[DDN] HR 2726 and libraries

2005-06-14 Thread Susan Myrland
At a meeting this afternoon I brought up HR 2726.  A woman attending 
from SD Public Library was unaware of it, and asked what it would 
mean for libraries that offer WiFi.  My understanding is that any 
existing library would be grandfathered in, but no new services could 
be initiated.  Is that what others have heard?

Feel free to reply offlist if it's more appropriate.


Susan Myrland
Silvergate Consulting
San Diego CA
619 . 316 . 6022

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Re: [DDN] Fw: [UnnayanNews] Free/Open Source Software Localization PrimerPublished

2005-06-14 Thread Taran Rampersad
Correction: http://www.knowprose.com/fosslocal

Mixing image names and links. My apologies.

Taran Rampersad wrote:

>Yes, I should be done today with an HTML version done in Drupal book
>form today - http://www.knowprose.com/flosslocal (it's still in
>progress, I've been working on other things today). The relevant blog
>entry is here: http://www.knowprose.com/node/2391
>Shahjahan Siraj wrote:
>>UNDP-APDIP's International Open Source Network has produced a primer on
>>Free/Open Source Software Localization.
>>Download the primer: FOSS Localization Primer (pdf format - 1.3MB)

Taran Rampersad
Presently in: Panama City, Panama


"Criticize by creating." — Michelangelo

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Re: [DDN] HR 2726 - "Preserving Innovation in Telecommunications"

2005-06-14 Thread Charlie Meisch


I'll take a stab at it from both sides, if you'll indulge me

The idea behind the bill, officially speaking, is that it's bad economic 
policy to have government entities competing directly with private firms.  
This is true in any market, particularly in ones where the government entity 
has advantages over private firms.  In the case of communications, local 
governments can regulate the construction of networks, levy taxes on the 
companies that do so, charge for access to the poles and other public 
utilities, and so on.

On top of that, governments are playing with a large pool of money - taxes - 
and they can borrow money very easily, whereas private companies risk much 
more when they invest and therefore are careful not to put money into losing 
verntures (in theory, of course).  Governments, on the other hand, are less 
reticent to abandon a failing project, since they can continue to throw 
money at it.  Corporate shareholders won't stand for that.  There are other, 
more complex economic arguments that frankly are over my head, but the basic 
message is that governments have advantages.

All of this makes for the case that if governments are allowed to compete 
directly with private industry, private firms have less incentive to 
innovate and invest.  So the Sessions bill would prevent a government entity 
from entering a private market.  At the same time, however, if the private 
market fails to address some demand, the bill permits local governments to 
step in and provide services.

Opposition to this idea comes from the school of thought that the market has 
in fact failed because there are millions of Americans who have yet to adopt 
broadband Internet use, largely due to price but in part because some areas, 
typically in hard-to-reach rural America, are not sufficently served by the 
private sector.  Thus, it is the government's duty to step in and provide 

The way I see it, there are various levels of support for this view - to 
some, the absence of basic broadband infrastructure justifies a 
publicly-financed buildout to underserved areas.  To others, the fact that 
millions of Americans can't afford broadband justifies a public network, 
offered at a fixed low price, to compete directly with the private sector 
offerings.  Still others argue that local governments offer other basic 
services (water, electricity, sewer, gas, garbage collection) well enough 
and therefore they should offer broadband as well - and perhaps cable 
television and telephone, while we're at it.

As far as the Sessions bill goes, the key bit of news has been that the 
Congressman has strong ties to SBC, a telephone company that would gain from 
not having to fight with every municipality in its region.  That's 
disappointing, since I actually think the bill isn't terrible - it's far 
less onerous than some of the laws that state legislatures have passed in 
the last 12 months.

I hope this is marginally helpful.  I've probably omitted a few arguments 
and details on either side, but I'd love to get some discussion going on 
this if people are jazzed about it.

