Re: [Development] QTCS2019 Notes from QtQml session

2019-11-30 Thread Mathias Hasselmann

Am 25.11.2019 um 15:39 schrieb André Somers:

On 25-11-19 12:31, Ulf Hermann wrote:

I think one of the biggest problems is that ID resolution crosses
file boundaries. This essentially means that the ids chosen can very
easily become part of the "API" of a component unless you are very
vigilant to not allow that to happen.

Well, yes, and there is an easy way to fix this: Deprecate id lookup
across file scope. id lookup is actually the same as context property
lookup right now. That's what you're seeing there. We cannot get rid of
IDs, obviously, but we can restrict their use to the file context and
not search the whole context hierarchy.

Yeah, that's going to make using QML in actual applications a whole 
lot harder. For instance, sometimes access to some root node is needed 
even from deep leaf files. Removing that capability is quite a drastic 

Create a singleton for that root object properties that have to be 
globally accessible.
Additionally we have these attached properties which can serve a similar 


Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QTCS2019 Notes from QtQml session

2019-11-27 Thread Shawn Rutledge

> On 25 Nov 2019, at 22:18, Filippo Cucchetto  
> wrote:
> Having followed the evolution and first announcement of Qml/Quick QML3 seems 
> like an admission of guilt.
> I remember when a lot of people complained about the use of Javascript as a 
> scripting language and further
> more on the lack of a public C++ API. Now it seems like some of the QML 
> problems are going to be fixed
> but still i wonder if instead of putting man power in cutting QML2 we could 
> bring first citizen C++ QtQuick API.
> Playing the devil's advocate why can't we leave QML2 as is and instead use 
> the new pseudo declarative
> C++ syntax and code everything in C++? I mean...we want speed? you want 
> speed? use plain C++.

There’s nothing wrong with a little syntactic sugar, as long as we stay 
committed to the translation that we choose.  A code generator that starts with 
QML source is not worse than moc or uic or qrc.  (I still think we could have 
done better performance-wise by writing a real compiler rather than writing C++ 
source code that then needs to be parsed again, but at least you will 
presumably have a chance to read the C++ code that it generates, which should 
help with understanding what it does.)

Another thing that came up at QtCS though (during the break, not during the 
session) is that as soon as we make it possible for customers to ship binaries 
that run QML that has been compiled in C++ form, rather than interpreted QML, 
if those same customers also expect the usual binary compatibility guarantee 
(to be able to upgrade Qt and still keep running the same compiled binary), 
then it’s a precondition to apply the same binary-compatibility rules to 
everything that Qt Quick exposes to QML.  Those headers will have to follow the 
same rules that every other public API does.  That worries me a bit, because it 
will remove a degree of freedom that we have enjoyed in Qt 5, which made it 
easier to fix API mistakes, extend existing APIs to support different data 
types, etc.

If we will lose flexibility to change any QML-exposed APIs in any 
binary-incompatible way after Qt 6, then we might as well make all the headers 
public too, right?  The only reason they weren’t (that I’m aware of), was to 
retain flexibility to change C++ API, as long as QML API continued to work the 
same.  This will satisfy people like you who keep asking for C++ API over and 
over, but also will make it much harder to fix any API mistakes that remain.

So it seems that there’s a really big chunk of work I didn’t know about, to get 
ready for Qt 6: use the PIMPL pattern everywhere (we mostly did that already 
though), rename the headers, make sure the data storage is always in the 
private class, do API review of _everything_ to make sure we aren’t exposing 
any unmaintainable public C++ API, make sure our use of data types is 
consistent, etc.  And that’s for every module that exposes anything to QML, not 
just in qtdeclarative.  Other things that we could be doing will probably need 
to be postponed because of that.

For example we still aren’t sure whether QVariant, QVariantList and such are 
good data types to use in QML-exposed APIs, and therefore haven’t been 
consistent about it.  We might end up wanting to change most of those.  Before, 
the QML engine could pave over some of the details for us (there are multiple 
ways to expose containers and composite objects, so it's been fine until now to 
use them all), but if we will have public API, we should be consistent.

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QTCS2019 Notes from QtQml session

2019-11-27 Thread Shawn Rutledge

On 26 Nov 2019, at 12:35, Olivier Goffart>> wrote:

On 25.11.19 16:36, André Somers wrote:
On 25-11-19 15:53, Ulf Hermann wrote:
Yeah, that's going to make using QML in actual applications a whole lot
harder. For instance, sometimes access to some root node is needed even
from deep leaf files. Removing that capability is quite a drastic measure.
Yes, but the problems with this construct are the same as with generic
context properties: Your QML component requires some context that it
doesn't declare. Therefore your code is not reusable and brittle wrt
addition of properties in other places.

Mind that all those dynamic lookups will still live on in QML 2, and we
will maintain QML 2 throughout Qt6. They just won't be valid in QML 3.
"It will still work in QML 2" is not a great one if you want people to port 
over to QML 3. And you will need to support something like this anyway.
So far, the feeling I'm getting is that you're quite rigorously axing things 
from QML 2 in QML 3 in order to clean up because it is "broken" in QML 2. But 
without careful consideration what should replace it, that will just lead to 
the same issues again or a less usable QML for real world applications.
I'm a bit concerned.

Maybe the marketing isn't quite right.
Perhaps it shouldn't be named "QML 3"  but "QML strict"
QML3 tell peolpe
"This is the new version, you should port your code, the old version is going 
to be deprecated at some point"
While maybe true, I understand people's frustration. And since you will need to 
maintain both QML2 and QML3 at the same time, it might be better to rename it 
to something like "QML Strict" which convey the meaning:
"QML Strict is as subset of QML which is more maintainable and performs better”

I agree, was just going to write a comment about that.  If we will continue to 
support QML 2 for cases when the runtime engine is useful, for the foreseeable 
future, then QML 3 isn’t really the successor, is it?  If QML 3 was the 
successor, the ability to run QML without compiling it first would be sorely 

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QTCS2019 Notes from QtQml session

2019-11-27 Thread Giuseppe D'Angelo via Development

On 27/11/2019 11:39, Milian Wolff wrote:

Personally, I hope the answer is that this will remain supported. The only
disadvantage is the runtime type introspection, which should/could be solved
via Ulf's idea of something like an inline interface/trait component. Such
that eventually we can do something like:

interface ModelData { // syntax is open, just to give an idea
 required property string text
 required property int answer
delegate: Text {
 required property ModelData model // model is a misnomer, but I digress
 text: model.text + model.answer

Yes, I totally get this part. But I'm asking specifically about the 
future of "required property var model" bit, at least for two good reasons:

1) the sake of porting existing code, and/or
2) in case the above doesn't materialize for 6.0

I think I completely misunderstood something during the session and thus 
my question here :)

Giuseppe D'Angelo | | Senior Software Engineer
KDAB (France) S.A.S., a KDAB Group company
Tel. France +33 (0)4 90 84 08 53,
KDAB - The Qt, C++ and OpenGL Experts

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QTCS2019 Notes from QtQml session

2019-11-27 Thread Robin Burchell
On Tue, Nov 26, 2019, at 8:56 AM, Ulf Hermann wrote:
> We're also changing the way views and delegate work. If you want to use 
> the "index" in a Repeater's delegate you'll have to declare that in QML 
> 3, using a required property:
> Repeater {
>  model: 10
>  Text {
>  required property int index
>  text: "item " + index
>  }
> }

Can you explain a bit more about what the concrete problem is with model data 
on delegates? Speaking specifically about inline delegates[1] like the one you 
give here.

In many cases, like the one you provide, is the additional required statement 
really required? ;-) - when it's clear that the component is a delegate, it 
seems rather redundant and annoying to have to specify additional 'required' 
statements to be able to use the data that is always provided by the model's 
context.  I don't see why it makes sense to require an inline delegate to say 
"hello, I am a delegate, please give me a delegate's properties" when you 
already specified that it is a delegate when you wrote the component a line or 
two above.

Perhaps I'm missing something, or perhaps this will only apply for external 
delegates in a different file - but my opinion is that for inline delegates, I 
think it would be an acceptable limitation to continue to 'hijack' 
model/modelData/index on a permanent basis without any additional syntax.

Given that such inline delegates are so very, very frequently used, I think 
that the bar for changing how that works in a user-visible way should be quite 

[1]: I suppose this would only really apply for inline components, too, where 
it's clear that the component is used only in conjunction with the view in 
question, but I think that's fine. Inline delegates are way more common than 
external delegates (IME) and are also written as throwaways quite frequently 
during quick prototyping, which should be as easy as possible ideally.

If your delegate gets complicated enough to split out to a separate file for 
reuse or autotesting purposes, then sure, requiring a specification of what 
that component uses of course makes a lot of sense, and I would be in full 
favour of that, having been bitten by a few bugs in those cases.
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QTCS2019 Notes from QtQml session

2019-11-27 Thread Milian Wolff via Development
On Mittwoch, 27. November 2019 10:35:23 CET Giuseppe D'Angelo via Development 
> Il 27/11/19 09:52, Ulf Hermann ha scritto:
> > That depends on how we do the model/delegate matching mentioned above.
> > As stated above, I don't have a solution, yet. If you have an idea, let
> > us know. I can imagine generating some C++ from such code that does the
> > model/delegate matching at run-time via the metaobject system. That way
> > we would support var models.
> Well, neither do I :) It would also be nice to find a similar solution
> for widgets and delegates. And to be honest such solution could also
> come later than 6.0?
> The other side of the question, for long term running projects, is
> simply: will the injected "model" required property on delegate
> properties be fully supported throughout QML2/3 or is it immediately
> deprecated and just a porting measure?

