Re: [Development] Assistant WebKit/WebEngine support

2019-06-28 Thread Bastiaan Veelo

On 27/06/2019 21:02, Thiago Macieira wrote:

On Thursday, 27 June 2019 01:07:45 PDT Konrad Rosenbaum wrote:

Please also keep in mind that a fair number of developers use the same
tool-chain (qdoc, assistant, QtHelp) to generate their own documentation
- this means that assistant gets redistributed.

Ah, but this is an issue: assistant. See the thread about co-installability of
Qt 5 and Qt 6: is assistant as a standalone application still required? You're
saying it is.

Indeed it is required. Please don't take Assistant away from me 


Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Assistant WebKit/WebEngine support

2019-06-27 Thread Bastiaan Veelo

A very good post, thank you Jarek.

Ideally, Qt would have a dedicated HTML renderer that works on all 
platforms, without unnecessary overhead and security issues. Possibly as 
a new widget (QHtmlBrowser) to keep QTextBrowser strictly rich text, 
possibly removing features from QTextBrowser to make it truly minimal. 
The Qt Company, inventors of QML, should be in a good position to 
accomplish such a stand alone HTML browser.

However, it seems that most web browsers that implemented their own 
browser tech have ditched those in favour of a third party framework 
(see Opera, Edge, e.g.) -- how much of the reason for that is due to 
rendering or networking I don't know. Either way, accomplishing decent 
standard compliance will require a major investment. A business decision 
should be made whether that investment isn't better spent on teaming up 
with a third party to make its framework modular, so that it is capable 
of working optimally for offline content. If that is implemented well, 
this could potentially mean that on the platforms that use this 
framework for their native browser, QHtmlBrowser could simply forward to 
the system shared library for HTML rendering (without networking).

Gecko, WebKit and Chromium seem to be the major browser back ends. Which 
of those is best to team up with? Both WebKit and Chromium are derived 
from KHTML, so maybe KHTML is a good starting point due to its relation 
with Qt. Or, if WebKit and Chromium aren't easily modularised, maybe 
that is because of how KHTML is put together, and a fresh look at Gecko 
is beneficial?

I agree with Jarek that Qt should plan long term and implement the best 
solution, not the easiest or quickest. It has been bad for four years 
already, a year or two more is not a big deal. People that require 
Assistant with full HTML/CSS capability can get that easily today[1], 
and can wait.



Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Assistant WebKit/WebEngine support

2019-06-27 Thread Bastiaan Veelo

On 27/06/2019 06:57, Richard Weickelt wrote:

Qt used to make a point on having superior documentation to most other
frameworks, and it was (and still is) one of the reasons for its success.
Whatever we can do to help make the documentation better is something I
think we should do.


I stopped using the integrated help and QtAssisant at some point and now I
am exclusively using the online documentation in my regular browser. I can't
give an exact reason, but I can see a correlation of multiple things:


5) There was the point where Qt's online docs started to look better.
Cripser fonts, more whitespace, better code highlighting.

I guess no matter how hard you try and how much effort you put into it, I'll
probably never use QtCreator's integrated help again.

You just listed one of the deficiencies of QTextBrowser as a reason to 
not use Qt for browsing its documentation. That's like saying it's bad, 
so there is no point in making it good.

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Assistant WebKit/WebEngine support

2019-06-25 Thread Bastiaan Veelo

On 25/06/2019 18:16, Thiago Macieira wrote:

On Tuesday, 25 June 2019 09:05:21 PDT Konstantin Tokarev wrote:

It hasn't been updated in years. Don't use it, since it's clearly not
getting security updates.

New version is currently in development, and should be ready in time frame
of Qt 5.14 (at least functionality required for displaying help)

5.212 branch should be fine for use with local help files, e.g. you can take
fresh\ from


at this point, what's speaking againt qtwebkit is its track record of release.
Until it starts making regular releases again, I can't recommend it. And Qt
Creator (or any other application) shouldn't begin using it again until those
regular releases resume.

Are you worried about the lack of security patches? I can see how that 
matters for an ordinary browser implemented with Qt, but for Assistant 
and Creator that exclusively display locally installed generated 
compressed help files, security concerns are a lot lower.

