Re: Failed to push updates to stable

2017-04-29 Thread Adam Williamson
On Sun, 2017-04-30 at 09:24 +0800, Kalpa Welivitigoda wrote:
> Hi,
> I was trying to push an update to stable and received a mail with this
> notification [1], anyone experienced a similar response recently,
> seems the version comparison fails. Also wonder why fc24 update is
> being tried to push to fc25.
> [1] 

That doesn't fail anything. But what it's telling you is that the
package version in F24 is now higher than the package version in F25,
which is bad. You should have pushed the equivalent update to F25
earlier or at the same time.
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | XMPP: adamw AT happyassassin . net
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Failed to push updates to stable

2017-04-29 Thread Kalpa Welivitigoda

I was trying to push an update to stable and received a mail with this
notification [1], anyone experienced a similar response recently,
seems the version comparison fails. Also wonder why fc24 update is
being tried to push to fc25.


Best Regards,

Kalpa Welivitigoda
+65 82265081
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Orphaned Packages in branched (2017-04-30)

2017-04-29 Thread till
The following packages are orphaned and will be retired when they
are orphaned for six weeks, unless someone adopts them. If you know for sure
that the package should be retired, please do so now with a proper reason:

Note: If you received this mail directly you (co)maintain one of the affected
packages or a package that depends on one. Please adopt the affected package or
retire your depending package to avoid broken dependencies, otherwise your
package will be retired when the affected package gets retired.

  Package(co)maintainers  Status Change 
abakus orphan, cicku  4 weeks ago   
clucene09  orphan, group::kde-sig,5 weeks ago   
   rdieter, robert  
elfinfoorphan, pnemade9 weeks ago   
esteidcertsorphan, mihkel, rdieter0 weeks ago   
estonianidcard orphan, mihkel 0 weeks ago   
firefox-esteid-plugin  orphan, mihkel 0 weeks ago   
firefox-esteidpkcs11loader orphan, mihkel 0 weeks ago   
glyphtracerorphan, pnemade9 weeks ago   
golang-launchpad-go-xdg-v0 orphan, agoode 8 weeks ago   
greadelf   orphan, pnemade9 weeks ago   
libdigidoc orphan, anttix, kalev, 0 weeks ago   
   mihkel, rdieter, sander85,   
libdigidocpp   orphan, anttix, kalev, 0 weeks ago   
   mihkel, rdieter, sander85,   
lightdm-kdeorphan, carandraug,3 weeks ago   
   cwickert, rdieter
mkdst  orphan, enslaver, ryan52,  6 weeks ago   
python-cement  orphan, derks  8 weeks ago   
python-compositor  orphan, fonts-sig, i18n-   9 weeks ago   
   team, pnemade
python-pytgorphan, sagitter   6 weeks ago   
python-robofab orphan, fonts-sig, i18n-   9 weeks ago   
   team, jpokorny, pnemade  
python-ufo2fdk orphan, fonts-sig, i18n-   9 weeks ago   
   team, pnemade
qdigidoc   orphan, anttix, kalev, 0 weeks ago   
   mihkel, rdieter, sander85,   
qesteidutilorphan, anttix, kalev, 0 weeks ago   
   mihkel, rdieter, sander85,   
qyoto  orphan, elsupergomez, group8 weeks ago   
   ::kde-sig, jreznik, rdieter, 
rmanageorphan, ashokdas, pnemade  9 weeks ago   
rubygem-fast_xsorphan 2 weeks ago   
rubygem-foreman_apiorphan 2 weeks ago   
rubygem-github-linguistorphan 7 weeks ago   
rubygem-hoptoad_notifier   orphan 2 weeks ago   
rubygem-mobileesp_convertedorphan 2 weeks ago   
rubygem-robotexorphan 2 weeks ago   
rubygem-ruby-rc4   orphan 2 weeks ago   
rubygem-single_testorphan 2 weeks ago   
rubygem-ttfunk orphan, jstribny   2 weeks ago   
rubygem-xmlhashorphan 2 weeks ago   
telegram-cli   orphan, sagitter   6 weeks ago   
trac-condfieldsgenshi-plugin   orphan, adamwill   7 weeks ago   
trac-defaultcc-plugin  orphan, adamwill, kevin7 weeks ago   
vdr-sudoku orphan 7 weeks ago   
yumdaemon  orphan, timlau 5 weeks ago   
zanata-api orphan, dchen, pahuang,7 weeks ago   

