Bug report for Tomcat 4 [2009/04/19]

2009-04-19 Thread bugzilla
| Bugzilla Bug ID   |
| +-+
| | Status: UNC=Unconfirmed NEW=New ASS=Assigned|
| | OPN=ReopenedVER=Verified(Skipped Closed/Resolved)   |
| |   +-+
| |   | Severity: BLK=Blocker CRI=Critical  REG=Regression  MAJ=Major   |
| |   |   MIN=Minor   NOR=NormalENH=Enhancement TRV=Trivial |
| |   |   +-+
| |   |   | Date Posted |
| |   |   |  +--+
| |   |   |  | Description  |
| |   |   |  |  |
| 3839|Opn|Enh|2001-09-26|Problem bookmarking login page|
| 4227|Opn|Enh|2001-10-17|Invalid CGI path  |
| 5329|New|Enh|2001-12-08|NT Service exits startup before Tomcat is finished|
| 5795|New|Enh|2002-01-10|Catalina Shutdown relies on localhost causing prob|
| 5829|New|Enh|2002-01-13|StandardManager needs to cope with sessions throwi|
| 5985|New|Enh|2002-01-23|Tomcat should perform a more restrictive validatio|
| 6600|Opn|Enh|2002-02-20|enodeURL adds 'jsession' when 'isRequestedSessionI|
| 6614|New|Enh|2002-02-21|Have Bootstrap and StandardClassLoader use the sam|
| 6671|New|Enh|2002-02-25|Simple custom tag example uses old declaration sty|
| 7043|New|Enh|2002-03-12|database user and password for JDBC Based Store   |
| 7374|New|Enh|2002-03-22|Apache Tomcat/4.0.1 message on standard output|
| 7676|New|Enh|2002-04-02|Allow name property to use match experssions in  without className in server.xml produces N|
|11129|New|Enh|2002-07-24|New valve for putting the sessionIDs in the reques|
|11248|New|Enh|2002-07-29|DefaultServlet doesn't send expires header|
|11754|Opn|Enh|2002-08-15|Synchronous shutdown script - shutdown.sh should w|
|12069|New|Enh|2002-08-27|Creation of more HttpSession objects for one previ|
|12428|Opn|Enh|2002-09-09|request.getUserPrincipal(): Misinterpretation of s|
|12658|New|Enh|2002-09-15|a proxy host and port at the  element level |
|12766|New|Enh|2002-09-18|Tomcat should use tld files in /WEB-INF/ over vers|
|13309|Opn|Enh|2002-10-04|Catalina calls System.exit()  |
|13634|New|Enh|2002-10-15|Allowing system properties to be substituted in co|
|13689|Opn|Enh|2002-10-16|Classloader paths for 'Common' classes and librari|
|13731|New|Enh|2002-10-17|Final request, response, session and other variabl|
|13941|New|Enh|2002-10-24|reload is VERY slow   |
|13965|New|Enh|2002-10-25|Catalina.sh correction request for Tru64 Unix |
|14097|New|Enh|2002-10-30|hardcoded registry value for vm lets tomcat servic|
|14416|New|Enh|2002-11-10|blank tag name in TLD cause NullPointerException  |
|14635|New|Enh|2002-11-18|Should be possible not to have -MM-DD in log f|
|14766|New|Enh|2002-11-22|Redirect Vavle|
|14993|New|Enh|2002-12-02|Possible obselete synchronized declaration|
|15115|New|Enh|2002-12-05|correct docs... XML parser *cannot* be overridden |
|15417|Opn|Enh|2002-12-16|Add port for forced compilation of JSP pages  |
|15688|New|Enh|2002-12-27|full-qualified names instead of imports   |
|15941|New|Enh|2003-01-10|Expose rootCause exceptions at deeper levels  |
|16294|New|Enh|2003-01-21|Configurable URL Decoding.|
|16357|New|Enh|2003-01-23|"connection timeout reached"  |
|16531|New|Enh|2003-01-29|Updating already deployed ".war" files in a single|
|16579|New|Enh|2003-01-30|documentation page layout/style breaks wrapping to|
|16596|New|Enh|2003-01-30|option for disabling log rotation |
|17070|New|Enh|2003-02-14|The Catalina Ant tasks do not allow for 'reusable'|
|17146|New|Enh|2003-02-18|Simplify build.xml using 

