Re: [dev] TDD

2013-10-22 Thread Pierre Chapuis
 what is your opinion about TDD? Is it suckles or not? Do you have any
 experience with this kind of development?

Having a comprehensive unit testing suite to help you find
mistakes faster and avoid regressions is usually a good idea,
do it.

TDD (as in Test Driven Development / Design) is a buzzword
that basically means that your software design methodology
is to write tests that fail and do the simplest thing that
could possibly work to make them pass.

My opinion: bad idea. Good software is designed by thinking
about the whole system, this encourages local thinking.

Read this post to see what TDD done wrong can turn into:

Now, if you're implementing a protocol or a document
specification, writing the tests first is a good idea.
But this is not about using tests to *design* code.

 Do TDD in C make any sense?

TDD no, unit testing yes. If you want test helpers,
look at these ones:

You can also just use assertions.

Pierre Chapuis

Re: [dev] Re: [suckless] Migration to git

2012-11-26 Thread Pierre Chapuis
 pancake writes:

 git is far more confusing than hg.. in fact sometimes i have to check
 my notebook or manpages in order to do something in hg is plain easy.

 Do you have some concrete examples?  Maybe it's just a matter of taste,
 but I find Git more logical to use than Mercurial.  YMMD.

Git is lower level than hg, it exposes lower level concepts to the user
(for instance the Staging Area). Sometimes that makes it confusing
if you do not understand these concepts.

I think the best way to get to know them is this document:

Pierre Chapuis

Re: [dev] uriel is gone

2012-10-14 Thread Pierre Chapuis
 Sorry to have to let you guys know, uriel passed away peacefully a
 couple days ago.  We'll miss him.

Uriel always lives. That is one of its properties/laws of Uriel.

Pierre Chapuis

Re: [dev] Introducing SLUT (Suckless Linux Using a Tablet)

2012-05-09 Thread Pierre Chapuis

You should change the name before Internet drama

Pierre 'catwell' Chapuis

Re: [dev] Introducing SLUT (Suckless Linux Using a Tablet)

2012-05-09 Thread Pierre Chapuis

On 2012-05-09 15:40, Peter Hartman wrote:
On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 9:38 AM, Pierre Chapuis 

You should change the name before Internet drama

Don't tell me there's a SLUT.exe that is in competition for the name!

Not my point. I meant it could be seen as offensive
by some people and you probably don't want to deal
with a horde of angry feminist geeks.

Pierre 'catwell' Chapuis

Re: [dev] Suckless OS (was About escape sequences and stuff)

2012-02-12 Thread Pierre Chapuis

On 2012-02-11 22:35, Bjartur Thorlacius wrote:

All the real fun seems to happen in L4

And Minix3. Microkernels will win, eventually...

Pierre Chapuis

Re: [dev] FOSDEM

2012-01-30 Thread Pierre Chapuis

Me too.

[dev] Bloat

2011-10-31 Thread Pierre Chapuis

There is probably no need to remind you how software
bloat increases with time, but I found this particularly

The entire Turbo Pascal 3.02 executable--the compiler and
IDE--was 39,731 bytes. Here are some things that Turbo Pascal
is smaller than, as of October 30, 2011:


The touch command under OS X Lion (44,016 bytes).


Pierre Chapuis

Re: [dev] Linux sucks!

2011-10-27 Thread Pierre Chapuis

And here are the super fancy slides in OpenOffice format.

Stopped here. This guy is not qualified to rant.

Re: [dev] Introducing SEE, the Simple Executing Engine

2011-10-24 Thread Pierre Chapuis

On 24.10.2011 00:10, pancake wrote:

Use sloccount. It doesnt matters how do you indent with this tool..
Well, some syntaxes are not handled at all like if().. And if()\n..
But you get proper loccount

Thanks for the info. I've used sloccount before but never tried to
understand how it computes its results.