Orphaned Packages in rawhide (2017-04-30)

2017-04-29 Thread till
The following packages are orphaned and will be retired when they
are orphaned for six weeks, unless someone adopts them. If you know for sure
that the package should be retired, please do so now with a proper reason:

Note: If you received this mail directly you (co)maintain one of the affected
packages or a package that depends on one. Please adopt the affected package or
retire your depending package to avoid broken dependencies, otherwise your
package will be retired when the affected package gets retired.

  Package(co)maintainers  Status Change 
abakus orphan, cicku  4 weeks ago   
clucene09  orphan, group::kde-sig,5 weeks ago   
   rdieter, robert  
esteidcertsorphan, mihkel, rdieter0 weeks ago   
estonianidcard orphan, mihkel 0 weeks ago   
firefox-esteid-plugin  orphan, mihkel 0 weeks ago   
firefox-esteidpkcs11loader orphan, mihkel 0 weeks ago   
glyphtracerorphan, pnemade9 weeks ago   
golang-launchpad-go-xdg-v0 orphan, agoode 8 weeks ago   
libdigidoc orphan, anttix, kalev, 0 weeks ago   
   mihkel, rdieter, sander85,   
libdigidocpp   orphan, anttix, kalev, 0 weeks ago   
   mihkel, rdieter, sander85,   
lightdm-kdeorphan, carandraug,3 weeks ago   
   cwickert, rdieter
mkdst  orphan, enslaver, ryan52,  6 weeks ago   
php-pear-Auth  orphan, remi   3 weeks ago   
php-pear-Auth-RADIUS   orphan, remi   3 weeks ago   
php-pear-Cache orphan, remi   3 weeks ago   
php-pear-Crypt-CHAPorphan, remi   3 weeks ago   
php-pear-DB-DataObject orphan, remi   3 weeks ago   
php-pear-File  orphan, remi   3 weeks ago   
php-pear-File-CSV  orphan, remi   3 weeks ago   
php-pear-File-Passwd   orphan, remi   3 weeks ago   
php-pear-File-SMBPasswdorphan, remi   3 weeks ago   
php-pear-File-Util orphan, remi   3 weeks ago   
php-pear-HTTP  orphan, remi   3 weeks ago   
php-pear-HTTP-Client   orphan, remi   3 weeks ago   
php-pear-HTTP-Upload   orphan, remi   3 weeks ago   
php-pear-Net-Curl  orphan, remi   3 weeks ago   
php-pear-Net-DIME  orphan, remi   3 weeks ago   
php-pear-Net-FTP   orphan, remi   3 weeks ago   
php-pear-Net-POP3  orphan, remi   3 weeks ago   
php-pear-Net-Ping  orphan, remi   3 weeks ago   
php-pear-Net-URL-Mapperorphan, remi   3 weeks ago   
php-pear-Pager orphan, remi   3 weeks ago   
php-pear-SOAP  orphan, remi   3 weeks ago   
php-pear-Validate  orphan, remi   3 weeks ago   
php-pear-XML-Beautifierorphan, remi   3 weeks ago   
php-pear-XML-RSS   orphan, remi   3 weeks ago   
php-pear-console-color2orphan, remi   3 weeks ago   
publican-icaro orphan, mayorga,   3 weeks ago   
python-cement  orphan, derks  8 weeks ago   
python-compositor  orphan, fonts-sig, i18n-   9 weeks ago   
   team, pnemade
python-pytgorphan, sagitter   6 weeks ago   
python-robofab orphan, fonts-sig, i18n-   9 weeks ago   
   team, jpokorny, pnemade  
python-ufo2fdk orphan, fonts-sig, i18n-   9 weeks ago   
   team, pnemade
qdigidoc   orphan, anttix, kalev, 0 weeks ago   

Re: Split translations to noarch packages?

