Re: JSF vs. Struts

2005-08-11 Thread Frank W. Zammetti
I personally think all this exploration is a Very Good Thing(tm).  There 
are a vast number of different ideas out there as to how a modern 
application framework should be built.  Mistakes have been made over the 
years, lessons have been learned, but we don't all agree on what the 
mistakes were or what the lessons are!  If that sounds bad to anyone, it 
isn't.  It's quite the opposite and is the only way healthy debate and 
ultimately progress is made.

At some point we're going to have to all weed out the options that don't 
quite measure up, and that will happen via simple market forces (the 
market in this case being mostly developer mind share), but I don't 
think that time is now, so the more experimentation, the better.

I for one am not willing to declare one thing better than another... I 
regret having done that in the past prematurely, and certainly not in a 
manner I'm especially proud of.  So, I'm certainly not going to make the 
same mistake twice.

I'm still not sold on JSF, that much has not changed.  I do however 
think there is some decent ideas underpinning it, which is also the case 
for many of the other frameworks and approaches out there, so declaring 
JSF or anything else for that matter a failure now is probably not fair 
either.  I do think Jack's point about JSF being around for a while and 
not really setting the world on fire is fair, although that doesn't mean 
it has failed, just that it's going a little slower than hoped.  My take 
on JSF is simply this: we'll see.  I'm not sold yet, but I'm not willing 
to say I never will be.

As for Shale, I'm not sure I understand why Rod or anyone says that 
Struts and JSF are not compatible... if the thinking is that the result 
will be quite a bit different from Struts as we know it today, then I 
suppose he might be right.  That to me doesn't make them incompatible 
though.  From what I have seen of JSF, and what I know of Struts, I can 
conceive of ways they could be fit together.  I haven't had a chance to 
get into Shale yet, but I have no doubt many of those ideas, and many 
more I haven't thought of, are present.  Why they are incompatible I 
just don't get, and I don't care who is making the claim, no matter how 
well-respected they are, I need to see some real, concrete examples 
before I'm convinced.

Struts Ti looks pretty interesting... many of the ideas that were 
described here a few days ago were quite good in my mind.  Should it be 
the future of Struts?  I don't know yet, and I'm not even sure those 
developing it would be willing to say that at this juncture.  It's 
another possible path, another exploration of possibilities, and that's 

One thing is for sure: most of us look back on the way we developed 
applications just five years ago and wonder why we ever did things that 
way.  I have absolutely no doubt we'll be doing the same thing in 
another five years.  I too would like to see less hype sometimes, but 
promoting ones' ideas is human nature.  If you think you have a 
compelling answer, or even the One True Answer, you tell people about it 
and try and convince them.  That's hype.  It may not always be helpful, 
but it's perfectly natural :)


Dakota Jack wrote:

I have to agree personally with Rod Johnson J2EE without EJBs,
Spring framework architect, etc., when he says that Shale is merely a
stopgap and that Struts as we know it is simply incompatible with JSF.
 That seems fairly obvious and I find it hard to believe that anyone
familiar with the issues would think any differently.  I personally
would not hire anyone would thought differently, whether they like JSF
or not.

JSF is not new.  JSF has been around forever, so it cannot be the
cutting edge.  If it is cutting, it is the cutting middle and almost
the cutting tailend.  The JSF idea has been around even longer with
all sorts of frameworks which I personally think do it better. 
Indeed, I think it fair to say that one of the main architects of the

JSF framework has said as much but has to feed his family.

Certainly, if you like JSF, knock yourself out.  Love it to death.  I
don't care.  I only care about giving people that ask a fair
evaluation of the product without the hype.

On 8/10/05, Don Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Quick correction: Struts is _not_ forking in any sense of the word.
Struts Ti is a sandbox project several of us are working on as an
exploration of a simplified framework more like Ruby on Rails than
JSF.  It has not been accepted as a Struts subproject, just as Shale
has not been accepted as Struts 2.0.