By the way, if you want want to become rich quickly, use Rails and

# [code below from the Rails tutorial]
rails new blog
cd blog
rails generate controller home index
rails generate scaffold Post name:string title:string content:text
sloccount . | grep Cost # $ 5,143

Re: [dev] Introducing SEE, the Simple Executing Engine

2011-10-23 Thread Pierre Chapuis

On 22.10.2011 20:54, Rob wrote:

It's a similar compile time check similar to what dwm uses, in this 
case, it

checks if gc_header_s is the same size as GC_HEADER_SPACE.

OK, makes sense. But the build breaks because of this, which is
understandable since gc_header_s is defined like this:

  struct gc_header_s
unsigned char type;
unsigned char mark;
unsigned int  prot_level;
gc_header_t   next, prev;

  char __space[GC_HEADER_SPACE];

Re: [dev] Introducing SEE, the Simple Executing Engine

2011-10-23 Thread Pierre Chapuis

On 23.10.2011 12:08, Pierre Chapuis wrote:

On 22.10.2011 20:54, Rob wrote:

It's a similar compile time check similar to what dwm uses, in this 
case, it

checks if gc_header_s is the same size as GC_HEADER_SPACE.

OK, makes sense. But the build breaks because of this, which is
understandable since gc_header_s is defined like this:

  struct gc_header_s
unsigned char type;
unsigned char mark;
unsigned int  prot_level;
gc_header_t   next, prev;

  char __space[GC_HEADER_SPACE];

Precision: breaks *on a 64 bits machine* (gc_header_t is a pointer
so gc_header_s is 8 bytes larger than GC_HEADER_SPACE).

Re: [dev] Introducing SEE, the Simple Executing Engine

2011-10-23 Thread Pierre Chapuis

On 23.10.2011 12:20, Pierre Chapuis wrote:

Precision: breaks *on a 64 bits machine* (gc_header_t is a pointer
so gc_header_s is 8 bytes larger than GC_HEADER_SPACE).

OK, apparently just setting GC_HEADER_SPACE to 24 makes it build
and run simple tests. Sorry for the noise.

Re: [dev] Introducing SEE, the Simple Executing Engine

2011-10-23 Thread Pierre Chapuis

It's a detail, but shouldn't simple_interrupter.c be called
simple_interpreter.c instead?

Otherwise, I haven't spent so much time looking at it but
the code looks pretty readable. The number of LOCs is
artificially high because of the C coding style, but the
complexity is low.

Re: [dev] Introducing SEE, the Simple Executing Engine

2011-10-22 Thread Pierre Chapuis

On 22.10.2011 15:47, Xinhao.Yuan wrote:

Looks interesting, but what the hell is that?

static char __sa[sizeof(gc_header_s) == GC_HEADER_SPACE ? 0 : -1];

[dev] Simple made Easy (Rich Hickey at StrangeLoop)

2011-10-21 Thread Pierre Chapuis

Excellent talk with a good take at the difficult problem of
trying to define simplicity (in software).

Re: [dev] Re: Most suckless multi-language VM

2011-10-03 Thread Pierre Chapuis

On Mon, 3 Oct 2011 18:44:23 +0200, pancake wrote:

Nice, I didn't know that.

As for what I was looking for I guess I will evaluate the
possibilities to implement something else on top of some
version of the Lua VM for now.

[dev] How to program independent games

2011-08-11 Thread Pierre Chapuis

Interesting (imo) talk about simplicity in programming:

The speaker is Jonathan Blow who, among other things, made Braid.

Pierre 'catwell' Chapuis

Re: [dev] Suckless Smartphone?

2011-06-07 Thread Pierre Chapuis

On Mon, 6 Jun 2011 18:16:22 +0100, garbeam wrote:

On 6 June 2011 17:45, Dieter Plaetinck wrote:

non-electronic books suck because you can't easily search in, or
copypaste from them.

Let's talk again in 40 years if you can still read your ebooks by 
then :)

I stay loyal to real books.

I'd be surprised if you couldn't read epub books in 40 years. It's hard 

kill an open text-based format.

On the other hand, I'm not sure the paper and ink used in cheap pocket 

sold these days will still be readable in 40 years.