Charlie Meisch

Original Message FollowsFrom: Jacqueline Morris 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Reply-To: The Digital Divide Network 
discussion group<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: The Digital 
Divide Network discussion 
group<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: Re: [DDN] HR 2726 - 
"Preserving Innovation in Telecommunications"Date: Wed, 15 Jun 
2005 00:56:31 +0200I absolutely can't understand how the US Congress 
can even think topropose a law like this, preventing municipalities from 
serving theirtaxpaying constituents! Is this the greatest democracy in 
the world inaction? Can a US citizen try to explain to those of us not 
from theUS?JacquelineOn 6/14/05, Bob J 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > >  
> Susan, > Thank you for pointing this latest attempt by 
telcoms > to preserve the duopoly they currently enjoy. > I 
believe this is very much DDN related, and an example > of how 
corporate greed, (i.e, no amount of profit is ever > enough), 
overides any thoughts of common access or public > interest. > 
Bob Johnson > PAI, Inc. > > 
http://www.freepress.net/communityinternet/ > > 
http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c109:H.R.2726: > > 
http://www.rense.com/general66/dk.htm > > > Susan 
> > -- > ~ > Silvergate 
Consulting > San Diego CA > 619 . 316 . 6022 > 
mailing list > DIGITALDIVIDE@mailman.edc.org > 
http://mailman.edc.org/mailman/listinfo/digitaldivide > To 
unsubscribe, send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 
the word UNSUBSCRIBE in the body of the message. > > 
mailing list > DIGITALDIVIDE@mailman.edc.org > 
http://mailman.edc.org/mailman/listinfo/digitaldivide > To 
unsubscribe, send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 
the word UNSUBSCRIBE in the

Re: [DDN] HR 2726 - "Preserving Innovation in Telecommunications"

2005-06-14 Thread Jacqueline Morris
I absolutely can't understand how the US Congress can even think to
propose a law like this, preventing municipalities from serving their
taxpaying constituents! Is this the greatest democracy in the world in
action? Can a US citizen try to explain to those of us not from the

On 6/14/05, Bob J <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Susan,
> Thank you for pointing this latest attempt by telcoms
> to preserve the duopoly they currently enjoy.
> I believe this is very much DDN related, and an example
> of how corporate greed, (i.e, no amount of profit is ever
> enough), overides any thoughts of common access or public
> interest.
> Bob Johnson
> PAI, Inc.
> http://www.freepress.net/communityinternet/
> http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c109:H.R.2726:
> http://www.rense.com/general66/dk.htm
> Susan
> --
> ~
> Silvergate Consulting
> San Diego CA
> 619 . 316 . 6022
> ___
> DIGITALDIVIDE mailing list
> DIGITALDIVIDE@mailman.edc.org
> http://mailman.edc.org/mailman/listinfo/digitaldivide
> To unsubscribe, send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the word UNSUBSCRIBE 
> in the body of the message.
> ___
> DIGITALDIVIDE mailing list
> DIGITALDIVIDE@mailman.edc.org
> http://mailman.edc.org/mailman/listinfo/digitaldivide
> To unsubscribe, send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the word UNSUBSCRIBE 
> in the body of the message.

Jacqueline Morris
T&T Music and videos online

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RE: [DDN] HR 2726 - "Preserving Innovation in Telecommunications"

2005-06-14 Thread Charlie Meisch

Much as I hate to agree with Sessions generally speaking, there are two 
things I like about this bill:

1)  There's no requirement that municipalities seek the permission of a 
local telco prior to even deciding to build their own broadband network 
(like so many of the state bills we've all read about); and

2)  It doesn't stop municipalities from building in geographic areas that 
are completely unserved by private companies.  In other words, in areas 
where no broadband exists, a municipality can build out infrastructure to 
serve those residents.  And as Sascha Meinrath's project demonstrates, 
communities can do this on the cheap.

Original Message FollowsFrom: "Bob J" 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Reply-To: The Digital Divide Network discussion 
group<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: "The Digital Divide 
Network discussion 
group"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: RE: [DDN] HR 
2726 - "Preserving Innovation in Telecommunications"Date: Tue, 
14 Jun 2005 11:49:05 -0500Susan,Thank 
you for pointing this latest attempt by telcomsto preserve the duopoly 
they currently enjoy.I believe this is very much DDN related, and an 
exampleof how corporate greed, (i.e, no amount of profit is 
everenough), overides any thoughts of common access or 
publicinterest.Bob JohnsonPAI, 
ConsultingSan Diego CA619 . 316 . 
unsubscribe, send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 
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Re: [DDN] BBC programme "Africa Calling"

2005-06-14 Thread Chris Schuepp


try this link to Search For Common Grounds.