2017-04-29 Thread Tomasz Kłoczko
On 29 April 2017 at 22:30, Reindl Harald  wrote:
> given that i run Fedora fpr a decade on everyting from production servers to
> routers and desktops and reading all of your posts of the last week - well,
> i have no idea what your problem is

Looks like we have completely different jobs .. just accept this.
However this aspect has nothing do with this topic.
I can tell you only that there are plenty of examples where Solaris
even with paid support is cheaper than Linux without support because
in case of Linux to provide the same throughput needs to be used much
more powerful and by this expensive hardware. Many workloads cannot be
horizontally scaled so scaling service with hardware is only solution.
Bigger hardware means not only bigger initial costs but higher costs
of powering and cooling. In case of calculating costs of running
routers or desktops on scale few units I don't think that anyone is
thinking about those costs.
Does it mean that Solaris should be used everywhere? Of course not!!!
It would be idiotic.

But again: this thread is not about me or which OS is better in exact
context but about some exact technical aspects related to PM
technologies. This topic is quite static/parallel/fixed/the same as it
comes to management of some set of files used by running processes and
operating system. As some problems on exactly this area have been
already successfully solved on top of the Solaris there is no reason
to be ashamed telling again "we can do better!".

Tomasz Kłoczko | LinkedIn:
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Re: Split translations to noarch packages?

2017-04-29 Thread Tomasz Kłoczko
On 29 April 2017 at 19:14, Reindl Harald  wrote:
> but you are coming in several threads and tell everybody that Fedora has to
> be built completly different while the logical answer would be: well, if
> everything in Fedora is not the way you like it then Fedora probably just
> isn't for you?

Is it really so hard to guess that Linux and Solaris have own niches
on OS market and I'm kind of those guys which needs both OSes?

Tomasz Kłoczko | LinkedIn:
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Re: Split translations to noarch packages?

2017-04-29 Thread Tomasz Kłoczko
On 29 April 2017 at 18:29, Neal Gompa  wrote:
> There's plenty of stuff going on in upstream. You can look for
> yourself:

Seems none is going to provide %doc and %lang() generalisation to
allow mark more than current 5 classes of the files within packages
like normal/regular file, %doc, %lang, %config and %ghost (%ghost is
practically %config with some exact %verify rules).
None is going towards provide IPS mediator functionality as well.

> I've even personally contributed to it. If you feel there is missing
> functionality, feel free to contribute and improve it. The upstream is
> very active, with contributions from individuals from Red Hat/Fedora,
> Mageia, SUSE/openSUSE, and even from BSD and Mac users!

I cannot find some polite words when I'm trying to describe what I'm
thinking when I'm looking on OpenSuse spec files .. but this is only
my private opinion. However from the begging SuSE guys had always
problems with understanding RPM as the technology (they've been using
it for quite long time as dumb Slackware tgz PM replacement without
significant changes on specs layer).
I would not expect any significant help from other rpm based distros
communities. Bottleneck is related to lack of people with enough
deep/long PM exp.

> As the saying goes: Talk is cheap!

And this is what exactly I'm doing ..
Problem is that most of the Linux folks have kind of natural Solaris
"allergy' thinking about it as legacy or dead OS.
Yep guys .. you are all wrong :-P
Solaris was, is and will be because Linux cannot bring to the desks of
the many engineers technologies which are available on Solaris OOTB ..
Truth is that on *many* areas Solaris still is more than decade ahead
of Linux and all this progress happen after Solaris 10 (so don't tell
me about your exp using Sol < 10 :) )
Just one example of last catch which is still in kind of embryonic
stage on Linux:

Solaris userland changes are almost the same frequent as Fedora
It is plenty of thing which could be adapted on Linux from Solaris.
What I'm trying to do now is more or less prevent reinvention all
those things second time :)

> IPS may have some awesome capabilities, so why not add them to RPM? No
> one has ever said we can't add best of breed features to RPM.