Bug report for Tomcat 5 [2009/04/19]

2009-04-19 Thread bugzilla
| Bugzilla Bug ID   |
| +-+
| | Status: UNC=Unconfirmed NEW=New ASS=Assigned|
| | OPN=ReopenedVER=Verified(Skipped Closed/Resolved)   |
| |   +-+
| |   | Severity: BLK=Blocker CRI=Critical  REG=Regression  MAJ=Major   |
| |   |   MIN=Minor   NOR=NormalENH=Enhancement TRV=Trivial |
| |   |   +-+
| |   |   | Date Posted |
| |   |   |  +--+
| |   |   |  | Description  |
| |   |   |  |  |
|27122|Opn|Enh|2004-02-20|IE plugins cannot access components through Tomcat|
|28039|Opn|Enh|2004-03-30|Cluster Support for SingleSignOn  |
|29160|Ver|Enh|2004-05-23|precompile problem: _jspx_meth_* (javax.servlet.js|
|29494|Inf|Enh|2004-06-10|No way to set PATH when running as a service on Wi|
|30241|Ver|Enh|2004-07-21|Enhance build script to use branch argument when c|
|33262|Inf|Enh|2005-01-27|Service Manager autostart should check for adminis|
|33453|Opn|Enh|2005-02-08|Jasper should recompile JSP files whose datestamps|
|33671|Opn|Enh|2005-02-21|Manual Windows service installation with custom na|
|34110|Opn|Nor|2005-03-21|The message "SEVERE: Error listenerStart" should b|
|34801|New|Enh|2005-05-08|PATCH: CGIServlet does not terminate child after a|
|34805|Ass|Enh|2005-05-08|warn about invalid security constraint url pattern|
|34868|Ass|Enh|2005-05-11|allow to register a trust store for a session that|
|35054|Inf|Enh|2005-05-25|warn if appBase is not existing as a File or direc|
|36133|Inf|Enh|2005-08-10|Support JSS SSL implementation|
|36362|New|Enh|2005-08-25|missing check for Java reserved keywords in tag fi|
|36569|Inf|Enh|2005-09-09|Redirects produce illegal URL's   |
|36837|Inf|Enh|2005-09-28|Looking for ProxyHandler implementation of Http re|
|36922|Inf|Enh|2005-10-04|setup.sh file mis-advertised and missing  |
|36923|New|Nor|2005-10-05|Deactivated EL expressions are not parsed for jsp |
|37018|Ass|Enh|2005-10-11|Document how to use tomcat-SSL with a pkcs11 token|
|37084|Ass|Nor|2005-10-14|JspC from ant fails on JSPs that use custom taglib|
|37334|Inf|Enh|2005-11-02|Realm digest property not aligned with the adminis|
|37449|Opn|Enh|2005-11-10|Two UserDatabaseRealm break manager user  |
|37458|Ass|Nor|2005-11-10|Datarace on org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClass|
|37485|Inf|Enh|2005-11-14|I'd like to run init SQL after JDBC Connection cre|
|37498|New|Nor|2005-11-14|[PATCH] NPE in org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerB|
|37515|Opn|Nor|2005-11-15|smap not generated by JspC when used from Ant for |
|37627|Inf|Nor|2005-11-24|Slow and incomplete dynamic content generation aft|
|37785|Inf|Nor|2005-12-05|Changing startup type via Tomcat Monitor does not |
|37794|Opn|Nor|2005-12-05|getParameter() fails on POST with transfer-encodin|
|37797|Inf|Maj|2005-12-05|Configure Tomcat utility truncates classpath to 96|
|37847|Ass|Enh|2005-12-09|Allow User To Optionally Specify Catalina Output F|
|37869|Opn|Nor|2005-12-12|Cannot obtain client certificate with SSL / client|
|37984|New|Nor|2005-12-21|JNDIRealm.java not able to handle MD5 password|
|38197|Opn|Maj|2006-01-09|taglib pool bug when tag is used with jsp:attribut|
|38216|Inf|Enh|2006-01-10|Extend Jmxproxy to allow call of MBean Operations |
|38217|Ver|Enh|2006-01-10|mention that private key password and keystore pas|
|38268|Inf|Enh|2006-01-13|User friendly: Need submit button on adding/deleti|
|38352|Inf|Nor|2006-01-22|Additional Entries for Default catalina.policy fil|
|38360|Inf|Enh|2006-01-24|Domain for session cookies|
|38483|New|Nor|2006-02-01|access log valve uses simpledateformat in tread-un|
|38484|New|Min|2006-02-01|webapps Admin: Invalid path /login was requested  |
|38516|Inf|Nor|2006-02-05|Configuration Manager loses "Log On" settings |
|38546|Inf|Enh|2006-02-07|Google bot sends invalid If-Modifed-Since Header, |
|38553|New|Nor|2006-02-07|Wrong HTTP code for failed CLIENT-CERT authenticat|
|38570|New|Nor|2006-02-08|if docBase path contains "webapps", a backslash is|
|38577|Inf|Enh|2006-02-08|Enhance logging of security failures  |
|38630|Inf|Maj|2006-02-13|Environment (java:comp/env/) sometimes not availab|
|38713|Ass|Nor|2006-02-20|java.io.IOException: tmpFile.renameTo(classFile) f|
|38743|New|Min|2006-02-21|when using APR, JKS options are silently ignored  |
|38797|Opn|Nor|2006-02-27|5.5.12 and 5.5.15 emit different code on  |

