The War on Warnings Redux

2015-08-04 Thread Eric Rahm
TL;DR - We have reduced the amount of runtime warnings during testing by 90%.

As of today we are down to 66K warnings during linux64 debug testing; this is 
down from 600K back in June. There are bugs on file for most of the remaining 
top offenders blocking tracking bug 765224 [1]. It's time to declare victory, 
or at least transition to a skirmish, or perhaps an extended conflict. It's 
been a fun ride, I've more than surpassed my goal of a sub 100K count and it's 
time for me to write some real code again.

Reducing the amount of warnings has made it *much* easier to weed out real bugs 
and many of the remaining warnings most likely *are* bugs.

This is where you can help out: take a look at the tracking bug (and the 
following list) and see if there is a warning in an area you can help out with. 
Even just triaging by adding a needinfo? for folks who could help out would be 
super helpful.

For those interested I have put up my (somewhat sketchy) set of scripts for 
parsing logs and counting warnings on github [2]. Contributions and feedback 
are welcome.

Going forward I can think of a few interesting projects for the automation 
  - Setup some sort of daily warning analysis, bisect and send out nag emails
  - Add support for automatically filing bugs to the log spam scripts
  - Turn the tree red if warnings go over some threshold
  - Get to a warning free startup state, add tests that enforce no new warnings 
on startup

Again, please take a moment to go over the list, file more bugs and clean out 
unhelpful warnings so that we can focus on the real issues

Big thanks to smaug, bz, dholbert and everyone else who helped get patches up, 
reviewed and in general dealt with my incessant nagging.


The final countdown:

TOP 40
   3997 [N] WARNING: Please do not use mouseenter/leave events in chrome. 
They are slower than mouseover/out!: '!nsContentUtils::IsChromeDoc(d)', file 
dom/events/EventListenerManager.cpp, line 370
   2523 [N] WARNING: '!mContentCache.CacheEditorRect(this, 
aIMENotification)', file widget/PuppetWidget.cpp, line 833
   2523 [N] WARNING: '!editorRectEvent.mSucceeded', file 
widget/ContentCache.cpp, line 256
   1156 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(selCon) failed: file 
editor/libeditor/nsEditor.cpp, line 631
   1112 [N] WARNING: No inner window available!: file 
dom/base/nsGlobalWindow.cpp, line 10013
   1080 [N] WARNING: Failed to unlock the wakelock.: '!rv.Failed()', file 
dom/html/HTMLMediaElement.cpp, line 2354
   1049 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv) failed with result 
0x80004005: file extensions/spellcheck/src/mozInlineSpellChecker.cpp, line 1995
948 [N] WARNING: Failed to retarget HTML data delivery to the parser 
thread.: file parser/html/nsHtml5StreamParser.cpp, line 951
918 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(selection-RangeCount()) failed: file 
editor/libeditor/nsHTMLEditRules.cpp, line 320
892 [N] WARNING: Silently denied access to property |undefined|: Access 
to privileged JS object not permitted 
(@resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js - 
resource://gre/modules/devtools/server/actors/script.js:1149): file 
js/xpconnect/wrappers/XrayWrapper.cpp, line 208
824 [N] WARNING: attempt to modify an immutable nsStandardURL: file 
netwerk/base/nsStandardURL.cpp, line 1264
823 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(selcon) failed: file 
editor/libeditor/nsEditor.cpp, line 658
823 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(res, nullptr) failed with result 
0xC1F30001: file editor/libeditor/nsEditor.cpp, line 667
687 [N] WARNING: Trying to spellcheck, but checking seems to be 
disabled: 'mPendingSpellCheck', file 
extensions/spellcheck/src/mozInlineSpellChecker.cpp, line 907
684 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(aSelection-RangeCount()) failed: file 
editor/libeditor/nsEditor.cpp, line 3725
684 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv) failed with result 
0x80004005: file editor/libeditor/nsEditor.cpp, line 3704
683 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(res, res) failed with result 
0x80004005: file editor/libeditor/nsHTMLEditRules.cpp, line 8083
675 [N] WARNING: Re-registering a CID?: file 
xpcom/components/nsComponentManager.cpp, line 551
655 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, BadImage(newImage)) failed with 
result 0x80004005: file image/ImageFactory.cpp, line 248
653 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(globalObject  
globalObject-GetGlobalJSObject()) failed: file dom/base/nsDocument.cpp, line 
628 [N] WARNING: Suboptimal indexes for the SQL statement 
0x7f30821a34a0 ( file 
storage/mozStoragePrivateHelpers.cpp, line 109
604 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(status, status) failed with result 
0x805303F4: file dom/security/nsCORSListenerProxy.cpp, line 542
600 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv) failed with result 
0x805E000F: file dom/xbl/nsXBLService.cpp, line 732
597 [N] WARNING: '!aCharRect.width', file 

Re: The War on Warnings

2015-06-17 Thread Eric Rahm
On Wednesday, June 17, 2015 at 6:49:00 AM UTC-7, wrote:
  4606 [N] WARNING: No widget found in TabParent::UpdateDimensions: file 
  dom/ipc/TabParent.cpp, line 974 
 Do you know if this one occurs on b2g or also on other platforms? I added 
 this warning recently in bug 1125325 after smaug said [1]. It seems to be 
 happening a lot, so we should investigate. If you have a bug on file for it 
 please cc me.

These are all within mochitest-e10s-browser-chrome tests, which AFAICT are not 
run on B2G, OSX, Windows debug builds. Filed bug 1175631 for the verbose 
dev-platform mailing list

Re: The War on Warnings

2015-06-17 Thread ISHIKAWA,chiaki

On 2015/06/17 8:29, Eric Rahm wrote:

An update on progress. I've landed bugs which should clean up ~180,000 
warnings. I have bugs pending for another ~26,000.

The latest top 40:

*Note: I improved my normalization a bit so it might look a bit different

Are there documents explaining why
these warnings are generated?
I mean, say, I see the first warning during the run of C-C TB's |make 
mozmill| test and I wonder, what C-C TB is doing wrong to see this 
Subdocument container has no frame?

Maybe each month, we should pick up the top-10 warnings (without the 
description given below) in the frequency, and ask the author of the 
patch that inserted the warning to
explain the following: this will help the testers to asses the 
situation, and more importantly, help people maintain the legacy code 
such C-C TB to figure out what can be possibly wrong in the existing 
code and how we can fix them.:

 - severity of the message: INFO, DEBUG, WARNING, etc.
 - explain why there is a warning (background),
 - is there going to be a bad thing happening soon after
   the situation occurs? what bad symptoms should we expect?
 - what can a caller do to prevent the bad thing happening (I mean
   the caller of the invocation chain that eventually leads to the
   particular warning.)

Without such information, warnings are not so useful in the log.

I see about 25 of the following warnings in C-C TB |make mozmill| run.
And I have been wondering OK, if Subdocument container has no frame, 
is this bad?, is there going to be something bad?, is this message 
printed because C-C TB code invokes document API incorrectly?, if so, 
what is the correct procedure, and such.

As a few mentioned that there are simply so many warnings in the log and 
we are overwhelmed, but anything that can help us to cope with the tidal 
wave of warnings ought to be implemented and tried.

And among the warnings, there *ARE* warnings that lead to real bugs.
	 1627 [N] WARNING: Called close() before start()!: 'mStarted', 
file dom/workers/Message

Obviously, the program is sloppy and calling
some functions in incorrect order. We should fix this.

 1149 [N] WARNING: RemoveObserver() called for 
unregistered observer: file hal/Hal.cpp, line 205

Again, the program is sloppy and is not keeping track of
its resources and thus calling non-existing, phantom observer
to be removed. This ought to be fixed.

Another real bug is this.
Although it did not seem to be in the top 40, I see a few types of 
messages that make me thing that the shutting down of thread are not

properly synchronized at the end of the program termination.
Obviously some threads try to dump data while the subsystem/module that 
handles the writing of the data is already closed/shutdown and the 
writing fails, etc. This ought to be fixed.

These high volume warnings can be very useful if only the description 
about them can be found easily.

I am not claiming the description for EVERY warning, but
we can start with top-most 10 warnings (without such description).

18012 [N] WARNING: Subdocument container has no frame: file 
layout/base/nsDocumentViewer.cpp, line 2520
14816 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(EnsureScriptEnvironment(), nullptr) 
failed with result 0x: file docshell/base/nsDocShell.cpp, line 4605
9809 [N] WARNING: No docshells for remote frames!: file 
dom/base/nsFrameLoader.cpp, line 459
8929 [N] WARNING: Someone passed native anonymous content directly into 
frame construction.  Stop doing that!: file 
layout/base/nsCSSFrameConstructor.cpp, line 6559
8062 [N] WARNING: Suboptimal indexes for the SQL statement 0x 
( file storage/mozStoragePrivateHelpers.cpp, line 109
7760 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mDocShell) failed: file 
embedding/browser/nsWebBrowser.cpp, line 363
7454 [N] WARNING: anonymous nodes should not be in child lists (bug 
439258): file layout/base/RestyleManager.cpp, line 1439
6294 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv) failed with result 0x: 
file netwerk/base/nsFileStreams.cpp, line 492
6294 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv) failed with result 0x: 
file netwerk/base/nsFileStreams.cpp, line 205
6131 [N] WARNING: No outer window available!: file 
dom/base/nsGlobalWindow.cpp, line 3920
5207 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(domWindow) failed: file 
embedding/browser/nsDocShellTreeOwner.cpp, line 83
5193 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(aInBrowser) failed: file 
embedding/browser/nsDocShellTreeOwner.cpp, line 79
5073 [N] WARNING: zero axis length: file dom/svg/nsSVGLength2.cpp, line 124
4606 [N] WARNING: No widget found in TabParent::UpdateDimensions: file 
dom/ipc/TabParent.cpp, line 974
4574 [N] WARNING: Shouldn't call SchedulePaint in a detached pres context: 
file layout/generic/nsFrame.cpp, line 5181
3891 [N] WARNING: Please do not use mouseenter/leave events in chrome. They 

Re: The War on Warnings

2015-06-17 Thread Nicholas Nethercote
On Wed, Jun 17, 2015 at 9:29 AM, Eric Rahm wrote:
 An update on progress. I've landed bugs which should clean up ~180,000 
 warnings. I have bugs pending for another ~26,000.