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Assistant WebKit/WebEngine support

2019-06-25 Thread Bastiaan Veelo

On 26/06/2019 00:15, Jean-Michaël Celerier wrote:
There's also Zeal which is a nice Qt-based documentation browser which 
covers much more than the current .qch offering: 

I see it used more and more.


That's QWebView based (WebKit) pre Qt 5.6. Back then Assistant was great 
as well.

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Assistant WebKit/WebEngine support

2019-06-25 Thread Bastiaan Veelo

On 25/06/2019 21:30, Konrad Rosenbaum wrote:

It is documentation for developers for crying out loud!

No it is not. Assistant is distributed as a help viewer, to be 
distributed along with applications for use by the customers of your 
customers. As soon as QTextBrowser in its current sorry state of 
rendering HTML became the sole supported browser, it completely FAILED 
that purpose. Not just "a little bit more Spartan but we can live with 
it", no, it leaves out *critical* information! It is completely 
undistributable in our case.

Firstly the fonts are a complete mess, with different elements having 
unrelated sizes, weights and types. If you zoom, only the headings zoom!

We use styled  to accomplish frames around labels to refer to 
elements in screen shots[1] that vanish in QTextBrowser.

We use CSS styled tables to render hyperlinked menus that occur in the 
user interface, and the borders should be there because they are there 
in the UI; they are not in QTextBrowser. We have hundreds of these menus 
in multiple translations, and screen shots are just not going to work in 
a 400-page manual. Try keeping those up to date. And what about those 
hyperlinks? Don't you dare suggest those HTML 1.0 tables.

We use CSS styles description links to highlight call-outs[2]. They 
don't work in QTextBrowser.

Deciding that it was okay to drop Qt WebKit in Qt Assistant because with 
some tweaking of your content the Qt documentation for Qt developers 
could be made kind of acceptable to some people was a complete let down 
and Qt's biggest mistake so far. Pardon my lingo.




Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Assistant WebKit/WebEngine support

2019-06-25 Thread Bastiaan Veelo

On 21/06/2019 11:08, Bastiaan Veelo wrote:
[...] The best solution would therefore be, in my opinion, to change 
the order of compilation, apply the existing patch, and consider 
refactorings and unifications thereafter.

I went ahead and did this. is a fork of 
qttools for the sole purpose of compiling Qt Assistant against a stock 
binary distribution of Qt as an independent application. It compiles 
quickly and conveniently using Qt Creator. The 5.13_assistant_webengine 
branch contains the WebEngine support by Allan Sandfeld Jensen and 
several additional fixes of my own. At least I have a working solution 
without the need to wait until the next morning for compilation of Qt 
and WebEngine to complete, with reasonable odds of being able to keep in 
sync with upstream and future releases.

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Assistant WebKit/WebEngine support

2019-06-25 Thread Bastiaan Veelo

On 21/05/2019 14:50, Konstantin Tokarev wrote:

21.05.2019, 15:47, "Bastiaan Veelo" :

On 20/05/2019 19:02, Konstantin Tokarev wrote:

  [...] Current version of QtWebKit from 5.212 works on Windows,
  there are binaries at

Extracted into qtbase and Assistant builds like a charm! However running
it gives

"The procedure entry point
?staticMetaObject@QSslSocket@@2UQMetaObject@@B could not be located in
the dynamic link library D:\Qt\gerrit\qt5\qtbase\bin\Qt5WeKit.dll".

I have checked out the Qt dev branch from May 11, which I can imagine
could cause problems. Do you happen to know which Qt version those
QtWebKit binaries are known to work with?


I decided not to compile Qt myself any more, because I can't wait until 
the next day for it to finish each time. Therefore I have forked qttools 
and am compiling Assistant separately using a stock binary Qt 
distribution. For some reason though, 5.10 is completely absent from the 
installer. I'll have to let the WebKit approach rest for the time being.

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Assistant WebKit/WebEngine support

2019-06-24 Thread Bastiaan Veelo

On 24/06/2019 22:44, Lars Knoll wrote:
Another +1 from me. Let’s stop fighting this. We need something that 
can properly display any HTML content (and maybe PDF and things as 
well) that we throw at it.

Thank you.

