Re: [Sugar-devel] Wacom Bamboo with XO?

2008-12-15 Thread Wade Brainerd
Hey Chris,

Awesome, thanks for testing!

On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 12:12 PM, Chris Marshall

 * The display update seems to be by continuous stroke:
  XO #1 user draws a curve not lifting pen.  After the stylus
  is lifted from the tablet the stroke updates on XO #2.

That's intentional, for network performance reasons.   I didn't want to try
to create a realtime network application given the potential for shaky
wireless.  The painting algorithm is written in terms of strokes anyway so
it would be very inefficient to try to paint two strokes simultaneously on
one XO.

If you have a friend available, I'd love to hear how it holds up over a
Jabber server with both people scribbling simultaneously :)

* The mouse would need to be moved on the other XO for the
  screen updates to propagate.

That's *not* intentional, sounds like another side effect of the idling
change (to reduce battery usage)!

* The colors and brush parameters are common to both XOs
  although the display of the settings widget (color and
  brush type) did not update with changes from the other

Also not intentional, sounds like a bug!  Each XO should have its own brush

* Erasing the screen was only an option on XO #1 (the inviter)
  *but* the clear screen did not propagate to the other XOs
  so further drawing on XO #1 was not in sync with the images
  on XO #2.  Suggest that clear image be propagated with the
  option to do a local save to Journal on XO #2 so that work
  is not lost if they wish to keep it.

The erase should be propagated.  Good idea regarding the option to keep,
I'll see if it can be done (the receiving XO would have to queue canvas
updates until the Alert was cleared - Sugar doesn't really provide for modal

* It would be really cool if each XO had its own pointer with
  brush/palette/... options.  One mode that would be nice
  might be a sort of side-by-side version where each XO would
  be able to draw its own part of the screen (by mask, not
  necessarily by rectangle) so the students could work on a
  joint drawing.

Yeah, that's definitely how it's intended to be!   It was designed such that
both users can paint anywhere at the same time using different brushes, but
that the strokes appear in a consistent order on both XOs.

* A mural mode would be excellent with a large virtual
  drawing area and each XO able to pan around and draw

Good idea!  As of v11 the painting canvas can be arbitrarily sized (it used
to be locked at 1/2x the window size), so it might be smart to add a change
canvas size option now.

* The mouse drawing problem was also visible in collaboration.

Yep, this is a global bug- I'm waiting to release the next version publicly
until it and a few other things are fixed.

Thanks again for the reports Chris, it's amazingly useful (and motivating)!

Devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Wacom Bamboo with XO?

2008-12-14 Thread Chris Marshall
Wade Brainerd wrote:
 BTW, if any of you guys playing around with Colors! have access to 
 multiple XOs, I would love to hear how the collaboration feature is 
 working (and what you think about it).

I just tried the pre-release v12 of Colors! in collaboration
mode with 2 XOs, both running Wacom graphics tablets via an
ejabber server (  It was pretty cool watching
strokes from one Colors! Activity appear on the other:

* The display update seems to be by continuous stroke:
   XO #1 user draws a curve not lifting pen.  After the stylus
   is lifted from the tablet the stroke updates on XO #2.

* The mouse would need to be moved on the other XO for the
   screen updates to propagate.

* The colors and brush parameters are common to both XOs
   although the display of the settings widget (color and
   brush type) did not update with changes from the other

* Since the cursor is shared between the two activities,
   it would be better if drawing on one Activity moved the
   corresponding cursor on the other XO.

* Erasing the screen was only an option on XO #1 (the inviter)
   *but* the clear screen did not propagate to the other XOs
   so further drawing on XO #1 was not in sync with the images
   on XO #2.  Suggest that clear image be propagated with the
   option to do a local save to Journal on XO #2 so that work
   is not lost if they wish to keep it.

* It would be really cool if each XO had its own pointer with
   brush/palette/... options.  One mode that would be nice
   might be a sort of side-by-side version where each XO would
   be able to draw its own part of the screen (by mask, not
   necessarily by rectangle) so the students could work on a
   joint drawing.

* A mural mode would be excellent with a large virtual
   drawing area and each XO able to pan around and draw

* The mouse drawing problem was also visible in collaboration.


Devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Wacom Bamboo with XO?

2008-12-11 Thread Chris Marshall
Wade Brainerd wrote:
 Hey Chris, thanks for the feedback!  It's great to hear from people 
 using Colors! on XO.

You're welcome, Wade.

I tried to get an image of my finished drawing
from the Journal but the only option was to
resume Colors!.  Then when it resumed it seemed
to hang.  I then clicked on Play and dragged
the slider to 100 and the image finally appeared.

Trying to reproduce the problem, I noticed that
if I move the stylus pointer while the program
was resuming, it looked like progress started to
be made or at least updates to the display.

When I tried Play in with my current drawing
made via wacom tablet, the animation never
did complete.  I don't know if the problem
was me not waiting long enough or what

How can one get an image of the drawing for

 Yep, 60 works well enough though that it's probably not worth a 
 configuration option.  I will still work on optimizing the painting 
 performance though.

I don't know if all wacom tablets have the same linear
resolution.  Ideally, the value for Suppress would be
calculated from the native tablet resolution and the
drawing area pixel dimensions.  e.g. a tablet with only
1000lpi resolution might work better with a value of 25.