Pierre 'catwell' Chapuis

Re: [dev] Distribution

2011-06-05 Thread Pierre Chapuis

On Fri, 3 Jun 2011 17:01:54 +0100, garbeam wrote:

On 3 June 2011 12:41, Sir Cyrus wrote:

What's the most suckless Linux distribution?

So the most suckless Linux is a Linux that requires a
bloated Javascript VM to run?


Re: [dev] sbase

2011-05-24 Thread Pierre Chapuis

On Mon, 23 May 2011 11:05:55 +0100, Connor Lane Smith wrote:

So where does this fit in? Okay, this is basically my computing
tactic: simplifying my operating system to the point where I can
actually understand what on Earth is going on. When I use a system
like Ubuntu and Gnome, when shit breaks I have no idea what went
wrong, and I tend to end up reinstalling everything. When I use a
system like Debian and dwm, when shit breaks I say, ohhh, and fix
it, and it takes a couple of seconds. (X is an exception.) The 
the internals, the easier it is to use, not because of anything on 
surface -- though the manuals are rather easier to read -- but 
you can clearly visualise the mechanisms inside whatever tools you 


If you push that to the extreme you want to understand how the kernel
works too. So you should make sure those tools work on Minix3 so that
you can achieve big picture understanding.

I don't understand why so few people on this list are interested in
Minix3. ~5k LOC for a POSIX-compatible kernel that can run most of
the software you need on a Unix box sounds nice to me.

Pierre 'catwell' Chapuis

Re: [dev] sbase

2011-05-24 Thread Pierre Chapuis

On Tue, 24 May 2011 13:12:39 +0200, Anselm R Garbe wrote:

I don't understand why so few people on this list are interested in
Minix3. ~5k LOC for a POSIX-compatible kernel that can run most of
the software you need on a Unix box sounds nice to me.

I'm secretly very fond of Minix. I remember getting a negative
reaction to it from the Plan 9 folks so I've not bothered to bring 

up since. But a tiny POSIX microkernel? Win. I've read a bunch of
Tanenbaum's books, too...

Only problem is hardware support. Ain't that always the way?

If you want to go that route, I suggest to build the hardware 

as well, here is a brilliant guy who did it a couple of years ago:

Looks cool. I'm not courageous enough to try though. I have written a
few FPGAs with VHDL/Xilinx but that's as far as my knowledge of
numerical electronics go so the limit of my big picture understanding
is that I have some layer that can execute a reduced instructions set
(eg. x86).

As for the hardware to run Minix3, I am lucky to have an old Dell
laptop with one of the few supported ethernet chipsets, but otherwise
emulation (with QEMU) works fine, with sufficient performance if your
CPU has VT-x capabilities.

I haven't had much time to play with it recently. I was disappointed
by the move towards GNU tools (glibc, gcc) but I have to admit that
ack is old and lagging behind modern compilers.

I wonder how hard it would be to build a suckless Minix3
distribution with tcc / musl...

Pierre 'catwell' Chapuis

Re: [dev] Suckless UML

2011-05-12 Thread Pierre Chapuis

On Thu, 12 May 2011 15:57:13 +0200, Nicolai Waniek wrote:

On 05/12/2011 03:51 PM, Nicolai Waniek wrote:
I still have to find any sane mathematical notation for parallelism 

programming languages though...

Of course CSP goes in this direction, but as soon as your language is
not based on CSP in any way, you yet again have to document 
the translation from CSP to the programming language at hand and vice 

FSP notation from LTSA ( is interesting 
although the software itself would definitely not be considered 

It's been a years since I've use it but it can actually describe most
problems pretty well.

Pierre 'catwell' Chapuis

Re: [dev] [ANN] sabotage 2011-04-30, a musl+busybox based distribution

2011-05-06 Thread Pierre Chapuis

On Wed, 4 May 2011 21:30:28 +0200, Uriel wrote:

In any case, Go's own DNS resolver is still there, and for example on
ARM by default it still bypasses the libc for everything.