Chris Schuepp
Young People's Media Network - Coordinator
c/o ECMC (European Centre for Media Competence)
Bergstr. 8 / 10th floor
D-45770 Marl - Germany

Tel.: +49 2365 502480
Mobile: +49 176 23107083
Fax: +49 12126 23107083
URL: www.unicef.org/magic
Mailing list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/youthful-media

The YPMN is supported by UNICEF and hosted by the ECMC.

The opinions and views expressed in this message and/or articles & websites
linked to from this message do not necessarily reflect the views of the
United Nations or its agencies.
- Original Message - 
From: "Calvin Webster" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2005 7:49 PM
Subject: RE: [DDN] BBC programme "Africa Calling"

Speaking of Africa, I was wondering if anyone might have more specific 
information regarding the digital divide issues in Liberia?  More about 
educational initiatives and children.  Any info regarding this would 
immediately impact my efforts as a VISTA.  Possibly some information on 
resources would also be benficial.

thanks for your help!

Calvin D. Webster II
Technology Coordinator
NC Campus Compact Americorps*VISTA
Academic Community Service Learning Program
North Carolina Central University

phone: (919) 530-5167
NC Campus Compact web: http://www.elon.edu/nccc
NCCU web: http://www.nccu.edu/commserv

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[DDN] FCC inquiry into Universal Service Fund

2005-06-14 Thread Charlie Meisch

Just got this a short while ago.  US advocates should keep a watchful eye -
while I support government oversight, enemies of the E-Rate and other
Universal Service programs will use this as a witch hunt.

There is a public comment period, so I recommend that anyone who can do so
share annecdotal evidence of what has worked for USF programs and what could
use improvement.  The Commission values insight and empiricism is helpful,
but I think in this case the experience of many of you on this list will be

Charlie Meisch

June 14, 2005   Mark Wigfield, 202-418-0253

FCC Launches Broad Inquiry Into Management and Oversight of Universal
Service Fund

Takes Steps to Simplify and Safeguard the Program

Washington, D.C. – The Federal Communications Commission today launched a
broad inquiry into the management, administration and oversight of the
Universal Service Fund.

The Commission’s goals are to improve the operation of the program for its
beneficiaries and contributors and to enhance program integrity. The four
programs of the Universal Service Fund, or USF, help provide affordable
phone service in rural areas, fund Internet access and telecommunications
equipment and services in the nation’s schools and libraries, bring
telemedicine services to rural areas, and assist low-income families with
their phone bills.

Since 1997, the Universal Service Administrative Company, or USAC, which
administers the fund, has disbursed approximately $30.3 billion from the
fund.  This proceeding will provide an opportunity for the Commission to
work with all USF stakeholders to learn from the experience of the past
eight years and find new, constructive ways to both meet the needs of those
who depend on the USF and protect the integrity of the program.

In particular, the Commission is seeking comment in the following areas:

·   Managing the Program:  The Commission is exploring ways to simplify
and streamline the management of the program.  In particular, the Commission
tentatively concludes that a multi-year application process for
telecommunications services for the E-rate and Rural Healthcare programs
would simplify the process in a way that still guards against potential
abuse.  The Commission also seeks comment on, among other things, reducing
or consolidating application forms and adopting deadlines and other criteria
to provide certainty to program applicants.

·   Improving Oversight:  The Commission seeks comment on the
effectiveness of existing efforts to protect the fund against potential
misuse.  The Commission tentatively concludes that more aggressive debarment
procedures are necessary to safeguard the fund and seeks comment on ways to
improve the debarment rules.  In addition, the Commission seeks comment on
establishing independent audits for certain USF beneficiaries and
contributors and seeks comment on what rules would help ensure that any
audits are effective and fair.  The Commission is also seeking comment on
establishing rules for recovering USF monies that were not used in
accordance with program rules.

·   Administrative Structure:  The Commission is examining the
effectiveness of the existing administrative structure and seeks comment on
whether any rule changes are needed to ensure the USF is administered in an
effective, competitively neutral way.

