Re: [SailfishDevel] Missing /usr/bin/sailfish-qml on the phone

2017-10-20 Thread Sylvain B .
Ok, so you are also saying that the "tap-on-RPM-to-install" mechanism in 
Sailfish OS could do it too but it's Jolla's choice not to?
Is that for security reasons? Since the user has accepted the risks by ticking 
"untrusted sources", could the behaviour be changed?

De : Devel  de la part de Slava Monich 

Envoyé : vendredi 20 octobre 2017 09:46
À :
Objet : Re: [SailfishDevel] Missing /usr/bin/sailfish-qml on the phone

Basically, I was trying to say that if Jolla Store client can do it and
command line pkcon can do it (i.e. automatically install dependencies)
then Warehouse can do it too. If Warehouse doesn't do it, it's the
choice made by the creator of the app. I pulled the sources and haven't
found anything there about the dependencies.

One thing that I learned today: The PackageKit currently used by
Sailfish OS (version 0.8.something + a few patches)  has D-Bus method
called GetDepends. However the smart upstream guys have renamed it into

(backward compatibility? what's that? never heard of it!) meaning that
Warehouse should try both methods to make sure that it works with future
versions of PackageKit. Right now it doesn't seem to do anything.



On 20/10/17 02:54, Osmo Salomaa wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 20, 2017, at 00:41, Slava Monich wrote:
>> ... but you can install an rpm by somehow transferring it to the phone
>> (e.g. by downloading it with the browser) and then tapping it in
>> Settings -> Transfers. You would have to allow installing untrusted
>> software first on the Settings -> Untrusted software page.
>> I don't think this has anything to do with "pkcon refresh".
> I constantly keep running into reports from users where the dependencies
> cannot be found and the solution always is "pkcon refresh". As far as I
> know that happens both with OpenRepos + Warehouse and the manual way you
> describe. Please try to do something about this, it's annoying to tell
> users they need developer mode and command line just to install an RPM.

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Re: [SailfishDevel] Missing /usr/bin/sailfish-qml on the phone

2017-10-20 Thread Sylvain B .
Hi Slava,
Yes that's exactly what I did right after flashing: download the RPM of my app 
(BikeMe) from openrepos, enable "untrusted software" and click on the RPM. 
Since I just got a generic toast install error without info, I enabled the 
developer mode, retried and it worked.

So I reflashed Sailfish X, and this time downloaded Warehouse to see if it 
would work better. It didn't but at least it gave me the error message: 
"nothing provide qt5-plugin-geoservice-osm needed by..."
So I tried with another app that I assumed would contain the same dependency: 
Poor Maps (hey Osmo ^^) and it failed one dependency before: "nothing provides 
libsailfishapp-launcher needed by ...". I guess if I had installed an app from 
the Store with this dependency, it would have failed on 
qt5-plugin-geoservice-osm too.

And since no app in the Store includes qt5-plugin-geoservice-osm, users 
definitively need the developer mode to install our app. I agree, that's 


De : Devel  de la part de Osmo Salomaa 

Envoyé : jeudi 19 octobre 2017 23:54
À :
Objet : Re: [SailfishDevel] Missing /usr/bin/sailfish-qml on the phone

On Fri, Oct 20, 2017, at 00:41, Slava Monich wrote:
> ... but you can install an rpm by somehow transferring it to the phone
> (e.g. by downloading it with the browser) and then tapping it in
> Settings -> Transfers. You would have to allow installing untrusted
> software first on the Settings -> Untrusted software page.
> I don't think this has anything to do with "pkcon refresh".

I constantly keep running into reports from users where the dependencies
cannot be found and the solution always is "pkcon refresh". As far as I
know that happens both with OpenRepos + Warehouse and the manual way you
describe. Please try to do something about this, it's annoying to tell
users they need developer mode and command line just to install an RPM.

Osmo Salomaa 
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Re: [SailfishDevel] Missing /usr/bin/sailfish-qml on the phone

2017-10-19 Thread Sylvain B .
Hi Slava,
Cool this is brought up because I have a question about that.
I've installed Sailfish X, but hadn't enabled the developers mode yet, and some 
applications from OpenRepos didn't install because of dependencies, including 
this one:
Status: dep-resolution-failed Extra details: nothing provides 
libsailfishapp-launcher needed by ...

If I enable the developer mode, it works, but isn't there a way for "normal 
users" to make this work? I guess if I install an app with this dependency from 
the Store, it will work too, but isn't there  an other way to "pkcon refresh"? 
Could Warehouse do it itself?
Stupid question maybe: why aren't the repositories up-to-date by default?

De : Devel  de la part de Slava Monich 

Envoyé : mercredi 18 octobre 2017 08:53
À :
Objet : Re: [SailfishDevel] Missing /usr/bin/sailfish-qml on the phone

Hi Harri,

You need to install libsailfishapp-launcher package on your phone. Add
"Requires: libsailfishapp-launcher" to your .spec file so that this
package gets installed automatically together with your app.

Here is the source for the launcher, for your reference:


> Hello,
> I'm new to Sailfish, so please bear with me if I'm asking something obvious. 
> I got my Sailfish X last week, and now I'm studying the SDK.
> QML and QML+C++ examples work fine, both in the emulator and on the Xperia.
> But I have a problem with the python example that is part of the tutorial in 
> the SDK docs (i.e. this one:
> It works fine in the emulator, but on the phone it throws the following error:
> bash: /usr/bin/sailfish-qml: No such file or directory
> Application finished with exit code 127.
> Is the example outdated? Or am I missing some package on the phone?
> Harri
> ___
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Re: [SailfishDevel] New Sailfish Community Program is launching soon - heads up!