Personally, I hope the answer is that this will remain supported. The only 
disadvantage is the runtime type introspection, which should/could be solved 
via Ulf's idea of something like an inline interface/trait component. Such 
that eventually we can do something like:

interface ModelData { // syntax is open, just to give an idea
required property string text
required property int answer
delegate: Text {
required property ModelData model // model is a misnomer, but I digress
text: model.text + model.answer

Milian Wolff | | Senior Software Engineer
KDAB (Deutschland) GmbH, a KDAB Group company
Tel: +49-30-521325470
KDAB - The Qt, C++ and OpenGL Experts

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QTCS2019 Notes from QtQml session

2019-11-27 Thread Milian Wolff
On Dienstag, 26. November 2019 20:32:20 CET Arno Rehn wrote:
> On 26/11/2019 08:56, Ulf Hermann wrote:
> >> We have some code that evaluates JS in custom QQmlContexts with certain
> >> "magic" context properties set (sort of like the "index" or "modelData"
> >> context properties in delegates like Repeater.delegate).
> >> Will something similar still be possible?
> > 
> > You should rephrase that as required properties on actual objects. Then
> > the magic won't work anymore and you'll have to look up the properties
> > by ID of the object, but that is a good thing. It will improve
> > re-usability of your components.
> Right, that would work in this case. Thanks!
> Anyway, how would I idiomatically register a bunch of dynamically
> created C++ objects with QML then? As an example, we're automatically
> detecting hardware stuff and creating interface objects based on that.
> These interface objects are then passed to QML which we use to implement
> state machines.
> Pseudo-code example:
>   QObjectList objects = detectAndCreateObjects();
>   QVariantMap qmlObjects;
>   for (auto object : objects) {
>   qmlObjects[object->objectName()] = object;
>   }
>   engine->rootContext()->setContextProperty("Objects", qmlObjects);
> Now I see two (maybe more) "workarounds" for that:
> 1. Register every object as a singleton. That's bad design, because
> these objects don't really match the singleton pattern.
> 2. Register a single accessor singleton instance which holds the
> qmlObjects. That's a lot more to type, though:
>   import QtQml.StateMachine 1.0 as DSM
>   import Utils 0.1  // provides "ObjectProvider"
>   DSM.State {
> onEntered: ObjectProvider.objects.foobar.frizzle()
> // In QML 2:
> // onEntered: Objects.foobar.frizzle()
> // or even just:
> // onEntered: foobar.frizzle()
> // if we leave out the QVariantMap above
>   }
> I realize that this makes things more "well defined". But I think it'll
> make usage of QML as a domain-specific language (like for implementing
> state machine logic) a little more cumbersome.

The third option is to add a `required property` on your root object and 
instantiate your context with the `qmlObjects` directly. Then you pass that 
through to your state machine.

Both of these options are "more typing" but at the same time the code becomes 
more explicit and thus easier to refactor and interpret by tools.

Milian Wolff

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Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QTCS2019 Notes from QtQml session

2019-11-27 Thread Giuseppe D'Angelo via Development

Il 27/11/19 09:52, Ulf Hermann ha scritto:

That depends on how we do the model/delegate matching mentioned above.
As stated above, I don't have a solution, yet. If you have an idea, let
us know. I can imagine generating some C++ from such code that does the
model/delegate matching at run-time via the metaobject system. That way
we would support var models.

Well, neither do I :) It would also be nice to find a similar solution 
for widgets and delegates. And to be honest such solution could also 
come later than 6.0?

The other side of the question, for long term running projects, is 
simply: will the injected "model" required property on delegate 
properties be fully supported throughout QML2/3 or is it immediately 
deprecated and just a porting measure?

Giuseppe D'Angelo | | Senior Software Engineer
KDAB (France) S.A.S., a KDAB Group company
Tel. France +33 (0)4 90 84 08 53,
KDAB - The Qt, C++ and OpenGL Experts

Description: Firma crittografica S/MIME
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QTCS2019 Notes from QtQml session

2019-11-27 Thread Ulf Hermann
>> We brainstormed a bit about how a model could declare its items' data
>> type in QML, so that we could statically check model against delegate
>> types. We will need this when compiling QML 3 to C++. We didn't come up
>> with anything really great, though. This needs more work.
> Just something specifically related to models and delegates: having a
>    required property var model
> on the delegate, then using (just like today), is supposed to 
> be a fully supported measure throughout QML2/3 or just a 
> deprecated-on-birth porting solution towards explicit required 
> properties on the delegate?

That depends on how we do the model/delegate matching mentioned above. 
As stated above, I don't have a solution, yet. If you have an idea, let 
us know. I can imagine generating some C++ from such code that does the 
model/delegate matching at run-time via the metaobject system. That way 
we would support var models.

- Ulf
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QTCS2019 Notes from QtQml session

2019-11-27 Thread Ulf Hermann
> Anyway, how would I idiomatically register a bunch of dynamically
> created C++ objects with QML then? As an example, we're automatically
> detecting hardware stuff and creating interface objects based on that.
> These interface objects are then passed to QML which we use to implement
> state machines.

You can have a QJSValue as singleton. There is a 
qmlRegisterSingletonType() that takes a QJSValue factory function. That 
QJSValue can be an object (QJSEngine::newObject()) and the object can 
have arbitrary properties, keyed by strings. Note that you should really 
only do this if you need all the flexibility of creating a completely 
unpredictable "bag of objects". You're deferring all the type checking 
and property resolution to run-time this way.

In QML that would be:

import QtQml.StateMachine 1.0 as DSM
import Utils 0.1  // provides QJSValue singleton "Objects"

DSM.State {
 // just as if "Objects" were a context propery
 onEntered: Objects.foobar.frizzle()

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QTCS2019 Notes from QtQml session

2019-11-26 Thread Giuseppe D'Angelo via Development

Il 21/11/19 09:17, Ulf Hermann ha scritto:

Typed Model Data

We brainstormed a bit about how a model could declare its items' data
type in QML, so that we could statically check model against delegate
types. We will need this when compiling QML 3 to C++. We didn't come up
with anything really great, though. This needs more work.

Just something specifically related to models and delegates: having a

  required property var model

on the delegate, then using (just like today), is supposed to 
be a fully supported measure throughout QML2/3 or just a 
deprecated-on-birth porting solution towards explicit required 
properties on the delegate?

Giuseppe D'Angelo | | Senior Software Engineer
KDAB (France) S.A.S., a KDAB Group company
Tel. France +33 (0)4 90 84 08 53,
KDAB - The Qt, C++ and OpenGL Experts

Description: Firma crittografica S/MIME
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QTCS2019 Notes from QtQml session

2019-11-26 Thread Arno Rehn
On 26/11/2019 08:56, Ulf Hermann wrote:
>> We have some code that evaluates JS in custom QQmlContexts with certain
>> "magic" context properties set (sort of like the "index" or "modelData"
>> context properties in delegates like Repeater.delegate).
>> Will something similar still be possible?
> You should rephrase that as required properties on actual objects. Then 
> the magic won't work anymore and you'll have to look up the properties 
> by ID of the object, but that is a good thing. It will improve 
> re-usability of your components.
Right, that would work in this case. Thanks!

Anyway, how would I idiomatically register a bunch of dynamically
created C++ objects with QML then? As an example, we're automatically
detecting hardware stuff and creating interface objects based on that.
These interface objects are then passed to QML which we use to implement
state machines.

Pseudo-code example:

  QObjectList objects = detectAndCreateObjects();
  QVariantMap qmlObjects;
  for (auto object : objects) {
  qmlObjects[object->objectName()] = object;
  engine->rootContext()->setContextProperty("Objects", qmlObjects);

Now I see two (maybe more) "workarounds" for that:
1. Register every object as a singleton. That's bad design, because
these objects don't really match the singleton pattern.
2. Register a single accessor singleton instance which holds the
qmlObjects. That's a lot more to type, though:

  import QtQml.StateMachine 1.0 as DSM
  import Utils 0.1  // provides "ObjectProvider"

  DSM.State {
onEntered: ObjectProvider.objects.foobar.frizzle()
// In QML 2:
// onEntered: Objects.foobar.frizzle()
// or even just:
// onEntered: foobar.frizzle()
// if we leave out the QVariantMap above

I realize that this makes things more "well defined". But I think it'll
make usage of QML as a domain-specific language (like for implementing
state machine logic) a little more cumbersome.


Arno Rehn
Tel +49 89 189 166 0
Fax +49 89 189 166 111

Menlo Systems GmbH
Am Klopferspitz 19a, 82152 Martinsried, Germany
Amtsgericht München HRB 138145
Geschäftsführung: Dr. Michael Mei, Dr. Ronald Holzwarth
USt.-IdNr. DE217772017, St.-Nr. 14316170324
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QTCS2019 Notes from QtQml session

2019-11-26 Thread Uwe Rathmann

On 11/26/19 12:35 PM, Olivier Goffart wrote:

"QML Strict is as subset of QML which is more maintainable and
performs better"

Isn't it that way:

QML is for convenience but expensive. C++ is often less convenient but
with better performance and lower memory footprint. QML Strict is a
compromise - something in between.

Then people can make a conscious decision, what is the right choice for
their situation.

IMHO being honest about what is what makes more sense, than how it was
f.e. done with QC2. That was sold as something specific for embedded but
actually it was about replacing QML by C++ code to get around
performance issues.

My 2 cents,

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QTCS2019 Notes from QtQml session

2019-11-26 Thread Ulf Hermann
> Lookup by ID? You mean set the object name like you did in your example 
> in your talk at QtWS? I protested then, and I will protest now again. 
> Don't. Really: don't. If you are talking about re-usability and 
> maintainability of your code elsewhere, then advocating this practice is 
> really wrong. You need to layer your QML on top of an API provided by 
> C++, not poke into your QML from C++.

Maybe that example in the slides was not so great. However, consider:

// main.qml
Item {
required property string title

// somewhere.cpp
QQmlComponent component(&engine, ":/main.qml");
QObject *obj = component.createWithInitialProperties(
QVariantMap { {"title", "Hello World"} });

This declares the property in QML and requires you to set it when 
instantiating the component. The object won't be created if you fail to 
set the property. We may improve on this in the future. QQmlComponent 
already has a separate setInitialProperties() function, and we might add 
another one to check if all required properties are set.

I had to introduce the replacements for context properties in some 
order, and, apparently, introducing required properties first would have 
been better. Sorry for the confusion.

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QTCS2019 Notes from QtQml session

2019-11-26 Thread Olivier Goffart

On 25.11.19 16:36, André Somers wrote:

On 25-11-19 15:53, Ulf Hermann wrote:

Yeah, that's going to make using QML in actual applications a whole lot
harder. For instance, sometimes access to some root node is needed even
from deep leaf files. Removing that capability is quite a drastic measure.

Yes, but the problems with this construct are the same as with generic
context properties: Your QML component requires some context that it
doesn't declare. Therefore your code is not reusable and brittle wrt
addition of properties in other places.

Mind that all those dynamic lookups will still live on in QML 2, and we
will maintain QML 2 throughout Qt6. They just won't be valid in QML 3.

"It will still work in QML 2" is not a great one if you want people to port 
over to QML 3. And you will need to support something like this anyway.

So far, the feeling I'm getting is that you're quite rigorously axing things 
from QML 2 in QML 3 in order to clean up because it is "broken" in QML 2. But 
without careful consideration what should replace it, that will just lead to 
the same issues again or a less usable QML for real world applications.

I'm a bit concerned.