Not for long.

Pierre 'catwell' Chapuis

Re: [dev] @bleidl, 26/03/11 19:41

2011-03-29 Thread Pierre Chapuis

On Tue, 29 Mar 2011 18:35:05 +0200, pancake wrote:

26/03/11 19:41 [1]
Dude patiently tries to explain to #Archlinux [2] why no
authentication for packages is a huge problem. Ban hammer. [3]


Re: [dev] which minimal os

2011-02-14 Thread Pierre Chapuis

Gentoo was good enough in 2005. Since drobbins left it's a mess.
One more proof that democracy makes software development 


Re: [dev] which minimal os

2011-02-12 Thread Pierre Chapuis
On Sat, 12 Feb 2011 09:06:38 +0100, Benoit Chesneau wrote:

Archlinux could be good, I used it in the past, but for sure I'm not
sure I want to use it again. Mostly due to some members of the french
community though. So it may be a bad reason ..

Yep, bad reason :) Just stick mostly with the English-speaking 

My locale is C anyway.

I use Arch these days because it usually Just Works (TM) and I don't
have much time but other simpler Linux alternatives include Crux (*)
and Tiny Core. Thanks Jens for the link to the 9vx/TC distribution
by the way.

Otherwise, I still use Minix3 from time to time. It is interesting,
especially since it has pkgsrc, but sadly still lacks ports.

(*) The link with ArchLinux is the same as the one between Minix
and Linux: Judd Vinet was a Crux user when he started Arch. He
liked its ideal of simplicity but wanted binary packages.

Pierre 'catwell' Chapuis

Re: [dev] surf recompile

2010-10-09 Thread Pierre Chapuis
On Sat, 09 Oct 2010 09:44:31 +0400, Ramil Farkhshatov 

Mitchell Church wrote:

1. Download package from AUR. It consists of PKGBUILD and 

2. Edit config.def.h
3. Run makepkg -g  PKGBUILD to update config.def.h checksum.
4. Run makepkg to build package.

Yep, that's the way it was supposed to be done.

Next time surf is updated I will replace config.def.h by config.h to
prevent confusion.

If you have an idea about how I could make this package better don't
hesitate to tell me.

Pierre 'catwell' Chapuis

Re: [dev] fossil scm

2010-08-10 Thread Pierre Chapuis
On Tue, 10 Aug 2010 15:49:16 +0200, pancake wrote:

 I think fossil is far more smart than mercurial (no python), and can be 
 a good alternative. It
 is not suckless, but gets closer to it :)

I have tried it because it is what Zed Shaw uses for Mongrel2. Apparently
its creator is that of SQLite so it has good references. Of course it uses
SQLite behind the scene.

I don't like really like it for the reason you said: webserver, wiki and
bugtracker have nothing to do in SCM software. I didn't look at the code
but I fear that it's not that simple.

All in all I prefer Git with the Smart HTTP protocol. The fact that it is
large collection of binaries is not a problem for me, this is Unix after

Now if some suckless devs made a stripped-down version of Fossil, why not
Especially if someone points me to a wrapper that does the same thing as
git bissect run.

For information, it allows the user to change commit messages but not the
commits themselves (ie. there is no real rebase command).


Re: [dev] surf 0.4 tries to free an invalid pointer

2010-06-05 Thread Pierre Chapuis
On Wed, 2 Jun 2010 17:15:05 -0400, Kris Maglione
 Ah, you're on Arch, then. They broke valgrind on gilbc 2.12/x86_64. 
 You'll need to grab valgrind-svn from AUR.

