[Development] building qt 5.12.3 for iOS - positioning module is missing

2019-04-30 Thread Vyacheslav Lanovets

I have not had any difficulties building Qt 5.11.3 and previous
versions, but with Qt 5.12.3 qtlocation is skipped somehow.
As a result "QT += positioning" module is not supported.

Spoiler: comparing 5.12.3 and 5.11.3 I see the change in Src/qtlocation.pro
Newer version has "requires(!wasm)"

If I comment the line out and delete some config caches, it helps.
Maybe a wrong correlation and it healed itself somehow.

I still suspect there is a mistake in the order of dependencies
because after I commented the line I rebuilt Qt, new directories
appeared in the output directory.

This is how I configure and build Qt for iOS in my experiments
~/Qt/5.12.3/Src/configure -xplatform macx-ios-clang -debug-and-release
-force-debug-info -developer-build -opensource -nomake examples
-nomake tests -confirm-license
make --jobs=12

Any suggestions?

Development mailing list

[Development] Qt 5.13.0 Beta3 released

2019-04-30 Thread Jani Heikkinen

Hi all,

We have published Qt 5.13 Beta3 today. As earlier you can get it via online 
installer. Delta to beta2 attached.

Plan forward is to publish beta4 as soon as possible, after we have updated 
openSSL from 1.0* -> 1.1*.  RC will be published immediately when all blockers 
are fixed from blocker list (https://bugreports.qt.io/issues/?filter=20625). 
Target is to do all these early enough so that we can still get Qt 5.13.0 final 
out during May .

