Re: [dev] [st] windows port?

2013-04-15 Thread Martti Kühne
On Sat, Apr 13, 2013 at 1:46 PM, Hugues Moretto-Viry wrote:

 You shouldn't even pay attention to these messages.

guess who's trollinig!
Oh yeah, sorry for the noise...


Re: [dev] [st] windows port?

2013-04-15 Thread Hugues Moretto-Viry
2013/4/15 Martti Kühne

 guess who's trollinig!
 Oh yeah, sorry for the noise...


Actually, the quote from my previous message was wrong, and I've noticed it
too late.
I shouldn't have mentioned message from Chris Down.
And about trolling, I don't know. I don't post enough to be called troller
or something similar.



Re: [dev] [st] windows port?

2013-04-13 Thread Hugues Moretto-Viry
2013/4/12 Chris Down

 On 13 Apr 2013 05:07, hiro wrote:
  can the moralfags please fuck off already?

 Moralfags? What are you, twelve years old? Kindly go back to 4chan, it's
 where you belong with such lacking social skills.

You shouldn't even pay attention to these messages.


Re: [dev] [st] windows port?

2013-04-12 Thread Edgaras
On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 03:08:12AM +0400, Alexander Sedov wrote:
 Oh, look, how nice, religious wars at dev@suckless, and my favourite
 argument about Windows being crappy operating system with absolutely
 no justification. Religious people never justify their views, I guess.
 About the lock-in: drivers may be the case, but applications can not
 be lock-in. If somebody goes and creates amazingly beautiful
 operating system called, for example, Plot C right now, incompatible
 with either Linux drivers (which KolibriOS for example is compatible
 with), Windows drivers, and every app out there in the world because
 it doesn't conform to outdated standards nor does it attempts to
 provide compatibility, and then he'll cry about how all users are
 locked in and nobody uses his beauty, I'll call him stupid. It's not
 lock-in, it's he hasn't attempted to make his OS usable.
 Same thing applies, with two orders of magnitude lower, to Linux. Go
 open your package manager or open Github if you don't have one, and
 look what's there. Mostly some arcane shit, as fruitless as a
 proverbial fig tree, some clones of Windows apps, clones of clones of
 Windows apps, attempts to rewrite and revise libraries, magically make
 less buggy changing an API, and so on.
 We have so many music players, each better and slicker that others,
 but still unusable as hell. We have buggy applications written in GTK+
 that crash depending on moon phase. We have I don't know how many
 libraries for data serialization and datetime handling and whatnot,
 and I'd bet fifty bucks that almost all of them started  this
 bloatware sucks, let's come with something simple and funny to write.
 All that unbearable crap actually helps greatly. If you do not give up
 trying to make all that shit actually kind of work, because their
 developers thought only about fun and elegance, not usability, you
 learn a lot of new things, and that's very cool. But it's not for
 normal people, no. It's either for masochists or elitists.

The mythical normal people are not so normal, and majority argument is and
always was bullshit. Yes there is majority and one need to deal with it, but
majority neved makes anything right or correct. Never made earth flat.

Form your sentiment one gets impression that you think that situation is any
better with windows software, and if you tink like that thats not even funny.

As for normal users they need a good kick in a nuts to wake up and learn to
learn tools that they use. If people got behind car wheel with atitude they get
behind computer life would get terrible very quickly for everyone. As someone
in some comment on slashdot stated: computig is only field where people come
knowing nothing about it, work with computer for 10 years and still do no know
shit about thier tool. That is pathetic.

I bet my ass you have encounteres some data entrants in public places like
bank or some such where entran selects every field with fuckin mouse, cause
they cant bother to know that there ara button right under the finger that tkes
one to next field. And I bet if you come to same entrant after couple of yers
he/she will still be doing same thing.

Pandering to ignorance and making things user friendly does not solve shit.
Ever heard saying about making shit idiot proof? It's just a chalange for
nature to make better idiots. To improve society one needs to educati people.

Sure there is compasion and stuff, no everyone has time to achieve even
moderatly in depth knowledge of computers. But man things should have limits,
and sometimes it seems to me that in current world almost everyone is spouting
endless compasion. Or maybe just everyone likes the concept of non existent
personal responsibilty. And of course there always are such nice wendors like
apple who are there to remove your confusion for a price of course.

Re: [dev] [st] windows port?

2013-04-12 Thread Chris Down
On 2013-04-12 14:07, Sam Watkins wrote:
 One of the main suckless devs Uriel did commit suicide not long ago.
 Perhaps people here could refrain from saying kill yourself,
 out of respect to him.  Or did he talk that way also?

Until the time that the list regulars grow the social skills that they
desperately need, the list will always be like this. Others are taking their
cues from them.

-dev has really degraded in quality over the last year, mostly because of
certain voices becoming more active, and others becoming less so. Many people
would rather stroke their own ego by slating others than have a civil
discussion, with the end result that most threads become a meaningless
circlejerk of hatred towards the thread poster with little to no rational

Thankfully not everyone on this list is like this, but sadly it seems that we
now have an equal distribution of those who do and don't understand the phrase
civil discourse.

If the majority of people on this list are as easily enraged in real life as
they are on this list, they need some serious fucking therapy. If they aren't,
then they need to realise that the purpose of this list isn't to facilitate the
stroking of their internet genitalia.


Description: PGP signature

Re: [dev] [st] windows port?