The Struts project is currently in, what I would call, a state of
exploration.  In addition to Shale and Ti, there are other projects
like Struts Overdrive, Struts Flow, etc., which are also exploring
different aspects of web development.  Of course, there will be Struts
classic still for a long time to come which will continue to forego
active development.

I think Struts is realizing there is no one 

Re: Struts website

2005-08-11 Thread Wendy Smoak

Thanks for all the feedback and suggestions for the new site.  Here's a
second draft, incorporating as many of the suggestions as I could get to:

- Navigation to subprojects is now consolidated near the top of the menu.
- If a subproject has a directory on the existing site, (bsf, flow, shale,)
the link goes to that documentation.
- If there is no existing documentation (sandbox, etc.) then the link goes
to the Maven-generated page.
- The 'Overview' at the top of the Projects menu lists all of the
Maven-generated pages, so they are all accessible.
- The subprojects are directly under the root of the website (not under a
directory called 'multiproject' any longer.)

I have not yet had time to look at the taglib documentation so that's still

I'll do something to get the JavaDoc back into the 'Documentation' menu--
probably just a page that links to the Javadoc for each subproject.  (Maven
the links under Project Reports - JavaDoc for each subproject.)

Ted wrote:

* The Download links could point to anchors on the Acquiring page, to
provide a single gateway.

I changed the download links to point to the Acquiring page.  The anchors,
however, are a problem.

Maven links to as the
accepted structure for the xml docs.  And that includes neither the 'href'
attribute that we're using to render anchors, nor the chapter tag that
appears in the userGuide docs.

The XSLT is using the 'name' attribute as both the text for the section
headers _and_ the anchor name, and is ignoring the 'href' attribute

The chapter tags are also ignored.  I changed them to empty section tags
to get the text to appear.  Unless chapter is important for some reason
I'm not aware of, (docbook?) those can probably be changed to
section/subsection tags.

Getting the anchors to work like they used to is probably going to require
modifying the XSL stylesheet
(.maven\cache\maven-xdoc-plugin-1.9.1\plugin-resources\site.jsl) and setting
a property to tell Maven to use our stylesheet.

I'm keeping notes on the site conversion here for now:

I will post a site conversion plan on the Struts Wiki tonight.  I'm planning
to do the initial copy from core/docs to build/xdocs in the repository no
earlier than Friday night.