Maybe the marketing isn't quite right.
Perhaps it shouldn't be named "QML 3"  but "QML strict"
QML3 tell peolpe
"This is the new version, you should port your code, the old version is going 
to be deprecated at some point"
While maybe true, I understand people's frustration. And since you will need to 
maintain both QML2 and QML3 at the same time, it might be better to rename it 
to something like "QML Strict" which convey the meaning:

"QML Strict is as subset of QML which is more maintainable and performs better"

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QTCS2019 Notes from QtQml session

2019-11-26 Thread Simon Hausmann

On 26.11.19 11:48, André Somers wrote:
> On 26/11/2019 08:56, Ulf Hermann wrote:
>>> We have some code that evaluates JS in custom QQmlContexts with certain
>>> "magic" context properties set (sort of like the "index" or "modelData"
>>> context properties in delegates like Repeater.delegate).
>>> Will something similar still be possible?
>> You should rephrase that as required properties on actual objects. Then
>> the magic won't work anymore and you'll have to look up the properties
>> by ID of the object, but that is a good thing. It will improve
>> re-usability of your components.
> Lookup by ID? You mean set the object name like you did in your 
> example in your talk at QtWS? I protested then, and I will protest now 
> again. Don't. Really: don't. If you are talking about re-usability and 
> maintainability of your code elsewhere, then advocating this practice 
> is really wrong. You need to layer your QML on top of an API provided 
> by C++, not poke into your QML from C++.

We're drastically improving the ability to layer QML on top of an API 
provided by C++. It means that we need to know what that C++ API looks 
like when looking at the .qml file without running it, for example when 
linting. This is why we're moving to the model of declarative C++ type 
registration and extraction of the "moc visible" API (slots, properties, 
etc.) at build time. That way we can give you feedback that perhaps 
you've accidentally used the wrong name of a C++ backed property at 
build (or editing time), instead of through "returning undefined" at 
run-time when accessing it.

>> We're also changing the way views and delegate work. If you want to use
>> the "index" in a Repeater's delegate you'll have to declare that in QML
>> 3, using a required property:
>> Repeater {
>>   model: 10
>>   Text {
>>   required property int index
>>   text: "item " + index
>>   }
>> }
> I really, really dislike this change. It looks even more like magic 
> than what we have today. By all means deprecate/get rid off looking up 
> without using `model.` in front of index, but what you write there 
> really looks like magic. It is totally unclear who is setting a 
> property (required or not) if you just declare it. This introduces 
> more magic instead of less, and would IMO lead to more knowledge 
> required in on the C++ side about the QML side of the application, 
> where I just argued above that that leads to bad practice.
You say that it's unclear who is setting a (required) property. The 
analogy that we've used is that required properties are like declaring 
function parameters - you expect the caller to provide them, but you 
don't really care where the caller provided them from. Think of the 
above text delegate like a factory function (except that the parameters 
are live bindings):

(pseudo code)

     function createDelegate(index: int) {

     return new Text("item " + index);


That doesn't feel like magic to me.


Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QTCS2019 Notes from QtQml session

2019-11-26 Thread André Somers

On 26/11/2019 08:56, Ulf Hermann wrote:

We have some code that evaluates JS in custom QQmlContexts with certain
"magic" context properties set (sort of like the "index" or "modelData"
context properties in delegates like Repeater.delegate).
Will something similar still be possible?

You should rephrase that as required properties on actual objects. Then
the magic won't work anymore and you'll have to look up the properties
by ID of the object, but that is a good thing. It will improve
re-usability of your components.
Lookup by ID? You mean set the object name like you did in your example 
in your talk at QtWS? I protested then, and I will protest now again. 
Don't. Really: don't. If you are talking about re-usability and 
maintainability of your code elsewhere, then advocating this practice is 
really wrong. You need to layer your QML on top of an API provided by 
C++, not poke into your QML from C++.

We're also changing the way views and delegate work. If you want to use
the "index" in a Repeater's delegate you'll have to declare that in QML
3, using a required property:

Repeater {
  model: 10

  Text {
  required property int index
  text: "item " + index

I really, really dislike this change. It looks even more like magic than 
what we have today. By all means deprecate/get rid off looking up 
without using `model.` in front of index, but what you write there 
really looks like magic. It is totally unclear who is setting a property 
(required or not) if you just declare it. This introduces more magic 
instead of less, and would IMO lead to more knowledge required in on the 
C++ side about the QML side of the application, where I just argued 
above that that leads to bad practice.


Development mailing list

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QTCS2019 Notes from QtQml session

2019-11-26 Thread Simon Hausmann

On 25.11.19 16:55, Robin Burchell wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 25, 2019, at 3:53 PM, Ulf Hermann wrote:
>> Yes, but the problems with this construct are the same as with generic
>> context properties: Your QML component requires some context that it
>> doesn't declare. Therefore your code is not reusable and brittle wrt
>> addition of properties in other places.
> Which is why I also provided a possible solution - by providing declaration 
> of that context.
> I'm not sure whether you just stopped reading once I started talking about 
> the problem, but I'd be interested to hear about whether or not something 
> like that approach was considered.

I think the approach that you described is semantically almost identical 
with required properties. Instantiation of such a component requires 
providing context and at the same time it's possible to keep 
dependencies within the boundaries of a component.

>> Mind that all those dynamic lookups will still live on in QML 2, and we
>> will maintain QML 2 throughout Qt6. They just won't be valid in QML 3.
> It's good to hear that QML 2 won't disappear overnight, but let's not pretend 
> that this would be a sustainable, good situation to be in. One day, QML 2 
> will disappear. At least, given the lower version number, you would hope it 
> will disappear. But every piece of pain that makes porting harder will help 
> to ensure that it stays around longer.
> And even if there wasn't going to be pain in porting - there is going to be a 
> lot of residual friction in transitioning. All of the documentation, all of 
> the examples, all of the tribal knowledge will suddenly become irrelevant.
> And for what? Why?
> Yes, there are problems with some features. That doesn't necessarily mean 
> they are unsolvable problems (perhaps they are; without having a proper 
> discussion about it - how do we know?)
> By the sounds of it, QML2 to QML3 will not be an easy transition. I was 
> already a little worried when I saw changes removing versioning, and a WIP 
> change deprecating context properties back in April or so, but reading your 
> mail makes me very concerned for the future.
> For reference, QML1 to QML2 was a _relatively_ easy port for example, despite 
> a different JavaScript engine, a new item set, and a completely rewritten 
> graphical presentation. My personal opinion is that this was very good, 
> because it gave you a pretty big no-brainer: spend a small moderate amount of 
> effort to port and validate/test, and in return, you gain much better 
> performance.
> The situation for QML3 seems to be much less clear cut

Often we do transitions in Qt API to improve performance or perhaps 
interoperability. Take the discussion about the return type of size() 
for example, or whether QList should alias QVector or not.

I sincerely hope that this transition will be different - at least today 
it looks already different to me and we're well into it in 5.15. The 
objective is to improve the maintainability of the user's code. We have 
added significant functionality to the linter and there is more to come. 
We're in the process of always applying it at build time to our own 
code. The work there is the foundation for the future tooling around the 
entire language, from a new compilation to C++ as well as better IDE 
integration. The current IDE integration is at its very limits (with 
cool hacks like scanning the C++ code for qmlRegisterType calls). Most 
of it boils down to the ability to make sense out of what's in the QML 
file without running the entire program.

Dynamic scoping and context properties make it hard (sometimes 
impossible) to reason without running - I anticipate agreement on this :-)

The application of singletons as well as required properties in our own 
examples has significantly improved the readability of code - that gives 
me the confidence that we're on the right track. Those may not be the 
two solutions that solve everything - however I find the evidence 
compelling. And by applying this step by step today, we're not making 
our examples and documentation irrelevant, we're transitioning and 
learning from it.


Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QTCS2019 Notes from QtQml session

2019-11-26 Thread Simon Hausmann

On 25.11.19 12:15, Robin Burchell wrote:
>> We could detect this in qmllint by just continuing the search for IDs
>> even if we've found a property.
> We could, but if I may gently suggest, I think I can count most of the people 
> who use qmllint on a regular, useful basis on one hand ;-).

You're soon going to run out of fingers ;-)

> (One possible improvement to this could be to not _just_ have it as a 
> separate tool: maybe debug builds should _also_ run qmllint - or at least a 
> subset of its checks - on the code that the engine is loading? Alternatively, 
> perhaps as an engine flag to at least allow it to be turned on once, and 
> happen for everyone on a team in a unified zero-effort way)

Yes, we're working on integrating the application of the linter into the 
build system, so that it is always run. The objective is to look at the 
qml code as early as possible in the development cycle. Right now it's a 
run-time, maaybe a little at compile time with CONFIG += 
qtquickcompiler. The linter is taking a much closer look at the qml file 
(beyond the code in binding expressions) and that's feedback to be given 
after pressing the shortcut for "Build". We'd like to take the same code 
and place it into a language server, so that the feedback can be given 
right after typing - before choosing the apply the build step.

>> Mind that adding a method to a base class in C++ will shadow unrelated
>> other classes and functions even if it's not virtual or overridden. Why
>> did we actually decide that we can live with this effect in C++ but not
>> in QML? - Maybe because in C++ it's more likely to result in a compile
>> error due to mismatched signatures?
> I think one of the biggest problems is that ID resolution crosses file 
> boundaries. This essentially means that the ids chosen can very easily become 
> part of the "API" of a component unless you are very vigilant to not allow 
> that to happen.

Yes, implicit ID resolution across file boundaries is something that 
needs replacing with an explicit _interface_ declaration. I think that 
we may agree on that goal?

> Essentially this means that identifiers - and a child redefining an 
> identifier that the parent happened to use - suffer from the same problem 
> that you point out class members can suffer from.
> This is a contrived example, but I have seen similar things to this cause 
> bugs in production.
> Picture a SettingsButton.qml with this sort of contents:
>  Button { MouseArea { onClicked: console.log("clicked"); } }
> Looks nice and innocent, right? But I notice that the MouseArea doesn't work 
> because it has no geometry. I want to refer to it elsewhere in this 
> component, too, so let's give it a name.
>  Button { MouseArea { id: someFoo; width: parent.width; onClicked: 
> console.log("clicked"); } }
> In sensible code, this would work just fine, and have no complications.
> Unfortunately, what you didn't know was that Button.qml is:
>  Rectangle {
>  width: someFoo.width
>  height: 10
>  }
> The use of someFoo here was previously referring to a parent id. Now, it 
> finds that id in the child instead, with a very different geometry to what 
> was expected - just the same as if this was a property on the root item.
> This is not an easy problem I think. For sure, you can't just take the "easy 
> way" out and warn about duplicate ids during lookup, because while 
> _sometimes_ this inheritance is decidedly wrong and not what you want, a lot 
> of the time, id scoping is "private" and just fundamentally how code is 
> written. In the C++ world, this would seem pretty silly:
>  class Base { private: int m_myImplementationDetail; }
>  class Base : Derived { private: int m_myImplementationDetail; } // 
> warning: duplicate variable "m_myImplementationDetail" found in class Base
> Yes, they do indeed have the same name, but that's also unambiguous and fine.
> If we do consider them to be part of the API *sometimes* though, perhaps the 
> right thing to do is to allow that to happen explicitly: specify what ids can 
> be "exported/imported" and issue a compile error if those expectations are 
> not met.
> One problem though is that this import/export boundary should be checked at 
> the file boundary, _not_ the component boundary, otherwise using things like 
> Loader become a lot more annoying.
> So perhaps it could look something like this:
> import MyModule ...
> expects Item myFoo; // we want something of type Item, identified as myFoo to 
> be passed in from a containing file somewhere
> provides MouseArea bar; // we provide this ID for children to find
> Item {
>  width: myFoo.width
>  MouseArea {
>  id: bar // is visible in scoped lookup (via 'provides' at the top)
>  }
> }
> I guess you might also be able to use this for context properties - which 
> suffer from many of the same unclear scoping issues rather than just outright 
> removing

Re: [Development] QTCS2019 Notes from QtQml session

2019-11-26 Thread André Somers

On 26/11/2019 09:34, Chris Adams wrote:

On Mon, Nov 25, 2019 at 9:34 PM Ulf Hermann  wrote:

I think one of the biggest problems is that ID resolution crosses
file boundaries. This essentially means that the ids chosen can very
easily become part of the "API" of a component unless you are very
vigilant to not allow that to happen.