Bug report for Tomcat 6 [2009/04/19]

2009-04-19 Thread bugzilla
| Bugzilla Bug ID   |
| +-+
| | Status: UNC=Unconfirmed NEW=New ASS=Assigned|
| | OPN=ReopenedVER=Verified(Skipped Closed/Resolved)   |
| |   +-+
| |   | Severity: BLK=Blocker CRI=Critical  REG=Regression  MAJ=Major   |
| |   |   MIN=Minor   NOR=NormalENH=Enhancement TRV=Trivial |
| |   |   +-+
| |   |   | Date Posted |
| |   |   |  +--+
| |   |   |  | Description  |
| |   |   |  |  |
|37929|Opn|Nor|2005-12-16|invalidated session causes pageContext methods to |
|39661|Opn|Enh|2006-05-25|Please document JULI FileHandler configuration pro|
|41093|Ver|Enh|2006-11-30|publish 6.0.2 beta jars in a maven repository |
|41128|Inf|Enh|2006-12-07|Reference to java Thread name from RequestProcesso|
|41530|Ver|Nor|2007-02-02|stopping a connector produces intermittent SocketE|
|41679|Ass|Enh|2007-02-22|SemaphoreValve should be able to filter on url pat|
|41791|New|Enh|2007-03-07|Tomcat behaves inconsistently concerning flush-pac|
|41797|Ver|Maj|2007-03-09|CNFE/NPE thrown from function mapper when external|
|41883|Ass|Enh|2007-03-18|use abstract wrapper instead of plain X509Certific|
|41944|New|Enh|2007-03-25|Start running the RAT tool to see where we're miss|
|41992|New|Enh|2007-03-30|Need ability to set OS process title  |
|42463|New|Enh|2007-05-20|"crossContext" and classloader issues - pls amend |
|43001|New|Enh|2007-07-30|JspC lacks setMappedFile and setDie for use in Ant|
|43003|New|Enh|2007-07-30|Separate dependent component download and build ta|
|43154|New|Enh|2007-08-17|forward port from 5.5.x to 6.x about AccessLogValv|
|43285|Opn|Enh|2007-09-02|Missing EL Coercion causes argument type mismatch |
|43400|New|Enh|2007-09-14|enum support for tag libs |
|43497|New|Enh|2007-09-26|Add ability to escape rendered output of JSP expre|
|43548|New|Enh|2007-10-04|xml schema for tomcat-users.xml   |
|43642|New|Enh|2007-10-17|Add prestartminSpareThreads attribute for Executor|
|43682|New|Enh|2007-10-23|JULI: web-inf/classes/logging.properties to suppor|
|43742|New|Enh|2007-10-30|.tag compiles  performed one at a time -- extremel|
|43790|Ass|Enh|2007-11-03|concurrent access issue on TagHandlerPool |
|43979|New|Enh|2007-11-27|Add abstraction for Java and Classfile output |
|44047|New|Enh|2007-12-10|Provide a way for Tomcat to serve up error pages w|
|44106|New|Enh|2007-12-19|autodeploy configures directories which do not con|
|44199|New|Enh|2008-01-10|expose current backlog queue size |
|44225|New|Enh|2008-01-14|SSL connector tries to load the private keystore f|
|44264|New|Enh|2008-01-18|Clustering - Support for disabling multicasting an|
|44265|New|Enh|2008-01-18|Improve JspWriterImpl performance with "inline" su|
|44284|New|Enh|2008-01-23|Support java.lang.Iterable in c:forEach tag   |