·   Performance Measures: The Commission is seeking comment on
establishing performance measures to assess the effectiveness of the program

The Commission will determine whether it needs to change any rules in order
to manage and administer the USF more effectively while deterring waste,
fraud and abuse.

Action by the Commission, June 14, 2005, by Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (FCC 05-124).  Chairman Martin,
Commissioners Abernathy, Copps and Adelstein. Separate statements issued by
Chairman Martin and Commissioners Copps and Adelstein.

Docket Nos. 05-195, 96-45, 02-6, 02-60, 03-109 and 97-21.

Wireline Competition Bureau Staff Contacts:  Warren Firschein, 202-418-0844,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; Mika Savir, 202-418-0384, [EMAIL PROTECTED]


News about the Federal Communications Commission can also be found

on the Commission’s web site www.fcc.gov.

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[DDN] Do you speak computer? (fwd)

2005-06-14 Thread Andy Carvin

From the Chicago Tribune... -ac

Do you speak computer?
Hispanics get helpful boost into English-dominated digital world

In  a darkened community room at the Des Plaines Public Library, Hector 
Marino tells his students to fire up Microsoft Paint on their borrowed 
laptop computers. It's the perfect way, he says in Spanish, to get some 
practice with el raton. That means "the mouse," one of many translations 
Marino uses to make the world of computing, which is dominated by 
English, more comprehensible for his Spanish-speaking students. The 
desktop is el escritorio. E-mail, he says, is correo electronico. And to 
get from one Web page to another, he tells them: haz un clic.

"It's a challenge for them. But we try to make it easy," Marino said. 
"We use the very basics. They don't need to create PowerPoint 
presentations. They need basic things--to save, erase, copy and paste. 
We're trying to teach them the essentials."

A growing number of Spanish speaking people are interested in joining 
the digital realm, hoping to stay in touch with overseas relatives, get 
ahead at work and keep up with what their kids are learning. That's 
testing the ingenuity of computer instructors trying to teach a subject 
whose technical terms can be hard to grasp even without a language 
barrier. "It's double the effort," said Mauricio Blanco, who teaches at 
the computer center of Onward Neighborhood House in Chicago's West Town 
neighborhood. "All the software, all the programs are in English."


Andy Carvin
Program Director
EDC Center for Media & Community
acarvin @ edc . org
Blog: http://www.andycarvin.com
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Re: [DDN] DDN-related activities at CTCNet

2005-06-14 Thread Dan Bassill
Will there be one section of the DDN web site where people attending the
conference can blog and exchange ideas with people who will not be
attending, but who might connect on-line?

Dan Bassill
Tutor/Mentor Connection

on 6/13/05 2:23 PM, Andy Carvin at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Let's do it, then. I believe there's a bar at the Grill Room inside the hotel.
> Does anyone know the hotel at all? -ac
> --
> thanks, andy, that would be lovely. count me in.  i'm driving to cleveland
> and expect to be there by then.
>> Lastly, if you're planning to present at CTCNet, please feel free to post
>> a note to the list and let us know about your session.
> i'll be showing and explaining the sokomind logic puzzles (free software
> for windows 95/98/xp) at the Share Fare on friday afternoon.
> http://www.digitaldivide.net/blog/pshapiro/view?PostID=4186
> - phil

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Re: [DDN] China Orders Bloggers to Register With Government

2005-06-14 Thread Taran Rampersad
David P. Dillard wrote:

>China orders bloggers to register with government
>Associated Press
>Tuesday June 7, 2005

Actually, while we are concerned about Civil Liberties, it is only
because ICANN doesn't require valid information that China would require
people to register with the government. The mechanics are a result of
the lack of information on web site owners world-wide, though the
*reason* for the mechanics is not something many of us would agree with.

Such mechanics could actually be used for good purposes. While the
anonymity of the Chinese bloggers may be to our world's advantage, I
have to wonder at what point such mechanics will become more prevalent
in the 'Free World'. And also, there lies the question on which many
groups and individuals are considering - 'is my anonymity's value to
us/me greater than the cost of other's anonymity on us/me?'

We may well wish to look to our own personal reactions to this, and
analyze them better... I know I am doing so. But then, I do have my own
name on the domains I own, and I do not hide. But what if I had to? And
then - what about the people who send me SPAM to direct me to a website
so that they can attempt to sell me something? And why do people have to

And how long will it take for other governments to do the same, though
for different given reasons?