Well, yes, and there is an easy way to fix this: Deprecate id lookup
across file scope. id lookup is actually the same as context property
lookup right now. That's what you're seeing there. We cannot get rid of
IDs, obviously, but we can restrict their use to the file context and
not search the whole context hierarchy.

Could I suggest also changing the id syntax to clarify that id is not
an object attribute?


Button id: btn { }


Button is btn { }


Button as btn { }

are IMO better syntax than:

Button { id: btn }

as for the former they are clearer that the ids are attributes of the
component scope rather than attributes of the object per-se, which is
what is suggested by the latter.

I'd tend to agree with that one. Perhaps it could just be

Button btn { }

No "id:" "is" or "as" needed?

Still: huge change again going to affect lots of existing code...


Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QTCS2019 Notes from QtQml session

2019-11-26 Thread ekke
thanks Elvis, Filippo, Ulf,

now I know what to do the next months to make my apps QML3 - ready ;-)

yes - then my code will be better re-usable and cleaner as now

will blog about all those refactorings



Am 26.11.19 um 09:20 schrieb Elvis Stansvik:
> Den mån 25 nov. 2019 kl 22:08 skrev Filippo Cucchetto
> :
>> @Ekke
>> I think you should redesign your qml the other way around. For your problem 
>> there're multiple solutions
>> 1) Use some sort of StackView.view attached property. This is *usually* 
>> implemented with a simple upward hierarchy lookup of the first instance of a 
>> StackView.
>> In this way you get the reference of the StackView from leaf nodes.
>> 2) Pass a StackView reference  to the Page at the point of instantiation
>> Page1 {
>>id: page1
>>view: stackView // used inside Page implementation
>> }
>> 3) JUST DO THE RIGHT THING. Your page qml should not have code that directly 
>> calls the the StackView (This couples the Page to know that there's a 
>> StackView).
>> Instead your page should just expose signals or items. The wiring between 
>> these signals and view is done outside.
>> For example instead of:
>> // Page1,qml
>> Item {
>>   Button { onClicked: stackView.doSomething() }  // Reference StackView by 
>> id..magically...awful!!
>> }
>> Do like this
>> // Page1.qml
>> Item {
>>   property alias loginButton: button
>>   Button { id: button }
>> }
>> // Somewhere.qml
>> Page1 {
>>loginButton.onClicked: stackview.doSomething() // Logic outside view
>> }
> I agree. An analog to this in Qt/C++ land would be doing something like
> auto foo = static_cast(parent());
> // Use foo
> in a child widget, which is certainly a code smell (making assumptions
> about the context).
> The changes suggested would hurt our code base a little, because I
> know we're guilty of this transgression in some places of our QML as
> well. But I think it's worth it and the changes needed would improve
> our code.
> Just my 2 cents.
> Elvis
>> This solution allows Page1 to be just a view (like an old .ui file).
>> In other words Page1 interface implies that there's a button or  a clicked 
>> signal but you're free to connect its
>> clicked signal to a StackView or SwipeView since wiring is done outside it.
>> A even better solution is to delegate this to a FSM
>> Page1 {
>>   loginButton.onClicked: fsm.login()
>> }
>> And then use a state of the FSM for handling the current page of the 
>> StackView
>> StackView {
>>   currentPageComponent: {
>>   if ( {
>>return loginPageComponent
>>   } else if ( {
>>   return connectedState.Compononent
>>  }
>>   }
>> }
>> Best regards,
>> Filippo
>> Il giorno lun 25 nov 2019 alle ore 16:54 ekke  ha 
>> scritto:
>>> Am 25.11.19 um 15:53 schrieb Ulf Hermann:
> Yeah, that's going to make using QML in actual applications a whole lot
> harder. For instance, sometimes access to some root node is needed even
> from deep leaf files. Removing that capability is quite a drastic measure.
 Yes, but the problems with this construct are the same as with generic
 context properties: Your QML component requires some context that it
 doesn't declare. Therefore your code is not reusable and brittle wrt
 addition of properties in other places.
>>> h :(
>>> because of my own project rules my code is re-usable through all my projects
>>> from discussions here I learned to use SingletonInstance which can
>>> replace the properties I set in my root (main.qml)
>>> but there are many other situations where I thinkl this won't help
>>> per ex
>>> main.qml --> StackView --> Page1 --> Page2 --> Popup
>>> from main there are some StackViews (+ Pages) switchedby Drawer
>>> Page1 or Page2 can be used on top of different StackViews
>>> there are some properties and functions from StackView used by Pages or
>>> Popup. Can access them via id because all my StackViews have same id
>>> any idea how this should be refactored for QML 3 without loosing all the
>>> cool flexibility ?
 Mind that all those dynamic lookups will still live on in QML 2, and we
 will maintain QML 2 throughout Qt6. They just won't be valid in QML 3.
>>> of course my goal is to go to QML 3
>>> ekke
 Development mailing list
>>> ___
>>> Development mailing list
>> --
>> Filippo Cucchetto
>> ___
>> Development mailing list

Development mai

Re: [Development] QTCS2019 Notes from QtQml session

2019-11-26 Thread Chris Adams
On Mon, Nov 25, 2019 at 9:34 PM Ulf Hermann  wrote:
> > I think one of the biggest problems is that ID resolution crosses
> > file boundaries. This essentially means that the ids chosen can very
> > easily become part of the "API" of a component unless you are very
> > vigilant to not allow that to happen.
> Well, yes, and there is an easy way to fix this: Deprecate id lookup
> across file scope. id lookup is actually the same as context property
> lookup right now. That's what you're seeing there. We cannot get rid of
> IDs, obviously, but we can restrict their use to the file context and
> not search the whole context hierarchy.

Could I suggest also changing the id syntax to clarify that id is not
an object attribute?


Button id: btn { }


Button is btn { }


Button as btn { }

are IMO better syntax than:

Button { id: btn }

as for the former they are clearer that the ids are attributes of the
component scope rather than attributes of the object per-se, which is
what is suggested by the latter.

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QTCS2019 Notes from QtQml session

2019-11-26 Thread Elvis Stansvik
Den mån 25 nov. 2019 kl 22:08 skrev Filippo Cucchetto
> @Ekke
> I think you should redesign your qml the other way around. For your problem 
> there're multiple solutions
> 1) Use some sort of StackView.view attached property. This is *usually* 
> implemented with a simple upward hierarchy lookup of the first instance of a 
> StackView.
> In this way you get the reference of the StackView from leaf nodes.
> 2) Pass a StackView reference  to the Page at the point of instantiation
> Page1 {
>id: page1
>view: stackView // used inside Page implementation
> }
> 3) JUST DO THE RIGHT THING. Your page qml should not have code that directly 
> calls the the StackView (This couples the Page to know that there's a 
> StackView).
> Instead your page should just expose signals or items. The wiring between 
> these signals and view is done outside.
> For example instead of:
> // Page1,qml
> Item {
>   Button { onClicked: stackView.doSomething() }  // Reference StackView by 
> id..magically...awful!!
> }
> Do like this
> // Page1.qml
> Item {
>   property alias loginButton: button
>   Button { id: button }
> }
> // Somewhere.qml
> Page1 {
>loginButton.onClicked: stackview.doSomething() // Logic outside view
> }

I agree. An analog to this in Qt/C++ land would be doing something like

auto foo = static_cast(parent());
// Use foo

in a child widget, which is certainly a code smell (making assumptions
about the context).

The changes suggested would hurt our code base a little, because I
know we're guilty of this transgression in some places of our QML as
well. But I think it's worth it and the changes needed would improve
our code.

Just my 2 cents.


> This solution allows Page1 to be just a view (like an old .ui file).
> In other words Page1 interface implies that there's a button or  a clicked 
> signal but you're free to connect its
> clicked signal to a StackView or SwipeView since wiring is done outside it.
> A even better solution is to delegate this to a FSM
> Page1 {
>   loginButton.onClicked: fsm.login()
> }
> And then use a state of the FSM for handling the current page of the StackView
> StackView {
>   currentPageComponent: {
>   if ( {
>return loginPageComponent
>   } else if ( {
>   return connectedState.Compononent
>  }
>   }
> }
> Best regards,
> Filippo
> Il giorno lun 25 nov 2019 alle ore 16:54 ekke  ha 
> scritto:
>> Am 25.11.19 um 15:53 schrieb Ulf Hermann:
>> >> Yeah, that's going to make using QML in actual applications a whole lot
>> >> harder. For instance, sometimes access to some root node is needed even
>> >> from deep leaf files. Removing that capability is quite a drastic measure.
>> > Yes, but the problems with this construct are the same as with generic
>> > context properties: Your QML component requires some context that it
>> > doesn't declare. Therefore your code is not reusable and brittle wrt
>> > addition of properties in other places.
>> h :(
>> because of my own project rules my code is re-usable through all my projects
>> from discussions here I learned to use SingletonInstance which can
>> replace the properties I set in my root (main.qml)
>> but there are many other situations where I thinkl this won't help
>> per ex
>> main.qml --> StackView --> Page1 --> Page2 --> Popup
>> from main there are some StackViews (+ Pages) switchedby Drawer
>> Page1 or Page2 can be used on top of different StackViews
>> there are some properties and functions from StackView used by Pages or
>> Popup. Can access them via id because all my StackViews have same id
>> any idea how this should be refactored for QML 3 without loosing all the
>> cool flexibility ?
>> >
>> > Mind that all those dynamic lookups will still live on in QML 2, and we
>> > will maintain QML 2 throughout Qt6. They just won't be valid in QML 3.
>> of course my goal is to go to QML 3
>> ekke
>> >
>> > Ulf
>> > ___
>> > Development mailing list
>> >
>> >
>> ___
>> Development mailing list
> --
> Filippo Cucchetto
> ___
> Development mailing list
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QTCS2019 Notes from QtQml session

2019-11-25 Thread Ulf Hermann
> We have some code that evaluates JS in custom QQmlContexts with certain
> "magic" context properties set (sort of like the "index" or "modelData"
> context properties in delegates like Repeater.delegate).
> Will something similar still be possible?