|44294|New|Enh|2008-01-25|Support for EL functions with varargs |
|44299|New|Enh|2008-01-26|Provider manager app with a log out button|
|44312|New|Enh|2008-01-28|Warn when overwritting docBase of the default Host|
|44409|New|Enh|2008-02-13|Tomcat does not support Windows-My Provider   |
|44598|New|Enh|2008-03-13|JAASRealm is suppressing Exceptions   |
|44645|New|Enh|2008-03-20|[Patch] JNDIRealm - Doesn't support JNDI "java.nam|
|44787|New|Enh|2008-04-09|provide more error context on "java.lang.IllegalSt|
|44818|New|Enh|2008-04-13|tomcat hangs with GET when content-length is defin|
|45014|New|Enh|2008-05-15|Request and Response classes should have wrappers |
|45255|New|Enh|2008-06-23|support disable jsessionid from url against sessio|
|45282|New|Enh|2008-06-25|NioReceiver doesn't close cleanly, leaving sockets|
|45283|Opn|Enh|2008-06-25|Allow multiple authenticators to be added to pipel|
|45403|New|Nor|2008-07-15|Tomcat does not reload application|
|45428|New|Enh|2008-07-18|warn if the tomcat stop doesn't complete  |
|45654|New|Enh|2008-08-19|use static methods and attributes in a direct way!|
|45731|New|Enh|2008-09-02|Enhancement request : pluggable httpsession cache |
|45794|New|Enh|2008-09-12|Patch causes JNDIRealm to bind with user entered c|
|45832|New|Enh|2008-09-18|add DIGEST authentication support to Ant tasks|
|45871|New|Enh|2008-09-23|Support for salted and digested patches in DataSou|
|45878|New|Enh|2008-09-24|Generated jars do not contain proper manifests or |

DO NOT REPLY [Bug 47053] New: org.apache.catalina.loader.WebAppClassLoader.getResources returns two resource URLs for identical resource when spaces exists in classpath

2009-04-19 Thread bugzilla

   Summary: org.apache.catalina.loader.WebAppClassLoader.getResour
ces returns two resource URLs for identical resource
when spaces exists in classpath
   Product: Tomcat 6
   Version: 6.0.18
  Platform: PC
OS/Version: Windows XP
Status: NEW
  Severity: normal
  Priority: P2
 Component: Catalina
AssignedTo: dev@tomcat.apache.org
ReportedBy: justin...@hotmail.com

For library jar files that have spaces in their path name,
org.apache.catalina.loader.WebAppClassLoader.getResources(String) returns two
resource URLs for the identical resource, causing some frameworks to have
issues (especially Struts2). 

For example a call for the struts-default.xml file (in this case on the
classpath at: C:/Documents and
would result in the follow returned enumeration:

[java.util.vecto...@52eb52eb, java.net.urlclassloade...@53ee53ee]

where java.util.vecto...@52eb52eb has one URL element: jar:file:/C:/Documents

and java.net.urlclassloade...@53ee53ee has one URL element:

Notice the "%20" in the second URL. However, they are the same resource.