2013-04-12 Thread Alexander Sedov
 Form your sentiment one gets impression that you think that situation is any
 better with windows software, and if you tink like that thats not even funny.
It's not better in average, yes. But dispersion is much greater. There
are IE search bars and there are nice professional tools.
And one usually avoids IE bars.
 As for normal users they need a good kick in a nuts to wake up and learn to
 learn tools that they use. If people got behind car wheel with atitude they 
 behind computer life would get terrible very quickly for everyone. As someone
 in some comment on slashdot stated: computig is only field where people come
 knowing nothing about it, work with computer for 10 years and still do no know
 shit about thier tool. That is pathetic.
No, they do not.
Computers are complex. If you understand computing – or you think so –
doesn't mean everybody should.
They need to do what they need to do, not spending their time trying
to figure how to do something with computer harder better faster
Especially not reading those manual pages.
Also, slashdot guy is wrong. Another example is buying physics against
common cold, for example.
 I bet my ass you have encounteres some data entrants in public places like
 bank or some such where entran selects every field with fuckin mouse, cause
 they cant bother to know that there ara button right under the finger that 
 one to next field. And I bet if you come to same entrant after couple of yers
 he/she will still be doing same thing.
a) they are accustomed to it,
b) it works fine,
c) nobody told them better?
Also, I should say that most operators actually know about Tab.
 Pandering to ignorance and making things user friendly does not solve shit.
 Ever heard saying about making shit idiot proof? It's just a chalange for
 nature to make better idiots. To improve society one needs to educati people.
You want to make everyone major in CS? I got some news for you, I guess.
Making things user friendly DOES solve shit, I'm talking from
experience. There is a trend to use Ubuntu arising here, and Ubuntu
breaks in such funny ways with almost every update that WinXP just
chokes envily. And people say hey, what the fuck is this shit, and
they're back to Windows, where Microsoft ensures software
compatibility and developers are not from Cloud Cuckoo Land, either.
Those stong who survive are usually people who like programming to some extent.
Or to Mac, y'know. My uncle uses Mac, and their support centers can do
everything in a day. He even never upgrades his OS himself. I
understand him, because nobody has got time for this shit out there.
 Sure there is compasion and stuff, no everyone has time to achieve even
 moderatly in depth knowledge of computers. But man things should have limits,
 and sometimes it seems to me that in current world almost everyone is spouting
 endless compasion. Or maybe just everyone likes the concept of non existent
 personal responsibilty. And of course there always are such nice wendors like
 apple who are there to remove your confusion for a price of course.
I see nothing wrong in providing technical support for money. (And
user-friendliness too). It's like taking advice from doctor: you pay
for visit, although it seems that he has not done much. You pay him
for the fact that he knows better than you. (Although Apple guys
actually fix your stuff, eliminating the need to go to farmacy).
If you can't bear the fact that somebody can know better, well, sucks
to be you. To me, your mail is just another sign of elitism. People
are so fucking stupid, they can't use broken software! Come on, spend
five years, learn something about computers!
Go tell your mom she needs to learn shit about Linux kernel, next time
it breaks. Or that she needs to switch from Windows to OpenBSD because
it's somehow better. You won't do this, right? So stop being a zealot.
It does not suit you well.

Re: [dev] [st] windows port?

2013-04-12 Thread Martti Kühne
On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 11:53 AM, Alexander Sedov wrote:
 I see nothing wrong in providing technical support for money. (And
 user-friendliness too). It's like taking advice from doctor: you pay
 for visit, although it seems that he has not done much. You pay him
 for the fact that he knows better than you. (Although Apple guys
 actually fix your stuff, eliminating the need to go to farmacy).

This. Knowledge and money do not correlate where I come from - how
else can those biggest idiots be so successful in capitalism?
Money in more ancient times was about trust, and you pay him because
you trust him with your health. So the doctor has, in that sense, as
much responsibility for your health as you pay him, except his taking
responsibility does not mean he can solve your health problem.

Yes, apple do a comparably good job at taking responsibility and,
obviously, and then responding to issues. But in the case of M$
Windows, you pay for a system that will likely abuse your cpu and
bandwidth for cyber crime and spyware which must be such a profitable
business that they are probably funding M$ by now, keeping up the
fishy business just a wee longer. Thanks to windows 8 the dark age may
finally have ended - when no one using this shit any more may become

 If you can't bear the fact that somebody can know better, well, sucks
 to be you. To me, your mail is just another sign of elitism. People
 are so fucking stupid, they can't use broken software! Come on, spend
 five years, learn something about computers!
 Go tell your mom she needs to learn shit about Linux kernel, next time
 it breaks. Or that she needs to switch from Windows to OpenBSD because
 it's somehow better. You won't do this, right? So stop being a zealot.
 It does not suit you well.

The first question you need to answer yourself is what are your
priorities. I'm currently working for non-engineers and have to
struggle for my sanity sometimes from all the FUD and need to find
something fun to tinker with. RADs are a great idea to work WITH,
except for the poor guy who needs to work AROUND them - and that's the
spot where code use, code reuse and code abuse will ever be done
wrong, just because Excel is good enough for a 3d rendering engine,
not many people have been using it as such. I guess Excel could boot
linux, if you ask it nicely enough. If you work with computers you'll
write programs that are useful and may use the subset of the features
an OS and an environment provides you with. The point is, how hard is
it for a programmer to write an alarm script based on cron and his
favorite music player, and then, exactly the opposite happens when you
switch the target audience, how in the world can you let a non-savvy
do that. Then we obviously need more .NET

Stop asking the question in a way that requires .NET. Well, and then
there is scratch, obviously [1]. Where again, most people will give up
on scratch when they can't make things work like they have in mind,
because they just don't care to think about all the edge cases and
details they suddenly have to take care of.