This is not about awesomeness. Some features are *needed*. Full stop.
Without those features more and more people will be bouncing own head
over bigger and bigger packages fragmentation with growing web of
dependencies and simple wasting time and not doing more important

Really try to have look closer on IPS
If you will look closer you may see that size of the python code in
which IPS is written is few times smaller with all additional python
modules compare to whole RPM code (source or binary).
Its is so simple because it bases on things which are still
unimaginable in LinuxWorld(tm) like doing upgrade on separated clones
of all affected FS not optionally like in ostree but unconditionally
(ZFS on Solaris is now only available FS which is supported to install
distro resources). Other set of features is related to 100% fixed set
of actions (more or less analogues of %filetrigger* in rpm). For many
RPM developer and packagers it will be total surprise that it was
possible to build fully functional packaging layer *without*
possibility to add even single customisation of the scriptlets fired
during pre/post install/uninstall!!!

Despite exactly those differences which affects semantics of
install/upgrade/remove/roll back IPS code provides as well all
necessary code of the services with package repository server, proxy,
maintenance tools. All with encryption/authentication etc.
Effectively IPS repo server it is set of resources served over
http/https using apache + few small bits in apache settings .. no
rocket science.
As IPS started from much wider set of problems which even now not
bothers typical Linux packager they (Sun developers) been able to make
few significant code layer generalisations/simplifications.

Parts which could be used on %doc/%lang generalisation (like IPS
facets), and variants management (mediators) and few other gems like
consolidations should be quite easy to extract from IPS and adapt on
top RPM. However mediators will require to change paradigm of the
package as archive to something which exist as the object in
repository (IPS allows export from repo package as archive but they
are used only on transferring resources between repos). With this step
already done switching to the space in which packages provides
multiarch resources sharing as much as it is only possible will be

IMO first step on this path could be stop using rpm and switch to use
dnf only (few weeks ago I've showed here that no

Re: [RFC] delta-repository-metadata

2017-04-29 Thread Hedayat Vatankhah


I'm trying it under F25. First, thanks for working on it! It'd be a 
great feature. However:

1. I run it, and it was running for too long (probably 10 minutes!) with 
absolutely no log. I found that it is working on a 200M 
filelists.xml.gz.part file in DNF cache (which is apparently an 
uncompressed filelists file). And I guess it also downloads some data 
(at least the .zsync file, and probably also the new data) again without 
any reports to the user.

2. Finally, it finished, and this is the result:

dnf update -vvv --disablerepo="rpmfusion*" --disablerepo=fedora
cachedir: /var/cache/dnf
Loaded plugins: local, noroot, needs-restarting, debuginfo-install, 
zsync, protected_packages, copr, playground, builddep, repomanage, 
Query, reposync, download, config-manager, generate_completion_cache

DNF version: 1.1.10
repo: using cache for: localfedora
not found deltainfo for: Local Fedora 25 - x86_64
not found updateinfo for: Local Fedora 25 - x86_64
repo: using cache for: group_rpm-software-management-deltamd
not found deltainfo for: Copr repo for deltamd owned by 
not found updateinfo for: Copr repo for deltamd owned by 

repo: using cache for: _dnf_local
not found deltainfo for: _dnf_local
not found updateinfo for: _dnf_local
Error: Cache-only enabled but no cache for 'updates'

3. I have not used -C option with DNF, so I wonder why it is 
complaining! Also, the filelists.xml.gz.part file is still there, so I 
guess zsync has not completed its task completely.

Note: I've interrupted the command once the first time after installing 
the plugin, and run it again. I wonder if the interruption has anything 
to do with the problem.

And I think if it is going to always take so much time for filelists 
file, maybe it is better to make zsync use the compressed file instead 
of uncompressed data for big files.



/*Igor Gnatenko*/ wrote on Thu, 27 Apr 2017 19:02:02 +0200:

Hash: SHA256

Hello users and developers,

We had presented deltametadata project at DevConf.CZ 2017[0], goal of
this project is to minimize bandwidth required on clients to update
repository metadata (repomd.xml, primary.xml, etc.) which would improve
user experience with DNF.