This causes the XMLConfigurationProvider in Struts2 (2.1.16) to try and load
the same struts-default.xml twice, which it doesn't allow by default.

The workaround is to deploy to a place which doesn't include spaces in the path
name, but I believe this should be handled by Catalina.

Configure bugmail: https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/userprefs.cgi?tab=email
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svn commit: r766526 - in /tomcat/trunk: java/org/apache/tomcat/util/digester/Digester.java webapps/docs/config/systemprops.xml

2009-04-19 Thread fhanik
Author: fhanik
Date: Sun Apr 19 22:00:51 2009
New Revision: 766526

URL: http://svn.apache.org/viewvc?rev=766526&view=rev
Allow pluggable property replacement object


Modified: tomcat/trunk/java/org/apache/tomcat/util/digester/Digester.java
--- tomcat/trunk/java/org/apache/tomcat/util/digester/Digester.java (original)
+++ tomcat/trunk/java/org/apache/tomcat/util/digester/Digester.java Sun Apr 19 
22:00:51 2009
@@ -76,10 +76,8 @@
 public class Digester extends DefaultHandler {
-// -- Static Fields
+// -- Static 
 private static class SystemPropertySource 
 implements IntrospectionUtils.PropertySource {
 public String getProperty( String key ) {
@@ -89,6 +87,28 @@
 protected static IntrospectionUtils.PropertySource source[] = 
 new IntrospectionUtils.PropertySource[] { new SystemPropertySource() };
+static {
+String className = 
+if (className!=null) {
+IntrospectionUtils.PropertySource[] sources = new 
+sources[1] = source[0];
+ClassLoader[] cls = new ClassLoader[] 
+boolean initialized = false;
+for (int i=0; i clazz = Class.forName(className,true,cls[i]);
+IntrospectionUtils.PropertySource src = 
+sources[0] = src;
+initialized = true;
+} catch (Throwable t) {
+error("Unable to load property 
+if (initialized) source = sources;
 // - Constructors

Modified: tomcat/trunk/webapps/docs/config/systemprops.xml
--- tomcat/trunk/webapps/docs/config/systemprops.xml (original)
+++ tomcat/trunk/webapps/docs/config/systemprops.xml Sun Apr 19 22:00:51 2009
@@ -33,7 +33,18 @@
   the default Tomcat behaviour.
+  Set this to a fully qualified name of a class that implements 
+ org.apache.tomcat.util.IntrospectionUtils.PropertySource.
+ Required to have a public constructor with no arguments.
+  Use this to add a property source, that will be invoked when 
+ denoted parameters are found in the XML files that tomcat parses.

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For additional commands, e-mail: dev-h...@tomcat.apache.org

Re: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 47049] New: TOMCAT MANAGER appears in Spanish, tildes/accents are not resolved.

2009-04-19 Thread Mark Thomas
Ian Darwin wrote:
> Is there a policy on how we store localized files?

Based on the javadoc for the properties class [1] it should be
ISO-8859-1 with any characters that cannot be expressed in that encoded
escaped using Unicode escapes.

> The file java/org/apache/catalina/manager/LocalStrings_es.properties
> appears mostly to be ASCII characters but it has a few 16-bit unicode
> chars stuck
> in it, which then get interpreted as 2 8-bit chars because there is no
> Unicode
> mark at the top of the file.
> For example the file contains, on line 33, the Spanish word for
> configuration as
> Configuraci\u00F3n <- 14 characters including a null "byte"

I think this was the case for 6.0.18 but trunk has been fixed, at least
for the Spanish messages, by [2].

> I believe that Eclipse wrecks properties files in just this way if you
> make the mistake
> of editing them in Eclipse, but I don't know if that's what happened here.

I think this is just how the files were originally contributed.

Looks like we need to run native2ascii over a quite a few French and
German files.


