[freenet-dev] Statistics Project Update #4

2012-05-21 Thread Steve Dougherty
Hash: SHA1

On 05/21/2012 07:46 PM, Zlatin Balevsky wrote:
> Are these rate-limited in any way?

In what ways could I do effective rate-limiting? Would it work to keep
track of when the last request was received from each peer, and send a
rate limiting error when the last request was too recent and the last
rate error sent to that peer was long enough ago?
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)


[freenet-dev] Statistics Project Update #4

2012-05-21 Thread Steve Dougherty
Hash: SHA1

On 05/21/2012 07:46 PM, Zlatin Balevsky wrote:
> Are these rate-limited in any way?  Do they obey some general 
> rate-limiting policies together with other messages?

They're limited in that each node will only accept 5 simultaneous
probes. For these purposes, probes with equal randomly assigned (in
the current code; an adversary could do something different) UIDs are
considered to be the same probe.

I haven't added any rate limiting myself. If something at the
NodeDispatcher level or below has rate limiting for all messages which
pass through them then the probes would have it. In checking just now
I didn't notice any, but I don't know.

> Does fred have any metrics collection system that would allow us to
> detect such flooding events?

Perhaps I should add a metric like "probe requests accepted in the
past hour"? All that occurs to me is logging MHProbe at debug,
grepping the logs for "Accepting probe with uid ", counting the lines.

> IMHO maximum HTL should be single-digits or you risk flooding.

I don't follow. What do you mean? At each hop a probe either stays
locally (if a candidate is not accepted) or is routed to another
random node.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)


[freenet-dev] Statistics Project Update #4

2012-05-21 Thread Zlatin Balevsky
Are these rate-limited in any way?  Do they obey some general
rate-limiting policies together with other messages?  IMHO maximum HTL
should be single-digits or you risk flooding.  Does fred have any
metrics collection system that would allow us to detect such flooding

On Sat, May 19, 2012 at 5:46 PM, Steve Dougherty  wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> I've finished a proof of concept for Metropolis-Hastings corrected
> probes in Fred. If you are so inclined, please offer feedback on the
> patches. [1] Metropolis-Hastings correction was described previously,
> [2] and the probes are exposed over FCP. [3] An originating node starts
> a probe request by specifying the type of result they're looking for,
> and optionally a value for hopsToLive, which currently defaults to its
> maximum of 50 if not specified. We will in practice initially use
> something closer to 30. One can disable responding to any number of
> result types on the Core settings page.
> Possible types are:
> BANDWIDTH - outgoing bandwidth limit.
> BUILD - Freenet build number. (For instance, currently 1407.) Useful
> ? ? ? ?for measuring update propagation.
> IDENTIFIER - endpoint identifier. Useful for improving estimates of
> ? ? ? ? ? ? network size and churn.
> LINK_LENGTHS - differences in location between endpoint and each of
> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? endpoint's peers.
> STORE_SIZE - size of datastore.
> UPTIME - session uptime and the percentage of the past 48 hours during
> ? ? ? ? which the endpoint was up.
> +/- up to 1% noise is added to bandwidth, link lengths, store size, and
> uptime information in an attempt to make the information less
> identifiable but still useful for analysis.
> Bandwidth, link lengths, store size, and uptime are intended to improve
> knowledge of the network so that any problems will hopefully become
> apparent, or at the very least allow more detailed simulations which
> more accurately reflect actual network conditions. This is with the
> goal of implementing changes to improve network performance and
> reliability.
> Possible outcomes of the probes as implemented are:
> ? ?-non-propagated timeout
> ? ?-non-propagated disconnection
> ? ?-endpoint refusal for the result type
> ? ?-result from endpoint
> Based on feedback in #freenet I've built a TODO list:
> 1. Access MHProbe from the callbacks, which are inner classes, via
> MHProbe.this. This will mean no need to pass it in to use MHProbe as a
> ByteCounter. Also because the callbacks are inner classes there is no
> need for the horrible hack that is making pendingProbes public static.
> 2. If FOAF data for a peer is not available, ignore that peer.
> 3. Implement error messages so that resources can be freed quickly in
> the event on an error:
> ? ?- next in chain disconnected
> ? ?- timeout
> ? ?- type unrecognized
> ? ?- FOAF disabled
> 4. If FOAF is completely disabled on a node, rather than ignore every
> peer, leading to HTL decrementing until a local response, respond with
> a "FOAF disabled" error message as above.
> 5. Add a node configuration option for a random (not based on noderef
> like current probe and swap request identifier) identifier which is set
> to a random value when at its default of -1.
> 6. Use a Gaussian distribution for randomNoise() because many tests
> assume Gaussian noise, so why not?
> 7. Quantize things: instead of just adding noise, report bandwidth in
> as 64-bit integer KiB and store size as 64-bit integer GiB.
> 8. Instead of separate identifier and uptime requests, allow requesting:
> ? ?- [ identifier, quantized noisy 7-day uptime percentage ]
> ? ?- [ noisy 7-day uptime percentage ]
> ? ?- [ noisy 48-hour uptime percentage ]
> 9. Set timeout as constant1 * HTL + constant2 to account for
> probabilistic decrement at HTL = 1.
> Next week I plan to address the TODO list and any more issues that come
> up in the patch set, then submit it for merging into Fred once it has
> been approved. After that, I will work on FCP library support for the
> new probes, and update pyProbe to support gathering and analyzing the
> new information. In the event that I finish these things I can work on
> making the network simulator more flexible. Our target deployment date
> is Friday the 25th May or the day after.
> Thanks,
> operhiem1
> [1] https://github.com/thynix/fred-staging/tree/newProbes
> [2] https://emu.freenetproject.org/pipermail/devl/2012-April/036363.html
> [3] https://wiki.freenetproject.org/User:Operhiem1/MHProbeFCP
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
> meNolQJCutEUHl8VFSdut/6ahRwJ3gfdCgOiF/GHcbEkZqm4S+Jna58Sz6E9WBSa
> MfhjQ1dULutiE1vmXN/5v/vNwFYXlATAk2XK35IrUqbCorq7NZHQhSyn61j6fLdB
> cGIBOV8GCRHd2rhFu4+oP9tECyoBbL7B9OqjI3AHPEuDEyvFVfuxfk6HDcOam+4Z
> dzeecRUMU4T1wquOZ9l6sDTqe8m+RRuR++WHObQ/pI/n1s848HWTM0qs3Dzj3pIU

