Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Tomcat 10.1.25

2024-06-18 Thread Adam Rauch

+1 (non binding)

LabKey Server's extensive set of nightly test suites passed while 
running against embedded Tomcat 10.1.25.


On 6/14/2024 2:19 PM, Christopher Schultz wrote:

The proposed Apache Tomcat 10.1.25 release is now available for

All committers and PMC members are kindly requested to provide a vote 
if possible. ANY TOMCAT USER MAY VOTE, though only PMC members votes 
are binding. We welcome non-committer votes or comments on release 

The notable changes compared to 10.1.24 are:

- Ensure that static resources deployed via a JAR file remain accessible
  when the context is configured to use a bloom filter. Based on pull
  request #730 provided by bergander.

- Update to Commons Daemon 1.4.0

- Improvements to HTTP/2 streams and timeouts

For full details, see the change log:

Applications that run on Tomcat 9 and earlier will not run on Tomcat 
10 without changes. Java EE applications designed for Tomcat 9 and 
earlier may be placed in the $CATALINA_BASE/webapps-javaee directory 
and Tomcat will automatically convert them to Jakarta EE and copy them 
to the webapps directory.

It can be obtained from:

The Maven staging repo is:

The tag is: 

Please reply with a +1 for release or +0/-0/-1 with an explanation.

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Re: javax -> jakarta rename

2019-12-24 Thread Adam Rauch

On 12/21/2019 11:49 AM, Mark Thomas wrote:

On 21/12/2019 17:45, Adam Rauch wrote:

Yes, I see that 9.x javax.* will be supported for a long time and I'm
all in favor of killing off deprecated EE libraries. I want to encourage
our users to migrate to Tomcat 10.x and future releases as quickly as
possible, but I'm concerned that 9.x to 10.x will be a very difficult
transition for those who deploy webapps like the one we develop. With
the current plan, I don't see a scenario where our users can upgrade to
the next release of Tomcat, test that change, and then upgrade our
webapp. Because of the package rename, they will need to be upgraded in
lockstep, which has never been the case before. I see the value of a
short-term "transition" release that helps ease this burden by
supporting webapps using either package, but if others don't, then never

I think the ideal migration strategy is going to vary for different
users. Personally, I think an approach that largely mirrors what the
Jakarta projects are going (i.e. just the package rename, nothing else)
and doing that for the container and the app at the same time is the way
to go in the majority of cases but I appreciate that that is just my view.

Maybe I've misunderstood the migration tool, but it looks like a great
tool for developers like me, not a tool that will directly help
non-developers who deploy pre-built Tomcat webapps.

The idea is that anyone can take a Java EE 8 app that runs on Tomcat 9,
run it through this migration tool and then run the migrated app on
Tomcat 10. We aren't there yet (I've only tested a JSTL API and
implementation) but my intention is to use apps like Jira to test it.

As for Romain's question about doing the transformations in the
classloader, I started with a classloader approach (my classloader
responded to requests for "javax.servlet.*" classes with their
"jakarta.servlet.*" counterparts). I backed away because these classes
then needed to be manipulated so they'd match the javax interfaces'
expectations, but I haven't used ASM before.

This is one of the approaches considered in previous discussions. It is,
essentially, what the migration tool does. I think it is better to do
this conversion in advance rather than take the performance hit in a
running application. It is actually fairly simple to do as you only need
to modify the String constants.

And this part of the
problem (my webapp requesting javax classes that no longer exist in
Tomcat) was easily solved by simply including those classes in my jar.
The more interesting problem was adapting the objects passed in the
hand-offs between jakarta-only Tomcat and javax-only webapp (e.g.,
Filter, Servlet, FilterChain); I'm not sure a classloader would help
there. But if someone can come up with a simpler classloader (or dynamic
proxy, et al)-based approach, then I'm all for it.

I spent a bit of time thinking about this but didn't get as far as
coding it. I came to the conclusion it could get very messy once you
start wrapping requests and dispatching them and decided to focus on the
migration tool instead.

Overall, I think it is good that there are a range of tools supporting a
range of approaches. As users start the migration progress, hopefully
we'll get some feedback and we can refine the tools and/or the approaches.

I'd encourage you to put your code somewhere where others can look at it
(GitHub being the obvious choice these days) and I'd ask you to consider
using the Apache License v2 as that makes it very easy to integrate into
Tomcat at some point in the future if that turns out to be the best
thing to do.


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Thanks very much for your response. I agree the ideal migration strategy 
will vary and a build-based (or post-build) tool should work for most 
developers. But if there's sufficient demand for a run-time migration 
layer, I believe the implementation would be fairly straightforward and 
the result reasonably efficient.

All of my proof-of-concept code is available on Github:

Most of the code carries the Apache 2.0 license already (e.g., the 
javax.servlet and javax.el classes copied from Tomcat sources), but I'll 
add a top-level license file to clarify that the entire repo is Apache 2.0.