Re: [dev] [st] windows port?

2013-04-12 Thread Alexander Sedov
 This. Knowledge and money do not correlate where I come from - how
 else can those biggest idiots be so successful in capitalism?
 Money in more ancient times was about trust, and you pay him because
 you trust him with your health. So the doctor has, in that sense, as
 much responsibility for your health as you pay him, except his taking
 responsibility does not mean he can solve your health problem.

 Yes, apple do a comparably good job at taking responsibility and,
 obviously, and then responding to issues. But in the case of M$
 Windows, you pay for a system that will likely abuse your cpu and
 bandwidth for cyber crime and spyware which must be such a profitable
 business that they are probably funding M$ by now, keeping up the
 fishy business just a wee longer. Thanks to windows 8 the dark age may
 finally have ended - when no one using this shit any more may become
Yeah, Win8 is pitiful, but Win7 was a great breakthrough compared to WinXP.
Also, common sense protects you from spyware rather well.
The bad thing is, I don't see any alternatives to Win7 for clueless
user. MacOsX is just too expensive, Ubuntu is synonym for
unreliable, and other Linux distributions and OS like like FreeBSD
still lack is usability and support. Hopefully everyone will
eventually switch to Kolibri, but that's only my dream.
 The first question you need to answer yourself is what are your
 priorities. I'm currently working for non-engineers and have to
 struggle for my sanity sometimes from all the FUD and need to find
 something fun to tinker with. RADs are a great idea to work WITH,
 except for the poor guy who needs to work AROUND them - and that's the
 spot where code use, code reuse and code abuse will ever be done
 wrong, just because Excel is good enough for a 3d rendering engine,
 not many people have been using it as such. I guess Excel could boot
 linux, if you ask it nicely enough. If you work with computers you'll
 write programs that are useful and may use the subset of the features
 an OS and an environment provides you with. The point is, how hard is
 it for a programmer to write an alarm script based on cron and his
 favorite music player, and then, exactly the opposite happens when you
 switch the target audience, how in the world can you let a non-savvy
 do that. Then we obviously need more .NET
I'm not sure about needing more dotnet, but I'd like to point out that
most programmers write stuff for non-programmers nowadays. So, letting
non-savvy people do stuff is the new reality.
About code reuse and code abuse, I couldn't agree more.
 Stop asking the question in a way that requires .NET. Well, and then
 there is scratch, obviously [1]. Where again, most people will give up
 on scratch when they can't make things work like they have in mind,
 because they just don't care to think about all the edge cases and
 details they suddenly have to take care of.
If beer and women are not the answer, then you're asking wrong questions :).
From my point of view, dotnet is mediocre realization of great idea:
language interoperability by design and free JIT for everyone. The
problem is, learning C# cannot make one a good programmer, I've seen
many Javaists that have no frigging clue about what's call stack, how
long does it take to compare strings, et cetera.
Also, I've never seen any actual Scratch programs aside from short
flash animations and games. I'm rather surprised that something of
this level of quality/usefulness originated in MIT.

Re: [dev] [st] windows port?

2013-04-12 Thread Martti Kühne
On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 3:22 PM, Alexander Sedov wrote:
 From my point of view, dotnet is mediocre realization of great idea:
 language interoperability by design and free JIT for everyone. The
 problem is, learning C# cannot make one a good programmer, I've seen
 many Javaists that have no frigging clue about what's call stack, how
 long does it take to compare strings, et cetera.
 Also, I've never seen any actual Scratch programs aside from short
 flash animations and games. I'm rather surprised that something of
 this level of quality/usefulness originated in MIT.

point in case. I'm glad I use more than just an interface but the
computer that provides everyone else with an interface. unlike most
users. :)


Re: [dev] [st] windows port?

2013-04-12 Thread Martti Kühne
On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 3:22 PM, Alexander Sedov wrote:
 I'm not sure about needing more dotnet, but I'd like to point out that
 most programmers write stuff for non-programmers nowadays. So, letting
 non-savvy people do stuff is the new reality.

Oh and, how comes you're writing a terminal emulator with your views?
Because writing stuff for geeks is easier?


Re: [dev] [st] windows port?

2013-04-12 Thread Alexander Sedov
 Oh and, how comes you're writing a terminal emulator with your views?
 Because writing stuff for geeks is easier?
Hey, I'm not writing terminal emulator. I'm submitting patches to st
and get shouted at by __20h__, and that's it.
But the answer is: because writing stuff for myself is usually worth
my time, and because, well, I'm not a professional programmer.

Re: [dev] [st] windows port?

2013-04-12 Thread Martti Kühne
On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 3:59 PM, Alexander Sedov wrote:
 Oh and, how comes you're writing a terminal emulator with your views?
 Because writing stuff for geeks is easier?
 Hey, I'm not writing terminal emulator. I'm submitting patches to st
 and get shouted at by __20h__, and that's it.
 But the answer is: because writing stuff for myself is usually worth
 my time, and because, well, I'm not a professional programmer.

professional may not be the right term for being picky about things,
still, computers are pickiest.
Also, turns out I confused you with this thread's OP.
Good trading in our little bazaar. ;-)


Re: [dev] [st] windows port?

2013-04-12 Thread Martti Kühne
uh, I intended to say, they're picky by the bit there.

Re: [dev] [st] windows port?

2013-04-12 Thread Max DeLiso
What I can take away from the collective thoughts above is this:
effort spent trying to make windows better is generally wasted, and
contributes to the problem of the proliferation of shitty software. I
agree with this.