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Assistant WebKit/WebEngine support

2019-06-21 Thread Bastiaan Veelo

On 21/06/2019 15:47, Konstantin Tokarev wrote:

21.06.2019, 16:40, "Bastiaan Veelo" :

On 21/06/2019 14:57, Volker Hilsheimer wrote:

  I’m not Jarek, but I recall that Eddy made a suggestion [1] which I
  think has been prematurely dismissed or at least not been discussed
  sufficiently, which is:

  * move the Qt Assistant functionality for searching and qch support
  into a locally executed HTTP server
  * use any proper webbrowser to display the help that this web service

  What would be arguments against such a solution?



In our application, we already provide our manual in three different
formats, generated from the same source (by doxygen): qhc/Assistant, PDF
and HTML served from our company website. The great advantage of qhc and
Assistant is that the content in Assistant can be easily and efficiently
synchronised by the click of some specific "Help" button in the UI to
bring up content specific to the context of that button, without
creating new tabs in your web browser. The most important feature of
Assistant, though, is its index and search functionality. Will
qthttpserver be able to do that, scrolling to the right position and
highlighting the indexed word?

This is doable by using URLs with anchors and using clever JS-based routing
inside HTML help page

But then Doxygen must be extended to generate that cleverness, right?
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Assistant WebKit/WebEngine support

2019-06-21 Thread Bastiaan Veelo

On 21/06/2019 14:57, Volker Hilsheimer wrote:
I’m not Jarek, but I recall that Eddy made a suggestion [1] which I 
think has been prematurely dismissed or at least not been discussed 
sufficiently, which is:

* move the Qt Assistant functionality for searching and qch support 
into a locally executed HTTP server
* use any proper webbrowser to display the help that this web service 

What would be arguments against such a solution?



In our application, we already provide our manual in three different 
formats, generated from the same source (by doxygen): qhc/Assistant, PDF 
and HTML served from our company website. The great advantage of qhc and 
Assistant is that the content in Assistant can be easily and efficiently 
synchronised by the click of some specific "Help" button in the UI to 
bring up content specific to the context of that button, without 
creating new tabs in your web browser. The most important feature of 
Assistant, though, is its index and search functionality. Will 
qthttpserver be able to do that, scrolling to the right position and 
highlighting the indexed word?

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Assistant WebKit/WebEngine support

2019-06-21 Thread Bastiaan Veelo

On 21/05/2019 12:24, Kai Köhne wrote:

-Original Message-
From: Development  On Behalf Of
Subject: [Development] Assistant WebKit/WebEngine support


I am prepared to do some work on Qt Assistant, and I'd like to know how that
will be received.

Cool, great you want to tackle this 😊

I'm sure Jarek (the official maintainer) will also share his thoughts, but he's 
of office this week.

Jarek, could you please review this thread[1] and share your thoughts?

One aspect to keep in mind is that although sharing code with QtCreator 
and/or using Qt WebView may sound like a better end solution than 
writing a WebEngine plugin to Assistant, it probably won't address the 
primary reason for writing the plugin, which is build order. Assistant 
is currently built before Qt WebEngine, which is why the existing 
patch[2] does not work in a clean checkout. If we were to switch to Qt 
WebView, I assume compilation of Assistant would have to be postponed 
just the same. The best solution would therefore be, in my opinion, to 
change the order of compilation, apply the existing patch, and consider 
refactorings and unifications thereafter.



Development mailing list

Re: [Development] CSS styling, XML, HTML etc. (was Re: Assistant WebKit/WebEngine support)

2019-05-21 Thread Bastiaan Veelo

[skipping many interesting points, sorry]

On 21/05/2019 16:06, Shawn Rutledge wrote:
Anyway I think Assistant is one of those cases where I would prefer to 
keep using QTextBrowser and fix it up a bit more to suit, rather than 
switching to a real browser engine. Light weight is a real advantage. 
Creator already takes up enough memory as it is, with its code model 
especially. And documentation doesn’t need most of the fancy HTML 
features either.

A better QTextBrowser would be very much welcomed, but there may still 
be cases where Assistant needs more features.

The question of what HTML features are necessary depends on the 
application. In user applications, Assistant is not used to display code 
documentation (which is quite simple) but help files, which may require 
a much greater feature set. If it were possible, it could even be 
desirable to include small video clips as instructions for performing 
certain tasks. So there may still be applications where a full browser 
stack would be desirable. One could argue that one should spawn a real 
browser instead, but the index and search facilities in Assistant are 


Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Assistant WebKit/WebEngine support

2019-05-21 Thread Bastiaan Veelo

On 20/05/2019 19:02, Konstantin Tokarev wrote:

20.05.2019, 19:58, "Bastiaan Veelo" :

On 20/05/2019 17:56, Konstantin Tokarev wrote:

  20.05.2019, 18:27, "Bastiaan Veelo" :

  On 20/05/2019 16:51, Konstantin Tokarev wrote:

    Note that it should be possible to rebuild QtTools with QtWebKit support,
    for example this configuration is supported in Gentoo out of the box.