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RE: JSF vs. Struts

2005-08-11 Thread Matthias Wessendorf

 -Original Message-
 From: Frank W. Zammetti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2005 8:44 AM
 To: Struts Developers List
 Subject: Re: JSF vs. Struts
 I personally think all this exploration is a Very Good 
 Thing(tm).  There 
 are a vast number of different ideas out there as to how a modern 
 application framework should be built.  Mistakes have been 
 made over the 
 years, lessons have been learned, but we don't all agree on what the 
 mistakes were or what the lessons are!  If that sounds bad to 
 anyone, it 
 isn't.  It's quite the opposite and is the only way healthy 
 debate and 
 ultimately progress is made.
 At some point we're going to have to all weed out the options 
 that don't 
 quite measure up, and that will happen via simple market forces (the 
 market in this case being mostly developer mind share), but I don't 
 think that time is now, so the more experimentation, the better.
 I for one am not willing to declare one thing better than 
 another... I 
 regret having done that in the past prematurely, and 
 certainly not in a 
 manner I'm especially proud of.  So, I'm certainly not going 
 to make the 
 same mistake twice.
 I'm still not sold on JSF, that much has not changed.  I do however 
 think there is some decent ideas underpinning it, which is 
 also the case 
 for many of the other frameworks and approaches out there, so 
 JSF or anything else for that matter a failure now is 
 probably not fair 
 either.  I do think Jack's point about JSF being around for a 
 while and 
 not really setting the world on fire is fair, although that 
 doesn't mean 
 it has failed, just that it's going a little slower than 
 hoped.  My take 
 on JSF is simply this: we'll see.  I'm not sold yet, but I'm 
 not willing 
 to say I never will be.
 As for Shale, I'm not sure I understand why Rod or anyone says that 
 Struts and JSF are not compatible... if the thinking is that 
 the result 
 will be quite a bit different from Struts as we know it today, then I 
 suppose he might be right.  That to me doesn't make them incompatible 
 though.  From what I have seen of JSF, and what I know of 
 Struts, I can 
 conceive of ways they could be fit together.  I haven't had a 
 chance to 
 get into Shale yet, but I have no doubt many of those ideas, and many 
 more I haven't thought of, are present.  Why they are incompatible I 
 just don't get, and I don't care who is making the claim, no 
 matter how 
 well-respected they are, I need to see some real, concrete examples 
 before I'm convinced.
 Struts Ti looks pretty interesting... many of the ideas that were 
 described here a few days ago were quite good in my mind.  
 Should it be 
 the future of Struts?  I don't know yet, and I'm not even sure those 
 developing it would be willing to say that at this juncture.  It's 
 another possible path, another exploration of possibilities, 
 and that's 
 One thing is for sure: most of us look back on the way we developed 
 applications just five years ago and wonder why we ever did 
 things that 
 way.  I have absolutely no doubt we'll be doing the same thing in 
 another five years.  I too would like to see less hype sometimes, but 
 promoting ones' ideas is human nature.  If you think you have a 
 compelling answer, or even the One True Answer, you tell 
 people about it 
 and try and convince them.  That's hype.  It may not always 
 be helpful, 
 but it's perfectly natural :)
 Dakota Jack wrote:
  I have to agree personally with Rod Johnson J2EE without EJBs,
  Spring framework architect, etc., when he says that Shale 
 is merely a
  stopgap and that Struts as we know it is simply 
 incompatible with JSF.
   That seems fairly obvious and I find it hard to believe that anyone
  familiar with the issues would think any differently.  I personally
  would not hire anyone would thought differently, whether 
 they like JSF
  or not.
  JSF is not new.  JSF has been around forever, so it cannot be the
  cutting edge.  If it is cutting, it is the cutting middle 
 and almost
  the cutting tailend.  The JSF idea has been around even 
 longer with
  all sorts of frameworks which I personally think do it better. 
  Indeed, I think it fair to say that one of the main 
 architects of the
  JSF framework has said as much but has to feed his family.
  Certainly, if you like JSF, knock yourself out.  Love it to 
 death.  I
  don't care.  I only care about giving people that ask a fair
  evaluation of the product without the hype.
  On 8/10/05, Don Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Quick correction: Struts is _not_ forking in any sense of the word.
 Struts Ti is a sandbox project several of us are working on as an
 exploration of a simplified framework more like Ruby on Rails than
 JSF.  It has not been accepted as a Struts subproject, just as Shale
 has not been accepted as Struts 2.0.
 The Struts project is 

Re: JSF vs. Struts

2005-08-11 Thread Dakota Jack
I think that most everyone would agree that exploration is a very good
thing.  At least I have not run into the people who take the opposite

Unfortunately, I think there is a definite disconnect between market
forces and what is the best product.  This is particularly true with
the computer industry, in my experience.  Market forces include hype,
and if you want the industry to do well, you are certainly obligated
to meet hype with hype.

The next email in this thread references an individual's thoughts on
JSF versus other options.  This reference leaves out stuff that is
more than relevant.  That is how it works.  JSF is struggling, so they
are playing hardball at the top.  I think that is okay.  I can play in
that ballpark.  I wish so many people were not toadies though and
would participate instead of choosing a leader for themselves.

However, exploration is great. Wonnderful, wonnderful!
I don't think that there is that much to computer programming.  It
really is not rocket science.  And, I don't think the advances have
been that great in the last five years, except in the market place.  I
have used at least five different frameworks equal to or better than
Struts and certainly better than JSF before five years ago.  I think
we do not see often how much there is out there in companies that do
not use open source.