 As for normal users they need a good kick in a nuts to wake up and learn to
 learn tools that they use. If people got behind car wheel with atitude they 
 behind computer life would get terrible very quickly for everyone. As someone
 in some comment on slashdot stated: computig is only field where people come
 knowing nothing about it, work with computer for 10 years and still do no know
 shit about thier tool. That is pathetic.

But I ask, what is the point of crafting a beautifully minimalist
system if its not accessible? If your answer to this is: screw those
people who can not understand our system - they are too stupid to
appreciate it anyways, then haven't you committed the same wrong that
your fundamental principle of simplicity values so highly?

 Anyhow, it might be good to get some more experience with Plan 9 and
 suckless programs / systems / code style before posting too much here...
 so that people will not have cause to abuse you.

I've loaded (old) plan9 isos from Lucent in a virtualbox, and built 
run Inferno hosted on windows and linux, but I haven't spent any
significant time with them. It's cool how some ideas like /proc
percolate upwards into linux land though.

As for suckless programs, I used dwm last summer during an internship
(on ubuntu though ironically), and it was great! I have since switched
to debian + xmonad. st is a cool project and I will likely continue to
use it.

 You could write your own terminal or try to port st for 'fun'.  You might
 like to write a portable terminal in standard C or C++, [...]

This is what I'm going to do. It's really more a learning exercise for
me, I am still a student after all. I accept the fact that probably
nobody will use or contribute to my project.

My aim was not to start a flame war over windows here, I apologize if
I created any noise. I really only still run windows because I play
some games which only run on windows. Steam runs on Ubuntu but it's
still a little premature, some severe memory management bugs. It looks
like win8 is going to fail hard, and I think this in
combination with Valve's linux push will enable a more robust
ecosystem for commercial grade games shipping to  linux.

Re: [dev] [st] windows port?

2013-04-12 Thread Strake
On 12/04/2013, Max DeLiso wrote:
 I really only still run windows because I play
 some games which only run on windows.


Re: [dev] [st] windows port?

2013-04-12 Thread hiro
can the moralfags please fuck off already?

Re: [dev] [st] windows port?

2013-04-12 Thread Chris Down
On 13 Apr 2013 05:07, hiro wrote:

 can the moralfags please fuck off already?

Moralfags? What are you, twelve years old? Kindly go back to 4chan, it's
where you belong with such lacking social skills.

Re: [dev] [st] windows port?

2013-04-12 Thread Chris Johnson
Well this whole thread is truly new and exciting.  I'm glad to see how far
it's come since the 800 billion other times I've read it.

On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 4:57 PM, Strake wrote:

 On 12/04/2013, Max DeLiso wrote:
  I really only still run windows because I play
  some games which only run on windows.


Re: [dev] [st] windows port?

2013-04-12 Thread KarlOskar Rikås
On Apr 12, 2013 11:07 PM, hiro wrote:

 can the moralfags please fuck off already?

Re: [dev] [st] windows port?

2013-04-12 Thread Calvin Morrison
On Apr 12, 2013 5:07 PM, hiro wrote:

 can the moralfags please fuck off already?

Yes thank you.

This was about a windows port of st. No I do not think YOU are going to
enlighten us about this history of unix, the reaches of space or anything
another windows bashing thread hasn't done one million times...

Re: [dev] [st] windows port?

2013-04-11 Thread Martti Kühne
What are you writing C++ code if you could use Xming or even cygwin to
just compile the actual st on windows?

Re: [dev] [st] windows port?

2013-04-11 Thread pancake

On 04/11/13 17:13, Max DeLiso wrote:

On Apr 11, 2013 11:05 AM, Martti Kühne wrote:
  What are you writing C++ code if you could use Xming or even cygwin to
  just compile the actual st on windows?

Well it does add an extra layer of abstraction which could be a source
of bugs. Also that would make contributing significantly more difficult
for the Windows people.

definitevly debugging cygwin programs is almost impossible (try it by 
yourself), but anyway.. what's the point of using C++? and well.. i 
guess you know that st depends on X and pty. and windows have none of 
those things? and well. who cares about windows nowadays?

Re: [dev] [st] windows port?

2013-04-11 Thread Martti Kühne
On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 5:13 PM, Max DeLiso wrote:

 Well it does add an extra layer of abstraction which could be a source of
 bugs. Also that would make contributing significantly more difficult for the
 Windows people.

People use windows because they don't know any better. They don't even
want to know any better. Let's write suckless code and then hide it
under three layers of dysfunctional GUI and press F1 for help... I
think not even F1 will help you with your virus-infected,
self-destructive, noob-friendly piece of shit OS.

That said, I remember good times with windows. Back when I downloaded
and installed $actual_os.

On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 5:17 PM, pancake wrote:
 definitevly debugging cygwin programs is almost impossible (try it by
 yourself), but anyway.. what's the point of using C++? and well.. i guess
 you know that st depends on X and pty. and windows have none of those
 things? and well. who cares about windows nowadays?

Never did that. Thanks for the heads-up, although I was already under
the impression that on windows nothing at all can be debugged,
because, well, where's the fucking source to anything?


Re: [dev] [st] windows port?

2013-04-11 Thread Aurélien Aptel
You might me interested in ConEmu

Re: [dev] [st] windows port?

2013-04-11 Thread pancake

On 04/11/13 17:23, Martti Kühne wrote:

Never did that. Thanks for the heads-up, although I was already under
the impression that on windows nothing at all can be debugged,
because, well, where's the fucking source to anything?

who needs the source to debug anything?

Re: [dev] [st] windows port?