Here's the report with valgrind-svn.

catwell[18:11 VA|catwell] valgrind surf
==11539== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==11539== Copyright (C) 2002-2010, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==11539== Using Valgrind-3.6.0.SVN and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==11539== Command: surf
==11539== Invalid write of size 8
==11539==at 0x1A09507C: plugin_filter_environment() (in 
==11539==by 0x1A0959F4: NP_Initialize (in 
==11539==by 0x5ACC445: WebCore::PluginPackage::load() (in 
==11539==by 0x5ACC51A: WebCore::PluginPackage::fetchInfo() (in 
==11539==by 0x58A7693: 
WebCore::PluginPackage::createPackage(WebCore::String const, long const) (in 
==11539==by 0x58A16D6: WebCore::PluginDatabase::refresh() (in 
==11539==by 0x58A22DD: WebCore::PluginDatabase::installedPlugins(bool) (in 
==11539==by 0x5B19101: 
WebKit::FrameLoaderClient::canShowMIMEType(WebCore::String const) const (in 
==11539==by 0x5B3620C: webkit_web_view_can_show_mime_type (in 
==11539==by 0x403EDA: ??? (in /usr/bin/surf)
==11539==by 0x5B5B533: webkit_marshal_BOOLEAN__OBJECT_OBJECT_STRING_OBJECT 
(in /usr/lib/
==11539==by 0x862751D: g_closure_invoke (in 
==11539==  Address 0x19d54580 is 0 bytes after a block of size 384 alloc'd
==11539==at 0x4C25FED: malloc (in 
==11539==by 0x1A094FBA: plugin_filter_environment() (in 
==11539==by 0x1A0959F4: NP_Initialize (in 
==11539==by 0x5ACC445: WebCore::PluginPackage::load() (in 
==11539==by 0x5ACC51A: WebCore::PluginPackage::fetchInfo() (in 
==11539==by 0x58A7693: 
WebCore::PluginPackage::createPackage(WebCore::String const, long const) (in 
==11539==by 0x58A16D6: WebCore::PluginDatabase::refresh() (in 
==11539==by 0x58A22DD: WebCore::PluginDatabase::installedPlugins(bool) (in 
==11539==by 0x5B19101: 
WebKit::FrameLoaderClient::canShowMIMEType(WebCore::String const) const (in 
==11539==by 0x5B3620C: webkit_web_view_can_show_mime_type (in 
==11539==by 0x403EDA: ??? (in /usr/bin/surf)
==11539==by 0x5B5B533: webkit_marshal_BOOLEAN__OBJECT_OBJECT_STRING_OBJECT 
(in /usr/lib/
==11576== Syscall param execve(envp) points to unaddressable byte(s)
==11576==at 0x4EC9F07: execve (in /lib/
==11576==by 0x8EF2C59: do_exec (in /usr/lib/
==11576==by 0x8EF359D: fork_exec_with_pipes (in 
==11576==by 0x8EF41C6: g_spawn_async_with_pipes (in 
==11576==by 0x8EF42CB: g_spawn_async (in /usr/lib/
==11576==by 0x1A095A22: NP_Initialize (in 
==11576==by 0x5ACC445: WebCore::PluginPackage::load() (in 
==11576==by 0x5ACC51A: WebCore::PluginPackage::fetchInfo() (in 
==11576==by 0x58A7693: 
WebCore::PluginPackage::createPackage(WebCore::String const, long const) (in 
==11576==by 0x58A16D6: WebCore::PluginDatabase::refresh() (in 
==11576==by 0x58A22DD: WebCore::PluginDatabase::installedPlugins(bool) (in 
==11576==by 0x5B19101: 
WebKit::FrameLoaderClient::canShowMIMEType(WebCore::String const) const (in 
==11576==  Address 0x19d54580 is 0 bytes after a block of size 384 alloc'd
==11576==at 0x4C25FED: malloc (in 
==11576==by 0x1A094FBA: plugin_filter_environment() (in 
==11576==by 0x1A0959F4: NP_Initialize (in 
==11576==by 0x5ACC445: WebCore::PluginPackage::load() (in 
==11576==by 0x5ACC51A: WebCore::PluginPackage::fetchInfo() (in 

Re: [dev] surf 0.4 tries to free an invalid pointer

2010-06-02 Thread Pierre Chapuis
On Tue, 1 Jun 2010 17:13:18 -0400, Kris Maglione
 On Tue, Jun 01, 2010 at 10:56:34PM +0200, Pierre Chapuis wrote:
I installed surf 0.4 on Arch Linux and it crashed when I tried to click
on a link to a binary file (actually to its own archive on suckless'
website). Downloading with the right click menu works fine.