On 8/10/05, Frank W. Zammetti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I personally think all this exploration is a Very Good Thing(tm).  There
 are a vast number of different ideas out there as to how a modern
 application framework should be built.  Mistakes have been made over the
 years, lessons have been learned, but we don't all agree on what the
 mistakes were or what the lessons are!  If that sounds bad to anyone, it
 isn't.  It's quite the opposite and is the only way healthy debate and
 ultimately progress is made.
 At some point we're going to have to all weed out the options that don't
 quite measure up, and that will happen via simple market forces (the
 market in this case being mostly developer mind share), but I don't
 think that time is now, so the more experimentation, the better.
 I for one am not willing to declare one thing better than another... I
 regret having done that in the past prematurely, and certainly not in a
 manner I'm especially proud of.  So, I'm certainly not going to make the
 same mistake twice.
 I'm still not sold on JSF, that much has not changed.  I do however
 think there is some decent ideas underpinning it, which is also the case
 for many of the other frameworks and approaches out there, so declaring
 JSF or anything else for that matter a failure now is probably not fair
 either.  I do think Jack's point about JSF being around for a while and
 not really setting the world on fire is fair, although that doesn't mean
 it has failed, just that it's going a little slower than hoped.  My take
 on JSF is simply this: we'll see.  I'm not sold yet, but I'm not willing
 to say I never will be.
 As for Shale, I'm not sure I understand why Rod or anyone says that
 Struts and JSF are not compatible... if the thinking is that the result
 will be quite a bit different from Struts as we know it today, then I
 suppose he might be right.  That to me doesn't make them incompatible
 though.  From what I have seen of JSF, and what I know of Struts, I can
 conceive of ways they could be fit together.  I haven't had a chance to
 get into Shale yet, but I have no doubt many of those ideas, and many
 more I haven't thought of, are present.  Why they are incompatible I
 just don't get, and I don't care who is making the claim, no matter how
 well-respected they are, I need to see some real, concrete examples
 before I'm convinced.
 Struts Ti looks pretty interesting... many of the ideas that were
 described here a few days ago were quite good in my mind.  Should it be
 the future of Struts?  I don't know yet, and I'm not even sure those
 developing it would be willing to say that at this juncture.  It's
 another possible path, another exploration of possibilities, and that's
 One thing is for sure: most of us look back on the way we developed
 applications just five years ago and wonder why we ever did things that
 way.  I have absolutely no doubt we'll be doing the same thing in
 another five years.  I too would like to see less hype sometimes, but
 promoting ones' ideas is human nature.  If you think you have a
 compelling answer, or even the One True Answer, you tell people about it
 and try and convince them.  That's hype.  It may not always be helpful,
 but it's perfectly natural :)
 Dakota Jack wrote:
  I have to agree personally with Rod Johnson J2EE without EJBs,
  Spring framework architect, etc., when he says that Shale is merely a
  stopgap and that Struts as we know it is simply incompatible with JSF.
   That seems fairly obvious and I find it hard to believe that anyone
  familiar with the issues would think any differently.  I 

Re: Struts website

2005-08-11 Thread Don Brown
Very nice!  The only thing I noticed is could the author, see also, etc. 
metadata for a document be placed at the bottom instead of the top?  Now 
that we are rendering that, I'll need to go clean it up :)

Thanks again!


Wendy Smoak wrote:

Thanks for all the feedback and suggestions for the new site.  Here's a
second draft, incorporating as many of the suggestions as I could get to:

- Navigation to subprojects is now consolidated near the top of the menu.
- If a subproject has a directory on the existing site, (bsf, flow, shale,)
the link goes to that documentation.
- If there is no existing documentation (sandbox, etc.) then the link goes
to the Maven-generated page.
- The 'Overview' at the top of the Projects menu lists all of the
Maven-generated pages, so they are all accessible.
- The subprojects are directly under the root of the website (not under a
directory called 'multiproject' any longer.)

I have not yet had time to look at the taglib documentation so that's still

I'll do something to get the JavaDoc back into the 'Documentation' menu--
probably just a page that links to the Javadoc for each subproject.  (Maven
the links under Project Reports - JavaDoc for each subproject.)