But not on Windows, am I right?

Why not? Current version of QtWebKit from 5.212 works on Windows,
there are binaries at

Extracted into qtbase and Assistant builds like a charm! However running 
it gives

"The procedure entry point 
?staticMetaObject@QSslSocket@@2UQMetaObject@@B could not be located in 
the dynamic link library D:\Qt\gerrit\qt5\qtbase\bin\Qt5WeKit.dll".

I have checked out the Qt dev branch from May 11, which I can imagine 
could cause problems. Do you happen to know which Qt version those 
QtWebKit binaries are known to work with?

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Assistant WebKit/WebEngine support

2019-05-21 Thread Bastiaan Veelo

On 21/05/2019 12:24, Kai Köhne wrote:

-Original Message-
From: Development  On Behalf Of
Subject: [Development] Assistant WebKit/WebEngine support


I am prepared to do some work on Qt Assistant, and I'd like to know how that
will be received.

Cool, great you want to tackle this 😊

I'm sure Jarek (the official maintainer) will also share his thoughts, but he's 
of office this week.

Thanks for letting me know.

I have been looking into the plugin idea, and although it is not straight 
I think it is doable. Some larger refactoring is needed to achieve a clean 
between Assistant and the viewer plugin interface. My goal is to eliminate calls
from the viewer plugin back into the Assistant application, which would
otherwise require some classes to be in a common shared library. I can
implement the QTextBrowser based viewer in a plugin that is statically linked,
so that Assistant will work out of the box whether it is being deployed with or
without WebEngine. Plugins can be selected based on priority.

That sounds like a good approach to me.

Another abstraction you might consider is using Qt WebView as universal backend:

Qt WebView is an abstraction for showing web content, using different backends
on different platforms.  It is currently geared towards the mobile platforms, 
Qt WebEngine as default backend on the desktop. Anyhow, it has already an
(experimental) backend on macOS using Safari, and my hope is that we can make
it also work with the new Chromium based Edge browser on Windows,
see .
Anyhow, I'm not sure the QtWebView API is actually capable enough to cater for
Qt Assistant. One obvious challenge is that you've to pass a url to the engine 
it can actually resolve. This probably means either extracting the html in the
.qch files to a local directory, or even running a minimal local web server. 
might be even more functionality missing ...

But Qt WebView has already a plugin infrastructure, so you can at least take
inspiration from there 😊

Although I haven't looked at QtWebView's API yet, it seems that indeed 
the best solution would be to add support for the qthelp scheme to 
QtWebView, possibly in a plugin to it? Konstantin mentioned that this 
has been discussed before. I think the abstraction could be taken from 
Qt Creator,, 
class HelpUrlSchemeHandler. I just had a glance at Qt Creator like 
Konstantin suggested. From what I can see, the help viewer itself is 
implemented as a Creator plugin, but the backend is determined at 
compile time much like Assistant is doing it currently. There is a lot 
of code duplication between Assistant and Creator, so it would be good 
to unify that code somewhere.

Assistant's challenge compared to Creator is the build order. Creator is 
built independently from Qt so it has no problems using QtWebEngine. 
Within a clean Qt clone however, Assistant is built before QtWebEngine, 
which is the main reason why can't be pulled. 
So that is the main motivation for a plugin system. I am assuming that 
the same issue would exist if Assistant were to use QtWebView, as I 
assume the latter depends on QtWebEngine as well? In that case there 
would still be a build order problem. Can you confirm that?

I don't know enough about Qt's build system to know what is necessary to 
defer the build of Qt Assistant until after QtWebEngine/QtWebView has 
finished building. If that's necessary for using QtWebView then it would 
be good to focus on that first. When that's done then the existing 
WebEngine support PR can simply be merged into Assistant, which would 
close the long standing issue Then refactoring backend 
details from Creator and Assistant into WebView could be done at leisure.