2016-05-25 Thread Sylvain B .
Yes Michael, that's what I was referring to. When you say on Friday "check your 
email on Monday", it's the next business day to me.
@Luciano: Unfortunately he did: "check your emails on Monday and Tuesday *next 
week* "

James your enthusiasm is awesome, but you are the official voice of Jolla now 
so you need to choose your words and carefully review what you write :)

Anyway, good to know that it's on track! Those who are still following Jolla 
have learned to be patient, my point was just: don't tease us for nothing! ;)

> Date: Wed, 25 May 2016 10:26:34 +0200
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] New Sailfish Community Program is launching soon 
> - heads up!
> On Wed, May 25, 2016 at 10:07 AM, Neufing, Michael  
> wrote:
>> you wrote we should check our mailboxes on Monday and Tuesday.
>> I think there comes "the next business day" from :)
> Well, James did not specify the week... Maybe we should check our
> mailbox *next* Monday/Tuesday... ;)
> --
> Luciano Montanaro
> Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on
> no account be allowed to do the job. -- Douglas Adams
> ___
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Re: [SailfishDevel] New Sailfish Community Program is launching soon - heads up!

2016-05-25 Thread Sylvain B .
So here we are, Wednesday, and still nothing in our mailboxes :(
Why do you announce that you will send an email the next business day if this 
email isn't already written in your draft folder ready to be sent?
How can you miss (again) this easy, self-imposed deadline??
It's that kind of communication that brings bad comments on the blog :(

Date: Tue, 24 May 2016 16:11:07 +0200
Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] New Sailfish Community Program is launching soon - 
heads up!


Hi all, 

Please stay tuned for our later announcement. 

It isn't announced yet, but there is room for speculations! ;)

Best regards,

James Noori

  Community Manager

On 5/24/2016 4:02 PM, Christian Kruse


Alexander Ladygin  writes:

So, what is all the fuzz about?=)

  Probably it is about this post:

Best regards,



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[SailfishDevel] Access elements in a SilicaListView header

2015-02-16 Thread Sylvain B .
I'd like to put a SearchField into the header of a SilicaListView, but I 
figured out that I can't access it from outside (I want to clear the text when 
the user refreshes the model).
The code below will trigger a ReferenceError: searchField is not defined:

Page {
    SilicaListView {
    anchors.fill: parent

    PullDownMenu {
    MenuItem {
    text: qsTr(Update search field)
    onClicked: { searchField.text = hi }

    header : SearchField {
    id: searchField
    width: parent.width
    placeholderText: Filter

Any idea?
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Re: [SailfishDevel] QML C++ Integration not working in Sailfish

2014-02-26 Thread Sylvain B .
Yes, add a sYou declared bloomfiltersdata and you are trying to use 

Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2014 04:02:22 -0800
Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] QML C++ Integration not working in Sailfish

Hi Andrey,

The output is: ReferenceError: bloomfilterdata is not defined

I am calling it from a .js

Some idea about how can I  make that this is also defined there.


 El Miércoles 26 de febrero de 2014 12:18, Andrey Kozhevnikov escribió:
start app in terminal and show output please

On 26.02.2014 17:15, wrote:

  Hi Thomas,

I did both modification but the code does not work yet.

Here is the new code:

QGuiApplication *app = SailfishApp::application(argc,
QQuickView *view = SailfishApp::createView();

Bloomfilters  * bloomfilters = new Bloomfilters();

return app-exec();


El Miércoles
  26 de febrero de 2014 12:01, Thomas Perl escribió:
On 2014-02-26 11:48,
 I tried this:

QGuiApplication *app =
SailfishApp::application(argc, argv);
QQuickView *view =
Bloomfilters  * bloomfilters = new


return app-exec();

 But it is not working yet.
  Two things:
1. Call setContextProperty() right before before
  setSource(), so it's 
  already available when the QML content is loaded.
2. Use lowercase for context property names
  (bloomfilters instead of 
  Bloomfilters). In some places, QML interprets IDs
  starting with an 
  upper case letter as a type name, and that won't work
  then, therefore 
  stick to lowercase.
  HTH :)



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Re: [SailfishDevel] QML C++ Integration not working in Sailfish

2014-02-25 Thread Sylvain B .
No, I am able to invoke c++ methods from QML while having exposed them the 
exact same way.
The only difference would be that my constructor is a simple Bloomfilters().
So same question than J-P: what exactly isn't working?

 Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2014 16:31:13 +0100
 Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] QML C++ Integration not working in Sailfish
 I think you need to add a qRegisterMetatype() to be able to invoke
 methods from qml.
 On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 3:06 PM, wrote:
  I am trying to do a simple Sailfish aplication that uses a c++ library.  I
  try to connect my qml code with the C++ code.
  First I create QObject extended library:
  #include QObject
  #include svn/bloom-read-only/bloom_filter.hpp
  class Bloomfilters : public QObject
  Q_INVOKABLE  void generateFilterInvokable2() const ;
  Q_INVOKABLE  void generateFilterInvokable(const QString cadenaK, const
  QString cadenaM) const ;
  explicit Bloomfilters(QObject *parent = 0);
  void generateFilter() ;
  Q_INVOKABLE void insertElement(const QString cadena) ;
  Q_INVOKABLE bool checkElement(const QString cadena) ;
  public slots:
  bloom_parameters _parameters ;
  bloom_filter _filter;
  bool _filter_charged;
  QString _k;
  #endif // BLOOMFILTERS_H
  An I try to connect this with my sailfish application with the code:
  QGuiApplication *app = SailfishApp::application(argc, argv);
  QQuickView *view = SailfishApp::createView();
  Bloomfilters  * bloomfilters = new Bloomfilters();
  return app-exec();
  But this is not working.
  Someone have any idea about what am I doing wrong?
  Best Regards!
  ___ Devel mailing list
 Luciano Montanaro
 Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on
 no account be allowed to do the job. -- Douglas Adams
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Re: [SailfishDevel] Getting odd error when attempting to use LocalStorage.changeVersion