Ted wrote:

* The Download links could point to anchors on the Acquiring page, to
provide a single gateway.

I changed the download links to point to the Acquiring page.  The anchors,
however, are a problem.

Maven links to as the
accepted structure for the xml docs.  And that includes neither the 'href'
attribute that we're using to render anchors, nor the chapter tag that
appears in the userGuide docs.

The XSLT is using the 'name' attribute as both the text for the section
headers _and_ the anchor name, and is ignoring the 'href' attribute

The chapter tags are also ignored.  I changed them to empty section 

to get the text to appear.  Unless chapter is important for some reason
I'm not aware of, (docbook?) those can probably be changed to
section/subsection tags.

Getting the anchors to work like they used to is probably going to require
modifying the XSL stylesheet
(.maven\cache\maven-xdoc-plugin-1.9.1\plugin-resources\site.jsl) and 

a property to tell Maven to use our stylesheet.

I'm keeping notes on the site conversion here for now:

I will post a site conversion plan on the Struts Wiki tonight.  I'm 

to do the initial copy from core/docs to build/xdocs in the repository no
earlier than Friday night.


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Re: Struts website

2005-08-11 Thread David Geary

Excellent work, Wendy. I know you've done a great deal of work
on this and we all appreciate it. Even if you are using Maven.


Le 05-08-11 à 07:25, Wendy Smoak a écrit :

Thanks for all the feedback and suggestions for the new site.   
Here's a
second draft, incorporating as many of the suggestions as I could  
get to:

- Navigation to subprojects is now consolidated near the top of the  
- If a subproject has a directory on the existing site, (bsf, flow,  

the link goes to that documentation.
- If there is no existing documentation (sandbox, etc.) then the  
link goes

to the Maven-generated page.
- The 'Overview' at the top of the Projects menu lists all of the
Maven-generated pages, so they are all accessible.
- The subprojects are directly under the root of the website (not  
under a

directory called 'multiproject' any longer.)

I have not yet had time to look at the taglib documentation so  
that's still


I'll do something to get the JavaDoc back into the 'Documentation'  
probably just a page that links to the Javadoc for each  
subproject.  (Maven

the links under Project Reports - JavaDoc for each subproject.)

Ted wrote:

* The Download links could point to anchors on the Acquiring page, to
provide a single gateway.

I changed the download links to point to the Acquiring page.  The  

however, are a problem.

Maven links to as  
accepted structure for the xml docs.  And that includes neither the  
attribute that we're using to render anchors, nor the chapter tag  

appears in the userGuide docs.

The XSLT is using the 'name' attribute as both the text for the  

headers _and_ the anchor name, and is ignoring the 'href' attribute

The chapter tags are also ignored.  I changed them to empty  
section tags
to get the text to appear.  Unless chapter is important for some  

I'm not aware of, (docbook?) those can probably be changed to
section/subsection tags.

Getting the anchors to work like they used to is probably going to  

modifying the XSL stylesheet
and setting

a property to tell Maven to use our stylesheet.

I'm keeping notes on the site conversion here for now:

I will post a site conversion plan on the Struts Wiki tonight.  I'm  
to do the initial copy from core/docs to build/xdocs in the  
repository no

earlier than Friday night.


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Re: struts-faces won't compile

2005-08-11 Thread Craig McClanahan
On 8/11/05, Michael Rasmussen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I know this issue came up about a year ago that struts-faces
 wouldn't compile against the latest version of Struts (I think it was
 a validator issue).  It makes sense to me that it should always work
 with the latest version of Struts.  I think it would serve the project
 well to cut a *.0 release of struts-faces and give it a 1.1-1.2.x
 compatability...after that put it into maintenence mode.  Then cut a
 new *.0 release that brings struts-faces up to date with struts
 I haven't been following faces too closely lately...has it gone to 1.x
 yet?  If so, maybe this Struts dependency change to 1.2.x should
 denote a v 2.0?
 I totally understand that the target audience for struts-faces is the
 developer trying to migrate a struts app off of struts to jsf.  I have
 a hard time (and sort of balked at struts-faces because of it)
 commiting to a path that may force me to run my app on struts 1.2.x
 and 1.3 in paralell if I decide later that JSF just won't get it done
 for me.  Basically I just mean that I am forced to limit my options if
 I use struts-faces, and I thought the spirit of the library was to
 increase my options.

