Re: dia MYSQL suggestion

2001-02-08 Thread Harry George

UML is (necessarily) incomplete.  But I think you can handle the data

In type field, use the SQL type (or something which you can translate
to that)

In the value field, give the default value, plus indication of
NULL/NOT NULL and additional data as the "property string":  From UML
User Guide, pg 128:

origin:Point=(0,0) {not null, frozen}

name: origin
type: Point
value: (0,0) {not null, frozen}

KEY is non-OO and thus non-UML, but could be done as a private
pseudomethod, "KEY", whose arguments are the list of attributes
needed to form the key.

On Thu, 8 Feb 2001, Andreas Prlic wrote:
 Date: Thu, 8 Feb 2001 08:56:10 +0100
 From: Andreas Prlic [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: dia  MYSQL suggestion
 I am using dia to draw physical entity relationship models of my
 database. So I use the "UML class" object to create Tables and I
 attributes to generate the columns of the Table.
 At the moment the "attribute data" allows to specify attribute
 type and value.  To properly describe the MYSQL database tables I
 would need five "attribute data" fields, since in MYSQL every field
 described by field name, type (int, char,etc) , NULL (if it can be
 empty), Key , Default value and Extra info. Would it be possible to
 create this kind of object?
 Generalizing this one could imagine a table object, which the user
 could define to be of N x M size, where M is the number of
 data fields. And every data field could be named separately
 Andreas Prlic  Center of Applied Molecular Engineering
University of Salzburg, Jakob-Haringerstr. 3
A - 5020 Salzburg, Austria  
Tel: +43 - 662 - 8044 5798
Harry George

dia 0.86 and libxml2-2.2.10 not working together?

2001-02-08 Thread Bertrand Decouty


Dia 0.86 does not appear to support the latest version of libxml
(2.2.10). Using 2.2.0 version is fine.

The trouble is that, when saving a diagram, the following message is

xmlNewGlobalNs() deprecated function reached

but the file is -almost- correctly saved.

Then, when you re-open the file, dia does not recognize it.
In fact, the 2nd line of the file is only "diagram", when dia expects:
diagram xmlns:dia="""

Any patch available (or a new version coming soon) ?

Thank you.
| Bertrand DECOUTY  | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
| IRISA - INRIA (Atelier)   | PHONE : 0299847346 / 0299847100|
| Campus de Beaulieu| FAX   : +33 (0) 299842534  |
| F-35042 Rennes Cedex - FRANCE |   |

Re: windows install problem

2001-02-08 Thread Hans Breuer

At 15:19 08.02.01 -0600, Chuck Fuqua wrote:
I have installed dia correctly once, but had to uninstall it for a couple 
of days.  Now that I am trying to install it again I am getting an error 
message: "** Error **: Could not create per-user dia config directory"
 "** Error **: Gdk - Critical recursed **: File gdkdraw.c: line 
122: assertion 'drawable !=NULL' failed.

Yeah. Read the FAQ, especially Nr. 23 ... 

 Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org ---
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to 
get along without it.-- Dilbert

UML fonts problems (general)

2001-02-08 Thread Zack Rusin


I just installed Dia and have a serious problem. When I create a new project 
and drop class object on it I get a couple of warnings saying:
-warning no x font for helvetica-bold-oblique found, using fixed instead
-warning no x font for helvetica-bold found, using fixed instead
-warning no x font for courier-oblique found, using fixed instead
-warning no x font for courier found, using fixed instead
And afterwards every class diagram which I create doesn't scale almost at all 
to the font and the diagrams look something like:
-whate |ver: Integ |er
-somet |hing_else:| Integer
I know it might it a little bit off topic, but I didn't know where to ask and 
I really need Dia to work. Could someone please help me? What can I do?
Thank you.