You should rephrase that as required properties on actual objects. Then 
the magic won't work anymore and you'll have to look up the properties 
by ID of the object, but that is a good thing. It will improve 
re-usability of your components.

We're also changing the way views and delegate work. If you want to use 
the "index" in a Repeater's delegate you'll have to declare that in QML 
3, using a required property:

Repeater {
 model: 10

 Text {
 required property int index
 text: "item " + index
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QTCS2019 Notes from QtQml session

2019-11-25 Thread Arno Rehn
On 21/11/2019 09:17, Ulf Hermann wrote:
> Context properties
> --
> These are remarkably evil and actually unnecessary. You can readily 
> replace them with singletons or object properties (possibly required 
> ones) already in 5.15. We can deprecate context properties. See also 
> QTBUG-73064

We have some code that evaluates JS in custom QQmlContexts with certain
"magic" context properties set (sort of like the "index" or "modelData"
context properties in delegates like Repeater.delegate).
Will something similar still be possible?


Arno Rehn
Tel +49 89 189 166 0
Fax +49 89 189 166 111

Menlo Systems GmbH
Am Klopferspitz 19a, 82152 Martinsried, Germany
Amtsgericht München HRB 138145
Geschäftsführung: Dr. Michael Mei, Dr. Ronald Holzwarth
USt.-IdNr. DE217772017, St.-Nr. 14316170324
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QTCS2019 Notes from QtQml session

2019-11-25 Thread Filippo Cucchetto
Having followed the evolution and first announcement of Qml/Quick QML3
seems like an admission of guilt.
I remember when a lot of people complained about the use of Javascript as a
scripting language and further
more on the lack of a public C++ API. Now it seems like some of the QML
problems are going to be fixed
but still i wonder if instead of putting man power in cutting QML2 we could
bring first citizen C++ QtQuick API.
Playing the devil's advocate why can't we leave QML2 as is and instead use
the new pseudo declarative
C++ syntax and code everything in C++? I mean...we want speed? you want
speed? use plain C++.

Il giorno lun 25 nov 2019 alle ore 22:06 Filippo Cucchetto <> ha scritto:

> @Ekke
> I think you should redesign your qml the other way around. For your
> problem there're multiple solutions
> 1) Use some sort of StackView.view attached property. This is *usually*
> implemented with a simple upward hierarchy lookup of the first instance of
> a StackView.
> In this way you get the reference of the StackView from leaf nodes.
> 2) Pass a StackView reference  to the Page at the point of instantiation
> Page1 {
>id: page1
>view: stackView // used inside Page implementation
> }
> 3) JUST DO THE RIGHT THING. Your page qml should not have code that
> directly calls the the StackView (This couples the Page to know that
> there's a StackView).
> Instead your page should just expose signals or items. The wiring between
> these signals and view is done outside.
> For example instead of:
> // Page1,qml
> Item {
>   Button { onClicked: stackView.doSomething() }  // Reference StackView by
> id..magically...awful!!
> }
> Do like this
> // Page1.qml
> Item {
>   property alias loginButton: button
>   Button { id: button }
> }
> // Somewhere.qml
> Page1 {
>loginButton.onClicked: stackview.doSomething() // Logic outside view
> }
> This solution allows Page1 to be just a view (like an old .ui file).
> In other words Page1 interface implies that there's a button or  a clicked
> signal but you're free to connect its
> clicked signal to a StackView or SwipeView since wiring is done outside it.
> A even better solution is to delegate this to a FSM
> Page1 {
>   loginButton.onClicked: fsm.login()
> }
> And then use a state of the FSM for handling the current page of the
> StackView
> StackView {
>   currentPageComponent: {
>   if ( {
>return loginPageComponent
>   } else if ( {
>   return connectedState.Compononent
>  }
>   }
> }
> Best regards,
> Filippo
> Il giorno lun 25 nov 2019 alle ore 16:54 ekke  ha
> scritto:
>> Am 25.11.19 um 15:53 schrieb Ulf Hermann:
>> >> Yeah, that's going to make using QML in actual applications a whole
>> lot
>> >> harder. For instance, sometimes access to some root node is needed
>> even
>> >> from deep leaf files. Removing that capability is quite a drastic
>> measure.
>> > Yes, but the problems with this construct are the same as with generic
>> > context properties: Your QML component requires some context that it
>> > doesn't declare. Therefore your code is not reusable and brittle wrt
>> > addition of properties in other places.
>> h :(
>> because of my own project rules my code is re-usable through all my
>> projects
>> from discussions here I learned to use SingletonInstance which can
>> replace the properties I set in my root (main.qml)
>> but there are many other situations where I thinkl this won't help
>> per ex
>> main.qml --> StackView --> Page1 --> Page2 --> Popup
>> from main there are some StackViews (+ Pages) switchedby Drawer
>> Page1 or Page2 can be used on top of different StackViews
>> there are some properties and functions from StackView used by Pages or
>> Popup. Can access them via id because all my StackViews have same id
>> any idea how this should be refactored for QML 3 without loosing all the
>> cool flexibility ?
>> >
>> > Mind that all those dynamic lookups will still live on in QML 2, and we
>> > will maintain QML 2 throughout Qt6. They just won't be valid in QML 3.
>> of course my goal is to go to QML 3
>> ekke
>> >
>> > Ulf
>> > ___
>> > Development mailing list
>> >
>> >
>> ___
>> Development mailing list
> --
> Filippo Cucchetto

Filippo Cucchetto
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QTCS2019 Notes from QtQml session

2019-11-25 Thread Filippo Cucchetto
I think you should redesign your qml the other way around. For your problem
there're multiple solutions
1) Use some sort of StackView.view attached property. This is *usually*
implemented with a simple upward hierarchy lookup of the first instance of
a StackView.
In this way you get the reference of the StackView from leaf nodes.
2) Pass a StackView reference  to the Page at the point of instantiation
Page1 {
   id: page1
   view: stackView // used inside Page implementation
3) JUST DO THE RIGHT THING. Your page qml should not have code that
directly calls the the StackView (This couples the Page to know that
there's a StackView).
Instead your page should just expose signals or items. The wiring between
these signals and view is done outside.
For example instead of:

// Page1,qml
Item {
  Button { onClicked: stackView.doSomething() }  // Reference StackView by

Do like this
// Page1.qml
Item {
  property alias loginButton: button
  Button { id: button }

// Somewhere.qml

Page1 {
   loginButton.onClicked: stackview.doSomething() // Logic outside view

This solution allows Page1 to be just a view (like an old .ui file).
In other words Page1 interface implies that there's a button or  a clicked
signal but you're free to connect its
clicked signal to a StackView or SwipeView since wiring is done outside it.

A even better solution is to delegate this to a FSM

Page1 {
  loginButton.onClicked: fsm.login()

And then use a state of the FSM for handling the current page of the

StackView {
  currentPageComponent: {
  if ( {
   return loginPageComponent
  } else if ( {
  return connectedState.Compononent

Best regards,


Il giorno lun 25 nov 2019 alle ore 16:54 ekke  ha

> Am 25.11.19 um 15:53 schrieb Ulf Hermann:
> >> Yeah, that's going to make using QML in actual applications a whole lot
> >> harder. For instance, sometimes access to some root node is needed even
> >> from deep leaf files. Removing that capability is quite a drastic
> measure.
> > Yes, but the problems with this construct are the same as with generic
> > context properties: Your QML component requires some context that it
> > doesn't declare. Therefore your code is not reusable and brittle wrt
> > addition of properties in other places.
> h :(
> because of my own project rules my code is re-usable through all my
> projects
> from discussions here I learned to use SingletonInstance which can
> replace the properties I set in my root (main.qml)
> but there are many other situations where I thinkl this won't help
> per ex
> main.qml --> StackView --> Page1 --> Page2 --> Popup
> from main there are some StackViews (+ Pages) switchedby Drawer
> Page1 or Page2 can be used on top of different StackViews
> there are some properties and functions from StackView used by Pages or
> Popup. Can access them via id because all my StackViews have same id
> any idea how this should be refactored for QML 3 without loosing all the
> cool flexibility ?
> >
> > Mind that all those dynamic lookups will still live on in QML 2, and we
> > will maintain QML 2 throughout Qt6. They just won't be valid in QML 3.
> of course my goal is to go to QML 3
> ekke
> >
> > Ulf
> > ___
> > Development mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> Development mailing list

Filippo Cucchetto
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QTCS2019 Notes from QtQml session

2019-11-25 Thread Giuseppe D'Angelo via Development

On 25/11/2019 12:35, Ulf Hermann wrote:

Add one of the "b" to QSomething and the user code silently stops working.

It's an unfortunate consequence of shadowing; this is considered bad 
practice (e.g. ES.12). Would it help to have a warn-on-shadowing pragma?

Giuseppe D'Angelo | | Senior Software Engineer
KDAB (France) S.A.S., a KDAB Group company
Tel. France +33 (0)4 90 84 08 53,
KDAB - The Qt, C++ and OpenGL Experts

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QTCS2019 Notes from QtQml session

2019-11-25 Thread Robin Burchell
On Mon, Nov 25, 2019, at 4:55 PM, Robin Burchell wrote: 
> The situation for QML3 seems to be much less clear cut

(This got sent a bit too early (hotkey mixup). Pretend this was at the bottom 
of my last mail.)

I can't really comment on all of this stuff individually, because I'd be 
writing an encyclopedia and I've already written a lot (and I've been trying to 
stay away from Qt for a while because I've been too busy and burned out to have 
the time or the patience to do anything here anyway), but this is important 
enough that I thought I'd at least try.

I guess my thinking in general is: New things are good. Change is good. But 
both of these are only actually good if they are genuinely worth the pain that 
the transitioning involves.

Change that involves touching every file (version numbers, removing 
anchors.left/font.bold), or rewriting code in one way to another (context 
properties to singletons) seems like something that is honestly not worth 
fixing unless there is a very clear gain that I'm unable to discern from it 
because it pointlessly adds pain onto your users, who in turn will add pain 
onto you by not performing a quick transition and forcing you to support the 
old stuff far longer than you'd reasonably want to.

I think it would be much better to see more effort put into smoothing the 
transition - whether that's through automation/tooling, or a relaxed approach 
to deprecating these features - or something, at least for some amount of time, 
rather than just saying "tough luck, go run an obsolete version of QML".