2013-04-11 Thread Max DeLiso
On Apr 11, 2013 11:23 AM, Martti Kühne wrote:

 On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 5:13 PM, Max DeLiso wrote:
  Well it does add an extra layer of abstraction which could be a source
  bugs. Also that would make contributing significantly more difficult
for the
  Windows people.

 People use windows because they don't know any better. They don't even
 want to know any better. Let's write suckless code and then hide it
 under three layers of dysfunctional GUI and press F1 for help... I
 think not even F1 will help you with your virus-infected,
 self-destructive, noob-friendly piece of shit OS.

 That said, I remember good times with windows. Back when I downloaded
 and installed $actual_os.

I completely agree that Windows is a legacy OS, but plenty of people are
still forced to use it for many legitimate reasons.

 On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 5:17 PM, pancake wrote:
  definitevly debugging cygwin programs is almost impossible (try it by
  yourself), but anyway.. what's the point of using C++? and well.. i
  you know that st depends on X and pty. and windows have none of those
  things? and well. who cares about windows nowadays?

 Never did that. Thanks for the heads-up, although I was already under
 the impression that on windows nothing at all can be debugged,
 because, well, where's the fucking source to anything?

You can actually get symbols for large parts of the internals. The
documentation is generally quite good too. And for the undocumented parts
you can always reverse.


Re: [dev] [st] windows port?

2013-04-11 Thread Christoph Lohmann

On Thu, 11 Apr 2013 17:48:11 +0200 Max DeLiso wrote:
 I know what you're probably thinking.
 A) That's stupid

Windows is the reason why we lack behind in software development by more
than 20 years. Software is unusable,  proprietary  and  programmers  are
taught  that  things should be that way and only because Redmond created
this environment.

Apple and Google are creating the next backstep by binding developer re‐
sources in complete separate environments.

All  people  spreading  Windows  should  be  laughed at and sent back to
school for learning some real job. The same applies for people spreading
Google  or Apple.  People spreading the web should be shot, because they
are the reason for the next 10 years of technological standstill.


Christoph Lohmann

Re: [dev] [st] windows port?

2013-04-11 Thread Max DeLiso
On Apr 11, 2013 11:54 AM, Christoph Lohmann wrote:


 On Thu, 11 Apr 2013 17:48:11 +0200 Max DeLiso wrote:
  I know what you're probably thinking.
  A) That's stupid

 Windows is the reason why we lack behind in software development by more
 than 20 years. Software is unusable,  proprietary  and  programmers  are
 taught  that  things should be that way and only because Redmond created
 this environment.

If windows was totally unusable would it have succeeded in the way that it
has? Windows is certainly not ideal in any sense but you can't deny its
ongoing success commercially.

 Apple and Google are creating the next backstep by binding developer re‐
 sources in complete separate environments.

What does this even mean? I could try to tease some sense out of it but
I'll leave that burden to you...

 All  people  spreading  Windows  should  be  laughed at and sent back to
 school for learning some real job. The same applies for people spreading
 Google  or Apple.  People spreading the web should be shot, because they
 are the reason for the next 10 years of technological standstill.

The web is the future of computing, that much is evident. You can hole
yourself up in your little imaginary world where users don't matter, nobody
actually gets paid, and the sole criteria for judging software systems lies
in their strict adherence to a bunch vaguely articulated idealist
principles. I'll be out here in the real world, with the rest of the sane

Re: [dev] [st] windows port?

2013-04-11 Thread Jacob Todd
Kill yourself.
On Apr 11, 2013 12:42 PM, Max DeLiso wrote:

 On Apr 11, 2013 11:54 AM, Christoph Lohmann wrote:
  On Thu, 11 Apr 2013 17:48:11 +0200 Max DeLiso
   I know what you're probably thinking.
   A) That's stupid
  Windows is the reason why we lack behind in software development by more
  than 20 years. Software is unusable,  proprietary  and  programmers  are
  taught  that  things should be that way and only because Redmond created
  this environment.

 If windows was totally unusable would it have succeeded in the way that it
 has? Windows is certainly not ideal in any sense but you can't deny its
 ongoing success commercially.

  Apple and Google are creating the next backstep by binding developer re‐
  sources in complete separate environments.

 What does this even mean? I could try to tease some sense out of it but
 I'll leave that burden to you...

  All  people  spreading  Windows  should  be  laughed at and sent back to
  school for learning some real job. The same applies for people spreading
  Google  or Apple.  People spreading the web should be shot, because they
  are the reason for the next 10 years of technological standstill.

 The web is the future of computing, that much is evident. You can hole
 yourself up in your little imaginary world where users don't matter, nobody
 actually gets paid, and the sole criteria for judging software systems lies
 in their strict adherence to a bunch vaguely articulated idealist
 principles. I'll be out here in the real world, with the rest of the sane

Re: [dev] [st] windows port?

2013-04-11 Thread sl
 The web is the future of computing, that much is evident.

The web is not even the present of computing. Most humans
access the Internet using custom clients (apps) on mobile


Re: [dev] [st] windows port?

2013-04-11 Thread Nick
On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 12:45:48PM -0400, Jacob Todd wrote:
 Kill yourself.

Please can we try not to be needlessly dramatic and unpleasant here?

The tone of this list gets quite hard to handle sometimes, and seems
to have been going more in this direction lately.

I know the prevailing sentiment here is that people should be
treated with the respect their comments deserve, which is fair
enough, but comments like this are massive overkill and really turn
me away from the community. Which sucks, as I like what we're
working towards here.

Re: [dev] [st] windows port?

2013-04-11 Thread Max DeLiso
On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 12:46 PM, wrote:
 The web is the future of computing, that much is evident.