"Freedom of the press is limited to those who own one." — A. J. Liebling
 (1904 - 1963)

Taran Rampersad
Presently in: Panama City, Panama


"Criticize by creating." — Michelangelo

DIGITALDIVIDE mailing list
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in the body of the message.

Re: [DDN] Fw: [UnnayanNews] Free/Open Source Software Localization PrimerPublished

2005-06-14 Thread Taran Rampersad
Yes, I should be done today with an HTML version done in Drupal book
form today - http://www.knowprose.com/flosslocal (it's still in
progress, I've been working on other things today). The relevant blog
entry is here: http://www.knowprose.com/node/2391

Shahjahan Siraj wrote:

>UNDP-APDIP's International Open Source Network has produced a primer on
>Free/Open Source Software Localization.
>Download the primer: FOSS Localization Primer (pdf format - 1.3MB)

Taran Rampersad
Presently in: Panama City, Panama


"Criticize by creating." — Michelangelo

DIGITALDIVIDE mailing list
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[DDN] Inquiry About GED Software

2005-06-14 Thread Kevin Cronin
List:  We are evaluating types of GED software to supplement education 
activities here at our 25-terminal public computer center.  If you have some 
insight to share about some of the commercial products or have some insight 
to share based on use in your computer center, please contact me off-list.  

Kevin Cronin
Magic Johnson/HP Inventor Center
University Settlement
4800 Broadway Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio  44127

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[DDN] Diversifying Participation in Network Development

2005-06-14 Thread A. K. Mahan
Invitation to participate in a six week online dialogue:

World Dialogue on Regulation:
Diversifying Participation in Network Development
new dialogue, 20 June – 29 July 2005

You are invited to participate in the next online World Dialogue on
Regulation (WDR) session dedicated to the research theme,
Diversifying Participation in Network Development, beginning 20 June
2005, at .

The online dialogue has been a central feature of the WDR network
since its inception. During the WDR research and dialogue cycles, the
online dialogues invite comments, questions and discussion from
WDR participants and observers, based on their own experience,
research, analysis or observations. It also provides researchers an
opportunity to disseminate some early results of their investigations on
the WDR theme.

The current WDR theme, diversifying participation in network
development, arises because participation in telecom development
traditionally has been highly restricted to national monopolies or
specified nationally licensed operators, with restrictions against the
participation of others in supplying telecom facilities and services, or in
acting  as intermediaries or facilitators of demand. There is a growing
recognition that the full development of networks and services will
require a much wider diversity of participation from both the public and
private sectors, including local initiatives and public-private
partnerships. The dialogue is exploring these possibilities and their
implications in the variety of circumstances where network
development is needed.

The online WDR facilities have recently been upgraded, taking
advantage of newer and more user friendly discussion software.
Based on experience with earlier WDR dialogues, we have decided to
focus the issues and limit each dialogue to a specified period – six
weeks. Each six-week period will provide a different focus within the
overall dialogue theme.

Dialogue Focus 20 June – 29 July 2005
New Players in Network Development:
Case Studies, and Experience (good, bad or indifferent)

Our collective experience should provide some lessons for application
elsewhere. The collection of cases/experiences will be maintained in a
separate thread of the dialogue and will provide reference points for
some of the issues being discussed.  Examples could be a local
telephone cooperative, the use of a new technology, a new
intermediary buying services for a community, a new kind of business
model, etc. Where further information is available, contributors should
include contact information or a URL for the project.

For further information or a short description of this dialogue theme,
please visit the WDR website:
An RSS feed is available for the online dialogue.

Questions about the WDR dialogue should be sent to

Amy Mahan

+(598.2) 4102979
Dr. Pablo de María 1036
Montevideo, Uruguay

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Re: [DDN] New: CTCNet Conference News Aggregator

2005-06-14 Thread Brian Russell
Brilliant Andy!