Re: [freenet-dev] Statistics Project Update #4

2012-05-21 Thread Zlatin Balevsky
Are these rate-limited in any way?  Do they obey some general
rate-limiting policies together with other messages?  IMHO maximum HTL
should be single-digits or you risk flooding.  Does fred have any
metrics collection system that would allow us to detect such flooding

On Sat, May 19, 2012 at 5:46 PM, Steve Dougherty st...@asksteved.com wrote:
 Hash: SHA1

 I've finished a proof of concept for Metropolis-Hastings corrected
 probes in Fred. If you are so inclined, please offer feedback on the
 patches. [1] Metropolis-Hastings correction was described previously,
 [2] and the probes are exposed over FCP. [3] An originating node starts
 a probe request by specifying the type of result they're looking for,
 and optionally a value for hopsToLive, which currently defaults to its
 maximum of 50 if not specified. We will in practice initially use
 something closer to 30. One can disable responding to any number of
 result types on the Core settings page.

 Possible types are:

 BANDWIDTH - outgoing bandwidth limit.
 BUILD - Freenet build number. (For instance, currently 1407.) Useful
        for measuring update propagation.
 IDENTIFIER - endpoint identifier. Useful for improving estimates of
             network size and churn.
 LINK_LENGTHS - differences in location between endpoint and each of
               endpoint's peers.
 STORE_SIZE - size of datastore.
 UPTIME - session uptime and the percentage of the past 48 hours during
         which the endpoint was up.

 +/- up to 1% noise is added to bandwidth, link lengths, store size, and
 uptime information in an attempt to make the information less
 identifiable but still useful for analysis.

 Bandwidth, link lengths, store size, and uptime are intended to improve
 knowledge of the network so that any problems will hopefully become
 apparent, or at the very least allow more detailed simulations which
 more accurately reflect actual network conditions. This is with the
 goal of implementing changes to improve network performance and

 Possible outcomes of the probes as implemented are:
    -non-propagated timeout
    -non-propagated disconnection
    -endpoint refusal for the result type
    -result from endpoint

 Based on feedback in #freenet I've built a TODO list:

 1. Access MHProbe from the callbacks, which are inner classes, via
 MHProbe.this. This will mean no need to pass it in to use MHProbe as a
 ByteCounter. Also because the callbacks are inner classes there is no
 need for the horrible hack that is making pendingProbes public static.
 2. If FOAF data for a peer is not available, ignore that peer.
 3. Implement error messages so that resources can be freed quickly in
 the event on an error:
    - next in chain disconnected
    - timeout
    - type unrecognized
    - FOAF disabled
 4. If FOAF is completely disabled on a node, rather than ignore every
 peer, leading to HTL decrementing until a local response, respond with
 a FOAF disabled error message as above.
 5. Add a node configuration option for a random (not based on noderef
 like current probe and swap request identifier) identifier which is set
 to a random value when at its default of -1.
 6. Use a Gaussian distribution for randomNoise() because many tests
 assume Gaussian noise, so why not?
 7. Quantize things: instead of just adding noise, report bandwidth in
 as 64-bit integer KiB and store size as 64-bit integer GiB.
 8. Instead of separate identifier and uptime requests, allow requesting:
    - [ identifier, quantized noisy 7-day uptime percentage ]
    - [ noisy 7-day uptime percentage ]
    - [ noisy 48-hour uptime percentage ]
 9. Set timeout as constant1 * HTL + constant2 to account for
 probabilistic decrement at HTL = 1.

 Next week I plan to address the TODO list and any more issues that come
 up in the patch set, then submit it for merging into Fred once it has
 been approved. After that, I will work on FCP library support for the
 new probes, and update pyProbe to support gathering and analyzing the
 new information. In the event that I finish these things I can work on
 making the network simulator more flexible. Our target deployment date
 is Friday the 25th May or the day after.


 [1] https://github.com/thynix/fred-staging/tree/newProbes
 [2] https://emu.freenetproject.org/pipermail/devl/2012-April/036363.html
 [3] https://wiki.freenetproject.org/User:Operhiem1/MHProbeFCP
 Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [freenet-dev] Statistics Project Update #4

2012-05-21 Thread Steve Dougherty
Hash: SHA1

On 05/21/2012 07:46 PM, Zlatin Balevsky wrote:
 Are these rate-limited in any way?

In what ways could I do effective rate-limiting? Would it work to keep
track of when the last request was received from each peer, and send a
rate limiting error when the last request was too recent and the last
rate error sent to that peer was long enough ago?
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)

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