So, we have DNF plugin which acts

How to try it?
1. dnf -y copr enable @rpm-software-management/deltamd
2. dnf -y install dnf-plugin-zsync

If something doesn't work, look into /var/log/dnf.log.

We would like you to try it out and give feedback, it is very important
for us! Just send it as reply to this message..

P.S. F25 and above are supported

- -- 

lab-q Red Hat

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Fedora 26-20170429.n.0 compose check report

2017-04-29 Thread Fedora compose checker
Missing expected images:

Xfce raw-xz armhfp

Failed openQA tests: 17/116 (x86_64), 7/23 (i386), 1/2 (arm)

ID: 88783   Test: x86_64 Server-dvd-iso server_realmd_join_kickstart
ID: 88797   Test: x86_64 Workstation-live-iso install_default_upload
ID: 88798   Test: x86_64 Workstation-live-iso install_default@uefi
ID: 88809   Test: x86_64 Workstation-boot-iso install_default
ID: 88812   Test: x86_64 Workstation-boot-iso install_default@uefi
ID: 88813   Test: i386 Workstation-live-iso install_default
ID: 88815   Test: i386 Workstation-boot-iso install_default
ID: 88826   Test: x86_64 KDE-live-iso desktop_notifications_live
ID: 88827   Test: x86_64 KDE-live-iso desktop_notifications_postinstall
ID: 88829   Test: arm Minimal-raw_xz-raw.xz 
ID: 88863   Test: x86_64 universal install_package_set_kde
ID: 88876   Test: x86_64 universal upgrade_desktop_64bit
ID: 88879   Test: x86_64 universal upgrade_desktop_encrypted_64bit
ID: 1   Test: x86_64 universal upgrade_2_desktop_64bit
ID: 3   Test: x86_64 universal upgrade_2_kde_64bit
ID: 4   Test: x86_64 universal upgrade_2_desktop_encrypted_64bit
ID: 7   Test: x86_64 universal install_shrink_ntfs
ID: 8   Test: x86_64 universal install_european_language
ID: 9   Test: x86_64 universal install_cyrillic_language
ID: 88890   Test: x86_64 universal install_asian_language
ID: 88897   Test: i386 universal install_repository_http_graphical
ID: 88907   Test: i386 universal install_blivet_software_raid
ID: 88909   Test: i386 universal upgrade_desktop_32bit
ID: 88910   Test: i386 universal upgrade_2_desktop_32bit
ID: 88911   Test: i386 universal install_package_set_kde

Soft failed openQA tests: 10/23 (i386)
(Tests completed, but using a workaround for a known bug)

ID: 88792   Test: i386 Server-boot-iso install_default
ID: 88793   Test: i386 Server-dvd-iso install_default
ID: 88896   Test: i386 universal install_package_set_minimal
ID: 88898   Test: i386 universal install_scsi_updates_img
ID: 88900   Test: i386 universal install_software_raid
ID: 88903   Test: i386 universal install_lvmthin
ID: 88904   Test: i386 universal install_blivet_ext3
ID: 88905   Test: i386 universal install_blivet_no_swap
ID: 88906   Test: i386 universal install_blivet_xfs
ID: 88908   Test: i386 universal install_blivet_lvmthin

Passed openQA tests: 91/116 (x86_64), 6/23 (i386)

Skipped openQA tests: 9 of 141
Mail generated by check-compose:
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Re: Split translations to noarch packages?

2017-04-29 Thread Neal Gompa
On Sat, Apr 29, 2017 at 12:13 PM, Tomasz Kłoczko
> On 28 April 2017 at 21:32, Matthew Miller  wrote:
>> You do keep saying that it's easy. What I'm saying is that it's easy to
>> say things are easy, but... from experience, usually they are not. If
>> it *is* that easy, why not make a proof of concept? In any case, taking
>> them to the RPM project upstream is probably more fruitful than what
>> amounts to effectively nagging people who are attempting to make
>> improvements to _use_ within the existing functionality of the
>> software.
> You see it is only one big hole in you logic .. IPS exist!!!
> As long as you still going to refuse that IPS existence I must agree
> with you that it is really hard .. however I'm not going to share your
> pain because I'm using it on daily bases.
> Just control question: did you ever try *one time* to have look on IPS
> in meantime?
> If not this conversation does not make any sense because it is like
> trying to explain you taste of some dish you never been eating and
> probably never going to try.
> FYI: no one working on RPM is interested extending its functionality

