Re: [SailfishDevel] QThread priority

2014-05-29 Thread Denis Zalevskiy
On Wednesday 28 May 2014 22:07:20 Andrey Kozhevnikov wrote:
 need to look into your parseReadyData
 28.05.2014 22:03, Krisztian Olah ?:
  Hi Andrey,
 Thanks for the answer, your snippet looks very similar to what I
  have. Perhaps if I posted my code segment would be of help in helping
  me figuring out where I'm wrong.
 During parsing CPU usage reaches 97-100% which causes my GUI to
  hang(I have about 500 000 opening and closing tags and half of the
  enclosed items I need to process: save, in some cases insert spaces,
  etc), especially awkward when I start parsing whilst still fetching
  the data from network(sometimes hangs during pageStack.push() ), but
  it's bad for up to 2-5 seconds nevertheless. I wouldn't mind if
  parsing took 10 seconds if GUI was responsive. This is what I'm doing:
  void SomeClass::someMethod() {
MyContainer* container = new MyContainer();
//reader has a handle to container, through which it
  populates the container
MyXmlStreamReader* parser = new
QThread* parserThread = new QThread();
   connect(parser, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(onParsingFinished)
   connect(parser, SIGNAL(finished()), parserThread, SLOT(quit()) );
   connect(parser, SIGNAL(finished()), parser, SLOT(deleteLater())
   connect(parserThread, SIGNAL(finished()), parserThread,
   SLOT(deleteLater()) ); parserThread-start();
   reply = networkMngr-get(QNetworkRequest(someUrl)); //both
   pointers are class members connect(reply, SIGNAL(finished()),
   this, SLOT(onAllDataRecieved()) ); //this starts the parser with
   the data available at the time,
 // when parser reaches the end of xml document it emits
 itsfinished() signal  
   connect(reply, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(parseReadyData())

To run parser in parallel just to get results in the main thread it is better 
to use QtConcurrent::run() + QFutureWatcher.

- denis

  Thanks again
  On 28 May 2014 06:16, Andrey Kozhevnikov wrote:
  it can't doesn't help much. you initializing thread wrong.
  simple threading way is:
  MyXmlParser *parser = new MyXmlParser(xmlDocument);
  QThread *thread = new QThread(parser);
  QObject::connect(thread, SIGNAL(started()), parser, SLOT(parse()));
  QObject::connect(parser, SIGNAL(parseComplete(QVariantMap)), this,
  28.05.2014 03:24, Krisztian Olah ?:
Hi list,

I have a rather large xml file to parse and it causes the UI to
  freeze, I assingned the parser to a different thread, but it
  doesn't help much. According to the Qt documentation
  QThread::setPriority() doesn't work on Linux, is there some kind
  of workaround that could be used?
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Re: [SailfishDevel] was Acceptable Behaviour.. -- Forum

2014-05-27 Thread Denis Zalevskiy

On Tuesday 27 May 2014 08:17:52 Christopher Lamb wrote:
 Hi all
 I am pleasantly surprised at the volume of traffic resulting from a
 thread that I innocently kicked of that the weekend. Thanks for the
 active and balanced discussion.
 I probably won't be able to take an active part in the IRC meeting this
 afternoon, as it is during the Swiss working day, so here is a summary
 of some key points from the thread so far.
 There is a strong wish to avoid fragmentation of channels: That implies
 that anything new should be instead of / integrated into / a refinement
 of an existing channel (e.g. TJC)
 We currently have the following meeting channels of some interest to
 developers, each with a different focus.
 1) (TJC): Q/A site mainly concerned on the phone +
 bugs and flames. So far no dedciated area for development issues.

just plain and simple:

For people who are less familiar with qa style it is possible to create a 
separate top page on TJC in the forum style providing most frequent searches 
as static subjects.

Some part of

So, there can be smth. like Announcements, Releases, Bugs, Development etc.