Lovely! Thank you. The log size changes are impressive.

 Top 40 sorted by top level directory:

I couldn't help but notice that js/ does not appear there, simply
because SpiderMonkey doesn't *have* runtime warnings...

dev-platform mailing list

Re: The War on Warnings

2015-06-17 Thread kgupta
 4606 [N] WARNING: No widget found in TabParent::UpdateDimensions: file 
 dom/ipc/TabParent.cpp, line 974 

Do you know if this one occurs on b2g or also on other platforms? I added this 
warning recently in bug 1125325 after smaug said [1]. It seems to be happening 
a lot, so we should investigate. If you have a bug on file for it please cc me.

dev-platform mailing list

Re: The War on Warnings

2015-06-17 Thread Milan Sreckovic
Do we have a all encompassing meta bug to collect all of the bugs that fix the 
- Milan

On Jun 16, 2015, at 19:29 , Eric Rahm wrote:

 An update on progress. I've landed bugs which should clean up ~180,000 
 warnings. I have bugs pending for another ~26,000.
 The latest top 40:
 *Note: I improved my normalization a bit so it might look a bit different
 18012 [N] WARNING: Subdocument container has no frame: file 
 layout/base/nsDocumentViewer.cpp, line 2520
 14816 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(EnsureScriptEnvironment(), nullptr) 
 failed with result 0x: file docshell/base/nsDocShell.cpp, line 4605
 9809 [N] WARNING: No docshells for remote frames!: file 
 dom/base/nsFrameLoader.cpp, line 459
 8929 [N] WARNING: Someone passed native anonymous content directly into 
 frame construction.  Stop doing that!: file 
 layout/base/nsCSSFrameConstructor.cpp, line 6559
 8062 [N] WARNING: Suboptimal indexes for the SQL statement 0x 
 ( file storage/mozStoragePrivateHelpers.cpp, line 109
 7760 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mDocShell) failed: file 
 embedding/browser/nsWebBrowser.cpp, line 363
 7454 [N] WARNING: anonymous nodes should not be in child lists (bug 
 439258): file layout/base/RestyleManager.cpp, line 1439
 6294 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv) failed with result 
 0x: file netwerk/base/nsFileStreams.cpp, line 492
 6294 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv) failed with result 
 0x: file netwerk/base/nsFileStreams.cpp, line 205
 6131 [N] WARNING: No outer window available!: file 
 dom/base/nsGlobalWindow.cpp, line 3920
 5207 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(domWindow) failed: file 
 embedding/browser/nsDocShellTreeOwner.cpp, line 83
 5193 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(aInBrowser) failed: file 
 embedding/browser/nsDocShellTreeOwner.cpp, line 79
 5073 [N] WARNING: zero axis length: file dom/svg/nsSVGLength2.cpp, line 
 4606 [N] WARNING: No widget found in TabParent::UpdateDimensions: file 
 dom/ipc/TabParent.cpp, line 974
 4574 [N] WARNING: Shouldn't call SchedulePaint in a detached pres 
 context: file layout/generic/nsFrame.cpp, line 5181
 3891 [N] WARNING: Please do not use mouseenter/leave events in chrome. 
 They are slower than mouseover/out!: '!nsContentUtils::IsChromeDoc(d)', file 
 dom/events/EventListenerManager.cpp, line 367
 3746 [N] WARNING: Graph thread slowdown?: 'std::abs(framePosition - 
 CurrentDriver()-StateComputedTime())  MillisecondsToMediaTime(5)', file 
 dom/media/MediaStreamGraph.cpp, line 1193
 3182 [N] WARNING: Enabling vsync compositor: file 
 gfx/layers/ipc/CompositorParent.cpp, line 674
 3042 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mCallback) failed: file 
 dom/base/nsFrameMessageManager.cpp, line 805
 2859 [N] WARNING: '!mContentCache.CacheEditorRect(this, 
 aIMENotification)', file widget/PuppetWidget.cpp, line 819
 2859 [N] WARNING: '!editorRectEvent.mSucceeded', file 
 widget/ContentCache.cpp, line 499
 2690 [N] WARNING: nsWindow::GetNativeData not implemented for this type: 
 file widget/PuppetWidget.cpp, line 1058
 2527 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv) failed with result 
 0x: file dom/base/nsContentUtils.cpp, line 3712
 2526 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(domDoc  target) failed: file 
 dom/base/nsContentUtils.cpp, line 3657
 2478 [N] WARNING: Subdocument container has non-subdocument frame: file 
 layout/base/nsDocumentViewer.cpp, line 2517
 2064 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(newRoot) failed: file 
 dom/base/nsRange.cpp, line 1132
 2038 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(newRoot) failed: file 
 dom/base/nsRange.cpp, line 1231
 1912 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(rootContent) failed: file 
 editor/composer/nsEditorSpellCheck.cpp, line 715
 1627 [N] WARNING: Called close() before start()!: 'mStarted', file 
 dom/workers/MessagePort.cpp, line 215
 1612 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(sf) failed: file 
 docshell/base/nsDocShell.cpp, line 6485
 1488 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(isFileURI) failed: file 
 dom/base/ThirdPartyUtil.cpp, line 368
 1417 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, false) failed with result 
 0x: file netwerk/protocol/http/HttpBaseChannel.cpp, line 2077
 1417 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(result, result) failed with result 
 0x: file docshell/base/nsDocShell.cpp, line 14076
 1393 [N] WARNING: Break suggested inside cluster!: file 
 gfx/thebes/gfxTextRun.cpp, line 220
 1288 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mDisabledJSAndPlugins) failed: file 
 editor/composer/nsEditingSession.cpp, line 209
 1175 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(txToRemove) failed: file 
 docshell/shistory/nsSHistory.cpp, line 1318
 1151 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(selCon) failed: file 
 editor/libeditor/nsEditor.cpp, line 631
 1149 [N] WARNING: RemoveObserver() called for unregistered observer: file 
 hal/Hal.cpp, line 205
 1142 [N] WARNING: Failed to unlock 

Re: The War on Warnings

2015-06-17 Thread Eric Rahm
On Wednesday, June 17, 2015 at 7:40:14 AM UTC-7, Milan Sreckovic wrote:
 Do we have a all encompassing meta bug to collect all of the bugs that fix 
 the warnings?
 - Milan

Bug 765224
dev-platform mailing list

Re: The War on Warnings

2015-06-16 Thread Eric Rahm
An update on progress. I've landed bugs which should clean up ~180,000 
warnings. I have bugs pending for another ~26,000.

The latest top 40:

*Note: I improved my normalization a bit so it might look a bit different

18012 [N] WARNING: Subdocument container has no frame: file 
layout/base/nsDocumentViewer.cpp, line 2520
14816 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(EnsureScriptEnvironment(), nullptr) 
failed with result 0x: file docshell/base/nsDocShell.cpp, line 4605
9809 [N] WARNING: No docshells for remote frames!: file 
dom/base/nsFrameLoader.cpp, line 459
8929 [N] WARNING: Someone passed native anonymous content directly into 
frame construction.  Stop doing that!: file 
layout/base/nsCSSFrameConstructor.cpp, line 6559
8062 [N] WARNING: Suboptimal indexes for the SQL statement 0x 
( file storage/mozStoragePrivateHelpers.cpp, line 109
7760 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mDocShell) failed: file 
embedding/browser/nsWebBrowser.cpp, line 363
7454 [N] WARNING: anonymous nodes should not be in child lists (bug 
439258): file layout/base/RestyleManager.cpp, line 1439
6294 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv) failed with result 0x: 
file netwerk/base/nsFileStreams.cpp, line 492
6294 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv) failed with result 0x: 
file netwerk/base/nsFileStreams.cpp, line 205
6131 [N] WARNING: No outer window available!: file 
dom/base/nsGlobalWindow.cpp, line 3920
5207 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(domWindow) failed: file 
embedding/browser/nsDocShellTreeOwner.cpp, line 83
5193 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(aInBrowser) failed: file 
embedding/browser/nsDocShellTreeOwner.cpp, line 79
5073 [N] WARNING: zero axis length: file dom/svg/nsSVGLength2.cpp, line 124
4606 [N] WARNING: No widget found in TabParent::UpdateDimensions: file 
dom/ipc/TabParent.cpp, line 974
4574 [N] WARNING: Shouldn't call SchedulePaint in a detached pres context: 
file layout/generic/nsFrame.cpp, line 5181
3891 [N] WARNING: Please do not use mouseenter/leave events in chrome. They 
are slower than mouseover/out!: '!nsContentUtils::IsChromeDoc(d)', file 
dom/events/EventListenerManager.cpp, line 367
3746 [N] WARNING: Graph thread slowdown?: 'std::abs(framePosition - 
CurrentDriver()-StateComputedTime())  MillisecondsToMediaTime(5)', file 
dom/media/MediaStreamGraph.cpp, line 1193
3182 [N] WARNING: Enabling vsync compositor: file 
gfx/layers/ipc/CompositorParent.cpp, line 674
3042 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mCallback) failed: file 
dom/base/nsFrameMessageManager.cpp, line 805
2859 [N] WARNING: '!mContentCache.CacheEditorRect(this, 
aIMENotification)', file widget/PuppetWidget.cpp, line 819
2859 [N] WARNING: '!editorRectEvent.mSucceeded', file 
widget/ContentCache.cpp, line 499
2690 [N] WARNING: nsWindow::GetNativeData not implemented for this type: 
file widget/PuppetWidget.cpp, line 1058
2527 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv) failed with result 0x: 
file dom/base/nsContentUtils.cpp, line 3712
2526 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(domDoc  target) failed: file 
dom/base/nsContentUtils.cpp, line 3657
2478 [N] WARNING: Subdocument container has non-subdocument frame: file 
layout/base/nsDocumentViewer.cpp, line 2517
2064 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(newRoot) failed: file 
dom/base/nsRange.cpp, line 1132
2038 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(newRoot) failed: file 
dom/base/nsRange.cpp, line 1231
1912 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(rootContent) failed: file 
editor/composer/nsEditorSpellCheck.cpp, line 715
1627 [N] WARNING: Called close() before start()!: 'mStarted', file 
dom/workers/MessagePort.cpp, line 215
1612 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(sf) failed: file 
docshell/base/nsDocShell.cpp, line 6485
1488 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(isFileURI) failed: file 
dom/base/ThirdPartyUtil.cpp, line 368
1417 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, false) failed with result 
0x: file netwerk/protocol/http/HttpBaseChannel.cpp, line 2077
1417 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(result, result) failed with result 
0x: file docshell/base/nsDocShell.cpp, line 14076
1393 [N] WARNING: Break suggested inside cluster!: file 
gfx/thebes/gfxTextRun.cpp, line 220
1288 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mDisabledJSAndPlugins) failed: file 
editor/composer/nsEditingSession.cpp, line 209
1175 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(txToRemove) failed: file 
docshell/shistory/nsSHistory.cpp, line 1318
1151 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(selCon) failed: file 
editor/libeditor/nsEditor.cpp, line 631
1149 [N] WARNING: RemoveObserver() called for unregistered observer: file 
hal/Hal.cpp, line 205
1142 [N] WARNING: Failed to unlock the wakelock.: '!rv.Failed()', file 
dom/html/HTMLMediaElement.cpp, line 2341
1113 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(aURI) failed: file 
netwerk/dns/nsEffectiveTLDService.cpp, line 158