  Robin Burchell
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QTCS2019 Notes from QtQml session

2019-11-25 Thread Ulf Hermann
On 11/25/19 4:55 PM, Robin Burchell wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 25, 2019, at 3:53 PM, Ulf Hermann wrote:
>> Yes, but the problems with this construct are the same as with
>> generic context properties: Your QML component requires some
>> context that it doesn't declare. Therefore your code is not
>> reusable and brittle wrt addition of properties in other places.
> Which is why I also provided a possible solution - by providing
> declaration of that context.
> I'm not sure whether you just stopped reading once I started talking
> about the problem, but I'd be interested to hear about whether or not
> something like that approach was considered.

I did read your proposal. I'm not opposed to introducing new language 
constructs in order to facilitate easier porting from QML 2 to QML 3.

However, in this particular case, the proposed syntax feels to me very 
much like the required properties syntax. If you need to specify both 
"expects" and "provides", I don't see the huge benefit over declaring a 
required property on the root item of a child component and setting that 
from the parent component. Granted, that might be clumsy if you have 
many such child components, but remember that we are also introducing 
inline components. Therefore, you could declare an inline component with 
the required propertiea set in one place and instantiate that in many 
places without repeating the property-setting stanza.

This is not set in stone, though. If this is not good enough, we can 
introduce a different concept.

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QTCS2019 Notes from QtQml session

2019-11-25 Thread Robin Burchell
On Mon, Nov 25, 2019, at 3:53 PM, Ulf Hermann wrote:
> Yes, but the problems with this construct are the same as with generic 
> context properties: Your QML component requires some context that it 
> doesn't declare. Therefore your code is not reusable and brittle wrt 
> addition of properties in other places.

Which is why I also provided a possible solution - by providing declaration of 
that context.

I'm not sure whether you just stopped reading once I started talking about the 
problem, but I'd be interested to hear about whether or not something like that 
approach was considered.

> Mind that all those dynamic lookups will still live on in QML 2, and we 
> will maintain QML 2 throughout Qt6. They just won't be valid in QML 3.

It's good to hear that QML 2 won't disappear overnight, but let's not pretend 
that this would be a sustainable, good situation to be in. One day, QML 2 will 
disappear. At least, given the lower version number, you would hope it will 
disappear. But every piece of pain that makes porting harder will help to 
ensure that it stays around longer.

And even if there wasn't going to be pain in porting - there is going to be a 
lot of residual friction in transitioning. All of the documentation, all of the 
examples, all of the tribal knowledge will suddenly become irrelevant.

And for what? Why?

Yes, there are problems with some features. That doesn't necessarily mean they 
are unsolvable problems (perhaps they are; without having a proper discussion 
about it - how do we know?)

By the sounds of it, QML2 to QML3 will not be an easy transition. I was already 
a little worried when I saw changes removing versioning, and a WIP change 
deprecating context properties back in April or so, but reading your mail makes 
me very concerned for the future. 

For reference, QML1 to QML2 was a _relatively_ easy port for example, despite a 
different JavaScript engine, a new item set, and a completely rewritten 
graphical presentation. My personal opinion is that this was very good, because 
it gave you a pretty big no-brainer: spend a small moderate amount of effort to 
port and validate/test, and in return, you gain much better performance.

The situation for QML3 seems to be much less clear cut
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QTCS2019 Notes from QtQml session

2019-11-25 Thread ekke
Am 25.11.19 um 15:53 schrieb Ulf Hermann:
>> Yeah, that's going to make using QML in actual applications a whole lot 
>> harder. For instance, sometimes access to some root node is needed even 
>> from deep leaf files. Removing that capability is quite a drastic measure.
> Yes, but the problems with this construct are the same as with generic 
> context properties: Your QML component requires some context that it 
> doesn't declare. Therefore your code is not reusable and brittle wrt 
> addition of properties in other places.

h :(

because of my own project rules my code is re-usable through all my projects

from discussions here I learned to use SingletonInstance which can
replace the properties I set in my root (main.qml)

but there are many other situations where I thinkl this won't help

per ex

main.qml --> StackView --> Page1 --> Page2 --> Popup

from main there are some StackViews (+ Pages) switchedby Drawer

Page1 or Page2 can be used on top of different StackViews

there are some properties and functions from StackView used by Pages or
Popup. Can access them via id because all my StackViews have same id

any idea how this should be refactored for QML 3 without loosing all the
cool flexibility ?

> Mind that all those dynamic lookups will still live on in QML 2, and we 
> will maintain QML 2 throughout Qt6. They just won't be valid in QML 3.

of course my goal is to go to QML 3


> Ulf
> ___
> Development mailing list

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QTCS2019 Notes from QtQml session

2019-11-25 Thread André Somers

On 25-11-19 15:53, Ulf Hermann wrote:

Yeah, that's going to make using QML in actual applications a whole lot
harder. For instance, sometimes access to some root node is needed even
from deep leaf files. Removing that capability is quite a drastic measure.

Yes, but the problems with this construct are the same as with generic
context properties: Your QML component requires some context that it
doesn't declare. Therefore your code is not reusable and brittle wrt
addition of properties in other places.

Mind that all those dynamic lookups will still live on in QML 2, and we
will maintain QML 2 throughout Qt6. They just won't be valid in QML 3.

"It will still work in QML 2" is not a great one if you want people to 
port over to QML 3. And you will need to support something like this 

So far, the feeling I'm getting is that you're quite rigorously axing 
things from QML 2 in QML 3 in order to clean up because it is "broken" 
in QML 2. But without careful consideration what should replace it, that 
will just lead to the same issues again or a less usable QML for real 
world applications.

I'm a bit concerned.


Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QTCS2019 Notes from QtQml session

2019-11-25 Thread Ulf Hermann
> Yeah, that's going to make using QML in actual applications a whole lot 
> harder. For instance, sometimes access to some root node is needed even 
> from deep leaf files. Removing that capability is quite a drastic measure.

Yes, but the problems with this construct are the same as with generic 
context properties: Your QML component requires some context that it 
doesn't declare. Therefore your code is not reusable and brittle wrt 
addition of properties in other places.

Mind that all those dynamic lookups will still live on in QML 2, and we 
will maintain QML 2 throughout Qt6. They just won't be valid in QML 3.

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QTCS2019 Notes from QtQml session

2019-11-25 Thread André Somers

On 25-11-19 12:31, Ulf Hermann wrote:

I think one of the biggest problems is that ID resolution crosses
file boundaries. This essentially means that the ids chosen can very
easily become part of the "API" of a component unless you are very
vigilant to not allow that to happen.

Well, yes, and there is an easy way to fix this: Deprecate id lookup
across file scope. id lookup is actually the same as context property
lookup right now. That's what you're seeing there. We cannot get rid of
IDs, obviously, but we can restrict their use to the file context and
not search the whole context hierarchy.

Yeah, that's going to make using QML in actual applications a whole lot 
harder. For instance, sometimes access to some root node is needed even 
from deep leaf files. Removing that capability is quite a drastic measure.


Development mailing list

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QTCS2019 Notes from QtQml session

2019-11-25 Thread Ulf Hermann
> Il 25/11/19 10:25, Eike Ziller ha scritto:
>>> ?
>> Similar things can happen in C++ with method names.
>> C++ got the ‘override’ keyword to make these breakages detectable by 
>> tooling.
>> It looks to me like the case id==propertyname would also be detectable 
>> by tooling?
> What do you mean? Can you make an example? The whole point of shadowing 
> in C++ is to make sure that the above does NOT break.

Consider QSomething to be Qt code and the rest user code:

class QSomething {
//struct b {};
//void b() { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO; }

void b() { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO; }

class c : public QSomething {
 void x() { b(); }

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 c ttt;

Add one of the "b" to QSomething and the user code silently stops working.

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QTCS2019 Notes from QtQml session

2019-11-25 Thread Ulf Hermann
> I think one of the biggest problems is that ID resolution crosses
> file boundaries. This essentially means that the ids chosen can very
> easily become part of the "API" of a component unless you are very
> vigilant to not allow that to happen.

Well, yes, and there is an easy way to fix this: Deprecate id lookup 
across file scope. id lookup is actually the same as context property 
lookup right now. That's what you're seeing there. We cannot get rid of 
IDs, obviously, but we can restrict their use to the file context and 
not search the whole context hierarchy.

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QTCS2019 Notes from QtQml session

2019-11-25 Thread Eike Ziller

> On 25. Nov 2019, at 11:03, Giuseppe D'Angelo via Development 
>  wrote:
> Il 25/11/19 10:25, Eike Ziller ha scritto:
>>> ?
>> Similar things can happen in C++ with method names.
>> C++ got the ‘override’ keyword to make these breakages detectable by tooling.
>> It looks to me like the case id==propertyname would also be detectable by 
>> tooling?
> What do you mean? Can you make an example? The whole point of shadowing in 
> C++ is to make sure that the above does NOT break.

Funny things can happen if the new method in the base class is virtual.

// in library libA
class A {

// in user code
class B {
  void foo();

now class A changes to

class A {
  virtual void foo();

Code in libA now calls “foo” on instances of subclasses of A, including 
instances of B, with funny results.

I vaguely remember that we had a case of that in Qt Creator where Qt introduced 
some method in one of its classes.

Eike Ziller
Principal Software Engineer

The Qt Company GmbH
Erich-Thilo-Straße 10
D-12489 Berlin
Geschäftsführer: Mika Pälsi,
Juha Varelius, Mika Harjuaho
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Berlin, Registergericht: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg, HRB 
144331 B

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QTCS2019 Notes from QtQml session

2019-11-25 Thread Robin Burchell
On Mon, Nov 25, 2019, at 10:43 AM, Ulf Hermann wrote:
> Indeed we need to deal with this somehow. Maybe we do need to retain 
> versioning on a module level. For example, the qmldir file could specify 
> what versions of which other modules it expects. Or we define that it's 
> not a problem ...

I think at least module-level versioning is a sensible idea.

> We could detect this in qmllint by just continuing the search for IDs
> even if we've found a property.

We could, but if I may gently suggest, I think I can count most of the people 
who use qmllint on a regular, useful basis on one hand ;-).

(One possible improvement to this could be to not _just_ have it as a separate 
tool: maybe debug builds should _also_ run qmllint - or at least a subset of 
its checks - on the code that the engine is loading? Alternatively, perhaps as 
an engine flag to at least allow it to be turned on once, and happen for 
everyone on a team in a unified zero-effort way)

> Mind that adding a method to a base class in C++ will shadow unrelated 
> other classes and functions even if it's not virtual or overridden. Why 
> did we actually decide that we can live with this effect in C++ but not 
> in QML? - Maybe because in C++ it's more likely to result in a compile 
> error due to mismatched signatures?