The Maven-generated build script has been getting tweaked lately, and
does indeed impose a Struts 1.2 dependency.  I'll have to take a look
at that -- but there seem to have been some incompatible changes in
the underlying utility classes that is going to make supporting both
1.1 and 1.2 interesting -- let alone supporting 1.3 as well.

NB - the nightly builds are compiled against 1.2.6 at the moment.

 My $0.02


 On 8/8/05, Craig McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On 8/8/05, Wendy Smoak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   From: Craig McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Maybe the Maven mavens can figure out a way to share the build
infrastructure without sharing the dependency information?
   Not a problem... just change the dependency in project.xml.  Looks like it
   needs at least 1.2.2 to compile.  (It won't compile against Struts 1.1.
   Should it?)
  Given that Struts changed incompatibly, I'm ok with 1.2.x as a
  restriction.  But doesn't that mean we still need an independent
  project.xml file instead of a shared one?
   If it makes sense, we can remove the extendbuild/project.xml/extend 
   project.xml, and that will make the build stand on its own.  That
   seems more appropriate for Tiles than Struts-Faces, though.
  Yep ... but without disrupting all the subprojects that *do* want to
  share dependencies.  Maybe another opportunity to use SVN externals
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svn commit: r231510 - /struts/flow/trunk/src/java/org/apache/struts/flow/sugar/

2005-08-11 Thread mrdon
Author: mrdon
Date: Thu Aug 11 13:37:20 2005
New Revision: 231510

Adding code to grow list as needed to better mimic javascript behavior

PR: 36039


--- struts/flow/trunk/src/java/org/apache/struts/flow/sugar/ 
+++ struts/flow/trunk/src/java/org/apache/struts/flow/sugar/ 
Thu Aug 11 13:37:20 2005
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
  * Copyright 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
- * 
+ *
  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License);
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
+ *
- * 
+ *
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
@@ -20,63 +20,87 @@
 import java.util.*;
- * Wrap a java.util.List for JavaScript.
- */
+/**  Wrap a java.util.List for JavaScript.  */
 public class ScriptableList extends JavaObjectWrapper implements Scriptable, 
Wrapper, Serializable {
 private List list;
 public ScriptableList() {
 this.list = list;
 public ScriptableList(List list) {
 this.list = list;
 this.javaObject = javaObject;
 public ScriptableList(Scriptable scope, Object javaObject, Class 
staticType, Map funcs) {
 super(scope, javaObject, staticType, funcs);
 if (javaObject instanceof List) {
-this.list = (List)javaObject;
+this.list = (List) javaObject;
 } else {
-throw new IllegalArgumentException(Passed object +javaObject+ 
is not an instance of List);
+throw new IllegalArgumentException(Passed object  + javaObject + 
 is not an instance of List);
 public String getClassName() {
 return staticType.toString();
 public boolean has(int index, Scriptable start) {
-return (list.get(index) != null);
+// We catch the ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException because the parser is 
probably trying to retrieve
+// the value first(reading the statement left to right) then assign 
the value to that index... 
+// or something like that.
+try {
+return (list.get(index) != null);
+} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
+return false;
 public Object get(int index, Scriptable start) {
 return list.get(index);
 public void put(int index, Scriptable start, Object value) {
-list.add(index, value);
+int max = index + 1;
+if (max  list.size()) {
+for (int i = list.size(); i  index; i++) {
+list.add(i, null);
+list.add(index, value);
+} else {
+list.set(index, value);
 public void delete(int index) {
 public Object[] getIds() {
 //TODO: optimize this :)
 Integer[] ids = new Integer[list.size()];
-for (int x=0; xids.length; x++) {
+for (int x = 0; x  ids.length; x++) {
 ids[x] = new Integer(x);
 return ids;
 public Object unwrap() {
 return this.list;