 I tried the earlier photo snap and it was awkward to toggle
 the underlying photo image.  It would be more helpful if the
 photo could be drawn over as if on tracing paper.  The toggle
 on/off would still be useful at different levels of refinement
 of the painting.
 That's a good idea.  When I reimplement Photo Snap, I'll do it that way 
 (so you are painting over it, e.g. the white background will show the 
 image when it's enabled).

Maybe whiten the image slightly as if looking through
paper and make it easier to have it be a visual guide
independent of the drawing itself?

 There appeared to be a problem with the Zoom in and
 out function as zooming all the way out, and then back in
 results in the canvas offset by various amounts.  I was not
 able to make it shift back without restarting the Activity.
 This should be documented better, or maybe have some visual feedback.  
 Zoom in  out keep the mouse cursor on the same point in the canvas 
 before and after the zoom operation.

You might keep track of the zoom center for each
level and then just pop the stack.  The problem
I had would not have occurred if the zoom in and
zoom out operations were inverses.

The 'Center image' toolbar button is great, too.

 Maybe one of the Wacom buttons could be assigned to the Frame key 
 event?  Can this be done in xorg-dcon.conf?

I think the buttons look like mouse-ish events.  At any
rate they can be detected and acted upon.

 I've got an old serial Intuos that I'll try to get configured
 this weekend.  I'll let you know how it goes...  If we get
 this working, maybe Amazon could add a People who bought this
 item [the XO], also bought this [Wacom Bamboo]...  :-)
 Great!  Thanks again for the feedback, I'll try to release a new version 
 before long with these suggestions.

Looking forward to it.

Devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Wacom Bamboo with XO?

2008-12-11 Thread Wade Brainerd
BTW, if any of you guys playing around with Colors! have access to multiple
XOs, I would love to hear how the collaboration feature is working (and what
you think about it).


On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 8:07 AM, Wade Brainerd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Chris,

 On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 7:05 AM, Chris Marshall [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I tried to get an image of my finished drawing
 from the Journal but the only option was to
 resume Colors!.  Then when it resumed it seemed
 to hang.  I then clicked on Play and dragged
 the slider to 100 and the image finally appeared.

 Gary Martin reported this too.  It's an issue that appeared when I stopped
 Colors! from pegging the CPU all the time.  There is an idle event that
 needs to be turned on when playback is running, it should be a simple fix.

 Trying to reproduce the problem, I noticed that
 if I move the stylus pointer while the program
 was resuming, it looked like progress started to
 be made or at least updates to the display.

 Yep, makes sense - the mouse events wake up the 'update' loop which allows
 the playback to make progress.  There should be an idle event doing this
 while playback is active.

 How can one get an image of the drawing for

 Git builds have a Copy button which copies the canvas to the clipboard.
 Note that Copy  Paste semantics will be slightly different from normal
 apps, in that Copy will copy the current canvas state, while Paste will
 paste into the Reference Image.

 I don't know if all wacom tablets have the same linear
 resolution.  Ideally, the value for Suppress would be
 calculated from the native tablet resolution and the
 drawing area pixel dimensions.  e.g. a tablet with only
 1000lpi resolution might work better with a value of 25.

 Good point - It would be nice to be able to specify Suppress as a ratio
 that takes into account the screen resolution.  Perhaps a filter in the
 mouse event handler would be more effective after all, since it could just
 take into account the screen space movement when discarding events.

 Maybe whiten the image slightly as if looking through
 paper and make it easier to have it be a visual guide
 independent of the drawing itself?

 Yeah, I will have to play with this to figure out how to make it most

 You might keep track of the zoom center for each
 level and then just pop the stack.  The problem
 I had would not have occurred if the zoom in and
 zoom out operations were inverses.

 Good idea!  Zoom in will remain the same (e.g. focus on the mouse cursor),
 but I will change Zoom out to pop the stack.

  Maybe one of the Wacom buttons could be assigned to the Frame key event?
  Can this be done in xorg-dcon.conf?

 I think the buttons look like mouse-ish events.  At any
 rate they can be detected and acted upon.

 Perhaps we can map it to Mouse4 or some other obscure mouse button, and
 then patch Sugar to recognize that as the frame key.  That would actually be
 kind of nice for people with many-button mice to be able to open the Frame
 without reaching for the keyboard, since the Frame is mouse driven anyway.


Devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Wacom Bamboo with XO?

2008-12-10 Thread Chris Marshall
Wade Brainerd wrote:
 The only catch is that the drawing output
 lags the tablet strokes by quite a bit.  My
 guess is that the event processing cannot
 keep up with the data rate.  I seem to remember
 that there was a driver configuration related
 to that which might be used to throttle down
 the fire hydrant.
 The mouse events go at a higher priority than the expose events, so the 
 screen update waits until you stop moving if it gets behind.  But, at 
 the end your entire stroke should appear.  I would be concerned about 
 reducing the update rate, it might lead to less accurate drawing.

It is true that reducing the update rate would lower the
pen position resolution of lines...but the Bamboo tablet
has a linear resolution of 2400+ lines per inch which is
about 12X the XO pixel resolution and 24X your 2X reduced
drawing canvas.  As a result, even with skipping pen
deltas of 24 or less the pen output events will still
be at the finest drawing precision.  This is not even
including the fact that the brush is more than a single
pixel wide typically.

If you add an entry under the first wacom Xinput entry in
your xorg-dcon.conf file like:

   Option Suppress 60

you'll get much better drawing response with the existing
infrastructure.  I tried 10-72 and to keep up with faster
sketching or larger brushes, the rate needs to be at 50 or
greater.  After the above edit and a 3-finger-salute to
restart the X server on the XO, Colors! basically worked
well with the tablet.