[1] http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/java/util/Properties.html
[2] https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=45447

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For additional commands, e-mail: dev-h...@tomcat.apache.org

DO NOT REPLY [Bug 45447] Spanish translations

2009-04-19 Thread bugzilla

--- Comment #4 from Maxi   2009-04-19 13:59:12 PST ---
This situation is not happening in 5.5

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For additional commands, e-mail: dev-h...@tomcat.apache.org

Re: Problems building 5.5.27 from source

2009-04-19 Thread Mark Thomas
Mark Thomas wrote:
> Kirk True wrote:
>> The first issue was that I couldn't use a JDK 1.4.2-level compiler as it
>> chokes on the class format of the JUnit libraries.
> I'll look into this.

This works for me if I use the version of JUuit (3.8.2) specified in the


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For additional commands, e-mail: dev-h...@tomcat.apache.org

svn commit: r766513 - /tomcat/build/tc5.5.x/build.properties.default

2009-04-19 Thread markt
Author: markt
Date: Sun Apr 19 20:37:46 2009
New Revision: 766513

URL: http://svn.apache.org/viewvc?rev=766513&view=rev
Prep for 5.5.28


Modified: tomcat/build/tc5.5.x/build.properties.default
--- tomcat/build/tc5.5.x/build.properties.default (original)
+++ tomcat/build/tc5.5.x/build.properties.default Sun Apr 19 20:37:46 2009
@@ -12,10 +12,10 @@
 # - Vesion Control Flags -
 #Set the pretty version name
 # - Compile Control Flags -

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For additional commands, e-mail: dev-h...@tomcat.apache.org

Re: Problems building 5.5.27 from source

2009-04-19 Thread Mark Thomas
Kirk True wrote:
> Hi all,
> I had some problems building 5.5.27 as pulled from
> http://tomcat.apache.org/download-55.cgi.
Thanks for the report.

> The first issue was that I couldn't use a JDK 1.4.2-level compiler as it
> chokes on the class format of the JUnit libraries.
I'll look into this.

> Using JDK 1.6 didn't
> work because of the fact that the java.sql.Wrapper class methods aren't
> implemented in the connection pool module classes.
That is a know issue with DBCP that has been fixed. We are currently
fixing the remaining DBCP (and POOL) issues so we can have a release.

> Secondly, there are some version problems in the
> build.properties.default for which I've submitted a patch (below).
The version number is a known issue. It has been left as is as is was
discovered after the release.

The tc native version is correct. That is the version that shipped with
5.5.27. It is available from the archive.


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For additional commands, e-mail: dev-h...@tomcat.apache.org

DO NOT REPLY [Bug 45447] Spanish translations

2009-04-19 Thread bugzilla

Mark Thomas  changed:

   What|Removed |Added


--- Comment #3 from Mark Thomas   2009-04-19 13:27:00 PST ---
*** Bug 47049 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

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DO NOT REPLY [Bug 47049] TOMCAT MANAGER appears in Spanish, tildes/accents are not resolved.

2009-04-19 Thread bugzilla

Mark Thomas  changed:

   What|Removed |Added


--- Comment #1 from Mark Thomas   2009-04-19 13:27:00 PST ---
The language the messages are displayed in will depend on the default locale of
your system. Ask on the users list of you need help to change this.

The corrupted Spanish messages were fixed as a result of bug 45447 so I am
marking this as duplicate of that issue.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 45447 ***

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DO NOT REPLY [Bug 47050] New: StandardHostValve.status unnecessarily HTML-escapes the error message

2009-04-19 Thread bugzilla

   Summary: StandardHostValve.status unnecessarily HTML-escapes
the error message
   Product: Tomcat 6
   Version: 6.0.18
  Platform: All
OS/Version: All
Status: NEW
  Keywords: ErrorMessage
  Severity: normal
  Priority: P2
 Component: Catalina
AssignedTo: dev@tomcat.apache.org
ReportedBy: roland.il...@gmx.de

I have written a JSP page that prints all request attributes verbatimly to the
output. When I access it as


it outputs the following HTML code:


I was surprised that the error.message has been HTML-escaped, but the
error.request hasn't. What's the intention of this escaping? It feels like
Catalina is imitating PHP's magic-quotes here, which it shouldn't.

In my opinion, the error message should be copied to the request attribute
as-is and not being passed through RequestUtil.filter, so the programmer can
write it to log files or a text/plain error page without unfiltering it first.

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