I have patches pending for #1 (bug 1175289) and #5 (bug 1175249) which 

Re: The War on Warnings

2015-06-11 Thread David Rajchenbach-Teller
On 10/06/15 16:10, Ehsan Akhgari wrote:
 Concrete examples would help.  I can't find any test in
 browser/components/sessionstore right now with an assertion annotation
 so it's hard to say what the exact issue that you saw was, but I think
 you are complaining about the lack of documentation and that nobody
 cared.  Neither of those issues will be solved with what you are

Well, that was at least 2 years ago.


Anyway, I'm just saying that if/when we redesign our warnings (and
non-fatal assertions are one category of warnings, even if they are not
formally called warnings), we need to make sure that warnings are as
actionable as possible. One way to do this is to progressively convert
each the warning into either a real assertion or into something that, by
design, needs to be whitelisted individually (and documented).

Best regards,

David Rajchenbach-Teller, PhD
 Performance Team, Mozilla
dev-platform mailing list

Re: The War on Warnings

2015-06-10 Thread David Rajchenbach-Teller
However, I do believe in the following scenario:
- oh, there is an assertion warning, it's not my fault, let's allow one
- wait, there are a few, let's allow several;
- oh, they are intermittent, let's make it an interval;
- [at some point, some of the warnings are fixed, but nobody realized];
- [at some point, something causes other warnings to be triggered, but
nobody realized];
- we realize the regression years later.

I am almost sure that I have witnessed this kind of scenario while
working on Session Restore. It used to cause assertion warnings at some
place in the DOM, which were not documented in any bug that I could
find, and nobody cared.

Also, second issue of the current approach: I have seen very few (if
any) bugs yet that documents exactly the assertion warnings that they
trigger, explaining why they are normal and should be ignored. That's a
codetrap for whoever comes next. Requiring a test to actively opt-in for
whitelisting a specific assertion warning means that there is a good
place to r- the test until this is documented.

Frankly, I'm really sick of warnings, and anything we can do to make
them more actionable would be one step towards restoring sanity in our
tests and in some parts of our codebase.

Best regards,

On 10/06/15 06:39, Ehsan Akhgari wrote:
 On 2015-06-09 8:33 AM, Robert O'Callahan wrote:
 Does anyone know of a case where we had a regression that traded one
 assertion for another? I don't.
 I don't either.  Which is why I believe that David's point, while being
 perfectly valid in theory, doesn't matter a lot in practice.
 Also, you need to consider the fact that one assertion appearing in
 place of another one in the same commits going into one build compared
 to the previous not breaking *anything else* or have any observable
 effect on all of our test suites is extremely unlikely.

David Rajchenbach-Teller, PhD
 Performance Team, Mozilla
dev-platform mailing list

Re: The War on Warnings

2015-06-10 Thread Ehsan Akhgari

On 2015-06-10 3:38 AM, David Rajchenbach-Teller wrote:

However, I do believe in the following scenario:
- oh, there is an assertion warning, it's not my fault, let's allow one
- wait, there are a few, let's allow several;
- oh, they are intermittent, let's make it an interval;
- [at some point, some of the warnings are fixed, but nobody realized];

Yes, assuming the number of assertions doesn't fall outside of the 
range, of course.

- [at some point, something causes other warnings to be triggered, but
nobody realized];
- we realize the regression years later.

Yes, like I said, I agree this problem exists _in theory_.  I however 
think that it's unlikely.  (Note that we currently have only 82 
SimpleTest.expectAssertions annotations in our tests, so we're already 
talking about an edge case of something that is extremely uncommon 
itself.  :-)

I am almost sure that I have witnessed this kind of scenario while
working on Session Restore. It used to cause assertion warnings at some
place in the DOM, which were not documented in any bug that I could
find, and nobody cared.

Concrete examples would help.  I can't find any test in 
browser/components/sessionstore right now with an assertion annotation 
so it's hard to say what the exact issue that you saw was, but I think 
you are complaining about the lack of documentation and that nobody 
cared.  Neither of those issues will be solved with what you are suggesting.

Also, second issue of the current approach: I have seen very few (if
any) bugs yet that documents exactly the assertion warnings that they
trigger, explaining why they are normal and should be ignored. That's a
codetrap for whoever comes next. Requiring a test to actively opt-in for
whitelisting a specific assertion warning means that there is a good
place to r- the test until this is documented.

Not necessarily.  Reviewers can choose to require exactly that 
everywhere SimpleTest.expectAssertions is used (I for one try to do 
that, but these are so rare that I can't remember the last time I 
reviewed such a test very well...)

My point is, changing |SimpleTest.expectAssertions(2)| to 
|SimpleTest.expectAssertions([first assertion message, second 
assertion message])| doesn't really give us much besides the ability to 
pinpoint the expected assertions to the exact assertions that the test 
triggers.  And I'm not saying that is not valuable, it's just a solution 
to an extremely rare problem.

Issues such as lack of documentation of why the test is triggering an 
assertion are orthogonal to the syntax we use to declare the whitelist.

Frankly, I'm really sick of warnings, and anything we can do to make
them more actionable would be one step towards restoring sanity in our
tests and in some parts of our codebase.

Warnings are different.  There is basically a spectrum of things you can 
do, from setting the MOZ_IGNORE_WARNINGS (and MOZ_QUIET) environment 
variables if you're just annoyed with them and don't want to see them, 
to filing bugs for the ones that happen way too often in tests (or 
during common operations such as opening a tab, typing something in a 
form, etc) and CCing the relevant people and asking whether the warning 
can be silenced, etc.  I very much welcome the latter and have tried to 
act on such bugs where I can.  Right now we have so many warnings that a 
project to annotate every test with every single warning that it 
generates is *really* impractical.  And once we fix the problem of 
having too many frequently occurring one, the value of such a project is 
heavily diminished.

dev-platform mailing list

Re: The War on Warnings

2015-06-10 Thread Ryan VanderMeulen
I'm 99% sure we've had mis-stars on intermittent assertion oranges where 
the assertion changed and nobody bothered checking the logs to notice. 
Various media tests are coming to mind for when that's happened.

On 6/10/2015 10:10 AM, Ehsan Akhgari wrote:

On 2015-06-10 3:38 AM, David Rajchenbach-Teller wrote:

However, I do believe in the following scenario:
- oh, there is an assertion warning, it's not my fault, let's allow one
- wait, there are a few, let's allow several;
- oh, they are intermittent, let's make it an interval;
- [at some point, some of the warnings are fixed, but nobody realized];

Yes, assuming the number of assertions doesn't fall outside of the
range, of course.

- [at some point, something causes other warnings to be triggered, but
nobody realized];
- we realize the regression years later.

Yes, like I said, I agree this problem exists _in theory_.  I however
think that it's unlikely.  (Note that we currently have only 82
SimpleTest.expectAssertions annotations in our tests, so we're already
talking about an edge case of something that is extremely uncommon
itself.  :-)

I am almost sure that I have witnessed this kind of scenario while
working on Session Restore. It used to cause assertion warnings at some
place in the DOM, which were not documented in any bug that I could
find, and nobody cared.

Concrete examples would help.  I can't find any test in
browser/components/sessionstore right now with an assertion annotation
so it's hard to say what the exact issue that you saw was, but I think
you are complaining about the lack of documentation and that nobody
cared.  Neither of those issues will be solved with what you are

Also, second issue of the current approach: I have seen very few (if
any) bugs yet that documents exactly the assertion warnings that they
trigger, explaining why they are normal and should be ignored. That's a
codetrap for whoever comes next. Requiring a test to actively opt-in for
whitelisting a specific assertion warning means that there is a good
place to r- the test until this is documented.

Not necessarily.  Reviewers can choose to require exactly that
everywhere SimpleTest.expectAssertions is used (I for one try to do
that, but these are so rare that I can't remember the last time I
reviewed such a test very well...)

My point is, changing |SimpleTest.expectAssertions(2)| to
|SimpleTest.expectAssertions([first assertion message, second
assertion message])| doesn't really give us much besides the ability to
pinpoint the expected assertions to the exact assertions that the test
triggers.  And I'm not saying that is not valuable, it's just a solution
to an extremely rare problem.

Issues such as lack of documentation of why the test is triggering an
assertion are orthogonal to the syntax we use to declare the whitelist.

Frankly, I'm really sick of warnings, and anything we can do to make
them more actionable would be one step towards restoring sanity in our
tests and in some parts of our codebase.

Warnings are different.  There is basically a spectrum of things you can
do, from setting the MOZ_IGNORE_WARNINGS (and MOZ_QUIET) environment
variables if you're just annoyed with them and don't want to see them,
to filing bugs for the ones that happen way too often in tests (or
during common operations such as opening a tab, typing something in a
form, etc) and CCing the relevant people and asking whether the warning
can be silenced, etc.  I very much welcome the latter and have tried to
act on such bugs where I can.  Right now we have so many warnings that a
project to annotate every test with every single warning that it
generates is *really* impractical.  And once we fix the problem of
having too many frequently occurring one, the value of such a project is
heavily diminished.


dev-platform mailing list

Re: The War on Warnings

2015-06-09 Thread David Rajchenbach-Teller
In my books, that's pretty footgunish.