There is a command line configuration program (xsetwacom)
that could be used to configure Wacom tablet settings
without editing the xorg-dcon.conf file.  I don't know
if a restart of X would then be required.  It might be
possible to base a control panel interface calling the
underlying utility per Tomeu Vizoso's previous mention
in this thread.

To improve beyond the Suppress technique will require
improved event handling optimization in  My
guess is that the best approach will be to encapsulate
tablet specific handling at a lower level for efficiency.

 I've got some optimizations planned to the C module which should make it 
 better, and I think there are some bottenecks in the X server that slow 
 things down and could be fixed, but my recommendation for now is to draw 
 slower :)


 BTW, Colors! version 11 did not appear to have
 the photo snap capability.  Was that removed?
 See Nirav's response.  I'm also planning to add Paste support so you can 
 just snap the photo in Record (or whatever) and paste it into the 
 Reference image, then paint over that.

I tried the earlier photo snap and it was awkward to toggle
the underlying photo image.  It would be more helpful if the
photo could be drawn over as if on tracing paper.  The toggle
on/off would still be useful at different levels of refinement
of the painting.

There appeared to be a problem with the Zoom in and
out function as zooming all the way out, and then back in
results in the canvas offset by various amounts.  I was not
able to make it shift back without restarting the Activity.

Finally, I'm not sure how to handle this but it was difficult
to trigger the Frame exposure via the tablet since the drawing
area seems to be exactly the entire screen.  If it were to be
extended a bit at the top then the Frame would be easier to
get to from the tablet only.

I've got an old serial Intuos that I'll try to get configured
this weekend.  I'll let you know how it goes...  If we get
this working, maybe Amazon could add a People who bought this
item [the XO], also bought this [Wacom Bamboo]...  :-)

Best regards,

Devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Wacom Bamboo with XO?

2008-12-10 Thread Gary C Martin
On 9 Dec 2008, at 17:42, Wade Brainerd wrote:

 Hi Stan,

 Try a 'depmod' and then 'modprobe wacom' from the Terminal, and see  
 if that helps.  Feel free to grab me on IRC (as wadeb), I can help  
 troubleshoot it.


Hi Wade, this script worked well for me, and the tablet stays working  
after a reboot. I also made the xorg.conf changes as suggested by  
Chris (Option Suppress 60) and it's a very good improvement for XO  
hardware Before this extra step the canvas would only redraw once you  
stopped drawing, even with a small brush.


 On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 9:34 AM, Stanley Sokolow [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 I tried the new installation instructions on the wiki, first  
 installing the
 Colors activity, then running the new shell script as per the wiki:

 sudo sh

 It seemed to run ok without errors.  I restarted the XO.  Colors  
 ok and works with the mouse, but the Wacom Bamboo tablet does not  
 neither in Colors nor anywhere else.   Looking at the /dev/input  
 I don't see the wacom device that should be there.   When I rerun  
 the shell
 script, it confirms that the linuxwacom package is already  
 X11 configuration file contains the Wacom devices, so it's the right  
 file.   I'm stuck.

 Has anyone had success with the new instructions?

 By the way, when I tried the old instructions yesterday, the  
 repomd.xml file
 was corrupted.   (Actually, it was a perl script, not an xml file.)   
 So, yum
 wouldn't run.  Someone apparently fixed that problem.It's an xml  
 now and yum seems to run ok using it.


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Re: [Sugar-devel] Wacom Bamboo with XO?

2008-12-10 Thread Wade Brainerd
Hey Chris, thanks for the feedback!  It's great to hear from people using
Colors! on XO.

On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 6:58 PM, Chris Marshall

 It is true that reducing the update rate would lower the
 pen position resolution of lines...but the Bamboo tablet
 has a linear resolution of 2400+ lines per inch which is
 about 12X the XO pixel resolution and 24X your 2X reduced
 drawing canvas.  As a result, even with skipping pen
 deltas of 24 or less the pen output events will still
 be at the finest drawing precision.  This is not even
 including the fact that the brush is more than a single
 pixel wide typically.

 If you add an entry under the first wacom Xinput entry in
 your xorg-dcon.conf file like:

  Option Suppress 60

 you'll get much better drawing response with the existing
 infrastructure.  I tried 10-72 and to keep up with faster
 sketching or larger brushes, the rate needs to be at 50 or
 greater.  After the above edit and a 3-finger-salute to
 restart the X server on the XO, Colors! basically worked
 well with the tablet.

This is good reasoning, and I wasn't aware of the Supress option - I'm
pretty new to Linux programming and X in particular.  I had been considering
implementing that kind of filter in the PyGTK mouse handler.  I've updated
the xorg-dcon.conf on to include this setting.

There is a command line configuration program (xsetwacom)
 that could be used to configure Wacom tablet settings
 without editing the xorg-dcon.conf file.  I don't know
 if a restart of X would then be required.  It might be
 possible to base a control panel interface calling the
 underlying utility per Tomeu Vizoso's previous mention
 in this thread.

Yep, 60 works well enough though that it's probably not worth a
configuration option.  I will still work on optimizing the painting
performance though.

I tried the earlier photo snap and it was awkward to toggle
 the underlying photo image.  It would be more helpful if the
 photo could be drawn over as if on tracing paper.  The toggle
 on/off would still be useful at different levels of refinement
 of the painting.

That's a good idea.  When I reimplement Photo Snap, I'll do it that way (so
you are painting over it, e.g. the white background will show the image when
it's enabled).