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DO NOT REPLY [Bug 36039] - Implement a more javascript feel for the ScriptableList

2005-08-11 Thread bugzilla


   What|Removed |Added


--- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  2005-08-11 22:37 ---
Fixed in changeset [231510].  Thanks for the patch!

Configure bugmail:
--- You are receiving this mail because: ---
You are the assignee for the bug, or are watching the assignee.

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DO NOT REPLY [Bug 36152] New: - action field is blank in using html:form

2005-08-11 Thread bugzilla

   Summary: action field is blank in  using html:form
   Product: Struts
   Version: 1.2.4
  Platform: PC
OS/Version: Linux
Status: NEW
  Severity: normal
  Priority: P2
 Component: Unknown

I'm using tomcat 5.0.28 and sun's 1.4.2_07 jdk.

When using an html:form my generated html occasionally leaves the action field 

jsp source:
html:form ...

Sometimes my html source ends up like this:

form name=fooform method=post action= ...

Whereas it should look like this: 

form name=fooform method=post action=/webapp/ ...

from my struts config:

form bean:
  form-bean name=fooform

action mapping:

action path=/foo
  forward name=success path=/foodone.jsp redirect=true/
  forward name=failure path=/foo.jsp redirect=false/

This code works fine for a few days, and then I start getting the blank 
action.  After that, I need to restart Tomcat.  It is possible that this bug 
exists in Tomcat.

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[Struts Wiki] Update of StrutsUpgradeNotes124to127 by NiallPemberton

2005-08-11 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on Struts Wiki for change 

The following page has been changed by NiallPemberton:

  It has been reported in 
[ Bug 35127] and a fix 
applied to the nightly build.
+ == Bug 35833 - html:messages Tag Issue ==
+ Struts 1.2.7 added ''non-resource'' ActionMessage(s) and support for multiple 
bundles in Validator. However the html:messages tag only shows the first 
''non-resource'' ActionMessage. This also affects the Validator's mutlitple 
bundle support which is implemented using ''non-resource'' ActionMessage(s). 
+ The html:errrors tag is not affected by this issue and can be used as an 
alternative to html:messages.
+ See [ Bug 35833]
  CategoryHomepage StrutsUpgrade

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Re: struts-faces won't compile

2005-08-11 Thread Wendy Smoak

From: Craig McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED]

+import org.apache.struts.util.ModuleUtils;
-RequestUtils.selectModule(request, servletContext);

Conceptually that fix makes sense in that it solves the compilation
problem ... but I don't believe that struts-faces should inherit a
dependency on 1.3.x.

I don't see how switching from a deprecated method call to the replacement
causes a dependency on 1.3.x.  That change still compiles under 1.2.2.

Today it works (runtime) on 1.1 and 1.2,  and it
would be pretty pointless to throw away the vast majority of the
potential target market.

Does it really still work on 1.1?  It won't compile against 1.1 due to the
use of org.apache.struts.taglib.TagUtils and
org.apache.struts.util.ModuleUtils, which must not have existed then.

I think Struts-Faces (if it's going to be built with Maven :-) needs
its own set of dependencies, independent of whatever Struts Core is

It was inheriting from the Struts Common Build, not from Struts Core.  The
incorrect dependency on struts-core-1.3.0-dev was actually *in* the
struts-faces build file and has been corrected to struts-1.2.2.  (You said
you're using 1.2.6 for the Ant build, but that one isn't on ibiblio.  Can we
agree on 1.2.7 by any chance?)