On 09/06/15 04:04, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
 You can specify an exact number or a range.
 But you're right that you can't specify the assertion text involved...
 dev-platform mailing list

David Rajchenbach-Teller, PhD
 Performance Team, Mozilla
dev-platform mailing list

Re: The War on Warnings

2015-06-09 Thread Robert O'Callahan
Does anyone know of a case where we had a regression that traded one
assertion for another? I don't.

oIo otoeololo oyooouo otohoaoto oaonoyooonoeo owohooo oioso oaonogoroyo
owoiotoho oao oboroootohoeoro oooro osoiosotoeoro owoiololo oboeo
osouobojoeocoto otooo ojouodogomoeonoto.o oAogoaoiono,o oaonoyooonoeo
osoaoyoso otooo oao oboroootohoeoro oooro osoiosotoeoro,o o‘oRoaocoao,o’o
oaonosowoeoroaoboloeo otooo otohoeo ocooouoroto.o oAonodo oaonoyooonoeo
osoaoyoso,o o‘oYooouo ofolo!o’o owoiololo oboeo oiono odoaonogoeoro
otohoeo ofoioroeo ooofo ohoeololo.
dev-platform mailing list

Re: The War on Warnings

2015-06-09 Thread Ryan VanderMeulen

On 6/9/2015 8:33 AM, Robert O'Callahan wrote:

Does anyone know of a case where we had a regression that traded one
assertion for another? I don't.


How would we have found out? :)
dev-platform mailing list

Re: The War on Warnings

2015-06-09 Thread Robert O'Callahan
On Wed, Jun 10, 2015 at 12:34 AM, Ryan VanderMeulen

 On 6/9/2015 8:33 AM, Robert O'Callahan wrote:

 Does anyone know of a case where we had a regression that traded one
 assertion for another? I don't.

  How would we have found out? :)

Detecting the regression some other way.

oIo otoeololo oyooouo otohoaoto oaonoyooonoeo owohooo oioso oaonogoroyo
owoiotoho oao oboroootohoeoro oooro osoiosotoeoro owoiololo oboeo
osouobojoeocoto otooo ojouodogomoeonoto.o oAogoaoiono,o oaonoyooonoeo
osoaoyoso otooo oao oboroootohoeoro oooro osoiosotoeoro,o o‘oRoaocoao,o’o
oaonosowoeoroaoboloeo otooo otohoeo ocooouoroto.o oAonodo oaonoyooonoeo
osoaoyoso,o o‘oYooouo ofolo!o’o owoiololo oboeo oiono odoaonogoeoro
otohoeo ofoioroeo ooofo ohoeololo.
dev-platform mailing list

Re: The War on Warnings

2015-06-09 Thread Ehsan Akhgari

On 2015-06-09 8:33 AM, Robert O'Callahan wrote:

Does anyone know of a case where we had a regression that traded one
assertion for another? I don't.

I don't either.  Which is why I believe that David's point, while being 
perfectly valid in theory, doesn't matter a lot in practice.

Also, you need to consider the fact that one assertion appearing in 
place of another one in the same commits going into one build compared 
to the previous not breaking *anything else* or have any observable 
effect on all of our test suites is extremely unlikely.

dev-platform mailing list

Re: The War on Warnings

2015-06-08 Thread David Rajchenbach-Teller
Last time I looked at whitelisting non-fatal assertions, there was only
the option to accept up-to a number of assertions. Have I missed
something? Because a blank check to sweep assertions under the carpet is
really an awful mechanism.

Now, I fully agree that warnings that are not whitelisted should most
likely cause real assertion failures.


On 08/06/15 19:09, Ehsan Akhgari wrote:
 On 2015-06-05 6:08 AM, David Rajchenbach-Teller wrote:
 This API covers all the needs I have encountered for warnings so far in
 JS code. I don't think it's terribly different in C++ code.
 For C++ non-fatal assertions, we already have a mechanism similar to
 this (but it doesn't rely on the exact message printed in the warning,
 of course.)
 I prefer to not try to do what you are doing for C++ warnings, because
 if there are ones that we should really not trigger in a test, those
 should be promoted to be assertions, and then we would be able to rely
 on the existing mechanisms to catch them during test runs.

David Rajchenbach-Teller, PhD
 Performance Team, Mozilla
dev-platform mailing list

Re: The War on Warnings

2015-06-08 Thread ISHIKAWA,chiaki


On 2015/06/06 2:39, Eric Rahm wrote:

On Friday, June 5, 2015 at 8:23:53 AM UTC-7, ISHIKAWA,chiaki wrote:

After coping with voluminous messages in C-C TB |make mozmill| test
suite log [much smaller volume than full FF logs],
I think we should have NS_INFORMATION() macro that
prints out an information for someone who is developing code and
just wants to know how the code is doing.

I suppose we could add yet another macro, but really this sounds like a use 
case for:

   MOZ_LOG(myModule, LogLevel::Info, Dev message!);

which could then be enabled with something like:

   |NSPR_MODULES=myModule:3 ./mach run|

Thank you for the tips.

(I was referring to *NS*_INFORMATION() since
when I tried to use MOZ_ABORT() or something in some test codes,
I could not compile and link them and learned some MOZ_* macros and NS_* 
macros don't mix very well during linking(?).)

Anyway, I am a little confused since MOZ_LOG() is very new.

What is the first argument to the following code?
|MOZ_LOG(myModule, LogLevel::Info, Dev message!);|

Looking at how PR_LOG() was called with PRLogModuleInfo,

typedef struct PRLogModuleInfo {
   const char *name;
   PRLogModuleLevel level;
   struct PRLogModuleInfo *next;
} PRLogModuleInfo;

Is |myModule| it declared as

PRLogModuleInfo myModule;

is passed to as the first argument of MOZ_LOG().?
But it sounds as if we should stay away from PRLog* data structure.

Or is it simply anything (and stringified internally) that
will be specified in environmental variable later?

It might be useful to eventually add a |MOZ_LOG_IF| to make things easier.

Yes, for readability, we need some creative macros.

 1576 [10262] WARNING: '!mMainThread', file
/REF-COMM-CENTRAL/comm-central/mozilla/xpcom/threads/nsThreadManager.cpp, line

We're working on this in bug 1171716, it's related to cycle collection on 

Anyway, I agree that we should simply try to attack the top  entries
first to figure out whether they are indication of genuine issues/bugs, etc.

Yes! Please file blocking bugs for the top c-c entries against bug 765224.

I will try to do so.

Eventually we could cut down the number to manageable size.
(At near the beginning of 2013, the list became only about a dozen items
long, but started to grow again. In a sense it reflects the desire of
code authors to catch strange conditions, but I agree we must keep on
looking at the logs and do something about the top offenders in the log

It might be nice to create a very simple start/stop test that just makes sure 
there are no warnings so that we can avoid regressing that in the future.

Sounds a sensible idea.


dev-platform mailing list

Re: The War on Warnings

2015-06-08 Thread Ehsan Akhgari

On 2015-06-05 6:08 AM, David Rajchenbach-Teller wrote:

This API covers all the needs I have encountered for warnings so far in
JS code. I don't think it's terribly different in C++ code.

For C++ non-fatal assertions, we already have a mechanism similar to 
this (but it doesn't rely on the exact message printed in the warning, 
of course.)

I prefer to not try to do what you are doing for C++ warnings, because 
if there are ones that we should really not trigger in a test, those 
should be promoted to be assertions, and then we would be able to rely 
on the existing mechanisms to catch them during test runs.


dev-platform mailing list

Re: The War on Warnings

2015-06-08 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 6/8/15 4:28 PM, David Rajchenbach-Teller wrote:

Last time I looked at whitelisting non-fatal assertions, there was only
the option to accept up-to a number of assertions.

You can specify an exact number or a range.

But you're right that you can't specify the assertion text involved...

dev-platform mailing list

Re: The War on Warnings

2015-06-08 Thread David Rajchenbach-Teller
The question is what is best: ignored warnings or ignored intermittent
oranges? I assume that the latter have the best chance of being
eventually fixed, but I'm not sure.

On 05/06/15 18:17, Ryan VanderMeulen wrote:
 Uncaught Promise rejections were made fatal and for the most part go
 ignored when they fail intermittently. I'm not a huge fan of adding more
 ways for tests to fail if people aren't willing to actually do something
 about it when they do.

David Rajchenbach-Teller, PhD
 Performance Team, Mozilla
dev-platform mailing list

Re: The War on Warnings

2015-06-05 Thread David Rajchenbach-Teller
My patch introduces a new Warnings mechanism for JS. If this works
nicely, I'd like to extend this to C++.

Basically, whenever you encounter a situation that should never happen
in production but that is not quite fatal enough to warrant a crash, we
call (from the top of my head)

Warnings.warn(the module that triggered the warning,
   `Hey, I still have ${n} splines to reticulate, I should have 0.`);

By default, this causes tests to fail. However, tests that are designed
to cause this kind of warning can whitelist the warning with

Assert.expect(the module that triggered the warning,
  /Hey, I still have [0-9]* splines to reticulate, I should have 0./)
(note the regexp)

and tests that are known to cause this kind of warning can graylist it
until the warning has been fixed

Assert.FIXME(the module that triggered the warning
/Hey, I still have [0-9]* splines to reticulate, I should have 0./)
(also a regexp)

This API covers all the needs I have encountered for warnings so far in
JS code. I don't think it's terribly different in C++ code.


On 05/06/15 00:14, Ehsan Akhgari wrote:
 Families of warnings?  I don't really understand what you mean.  Also,
 looking at the patch in the bug, your changes seem to affect Assert.jsm
 stuff, which is not related to NS_WARNING.

David Rajchenbach-Teller, PhD
 Performance Team, Mozilla
dev-platform mailing list

Re: The War on Warnings

2015-06-05 Thread ISHIKAWA,chiaki

On 2015/06/04 21:38, Robert O'Callahan wrote:

Usually I use NS_WARNING to mean something weird and unexpected is
happening, e.g. a bug in Web page code, but not necessarily a browser bug.
Sometimes I get useful hints from NS_WARNING spew leading up to a serious
failure, but for those usages could probably be switched to PR_LOG without
losing much.