 The web is not even the present of computing. Most humans
 access the Internet using custom clients (apps) on mobile

Really depends how you define web doesn't it? If by web you're
referring specifically to HTTP, which the majority of those custom
clients are using to transmit data, then yes, the web is the present
of computing.

Even if you define it more generally as programming with some kind of
network interaction involved, it's still the present of computing.

In fact the only definitions of web that it fails this test is the
very narrow definition which refers only to HTML being loaded into a
browser. (And though facebook has shown that this approach on mobile
is still not really viable yet, it is still being worked on). Look at
firefoxOS. No consensus has really emerged yet on this, though it
seems to be the direction many are headed.

Re: [dev] [st] windows port?

2013-04-11 Thread Max DeLiso
On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 12:57 PM, Nick wrote:
 On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 12:45:48PM -0400, Jacob Todd wrote:
 Kill yourself.

 Please can we try not to be needlessly dramatic and unpleasant here?

seconding this! It's juvenile and counterproductive.

Re: [dev] [st] windows port?

2013-04-11 Thread sl
 Really depends how you define

Kill yourself.


Re: [dev] [st] windows port?

2013-04-11 Thread Christoph Lohmann

On Thu, 11 Apr 2013 19:22:22 +0200 Nick wrote:
 On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 12:45:48PM -0400, Jacob Todd wrote:

 The tone of this list gets quite hard to handle sometimes, and seems
 to have been going more in this direction lately.

No,  that’s  due to the people entering this list. The loud ones seem to
be the generation of blinded Windows and Gnome developers. The  reaction
to  such people will always be the same, when they have no profound rea‐
son for their opinion and only speak for their uninformed minds.

 I know the prevailing sentiment here is that people should be
 treated with the respect their comments deserve, which is fair
 enough, but comments like this are massive overkill and really turn
 me away from the community. Which sucks, as I like what we're
 working towards here.

There is no reason to start sentiment for the people this project worked
against all the time. This will only kill our principles. Do you  really
want  st to have a Go backend SDK for web development, just because it’s
hip and the node.js backend looks better when I’m drunk? Censored  sex‐
ist  joke. Sorry, you guys didn’t fight enough against censorship of the
Internet. Your bad.


Christoph Lohmann

Re: [dev] [st] windows port?

2013-04-11 Thread Joseph Xu
On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 10:59 AM, Max DeLiso wrote:
 A) That's stupid
 B) Therefore OP must be stupid.

I don't think you're stupid, because the few times I've had to use
cmd.exe, I've thought about this myself. But I do think it's a waste of
time. How much do you use the console in Windows? Very few native Windows
programs are written for it, and the ones that exist certainly do not
expect or take advantage of VT102 emulation for curses functionality. So
the benefit of the port is minimal. I think you are just trying
to shoehorn the paradigm of one OS into another.

On the other hand, I think a nicer console program without terminal
emulation and nicer GUI features, along the lines of 9term, would be
much simpler to implement and may be worth the cost.

Re: [dev] [st] windows port?

2013-04-11 Thread Charlie Kester

On 04/11/2013 09:41, Max DeLiso wrote:

If windows was totally unusable would it have succeeded in the way that it
has? Windows is certainly not ideal in any sense but you can't deny its
ongoing success commercially.

Windows (and before it, DOS) was never an example of well-designed 
software. Its success had nothing to do with its technical merits.

Rob Landley has given some talks recently, in which he points out how 
the bandwagon or snowball effect has elevated and locked in the leaders 
in various technological niches.  DOS/Windows succeeded simply because 
people wanted to use what everyone else was using.

In the late 80's/early 90's:

CP/M had reached a dead end.

The Unix world was fragmented and still seen as aimed at big iron or 
high-end workstations.  It often required expensive license fees.

Linux and PC-BSD were either not invented yet or still too rough around 
the edges to appeal to the mass market.  By the time they were ready 
enough, Microsoft had already built an insurmountable lead.

Apple and Amiga had products for personal use, but unlike the PC, they 
weren't aimed at the office or business user.

DOS/Windows won the business market for personal computing almost by 
default, and Microsoft used that advantage to build their empire.

People forget how much enthusiasm there was for DOS/Windows back in the 
early days.  It was the Revolution, the People's Computer, striking a 
blow against big iron and the IT priesthood.  There was a thriving 
shareware community...

Re: [dev] [st] windows port?

2013-04-11 Thread Max DeLiso
On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 1:24 PM, Joseph Xu wrote:
 On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 10:59 AM, Max DeLiso wrote:
 A) That's stupid
 B) Therefore OP must be stupid.

 I don't think you're stupid, because the few times I've had to use
 cmd.exe, I've thought about this myself. But I do think it's a waste of
 time. How much do you use the console in Windows? Very few native Windows
 programs are written for it, and the ones that exist certainly do not
 expect or take advantage of VT102 emulation for curses functionality. So
 the benefit of the port is minimal. I think you are just trying
 to shoehorn the paradigm of one OS into another.

You make a great point. Almost all programs which depend on curses
already would need to be ported to NT anyways, and there are already
(as mentioned before), methods for doing this which already work.

 On the other hand, I think a nicer console program without terminal
 emulation and nicer GUI features, along the lines of 9term, would be
 much simpler to implement and may be worth the cost.

The cost is minimal, I enjoy doing writing this code because I
inevitably end up learning more about system design. In fact last time
I was working on this project, I ended up finding CVE-2013-0076 :). I
will reconsider inclusion of terminal emulation.

Thanks for the input!