2014-02-16 Thread Sylvain B .
Thanks for the report on qt-project, I just faced this exact same issue this 
afternoon (my app is not released yet but I already wanted to see if a DB 
update will be possible).
It's a shame not to be able to open the DB without specifying the version :/

Waiting for improvements on QML LocalStorage API, I've found out via 
StackOverflow the table_info SQLite Pragma statement: 
With that, you can either look at the number of columns of your table, or 
iterate through the rows returned to see if your new column name already exists 
or not.


 Date: Sat, 15 Feb 2014 17:42:15 +0100
 Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] Getting odd error when attempting to use 
 On Sat, 15 Feb 2014 01:47:52 +0100
 Rob Hoelz wrote:
  Hi all,
  I'm working on an update for my Sudoku application, and one of the new
  features necessitates a storage schema change.  So I wrote a utility
  function that tries to open a connection with the correct version, and
  falls back to calling db.changeVersion if there is a version mismatch.
  After testing my new code out, I get the following output from my
  [nemo@jolla Databases]$ harbour-sudoku 
  [D] QWaylandEglIntegration::QWaylandEglIntegration:58 - Using
  Wayland-EGL [W] QQmlImportDatabase::importPlugin:1697 - Module
  'Sailfish.Silica' does not contain a module identifier directive - it
  cannot be protected from external registrations. [D]
  MLocalThemeDaemonClient::MLocalThemeDaemonClient:81 -
  QString,QObject*) Theme:  jolla-ambient [D]
  MLocalThemeDaemonClient::MLocalThemeDaemonClient:112 -
  LocalThemeDaemonClient: Looking for assets in
  /usr/share/themes/jolla-ambient/meegotouch) [W]
  QSqlDatabasePrivate::database:280 - QSqlDatabasePrivate::database:
  unable to open database:   QSqlQuery::prepare: database not open
  DeclarativeCoverWindow: I have a default alpha buffer [W]
  QSqlDatabasePrivate::database:280 - QSqlDatabasePrivate::database:
  unable to open database:   [W] QSqlDatabasePrivate::database:280 -
  QSqlDatabasePrivate::database: unable to open database:  
  QSqlQuery::prepare: database not open
  Here's the code for the routine in question:
  It looks to me like once LocalStorage attempts to open a database and
  fails, it doesn't actually open databases in the future, but I could
  be misunderstanding something.
  If anyone could help, I'd really appreciate it.
  ___ Devel mailing list
 This seems to be a generic Qt issue; I've started a thread here:
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[SailfishDevel] QNetworkAccessManager: how to wait for Internet?

2014-02-12 Thread Sylvain B .
Hello,QNetworkAccessManager does not behave like in Harmattan: when you were 
triggering a request while not connected to Internet, the Select Internet 
connection dialog was showing, and the request was waiting for the device to 
connect to the Internet.In Sailfish, triggering a request when the phone is not 
connected to Internet pop the Select Internet connection dialog, but the 
request immediately returns a HostNotFoundError.
Is it something that will change in the future or do we have to handle that 
manually?If it needs to be done manually, could anyone share a clean way to do 
Thanks a lot,
-- Sylvain.   ___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] Segmentation fault: No such file or directory.

2014-01-28 Thread Sylvain B .

 Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 11:19:12 +1000
 Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] Segmentation fault: No such file or directory.
 I replied to a duplicate email off list.

Yes sorry my bad, I originally replied only to you by mistake and then 
forwarded my answer to the mailing list.Thanks for all the clarifications, I am 
copying your original email on the list in case other people want to follow the 
 From: To:
 Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] Segmentation fault: No such file or directory.
 Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 10:57:07 +1000
 On Fri, 24 Jan 2014 10:36:23 you wrote:
  I did more tests today in the subway with a limited connectivity and it was
  actually hard to reproduce (1 out of 15-20 attempts), so as the stacktrace
  suggest, it has something to do with the caching operation.Now that I have
  a better 3G connectivity, I can reproduce it more often but not as often
  than yesterday in Wifi. It never occurs at the first attempt, I'd say I
  have to try between 2 and 10 times, it depends, while in Wifi it was almost
  always crashing at the first attempt. When not panning the Map, it occurs
  less frequently, but I am not sure how frequently. I will make more tests
  this WE. But If I simply push/pop/push/pop/... the Map without panning it,
  it never crashes.
 Ok, thank you for this information.
  While we're talking about Maps, I have some questions:You
  have entered this bug in your tracking system because I am using the Nokia
 No it is a general issue which would affect all plugins that use the tile 
 cache implementation provided by Qt Location. In fact I should have filed it 
 upstream in the Qt bug tracker. I have done so now, see
  Or do you work on the general Map API?
 I work mostly in positioning (GPS etc), location (including Maps application) 
 and connectivity, including the Qt libraries.
 The underlying question are: where to report Map bugs?
 It varies. General questions go to Bug reports 
 Jolla go either to or, I 
 both places. If you are sure it is a bug that affects upstream Qt, then you 
 can file bug reports at
  And why the only available docs are on
 Because Qt Location has not been officially released yet. You will find 
 documentation for Qt Positioning at with the reset 
 of the Qt 5.2 documentation. Once Qt Location is official released its 
 documentation will appear there as well.
 Neither Qt Positioning nor Qt Location is an officially supported API for 
 SailfishOS yet. Qt Positioning will be once SailfishOS is updated to Qt 5.2. 
 Qt Location once it is released upstream. This is why neither of these APIs 
 are documented with the rest of the SailfishOS documentation in the SDK.
 Aaron McCarthy  ___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] Segmentation fault: No such file or directory.