James, can you comment on how you'd like to see this handled?  The website 
builds just fine whether or not the extend tag is there (so I'm happy
either way).  But there are things in the common build file that are *not* 
common to all subprojects.  Maven is smart enough to allow sub-projects to
override dependencies by specifying a different version number, 
(servletapi-2.2 instead of servletapi-2.3, for example.)  But by extending 
the common build, Struts Faces picks up dependencies on antlr, 
commons-chain, commons-digester, commons-fileupload and oro, none of which 
it really needs.  I don't see a way to override a dependency coming from the 
common build with nothing.

Wendy Smoak

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2005-08-11 Thread Siddhartha Shekhar Maharana
How to implement dynamin breadcrumb in struts?


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[Struts Wiki] Update of StrutsShortTermPlans by WendySmoak

2005-08-11 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on Struts Wiki for change 

The following page has been changed by WendySmoak:

   * Apply patches from problem tickets as they arise
+ Wendy Smoak
+  * StrutsWebsiteConversion

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[Struts Wiki] Update of StrutsWebsiteConversion by WendySmoak

2005-08-11 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on Struts Wiki for change 

The following page has been changed by WendySmoak:

New page:
=== Goal ===

 Integrate the existing Struts website into the Maven-generated multi-project 

=== Draft Site ===

=== Discussion Thread ===

=== Timeline ===

 * Initial copy from core/doc to build/xdocs on Saturday, August 13, 2005

=== Initial Conversion Plan ===

 * Copy everything from /struts/current/core/doc/ to 
 * Add a README file to /current/core/doc/ requesting no further changes
 * Rename the project.xml files (which contain the menus) to navigation.xml
 * Change links in all navigation.xml files under 'build' to be relative to the 
root directory
 * Add the missing body tags to navigation.xml files
 * Add navigation.xml files to xdocs under each subproject
 * Change the chapter tags to section and section to subsection in the 
 * Add a href=#anchorName tags near the section tags that use an href 
 * Remove the search section from userGuide/index.xml and faqs/index.xml
 * Fix links to Taglib Package Descriptions (JavaDoc) in the User Guide

=== Post-Conversion To Do List ===

 * Generate TLD documentation and fix links to Taglib API References in the 
User Guide
  * Maven Taglib Plugin:
 * Move relevant documentation down to the sub-project level
 * Dashboard for aggregated reports:
 * Remove files from core/doc/

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Re: Struts website

2005-08-11 Thread Wendy Smoak
One remaining concern about the website conversion:  If I copy the files 
into build/xdocs, what happens when someone checks out struts/current and 
gets the 'build' directory within every subproject?  I have a feeling it's 
going to retrieve all that documentation a dozen times, once for each 
subproject, but maybe Subversion clients are smarter than that.  Otherwise, 
can subversion be configured to exclude the 'xdocs' directory?


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Re: Struts website

2005-08-11 Thread Wendy Smoak

From: Wendy Smoak [EMAIL PROTECTED]
One remaining concern about the website conversion:  If I copy the files 
into build/xdocs, what happens when someone checks out struts/current and 
gets the 'build' directory within every subproject?  I have a feeling it's 
going to retrieve all that documentation a dozen times, once for each 
subproject, but maybe Subversion clients are smarter than that. 
Otherwise, can subversion be configured to exclude the 'xdocs' directory?

(I'm really not talking to myself-- James IM'd right after I posted the 
message above to confirm that this is a legitimate issue.)

When I asked a question recently on maven-user, they suggested having a 
separate sub-project for the website.  That didn't initially work for me 
because if you run 'maven multiproject:site' from /struts/current/build, it 
sees the 'website' directory as just another sub-project and puts the 
documentation under breaking every link into the 
Struts site.

However, having a separate sub-project for the website and building the site 
_from there_ works.  I now have struts/current/site containing the 'xdocs' 
directory with all of the xml (and other) files from the existing site, and 
executing 'maven multiproject:site' from struts/current/site does the right 

Having a separate sub-project for the site also helps with the goal of 
clearly separating the website from the project documentation.

Are there any objections to having 'site' or 'website' as a new sub-project?


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