Re: [dev] report tls issue

2023-04-08 Thread Joseph Graham
Is your mail provider enforcing mandatory TLS?

On Saturday, 8 April 2023 15:40:21 BST wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I try to post to the list, but randomly failed with the error `TLS is
> required, but was not offered by host` I report the
> issue [1] to my email provider, it seems that somehow does
> not properly configured.
> [1]
> d-by-host

Re: [dev] JFS filesystem

2019-04-21 Thread Joseph Graham
> In fact, in many filesystems there are very weak – or no! – guarantees that
> the data you're reading is actually correct. Systems like ext4 simply assume
> that the data written to the disk will never change. AFAIK, it has
> essentially no mechanism at all to deal with silent data corruption.

It's not fair to say there's "no mechanism at all to deal with silent
data corruption". The hard-disk/ssd does checksum every block. If a block
fails a checksum the disk keeps trying until it reads a block that
matches the checksum, else gives up with a read-error.

So really it's a matter of whether you trust your drives to do their
job correctly.

Joseph Graham; a tech-rights advocate, an Englishman and a Catholic.

My PGP key: 0x8cd7227da467d3ed404f6eefdb590f739e5ac458

I have three blogs:
  - my blog about the ethics of technology:
  - my blog about computing and electronics:
  - my blog about scooters and cafe reviews:
I write software:
I run a platform to publish Free Software success stories:
I run a public Taskenizer installation:

Re: [dev] Learn C

2019-03-24 Thread Joseph Graham

On Sun, Mar 24, 2019 at 10:28:35AM +0100, Thuban wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to learn C. I mean, sane C.
> What i read before was based on big IDE such as codeblocks. So, I don't
> know how to write Makefiles from scratch. (just an example).
> As an example, I found gobyexample [1] great. But it's go.
> Any reading advice?
> Thanks.
> Regards
> [1] :
> -- 
> thuban

Re: [dev] suckless too to minify CSS, JS and html

2018-05-18 Thread Joseph Graham

I really don't approve of this. It's a waste of effort on your part,
and all it achieves is making the code hard to read.

Just slap some gzip on it and you're all good.


On Fri, May 18, 2018 at 05:46:15PM +0200, Thuban wrote:
> Hello,
> Does anyone has advice for a suckless tool to minify JS, CSS and HTML
> files? I use sed for now, but it might not be the best solution.
> Furthermore, I was wondering what is the opinion of the list about minifying 
> and html files?
> - Do you minify on your websites ? Why ?
> - What tool do you use to do so?
> Regards.
> -- 
> thuban

Joseph Graham; a tech-rights advocate, an Englishman and a Catholic.

My PGP key: 0x8cd7227da467d3ed404f6eefdb590f739e5ac458

I have two blogs: and
I write software:
I run a web forum:
I run a public Taskenizer installation:
And a platform for Free Software success stories:

Description: PGP signature

Re: [dev][all] Migrating build system

2017-04-01 Thread Joseph Graham
On Sat, Apr 01, 2017 at 02:46:36PM +0530, Aditya Goturu wrote:
> As we know, the greatest weakness of suckless apps is their dependence on 
> bloated build systems like make.
> I tried porting to to gnu autotools, but while it helped, it still needed 
> work.
> I am proposing we migrate to visual studio as our build system immediately. 
> We must also start reimplementing some parts in modern languages like C# or 
> Java.
> I also propose we stop using this mailing list immediately and move to a 
> better communication platform like Microsoft Exchange and that we replace IRC 
> with slack.
> Thanks
> Aditya


Joseph Graham, techno-philosopher and Free Software advocate. 

I have a blog:
I write software:
I run a web forum:
And a platform for Free Software success stories:

Re: [dev] looking for a simple music player

2017-02-07 Thread Joseph Graham
On Tue, Feb 07, 2017 at 08:25:02PM +0100, Cág  wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm looking for something that looks like noice when I'm in my music
> folder: basically a list of file names and the current song's name and
> length at the bottom. No need for colours and album/year; ideally 
> it'd be customised by  editing config.h. Maybe mplayer, ffmpeg
> or gstreamer based.
> Is there something like that?
> Thanks
> --
> Cág

Hey, what's wrong with mpd and ncmpc?

Joseph Graham, techno-philosopher and Free Software advocate. 

I have a blog:
I write software:
I run a web forum:
And a shop:

Re: [dev] Cataloging of contacts

2016-11-09 Thread Joseph Graham
On Wed, Nov 09, 2016 at 07:36:22PM +, Thomas Levine wrote:
> I want to keep track of some information about people, and I have an
> idea of what I want the user interface to be like. Perhaps is there
> already something close to what I want?
> I want to record the following information about each contact.
> * Name
> * Phone number
> * Email address
> * Postal address
> I want each contact to have its own file. I will put all of the
> contacts' files in a directory tree. I can look up contacts by filename
> or with a search. (grep will probably be fine.) The software would do
> the following.
> * Check that I have formatted the contacts' files properly.
> * Convert into formats for other programs (my email client, notably)
> If I don't get any other ideas, I will probably write something that
> uses vCard as the format. vCard is nice because search engines (like
> recoll) will likely recognize it. The main thing I'm wondering is
> whether there is a nicer format that vCard.