> Great idea, Dan... I've just set up a new feature story on DDN that is
> automatically aggregating blog entries about CTCNet:
> http://www.digitaldivide.net/articles/view.php?ArticleID=447
> How I did it: I went to the blog search engine technorati.com and
> searched for the term CTCNet. This generated a list of all blog entries
> featuring that word. The search results generated an RSS feed containing
> all the latest results; I then went to RSSDigest
> (http://www.bigbold.com/rssdigest/) and set up a free java script that
> creates a website-friendly digest of the search results. Last, I created
> a new feature story on DDN and pasted the java script onto the page.
> Instant CTCNet news digest.
> So, for those of you who will blog about CTCNet, be sure to mention the
> word CTCNet in each entry so Technorati will pick up your blog and add
> it to the digest. You may also want to go to Technorati.com and submit
> your RSS feed to it, to ensure that they're receiving your blog.
> ac
>  > Will there be one section of the DDN web site where people attending
> the
>  > conference can blog and exchange ideas with people who will not be
>  > attending, but who might connect on-line?
>  >
>  > Dan Bassill
>  > Tutor/Mentor Connection
>  > http://tutormentor.blogspot.com
> --
> ---
> Andy Carvin
> Program Director
> EDC Center for Media & Community
> acarvin @ edc . org
> http://www.digitaldivide.net
> http://www.tsunami-info.org
> Blog: http://www.andycarvin.com
> ---
> ___
> DIGITALDIVIDE mailing list
> DIGITALDIVIDE@mailman.edc.org
> http://mailman.edc.org/mailman/listinfo/digitaldivide
> To unsubscribe, send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> with the word UNSUBSCRIBE in the body of the message.

DIGITALDIVIDE mailing list
To unsubscribe, send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the word UNSUBSCRIBE 
in the body of the message.

RE: [DDN] BBC programme "Africa Calling"

2005-06-14 Thread Calvin Webster
Speaking of Africa, I was wondering if anyone might have more specific 
information regarding the digital divide issues in Liberia?  More about 
educational initiatives and children.  Any info regarding this would 
immediately impact my efforts as a VISTA.  Possibly some information on 
resources would also be benficial.

thanks for your help!

Calvin D. Webster II
Technology Coordinator
NC Campus Compact Americorps*VISTA
Academic Community Service Learning Program
North Carolina Central University

phone: (919) 530-5167
NC Campus Compact web: http://www.elon.edu/nccc
NCCU web: http://www.nccu.edu/commserv

DIGITALDIVIDE mailing list
To unsubscribe, send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the word UNSUBSCRIBE 
in the body of the message.

Re: [DDN] DDN-related activities at CTCNet

2005-06-14 Thread Brian Russell
I'll be blogging & podcasting the event on AudioActivism.org. If you'll be
blogging the event try putting the following code in your posts.

http://technorati.com/tag/ctcnet2005"; rel="tag">ctcnet2005

This will help us agregate all the blog posts about the CTCnet Conference.
A page on the DDN website linking to folks blogging about the CTCnet
conference would be cool.


> Will there be one section of the DDN web site where people attending the
> conference can blog and exchange ideas with people who will not be
> attending, but who might connect on-line?
> Dan Bassill
> Tutor/Mentor Connection
> http://tutormentor.blogspot.com
> on 6/13/05 2:23 PM, Andy Carvin at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Let's do it, then. I believe there's a bar at the Grill Room inside the
>> hotel.
>> Does anyone know the hotel at all? -ac
>> --
>> thanks, andy, that would be lovely. count me in.  i'm driving to
>> cleveland
>> and expect to be there by then.
>>> Lastly, if you're planning to present at CTCNet, please feel free to
>>> post
>>> a note to the list and let us know about your session.
>> i'll be showing and explaining the sokomind logic puzzles (free software
>> for windows 95/98/xp) at the Share Fare on friday afternoon.
>> http://www.digitaldivide.net/blog/pshapiro/view?PostID=4186
>> - phil
> ___
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RE: [DDN] HR 2726 - "Preserving Innovation in Telecommunications"

2005-06-14 Thread Bob J

Thank you for pointing this latest attempt by telcoms
to preserve the duopoly they currently enjoy.
I believe this is very much DDN related, and an example
of how corporate greed, (i.e, no amount of profit is ever
enough), overides any thoughts of common access or public
Bob Johnson
PAI, Inc.





