-07-08 Thread Stefan Egli (JIRA)


Stefan Egli updated SLING-3741:


bq. I'm not sure this example is correct.
I've attached a sample (partial!) zip which contains the two .content.xml that 
I've played around with. I do get that structure starting with 'grandpa' 
aggregated into one .content.xml though..

> When processing deleted folders, check for a covering aggregate higher in the 
> filesytem hierarchy
> -
> Key: SLING-3741
> URL:
> Project: Sling
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: IDE
>Affects Versions: Sling Eclipse IDE 1.0.0
>Reporter: Robert Munteanu
>Assignee: Robert Munteanu
> Fix For: Sling Eclipse IDE 1.0.2
> Attachments:
> Minimal scenario reported by [~egli]
> * Create:
> {code}
> grandparent [nt:unstructured]
> \- parent [nt:unstructured]
>  |- child1 [nt:unstructured]
>  \- child2 [nt:unstructured]
> {code}
> * Then change child2 to sling:Folder
> * Changing child2 back to nt:unstructured then causes the deletion of parent 
> (since I delete parent/child2 and parent folders explicitly, as they are no 
> longer needed)

This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA

Re: Eclipse stuff, source vs. convenience binaries

2014-07-08 Thread Bertrand Delacretaz

On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 2:05 PM, Robert Munteanu  wrote:
> ...So what should the next step from me be? Upload the source bundle for
> 1.0.0 release and restart the 1.0.0 vote?...

I think you can just put the 1.0.0 source archive somewhere
( for example) so that we can vote to add it
to the existing 1.0.0 release at dist/release/sling/eclipse. No need
to update what was released on Maven as that's only convenience
binaries anyway.


[jira] [Commented] (SLING-3741) When processing deleted folders, check for a covering aggregate higher in the filesytem hierarchy

2014-07-08 Thread Robert Munteanu (JIRA)


Robert Munteanu commented on SLING-3741:

I was able to reproduce the problem with a slightly different content 
structure. Starting with:

mapping [sling:Mapping]
\- jcr:content [nt:unstructured]
 \- par [nt:unstructured]
  \- folder [sling:Folder] 

delete the {{mapping/_jcr_content}} folder. 

> When processing deleted folders, check for a covering aggregate higher in the 
> filesytem hierarchy
> -
> Key: SLING-3741
> URL:
> Project: Sling
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: IDE
>Affects Versions: Sling Eclipse IDE 1.0.0
>Reporter: Robert Munteanu
>Assignee: Robert Munteanu
> Fix For: Sling Eclipse IDE 1.0.2
> Minimal scenario reported by [~egli]
> * Create:
> {code}
> grandparent [nt:unstructured]
> \- parent [nt:unstructured]
>  |- child1 [nt:unstructured]
>  \- child2 [nt:unstructured]
> {code}
> * Then change child2 to sling:Folder
> * Changing child2 back to nt:unstructured then causes the deletion of parent 
> (since I delete parent/child2 and parent folders explicitly, as they are no 
> longer needed)

This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA

[jira] [Updated] (SLING-3747) Provide a way to signal Jcr Installer to pause and resume scanning

2014-07-08 Thread Chetan Mehrotra (JIRA)


Chetan Mehrotra updated SLING-3747:

Attachment: SLING-3747-1.patch

Updated patch[|^SLING-3747-1.patch]

bq. I have the suspicion, that the property event may not always be caught if 
the /system/sling/installer/jcr node is removed instead of the property. In 
fact the listener is also not triggered if the property is removed.

Updated the code to also look for property removed. It would address both the 
above cases

bq. I wonder whether it would be sufficient to just check for the property 
during runOneCycle and ignore the cycle if the property is set ?

The check is being done in the while loop which invokes the runOneCycle. If we 
trip inside runOneCycle then it might cause issue as needScan flag of various 
folders would have been reset and we might loose info from those folders if no 
change happen in them by the time we run next cycle while running