Joseph Graham, elite techno-philosopher. 

I have a blog:
I run a web forum:
And a shop:

Re: [dev] [dwm] crash on xsetroot emoji character

2016-10-25 Thread Joseph Graham
On Tue, Oct 25, 2016 at 12:09:42AM -1000, Gaetan Bisson wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm running the latest git snapshot of dwm on Arch Linux. It crashes
> (and the X server along with it) deterministically when I run:
>   xsetroot -name $(printf '\xf0\x9f\xa4\x93')
> That's an emoji character. It was in some Web page's title and got
> picked up by my browser as window title, which got dwm to crash...
> Given I'm not really sure what the best approach to fix this would be
> (filter such characters out in gettextprop?) I thought I'd just report
> this here. Let me know if there's any additional information I can
> provide.
> Cheers.
> -- 
> Gaetan


Doesn't crash for me in Debian Jessie.


Re: [dev] [discussion] editors

2016-10-05 Thread Joseph Graham
On Wed, Oct 05, 2016 at 08:16:21PM +0100, Cág wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I have been a long-time user of vi-like editors.
> Started with vim+tmux and nerdtree, then threw away tmux
> and nerdtree, then I understood that I don't need syntax
> highlighting and moved to nvi. Now I think line numbers
> are not necessary, too. And sometimes I even write code
> in ed, though mostly for fun.
> So, which editor do you use and what features do you need,
> if any?


I am quite strange because I use both VIM and GNU Emacs. Emacs for programming
and VIM for general use (such as typing this email, editing config files).

I think Emacs is better overall, but it's just too bloated and slow for normal
use. And it's really embarrasing when I install it on Debian and it drags in 
of deps.

VIM is really hard to use which makes it prestigious. Emacs is not much harder
to use than nano.

I personally find syntax highlighting usefull when programming.


Re: [dev] https for

2016-09-24 Thread Joseph Graham
On Sat, Sep 24, 2016 at 08:54:39PM +0200, ilf wrote:
> I wonder why the suckless-websites are only available in HTTP, not in HTTPS.
> In the age of, there aren't a lot of valid excuses against
> TLS. Am I missing one from a suckless-philosopy? Or has this just never been
> requested?
> I for one would love to see unencrypted communications on the internet die.
> Greetings to slcon!
> (Pardon if it's been discussed, I did not find it in the archives.)
> -- 
> ilf
> Über 80 Millionen Deutsche benutzen keine Konsole. Klick dich nicht weg!
>   -- Eine Initiative des Bundesamtes für Tastaturbenutzung

HTTPS is unecessary and bloated. It creates loads of latency on connection, it
stops proxies caching requests between clients. All just for some false sense of


Re: [dev] Suckless e-comerce script proposal

2016-09-23 Thread Joseph Graham
On Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 10:24:46AM +0800, Kai Hendry wrote:
> Yes, make the site static & host on S3/CloudFront. Generate from a DB
> of your stock/inventory. Go lang's html/template makes this painless.
> Dynamic bits should be ReactJS chatting with Stripe APIs. I would go
> so far as use Stripe to store the customer object et al. You can get
> it back out easy enough if you need to make a move.
> Have fun,

I hope this is a joke.

Re: [dev] Suckless e-comerce script proposal

2016-09-22 Thread Joseph Graham
On Thu, Sep 22, 2016 at 09:28:56AM -0400, Bobby Powers wrote:
> Hi Joseph,
> Joseph Graham wrote:
> > The principal is: most of the website is static. Static index pages. Static
> > item description pages. The item description pages link to a CGI script* 
> > with
> > an ID for the product in a query string. So for example
> > /cgi-bin/order?item=burgundy_shoes_23
> First, it sucks to expose the fact that you are using a "common
> gateway interface" script to the user - Use a URL scheme like
> "/checkout?item=dope_shoes" or something.

Hiding the internals of the system just for the sake of hiding them sounds like
Microsoft's philosophy.

> So what happens when you are out of stock on something?  Do you
> re-generate the static pages?  Or do you throw an error when the user
> tries to checkout?  In the first case - you are re-generating (or
> re-caching) HTML in response to a user request, in the second, it is a
> sucky experience.

Just throws an error.

> > Becuase payment is by bank transfer user's data does not contain any 
> > financial
> > information, just address, name and email etc. However for privacy perhaps
> > user's data can be encrypted with asymmetric encryption before writing to 
> > disk?
> Bank transfer?  How is depending on the user to visit another website
> (which certainly uses JavaScript and all the things you are trying to
> avoid) decreasing the overall suck your users are experiencing?

Well, they can just phone up.

> > -One CGI script, everything else static.
> Hopefully you are generating/compiling this static content from
> something, and not hand coding HTML on a ton of different pages.