 2) Talk.Maemo.Org (TMO): A forum, strongly used by app developers and
 their users. Unlike other channels. this is Jolla independent.
 3) This mailing list: used by developers to developers (both inside and
 outside Jolla).
 4) IRC Chat. similar purpose to 3) above.
 5) Other non-Sailfish-dedicated developer forums (StackOverflow, Qt
 Project etc.)
 We heard from both supporters of mailing lists and forums. The one side
 will probably never convince the other. I suspect that I am used too…
 and personally I prefer … are more important as anything else.

mailing list on the base of qa forum on steroids:

 Both tools have their plus points and weakness. Here are main ones..
 Mailing lists (with the appropriate mail client) appeal to those who
 like the structure of tree views.
 There is a certain charm in the simplicity of mailing lists (KISS) which
 do not have all the extraneous functionality / bells and whistles /
 baggage / bullshit (you choose) that forum or QA sites do.
 Mailing lists do require a powerful properly configured mail client to
 be used properly. In a Forum you get that for free in a web client
 (but can't do much to customise it).
 Mailing lists aggregate communication in your mail client - avoiding the
 yet another thing I need to visit .. syndrome.
 Forums allow editing of previous posts to correct typos / make
 Forums typically have extra functionality:, formatting,
 stickies, the dreaded karma…
 Privacy: Some forums use avatars, and allow you to suppress your
 personal email.
 Forums support sub-forums. At the moment we are talking about splitting
 the list into development and other, but what happens when we want
 to split it further? (Jobs, C++, QML, Silica, OpenSource etc.).





- denis

 On 26.05.14 21:43, wrote:
  Hi all,
 I think Norman is bang on with the fragmentation issue. To address this
 I propose a possible solution. Why not convert this mailing list to a
 'virtual' one; By that I mean move all discussion to a devel section
 on TJC  and have the mailing list be another frontend or interface if
 you like for the same content(yet better, keep all mails and posts
 with their metadata in the same database and create an API that both
 ML and TJC can call thus eases applification too, kind of like MVC).
 To accommodate this TJC (or at least the proposed devel section) would
 have to be changed/improved to have a treelike structure alongside its
 QA nature so that OT answers and its children can easily be tagged
 and filtered out in both TJC and ML interfaces. OT tag should be
 available for every poster to tag their answer/comment. To achieve 
 this  there should be 2 scripts one that converts each mail to mailing
 list to a new question/answer/comment retaining  the treelike
 structure and one other sc   
ript that posts entries from TJC to ML setting the subject correctly as
it is now; Perhaps with an x minutes latency to alllow for editing
 If one wants to use a different email address for the mailing list that
 is set for TJC a setting should be available. Further to this
 subsections(Qt, Qml, news, politics, ads, jobs etc) could be
 introduced making  it easier to filter or subscribe to selected

Re: [SailfishDevel] Acceptable Behaviour Guidelines - you decide

2014-05-27 Thread Denis Zalevskiy
On Tuesday 27 May 2014 09:57:26 Stefano Mosconi wrote:
 It seems that the original topic was a bit forgotten in favor of the forum
 vs. ML vs. TJC (which is a good and intersting topic but no matter what
 tool we use we will have to go back to the main question).
 Just to try to steer the boat back on the original journey this the question
 that David was asking at the beginning:

ML-TJC should help: it has moderation, karma and offensive posts reporting. No 
maillist == no spam. And, IMO, if somebody wants to argue/rant about smth. 
blocked on TJC, they can go to TMO where _other_ people moderate content.

- denis

 On 22/05/14 17:18, David Greaves wrote:
   We need to be careful about over-policing discussions but there is such a
   thing as under-policing too.
   How would we (community, not Jolla) determine the line? and what measures
   do we think should be taken?
   Lorn pointed to this as a useful document:
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Re: [SailfishDevel] was Acceptable Behaviour.. -- Forum

2014-05-27 Thread Denis Zalevskiy
On Saturday 24 May 2014 21:53:13 Erik Lundin wrote:
 2014-05-24 12:56, skrev:
  My suggestion is that rather than splitting into multiple mailing lists,
  which does not really cure anything, you replace the mailing lists with
  a forum. I agree it would be crazy to have both.
 Now since a forum is suggested, I cannot resist to propose my favourite
 way of finding and sharing developer experience: a QA site (think Stack
 Overflow). Even if there is, I haven't yet seen many
 concrete Sailfish development topics discussed there. Compared to forums
 and mailing lists, QA sites have the built-in advantage of distilling
 the best answers to be easily found instead of being buried in endless

And organization of information in forum-like tree is possible on QA, so for 

- denis

 Best regards,
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Re: [SailfishDevel] was Acceptable Behaviour.. -- Forum

2014-05-26 Thread Denis Zalevskiy
On Sunday 25 May 2014 18:43:03 Saija Saarenpää wrote:
 I prefer the editing abilities a forum gives over everything else.
 For example QtProject forum has done it really well.
 They have the possibility to extend the documentation by leaving notes and
 code examples. Also a whole section to provide snippets.
 The thing which I dislike in mailing lists that sometimes for solving a
 simple issue I need to read the whole chain of emails to catch the one
 which has the correct and working solution. In the forum it's possible to
 modify the original question to include the correct answer or even save a
 separate code snippet in the wiki, which is easy to find if tagged
You are talking about QA sites == TJC, they implement it in a way better than 
forum  And the good part is that there is no fixed sections: they are 
individual based on tags. And anybody can set own set of tag filters (to filter 
out e.g. ranting).