Re: [dev] [st] windows port?

2013-04-11 Thread pancake

On 04/11/13 19:24, Joseph Xu wrote:

On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 10:59 AM, Max DeLiso wrote:

A) That's stupid
B) Therefore OP must be stupid.

I don't think you're stupid, because the few times I've had to use
cmd.exe, I've thought about this myself. But I do think it's a waste of
time. How much do you use the console in Windows? Very few native Windows
programs are written for it, and the ones that exist certainly do not
expect or take advantage of VT102 emulation for curses functionality. So
the benefit of the port is minimal. I think you are just trying
to shoehorn the paradigm of one OS into another.

On the other hand, I think a nicer console program without terminal
emulation and nicer GUI features, along the lines of 9term, would be
much simpler to implement and may be worth the cost.

in fact th way windows access the terminal is by API and not by ANSI, so 
if you want to handle ^C you have to hook a callback to a function and 
if you want to print colors on screen you have to call some functions to 
setup a new palete and so on.

what cygwin does is the same as I did in r_cons (inside r2). parse every 
buffer that will be printed on screen and change every ANSI code by a 
buffer flush and a function call to change the color.

also, the api doesnt permits the same features as ansi permits, and 
flushing so many times results in much slower rendering.

i remember that there was an ansi.sys driver that was doing this.. but 
wonder what happened with that..

but well. its windows, and nobody cares. in fact, last time i had 
windows at home was around 1999... and well, i have tried to avoid jobs 
where i had to use w32... to try to keep my mind sane. Rejecting this 
kind of jobs is my way to try to make the world a better place.

theorically the new shell in windows is powershell which is 
something like a object oriented shell (similar to ruby), with nice 
features that nobody care because they only work on windows.

also i think that the best way to use windows was installing openssh 
from cygwin and then using putty in fullscreen to connect to localhost.

but anyway.. after 14 years without using it, i can only say that i 
would love to see how microsoft dies and stops releasing crappy hardware 
and software (surface and winphone are the ultimate abomination), and 
they didnt stopped their monopolistic practices imposing their by 
pushing money software to governments and hardware manufacturers... tell 
me how many laptops can you buy on a phisical store that didnt come with 
windows preinstalled. (for example)

fuck that shit


Re: [dev] [st] windows port?

2013-04-11 Thread random832
On Thu, Apr 11, 2013, at 10:59, Max DeLiso wrote:

My aim is to create a minimalist terminal emulator for windows. I want
a project whose relationship to the cmd/conhost/csrss triad is
analogous to the relationship between st and xterm/x. I'm going to try
and lift out of st all of the platform agnostic bits  which I am able
to, and generally use it as a reference for terminal emulation

If it doesn't work _with_ the cmd/conhost/csrss triad, what programs
are going to run in it? Cygwin, I suppose.

The problem, in general, with unix-ish terminal emulators on windows is
they don't work with applications designed to run in the console.

Re: [dev] [st] windows port?

2013-04-11 Thread Thorsten Glaser
Max DeLiso dixit:

If windows was totally unusable would it have succeeded in the way that it

Windows® does not have succeeded.

Until and including version 7, it’s brought new people, who IMHO
do not belong in front of a computer except with nōn-root rights
and having hired, say, a student as their personal sysadmin, in.

But no Real Programmers use it.

With version 8, it’s just AOL all over again. (And interestingly
enough, today someone in IRC said Geocities popped up too, but I
couldn’t easily look as it required a Google login. And yes it’s

Sorry,  I’m annoyed today and you came by as an Arch user. These are the
perfect victims for any crime against humanity, like  systemd,  feminism
or social democracy.
-- Christoph Lohmann on

Re: [dev] [st] windows port?

2013-04-11 Thread Strake
On 11/04/2013, Max DeLiso wrote:
 I completely agree that Windows is a legacy OS, but plenty of people are
 still forced to use it for many legitimate reasons.

Forced? How? At knifepoint?

Re: [dev] [st] windows port?

2013-04-11 Thread Max DeLiso
On Apr 11, 2013 5:04 PM, Strake wrote:

 On 11/04/2013, Max DeLiso wrote:
  I completely agree that Windows is a legacy OS, but plenty of people are
  still forced to use it for many legitimate reasons.

 Forced? How? At knifepoint?

Lock-in. Be it device drivers, applications, management, support contracts,
etc. It's no accident, as pancake asserted previously.

Re: [dev] [st] windows port?

2013-04-11 Thread Hugues Moretto-Viry
2013/4/11 Strake

 On 11/04/2013, Max DeLiso wrote:
  I completely agree that Windows is a legacy OS, but plenty of people are
  still forced to use it for many legitimate reasons.

 Forced? How? At knifepoint?

Because of my work. I'm using PL7Pro which only exists on Windows.
Maybe, you're able to port it to Linux, then contact me.


Re: [dev] [st] windows port?