Yep, hand coding.

> > -Can only buy one item at a time, no shopping basket. For shopping basket we
> > would need cookies.
> Buy one thing at a time, and re-enter my info a bunch of times in a row?  
> Suck.

Well it depends what type of shop it is... if it's a computer shop it doesn't
matter since people don't normally order 2 computers at once.

> > -Payment by bank transfer.
> Ever wonder why existing web sites don't do this?  Because it wire
> transfers are terrible.  Either you force users to use a bank website
> (Cookies + JavaScript, so you have just lost your moral high ground),
> or you force them to drive to a bank, or call up a bank.  Such suck.

The thing with card payments is that you give your card details to dosens of
different shopping websites, creating a large "attack surface" for those 
details to be
stolen. With bank transfer there's only 1 point of failure instead of dosens.

> If you are just thinking of suck as internal implementation
> complexity, you have the wrong mindset.  You should be making APIs and
> user experiences that don't suck, even if that means you have some
> amount of (hidden to the user) internal implementation complexity.  I
> don't care that YOUR life sucks less, I want you to help me make my
> life suck less.
> Besides, if you expect users to fill out an identical form for each
> item they want, and initiate a wire transfer on their own, you are
> going to go out of business.
> yours,
> Bobby

Thanks for feedback I appreciate it.


Re: [dev] Suckless e-comerce script proposal

2016-09-22 Thread Joseph Graham
Thanks guys, I've recieved some good honest feedback, especially from Bobby.

I like FRIGN's idea of using gift-cards to buy from amazon. Remonds me of how I
used to use a pay-as-you-go phone which I only topped up with cash.


[dev] Suckless e-comerce script proposal

2016-09-22 Thread Joseph Graham
Hey all,

I would like some feedback on some ideas I have for a script to make a very
simple, but very secure, e-commerce website. Maybe it can be "slecommerce".

The principal is: most of the website is static. Static index pages. Static
item description pages. The item description pages link to a CGI script* with
an ID for the product in a query string. So for example

The cgi script has a very simple text database containing:
stock count

Script takes the user throught three steps:
1. filling out their details (simple question asked to check for human)
2. confirming that their details are correct
3. telling them that their order has been placed and giving them
   payment details to pay by bank transfer

At stage three the user's data is saved on the server and the stock count info
is updated.

Becuase payment is by bank transfer user's data does not contain any financial
information, just address, name and email etc. However for privacy perhaps
user's data can be encrypted with asymmetric encryption before writing to disk? 

Script always checks stock immediately when called. If no stock, tells user and
doesn't let the give any info.

Advantages of this design:
-One CGI script, everything else static.
-Entire site requires no cookies or javascript.
-Secure because user does not have to give any financial info, and shop's bank
details are given over SSL.

Limitations of this design:
-Can only buy one item at a time, no shopping basket. For shopping basket we
would need cookies.
-Payment by bank transfer.
-Stock control is updated before payment received, so on non-payment sysadmin
must manually update stock-control.
-If an item is out of stock, the user will not know until they try to buy it
(because item description pages are static)

Propose python3 for the script because it has excellect unicode handling, and 
templating and RSA libraries available.

I should mention I already made a shop that works like this[1]. Script is 407
LOC of python3, plus the jinja2 templating engine[2] and cryptography
library[3] for assymetric encryption of user's data. Also sends emails. On this
site the stock control is binary because there is only one of each item, so I
was able to use UNIX file rename as an atomic stock control operation. Works
fine even in eLinks. I haven't published the code of this implementation yet.

Tell me what ya think, guys!

*or self-serving HTTP script

-Joseph Graham

P.S. I haven't really introduced myself here before. Hi everyone!

Re: [dev] Re: I wrote a pager

2016-09-18 Thread Joseph Graham
On Sun, Sep 18, 2016 at 03:34:38PM +0200, Christian Neukirchen wrote:
> 1 loc!
> awk 'NR%22==0 { getline _ <"/dev/tty" } {print}'

You do your paging with 1 loc and yet you send email with something as bloated 
as Emacs!


2016-09-15 Thread Joseph Graham

Joseph Graham <>

[dev] Suckless static site search

2016-08-18 Thread Joseph Graham


I am asking for opinions on any suckless site-search solutions for large 
blogs or wikis etc.

There are lots of static site search systems, that work by serving a 
static text-database of urls and keywords, and using client-side 
javascript to download this text-database, parse it and search it. But 
most of them seem to depend on huge javascript libraries such as jQuery 
and such. Also I think it is more bandwidth efficient to use a 
server-side-CGI script.

Does anyone know any good existing solutions?


[dev] [st] most suckless way to scroll & multiplex

2016-08-11 Thread Joseph Graham

Hey all!

I'm new to suckless and trying to learn the suckless ways...

I am accustomed to having scrolling and multiplexing (in 
xfce4-terminal). To get these the suckless way should I:

a. use tmux/screen
b. use tabbed and the st scrollback patch
c. something else

Thanks in advance for any advice!