There's plenty of stuff going on in upstream. You can look for

I've even personally contributed to it. If you feel there is missing
functionality, feel free to contribute and improve it. The upstream is
very active, with contributions from individuals from Red Hat/Fedora,
Mageia, SUSE/openSUSE, and even from BSD and Mac users!

As the saying goes: Talk is cheap!

IPS may have some awesome capabilities, so why not add them to RPM? No
one has ever said we can't add best of breed features to RPM.

真実はいつも一つ!/ Always, there's only one truth!
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Re: Split translations to noarch packages?

2017-04-29 Thread Tomasz Kłoczko
On 28 April 2017 at 21:32, Matthew Miller  wrote:
> You do keep saying that it's easy. What I'm saying is that it's easy to
> say things are easy, but... from experience, usually they are not. If
> it *is* that easy, why not make a proof of concept? In any case, taking
> them to the RPM project upstream is probably more fruitful than what
> amounts to effectively nagging people who are attempting to make
> improvements to _use_ within the existing functionality of the
> software.

You see it is only one big hole in you logic .. IPS exist!!!
As long as you still going to refuse that IPS existence I must agree
with you that it is really hard .. however I'm not going to share your
pain because I'm using it on daily bases.
Just control question: did you ever try *one time* to have look on IPS
in meantime?
If not this conversation does not make any sense because it is like
trying to explain you taste of some dish you never been eating and
probably never going to try.

FYI: no one working on RPM is interested extending its functionality
(try to have look on what they are working on rpm 5.x on In other words you may expect that Project Modules
with its new needs will have NULL support from RPM developers. Ergo:
without changes to import some IPS functionalities like mediators
which are able to check dependencies on switching variants this
project is already sentenced to FAIL. Developers working on this
project don't know about this or still refuses some basic facts and it
may take them even few years until they will agree that without deeper
changes in PM layer it will be not possible to reach goals of this

Just my personal opinion: because IMO adding to RPM functionalities
will require at least 2-3 full time developers for +1 year and it will
be not possible to rewrite it easily (RPM have  over
complicated code). IMO more likely will be that within next few years
some Linux folks will take IPS as it is and will start packaging Linux
stuff using this PM software. It will be not a first time in Linux
history when Linux will be borrowing something from Solaris.
What you are guys trying to do with separating more and more noarch
subpackages is moving whole PM technology to pre-RPM era (+~22 years).
Really .. good luck with that. More packages -> more dependencies ->
higher probability that something will fail within resolving those
As long as even few years ago disk space was kind of issue today it is
nothing more than minor issue (even on small embedded systems it will
be less and less problem).
All those noarch separation will make more and more difficult use
Linux software provided by Fedora. Just one example: try to press F1
on any GNOME application and quite possible that you will see nice
small dialog box that help is not available. Only small percentage of
the people will start scratching own head trying to ask "why?" And
maybe few will find that it is because someone decided to separate
help files from *all* GNOME desktop application. Long term result:
less and less people will care about those help pages its quality or
translations to other languages ..
Yes you can start adding missing here dependencies but easier would be
just fix those issues by merge these resources because current
separations adds only complexity in spec files.
After such merge if someone hates to have installed any documentation
it will be very good solution by just add one line in /etc/rpm/rpmrc
and reinstall all packages by "rpm -qa | xargs dnf reinstall -y" (it
will take 20min to maybe 2-3h depends on network bandwidth and CPU
speed but recipe to do this is b*dy easy).
Cases when someone is using Linux with 32/64 bits binaries already is
decreasing. Investing time in more separation is already lost effort.