- denis

 - Saija
 Lähetetty iPadista
  Christopher Lamb kirjoitti 25.5.2014 kello
  Hi Thomas
  Thanks for your input.
  I suspect the whole mailing-list vs forum thing will be a matter of
  taste and experience. Both have their plus sides and downsides.
  I am now trying out Thunderbird, but will hold of commenting until I have
  got used to it.
  On 24.05.14 19:32, Thomas B. Rücker wrote:
  * Private Messages
  I'm not sure if you are serious.
  Did you hear about this thing called … email?
  I counter with have you heard of this thing called privacy? In some
  forums your email is suppresed by default. Other users only see your
  avatar, and thus pms are used for back-channel talk instead of email.
  In a small intimate community like this one, privacy (or invasion
  thereof) should not be a problem, but that might change if the community
  were to mushroom in size.
  B.t.w my Pizza has to be the classic Napoli ...
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Re: [SailfishDevel] was Acceptable Behaviour.. -- Forum

2014-05-26 Thread Denis Zalevskiy
On Monday 26 May 2014 10:49:51 wrote:
 TMO is often the forum of choice for many developers (me included), to

maybe because you are using TMO for a long time and have a habbit to use it ? 
Also because many people who develop and developed for mobile linux also has 
the same habbit :) So, it is easier to find 'em there.

- denis

 communicate with users. TJC could have taken this role, but the flat
 hiearchy, and the focus on QA, it don't fit that much for a discussion
 (especially between users and devs).
 - Mail original -
 De: Ruediger Gad
 À: Sailfish OS Developers
 Envoyé: Lundi 26 Mai 2014 10:16:34
 Objet: Re: [SailfishDevel] was Acceptable Behaviour.. -- Forum
 On 05/26/2014 09:50 AM, Stefano Mosconi wrote:
  Should we invest our time into making a better rather
  than a different platform (this is not rhetorical)?
 Thanks for you answer, both Norbert and you. :)
 Indeed, the time overhead to manage multiple platforms as well as the
 points Nobert mentioned are important aspects and to be honest I have no
 clue about weighting the real trade-offs.
 With respect to the question what a forum has that the other platforms
 don't have:
 In a forum, e.g., I feel that I somehow get better contact to users of
 my apps.
 See, e.g., the SkippingStones work-in-progress thread as example:
 I also enjoy to read some rather off-topic discussions like Look what I
 drew on my phone once in a while (which I wouldn't like ending up in my
 e-mail inbox btw.).
 There were also other aspects that got mentioned throughout this
 discussion that I found important.
 Unfortunately, I am pretty much on the run at the moment so I cannot
 repeat everything in detail.
 Generally, I got quite accustomed to using a forum.
 But then this is all about personal habits that one got used to.
 Right now, I am primarily using the Sailfish OS etc. sections at as semi-official Sailfish OS/Jolla forum replacement.
 So, in a sense, there is already something like a forum.
 Maybe this is a viable approach that can be used in the meantime?
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Re: [SailfishDevel] was Acceptable Behaviour.. -- Forum

2014-05-26 Thread Denis Zalevskiy
On Monday 26 May 2014 10:52:43 Andrea Bernabei wrote:
 I agree, sections and subsections are important, random tags can't take
 their role imho :/
 An alternative could be to force people to use only a LIMITED number of
 tags decided by Jolla?
 in that way we'd only have tags which basically act as sections.
 That means losing tags as we know it, and trying to turn tags into
 something like sections

tags are much more flexible. Maybe just need to suppy ability to create custom 
set of tags and remember it as the custom search aka Section :)

- denis

 2014-05-26 10:49 GMT+02:00
  Without sections and subsection it is only ocean of mess. Mess of tags not
  helped. :(
  Mon May 26 2014 09:50:11 GMT+0200 (CEST), Stefano Mosconi napsal:
   On 26/05/14 10:21, Ruediger Gad wrote:

just to add a bit of my opinion as well.

Just a mailing list is imho not enough.