 There appeared to be a problem with the Zoom in and
 out function as zooming all the way out, and then back in
 results in the canvas offset by various amounts.  I was not
 able to make it shift back without restarting the Activity.

This should be documented better, or maybe have some visual feedback.  Zoom
in  out keep the mouse cursor on the same point in the canvas before and
after the zoom operation.  This is handy for quick zooms, you just point at
the area you want to detail and zoom in.  In Git I have added a 'Center
image' toolbar button though, since it can be hard to recenter. the image.
You can also always scroll the image manually by holding the Hand button and
dragging with the mouse.

 Finally, I'm not sure how to handle this but it was difficult
 to trigger the Frame exposure via the tablet since the drawing
 area seems to be exactly the entire screen.  If it were to be
 extended a bit at the top then the Frame would be easier to
 get to from the tablet only.

Maybe one of the Wacom buttons could be assigned to the Frame key event?
Can this be done in xorg-dcon.conf?

I've got an old serial Intuos that I'll try to get configured
 this weekend.  I'll let you know how it goes...  If we get
 this working, maybe Amazon could add a People who bought this
 item [the XO], also bought this [Wacom Bamboo]...  :-)

Great!  Thanks again for the feedback, I'll try to release a new version
before long with these suggestions.

Devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Wacom Bamboo with XO?

2008-12-10 Thread Gary C Martin
Hi Chris,

On 11 Dec 2008, at 02:58, Chris Marshall wrote:

 There appeared to be a problem with the Zoom in and
 out function as zooming all the way out, and then back in
 results in the canvas offset by various amounts.  I was not
 able to make it shift back without restarting the Activity.

The hand keys actually do work in Colors! Yay – this is the first  
activity I know of that uses them, a big round of applause for Wade!!  
So, you can pan the canvas about like you can in Photoshop when  
holding the spacebar and dragging.


P.S. thanks for the Option Suppress 60, makes the Wacom draw in  
realtime here on the XO :-)
Devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Wacom Bamboo with XO?

2008-12-09 Thread Stanley Sokolow

I tried the new installation instructions on the wiki, first installing the
Colors activity, then running the new shell script as per the wiki:

sudo sh

It seemed to run ok without errors.  I restarted the XO.  Colors installed
ok and works with the mouse, but the Wacom Bamboo tablet does not work,
neither in Colors nor anywhere else.   Looking at the /dev/input directory,
I don't see the wacom device that should be there.   When I rerun the shell
script, it confirms that the linuxwacom package is already installed.The
X11 configuration file contains the Wacom devices, so it's the right conf
file.   I'm stuck.

Has anyone had success with the new instructions?

By the way, when I tried the old instructions yesterday, the repomd.xml file
was corrupted.   (Actually, it was a perl script, not an xml file.)  So, yum
wouldn't run.  Someone apparently fixed that problem.It's an xml file
now and yum seems to run ok using it.


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Re: [Sugar-devel] Wacom Bamboo with XO?

2008-12-09 Thread Wade Brainerd
Hi Stan,

Try a 'depmod' and then 'modprobe wacom' from the Terminal, and see if that
helps.  Feel free to grab me on IRC (as wadeb), I can help troubleshoot it.


On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 9:34 AM, Stanley Sokolow [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 I tried the new installation instructions on the wiki, first installing the
 Colors activity, then running the new shell script as per the wiki:

 sudo sh

 It seemed to run ok without errors.  I restarted the XO.  Colors installed
 ok and works with the mouse, but the Wacom Bamboo tablet does not work,
 neither in Colors nor anywhere else.   Looking at the /dev/input directory,
 I don't see the wacom device that should be there.   When I rerun the shell
 script, it confirms that the linuxwacom package is already installed.
 X11 configuration file contains the Wacom devices, so it's the right conf
 file.   I'm stuck.

 Has anyone had success with the new instructions?

 By the way, when I tried the old instructions yesterday, the repomd.xml
 was corrupted.   (Actually, it was a perl script, not an xml file.)  So,
 wouldn't run.  Someone apparently fixed that problem.It's an xml file
 now and yum seems to run ok using it.


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Re: [Sugar-devel] Wacom Bamboo with XO?

2008-12-09 Thread Stanley Sokolow



I tried: 
sudo depmod 
sudo modprobe wacom 

but all I got was an error from the modprobe: 
FATAL:nbsp; Module wacom not found. 

I then tried: 
sudo modprobe linuxwacom 
and got the same error. 



Wade Brainerd-2 (via Nabble) wrote:
Try a 'depmod' and then 'modprobe wacom' from the Terminal, and see if
that helps.nbsp; Feel free to grab me on IRC (as wadeb), I can help
troubleshoot it. 
  On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 9:34 AM, Stanley
Sokolow lt; [EMAIL PROTECTED] gt; wrote: 
I tried the new installation instructions on the wiki, first installing
Colors activity, then running the new shell script as per the wiki: 

sudo sh 

It seemed to run ok without errors. nbsp;I restarted the XO. nbsp;Colors
ok and works with the mouse, but the Wacom Bamboo tablet does not work, 
neither in Colors nor anywhere else. nbsp; Looking at the /dev/input
I don't see the wacom device that should be there. nbsp; When I rerun the
script, it confirms that the linuxwacom package is already installed. nbsp;
X11 configuration file contains the Wacom devices, so it's the right
file. nbsp; I'm stuck. 

Has anyone had success with the new instructions? 