Jani Heikkinen
Release Manager
48443b4b9a8009b51728e020454e189d8c995acf Provisioning: update python 2.7.14 to 
d2697103835ef7a951d847ada13ccd522f5f9df8 Change linux webasembly build from 
devoloper build to release build
791ec923a799a7cdba0b926412aa9fedb4bdc983 Provisioning: Echo Emscripten version 
information to versions.txt
338fce191ac1e14b9365068021b4f7ec7ad50646 Provisioning: Install i686 mingw on 
Windows 10 X64
b2afcc84055a7d1fe8c8ede56961d52e19782a04 Fix shellcheck complaints from 
provisioning scripts
f678ae3769e69ffc3afbd2f45ef60c92e4db5f08 Fix soft links and file modes of a few 
macOS provisioning scripts
665703efc9dc150862e4f596b713ddbef5910fb4 Remove 32bit MSVC 2015 from the CI
a97d669a2055b6e989e5d274da6cb14fafc66041 Provisioning:  Remove certificate 
printing to log
c71f0041719f7ab58d4a5bf1b76cd2ac681486be Provisioning: add dependency walker to 
win10 x86
0660a25cca3c922346653e1bc486a0c8aa59f5aa Provisioning: Make gnuwin32 available 
for windows machines
091820f6a12f3d1932adf974406b1b62a13662ef Remove qt3d-runtime.txt symbolic link 
from platform configurations
9c60d8b19081e57c51d5dd4942cac6c38ace3442 Fix: Set correct path to environmental 
d5d380f452aafd1590dff1d3bc99347bb16bd6e4 Adjust submodule branches
12b96dbb81a1a7bc5ffc08c24942038b007985e9 doc: Add clang to the Unix list for 
Precompiled Headers documentation
0bdded64accc3f654b2d12d9bfaf64f842cedf26 eglfs_viv_wl: Clean up the wl_display
1029a2e01051cd35452941e7b49b36520481cdf0 QTableView: don't draw additional grid 
lines top and left
37c24c6b1b65c2ff9808e5c2e2a18cf496e4a9db QTableView: fix Ctrl+End behavior with 
disabled columns
5f2afe18ccb0bbe258d4016ef65218cd3656cac2 Fix QMetaObject::newInstance on 
non-QObject meta object
6d4a456a28282973d2501e0b16f09cafb316bb0a Fix off-by-one error in 
9617791075e02f19675f60060cb5776eb0e09edd Let QINSTALL copy hidden files when 
installing directories
0adb78a8479417c902cde9ba050edc2f828ecd83 QElapsedTimer: Remove unused static 
nanosecondsToTicks method
e251f1184925ad4f0c2e18843343e9df690d8302 printsupport: Fix clang-cl warning
d92f63122b2980c20b9b5de88d3671b4eae6655b QShaderGenerator: stop abusing from 
auto everywhere
4b445481c37836e2870a5717e05d575398341483 tst_http2 - extend 'singleRequest' 
test case
c2a1360b3f0aa33d00882bd6cc4b1990c18e04b8 Update TinyCBOR with bugfixes
f7949df24319cda7363aed354ca6d60dc6512788 tst_QUrl: Fix left-over temporary 
directory on Windows
3a34ef636af43e249fba417419db14c42b98094a QMenu/QComboBox: Extract helper for 
determining the pop up geometry
8045ccc382ac91c14849e10f37d9a8d0605dc562 Windows QPA/File dialog: Pass up 
http[s] URLs
448177d857963a8d3ab1db8d1bc8332d552e6bed Let "qmake -install qinstall" set 
default permissions 0644 and 0755
beda274e7d8b5a6864b254a9e63b654f3c494139 Automatically register the latest 
import version
d37dbf7727e1e7f3dce70d5855ec407e2e8a6e54 winrt: Remove unused function
25d556c2097445d16cc05b3961f86f1b6ae60ed1 winrt: Move byteArrayFromBuffer into 
1bf25e130d4d6ae859c4f2aabe2a752532aee5e5 winrt: Avoid asserts in helper 
320a6b28499010b8eed6d507da5ebc23b56f5ccc Update plugins.qmltypes for Qt 5.13
72f3ad1dbe66ad4700417e6f681f92320e2fd183 Don't create QBluetoothServiceInfo 
when uuid is null
04fc614b5650f39331ed672c9f11f57c1df0836c Android: Don't filter SPP uuid
1fdbe1c6a9b818b5928537f176fcf026b31e17a2 winrt: Avoid asserts in 
a087a33773b3573ab099deb476f528699481f553 winrt: Avoid asserts in 
6e8f174ea1183c2e3c9bbb61c54b0aa8ad8c3b9c winrt: Avoid asserts in 
c558fdbf15aace0cf09c031f1e417329b9aa6afa winrt: Avoid asserts in writeDescriptor
30e04016cf8ab757d8cb89ee8b0adfa137915bb8 winrt: Avoid asserts in readDescriptor
0ee482ecf5fd1d74852541bd1b3e22d616551e51 winrt: Avoid deprecated functions and 
asserts in discoverServices
edece2d218cfc63185b08d21f500bf705c71b227 winrt: Avoid deprecated functions and 
asserts in obtainIncludedServices
a1f63352338ba8bd6b212a393f9f45e0c817008c winrt: Avoid asserts in 
8b643c80a81f4897e0a1ec6442820c60bbc802b1 Streamline 
cddb1c96c6b5d3f2e5e3715bfda6721fb31410c6 winrt: unregister status change 
callbacks on disconnect
d4c0af715be750ddfc28daadff19617e80af6406 winrt: Avoid asserts in connectToDevice
da71597d2c440528de2c84606d553d0ef7e922ae winrt: Do not asser

Re: [Development] Switching from create_changelog.pl to createchangelog for change log generation

2019-04-30 Thread Jani Heikkinen

It is time to create initial changes files for Qt 5.13.0. Unfortunately it 
seems we didn't manage to conclude this thread & make the decision which script 
is used to generate those. 
For us it is same; we just run the script & push initial ones in gerrit. So 
which one we should use at this time? Should we just try the new one to see 
what kind of problems and complains it will generate?


From: Development  on behalf of Edward 
Sent: Wednesday, April 3, 2019 12:32 PM
To: Alexandru Croitor
Cc: development@qt-project.org
Subject: Re: [Development] Switching from create_changelog.pl to 
createchangelog for change log generation

Alexandru Croitor (2 April 2019 14:02)
>> Just to throw some wood into the fire, because it's that kind of day,
>> technically we don't require Python or Go to build qtbase, yet we
>> require Perl. Hence +1 for using the perl script, because we need Perl
>> anyway : P

I note that the createchangelog script is not required to build qtbase.
Nor are the various scripts under qtbase/util/.
Survey of what these use:

C++/Qt (yay):
aglfn/ - Adobe Glyph List
corelib/qurl-generateTLDs/ (public suffix list)
glgen/ - Khronos OpenGL-related classes
gradientgen/ (also uses node.js) - QGradient presets

includemocs/ (no docs)

edid/ - VendorTable
local_database/ - misnamed: locale_database


I have no clue:
integrity/qt.bod - whatever that may be (no docs)
Vaguely resembles JSON or QML.
Seems to be some kind of config.
For something.