I have copied its output below. The crash looks linked to Java.
 Try running it under valgrind.

I have attached the output of:

valgrind -v --leak-check=full --show-reachable=yes surf 

It segfaults as soon as I run it.

catwell==2003== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==2003== Copyright (C) 2002-2009, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==2003== Using Valgrind-3.5.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==2003== Command: surf
--2003-- Valgrind options:
--2003-- Contents of /proc/version:
--2003--   Linux version 2.6.33-ARCH (tho...@evey) (gcc version 4.5.0 (GCC) ) 
#1 SMP PREEMPT Thu May 13 11:32:37 CEST 2010
--2003-- Arch and hwcaps: AMD64, amd64-sse3-cx16
--2003-- Page sizes: currently 4096, max supported 4096
--2003-- Valgrind library directory: /usr/lib/valgrind
--2003-- Reading syms from /usr/bin/surf (0x40)
--2003--object doesn't have a symbol table
--2003-- Reading syms from /lib/ (0x400)
--2003-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/valgrind/memcheck-amd64-linux (0x3800)
--2003--object doesn't have a symbol table
--2003--object doesn't have a dynamic symbol table
--2003-- Reading suppressions file: /usr/lib/valgrind/default.supp
--2003-- REDIR: 0x4016250 (strlen) redirected to 0x380405e7 (???)
--2003-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/valgrind/ 
--2003-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/valgrind/ 
==2003== WARNING: new redirection conflicts with existing -- ignoring it
--2003-- new: 0x04016250 (strlen  ) R- 0x04c268f0 strlen
--2003-- REDIR: 0x4016070 (index) redirected to 0x4c26550 (index)
--2003-- REDIR: 0x4016220 (strcmp) redirected to 0x4c26ef0 (strcmp)
--2003-- Reading syms from /lib/ (0x4e2a000)
--2003-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/ (0x5186000)
--2003-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/ (0x6631000)
--2003-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/ (0x6c5f000)
--2003-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/ (0x6eb7000)
--2003-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/ (0x7165000)
--2003-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/ (0x7385000)
--2003-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/ (0x75ae000)
--2003-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/ (0x77cf000)
--2003-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/ (0x79da000)
--2003-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/ (0x7c55000)
--2003-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/ (0x7e9e000)
--2003-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/ (0x8135000)
--2003-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/ (0x8369000)
--2003-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/ (0x861c000)
--2003-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/ (0x8864000)
--2003-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/ (0x8a67000)
--2003-- Reading syms from /lib/ (0x8c6b000)
--2003-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/ (0x8e73000)
--2003-- Reading syms from /lib/ (0x9153000)
--2003-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/ (0x937)
--2003-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/ (0x96a9000)
--2003-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/ (0x98b3000)
--2003-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/ (0x9aba000)
--2003-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/ (0x9cc6000)
--2003-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/ (0x9ed4000)
--2003-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/ (0xa0dc000)
--2003-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/ (0xa318000)
--2003-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/ (0xa5f7000)
--2003-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/ (0xa83)
--2003-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/ (0xaa6b000)
--2003-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/ (0xac83000)
--2003-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/ (0xafd)
--2003-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/ (0xb1f9000)
--2003-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/ (0xb483000)
--2003-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/ (0xb84)
--2003-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/ (0xcbc3000)
--2003-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/ (0xce26000)
--2003-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/ (0xd02e000)
--2003-- Reading syms from /usr/lib/ (0xd249000)
--2003-- Reading syms from /lib/libm

Re: [dev] [surf] projects with the same name

2010-01-27 Thread Pierre Chapuis
Le Wed, 27 Jan 2010 11:40:08 +0100,
Enno Boland (Gottox) a écrit :


Surf is indeed the standard name for functions that plot shaded
surfaces in visualisation software (think Matlab).

