I've watched with great interest the recent list discussions surrounding javax -> jakarta renaming and the draft release numbering plan. I'm curious: Would the Tomcat team consider making a Tomcat release that supports BOTH the javax and jakarta package names?

Please hear me out before dismissing this as completely insane. Shortly after Mark published his Tomcat "jakarta" branch, I built it and fired up our very large webapp (LabKey Server). Of course, it didn't run, given it was compiled against the javax API (I see approximately 25,000 references to javax.servlet.* in our code). As an experiment, I then built a jar that restores javax.* implementation classes that we care about and added some new classes that adapt the jakarta packaged objects coming from Tomcat to the javax packaged objects that our webapp expects. I dropped that jar into <tomcat>/lib, without touching any Tomcat or LabKey code, and our webapp started up, with Filters initing and filtering, Servlets servicing, requests being served, pages rendering, etc. The work is incomplete (e.g., most of our pre-compiled JSPs were unhappy with this initial attempt... though I have ideas there), but it provides a reasonable proof of concept, IMO. You can inspect the prototype layer here: https://github.com/labkey-adam/jakarta-javax

Why bother offering a Tomcat release that supports both package names? To provide a much needed transition option for those who deploy Tomcat webapps. I'm not particularly concerned about my team's development effort to accommodate the rename (search & replace, upgrade Spring and other dependencies). I'm much more concerned about the hundreds of organizations that deploy our webapp. As we've transitioned our clients through all previous Tomcat upgrades, we've never required a simultaneous upgrade of both Tomcat and LabKey; we've always offered them the ability to upgrade our product and its dependencies independently, over the course of months or even years. A major Tomcat release upgrade may be a fairly trivial task to you and me, but it's a very big deal to the research organizations that use our system, particularly given their need to adhere to strict healthcare compliance regulations and validation procedures.

I'd be curious to hear if other developers have concerns about their customers' ability to make this transition and if there's interest in exploring a dual-package release (or sanctioned add-on). I'd be happy to help with the development and testing of such a solution.


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