> Provide a way to signal Jcr Installer to pause and resume scanning
> --
> Key: SLING-3747
> URL:
> Project: Sling
>  Issue Type: New Feature
>  Components: Installer
>Reporter: Chetan Mehrotra
> Attachments: SLING-3747-1.patch, SLING-3747.patch
> Currently Sling Installer JCR Provider would listen for observation event and 
> would perform a rescan every 500 msec upon receiving any observation event. 
> This at times cause issue when large number of bundles get updated in 
> repository say via installation of bug fixing content package. Further if 
> same content package also updates the repository bundle then it causes issues 
> as repository bundle might get updated midway while content package is still 
> being deployed
> Based on [~fmeschbe] suggestion this can be done via introducing a signalling 
> mechanism between component which installs package and JCR Installer. It 
> would work something like this
> # JCR Installer would listen to changes done to property 
> {{/system/sling/installer/jcr/pauseInstallation}}
> # Package installer would set the above flag to true before installing the 
> package and reset it back to false post installation
> # If JCR Installer detects that flag is set to true it would not scan the 
> watch folders untill it get reset back to false
> This should also address the issue in cluster deployment

This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA

Re: Eclipse stuff, source vs. convenience binaries

2014-07-08 Thread Robert Munteanu
On Tue, 2014-07-08 at 13:59 +0200, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 9:13 AM, Robert Munteanu  wrote:
> > On Mon, 2014-07-07 at 11:58 +0200, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
> >>...if you can put it in
> >> in a
> >> way that doesn't disturb Eclipse that's probably best?
> >>
> >> And add a link to that file to the
> >> page with a
> >> recommendation to build from source?
> >
> > Yes, I'll do both of the above, after we've clarified that indeed it's
> > OK to upload the source bundle...
> If we didn't vote on that source bundle we need to do that, so its a
> decision of the PMC to release it.

So what should the next step from me be? Upload the source bundle for
1.0.0 release and restart the 1.0.0 vote? Or rather take down the 1.0.0
release and start the 1.0.2 release vote?

And what should the process be? Would it be acceptable from a release
POV if I

1. Uploaded a source bundle in a staging repo, which can undergo the
regular release process
2. Once the vote is successful, drop the staging repo ( since the source
bundle is not a usable Maven artifact ) and upload the following
artifacts to dist/release/sling/eclipse ( names shortened just for this
email )

- 1.0.0/
- 1.0.0/
- 1.0.0/(all jars/xmls required for a p2 update site )



Re: Eclipse stuff, source vs. convenience binaries

2014-07-08 Thread Bertrand Delacretaz
On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 9:13 AM, Robert Munteanu  wrote:
> On Mon, 2014-07-07 at 11:58 +0200, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
>>...if you can put it in
>> in a
>> way that doesn't disturb Eclipse that's probably best?
>> And add a link to that file to the
>> page with a
>> recommendation to build from source?
> Yes, I'll do both of the above, after we've clarified that indeed it's
> OK to upload the source bundle...

If we didn't vote on that source bundle we need to do that, so its a
decision of the PMC to release it.


[jira] [Commented] (SLING-3747) Provide a way to signal Jcr Installer to pause and resume scanning

2014-07-08 Thread Felix Meschberger (JIRA)


Felix Meschberger commented on SLING-3747:

Thanks for providing the patch.

Some remarks:

* runOneCycle should probably also check for the property
* I have the suspicion, that the property event may not always be caught if the 
{{/system/sling/installer/jcr}} node is removed instead of the property. In 
fact the listener is also not triggered if the property is removed.

I wonder whether it would be sufficient to just check for the property during 
runOneCycle and ignore the cycle if the property is set ?

> Provide a way to signal Jcr Installer to pause and resume scanning
> --
> Key: SLING-3747
> URL:
> Project: Sling
>  Issue Type: New Feature
>  Components: Installer
>Reporter: Chetan Mehrotra
> Attachments: SLING-3747.patch
> Currently Sling Installer JCR Provider would listen for observation event and 
> would perform a rescan every 500 msec upon receiving any observation event. 
> This at times cause issue when large number of bundles get updated in 
> repository say via installation of bug fixing content package. Further if 
> same content package also updates the repository bundle then it causes issues 
> as repository bundle might get updated midway while content package is still 
> being deployed
> Based on [~fmeschbe] suggestion this can be done via introducing a signalling 
> mechanism between component which installs package and JCR Installer. It 
> would work something like this
> # JCR Installer would listen to changes done to property 
> {{/system/sling/installer/jcr/pauseInstallation}}
> # Package installer would set the above flag to true before installing the 
> package and reset it back to false post installation
> # If JCR Installer detects that flag is set to true it would not scan the 
> watch folders untill it get reset back to false
> This should also address the issue in cluster deployment

This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA

Jenkins build is still unstable: sling-trunk-1.6 #2268

2014-07-08 Thread Apache Jenkins Server

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