By the way, when I tried the old instructions yesterday, the repomd.xml
was corrupted. nbsp; (Actually, it was a perl script, not an xml file.)
nbsp;So, yum 
wouldn't run. nbsp;Someone apparently fixed that problem. nbsp; nbsp;It's an 
now and yum seems to run ok using it. 


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Re: [Sugar-devel] Wacom Bamboo with XO?

2008-12-08 Thread Chris Marshall
Wade Brainerd wrote:
 On Sun, Dec 7, 2008 at 12:49 PM, Chris Marshall 
 Gary C Martin wrote:
 On 7 Dec 2008, at 00:58, Wade Brainerd wrote:
 Okay, Colors! v11 supports Wacom tablets, with pressure
 Instructions for setup are on the activity page, it's really
 OLPC folks, it might be nice to update xorg-dcon.conf to
 support Wacom
 tablets, and to include the linuxwacom package in builds.  I
 that deployments would be well served to have a few cheap
 tablets available for art classes, etc.  If you're
 interested, the
 Colors! activity bundle contains the fixed xorg-dcon.conf.!
 Hey Wade, sounds great! Unfortunately I'm not having any luck
 here  with an XO running 8.2-767 and an Intuos model Wacom
 tablet. Any one  else had any success?
 BTW: After yum has installed linuxwacom.i386 0:,
 the  additions to xorg-dcon.conf made, and a reboot just to make
 sure – If  I go look in /dev/input/ I still see no wacom device
 This is great news but it did not work on my setup:
 os767 with a BambooFun tablet.
 I do not see any entries for the wacom in /dev/input
 and a wacdump of all the possible /dev/input/event#
 entries showed all unknown.
 For my yum install it pulled the same version as Gary
  Had you done some previous installs that might have
  done addition configuration or driver installs?
  What version linuxwacom do you have?
  What /dev/input entries?]
  What do you see with wacdump for them?
 Also, the sudo cp of the xorg-dcon.conf from the Colors!
 instructions does not have the '!' in it and will not
 work.  I had do su to run the command and escape the
 '!' as a history expansion character with a backslash.
 I was not able to get a combination of escapes that
 would work with the sudo emulation...
 Odd, thanks for the reports!  I already fixed the Wiki instructions. 
 I'm not sure what's different about my system, it's mostly stock 767.  I 
 had previously installed pgf's wacom.ko using insmod:
 to /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/usb/input/
 However, I assumed that the yum install linuxwacom overwrote it.  
 Perhaps not though, I'm new to Linux kernel modules.  Try grabbing and 
 installing that kernel module, and see if it magically works.

That was the missing step to the instructions.
I downloaded wacom.ko, did an insmod wacom.ko
as root and restarted X et. voila!

My test tablet was the small BambooFun by Wacom
with a tablet area almost exactly the same size
as the working area in Colors! on the XO.  I had
time to try out both size and opacity and it was
a pleasure to have the pressure sensitivity and
the fine control (although, the XO tablet mode
test routine showed that the existing hw was at
least capable of position resolution if not
pressure variability...).

The only catch is that the drawing output
lags the tablet strokes by quite a bit.  My
guess is that the event processing cannot
keep up with the data rate.  I seem to remember
that there was a driver configuration related
to that which might be used to throttle down
the fire hydrant.

Great job and many thanks, Wade!  If this
could be wrapped up in some sort of package
update it would be a *very* nice selling point
for the XO to the G1G1 customers/donors.

BTW, Colors! version 11 did not appear to have
the photo snap capability.  Was that removed?

Devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Wacom Bamboo with XO?

2008-12-08 Thread Nirav Patel

We're working on switching from gstreamer to the pygame camera module.
Gstreamer in 8.2 had some changes that broke the pipeline Colors was using.
While it would have been possible to change the pipeline, switching to
pygame will be easier/better for both the videopaint and photo snap parts.

This will likely be done before the end of the month.


On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 8:02 AM, Chris Marshall [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 BTW, Colors! version 11 did not appear to have
 the photo snap capability.  Was that removed?

 Devel mailing list

Devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Wacom Bamboo with XO?

2008-12-08 Thread Wade Brainerd
On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 5:02 AM, Chris Marshall [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 That was the missing step to the instructions.
 I downloaded wacom.ko, did an insmod wacom.ko
 as root and restarted X et. voila!

Awesome!  I've update the wiki page with a link to a script that just does
it all for you.

 My test tablet was the small BambooFun by Wacom
 with a tablet area almost exactly the same size
 as the working area in Colors! on the XO.  I had
 time to try out both size and opacity and it was
 a pleasure to have the pressure sensitivity and
 the fine control (although, the XO tablet mode
 test routine showed that the existing hw was at
 least capable of position resolution if not
 pressure variability...).

Yeah, it's a shame that support was removed (via a driver rewrite which
ignores the PT) in recent kernel builds.  Otherwise, I was going to add it
at the same time.

 The only catch is that the drawing output
 lags the tablet strokes by quite a bit.  My
 guess is that the event processing cannot
 keep up with the data rate.  I seem to remember
 that there was a driver configuration related
 to that which might be used to throttle down
 the fire hydrant.

The mouse events go at a higher priority than the expose events, so the
screen update waits until you stop moving if it gets behind.  But, at the
end your entire stroke should appear.  I would be concerned about reducing
the update rate, it might lead to less accurate drawing.