After coping with voluminous messages in C-C TB |make mozmill| test 
suite log [much smaller volume than full FF logs],

I think we should have NS_INFORMATION() macro that
prints out an information for someone who is developing code and
just wants to know how the code is doing.

So many WARNING lines such as the ones below can be turned into
INFORMATION messages and we can probably ignore these lines from NG/GO 
decisions of tests.

Hmm. The particular log I picked from two months ago is not
quite representative.  I specifically excluded NS_ENSURE_TRUE summary 
from below, but for this particular log, the messages near the top of 
list (decreasing frequency order) seem too serious to be INFORMATION kind.

 WARNING: Allow one letter C/c as language code.:
The above line below is from my own attempt to
make C-C TB accpet C.UTF-8 as locale: I think cygwin's default locale is 
this. But mozilla code refuses to accept this claiming that the first 
part of the locale needs to be either two or three letters.
And I used dreaded NS_WARNING() instead of something better: if 
NS_INFORMATION() is there, I will use it.

--- begin quote ---
Second without NS_ENSURE macros:

Count/sum is modulo [without the first PID]

   1576 [10262] WARNING: '!mMainThread', file 
/REF-COMM-CENTRAL/comm-central/mozilla/xpcom/threads/nsThreadManager.cpp, line 
868 [10262] WARNING: Failed to retarget HTML data delivery to the 
parser thread.: file 
line 951
693 [10262] WARNING: Subdocument container has no frame: file 
line 2511
100 [21074] WARNING: We should have hit the document element...: 
file /REF-COMM-CENTRAL/comm-central/mozilla/layout/xul/BoxObject.cpp, 
line 183
 58 [10262] WARNING: unable to post continuation event: file 
/REF-COMM-CENTRAL/comm-central/mozilla/xpcom/io/nsStreamUtils.cpp, line 453
 58 [10262] WARNING: An event was posted to a thread that will 
never run it (rejected): file 
/REF-COMM-CENTRAL/comm-central/mozilla/xpcom/threads/nsThread.cpp, line 505
 45 [10553] WARNING: No inner window available!: file 
/REF-COMM-CENTRAL/comm-central/mozilla/dom/base/nsGlobalWindow.cpp, line 
 36 [10262] WARNING: Re-registering a CID?: file 
line 531
 36 [10262] WARNING: Hardware Vsync support not yet implemented. 
Falling back to software timers
 36 [10262] WARNING: Failed to open external DTD: publicId 
-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN systemId; base 
URL resource://gre/res/dtd/svg11.dtd: file 
line 703
 36 [10262] WARNING: Failed to open external DTD: publicId 
-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN systemId; base 
URL resource://gre/res/dtd/svg11.dtd: file 
line 703
 36 [10262] WARNING: Allow one letter C/c as language code.: file 
line 128
 35 [10262] WARNING: unable to Flush() dirty datasource during 
XPCOM shutdown: file 
line 754
 35 WARNING: YOU ARE LEAKING THE WORLD (at least one JSRuntime and 
everything alive inside it, that is) AT JS_ShutDown TIME.  FIX THIS!
 32 [21074] WARNING: Must complete empty transaction when 
compositing!: file 
/REF-COMM-CENTRAL/comm-central/mozilla/layout/base/nsPresShell.cpp, line 
 30 [21074] WARNING: Someone passed native anonymous content 
directly into frame construction.  Stop doing that!: file 
line 6550
 28 [21074] WARNING: nsMsgProtocol::SetContentCharset() not 
implemented: file 
line 580
 20 [21074] WARNING: anonymous nodes should not be in child lists 
(bug 439258): file 
line 1441
 18 [8115] WARNING: There is no observer for invalidformsubmit. 
One should be implemented!: file 

Re: The War on Warnings

2015-06-04 Thread Nicholas Nethercote
On Thu, Jun 4, 2015 at 1:48 PM, Luke Wagner wrote:
 In addition to judging noisiness by volume over a whole test run, can we
 also include any warning that happens on normal browser startup, new tab,
 and other vanilla browser operations?  This has always annoyed me.

Indeed. Here's an attempt at establishing common ground that hopefully
almost everyone can agree with...

- There should be no warnings when starting and immediately closing
desktop Firefox on a new profile. Or maybe a very small number (e.g.
less than 5) on some configurations... certainly not dozens.

- There should be no warnings that trigger 1000s of times while
running standard test suites.

Because this is just silly:

  65959   [N] WARNING: Overflowed nscoord_MAX in conversion to nscoord 
 width: file ../../dist/include/nsRect.h, line 83

dev-platform mailing list

Re: The War on Warnings

2015-06-04 Thread Boris Zbarsky

On 6/4/15 6:14 PM, Ehsan Akhgari wrote:

They are both equally slow, but fatal assertions happen only once, by
definition.  ;-)

Except that for some of our tests we restart after a crash (e.g. for web 
platform tests).

So in that test harness, fatal assertions that are hit are much slower 
than non-fatal ones, fwiw.


dev-platform mailing list

Re: The War on Warnings

2015-06-04 Thread Daniel Holbert
On 06/04/2015 01:18 PM, smaug wrote:
 More likely we need to change a small number of noisy NS_ENSURE_* macro
 users to use something else,
 and keep most of the NS_ENSURE_* usage as it is.

I agree -- I posted about switching to something opt-in, like MOZ_LOG,
for some of the spammier layout NS_WARNINGS, too:!topic/

dev-platform mailing list

Re: The War on Warnings

2015-06-04 Thread Eric Rahm
On Thursday, June 4, 2015 at 11:14:59 AM UTC-7, Martin Thomson wrote:
 On Jun 4, 2015 10:27 AM, Daniel Holbert wrote:
  Also: in layout, there are various warnings related to coordinate
  wraparound/overflow, where we're basically throwing up our hands and
  warning that broken layout is likely to occur because the page is
  millions of pixels tall.  These can be useful hints, when debugging page
 I know that it's more work, but isn't that what the console is best suited
 for? We have some spammy warnings there too, of course (try looking for rc4
 warnings if you have gmail open).

This does seem more appropriate for warnings targeted at web developers. Most 
end users probably will not be using debug builds of Firefox (particularly 
considering we market a dev edition, you know, for web devs).
dev-platform mailing list

Re: The War on Warnings

2015-06-04 Thread smaug

On 06/05/2015 12:06 AM, Daniel Holbert wrote:

On 06/04/2015 01:18 PM, smaug wrote:

More likely we need to change a small number of noisy NS_ENSURE_* macro
users to use something else,
and keep most of the NS_ENSURE_* usage as it is.

I agree -- I posted about switching to something opt-in, like MOZ_LOG,
for some of the spammier layout NS_WARNINGS, too:!topic/


There is also DEBUG_foo
and then using it --with-debug-label=foo

There are couple of #ifdef DEBUG_smaug checks, but it isn't really
nice to pollute the code with developer specific ifdefs.
However for your case DEBUG_layout might work.

dev-platform mailing list

Re: The War on Warnings

2015-06-04 Thread Ehsan Akhgari

On 2015-06-04 9:40 AM, David Rajchenbach-Teller wrote:

On 04/06/15 14:30, Ehsan Akhgari wrote:

There are very good reasons for warnings to not cause tests to fail.  We
have a lot of tests that are testing failure conditions that are
expected to warn, because they are failure conditions.

Well, that's why the patch linked above offers a whitelist API, so that
tests can individually decide which families of warnings are either
expected, or ok-for-the-time-being.

Families of warnings?  I don't really understand what you mean.  Also, 
looking at the patch in the bug, your changes seem to affect Assert.jsm 
stuff, which is not related to NS_WARNING.

There are also warnings that were actually meant to be assertions, and
we should try to convert them to assertions, and that way they will fail
tests.  That being said, assertion report stack traces in debug builds,
which is excruciatingly slow, so we have had to switch them to be
warnings in at least some cases (see bug 756045 for example.)

Are you talking about our weird non-fatal assertions or actual fatal

They are both equally slow, but fatal assertions happen only once, by 
definition.  ;-)

dev-platform mailing list

Re: The War on Warnings

2015-06-04 Thread Luke Wagner
In addition to judging noisiness by volume over a whole test run, can we
also include any warning that happens on normal browser startup, new tab,
and other vanilla browser operations?  This has always annoyed me.

On Thu, Jun 4, 2015 at 3:33 PM, Bobby Holley wrote:

 On Thu, Jun 4, 2015 at 1:18 PM, smaug wrote:

  More likely we need to change a small number of noisy NS_ENSURE_* macro
  users to use something else,
  and keep most of the NS_ENSURE_* usage as it is.

 dev-platform mailing list

dev-platform mailing list

Re: The War on Warnings

2015-06-04 Thread Eric Rahm
On Thursday, June 4, 2015 at 1:48:30 PM UTC-7, Luke Wagner wrote:
 In addition to judging noisiness by volume over a whole test run, can we
 also include any warning that happens on normal browser startup, new tab,
 and other vanilla browser operations?  This has always annoyed me.