I think one of the biggest problems is that ID resolution crosses file 
boundaries. This essentially means that the ids chosen can very easily become 
part of the "API" of a component unless you are very vigilant to not allow that 
to happen.

Essentially this means that identifiers - and a child redefining an identifier 
that the parent happened to use - suffer from the same problem that you point 
out class members can suffer from.

This is a contrived example, but I have seen similar things to this cause bugs 
in production.

Picture a SettingsButton.qml with this sort of contents:
Button { MouseArea { onClicked: console.log("clicked"); } }

Looks nice and innocent, right? But I notice that the MouseArea doesn't work 
because it has no geometry. I want to refer to it elsewhere in this component, 
too, so let's give it a name.

Button { MouseArea { id: someFoo; width: parent.width; onClicked: 
console.log("clicked"); } }

In sensible code, this would work just fine, and have no complications.
Unfortunately, what you didn't know was that Button.qml is:

Rectangle {
width: someFoo.width
height: 10

The use of someFoo here was previously referring to a parent id. Now, it finds 
that id in the child instead, with a very different geometry to what was 
expected - just the same as if this was a property on the root item.

This is not an easy problem I think. For sure, you can't just take the "easy 
way" out and warn about duplicate ids during lookup, because while _sometimes_ 
this inheritance is decidedly wrong and not what you want, a lot of the time, 
id scoping is "private" and just fundamentally how code is written. In the C++ 
world, this would seem pretty silly:

class Base { private: int m_myImplementationDetail; }
class Base : Derived { private: int m_myImplementationDetail; } // warning: 
duplicate variable "m_myImplementationDetail" found in class Base

Yes, they do indeed have the same name, but that's also unambiguous and fine.

If we do consider them to be part of the API *sometimes* though, perhaps the 
right thing to do is to allow that to happen explicitly: specify what ids can 
be "exported/imported" and issue a compile error if those expectations are not 

One problem though is that this import/export boundary should be checked at the 
file boundary, _not_ the component boundary, otherwise using things like Loader 
become a lot more annoying.

So perhaps it could look something like this:

import MyModule ...
expects Item myFoo; // we want something of type Item, identified as myFoo to 
be passed in from a containing file somewhere
provides MouseArea bar; // we provide this ID for children to find

Item {
width: myFoo.width

MouseArea {
id: bar // is visible in scoped lookup (via 'provides' at the top)

I guess you might also be able to use this for context properties - which 
suffer from many of the same unclear scoping issues rather than just outright 
removing them, but that might require some additional considerations that I'm 
not sure of right now.

  Robin Burchell
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QTCS2019 Notes from QtQml session

2019-11-25 Thread Giuseppe D'Angelo via Development

Il 25/11/19 10:25, Eike Ziller ha scritto:


Similar things can happen in C++ with method names.
C++ got the ‘override’ keyword to make these breakages detectable by tooling.
It looks to me like the case id==propertyname would also be detectable by 

What do you mean? Can you make an example? The whole point of shadowing 
in C++ is to make sure that the above does NOT break.

Giuseppe D'Angelo | | Senior Software Engineer
KDAB (France) S.A.S., a KDAB Group company
Tel. France +33 (0)4 90 84 08 53,
KDAB - The Qt, C++ and OpenGL Experts

Description: Firma crittografica S/MIME
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QTCS2019 Notes from QtQml session

2019-11-25 Thread Ulf Hermann
>> While I agree with this overall, there's still one caveat which I
>> haven't seen discussed yet:
>> Imagine I have the following code:
>> Item { id: foo property color prettyColor: "#f0f"
>> Rectangle { color: foo.prettyColor } }
>> Right now "foo" refers to the Item. What if in a future update,
>> Rectangle gains a new property "foo". Unless you want to force
>> everyone to be explicit by using "this" (e.g. width: this.height)
>> everywhere, which would be annoying, I don't see how this can be
>> made future-proof without some form of versioning or some other
>> magic solution?

Indeed we need to deal with this somehow. Maybe we do need to retain 
versioning on a module level. For example, the qmldir file could specify 
what versions of which other modules it expects. Or we define that it's 
not a problem ...

> Similar things can happen in C++ with method names. C++ got the
> ‘override’ keyword to make these breakages detectable by tooling. It
> looks to me like the case id==propertyname would also be detectable
> by tooling?

We could detect this in qmllint by just continuing the search for IDs
even if we've found a property.

Mind that adding a method to a base class in C++ will shadow unrelated 
other classes and functions even if it's not virtual or overridden. Why 
did we actually decide that we can live with this effect in C++ but not 
in QML? - Maybe because in C++ it's more likely to result in a compile 
error due to mismatched signatures?

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QTCS2019 Notes from QtQml session

2019-11-25 Thread Eike Ziller

> On 22. Nov 2019, at 11:52, Kai Uwe Broulik  wrote:
> Hi,
> > these are the notes on the QtQml session:
> > Versioning
> > --
> >
> > Once we get rid of unqualified lookups we don't need any QML versioning
> > anymore. At least the minor version will become optional already in 5.15
> > for well-behaved QML documents. In QML 3 it won't be allowed.
> While I agree with this overall, there's still one caveat which I haven't 
> seen discussed yet:
> Imagine I have the following code:
> Item {
>id: foo
>property color prettyColor: "#f0f"
>Rectangle {
>color: foo.prettyColor
> }
> Right now "foo" refers to the Item. What if in a future update, Rectangle 
> gains a new property "foo". Unless you want to force everyone to be explicit 
> by using "this" (e.g. width: this.height) everywhere, which would be 
> annoying, I don't see how this can be made future-proof without some form of 
> versioning or some other magic solution?

Similar things can happen in C++ with method names.
C++ got the ‘override’ keyword to make these breakages detectable by tooling.
It looks to me like the case id==propertyname would also be detectable by 

Br, Eike

Eike Ziller
Principal Software Engineer

The Qt Company GmbH
Erich-Thilo-Straße 10
D-12489 Berlin
Geschäftsführer: Mika Pälsi,
Juha Varelius, Mika Harjuaho
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Berlin, Registergericht: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg, HRB 
144331 B

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QTCS2019 Notes from QtQml session

2019-11-22 Thread Damian Ivanov
Hello Giuseppe,

>> qmlRegisterSingletonInstance("Utils", 3, 14, "Obj", obj);
>In 5.14 the solution is something along the lines of
Exactly what I was looking for.

>In pre-5.14 the same is achieved by using qmlRegisterSingletonType with
>a callback (that returns the object + sets the ownership of the object
>to C++; definitely not as convenient). Usage from QML is identical.
I was using context properties and were not that in-depth with the singletons.
I did read the great Qt documentation on them, maybe I have missed that.
Thanks for pointing it out.

On Fri, Nov 22, 2019 at 7:14 PM Giuseppe D'Angelo via Development
> Il 22/11/19 16:49, Damian Ivanov ha scritto:
> > I don't see this anywhere documented how this could be done using a 
> > singleton.
> In 5.14 the solution is something along the lines of
> > qmlRegisterSingletonInstance("Utils", 3, 14, "Obj", obj);
> then in QML
> > import Utils 3.14
> > // use "Obj" instead of "obj"
> In pre-5.14 the same is achieved by using qmlRegisterSingletonType with
> a callback (that returns the object + sets the ownership of the object
> to C++; definitely not as convenient). Usage from QML is identical.
> > If I register it as singleton the application_engine doesn't find it
> > findChild->
> Could you please elaborate on this point?
> Thanks,
> --
> Giuseppe D'Angelo | | Senior Software Engineer
> KDAB (France) S.A.S., a KDAB Group company
> Tel. France +33 (0)4 90 84 08 53,
> KDAB - The Qt, C++ and OpenGL Experts
> ___
> Development mailing list
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QTCS2019 Notes from QtQml session

2019-11-22 Thread Giuseppe D'Angelo via Development

Il 22/11/19 16:49, Damian Ivanov ha scritto:

I don't see this anywhere documented how this could be done using a singleton.

In 5.14 the solution is something along the lines of

qmlRegisterSingletonInstance("Utils", 3, 14, "Obj", obj);

then in QML

import Utils 3.14
// use "Obj" instead of "obj"

In pre-5.14 the same is achieved by using qmlRegisterSingletonType with 
a callback (that returns the object + sets the ownership of the object 
to C++; definitely not as convenient). Usage from QML is identical.

If I register it as singleton the application_engine doesn't find it

Could you please elaborate on this point?

Giuseppe D'Angelo | | Senior Software Engineer
KDAB (France) S.A.S., a KDAB Group company
Tel. France +33 (0)4 90 84 08 53,
KDAB - The Qt, C++ and OpenGL Experts

Description: Firma crittografica S/MIME
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QTCS2019 Notes from QtQml session

2019-11-22 Thread Damian Ivanov
seems also like a viable solution
though a syntax where qmlRegisterSingletonType return value is a
QObject would be very ease to read / write.

On Fri, Nov 22, 2019 at 6:33 PM Damian Ivanov  wrote:
> Hi Dmitriy,
> Well I can't seem to find an easy example but an easy example:
> Instantiating a .qml with QQmlComponent::create which is of Window (I
> do this for others as well) type
> from c++ than I set obj->properties from c++ based on various events.
> Creating a singleton class seems like adding 30 lines of code per
> object in contrast to setContextProperty()
> Something like this would be nice if possible:
> QQmlComponent* m_component = new
> QQmlComponent(application_engine, "qrc:/Component.qml");
> QObject* m_obj ;
> qmlRegisterSingletonType("Component", 1, 0, "Identifier", 
> [=]
> {
>  m_obj = m_component->create();
> return m_obj;
> });
> On Fri, Nov 22, 2019 at 6:22 PM Dmitriy Purgin  wrote:
> >
> > Hi Damian,
> >
> > that seems to be an interesting case. Could you provide an example of why 
> > would you need such a pattern?
> >
> > Why the other way round -- creating a C++ singleton and exposing it to QML 
> > -- doesn't work for you? That should be easier and more transparent.
> >
> > Cheers
> > Dmitriy
> >
> > On Fri, Nov 22, 2019 at 4:50 PM Damian Ivanov  
> > wrote:
> >>
> >> How would .qml files that are singletons and instantiated from c++ be used
> >> currently I do this and am able to access it from qml and c++
> >> QQmlComponent* component = new QQmlComponent(application_engine,
> >> "qrc:/Component.qml");
> >> QObject* obj = component->create();
> >> obj->setParent(this);
> >> application_engine->rootContext()->setContextProperty("obj", obj);
> >>
> >> I don't see this anywhere documented how this could be done using a 
> >> singleton.
> >> If I register it as singleton the application_engine doesn't find it
> >> findChild->
> >> Using component->create would create it again since it is already
> >> registered as a singleton.
> >>
> >> Any suggestions?
> >>
> >>
> >> ;
> >>
> >> On Fri, Nov 22, 2019 at 12:53 PM Kai Uwe Broulik  
> >> wrote:
> >> >
> >> > Hi,
> >> >
> >> >  > these are the notes on the QtQml session:
> >> >
> >> >  > Versioning
> >> >  > --
> >> >  >
> >> >  > Once we get rid of unqualified lookups we don't need any QML 
> >> > versioning
> >> >  > anymore. At least the minor version will become optional already in 
> >> > 5.15
> >> >  > for well-behaved QML documents. In QML 3 it won't be allowed.
> >> >
> >> > While I agree with this overall, there's still one caveat which I
> >> > haven't seen discussed yet:
> >> >
> >> > Imagine I have the following code:
> >> >
> >> > Item {
> >> >  id: foo
> >> >  property color prettyColor: "#f0f"
> >> >
> >> >  Rectangle {
> >> >  color: foo.prettyColor
> >> >  }
> >> > }
> >> >
> >> > Right now "foo" refers to the Item. What if in a future update,
> >> > Rectangle gains a new property "foo". Unless you want to force everyone
> >> > to be explicit by using "this" (e.g. width: this.height) everywhere,
> >> > which would be annoying, I don't see how this can be made future-proof
> >> > without some form of versioning or some other magic solution?
> >> >
> >> > Cheers
> >> > Kai Uwe
> >> > ___
> >> > Development mailing list
> >> >
> >> >
> >> ___
> >> Development mailing list
> >>
> >>
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Re: [Development] QTCS2019 Notes from QtQml session