2014-01-24 Thread Sylvain B .
Thank you Aaron,
I did more tests today in the subway with a limited connectivity and it was 
actually hard to reproduce (1 out of 15-20 attempts), so as the stacktrace 
suggest, it has something to do with the caching operation.Now that I have a 
better 3G connectivity, I can reproduce it more often but not as often than 
yesterday in Wifi. It never occurs at the first attempt, I'd say I have to try 
between 2 and 10 times, it depends, while in Wifi it was almost always crashing 
at the first attempt.
When not panning the Map, it occurs less frequently, but I am not sure how 
frequently. I will make more tests this WE. But If I simply 
push/pop/push/pop/... the Map without panning it, it never crashes.
While we're talking about Maps, I have some questions:You have entered this bug 
in your tracking system because I am using the Nokia plugin? Or do you work on 
the general Map API? The underlying question are: where to report Map bugs? And 
why the only available docs are on

 Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 11:21:02 +1000
 Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] Segmentation fault: No such file or directory.
 On Thu, 23 Jan 2014 21:17:41 Sylvain B. wrote:
  I am facing some segfaults so I've decided to install GDB and the debug
  packages of some Qt5 libs on my phone (Hope that won't cause issues with
  future Sailfish updates?). But this does not help me, since they apparently
  aren't coming from my code.
  For the first, I have a back button on a Map. If I start a flick and I press
  the back button while the Map is still flicking, it crashes. But it also
  crashes sometimes when the flick has finished so I can't simply test that
  flick is finished before doing the pagestack.pop():
  Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
  QString::lastIndexOf (this=0x4, ch=..., from=-1, cs=Qt::CaseSensitive) at
  tools/qstring.cpp:2727 2727tools/qstring.cpp: No such file or
  (gdb) backtrace
  #0  QString::lastIndexOf (this=0x4, ch=..., from=-1, cs=Qt::CaseSensitive)
  at tools/qstring.cpp:2727 #1  0x40089bf0 in QGeoTileCache::~QGeoTileCache
  (this=0x400a750c, __in_chrg=optimized out) at maps/qgeotilecache.cpp:202
  #2  0x4008a06c in QGeoTileCache::~QGeoTileCache (this=0x2ad71fd0,
  __in_chrg=optimized out) at maps/qgeotilecache.cpp:208 #3  0x4007ad98 in
  (this=0x2a2b6b10, __in_chrg=optimized out) at
  #4  0x4007aefc in
  (this=0x2a4d5a68, __in_chrg=optimized out) at
  maps/qgeotiledmappingmanagerengine.cpp:68 #5  0x47ca43b0 in
  (this=0x2a4d5a68, __in_chrg=optimized out) at
  #6  0x47ca43fc in
  (this=0x2a4d5a68, __in_chrg=optimized out) at
  #7  0x4007a210 in ~QGeoMappingManagerPrivate (this=0x2a84d6c0,
  __in_chrg=optimized out) at maps/qgeomappingmanager.cpp:190
  #8  QGeoMappingManager::~QGeoMappingManager (this=0x2a51a010,
  __in_chrg=optimized out) at maps/qgeomappingmanager.cpp:96 #9  0x4007a244
  in QGeoMappingManager::~QGeoMappingManager (this=0x2a51a010,
  __in_chrg=optimized out) at maps/qgeomappingmanager.cpp:97
 Thank you for reporting this. I have created a bug for it in our bug tracking 
 system. Does the crash happen every time when popping the pagestack while the 
 Map is still panning? How frequently does it happen when not panning the Map?
 Aaron McCarthy
 ___ Devel mailing list
  ___ Devel mailing list

[SailfishDevel] Segmentation fault: No such file or directory.

2014-01-23 Thread Sylvain B .

I am facing some segfaults so I've decided to install GDB and the debug 
packages of some Qt5 libs on my phone (Hope that won't cause issues with future 
Sailfish updates?).
But this does not help me, since they apparently aren't coming from my code.

For the first, I have a back button on a Map. If I start a flick and I press 
the back button while the Map is still flicking, it crashes. But it also 
crashes sometimes when the flick has finished so I can't simply test that flick 
is finished before doing the pagestack.pop():

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
QString::lastIndexOf (this=0x4, ch=..., from=-1, cs=Qt::CaseSensitive) at 
2727tools/qstring.cpp: No such file or directory.
(gdb) backtrace
#0  QString::lastIndexOf (this=0x4, ch=..., from=-1, cs=Qt::CaseSensitive) at 
#1  0x40089bf0 in QGeoTileCache::~QGeoTileCache (this=0x400a750c, 
__in_chrg=optimized out) at maps/qgeotilecache.cpp:202
#2  0x4008a06c in QGeoTileCache::~QGeoTileCache (this=0x2ad71fd0, 
__in_chrg=optimized out) at maps/qgeotilecache.cpp:208
#3  0x4007ad98 in 
(this=0x2a2b6b10, __in_chrg=optimized out)
at maps/qgeotiledmappingmanagerengine.cpp:328
#4  0x4007aefc in QGeoTiledMappingManagerEngine::~QGeoTiledMappingManagerEngine 
(this=0x2a4d5a68, __in_chrg=optimized out) at 
#5  0x47ca43b0 in 
(this=0x2a4d5a68, __in_chrg=optimized out)
at qgeotiledmappingmanagerengine_nokia.cpp:139
#6  0x47ca43fc in 
(this=0x2a4d5a68, __in_chrg=optimized out)
at qgeotiledmappingmanagerengine_nokia.cpp:139
#7  0x4007a210 in ~QGeoMappingManagerPrivate (this=0x2a84d6c0, 
__in_chrg=optimized out) at maps/qgeomappingmanager.cpp:190
#8  QGeoMappingManager::~QGeoMappingManager (this=0x2a51a010, 
__in_chrg=optimized out) at maps/qgeomappingmanager.cpp:96
#9  0x4007a244 in QGeoMappingManager::~QGeoMappingManager (this=0x2a51a010, 
__in_chrg=optimized out) at maps/qgeomappingmanager.cpp:97