You may ignore me or name me as an idiot/fool (as some other people in
this thread not able to add any new argument) but I'm only messenger

Tomasz Kłoczko | LinkedIn:
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Re: gnustep-base 1.25.0 update

2017-04-29 Thread Björn 'besser82' Esser

Am 29.04.2017 um 16:01 schrieb Antonio Trande:


gnustep-base must be updated to the release 1.25.0.
I created a buildroot-override
for rebuilding its dependencies so, please, rebuild and commit a new
release of following packages in f26:

unar (successfully rebuilt)
openvpn-auth-ldap (successfully rebuilt)
raidem (rebuild failed)

I've rebuilt unar and openvpn-auth-ldap packages on fc26 and already 
added them to your update.

For raidem I've added a simple, but effective patch to fix 
-Werror=format-security and rebuilt it on fc27 and fc26, too; will add 
the build to your update as soon as it is finished.

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gnustep-base 1.25.0 update

2017-04-29 Thread Antonio Trande

gnustep-base must be updated to the release 1.25.0.
I created a buildroot-override
for rebuilding its dependencies so, please, rebuild and commit a new
release of following packages in f26:

unar (successfully rebuilt)
openvpn-auth-ldap (successfully rebuilt)
raidem (rebuild failed)

Antonio Trande
sagitter AT fedoraproject dot org
See my vCard.

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Re: DNF translation

2017-04-29 Thread Rafal Luzynski
I think that developers should be asked this question.
As DNF is a software originally made by Fedora people
I think it's correct to crosspost to devel@fpo hoping to
get an answer from the DNF authors or at least from
somebody who can explain what they meant.

Just to summarize the story: somebody please explain
us what is "a payload factory" in this context.



29.04.2017 03:07 Daniel López  wrote:
>  sometimes payload is used as capacity 
>  i think it means the number exceeds the capacity for , lets say, certain
> number of  packages.
>  Not really sure. Have you solved it already?
>  -
>  De: Máximo Castañeda 
>  Enviado: miércoles, 12 de abril de 2017 07:30:11 a. m.
>  Para: Fedora Translation Project List
>  Asunto: Re: DNF translation
>  FWIW, I've translated it to something that back in English would be
>  like "no data manager found for %s".  From the code[1], it looks like
>  there are different types of repos or downloadable "stuff" (payload),
>  that can each have a different "manager" (factory), such as a normal
>  rpm and a deltarpm.
>  [1]
>  2017-04-12 13:39 GMT+02:00 Zdenek Chmelar :
>  > Hello all
>  >
>  > The DNF project has one sentence which I'm not able to reasonably
>  > translate. I think I do not understand the sentence meaning properly. I
>  > have checked French and German translations in order to understand the
>  > meaning better but those languages didn't translate that sentence yet.
>  >
>  > So what's the magic sentence I speak about?
>  > "no matching payload factory for %s"  (message with number #547)
>  >
>  > If anyone could explain what means "payload factory" in relation to DNF, I
>  > would be very thankful ;-)
>  >
>  > Thanks
>  > Z.
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Re: Alternative Arch update

2017-04-29 Thread Dan Horák
On Fri, 28 Apr 2017 17:34:33 -0500
Dennis Gilmore  wrote:

> Hi All,
> Just letting you all know that as part of the redefinition of
> Alternative Architectures[1] we have just enabled the building of
> s390x in primary koji. this is the last new architecture we are
> planning to enable at this point. s390x will be added to rawhide
> composes early next week. If you have any questions or experience any
> issues and wan releng to provide assistance, please contact us by one
> of the documented channels[2].

and same as with the other alternative arches merges, if there is
potentially an architecture specific issue, don't hesitate to ask us,
the alternative arches team(s) [3], what should be the best way to solve
the problem.
> With the import being done now, it has been decided that s390x is too
> late for Fedora 26, as such it will be built and shipped from
> in the Fedora 26 cycle we brought in
> aarch64, ppc64 and ppc64le to primary koji. This means that the arm
> and ppc koji's will be used for updates until Fedora 25 goes End of
> Life and will be shut down at that point. The s390 koji will live on
> until Fedora 26 goes EOL.


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