Yes, this bothers me as well. Here's a rough look at a run I just did (this is 
simply opening the browser to a blank page and then closing it):

 27 [N] WARNING: '!mMainThread', file 
/home/erahm/dev/mozilla-central/xpcom/threads/nsThreadManager.cpp, line 299
 10 [N] WARNING: 'NS_FAILED(DebuggerOnGCRunnable::Enqueue(aRuntime, 
aDesc))', file 
/home/erahm/dev/mozilla-central/xpcom/base/CycleCollectedJSRuntime.cpp, line 743
  5 [N] WARNING: XPCOM objects created/destroyed from static ctor/dtor: 
file /home/erahm/dev/mozilla-central/xpcom/base/nsTraceRefcnt.cpp, line 148
  4 [N] WARNING: RemoveObserver() called for unregistered observer: 
file /home/erahm/dev/mozilla-central/hal/Hal.cpp, line 205
  3 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mDocShell) failed: file 
/home/erahm/dev/mozilla-central/embedding/browser/nsWebBrowser.cpp, line 363
  3 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(EnsureScriptEnvironment(), nullptr) 
failed with result 0x80040111: file 
/home/erahm/dev/mozilla-central/docshell/base/nsDocShell.cpp, line 4592
  2 [N] WARNING: Subdocument container has no frame: file 
/home/erahm/dev/mozilla-central/layout/base/nsDocumentViewer.cpp, line 2506
  2 [N] WARNING: Re-registering a CID?: file 
/home/erahm/dev/mozilla-central/xpcom/components/nsComponentManager.cpp, line 
  2 [N] WARNING: 'NS_FAILED(rv)', file 
/home/erahm/dev/mozilla-central/dom/workers/ServiceWorkerManager.cpp, line 2529
  2 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(domWindow) failed: file 
/home/erahm/dev/mozilla-central/embedding/browser/nsDocShellTreeOwner.cpp, line 
  2 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(aInBrowser) failed: file 
/home/erahm/dev/mozilla-central/embedding/browser/nsDocShellTreeOwner.cpp, line 
  2 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv) failed with result 
0x80040111: file /home/erahm/dev/mozilla-central/dom/base/nsFrameLoader.cpp, 
line 267
  2 [N] WARNING: Enabling vsync refresh driver: file 
/home/erahm/dev/mozilla-central/layout/base/nsRefreshDriver.cpp, line 859
  2 [N] WARNING: '!BasePrincipal::IsCodebasePrincipal(aPrincipal)', 
file /home/erahm/dev/mozilla-central/dom/workers/ServiceWorkerManager.cpp, line 
  1 [N] WARNING: nsWindow::GetNativeData not implemented for this type: 
file /home/erahm/dev/mozilla-central/widget/PuppetWidget.cpp, line 1162
  1 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(domDoc  target) failed: file 
/home/erahm/dev/mozilla-central/dom/base/nsContentUtils.cpp, line 3636
  1 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(currentInner) failed: file 
/home/erahm/dev/mozilla-central/dom/base/nsGlobalWindow.cpp, line 9004
  1 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv) failed with result 
0x80070057: file /home/erahm/dev/mozilla-central/dom/base/nsContentUtils.cpp, 
line 3691
  1 [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv) failed with result 
0x80004005: file 
/home/erahm/dev/mozilla-central/toolkit/xre/nsXREDirProvider.cpp, line 1374
  1 [N] WARNING: No docshells for remote frames!: file 
/home/erahm/dev/mozilla-central/dom/base/nsFrameLoader.cpp, line 491
  1 [N] WARNING: Hardware Vsync support not yet implemented. Falling 
back to software timers: file 
/home/erahm/dev/mozilla-central/gfx/thebes/gfxPlatform.cpp, line 2410
  1 [N] WARNING: Enabling vsync compositor: file 
/home/erahm/dev/mozilla-central/gfx/layers/ipc/CompositorParent.cpp, line 679
  1 [N] WARNING: '!editorRectEvent.mSucceeded', file 
/home/erahm/dev/mozilla-central/widget/PuppetWidget.cpp, line 800
  1 [N] WARNING: Could not get disk status from nsIDiskSpaceWatcher: 
 line 317
  1 [N] WARNING: Could not get disk information from DiskSpaceWatcher: 
file /home/erahm/dev/mozilla-central/dom/storage/DOMStorageIPC.cpp, line 320
  1 [N] WARNING: '!compMgr', file 
/home/erahm/dev/mozilla-central/xpcom/glue/nsComponentManagerUtils.cpp, line 63

There's bug 1171716 for the !mMainThread warning.
dev-platform mailing list

Re: The War on Warnings

2015-06-04 Thread Martin Thomson
On Jun 4, 2015 10:27 AM, Daniel Holbert wrote:
 Also: in layout, there are various warnings related to coordinate
 wraparound/overflow, where we're basically throwing up our hands and
 warning that broken layout is likely to occur because the page is
 millions of pixels tall.  These can be useful hints, when debugging page

I know that it's more work, but isn't that what the console is best suited
for? We have some spammy warnings there too, of course (try looking for rc4
warnings if you have gmail open).
dev-platform mailing list

Re: The War on Warnings

2015-06-04 Thread Daniel Holbert
On 06/04/2015 05:30 AM, Ehsan Akhgari wrote:
 There are very good reasons for warnings to not cause tests to fail.  We
 have a lot of tests that are testing failure conditions that are
 expected to warn, because they are failure conditions.

Also: in layout, there are various warnings related to coordinate
wraparound/overflow, where we're basically throwing up our hands and
warning that broken layout is likely to occur because the page is
millions of pixels tall.  These can be useful hints, when debugging page

We have a lot of tests that exercise how we behave around this
coordinate-overflow threshold [mostly that we don't crash], and it's
expected that such tests would trigger these warnings.

One thing that might help for noise from these: Jesse filed a bug[1] a
while back on adding a flag to detect huge sizes  suppress some
assertions when we do; we could conceivably use this flag to suppress
warnings [perhaps just displaying a single detected huge sizes
warning], as well.


dev-platform mailing list

Re: The War on Warnings

2015-06-04 Thread Bobby Holley
On Thu, Jun 4, 2015 at 1:18 PM, smaug wrote:

 More likely we need to change a small number of noisy NS_ENSURE_* macro
 users to use something else,
 and keep most of the NS_ENSURE_* usage as it is.

dev-platform mailing list

Re: The War on Warnings

2015-06-04 Thread Andrew McCreight
On Thu, Jun 4, 2015 at 2:49 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

 FWIW, I suspect it'll be hard to put a dent in the number of warnings
 that we emit unless we either change all instances of
 NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv) to use some other macro which doesn't warn,
 or unless we change NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv) to not warn.

As you can see the from the list, the distribution of these warnings is
very uneven. It is not necessary to solve the entire warning issue to make
huge reductions in the total volume of warnings we see. For instance, in
bug 1170642 I noticed that there were about 16MB of warnings in e10s M2,
produced by a single line of code (which Eric fixed by removing the


 It feels like right now we have three incompatible desires:

 * Test lots of failure cases.
 * Make errors warn in debug builds on all/most frames as the failure
 is propagated up the callstack.
 * Don't warn a lot when testing debug builds.

 It seems like we can only pick two out of these three.

 / Jonas

 On Wed, Jun 3, 2015 at 6:14 PM, Eric Rahm wrote:
  We emit a *lot* of runtime warnings when running debug tests. I
 inadvertently triggered a max log size failure during a landing this week
 which encouraged me to take a look at what all is being logged, and what I
 found was a ton of warnings (sometimes accompanied by stack traces). Most
 of these should probably be removed (of course if they're real issues they
 should be fixed, but judging by the frequency most are probably non-issues).
  I'm currently cleaning up some of these, but if you happen to see
 something in the following list and are feeling proactive I would
 appreciate the help. There's even a meta bug for tracking these:
  I generated this list by grabbing the logs for a recent m-c linux64
 debug run, normalizing out PIDs and timestamps and then doing some
 sort/uniq-fu to get counts of unique lines.
  This is roughly the top 40 offenders:
65959   [N] WARNING: Overflowed nscoord_MAX in conversion to
 nscoord width: file ../../dist/include/nsRect.h, line 83
63460   [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(piTarget) failed: file
 gdom/events/EventDispatcher.cpp, line 469
20039   [N] WARNING: 'NS_FAILED(rv)', file
 gdom/workers/ServiceWorkerManager.cpp, line 2529
20039   [N] WARNING:
 '!BasePrincipal::IsCodebasePrincipal(aPrincipal)', file
 gdom/workers/ServiceWorkerManager.cpp, line 2591
17784   [N] WARNING: Subdocument container has no frame: file
 glayout/base/nsDocumentViewer.cpp, line 2506
16322   JavaScript warning:
 line 1: JavaScript 1.6's for-each-in loops are deprecated; consider using
 ES6 for-of instead
14159   [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mMutable) failed: file
 gnetwerk/base/nsSimpleURI.cpp, line 264
14087   [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(EnsureScriptEnvironment(),
 nullptr) failed with result 0x80040111: file gdocshell/base/nsDocShell.cpp,
 line 4592
11315   [N] WARNING: '!mMainThread', file
 gxpcom/threads/nsThreadManager.cpp, line 299
10574   [N] WARNING: No docshells for remote frames!: file
 gdom/base/nsFrameLoader.cpp, line 491
 9201   [N] WARNING: have unconstrained width; this should only
 result from very large sizes, not attempts at intrinsic width calculation:
 'psd-mIEnd != NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE', file
 glayout/generic/nsLineLayout.cpp, line 884
 9155   [N] WARNING: have unconstrained width; this should only
 result from very large sizes, not attempts at intrinsic width calculation:
 'psd-mIEnd != NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE', file
 glayout/generic/nsLineLayout.cpp, line 3058
 9130   [N] WARNING: have unconstrained width; this should only
 result from very large sizes, not attempts at intrinsic width calculation:
 'aISize != NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE', file glayout/generic/nsLineLayout.cpp,
 line 160
 8844   [N] WARNING: Someone passed native anonymous content
 directly into frame construction.  Stop doing that!: file
 glayout/base/nsCSSFrameConstructor.cpp, line 6559
 7599   [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mDocShell) failed: file
 gembedding/browser/nsWebBrowser.cpp, line 363
 7454   [N] WARNING: anonymous nodes should not be in child lists
 (bug 439258): file glayout/base/RestyleManager.cpp, line 1440
 6544   [N] WARNING: Graph thread slowdown?:
 'std::abs(framePosition - CurrentDriver()-StateComputedTime()) 
 MillisecondsToMediaTime(5)', file gdom/media/MediaStreamGraph.cpp, line 1195
 6126   [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv) failed with result
 0x80520012: file gnetwerk/base/nsFileStreams.cpp, line 492
 6126   [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv) failed with result
 0x80520012: file gnetwerk/base/nsFileStreams.cpp, line 205
 5637   [N] WARNING: No outer window available!: file

Re: The War on Warnings

2015-06-04 Thread Karl Tomlinson
Nicholas Nethercote writes:

 Do warnings (as opposed to NS_ASSERTION) do anything in tests? I don't
 think they do. If that's right, a warning is only useful if a human
 looks at it and acts on it, and that's clearly not happening for a lot
 of these.

Warnings in tests don't do anything but log that a problem has

But, when the warnings are not noisy, this is often useful for
tracking the cause of intermittent failures.