I've got some optimizations planned to the C module which should make it
better, and I think there are some bottenecks in the X server that slow
things down and could be fixed, but my recommendation for now is to draw
slower :)

 Great job and many thanks, Wade!  If this
 could be wrapped up in some sort of package
 update it would be a *very* nice selling point
 for the XO to the G1G1 customers/donors.

I'd like to see the next OLPC Software Release contain the wacom drivers.
It would especially help activity developers prepare for XO-2.

BTW, Colors! version 11 did not appear to have
 the photo snap capability.  Was that removed?

See Nirav's response.  I'm also planning to add Paste support so you can
just snap the photo in Record (or whatever) and paste it into the Reference
image, then paint over that.

Best regards,
Devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Wacom Bamboo with XO?

2008-12-08 Thread Gary C Martin
On 8 Dec 2008, at 13:02, Chris Marshall wrote:

 Wade Brainerd wrote:
 On Sun, Dec 7, 2008 at 12:49 PM, Chris Marshall [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Gary C Martin wrote:
On 7 Dec 2008, at 00:58, Wade Brainerd wrote:
Okay, Colors! v11 supports Wacom tablets, with pressure
Instructions for setup are on the activity page, it's  
OLPC folks, it might be nice to update xorg-dcon.conf to
support Wacom
tablets, and to include the linuxwacom package in  
 builds.  I
that deployments would be well served to have a few cheap
tablets available for art classes, etc.  If you're
interested, the
Colors! activity bundle contains the fixed xorg-dcon.conf.!
Hey Wade, sounds great! Unfortunately I'm not having any luck
here  with an XO running 8.2-767 and an Intuos model Wacom
tablet. Any one  else had any success?
BTW: After yum has installed linuxwacom.i386 0:,
the  additions to xorg-dcon.conf made, and a reboot just to  
sure – If  I go look in /dev/input/ I still see no wacom  
This is great news but it did not work on my setup:
os767 with a BambooFun tablet.
I do not see any entries for the wacom in /dev/input
and a wacdump of all the possible /dev/input/event#
entries showed all unknown.
For my yum install it pulled the same version as Gary
 Had you done some previous installs that might have
 done addition configuration or driver installs?
 What version linuxwacom do you have?
 What /dev/input entries?]
 What do you see with wacdump for them?
Also, the sudo cp of the xorg-dcon.conf from the Colors!
instructions does not have the '!' in it and will not
work.  I had do su to run the command and escape the
'!' as a history expansion character with a backslash.
I was not able to get a combination of escapes that
would work with the sudo emulation...
 Odd, thanks for the reports!  I already fixed the Wiki  
 instructions. I'm not sure what's different about my system, it's  
 mostly stock 767.  I had previously installed pgf's wacom.ko using  
 to /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/usb/input/
 However, I assumed that the yum install linuxwacom overwrote it.   
 Perhaps not though, I'm new to Linux kernel modules.  Try grabbing  
 and installing that kernel module, and see if it magically works.

 That was the missing step to the instructions.
 I downloaded wacom.ko, did an insmod wacom.ko
 as root and restarted X et. voila!

Want to report that the wacom.ko from Paul was also the final step in  
bringing my Wacom Intuos to life. Is there some magic trick to getting  
it to the insmod wacom.ko after a reboot (I have to run it again after  
each boot)? I'm sure this is standard kernel hacker fodder, but not  
something I dabble with much.

Great to see this working!! How's best to get this into the 9.1  
distro? Does this need a ticket to get formal attention?


 My test tablet was the small BambooFun by Wacom
 with a tablet area almost exactly the same size
 as the working area in Colors! on the XO.  I had
 time to try out both size and opacity and it was
 a pleasure to have the pressure sensitivity and
 the fine control (although, the XO tablet mode
 test routine showed that the existing hw was at
 least capable of position resolution if not
 pressure variability...).

 The only catch is that the drawing output
 lags the tablet strokes by quite a bit.  My
 guess is that the event processing cannot
 keep up with the data rate.  I seem to remember
 that there was a driver configuration related
 to that which might be used to throttle down
 the fire hydrant.

 Great job and many thanks, Wade!  If this
 could be wrapped up in some sort of package
 update it would be a *very* nice selling point
 for the XO to the G1G1 customers/donors.

 BTW, Colors! version 11 did not appear to have
 the photo snap capability.  Was that removed?


Devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Wacom Bamboo with XO?

2008-12-07 Thread Gary C Martin
On 7 Dec 2008, at 00:58, Wade Brainerd wrote:

 Okay, Colors! v11 supports Wacom tablets, with pressure sensitivity.
 Instructions for setup are on the activity page, it's really pretty

 OLPC folks, it might be nice to update xorg-dcon.conf to support Wacom
 tablets, and to include the linuxwacom package in builds.  I think
 that deployments would be well served to have a few cheap graphics
 tablets available for art classes, etc.  If you're interested, the
 Colors! activity bundle contains the fixed xorg-dcon.conf.!


Hey Wade, sounds great! Unfortunately I'm not having any luck here  
with an XO running 8.2-767 and an Intuos model Wacom tablet. Any one  
else had any success?

BTW: After yum has installed linuxwacom.i386 0:, the  
additions to xorg-dcon.conf made, and a reboot just to make sure – If  
I go look in /dev/input/ I still see no wacom device listed.


 On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 12:34 AM, Tomeu Vizoso [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
 [adding sugar-devel to cc as it's of interest to other platforms  
 than olpc]

 On Sun, Nov 30, 2008 at 10:52 PM, Chris Marshall
 wade wrote:
 I'm partly set up to build kernels, I can give it a try at some  

 Ultimately though, just mouse position and clicking isn't nearly
 enough.  You *at least* need pressure information for a decent  
 painting experience.

 right -- i'm hoping someone with some tablet experience will
 point to some tool that does the right config of the tablet.