2013-04-11 Thread Alexander Sedov
Oh, look, how nice, religious wars at dev@suckless, and my favourite
argument about Windows being crappy operating system with absolutely
no justification. Religious people never justify their views, I guess.
About the lock-in: drivers may be the case, but applications can not
be lock-in. If somebody goes and creates amazingly beautiful
operating system called, for example, Plot C right now, incompatible
with either Linux drivers (which KolibriOS for example is compatible
with), Windows drivers, and every app out there in the world because
it doesn't conform to outdated standards nor does it attempts to
provide compatibility, and then he'll cry about how all users are
locked in and nobody uses his beauty, I'll call him stupid. It's not
lock-in, it's he hasn't attempted to make his OS usable.
Same thing applies, with two orders of magnitude lower, to Linux. Go
open your package manager or open Github if you don't have one, and
look what's there. Mostly some arcane shit, as fruitless as a
proverbial fig tree, some clones of Windows apps, clones of clones of
Windows apps, attempts to rewrite and revise libraries, magically make
less buggy changing an API, and so on.
We have so many music players, each better and slicker that others,
but still unusable as hell. We have buggy applications written in GTK+
that crash depending on moon phase. We have I don't know how many
libraries for data serialization and datetime handling and whatnot,
and I'd bet fifty bucks that almost all of them started  this
bloatware sucks, let's come with something simple and funny to write.
All that unbearable crap actually helps greatly. If you do not give up
trying to make all that shit actually kind of work, because their
developers thought only about fun and elegance, not usability, you
learn a lot of new things, and that's very cool. But it's not for
normal people, no. It's either for masochists or elitists.

Re: [dev] [st] windows port?

2013-04-11 Thread Daniel Bryan
 Please can we try not to be needlessly dramatic and unpleasant here?

 The tone of this list gets quite hard to handle sometimes, and seems
 to have been going more in this direction lately.

 I know the prevailing sentiment here is that people should be
 treated with the respect their comments deserve, which is fair
 enough, but comments like this are massive overkill and really turn
 me away from the community. Which sucks, as I like what we're
 working towards here.

There's plenty of us here who follow the list and love the Suckless effort
and Suckless software but don't like that style. Not my place to try to
change it, but you're not alone. You're probably not in the minority.

On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 2:57 AM, Nick wrote:

 On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 12:45:48PM -0400, Jacob Todd wrote:
  Kill yourself.

 Please can we try not to be needlessly dramatic and unpleasant here?

 The tone of this list gets quite hard to handle sometimes, and seems
 to have been going more in this direction lately.

 I know the prevailing sentiment here is that people should be
 treated with the respect their comments deserve, which is fair
 enough, but comments like this are massive overkill and really turn
 me away from the community. Which sucks, as I like what we're
 working towards here.

Re: [dev] [st] windows port?

2013-04-11 Thread Nimrod Omer
I'm pretty sure angry people shouting at each other are always in the

Hey, look, webcomics agree!


Re: [dev] [st] windows port?

2013-04-11 Thread Noah Birnel
On Thu, Apr 11, 2013 at 10:59:46AM -0400, Max DeLiso wrote:
 A) That's stupid

Misguided instead? Very few people who would appreciate a simple
terminal are likely to be using Windows. (I'm one of them.) I doubt
you'll get many competent coders to contribute. (I'm not one of
them.) And it's such a punishing environment that I don't know how
satisfying it will be to say: Well, at least my terminal is

cygwin + bug.n + an xmouse simulator (or inferno or Acme SAC, if
you're into that sort of thing) is about as sane as it gets now on
Windows. They are adequate, if your job (like mine) requires this
stinky OS.  I'd rather see good programmers working on *nix or
cross-platform programs than spending time on the endless time-suck
that is trying to clean up MS's mess.

BTW, st compiles and runs under Cygwin / X, both in the cygwin
multiwindow X and with a real WM like dwm. 

 My aim is to create a minimalist terminal emulator for windows. I want a
 project whose relationship to the cmd/conhost/csrss triad is analogous to
 the relationship between st and xterm/x.

? This doesn't make much sense to me. 
wvt is to cmd as st is to xterm?
(term to shell as term to term?)

That all said, I'll give it a try. But...

How do you compile this? 

$ make -f makefile.win32 release
make: *** No rule to make target `Release\wvt.obj' , needed by `wvt.exe'.  Stop.

Re: [dev] [st] windows port?

2013-04-11 Thread Noah Birnel
 People use windows because they don't know any better. 

If most people are using it, there start to be reasons other than
ignorance. For instance, in legal discovery, we don't have the privilege
of telling the judge: Sorry, this evidence was generated by people
using lousy software on a lousy OS, so we're not going to discover it.
Tell the defendant to get a real OS and commit the offence again. Or, we
could run catdoc on everything.

 self-destructive, noob-friendly piece of shit OS.

Noob-friendly?! I can't think of a modern OS with a more
counter-intuitive, hostile, byzantine interface than Windows XP /
7. (I know nothing of Windows 8.) Android is noob-friendly, a bit.
Commodore-64s were noob-friendly. Windows? No.

Re: [dev] [st] windows port?

2013-04-11 Thread Sam Watkins
One of the main suckless devs Uriel did commit suicide not long ago.
Perhaps people here could refrain from saying kill yourself,
out of respect to him.  Or did he talk that way also?

Did the same people spit the dummy, when dwm was ported to Windoze?

There are already tolerable terminals for windows, such as rxvt (msys),
and half of putty (which you could use with a local sshd / telnetd).
DOS programs (e.g. don't work with Unix terminals.

You could write your own terminal or try to port st for 'fun'.  You might
like to write a portable terminal in standard C or C++, perhaps using SDL
or a framebuffer, which would be useful on systems without X or Windoze.
Someone did this already to some extent.

Anyhow, it might be good to get some more experience with Plan 9 and
suckless programs / systems / code style before posting too much here...
so that people will not have cause to abuse you.

Basic HTML is not bad in itself, but modern HTML + CSS + DOM + JS +
multitude of incompatible browsers is ridiculously sucky.  Basic HTTP is
not bad, simplified with minor changes it could be like a plain-text 9p.

I'd say X11 sucks almost as much as Windows; and in some ways, 9p sucks
more than http.  But UNIX is a lot better than DOS.