2019-11-22 Thread Damian Ivanov
Hi Dmitriy,

Well I can't seem to find an easy example but an easy example:
Instantiating a .qml with QQmlComponent::create which is of Window (I
do this for others as well) type
from c++ than I set obj->properties from c++ based on various events.
Creating a singleton class seems like adding 30 lines of code per
object in contrast to setContextProperty()
Something like this would be nice if possible:
QQmlComponent* m_component = new
QQmlComponent(application_engine, "qrc:/Component.qml");
QObject* m_obj ;
qmlRegisterSingletonType("Component", 1, 0, "Identifier", [=]
 m_obj = m_component->create();
return m_obj;

On Fri, Nov 22, 2019 at 6:22 PM Dmitriy Purgin  wrote:
> Hi Damian,
> that seems to be an interesting case. Could you provide an example of why 
> would you need such a pattern?
> Why the other way round -- creating a C++ singleton and exposing it to QML -- 
> doesn't work for you? That should be easier and more transparent.
> Cheers
> Dmitriy
> On Fri, Nov 22, 2019 at 4:50 PM Damian Ivanov  wrote:
>> How would .qml files that are singletons and instantiated from c++ be used
>> currently I do this and am able to access it from qml and c++
>> QQmlComponent* component = new QQmlComponent(application_engine,
>> "qrc:/Component.qml");
>> QObject* obj = component->create();
>> obj->setParent(this);
>> application_engine->rootContext()->setContextProperty("obj", obj);
>> I don't see this anywhere documented how this could be done using a 
>> singleton.
>> If I register it as singleton the application_engine doesn't find it
>> findChild->
>> Using component->create would create it again since it is already
>> registered as a singleton.
>> Any suggestions?
>> ;
>> On Fri, Nov 22, 2019 at 12:53 PM Kai Uwe Broulik  
>> wrote:
>> >
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> >  > these are the notes on the QtQml session:
>> >
>> >  > Versioning
>> >  > --
>> >  >
>> >  > Once we get rid of unqualified lookups we don't need any QML versioning
>> >  > anymore. At least the minor version will become optional already in 5.15
>> >  > for well-behaved QML documents. In QML 3 it won't be allowed.
>> >
>> > While I agree with this overall, there's still one caveat which I
>> > haven't seen discussed yet:
>> >
>> > Imagine I have the following code:
>> >
>> > Item {
>> >  id: foo
>> >  property color prettyColor: "#f0f"
>> >
>> >  Rectangle {
>> >  color: foo.prettyColor
>> >  }
>> > }
>> >
>> > Right now "foo" refers to the Item. What if in a future update,
>> > Rectangle gains a new property "foo". Unless you want to force everyone
>> > to be explicit by using "this" (e.g. width: this.height) everywhere,
>> > which would be annoying, I don't see how this can be made future-proof
>> > without some form of versioning or some other magic solution?
>> >
>> > Cheers
>> > Kai Uwe
>> > ___
>> > Development mailing list
>> >
>> >
>> ___
>> Development mailing list
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QTCS2019 Notes from QtQml session

2019-11-22 Thread Dmitriy Purgin
Hi Damian,

that seems to be an interesting case. Could you provide an example of why
would you need such a pattern?

Why the other way round -- creating a C++ singleton and exposing it to QML
-- doesn't work for you? That should be easier and more transparent.


On Fri, Nov 22, 2019 at 4:50 PM Damian Ivanov 

> How would .qml files that are singletons and instantiated from c++ be used
> currently I do this and am able to access it from qml and c++
> QQmlComponent* component = new QQmlComponent(application_engine,
> "qrc:/Component.qml");
> QObject* obj = component->create();
> obj->setParent(this);
> application_engine->rootContext()->setContextProperty("obj", obj);
> I don't see this anywhere documented how this could be done using a
> singleton.
> If I register it as singleton the application_engine doesn't find it
> findChild->
> Using component->create would create it again since it is already
> registered as a singleton.
> Any suggestions?
> ;
> On Fri, Nov 22, 2019 at 12:53 PM Kai Uwe Broulik 
> wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> >  > these are the notes on the QtQml session:
> >
> >  > Versioning
> >  > --
> >  >
> >  > Once we get rid of unqualified lookups we don't need any QML
> versioning
> >  > anymore. At least the minor version will become optional already in
> 5.15
> >  > for well-behaved QML documents. In QML 3 it won't be allowed.
> >
> > While I agree with this overall, there's still one caveat which I
> > haven't seen discussed yet:
> >
> > Imagine I have the following code:
> >
> > Item {
> >  id: foo
> >  property color prettyColor: "#f0f"
> >
> >  Rectangle {
> >  color: foo.prettyColor
> >  }
> > }
> >
> > Right now "foo" refers to the Item. What if in a future update,
> > Rectangle gains a new property "foo". Unless you want to force everyone
> > to be explicit by using "this" (e.g. width: this.height) everywhere,
> > which would be annoying, I don't see how this can be made future-proof
> > without some form of versioning or some other magic solution?
> >
> > Cheers
> > Kai Uwe
> > ___
> > Development mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> Development mailing list
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QTCS2019 Notes from QtQml session

2019-11-22 Thread Damian Ivanov
How would .qml files that are singletons and instantiated from c++ be used
currently I do this and am able to access it from qml and c++
QQmlComponent* component = new QQmlComponent(application_engine,
QObject* obj = component->create();
application_engine->rootContext()->setContextProperty("obj", obj);

I don't see this anywhere documented how this could be done using a singleton.
If I register it as singleton the application_engine doesn't find it
Using component->create would create it again since it is already
registered as a singleton.

Any suggestions?


On Fri, Nov 22, 2019 at 12:53 PM Kai Uwe Broulik  wrote:
> Hi,
>  > these are the notes on the QtQml session:
>  > Versioning
>  > --
>  >
>  > Once we get rid of unqualified lookups we don't need any QML versioning
>  > anymore. At least the minor version will become optional already in 5.15
>  > for well-behaved QML documents. In QML 3 it won't be allowed.
> While I agree with this overall, there's still one caveat which I
> haven't seen discussed yet:
> Imagine I have the following code:
> Item {
>  id: foo
>  property color prettyColor: "#f0f"
>  Rectangle {
>  color: foo.prettyColor
>  }
> }
> Right now "foo" refers to the Item. What if in a future update,
> Rectangle gains a new property "foo". Unless you want to force everyone
> to be explicit by using "this" (e.g. width: this.height) everywhere,
> which would be annoying, I don't see how this can be made future-proof
> without some form of versioning or some other magic solution?
> Cheers
> Kai Uwe
> ___
> Development mailing list
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QTCS2019 Notes from QtQml session

2019-11-22 Thread Kai Uwe Broulik


> these are the notes on the QtQml session:

> Versioning
> --
> Once we get rid of unqualified lookups we don't need any QML versioning
> anymore. At least the minor version will become optional already in 5.15
> for well-behaved QML documents. In QML 3 it won't be allowed.

While I agree with this overall, there's still one caveat which I 
haven't seen discussed yet:

Imagine I have the following code:

Item {
id: foo
property color prettyColor: "#f0f"

Rectangle {
color: foo.prettyColor

Right now "foo" refers to the Item. What if in a future update, 
Rectangle gains a new property "foo". Unless you want to force everyone 
to be explicit by using "this" (e.g. width: this.height) everywhere, 
which would be annoying, I don't see how this can be made future-proof 
without some form of versioning or some other magic solution?

Kai Uwe
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] QTCS2019 Notes from QtQml session

2019-11-21 Thread Dmitriy Purgin
Hi Ulf,

thanks for clarifying. You're absolutely right, no other language supports
importing different versions of dependencies but I think it is a great
feature of QML that helps a lot in maintaining the old code. Would be sad
to see it gone in QML 3.


PS I'm forwarding this email to the mailing list again, apparently I didn't
manage to this right in the first place

On Thu, Nov 21, 2019 at 4:23 PM Ulf Hermann  wrote:

> > Suppose it's been a while, and your customer has used this library in
> > their code in 100 QML files. Now you enhance/refactor your library and
> > you decide that the name `popupSource` was not really good because it
> > clashes with a new component, so you change it to `componentSource` in
> > the new version:
> This is a compatibility breaking change. There is no way a QML program
> written against the old version of your library will work with the new
> version of your library without modification. You should use a new major
> version for this. The minor versions were intended for non-breaking
> changes, specifically for adding properties, methods, enums. If you
> avoid unqualified lookup you can do these things without special
> consideration in the customers of your library, as they won't see the
> new constructs unless they explicitly look them up.
> We might also remove the major version, though. The cleanest way to
> upgrade your library's clients to a new version of your library is not
> providing both versions of the QML code in one version of your library,
> but rather releasing a completely new library with only new code, and
> adapting your client code to use that. Currently you can do that on a
> file-by-file basis, but allowing that was a mistake. You should port the
> client code at least on a module-by-module basis, so that you can use
> the same version of your dependencies in each file. No other language I
> know allows you to import different versions of a dependency in two
> files of the same module.
> You may need some migration strategy, like providing deprecated
> properties for a while in order to ease transition. This is pretty much
> the same as in C++, then.
> Ulf
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