Also, would you mind creating a JIRA item for this ? This way it's easier to 

There's this:, that will do, 


Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Assistant WebKit/WebEngine support

2019-05-20 Thread Bastiaan Veelo

On 20/05/2019 17:56, Konstantin Tokarev wrote:

20.05.2019, 18:27, "Bastiaan Veelo" :

On 20/05/2019 16:51, Konstantin Tokarev wrote:

  Note that it should be possible to rebuild QtTools with QtWebKit support,
  for example this configuration is supported in Gentoo out of the box.

Interesting, I would not have guessed. The way I currently do the
refactoring is breaking that possibility, though. It could be restored
(I guess) by moving that code into a WebKit based plugin. But I'm not
planning on installing Gentoo to implement and test that

You actually don't need to install Gentoo. QtWebKit support is enabled
automatically if you compile Assistant after installation of QtWebKit.

But not on Windows, am I right?

If continued WebKit support is desired, and the plugin idea is welcomed,
would you @Konstantin be able to help finish the WebKit plugin?



However, it would better to avoid duplicating work with Qt Creator,
which also implements HelpViewer interface with different backends.
Some time ago there was a discussion that such shared interface & plugin
system should belong to Qt Web View module. But that would  probably
require more work to be done.

That would be nice. Do you have a pointer to that discussion? I only 
As you might have guessed, I am not a regular here.

Or do you think that removing WebKit support from Assistant completely
would be better, if WebEngine shows to be working well?

As for me, I'm totally fine with QTextBrowser

I wish that were true for me. We need colours in table cell borders and 
SVG images (and better CSS support would be real nice). This might help, 
but is stalled:


Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Assistant WebKit/WebEngine support

2019-05-20 Thread Bastiaan Veelo

On 20/05/2019 16:51, Konstantin Tokarev wrote:

20.05.2019, 16:02, "Bastiaan Veelo" :


Qt Assistant officially only renders content with QTextBrowser
currently, which is too limited for many of us[1]. There are still
traces of greater WebKit times, but that code remains unused after
WebKit was dropped from Qt.

Note that it should be possible to rebuild QtTools with QtWebKit support,
for example this configuration is supported in Gentoo out of the box.

Interesting, I would not have guessed. The way I currently do the 
refactoring is breaking that possibility, though. It could be restored 
(I guess) by moving that code into a WebKit based plugin. But I'm not 
planning on installing Gentoo to implement and test that, and without 
WebKit being part of mainline Qt I'm not sure such a plugin should be 
either, especially when things are working with WebEngine.

If continued WebKit support is desired, and the plugin idea is welcomed, 
would you @Konstantin be able to help finish the WebKit plugin?

Or do you think that removing WebKit support from Assistant completely 
would be better, if WebEngine shows to be working well?


Development mailing list

[Development] Assistant WebKit/WebEngine support

2019-05-20 Thread Bastiaan Veelo


I am prepared to do some work on Qt Assistant, and I'd like to know how 
that will be received.

Qt Assistant officially only renders content with QTextBrowser 
currently, which is too limited for many of us[1]. There are still 
traces of greater WebKit times, but that code remains unused after 
WebKit was dropped from Qt. There have been talks about WebKit making a 
return[2], but it has been quiet on that front for some time. There has 
been an initiative for using WebEngine as an alternative, which mostly 
works[3]. However, that patch assumes the WebEngine build to have 
completed when Assistant is being built, which is not the case in a 
clean checkout. To resolve this dependency order problem, it has been 
suggested in its review to redo WebEngine support as a plugin to Assistant.

I have been looking into the plugin idea, and although it is not 
straight forward I think it is doable. Some larger refactoring is needed 
to achieve a clean border between Assistant and the viewer plugin 
interface. My goal is to eliminate calls from the viewer plugin back 
into the Assistant application, which would otherwise require some 
classes to be in a common shared library. I can implement the 
QTextBrowser based viewer in a plugin that is statically linked, so that 
Assistant will work out of the box whether it is being deployed with or 
without WebEngine. Plugins can be selected based on priority.

Having the viewer back end be separated from the application with a 
plugin interface may be an advantage regardless, whether WebKit comes 
back or WebEngine is being removed from the Qt distribution in the 
future. At least users will have a possibility to replace the default 
viewer with whatever alternative is available.

Does this sound like a good idea?

Bastiaan Veelo


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