Personally, I like a forum.
Even though, due to its nature(?), it might attract more OT
However, such OT discussion can be canalized by proper categorization,
e.g., OT sections etc.
Canalizing discussions into topics, e.g., hardware, software, OT,
general, etc. is imho one nice feature of a forum.
But other neat features had been mentioned here already as well.

I think QA sites like stackoverflow or tjc are also very handy.

Why not let the users make the decision?
I.e., we have a mailing list and a QA site already, just the forum is
   Aren't a QA site *and* a forum quite overlapping?
   What is missing from the current that you would have
  in a forum?
   Currently (to my knowledge):
 * You can edit your posts afterwards
 * You can have sticky posts
 * You can find quickly the right [TM] answer
 * You can have karma
 * You cannot have sections and subsections (but you have tags)
 * You can have mail notifications of posts
   Should we invest our time into making a better together.jolla.comrather
   than a different platform (this is not rhetorical)?
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Re: [SailfishDevel] was Acceptable Behaviour.. -- Forum

2014-05-26 Thread Denis Zalevskiy
On Monday 26 May 2014 10:18:00 Luca Donaggio wrote:
 +1 for keeping this ML and (eventually) improving TJC.
 Personally, TJC currently suffers of one big drawback, which is not even
 technical: it is perceived more as a generic issue-reporting /
 feature-requesting tool than anything else.


So, it just need to be visually boosted:

- to have some ready-made templates for new posts

- to have also forum-like page just hiding tags under the hood :)

- denis

 Developer related questions have always been reported on this ML first, and
 later on TJC mainly when it resulted in a bug of some sort.
 I'm not against forums, I just can't afford following another on-line
 source, two is more than enough for my (limited I must admit) spare time :-)
 On Mon, May 26, 2014 at 9:53 AM, Norbert Wenzel wrote:
  On 05/26/2014 09:21 AM, Ruediger Gad wrote:
   Why not let the users make the decision?
   I.e., we have a mailing list and a QA site already, just the forum is
   So, if there were a forum as well, it would show over time how the usage
   and the user counts of the different infrastructures develops.
  I know that from other projects and what happened there was that some
  people use forums and some people use mailinglists. The two communities
  don't have much intersection. Which might or might not be a desired
  outcome depending on the size of the community.
  Personally I have to say that I wouldn't use a forum or any other
  web-based platform. I mean, if I really had to I'd post my question
  there but I wouldn't follow discussions, since I'd need to actively
  visit the forum. I prefer ML because I have one single spot where all
  messages of all lists can be found and I'm reading along when I have the
  time to do so.
  So besides my personal opinion I just wanted to say that too many
  options for discussion might lead to fragmentation instead of making
  everybody happy.
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Re: [SailfishDevel] was Acceptable Behaviour.. -- Forum

2014-05-26 Thread Denis Zalevskiy
On Monday 26 May 2014 11:03:14 wrote:
 I went active on TMO while developing for SFOS.
 It's not even a habit but more about easiness to use.
 Forum have a clear hiearchy (better than TJC), and a thread system (like in
 ML). It's focused on discussion (unlike TJC), and provides some useful

imo, it is focused on flame mostly and 90% of thread conversation contains 
unuseful ranting.

 tools (edit, formatting, thanks button; better than a ML). IMO it's the

formatting - qa
voting (better than thanks) - qa

 perfect mix for engaging discussions inside the users community, and
 between devs and users.

qa is also threaded, and it important that each informative comment can be 
converted to the answer (read useful post)

- denis

 It might not work well to provide feedback to Jolla (TJC might do this
 better), and is less efficient than ML for devs to devs discussions.
 So I appreciate to have the 3 tools available, and would love to see Jolla
 cooperate with TMO as a forum of choice for discussions.