 Well, I haven't yet figured out how to get an appropriate
 OLPC kernel build set-up but from my investigation to date
 it looks like the gtk.gdk class interface already has the
 smarts to talk to tablets.

 By default, Wacom USB tablets start out in a generic HID mode.
 The application would need to recognize the tablet, then
 enable the full tablet driver and configuration.

 From my reading of the gtk.gdk page it looks like those
 should map directly to the tablet access info on the Wacom
 HOWTO site.

 There is even a command line utility to config
 the tablet that could probably be integrated into the
 Sugar shell process or Sugarized into an activity of sorts:

 Hi, in case someone is interested, adding a control panel section to
 Sugar is quite easy once you know a bit of pygtk, look here for the
 already existing examples:;a=tree;f=extensions/cpsection

 We should have nice documentation, but in the meantime, feel free  
 to ask.


 Sugar-devel mailing list

 Devel mailing list

Devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Wacom Bamboo with XO?

2008-12-07 Thread Chris Marshall
Gary C Martin wrote:
 On 7 Dec 2008, at 00:58, Wade Brainerd wrote:
 Okay, Colors! v11 supports Wacom tablets, with pressure sensitivity.
 Instructions for setup are on the activity page, it's really pretty

 OLPC folks, it might be nice to update xorg-dcon.conf to support Wacom
 tablets, and to include the linuxwacom package in builds.  I think
 that deployments would be well served to have a few cheap graphics
 tablets available for art classes, etc.  If you're interested, the
 Colors! activity bundle contains the fixed xorg-dcon.conf.!

 Hey Wade, sounds great! Unfortunately I'm not having any luck here  
 with an XO running 8.2-767 and an Intuos model Wacom tablet. Any one  
 else had any success?
 BTW: After yum has installed linuxwacom.i386 0:, the  
 additions to xorg-dcon.conf made, and a reboot just to make sure – If  
 I go look in /dev/input/ I still see no wacom device listed.

This is great news but it did not work on my setup:
os767 with a BambooFun tablet.

I do not see any entries for the wacom in /dev/input
and a wacdump of all the possible /dev/input/event#
entries showed all unknown.

For my yum install it pulled the same version as Gary

   Had you done some previous installs that might have
   done addition configuration or driver installs?

   What version linuxwacom do you have?

   What /dev/input entries?]

   What do you see with wacdump for them?

Also, the sudo cp of the xorg-dcon.conf from the Colors!
instructions does not have the '!' in it and will not
work.  I had do su to run the command and escape the
'!' as a history expansion character with a backslash.
I was not able to get a combination of escapes that
would work with the sudo emulation...


 On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 12:34 AM, Tomeu Vizoso [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
 [adding sugar-devel to cc as it's of interest to other platforms  
 than olpc]

 On Sun, Nov 30, 2008 at 10:52 PM, Chris Marshall
 wade wrote:
 I'm partly set up to build kernels, I can give it a try at some  

 Ultimately though, just mouse position and clicking isn't nearly
 enough.  You *at least* need pressure information for a decent  
 painting experience.
 right -- i'm hoping someone with some tablet experience will
 point to some tool that does the right config of the tablet.
 Well, I haven't yet figured out how to get an appropriate
 OLPC kernel build set-up but from my investigation to date
 it looks like the gtk.gdk class interface already has the
 smarts to talk to tablets.

 By default, Wacom USB tablets start out in a generic HID mode.
 The application would need to recognize the tablet, then
 enable the full tablet driver and configuration.

 From my reading of the gtk.gdk page it looks like those
 should map directly to the tablet access info on the Wacom
 HOWTO site.

 There is even a command line utility to config
 the tablet that could probably be integrated into the
 Sugar shell process or Sugarized into an activity of sorts:
 Hi, in case someone is interested, adding a control panel section to
 Sugar is quite easy once you know a bit of pygtk, look here for the
 already existing examples:;a=tree;f=extensions/cpsection

 We should have nice documentation, but in the meantime, feel free  
 to ask.


 Sugar-devel mailing list

 Devel mailing list
 Devel mailing list
 No virus found in this incoming message.
 Checked by AVG - 
 Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.9.15/1834 - Release Date: 12/6/2008 
 4:55 PM

Devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Wacom Bamboo with XO?

2008-12-07 Thread Wade Brainerd
On Sun, Dec 7, 2008 at 12:49 PM, Chris Marshall

 Gary C Martin wrote:

 On 7 Dec 2008, at 00:58, Wade Brainerd wrote:

  Okay, Colors! v11 supports Wacom tablets, with pressure sensitivity.
 Instructions for setup are on the activity page, it's really pretty

 OLPC folks, it might be nice to update xorg-dcon.conf to support Wacom
 tablets, and to include the linuxwacom package in builds.  I think
 that deployments would be well served to have a few cheap graphics
 tablets available for art classes, etc.  If you're interested, the
 Colors! activity bundle contains the fixed xorg-dcon.conf.!


 Hey Wade, sounds great! Unfortunately I'm not having any luck here  with
 an XO running 8.2-767 and an Intuos model Wacom tablet. Any one  else had
 any success?

 BTW: After yum has installed linuxwacom.i386 0:, the
  additions to xorg-dcon.conf made, and a reboot just to make sure – If  I go
 look in /dev/input/ I still see no wacom device listed.