Similarly, warnings about real problems are helpful when running
debug builds, but we are being spammed with so many warnings that
it is hard to imagine they can all be real problems.  If they are,
then we are doing a poor job of keeping up with them.
dev-platform mailing list

Re: The War on Warnings

2015-06-04 Thread smaug

On 06/04/2015 01:07 PM, David Rajchenbach-Teller wrote:

Part of my world domination plans are to turn warnings into something
that causes test to actually fail (see bug 1080457  co). Would you like
to join forces?

Turning warnings into failures sounds odd (but bug 1080457 seems to be actually 
something different).
Warnings aren't anything which should cause tests to fail.
Warnings, especially those generated by NS_ENSURE_* macros are things which are 
useful for debugging - they often point rather exactly where to start looking 
for an issue.
And since there is NS_ENSURE_*, there isn't necessarily any problem or bug, 
just an unusual state, which
is then handled by the NS_ENSURE_* macro.



On 04/06/15 03:14, Eric Rahm wrote:

We emit a *lot* of runtime warnings when running debug tests. I inadvertently 
triggered a max log size failure during a landing this week which encouraged me 
to take a look at what all is being logged, and what I found was a ton of 
warnings (sometimes accompanied by stack traces). Most of these should probably 
be removed (of course if they're real issues they should be fixed, but judging 
by the frequency most are probably non-issues).

I'm currently cleaning up some of these, but if you happen to see something in 
the following list and are feeling proactive I would appreciate the help. 
There's even a meta bug for tracking these:

I generated this list by grabbing the logs for a recent m-c linux64 debug run, 
normalizing out PIDs and timestamps and then doing some sort/uniq-fu to get 
counts of unique lines.

This is roughly the top 40 offenders:

dev-platform mailing list

Re: The War on Warnings

2015-06-04 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Thu, Jun 4, 2015 at 5:38 AM, Robert O'Callahan wrote:
 Usually I use NS_WARNING to mean something weird and unexpected is
 happening, e.g. a bug in Web page code, but not necessarily a browser bug.
 Sometimes I get useful hints from NS_WARNING spew leading up to a serious

Yup. I think this is a quite common, and quite useful, usage of
NS_WARNING. But testing runs a lot of weird and unexpected things.
That's a good thing because those tend to be things that often
regress. But it also leads to a lot of warnings.

 but for those usages could probably be switched to PR_LOG without
 losing much.

I think this would mean changing most NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv), and
likely many other NS_ENSURE_* to macros that call PR_LOG instead.

So like I said, we'll have to either change a huge number of
NS_ENSURE_* macros to use something else, or change what NS_ENSURE_*

/ Jonas

 oIo otoeololo oyooouo otohoaoto oaonoyooonoeo owohooo oioso oaonogoroyo
 owoiotoho oao oboroootohoeoro oooro osoiosotoeoro owoiololo oboeo
 osouobojoeocoto otooo ojouodogomoeonoto.o oAogoaoiono,o oaonoyooonoeo
 osoaoyoso otooo oao oboroootohoeoro oooro osoiosotoeoro,o o'oRoaocoao,o'o
 oaonosowoeoroaoboloeo otooo otohoeo ocooouoroto.o oAonodo oaonoyooonoeo
 osoaoyoso,o o'oYooouo ofolo!o'o owoiololo oboeo oiono odoaonogoeoro
 otohoeo ofoioroeo ooofo ohoeololo.
 dev-platform mailing list
dev-platform mailing list

Re: The War on Warnings

2015-06-04 Thread Nicholas Nethercote
On Thu, Jun 4, 2015 at 2:49 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

 It feels like right now we have three incompatible desires:

 * Test lots of failure cases.
 * Make errors warn in debug builds on all/most frames as the failure
 is propagated up the callstack.
 * Don't warn a lot when testing debug builds.

 It seems like we can only pick two out of these three.

Do warnings (as opposed to NS_ASSERTION) do anything in tests? I don't
think they do. If that's right, a warning is only useful if a human
looks at it and acts on it, and that's clearly not happening for a lot
of these.

dev-platform mailing list

Re: The War on Warnings

2015-06-04 Thread Jonas Sicking
FWIW, I suspect it'll be hard to put a dent in the number of warnings
that we emit unless we either change all instances of
NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv) to use some other macro which doesn't warn,
or unless we change NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv) to not warn.

It feels like right now we have three incompatible desires:

* Test lots of failure cases.
* Make errors warn in debug builds on all/most frames as the failure
is propagated up the callstack.
* Don't warn a lot when testing debug builds.

It seems like we can only pick two out of these three.

/ Jonas

On Wed, Jun 3, 2015 at 6:14 PM, Eric Rahm wrote:
 We emit a *lot* of runtime warnings when running debug tests. I inadvertently 
 triggered a max log size failure during a landing this week which encouraged 
 me to take a look at what all is being logged, and what I found was a ton of 
 warnings (sometimes accompanied by stack traces). Most of these should 
 probably be removed (of course if they're real issues they should be fixed, 
 but judging by the frequency most are probably non-issues).

 I'm currently cleaning up some of these, but if you happen to see something 
 in the following list and are feeling proactive I would appreciate the help. 
 There's even a meta bug for tracking these:

 I generated this list by grabbing the logs for a recent m-c linux64 debug 
 run, normalizing out PIDs and timestamps and then doing some sort/uniq-fu to 
 get counts of unique lines.

 This is roughly the top 40 offenders:

   65959   [N] WARNING: Overflowed nscoord_MAX in conversion to nscoord 
 width: file ../../dist/include/nsRect.h, line 83
   63460   [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(piTarget) failed: file 
 gdom/events/EventDispatcher.cpp, line 469
   20039   [N] WARNING: 'NS_FAILED(rv)', file 
 gdom/workers/ServiceWorkerManager.cpp, line 2529
   20039   [N] WARNING: '!BasePrincipal::IsCodebasePrincipal(aPrincipal)', 
 file gdom/workers/ServiceWorkerManager.cpp, line 2591
   17784   [N] WARNING: Subdocument container has no frame: file 
 glayout/base/nsDocumentViewer.cpp, line 2506
   16322   JavaScript warning: 
  line 1: JavaScript 1.6's for-each-in loops are deprecated; consider using 
 ES6 for-of instead
   14159   [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mMutable) failed: file 
 gnetwerk/base/nsSimpleURI.cpp, line 264
   14087   [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(EnsureScriptEnvironment(), 
 nullptr) failed with result 0x80040111: file gdocshell/base/nsDocShell.cpp, 
 line 4592
   11315   [N] WARNING: '!mMainThread', file 
 gxpcom/threads/nsThreadManager.cpp, line 299
   10574   [N] WARNING: No docshells for remote frames!: file 
 gdom/base/nsFrameLoader.cpp, line 491
9201   [N] WARNING: have unconstrained width; this should only result 
 from very large sizes, not attempts at intrinsic width calculation: 
 'psd-mIEnd != NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE', file glayout/generic/nsLineLayout.cpp, 
 line 884
9155   [N] WARNING: have unconstrained width; this should only result 
 from very large sizes, not attempts at intrinsic width calculation: 
 'psd-mIEnd != NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE', file glayout/generic/nsLineLayout.cpp, 
 line 3058
9130   [N] WARNING: have unconstrained width; this should only result 
 from very large sizes, not attempts at intrinsic width calculation: 'aISize 
 != NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE', file glayout/generic/nsLineLayout.cpp, line 160
8844   [N] WARNING: Someone passed native anonymous content directly 
 into frame construction.  Stop doing that!: file 
 glayout/base/nsCSSFrameConstructor.cpp, line 6559
7599   [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mDocShell) failed: file 
 gembedding/browser/nsWebBrowser.cpp, line 363
7454   [N] WARNING: anonymous nodes should not be in child lists (bug 
 439258): file glayout/base/RestyleManager.cpp, line 1440
6544   [N] WARNING: Graph thread slowdown?: 'std::abs(framePosition - 
 CurrentDriver()-StateComputedTime())  MillisecondsToMediaTime(5)', file 
 gdom/media/MediaStreamGraph.cpp, line 1195
6126   [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv) failed with result 
 0x80520012: file gnetwerk/base/nsFileStreams.cpp, line 492
6126   [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv) failed with result 
 0x80520012: file gnetwerk/base/nsFileStreams.cpp, line 205
5637   [N] WARNING: No outer window available!: file 
 gdom/base/nsGlobalWindow.cpp, line 3915
5109   [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(domWindow) failed: file 
 gembedding/browser/nsDocShellTreeOwner.cpp, line 83
5085   [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(aInBrowser) failed: file 
 gembedding/browser/nsDocShellTreeOwner.cpp, line 79
4856   [N] WARNING: zero axis length: file gdom/svg/nsSVGLength2.cpp, 
 line 124
4708   [N] WARNING: Shouldn't call SchedulePaint in a detached pres 
 context: file 

Re: The War on Warnings

2015-06-04 Thread Ehsan Akhgari

On 2015-06-04 6:07 AM, David Rajchenbach-Teller wrote:

Part of my world domination plans are to turn warnings into something
that causes test to actually fail (see bug 1080457  co). Would you like
to join forces?

There are very good reasons for warnings to not cause tests to fail.  We 
have a lot of tests that are testing failure conditions that are 
expected to warn, because they are failure conditions.

In my experience, in some cases where we have a particularly spammy 
warning, the underlying reason is that there is an error condition that 
we know how to handle properly, but we still warn about it.  Or 
alternatively, there are warnings which indicate that the author of the 
code did not think at the time that can happen, but a lot of them can be 

There are also warnings that were actually meant to be assertions, and 
we should try to convert them to assertions, and that way they will fail 
tests.  That being said, assertion report stack traces in debug builds, 
which is excruciatingly slow, so we have had to switch them to be 
warnings in at least some cases (see bug 756045 for example.)

dev-platform mailing list

Re: The War on Warnings

2015-06-04 Thread Ehsan Akhgari

On 2015-06-04 5:49 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

FWIW, I suspect it'll be hard to put a dent in the number of warnings
that we emit unless we either change all instances of
NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv) to use some other macro which doesn't warn,
or unless we change NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv) to not warn.

Do we really have to do that?  It seems like all we need to do is to 
investigate the highly occurring warnings and silence them somehow. 
NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS warning is super useful when debugging things such as 
intermittent test failures, or big complicated web pages that are 
triggering an issue somehow -- they can often give you a starting point 
on where you need to look.