For the second, I have a SilicaListView with images in the sections. If I click 
on an Item and come back quickly on this page, once in a while I get:

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
QQuickWindowPrivate::polishItems (this=0x2a0352c0) at items/qquickwindow.cpp:258
258 items/qquickwindow.cpp: No such file or directory.
(gdb) backtrace
#0  QQuickWindowPrivate::polishItems (this=0x2a0352c0) at 
#1  0x4019856c in polishAndSync (this=0x2a032f50) at 
#2  QSGThreadedRenderLoop::polishAndSync (this=0x2a032f50) at 
#3  0x40199038 in QSGThreadedRenderLoop::event (this=optimized out, 
e=optimized out) at scenegraph/qsgthreadedrenderloop.cpp:1070
#4  0x40b71f8c in QCoreApplicationPrivate::notify_helper (this=0x2a016d88, 
receiver=0x2a032f50, event=0xbefff544) at kernel/qcoreapplication.cpp:992
#5  0x40b71fe4 in QCoreApplication::notify (this=optimized out, 
receiver=optimized out, event=optimized out) at 
#6  0x40b71c78 in QCoreApplication::notifyInternal (this=0x2a015af8, 
receiver=optimized out, event=0xbefff544) at kernel/qcoreapplication.cpp:875
#7  0x40bbc520 in sendEvent (event=0xbefff53c, receiver=optimized out) at 

Thank you for any advice you can give me. (I can provide the complete backtrace)

  ___ Devel mailing list

[SailfishDevel] [Sailfish IDE] Can't run app in Debug mode anymore

2014-01-21 Thread Sylvain B .

This week-end, I wanted to investigate some segfault (easily reproducible, see 
here: )
And for some reason, I found out that I am not able to run an app in Debug 
anymore :/
Few weeks ago it worked, but now, the Run Debug command just get stuck forever 
at the Lauching stage (after deployment)You can find below the last lines of 
the debug logs (I don't know why copy/past add a d at the beginning of each 
line)As anybody encountered the same issue? Any idea of what I can do?

ps: I tried to uninstall/reinstall the SDK and recreate an application from 
scratch, but it doesn't help.pps: If you want the very simple segfaulting 
application described in the link above, I've put it here: Click on any Item to go 
to the second page and pull back to the first page: segfault.

Thank you,Sylvain.

dState changed from DebuggerNotReady(0) to EngineSetupRequested(1)
dELF SECTIONS:  .interp .note.ABI-tag .gnu.hash .dynsym 
.dynstr .gnu.version .gnu.version_r .rel.dyn .rel.plt .init .plt .text .fini 
.rodata .eh_frame_hdr .eh_frame .init_array .ctors .dtors .jcr .dynamic .got 
.got.plt .data .bss .comment .debug_aranges .debug_info .debug_abbrev 
.debug_line .debug_str .debug_ranges .debug_types .gdb_index .shstrtab .symtab 
dELF SECTIONS:  .interp .note.ABI-tag .gnu.hash .dynsym 
.dynstr .gnu.version .gnu.version_r .rel.dyn .rel.plt .init .plt .text .fini 
.rodata .eh_frame_hdr .eh_frame .init_array .ctors .dtors .jcr .dynamic .got 
.got.plt .data .bss .comment .debug_aranges .debug_info .debug_abbrev 
.debug_line .debug_str .debug_ranges .debug_types .gdb_index .shstrtab .symtab 

  ___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] [Sailfish IDE] Can't run app in Debug mode anymore

2014-01-21 Thread Sylvain B .
Ok thanks Benoît, my last attempt was indeed certainly with the previous SDK.I 
just found out that it is referenced in the known issues: I have time I 
will have a look at how to use GDB in command line. I just need to use the rpm 
containing the debug symbols I guess?
Thanks!-- Sylvain.

 Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 16:18:59 +0100
 Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] [Sailfish IDE] Can't run app in Debug mode 
 It was working in Alpha2 SDK, and is broken in Alpha3 SDK ... :)
 Benoît HERVIER -
 Le 2014-01-21 16:14, a écrit :
  Are you sure it worked some weeks ago? Because as far as I know, 
  has so far never worked, not on the emulator nor on the target.
  I recently encountered the same issue and on IRC some sailors replied 
  it's currently a known issue that will be fixed in a future SDK update.
  This week-end, I wanted to investigate some segfault (easily 
  see here: 
  And for some reason, I found out that I am not able to run an app in 
  anymore :/
  Few weeks ago it worked, but now, the Run Debug command just get stuck
  forever at the Lauching stage (after deployment)You can find below 
  last lines of the debug logs (I don't know why copy/past add a d at 
  beginning of each line)As anybody encountered the same issue? Any idea 
  what I can do?
  ps: I tried to uninstall/reinstall the SDK and recreate an application
  from scratch, but it doesn't help.pps: If you want the very simple
  segfaulting application described in the link above, I've put it here: Click on any 
  to go to the second page and pull back to the first page: segfault.
  Thank you,Sylvain.
  dState changed from DebuggerNotReady(0) to EngineSetupRequested(1)
  dELF SECTIONS:  .interp .note.ABI-tag .gnu.hash 
  .dynstr .gnu.version .gnu.version_r .rel.dyn .rel.plt .init .plt .text
  .fini .rodata .eh_frame_hdr .eh_frame .init_array .ctors .dtors .jcr
  .dynamic .got .got.plt .data .bss .comment .debug_aranges .debug_info
  .debug_abbrev .debug_line .debug_str .debug_ranges .debug_types 
  .shstrtab .symtab .strtab
  dELF SECTIONS:  .interp .note.ABI-tag .gnu.hash 
  .dynstr .gnu.version .gnu.version_r .rel.dyn .rel.plt .init .plt .text
  .fini .rodata .eh_frame_hdr .eh_frame .init_array .ctors .dtors .jcr
  .dynamic .got .got.plt .data .bss .comment .debug_aranges .debug_info
  .debug_abbrev .debug_line .debug_str .debug_ranges .debug_types 
  .shstrtab .symtab .strtab
  ___ Devel mailing list
  ___ Devel mailing list
 ___ Devel mailing list
  ___ Devel mailing list

[SailfishDevel] QStandardPaths not working when app is run from Launcher

2014-01-19 Thread Sylvain B .
My app did not want to read the some cached content it was supposed to have 
written in QStandardPaths::CacheLocation.
To understand why, I tried to run it from the terminal, and... everything is 
working fine.
Since we don't have logs when we run the app directly from Launcher, I updated 
it to display some logs directly in the UI and I figured out that, when the app 
is run from the Launcher on the actual device (it's ok on the emulator), 
QStandardPaths does not work correctly:

QStandardPaths::CacheLocation returns 

X is a random number, so each time I run my app, it creates a new one.
When run from terminal, QStandardPaths::CacheLocation correctly returns 

I tried with QStandardPaths::DataLocation but it's the same, I get 

So for the moment, I temporarily hardcoded /home/nemo/.cache/

  ___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] Swipe lock (contd.)

2014-01-13 Thread Sylvain B .
Sorry, I wanted to reply to the message here directly 
by clicking on the mailto link, using Outlook. It seems to not work as expected 

Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2014 00:20:57 +0100
Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] Swipe lock (contd.)

Thanks a lot Mikko, that’s what we needed!I was thinking about clearing the 
PageStack to prevent the Map page from poping, but the solution was simply in 
the doc of the Page element, we missed it.
___ Devel mailing list ___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] (QtLocation 5.0) Coordinate is not a type

2013-12-23 Thread Sylvain B .
Hi again Bob,

Just to let you know that your Map example is working fine (I like the blinking 
icon!) if you put it on the first page of your app, but if you put it on the 
second page, when you try to flick to the west, it actually pop the page off 
the stack.
I am not asking for a solution right now because I won't have much time to work 
on it in the following weeks, but I am just letting you know in case you work 
on your example :)

Last question while I am here: It may have already been asked, but is it 
possible to do Pinch actions on the emulator?

Thanks again for the help!

Date: Mon, 23 Dec 2013 00:23:09 +
Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] (QtLocation 5.0) Coordinate is not a type

Chris: I replied to you in private by error, so I am resaying here in the 
mailing-list: Thank you a lot, that's what I was missing!! It works now! I was 
sure that it was simple, but there is just not enough (not at all?) doc for Qt 
newbies like me =(

Bob: Wow, it may not be finished, but your doc is already great and describe 
exactly what I was missing! Thank you. And if you have time to complete your 
TODO section, that would be a super doc to put directly on! 
Thanks for sharing :)


 Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2013 23:43:18 +0100
 Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] (QtLocation 5.0) Coordinate is not a type
 Hi Sylvain
 I've just got it working!
 I added
 to the PkgBR and Requires sections of the Yaml file, et voila,  
 Belle Paris sur L'emulatuer 
 Have fun
 Zitat von Sylvain B.
  I come back here because I am definitely not able to display a simple Map :(
  What I have done is:
  - Take the HelloWorld example generated by QtCreator.
  - Replace the content of SecondPage.qml by the code below.
  And I just get an empty page with the following error message in the logs:
  QML Map: Error: Plugin does not support mapping.
  Error message: The geoservices provider is not supported.
  If I remove the Plugin, I get the same empty page but without the  
  error message.
  I have regenerated new token from (I there a specific  
  option to set?)
  I don't know what I need to do to make it working, is it in the .pro file? 
  So I would really use either some tips or a working example.
  Thank you in advance!
  import QtQuick 2.0
  import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
  import QtLocation 5.0
  import QtPositioning 5.1
  Page {
  Map {
  anchors.fill: parent
  plugin : Plugin {
  name : nokia;
  parameters: [
  PluginParameter { name: app_id; value: xxx },
  PluginParameter { name: token; value: xxx }
  center: QtPositioning.coordinate(48.856047, 2.353907) // Paris
  Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2013 15:50:14 +0100
  Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] (QtLocation 5.0) Coordinate is not a type
  I have an example project showing a map and a location.Will try  
  publishing it online later tonight/tomorrow so you guys don?t have  
  to walk to Mordor and back like I did to get it working ;)
  On 19 Dec 2013, at 14:45, Sthocs wrote:tw_bolek  
  tw_bolek@... writes:
  at Bolek, have you got it working?
  Yes, it does work this way. Thank you *VERY MUCH* Chris for your help!
  For my needs now it's even better than
  previously as on Harmattan I then had to use Qt.createQmlObject for what I
  needed to get.
  Thanks a lot!
  BTW. Do you perhaps now the URL of the site where one can register to get
  the API key to use Nokia Maps plugin?  If
  I try to use it without any key it says to go to but that URL just
  redirects to the main Nokia Developer page.  I can't find the right place
  to register...
  ___ Devel mailing list
  I also wanted to use a Map in my application, and I am still struggling.
  I already figured out that:
  - We have to install QtLocation/QtPositioning in the SDK
  - We have to manually install them in the emulator (I just found out about
  pkcon and zypper)
  - We need to use QtPositioning.coordinate instead of Coordinate.
  But now, if I try to display the simplest Map, I just get a blank screen. I
  have a message telling me that there is an error with the Plugin I use (does
  not support something - sorry I don't have the precise error message here)
  I am sure it's something simple (some entry missing in the .pro?) but I
  could not find what yesterday, and I don't have so much time to search (It
  was really cool with Harmattan to have an example out of the box that we
  could just copy