 This is great news but it did not work on my setup:
 os767 with a BambooFun tablet.

 I do not see any entries for the wacom in /dev/input
 and a wacdump of all the possible /dev/input/event#
 entries showed all unknown.

 For my yum install it pulled the same version as Gary

  Had you done some previous installs that might have
  done addition configuration or driver installs?

  What version linuxwacom do you have?

  What /dev/input entries?]

  What do you see with wacdump for them?

 Also, the sudo cp of the xorg-dcon.conf from the Colors!
 instructions does not have the '!' in it and will not
 work.  I had do su to run the command and escape the
 '!' as a history expansion character with a backslash.
 I was not able to get a combination of escapes that
 would work with the sudo emulation...


Odd, thanks for the reports!  I already fixed the Wiki instructions.

I'm not sure what's different about my system, it's mostly stock 767.  I had
previously installed pgf's wacom.ko using insmod:

to /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/usb/input/

However, I assumed that the yum install linuxwacom overwrote it.  Perhaps
not though, I'm new to Linux kernel modules.  Try grabbing and installing
that kernel module, and see if it magically works.

Devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Wacom Bamboo with XO?

2008-12-07 Thread Wade Brainerd
On Sun, Dec 7, 2008 at 5:16 PM, Wade Brainerd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sun, Dec 7, 2008 at 12:49 PM, Chris Marshall [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Gary C Martin wrote:

 On 7 Dec 2008, at 00:58, Wade Brainerd wrote:

  Okay, Colors! v11 supports Wacom tablets, with pressure sensitivity.
 Instructions for setup are on the activity page, it's really pretty

 OLPC folks, it might be nice to update xorg-dcon.conf to support Wacom
 tablets, and to include the linuxwacom package in builds.  I think
 that deployments would be well served to have a few cheap graphics
 tablets available for art classes, etc.  If you're interested, the
 Colors! activity bundle contains the fixed xorg-dcon.conf.!


 Hey Wade, sounds great! Unfortunately I'm not having any luck here  with
 an XO running 8.2-767 and an Intuos model Wacom tablet. Any one  else had
 any success?

 BTW: After yum has installed linuxwacom.i386 0:, the
  additions to xorg-dcon.conf made, and a reboot just to make sure – If  I go
 look in /dev/input/ I still see no wacom device listed.


 This is great news but it did not work on my setup:
 os767 with a BambooFun tablet.

 I do not see any entries for the wacom in /dev/input
 and a wacdump of all the possible /dev/input/event#
 entries showed all unknown.

 For my yum install it pulled the same version as Gary

  Had you done some previous installs that might have
  done addition configuration or driver installs?

  What version linuxwacom do you have?

  What /dev/input entries?]

  What do you see with wacdump for them?

 Also, the sudo cp of the xorg-dcon.conf from the Colors!
 instructions does not have the '!' in it and will not
 work.  I had do su to run the command and escape the
 '!' as a history expansion character with a backslash.
 I was not able to get a combination of escapes that
 would work with the sudo emulation...


 Odd, thanks for the reports!  I already fixed the Wiki instructions.

 I'm not sure what's different about my system, it's mostly stock 767.  I
 had previously installed pgf's wacom.ko using insmod:

 to /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/usb/input/

 However, I assumed that the yum install linuxwacom overwrote it.  Perhaps
 not though, I'm new to Linux kernel modules.  Try grabbing and installing
 that kernel module, and see if it magically works.


Oh, and my version of linuxwacom is, release 6.fc9.
Devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Wacom Bamboo with XO?

2008-12-06 Thread Wade Brainerd
Okay, Colors! v11 supports Wacom tablets, with pressure sensitivity.
Instructions for setup are on the activity page, it's really pretty

OLPC folks, it might be nice to update xorg-dcon.conf to support Wacom
tablets, and to include the linuxwacom package in builds.  I think
that deployments would be well served to have a few cheap graphics
tablets available for art classes, etc.  If you're interested, the
Colors! activity bundle contains the fixed xorg-dcon.conf.!


On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 12:34 AM, Tomeu Vizoso [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 [adding sugar-devel to cc as it's of interest to other platforms than olpc]

 On Sun, Nov 30, 2008 at 10:52 PM, Chris Marshall
 wade wrote:
   I'm partly set up to build kernels, I can give it a try at some point.
   Ultimately though, just mouse position and clicking isn't nearly
   enough.  You *at least* need pressure information for a decent tablet
   painting experience.

 right -- i'm hoping someone with some tablet experience will
 point to some tool that does the right config of the tablet.

 Well, I haven't yet figured out how to get an appropriate
 OLPC kernel build set-up but from my investigation to date
 it looks like the gtk.gdk class interface already has the
 smarts to talk to tablets.

 By default, Wacom USB tablets start out in a generic HID mode.
 The application would need to recognize the tablet, then
 enable the full tablet driver and configuration.

  From my reading of the gtk.gdk page it looks like those
 should map directly to the tablet access info on the Wacom
 HOWTO site.

 There is even a command line utility to config
 the tablet that could probably be integrated into the
 Sugar shell process or Sugarized into an activity of sorts:

 Hi, in case someone is interested, adding a control panel section to
 Sugar is quite easy once you know a bit of pygtk, look here for the
 already existing examples:;a=tree;f=extensions/cpsection

 We should have nice documentation, but in the meantime, feel free to ask.


 Sugar-devel mailing list

Devel mailing list