Re: Content Security Policy - Relaxed Restrictions Mode(s)

2009-07-05 Thread FunkyRes
On Jul 1, 5:20 pm, Jonas Sicking wrote:

 myForm.addEventListener(submit, function(event) {
    if (!checkform()) {

 }, false);

That did work, I had a typo was all.
Good enough for now, for IE - I'll deal with it later.

Thank you.
dev-security mailing list

Server Side CSP

2009-03-28 Thread FunkyRes
Hi -

I've been working on a php class that implements CSP as an output
filter on the web server before the content is ever sent to the
requesting browser. That way browsers that don't support CSP still can
have some measure of protection when a website decides to implement
CSP (and utilizes my class).

The class homepage is here:

It's still highly experimental but it is both working as I need for
the web app I'm developing (not live) and can be played with via a
test page that has a textarea input that is (mostly) unfiltered
straight into the DOM before being run through the output filter (I
say mostly unfiltered because I use DOMDocument loadHTML() to eat the
input and it does some minor filtering of it's own)

There are currently a few things about CSP that I am a little confused
about though -

1) if style-src does not contain the host the page is being served
from, do in-line style need to be blocked?
2) Does the host expression list limit a wildcard to the beginning of
a host expression? Obviously ending in a * (unless you intend to allow
all hosts and just have a *) is kind of worthless, but does it allow,
say, images.* Right now I assume that it does not.
3) Does CSP really block all event attributes? The wiki page doesn't
cover event attributes, but the (seems to be a little out of date)
page states that Script called using event-handling attributes is not

The way I'm handling that in my class is to blacklist all event
attributes but allow a whitelist of event attributes that are allowed,
however, any event attributes in the whitelist can only call functions
without arguments.

4) It looks to me like frame-ancestors is something that can only be
enforced client side. Is that correct?
dev-security mailing list

Re: Content Security Policy questions / thoughts

2009-02-16 Thread FunkyRes
OK - I really do need to be able to define a function in the head and
call a function with an argument.

The form allows for uploading files. Thus I set a random upload
identifier so that when submit is pressed and the form client side
validates, a new window pops up with the upload identifies so get the
progress of the upload from my server.

The only way to move that to an external js file is to make the
external js file dynamic and pass the upload identifier to it as a get

If that's what has to be done I suppose it has to be done, but there
really should be a way to white list inline javascript functions -
allow them if defined in the document head, and allow calling
functions with arguments - since the policy restricts where external
js can come from, the only functions that could be called are either
standard javascript functions or functions defined in an allowed js
file or the document head. Perhaps you could disallow javascript
arguments that call a url not in an allowed domain (but you probably
need to allow a url in the argument for things like opening up an
upload progress window)

dev-security mailing list

Re: script execution header

2009-02-15 Thread FunkyRes
On Feb 14, 1:00 pm, FunkyRes wrote:

 Yes! That looks exactly like what I want to see.
 Hopefully something comes of it.

I played with it a little bit and it does exactly what I want it to do
(and more).
Only hitch is - the addon to test it does not seem to be able to turn
it off by clicking on the icon.
Disabling it / enabling it demonstrates that it works though.

Anyway, I hope this is something that is implemented by the browsers
out there, it would make me feel safer to know web developers are
implementing it and it would be nice to know I can give users of my
website (once browsers implement it) some added protection against
bugs that *hopefully* are not in my code.

I like it.
dev-security mailing list

Content Security Policy questions / thoughts

2009-02-15 Thread FunkyRes
I've read through the previous discussion at

I'm a little bit confused about inline scripting.
If I understand things correctly, the policy is designed to have some
protection against inline scripts which currently are not implemented
in the demonstrative proof of concept add-on that I'm playing with
to test my site.

I have some confusion though about how that is going to be

The site I am developing uses very little JavaScript, only the forms
use JavaScript (I server side validate as well). Most of the functions
are defined in an external js file.

One of the functions is dynamically generated when the page is
requested, and put into a CDATA chunk in the head element of the
resulting xhtml. It's my form page, and the form page actually can
generate 4 different types of forms that have many fields in common,
the generated function is the validation script that calls externally
defined functions for the various fields on submit.

I suppose it would be possible to just put four different validation
functions that are very similar in an external file but it made more
sense at the time I wrote it to just dynamically generate the
validation script.

Does CSP allow functions to be defined in the head section of an xhtml

Something else that struck out at me from that discussion was this:

Perhaps you should allow something like a single parameter-less
function invocation inside handlers, e.g. allow this:

img id=img123 onClick=onclickhandlerfoo()

Obviously you can't allow parameterized functions, as this will open
up security holes, e.g.

eval(something bad)


innocent_function(123,eval(bad stuff here),456)

Almost all of my form fields have

for pre post validation purposes.
Most of the time I don't pass any parameters but in some cases, I do
pass a parameter - the id of the field calling the function. The
parameter is hard coded, not variable (I don't even do - I put
the actual element id in when the page is generated). IE - I have
fields for air temperature, surface temperature, water temperature,
body temperature - it makes sense to use the same validation function
for each one since each one has the same validation parameters - and
pass the id field to the function rather than having several functions
with the input id in the function.

Further down in the body I have a cdata section that does not define
functions but calls some functions with parameters (the form has a
select menu that is too big, people with javascript enabled get it
replaced with one menu that dynamically generates a second menu). I
can do it without using arguments, it will bloat the external js file
somewhat but it is doable.

Maybe for the form I shouldn't use CSP - the form does not display any
user input data, it just eats user input data, but if I can use CSP on
every page (once it is finalized) I would like to.

I'm not personally *that* worried about XSS in the site I'm putting
together since I designed the site using the php DOMDocument class for
every page (which does a good job of turning malicious input into a
proper xml text node) but I suppose any software has the potential of
being tricked.

Anyway, if the CSP is going to filter out inline JS that calls an
argument, it would be nice IMHO to be able to turn that policy off for
a specific page, such as a form. It sure would make it easier to
implement - and I suspect it will be better received by web devs if it
isn't a complete royal pain to port existing sites to use it.

I do as a user really appreciate that something like this is being
done, I always thought it strange that we freak about executing e-mail
attachments yet the web almost requires you to run scripts in your
browser from unknown sources.
dev-security mailing list

Re: script execution header

2009-02-14 Thread FunkyRes
On Feb 12, 7:16 am, Johnathan Nightingale wrote:

 You may be interested in the Content Security Policy work, described  



Yes! That looks exactly like what I want to see.
Hopefully something comes of it.
dev-security mailing list

script execution header

2009-02-12 Thread FunkyRes
Since so many sites are dynamically generated and can create their own
headers, and since so many of these sites have XSS vulnerabilities,
how about a header that tells the browser the domain scope for

IE - the header could tell the browser that the page does not use any
scripts, only uses scripts served from the same host, or only uses
scripts served from the same domain (those who use scripts from other
domains could just not send the header).

That way if a web developer wants to inform the users client that the
page does not use any third party scripts, and his app has an XSS
vulnerability, the browser can refuse to execute the code.

I know about (and use) NoScript but I still think the ability of web
developers to send a header for those who don't have something like
NoScript installed would be a good idea. Even with NoScript it would
be a good idea - IE a site I'm currently working on uses JS for form
validation, but doesn't use it anywhere else, including pages that
display data users submitted. The ability to have those pages send a
header saying no scripts should be processed for those pages would be
a good thing (IMHO).

Just a thought.
dev-security mailing list