FilterChainAdapter illustrates the simple approach:

Objects are wrapped, but the Adapters helper class unwraps known 
wrappers to minimize object creation. If we were to move forward with 
this approach, I'd want to restructure the code, moving the new classes 
out of javax.servlet into their own package. And, of course, adding the 
rest of javax.servlet and wiring up ot

Re: javax -> jakarta rename

2019-12-21 Thread Adam Rauch

On 12/21/2019 3:11 AM, Rémy Maucherat wrote:
On Sat, Dec 21, 2019 at 7:36 AM Adam Rauch <>> wrote:

I've watched with great interest the recent list discussions
javax -> jakarta renaming and the draft release numbering plan. I'm
curious: Would the Tomcat team consider making a Tomcat release that
supports BOTH the javax and jakarta package names?

If you've read the discussions, then you can see the current plan is 
to provide a deployment tool.

So as you can see in the plan, we will have a 9.x release branch for 
javax.* supported "forever", and branches for jakarta.* support moving 
forward (including a tool for javax.* -> jakarta.* conversion).

Now, there's no plan *right now* for a Tomcat which allows 
Frankenstein webapps. Personally, I think there will always be 
problems, and that it's a good time at some point to kill off the long 
deprecated and unsupported EE libraries that are still out there. If 
unintrusive classloader magic can happen easily, then why not I guess.

Other Apache projects like TomEE and Meecrowave have the exact same 
"need", and most likely all will use the same code for that javax.* -> 
jakarta.* support.


Hi Rémy,

Yes, I see that 9.x javax.* will be supported for a long time and I'm 
all in favor of killing off deprecated EE libraries. I want to encourage 
our users to migrate to Tomcat 10.x and future releases as quickly as 
possible, but I'm concerned that 9.x to 10.x will be a very difficult 
transition for those who deploy webapps like the one we develop. With 
the current plan, I don't see a scenario where our users can upgrade to 
the next release of Tomcat, test that change, and then upgrade our 
webapp. Because of the package rename, they will need to be upgraded in 
lockstep, which has never been the case before. I see the value of a 
short-term "transition" release that helps ease this burden by 
supporting webapps using either package, but if others don't, then never 

Maybe I've misunderstood the migration tool, but it looks like a great 
tool for developers like me, not a tool that will directly help 
non-developers who deploy pre-built Tomcat webapps.

As for Romain's question about doing the transformations in the 
classloader, I started with a classloader approach (my classloader 
responded to requests for "javax.servlet.*" classes with their 
"jakarta.servlet.*" counterparts). I backed away because these classes 
then needed to be manipulated so they'd match the javax interfaces' 
expectations, but I haven't used ASM before. And this part of the 
problem (my webapp requesting javax classes that no longer exist in 
Tomcat) was easily solved by simply including those classes in my jar. 
The more interesting problem was adapting the objects passed in the 
hand-offs between jakarta-only Tomcat and javax-only webapp (e.g., 
Filter, Servlet, FilterChain); I'm not sure a classloader would help 
there. But if someone can come up with a simpler classloader (or dynamic 
proxy, et al)-based approach, then I'm all for it.


javax -> jakarta rename

2019-12-20 Thread Adam Rauch
I've watched with great interest the recent list discussions surrounding 
javax -> jakarta renaming and the draft release numbering plan. I'm 
curious: Would the Tomcat team consider making a Tomcat release that 
supports BOTH the javax and jakarta package names?

Please hear me out before dismissing this as completely insane. Shortly 
after Mark published his Tomcat "jakarta" branch, I built it and fired 
up our very large webapp (LabKey Server). Of course, it didn't run, 
given it was compiled against the javax API (I see approximately 25,000 
references to javax.servlet.* in our code). As an experiment, I then 
built a jar that restores javax.* implementation classes that we care 
about and added some new classes that adapt the jakarta packaged objects 
coming from Tomcat to the javax packaged objects that our webapp 
expects. I dropped that jar into /lib, without touching any 
Tomcat or LabKey code, and our webapp started up, with Filters initing 
and filtering, Servlets servicing, requests being served, pages 
rendering, etc. The work is incomplete (e.g., most of our pre-compiled 
JSPs were unhappy with this initial attempt... though I have ideas 
there), but it provides a reasonable proof of concept, IMO. You can 
inspect the prototype layer here:

Why bother offering a Tomcat release that supports both package names? 
To provide a much needed transition option for those who deploy Tomcat 
webapps. I'm not particularly concerned about my team's development 
effort to accommodate the rename (search & replace, upgrade Spring and 
other dependencies). I'm much more concerned about the hundreds of 
organizations that deploy our webapp. As we've transitioned our clients 
through all previous Tomcat upgrades, we've never required a 
simultaneous upgrade of both Tomcat and LabKey; we've always offered 
them the ability to upgrade our product and its dependencies 
independently, over the course of months or even years. A major Tomcat 
release upgrade may be a fairly trivial task to you and me, but it's a 
very big deal to the research organizations that use our system, 
particularly given their need to adhere to strict healthcare compliance 
regulations and validation procedures.

I'd be curious to hear if other developers have concerns about their 
customers' ability to make this transition and if there's interest in 
exploring a dual-package release (or sanctioned add-on). I'd be happy to 
help with the development and testing of such a solution.


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