It feels like right now we have three incompatible desires:

* Test lots of failure cases.
* Make errors warn in debug builds on all/most frames as the failure
is propagated up the callstack.
* Don't warn a lot when testing debug builds.

It seems like we can only pick two out of these three.

It seems to me that if we change #3 to mean fixing highly frequently 
occurring warnings, we can have all three of the above together.

dev-platform mailing list

Re: The War on Warnings

2015-06-04 Thread smaug

On 06/04/2015 09:52 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

On Thu, Jun 4, 2015 at 5:38 AM, Robert O'Callahan wrote:

Usually I use NS_WARNING to mean something weird and unexpected is
happening, e.g. a bug in Web page code, but not necessarily a browser bug.
Sometimes I get useful hints from NS_WARNING spew leading up to a serious

Yup. I think this is a quite common, and quite useful, usage of
NS_WARNING. But testing runs a lot of weird and unexpected things.
That's a good thing because those tend to be things that often
regress. But it also leads to a lot of warnings.

but for those usages could probably be switched to PR_LOG without
losing much.

I think this would mean changing most NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv), and
likely many other NS_ENSURE_* to macros that call PR_LOG instead.

So like I said, we'll have to either change a huge number of
NS_ENSURE_* macros to use something else, or change what NS_ENSURE_*

More likely we need to change a small number of noisy NS_ENSURE_* macro users 
to use something else,
and keep most of the NS_ENSURE_* usage as it is.


/ Jonas

oIo otoeololo oyooouo otohoaoto oaonoyooonoeo owohooo oioso oaonogoroyo
owoiotoho oao oboroootohoeoro oooro osoiosotoeoro owoiololo oboeo
osouobojoeocoto otooo ojouodogomoeonoto.o oAogoaoiono,o oaonoyooonoeo
osoaoyoso otooo oao oboroootohoeoro oooro osoiosotoeoro,o o'oRoaocoao,o'o
oaonosowoeoroaoboloeo otooo otohoeo ocooouoroto.o oAonodo oaonoyooonoeo
osoaoyoso,o o'oYooouo ofolo!o'o owoiololo oboeo oiono odoaonogoeoro
otohoeo ofoioroeo ooofo ohoeololo.
dev-platform mailing list

dev-platform mailing list

Re: The War on Warnings

2015-06-04 Thread Robert O'Callahan
Usually I use NS_WARNING to mean something weird and unexpected is
happening, e.g. a bug in Web page code, but not necessarily a browser bug.
Sometimes I get useful hints from NS_WARNING spew leading up to a serious
failure, but for those usages could probably be switched to PR_LOG without
losing much.

oIo otoeololo oyooouo otohoaoto oaonoyooonoeo owohooo oioso oaonogoroyo
owoiotoho oao oboroootohoeoro oooro osoiosotoeoro owoiololo oboeo
osouobojoeocoto otooo ojouodogomoeonoto.o oAogoaoiono,o oaonoyooonoeo
osoaoyoso otooo oao oboroootohoeoro oooro osoiosotoeoro,o o‘oRoaocoao,o’o
oaonosowoeoroaoboloeo otooo otohoeo ocooouoroto.o oAonodo oaonoyooonoeo
osoaoyoso,o o‘oYooouo ofolo!o’o owoiololo oboeo oiono odoaonogoeoro
otohoeo ofoioroeo ooofo ohoeololo.
dev-platform mailing list

Re: The War on Warnings

2015-06-04 Thread David Rajchenbach-Teller
On 04/06/15 14:30, Ehsan Akhgari wrote:
 There are very good reasons for warnings to not cause tests to fail.  We
 have a lot of tests that are testing failure conditions that are
 expected to warn, because they are failure conditions.

Well, that's why the patch linked above offers a whitelist API, so that
tests can individually decide which families of warnings are either
expected, or ok-for-the-time-being.


 There are also warnings that were actually meant to be assertions, and
 we should try to convert them to assertions, and that way they will fail
 tests.  That being said, assertion report stack traces in debug builds,
 which is excruciatingly slow, so we have had to switch them to be
 warnings in at least some cases (see bug 756045 for example.)

Are you talking about our weird non-fatal assertions or actual fatal

David Rajchenbach-Teller, PhD
 Performance Team, Mozilla
dev-platform mailing list

Re: The War on Warnings

2015-06-03 Thread Martin Thomson
On Wed, Jun 3, 2015 at 6:14 PM, Eric Rahm wrote:
 I generated this list by grabbing the logs for a recent m-c linux64 debug 
 run, normalizing out PIDs and timestamps and then doing some sort/uniq-fu to 
 get counts of unique lines.

If your tool could be turned into a web page that runs against the
occasional build, we could use this on a more permanent basis.

BTW, I appreciate the effort.  I guess that most of these are as a
result of actual problems, even if they are minor.  And making tests
faster, and output easier to find is a real win.
dev-platform mailing list

The War on Warnings

2015-06-03 Thread Eric Rahm
We emit a *lot* of runtime warnings when running debug tests. I inadvertently 
triggered a max log size failure during a landing this week which encouraged me 
to take a look at what all is being logged, and what I found was a ton of 
warnings (sometimes accompanied by stack traces). Most of these should probably 
be removed (of course if they're real issues they should be fixed, but judging 
by the frequency most are probably non-issues).

I'm currently cleaning up some of these, but if you happen to see something in 
the following list and are feeling proactive I would appreciate the help. 
There's even a meta bug for tracking these:

I generated this list by grabbing the logs for a recent m-c linux64 debug run, 
normalizing out PIDs and timestamps and then doing some sort/uniq-fu to get 
counts of unique lines.

This is roughly the top 40 offenders:

  65959   [N] WARNING: Overflowed nscoord_MAX in conversion to nscoord 
width: file ../../dist/include/nsRect.h, line 83
  63460   [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(piTarget) failed: file 
gdom/events/EventDispatcher.cpp, line 469
  20039   [N] WARNING: 'NS_FAILED(rv)', file 
gdom/workers/ServiceWorkerManager.cpp, line 2529
  20039   [N] WARNING: '!BasePrincipal::IsCodebasePrincipal(aPrincipal)', 
file gdom/workers/ServiceWorkerManager.cpp, line 2591
  17784   [N] WARNING: Subdocument container has no frame: file 
glayout/base/nsDocumentViewer.cpp, line 2506
  16322   JavaScript warning: 
 line 1: JavaScript 1.6's for-each-in loops are deprecated; consider using ES6 
for-of instead 
  14159   [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mMutable) failed: file 
gnetwerk/base/nsSimpleURI.cpp, line 264
  14087   [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(EnsureScriptEnvironment(), 
nullptr) failed with result 0x80040111: file gdocshell/base/nsDocShell.cpp, 
line 4592
  11315   [N] WARNING: '!mMainThread', file 
gxpcom/threads/nsThreadManager.cpp, line 299 
  10574   [N] WARNING: No docshells for remote frames!: file 
gdom/base/nsFrameLoader.cpp, line 491
   9201   [N] WARNING: have unconstrained width; this should only result 
from very large sizes, not attempts at intrinsic width calculation: 'psd-mIEnd 
!= NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE', file glayout/generic/nsLineLayout.cpp, line 884
   9155   [N] WARNING: have unconstrained width; this should only result 
from very large sizes, not attempts at intrinsic width calculation: 'psd-mIEnd 
!= NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE', file glayout/generic/nsLineLayout.cpp, line 3058
   9130   [N] WARNING: have unconstrained width; this should only result 
from very large sizes, not attempts at intrinsic width calculation: 'aISize != 
NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE', file glayout/generic/nsLineLayout.cpp, line 160
   8844   [N] WARNING: Someone passed native anonymous content directly 
into frame construction.  Stop doing that!: file 
glayout/base/nsCSSFrameConstructor.cpp, line 6559
   7599   [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mDocShell) failed: file 
gembedding/browser/nsWebBrowser.cpp, line 363
   7454   [N] WARNING: anonymous nodes should not be in child lists (bug 
439258): file glayout/base/RestyleManager.cpp, line 1440
   6544   [N] WARNING: Graph thread slowdown?: 'std::abs(framePosition - 
CurrentDriver()-StateComputedTime())  MillisecondsToMediaTime(5)', file 
gdom/media/MediaStreamGraph.cpp, line 1195
   6126   [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv) failed with result 
0x80520012: file gnetwerk/base/nsFileStreams.cpp, line 492
   6126   [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv) failed with result 
0x80520012: file gnetwerk/base/nsFileStreams.cpp, line 205
   5637   [N] WARNING: No outer window available!: file 
gdom/base/nsGlobalWindow.cpp, line 3915
   5109   [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(domWindow) failed: file 
gembedding/browser/nsDocShellTreeOwner.cpp, line 83
   5085   [N] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(aInBrowser) failed: file 
gembedding/browser/nsDocShellTreeOwner.cpp, line 79
   4856   [N] WARNING: zero axis length: file gdom/svg/nsSVGLength2.cpp, 
line 124
   4708   [N] WARNING: Shouldn't call SchedulePaint in a detached pres 
context: file glayout/generic/nsFrame.cpp, line 5181
   4051   [N] WARNING: have unconstrained inline-size; this should only 
result from very large sizes, not attempts at intrinsic inline-size 
calculation: '(mFrameType == NS_CSS_FRAME_TYPE_INLINE  
!frame-IsFrameOfType(nsIFrame::eReplaced)) || type == nsGkAtoms::textFrame || 
ComputedISize() != NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE', file 
glayout/generic/nsHTMLReflowState.cpp, line 448
   4050   [N] WARNING: have unconstrained inline-size; this should only 
result from very large sizes, not attempts at intrinsic inline-size 
calculation: 'AvailableISize() != NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE', file 
glayout/generic/nsHTMLReflowState.cpp, line 360
   3897   [N] WARNING: have unconstrained 

Re: The War on Warnings

2015-06-03 Thread Karl Tomlinson
Martin Thomson writes:

 I guess that most of these are as a result of actual problems,
 even if they are minor.

The ones that are actual problems would be the ones that are
harder to resolve.

In my experience, however, when I've seen many of one kind of
warning, investigation has revealed that the problem is that a
warning is presented when there is nothing wrong.  Often this is
because someone has carelessly used NS_ENSURE_something.

Perhaps that is because the macros names don't say what they do.
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