Re: [SailfishDevel] was Acceptable Behaviour.. -- Forum

2014-05-26 Thread Erlend Böe
Hi Stefano

first make Wifi actually work, then invest time in building a better Stack 
As it is, I stopped using my Jolla as my main phone. This was mainly due to not 
being able to connect to wifi at work, and having to reboot every 5 days.


PS: Taking time to actually answer the valid questions from Filip (SIM, 
Opensource, etc) would also be nice.

On 26.05.2014, at 09:50, Stefano Mosconi wrote:

 On 26/05/14 10:21, Ruediger Gad wrote:
 just to add a bit of my opinion as well.
 Just a mailing list is imho not enough.
 Personally, I like a forum.
 Even though, due to its nature(?), it might attract more OT discussion.
 However, such OT discussion can be canalized by proper categorization,
 e.g., OT sections etc.
 Canalizing discussions into topics, e.g., hardware, software, OT,
 general, etc. is imho one nice feature of a forum.
 But other neat features had been mentioned here already as well.
 I think QA sites like stackoverflow or tjc are also very handy.
 Why not let the users make the decision?
 I.e., we have a mailing list and a QA site already, just the forum is
 Aren't a QA site *and* a forum quite overlapping?
 What is missing from the current that you would have in a 
 Currently (to my knowledge):
 * You can edit your posts afterwards
 * You can have sticky posts
 * You can find quickly the right [TM] answer
 * You can have karma
 * You cannot have sections and subsections (but you have tags)
 * You can have mail notifications of posts
 Should we invest our time into making a better rather than 
 a different platform (this is not rhetorical)?
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Re: [SailfishDevel] Mitakuuluu now full opensource application.

2014-04-20 Thread Erlend Böe
Hi Andrey

Just some quick feedback from a fellow programmer: Mitakuuluu was the only 
native app that I was using on a daily basis. I hope you will keep developing 

One day when my jolla will actually be able to connect to the wifi in the 
office, and my two other spare time projects are finished (Android version of 
my 'PoBi' iOS app, and a new version of my 'offline dictionary' iOS app), your 
program will be the first I will have a look at :-)


Sent from my iPhone

 On 20.04.2014, at 18:05, Andrey Kozhevnikov wrote:
 Just announcing to mailing lists my recent Mitakuuluu update.
 Now you can fork it, build yourself, make patches and send merge requests. 
 Contributions and ideas are welcome!
 Licensed under WTFPL, you can do whatever you want with sources, i'll be 
 happy if any piece of my code will help you in your own projects.
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[SailfishDevel] Repository Wishlist

2014-02-05 Thread Erlend Böe
Dear David,

As a user I would like to have a repo with the following characteristics:
* Guarantee that apps do not break my device by installing incompatible 
versions of libraries.
* App Ratings, and download numbers, and ability to sort the list of apps based 
on these.
* App comments
* Easy search functionality, categories.
* A clear statement that applications that “snoop on the user” are not welcome, 
except for sending statistics back to the repo itself.
* If possible, a guarantee that the application has been audited to not “phone 
home”. One possible option would be that applications that use the internet 
could voluntarily have a “whitelist” of sites that it will connect to. That 
will make me trust the application more!

As a developer, I would like to have a repro with the following characteristics
* Clear guidelines that show what is allowed, and how to package the apps.
* Example projects that are “ready out of the box”.
* Automated checks that I can run before I upload the package, so that most 
errors are caught before upload.
* Clear, timely feedback if my application is not compliant
* An analytics library that I can use in my application, that would send usage 
statistics to the repo.  All other “snooping” on the user would be disallowed.
* Statistics about downloads, analytics, etc


On 05.02.2014, at 16:00, David Greaves wrote:

 On 04/02/14 07:40, Thomas B. Rücker wrote:
 My question has been lingering for a while. (
 But during FOSDEM we had a Sailfish/Jolla Community Round-Table (
 ). This topic was brought up and seems Sailors are committed to address
 this with pushing forward towards a clean open source app repository
 with community QA and easy on-device access after enabling developer mode.
 That's my personal goal, yes.
 For those who don't know, I run the infra and OBS for Mer - I used to run the
 community OBS and other infra for MeeGo too. I am a sailor - but today I'm
 mailing as a community guy.
 I setup Chum as a place to build Jolla apps on an OBS. It just works. There is
 no fancy storefront or BOSS integration. We need that.
 I'd like to see some public docs on the Chum rules and governance so that we 
 reasonably expect Jolla to trust us to do a professional job. I know that they
 worry about reputation and customer experience. So do I.
 I don't think we need full automation of the checks yet - but I do think we 
 clearly state the boundaries: open source only; auditability; community QA...
 I'd like to see what our target is from a user perspective ... eg how do we 
 sure users can upgrade their devices. It's a technically difficult problem. We
 may well need to ask Jolla for hooks into SailfishOS ... but luckily we may 
 be able to write those hooks in Mer/Nemo and have Jolla just get them.
 I also recall that community QA was not terribly effective - I think this 
 I used Chum as the repo title (it's the bloody fish guts you use to attract
 sharks!) - I'm not sure it's a good name but there are plenty of attacks :)
 This would provide something like Maemo Extras and would be community
 QA'd to ensure the apps don't pose major problems when installed. On the
 other hand it would provide an easy middle ground for apps that don't
 fit into harbour for various reasons (API calls, dependencies, etc.).
 Yes - I'd like to explore how we can add one or more library areas to devices
 for sets of shared libraries. Eg I use bullet physics engine in my 3D Dice 
 - I don't want to have to ship it. But how do we cope when bullet v3 comes 
 It will be backed by an OBS project on Mer community OBS, which has
 Sailfish targets. OBS has come a very long way since we've seen it
 first. I've personally had several apps build out of the box by just
 * create package
 * source provision through tar_git
 If the app builds on a clean SDK, then it's highly likely to build out
 of the box also on OBS.
 Good. We need more docs though.
 You may now say what about openrepos?. They have chosen to be a site
 for one-click RPM hosting repositories with no QA. Despite their best
 efforts this approach has led to significant problems. Also it does
 binary only uploads and thus non-free/closed applications and no
 traceable chain from source to binary.
 That said, if the openrepos client (warehouse) passes community QA it
 will for sure be included in the community repository. Thus allowing
 users to install it easily, if they so wish. We're not hostile towards
 it, it just doesn't offer the level of trust to be a viable avenue for a
 default community repository.
 I don't mind openrepos - there are plenty of places where users can go on the