 - Mail original -
 De: Denis Zalevskiy
 Envoyé: Lundi 26 Mai 2014 10:55:10
 Objet: Re: [SailfishDevel] was Acceptable Behaviour.. -- Forum
 On Monday 26 May 2014 10:49:51 wrote:
  TMO is often the forum of choice for many developers (me included), to
 maybe because you are using TMO for a long time and have a habbit to use it
 ? Also because many people who develop and developed for mobile linux also
 has the same habbit :) So, it is easier to find 'em there.
 - denis
  communicate with users. TJC could have taken this role, but the flat
  hiearchy, and the focus on QA, it don't fit that much for a discussion
  (especially between users and devs).
  - Mail original -
  De: Ruediger Gad
  À: Sailfish OS Developers
  Envoyé: Lundi 26 Mai 2014 10:16:34
  Objet: Re: [SailfishDevel] was Acceptable Behaviour.. -- Forum
  On 05/26/2014 09:50 AM, Stefano Mosconi wrote:
   Should we invest our time into making a better rather
   than a different platform (this is not rhetorical)?
  Thanks for you answer, both Norbert and you. :)
  Indeed, the time overhead to manage multiple platforms as well as the
  points Nobert mentioned are important aspects and to be honest I have no
  clue about weighting the real trade-offs.
  With respect to the question what a forum has that the other platforms
  don't have:
  In a forum, e.g., I feel that I somehow get better contact to users of
  my apps.
  See, e.g., the SkippingStones work-in-progress thread as example:
  I also enjoy to read some rather off-topic discussions like Look what I
  drew on my phone once in a while (which I wouldn't like ending up in my
  e-mail inbox btw.).
  There were also other aspects that got mentioned throughout this
  discussion that I found important.
  Unfortunately, I am pretty much on the run at the moment so I cannot
  repeat everything in detail.
  Generally, I got quite accustomed to using a forum.
  But then this is all about personal habits that one got used to.
  Right now, I am primarily using the Sailfish OS etc. sections at as semi-official Sailfish OS/Jolla forum replacement.
  So, in a sense, there is already something like a forum.
  Maybe this is a viable approach that can be used in the meantime?
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Re: [SailfishDevel] qca-qt5 for Jolla phone

2013-12-19 Thread Denis Zalevskiy

On 12/19/2013 11:12 AM, Andrey Kozhevnikov wrote:

qt5 have good QCryptographicHash classes. Why you need QCA?

Shortly, QCA is much more than hashing functions. Also QCA can use 
different well-known existing engines - this is important for 
cryptography framework. Also, quite many application are using it.

- denis

On 19.12.2013 13:37, Denis Zalevskiy wrote:

Hi Ruediger,

On 12/17/2013 11:16 PM, Ruediger Gad wrote:


as far as I can see, qca-qt5 is not available in the pre-installed
repositories of the Jolla phone.
So, my questions are:
- Is it planned to make it available (qca-qt5 is already in
nemo:devel:mw on Mer OBS.)?
If this package is in the Nemo already, it should be available soon 
(some upcoming winter update) in Sailfish with some upcoming update. 
Ask lbt on irc@freenode #mer about approx. estimations.

- What would be the process to make it available and how long would it
roughly take?
   I filed the PR on github that added the packaging for the actual qt5
version and would be willing to help here if I can.
- Are there alternatives to adding qca-qt5 to the pre-installed
repositories in order to allow apps on Harbour to use it as dependency?
Now you can just package it with your application. Sometime later it 
has a big chance to appear in the list of officially supported 
packages if API will be considered stable enough to be supported.

- denis

My app MeePasswords requires qca-qt5.
So far, I succeeded in building it in the SDK and successfully ran 
it on

my device (I manually added the qca-qt5 dependency via zypper.).
The biggest problem right now is the qca-qt5 dependency.

I'd be very happy if it was possible to get MeePasswords into the 

Thanks and best regards,


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Re: [SailfishDevel] qca-qt5 for Jolla phone

2013-12-18 Thread Denis Zalevskiy

Hi Ruediger,

On 12/17/2013 11:16 PM, Ruediger Gad wrote:


as far as I can see, qca-qt5 is not available in the pre-installed
repositories of the Jolla phone.
So, my questions are:
- Is it planned to make it available (qca-qt5 is already in
nemo:devel:mw on Mer OBS.)?
If this package is in the Nemo already, it should be available soon 
(some upcoming winter update) in Sailfish with some upcoming update. Ask 
lbt on irc@freenode #mer about approx. estimations.

- What would be the process to make it available and how long would it
roughly take?
   I filed the PR on github that added the packaging for the actual qt5
version and would be willing to help here if I can.
- Are there alternatives to adding qca-qt5 to the pre-installed
repositories in order to allow apps on Harbour to use it as dependency?
Now you can just package it with your application. Sometime later it has 
a big chance to appear in the list of officially supported packages if 
API will be considered stable enough to be supported.

- denis

My app MeePasswords requires qca-qt5.
So far, I succeeded in building it in the SDK and successfully ran it on
my device (I manually added the qca-qt5 dependency via zypper.).
The biggest problem right now is the qca-qt5 dependency.

I'd be very happy if it was possible to get MeePasswords into the Harbour.

Thanks and best regards,


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