On 2. Apr 2019, at 17:43, Edward Welbourne  wrote:
> That sounds a lot like you just volunteered to maintain and review perl
> scripts.  As one of those currently stuck doing so (mainly because
> few others will touch perl with a ten foot pole) I'd gladly replace all
> our perl infrastructure with python and replace the perl dependency.

Alexandru Croitor (2 April 2019 18:12) replied:
> Unfortunately I have minimal knowledge of Perl. But adding tools
> one-by-one in different languages doesn't seem to me the right
> solution either (from a maintenance perspective).

If we get too many different languages, that could be a problem, yes.
On the other hand, evolving is good and some tools are better for
particular jobs than others.  I'm more concerned about tools having no
documentation of how to use them or what they're for (which I have run
into repeatedly - aside from the util/ things with no docs, several have
no more doc than a usage message and at least two only have docs because
I added them after I'd worked out how to use them in order to do so).

It would probably be a good idea to have a "permitted list" of languages
in which dev-related tools can be included in our source tree; and I
think it's pretty sensible to include
* python - we even have a team working on Qt for it
* go - Coin is written in it

If anything I'd leave off perl (and start porting scripts away from it)
because there are too few developers in this community willing to touch
it with a ten foot pole - and scarcely any that actively like working
in it.  (FTR: I'd far sooner review or hack on a python script than a
perl script; but I end up being maintainer and reviewer for perl scripts
because I don't actually refuse and can make sense of perl.)

As for having "minimal knowledge of Perl", if it were a nice language to
work in I'd just encourage you to learn - but I'm not going to do that
to you, as I'd sooner port the existing infrastructure away from it.
One can write nice maintainable perl, but this isn't industry-standard
practice and I do not like maintaining what is,

Development mailing list
Development mailing list

[Development] Coin production update 1.0-rc

2019-04-30 Thread Aapo Keskimölö
Hi Qt Developers,

Coin production has been updated

  Tue Apr 30 09:34:55 UTC 2019

and is running live and strong.

Since this is massive update that contains 900+ patches since 25th of 
January, I wanted to save you from the trouble of floundering through 
the attached git logs by providing you with a nice and short summary of 
added features/functionality:

  - Multi-platform tests are now supported. In order to run tests on 
platform X with binaries built on platform Y, can now define Build 
Template & Test Template separately (instead of the traditional single 
Template field). This will need to happen in Coin platform definitions 
(eg. qt5/coin/platform_configs/). Alternative way to enable the feature 
is to add "BUILDTESTSINBUILDPHASE" in features list that will 
automatically trigger building the test binaries in build phase.

- Submodules can now define their own provisioning scripts. For example, 
qtbase can now execute its own provisioning scripts without needing to 
run changes through qt5.git.

- To provide better support for Android testing, we have implemented 
custom platform configurations that allows users to change the existing 
hard-coded configurations. The feature can be used via Schedule Build -> 
List Configurations -> customize.

- Configure arguments can now be defined as a literal strings instead of 
feature enums. This will hopefully make it more clear what is actually 
executed on the state machine (VM). We are expecting the qt developers 
to start migrating their configure arguments to use the new convention soon.

- Logs can be opened faster. This is achieved by showing only partial 
log on the Webui. The full log is can be requested via the "Raw Log" 
link or Hide/Show Full Log -button.

- Task search algorithm has been improved and now it can return matches 
from the full integration cache instead of only currently visible tasks. 
For additional debugging support, we have added links to copy 
buildkey/storagepath that allow Coin maintainers to easily search 
through integration cache.

- Nightly builds can be configured on the Webui instead of needing to 
request to the CI team. You can add new CI cron jobs via the Nightly -page.

- Performance improvements that hopefully makes scheduling integrations 

- Bunch of bug fixes.





If you experience problems with the new Coin version, you can refer 
either to the Coin Revision -page or visit 
https://wiki.qt.io/Reporting_Bugs#Reporting_bugs_for_CI and follow the 

All the best,

Aapo Keskimölö - Coin Maintainer

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