 In my opinion the name surf is just made for a project like this.
 And I want to stick with it.
 What do you think?

There is almost no way to avoid name conflicts in OSS projects, I think
it's the job of the packagers to take care of that in each
distribution. If they want to rename the binary to surf-browser or
suckless-surf, they can do it easily.

That being said, I guess suckless surf is more popular than the other
project, so it's that one that will be renamed in most cases.

If you want a real world example, I maintain the surf package in the
Arch Linux User Repository. The other project is packaged under the
name surf-ag. The two packages should conflict because they both
provide /usr/bin/surf but nobody ever complained about that, probably
because nobody ever tried to install both...


Re: [dev] [surf] projects with the same name

2010-01-27 Thread Pierre Chapuis
Le Wed, 27 Jan 2010 12:48:29 +0100,
Moritz Wilhelmy a écrit :

 I guess the easiest attempt for distributions to distribute suckless code is
 not distributing it at all.
 People using suckless software are usually capable of configuring it by 
 which means they have to edit the sourcecode and recompile it anyway.

In the case of Arch Linux the package is on the Arch User Repository,
not in the binary repos. It is a source package that allows the user to
change the configuration file before compiling. Its only use is to have
the files tracked by Pacman, our package manager, and possibly to be
warned of updates automatically for those who use scripts that do that.


Re: [dev] [surf] some potential bugs and some user questions

2009-12-14 Thread Pierre Chapuis
Le Mon, 14 Dec 2009 11:41:18 -0500,
G David Modica a écrit :

 On 04:56 Mon 14 Dec , Jorge Vargas wrote:
  1- for some reason surf stalls for a couple of seconds on a new page,
  I just hit ctrl-g enter and it stalled for 11sec! with
  a [0%] indicator then loaded the page really fast. Is there a way I
  can get a log of what it's doing? I believe it's my problem either one
  of (slow internet speed, crappy DNS and/or running inside a
  VirtualMachine) but I want to be sure. I don't see this in Firefox
  however it could be that surf is faster hence the slowdown is bigger.
  -- this is almost a showstopper :(
 +1 frequently but not always.

Hello all, I'm new to the list and I observed the same behavior.
I used strace on it and I think it might come from plugins because
I got that output when it froze (for example on

connect(19, {sa_family=AF_FILE, 
path=/tmp/_org_wrapper_NSPlugins_libflashplayer.so_5191-1}, 54) = -1 ENOENT 
(No such file or directory)
select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, {0, 1}) = 0 (Timeout)
connect(19, {sa_family=AF_FILE, 
path=/tmp/_org_wrapper_NSPlugins_libflashplayer.so_5191-1}, 54) = -1 ENOENT 
(No such file or directory)
select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, {0, 1}) = 0 (Timeout)
connect(19, {sa_family=AF_FILE, 
path=/tmp/_org_wrapper_NSPlugins_libflashplayer.so_5191-1}, 54) = -1 ENOENT 
(No such file or directory)
select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, {0, 1}) = 0 (Timeout)

It never happened to me with (which has no Flash
content) though...

Another bug: surf segfaults when trying to access some webpages such as This time the output of
strace is:

poll([{fd=3, events=POLLIN}, {fd=4, events=POLLIN}, {fd=8, events=POLLIN}, 
{fd=7, events=POLLIN}, {fd=11, events=POLLIN}, {fd=6, events=POLLIN}], 6, 0) = 
0 (Timeout)
munmap(0x7fd1b0822000, 302688)  = 0
open(/usr/share/fonts/TTF/arialbd.ttf, O_RDONLY) = 13
fcntl(13, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC)  = 0
fstat(13, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=286620, ...}) = 0
mmap(NULL, 286620, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, 13, 0) = 0x7fd1b0826000
close(13)   = 0
--- SIGSEGV (Segmentation fault) @ 0 (0) ---
+++ killed by SIGSEGV +++
zsh: segmentation fault  strace surf

I use surf-0.3 on x86_64, I will try with the hg version later in the
day to see if it has been fixed.