Re: [SailfishDevel] (QtLocation 5.0) Coordinate is not a type

2013-12-22 Thread Sylvain B .


I come back here because I am definitely not able to display a simple Map :(
What I have done is:
- Take the HelloWorld example generated by QtCreator.
- Replace the content of SecondPage.qml by the code below.

And I just get an empty page with the following error message in the logs:
QML Map: Error: Plugin does not support mapping.
Error message: The geoservices provider is not supported.
If I remove the Plugin, I get the same empty page but without the error message.
I have regenerated new token from (I there a specific option to set?)

I don't know what I need to do to make it working, is it in the .pro file? :(
So I would really use either some tips or a working example.

Thank you in advance!

import QtQuick 2.0
import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
import QtLocation 5.0
import QtPositioning 5.1

Page {
Map {
anchors.fill: parent
plugin : Plugin {
name : nokia;
parameters: [
PluginParameter { name: app_id; value: xxx },
PluginParameter { name: token; value: xxx }
center: QtPositioning.coordinate(48.856047, 2.353907) // Paris

Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2013 15:50:14 +0100
Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] (QtLocation 5.0) Coordinate is not a type

I have an example project showing a map and a location.Will try publishing it 
online later tonight/tomorrow so you guys don’t have to walk to Mordor and back 
like I did to get it working ;)

On 19 Dec 2013, at 14:45, Sthocs wrote:tw_bolek 
tw_bolek@... writes:

at Bolek, have you got it working?

Yes, it does work this way. Thank you *VERY MUCH* Chris for your help!   
For my needs now it's even better than
previously as on Harmattan I then had to use Qt.createQmlObject for what I 
needed to get.

Thanks a lot!

BTW. Do you perhaps now the URL of the site where one can register to get 
the API key to use Nokia Maps plugin?  If
I try to use it without any key it says to go to but that URL just
redirects to the main Nokia Developer page.  I can't find the right place 
to register...   

___ Devel mailing list


I also wanted to use a Map in my application, and I am still struggling.
I already figured out that:
- We have to install QtLocation/QtPositioning in the SDK
- We have to manually install them in the emulator (I just found out about 
pkcon and zypper)
- We need to use QtPositioning.coordinate instead of Coordinate.

But now, if I try to display the simplest Map, I just get a blank screen. I 
have a message telling me that there is an error with the Plugin I use (does 
not support something - sorry I don't have the precise error message here)

I am sure it's something simple (some entry missing in the .pro?) but I 
could not find what yesterday, and I don't have so much time to search (It 
was really cool with Harmattan to have an example out of the box that we 
could just copy/paste and start customizing).

Would it be possible to have a simple example in the doc explaining all the 
required steps?
Or do you see what I am missing? For the plugin, I just put the same than 
for Harmattan:
plugin : Plugin {
   name : nokia;
   parameters: [
   PluginParameter { name: app_id; value: APPID 
   PluginParameter { name: token; value: TOKEN 

Thanks for your help!

___ Devel mailing list

___ Devel mailing list
  ___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] (QtLocation 5.0) Coordinate is not a type

2013-12-22 Thread Sylvain B .
Chris: I replied to you in private by error, so I am resaying here in the 
mailing-list: Thank you a lot, that's what I was missing!! It works now! I was 
sure that it was simple, but there is just not enough (not at all?) doc for Qt 
newbies like me =(

Bob: Wow, it may not be finished, but your doc is already great and describe 
exactly what I was missing! Thank you. And if you have time to complete your 
TODO section, that would be a super doc to put directly on! 
Thanks for sharing :)


 Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2013 23:43:18 +0100
 Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] (QtLocation 5.0) Coordinate is not a type
 Hi Sylvain
 I've just got it working!
 I added
 to the PkgBR and Requires sections of the Yaml file, et voila,  
 Belle Paris sur L'emulatuer 
 Have fun
 Zitat von Sylvain B.
  I come back here because I am definitely not able to display a simple Map :(
  What I have done is:
  - Take the HelloWorld example generated by QtCreator.
  - Replace the content of SecondPage.qml by the code below.
  And I just get an empty page with the following error message in the logs:
  QML Map: Error: Plugin does not support mapping.
  Error message: The geoservices provider is not supported.
  If I remove the Plugin, I get the same empty page but without the  
  error message.
  I have regenerated new token from (I there a specific  
  option to set?)
  I don't know what I need to do to make it working, is it in the .pro file? 
  So I would really use either some tips or a working example.
  Thank you in advance!
  import QtQuick 2.0
  import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
  import QtLocation 5.0
  import QtPositioning 5.1
  Page {
  Map {
  anchors.fill: parent
  plugin : Plugin {
  name : nokia;
  parameters: [
  PluginParameter { name: app_id; value: xxx },
  PluginParameter { name: token; value: xxx }
  center: QtPositioning.coordinate(48.856047, 2.353907) // Paris
  Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2013 15:50:14 +0100
  Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] (QtLocation 5.0) Coordinate is not a type
  I have an example project showing a map and a location.Will try  
  publishing it online later tonight/tomorrow so you guys don?t have  
  to walk to Mordor and back like I did to get it working ;)
  On 19 Dec 2013, at 14:45, Sthocs wrote:tw_bolek  
  tw_bolek@... writes:
  at Bolek, have you got it working?
  Yes, it does work this way. Thank you *VERY MUCH* Chris for your help!
  For my needs now it's even better than
  previously as on Harmattan I then had to use Qt.createQmlObject for what I
  needed to get.
  Thanks a lot!
  BTW. Do you perhaps now the URL of the site where one can register to get
  the API key to use Nokia Maps plugin?  If
  I try to use it without any key it says to go to but that URL just
  redirects to the main Nokia Developer page.  I can't find the right place
  to register...
  ___ Devel mailing list
  I also wanted to use a Map in my application, and I am still struggling.
  I already figured out that:
  - We have to install QtLocation/QtPositioning in the SDK
  - We have to manually install them in the emulator (I just found out about
  pkcon and zypper)
  - We need to use QtPositioning.coordinate instead of Coordinate.
  But now, if I try to display the simplest Map, I just get a blank screen. I
  have a message telling me that there is an error with the Plugin I use (does
  not support something - sorry I don't have the precise error message here)
  I am sure it's something simple (some entry missing in the .pro?) but I
  could not find what yesterday, and I don't have so much time to search (It
  was really cool with Harmattan to have an example out of the box that we
  could just copy/paste and start customizing).
  Would it be possible to have a simple example in the doc explaining all the
  required steps?
  Or do you see what I am missing? For the plugin, I just put the same than
  for Harmattan:
  plugin : Plugin {
 name : nokia;
 parameters: [
 PluginParameter { name: app_id; value: APPID
 PluginParameter { name: token; value: TOKEN
  Thanks for your help!
  ___ Devel mailing list
  ___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] (QtLocation 5.0) Coordinate is not a type

2013-12-19 Thread Sylvain B .
Bob  That would be super cool :)
Janne  Thanks for your reply, but I used the same token I was using in my 
Harmattan app and it was not working. But I will retry this week-end after 
having had some sleep! And yes I already used this article to be able to 
install the dependencies on my emulator ;)
Chris  Thanks for the article! As I said, I used the Installing by Hands 
method. The only thing which is missing to be perfect is the pkcon install 
zypper (zypper is not installed by default and I didn't know this packaging 
tool before). I will post a Thank you once I actually see a Map on my screen 

Well, I will retry that this WE, thanks for your replies!

 Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2013 19:12:49 +0100
 Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] (QtLocation 5.0) Coordinate is not a type
 Zitat von Janne Kokko
  More instructions in this very useful blog post I found:
 Thanks for the kind words. I am glad that article helped. I wrote some  
 of it up a mountain in South Africa sitting by an infinity pool with a  
 bottle of Windhoek on the table next to me ...
 ___ Devel mailing list
  ___ Devel mailing list

[SailfishDevel] Seg fault with SilicaListView

2013-12-11 Thread Sylvain B .
I am facing a Segmentation Fault with a SilicaListView.
I struggled a little to understand the cause but I finally managed to build a 
simple example which reproduces it.

What we need:
- A SilicaListView with a custom section: It works with a simple SectionHeader, 
but crashes when I use a Row (I'd like to put multiple components in it).
- A model with a certain amount of data:
  - 10 sections with 2 items in each: OK
  - 10 sections with 3 items in each: KO
  - 15 sections with 2 items in each: KO

How to repro:
Start form the HelloSailors default example. Replace the content of 
FirstPage.qml by the code provided below.
Each item is clickable. Click on any of them to go to the second page. Come 
back. You will get:
bash: line 1: 13678 Segmentation fault  DISPLAY=:0.0 

Sometimes it works one time and crashes on the second attempt.

Thank you.

PS: I tried to run the app in debug mode but I just get a Dissasembler with 
hexa content. Is it possible to get a stacktrace?


Page {
id: page

SilicaListView {
id: listView
anchors.fill: parent

model: ListModel {}

header: PageHeader { title: Buggy page }

section {
property: 'category'

delegate: Row {
spacing: Theme.paddingMedium
height: Theme.itemSizeExtraSmall
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.rightMargin: Theme.paddingLarge

Label {
text: section
font.pixelSize: Theme.fontSizeSmall
color: Theme.highlightColor
// A simple SectionHeader works fine
//delegate: SectionHeader {
//text: section
//height: Theme.itemSizeSmall

VerticalScrollDecorator {}

delegate:  ListItem {
id: listItem

Column {
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter

Label {
id: mainText
x: Theme.paddingLarge
font.weight: Font.Bold
font.pixelSize: Theme.fontSizeSmall

Label {
id: subText
x: Theme.paddingLarge
text: model.subname
font.weight: Font.Light
font.pixelSize: Theme.fontSizeExtraSmall
color: Theme.secondaryColor

onClicked: pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl(SecondPage.qml));


Component.onCompleted: {
for (var i = 0; i  30; ++i) {
model.append({ 'category': 'cat' + Math.floor(i / 2),
   'name': 'name' + i,
   'subname': 'subname' });
  ___ Devel mailing list