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[DDN] New: CTCNet Conference News Aggregator

2005-06-14 Thread Andy Carvin
Great idea, Dan... I've just set up a new feature story on DDN that is 
automatically aggregating blog entries about CTCNet:


How I did it: I went to the blog search engine technorati.com and 
searched for the term CTCNet. This generated a list of all blog entries 
featuring that word. The search results generated an RSS feed containing 
all the latest results; I then went to RSSDigest 
(http://www.bigbold.com/rssdigest/) and set up a free java script that 
creates a website-friendly digest of the search results. Last, I created 
a new feature story on DDN and pasted the java script onto the page. 
Instant CTCNet news digest.

So, for those of you who will blog about CTCNet, be sure to mention the 
word CTCNet in each entry so Technorati will pick up your blog and add 
it to the digest. You may also want to go to Technorati.com and submit 
your RSS feed to it, to ensure that they're receiving your blog.


> Will there be one section of the DDN web site where people attending the
> conference can blog and exchange ideas with people who will not be
> attending, but who might connect on-line?
> Dan Bassill
> Tutor/Mentor Connection
> http://tutormentor.blogspot.com
Andy Carvin
Program Director
EDC Center for Media & Community
acarvin @ edc . org
Blog: http://www.andycarvin.com
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[DDN] Intl Symposium on Local E-Democracy - 26-27 July 2005 - Minneapolis, USA

2005-06-14 Thread Steven Clift
As we cross the digital divide, what types on compelling online
experiences must we build in local communities to bring people and
communities together?  Almost all digital divide projects have a local
foundation - that is where people are.  Are we content with bringing
people online so they can "go to the world" or can we build ways for
people to "come home" online.

Please pass this one to those in government, NGO, or media
"e-participation" circles that you think would benefit from a chance to
network with their global peers.  This will also be one of the best
opportunities in North America to connect into the exciting e-democracy
work of local government and communities from the UK and beyond.

Steven Clift

--Conference Announcement - Please Circulate--

International Symposium on Local E-Democracy July 26-27, 2005 -
Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA http://dowire.org/localedem

The International Symposium on Local E-Democracy is a dynamic conference
exploring leading e-democracy trends around the world. The next day, a
field trip to the "wired" chambers of the Minnesota State Legislature
and Northfield, Minnesota's community blogging efforts along with
traveling color commentary will bring one of birthplaces of
"e-democracy" to life.

This is the world's first international conference focused specifically
on local e-democracy. We expect representatives of a number of
government, non-profit, research, and civic organisations to attend. If
you are interested in improving governance and citizen participation in
the information age, this conference is for you. 

The symposium is sponsored by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister in
the United Kingdom and the UK Local e-Democracy National Project along
with other partners.

* Register Today - Full Conference Details


Or sign-up for future conference e-mail updates: 

* Plenary Themes 

The following panels are being developed:

  - Informed Elections - From e-voting to voter 
  education online 

  - E-Government and Democracy - Leading e-democracy 
  practices in governance and civic education 

  - Local Citizens and Community Online - Citizen 
  e-activism, local blogging, and media online 

We promise short presentations with an emphasis on interactive

* Small Group Sessions and Networking

Small group sessions, proposed via the conference "wiki" website by
conference participants, provide an interactive opportunity for
discussion of diverse topics. 

We expect 50 to 100 participants. Extensive opportunities for networking
among practitioners, experts, and researchers will be provided.  This
includes a "tailgating" pre-conference event with E-Democracy.Org the
evening of Monday, July 25 at a St. Paul Saints outdoor minor league
baseball game.

* 60 Second Pitch 

Do you have an e-democracy project, idea, technology, etc. that you want
to share? Up to 20 speakers will have one minute to powerfully
communicate their e-democracy message.

* Stay Tuned 

The final agenda and list of speakers and small group sessions will be
released on the conference website:


* Cost and Hotel

The fee for the conference is a modest $125 US (~70 GBP, 102 Euros). The
enrolled student rate is
$75 US. 

This will cover your symposium participation and the luncheon. For those
joining us on the field trip, transportation will be provided at no
additional cost. 
The pre-conference baseball event will be $15. 

Hotel accommodation in Minneapolis, with free Wi-Fi Internet access, is
available at the special conference rate of $99 plus tax per night just
a couple blocks away from our conference location, the Humphrey
Institute at the University of Minnesota. 

Please use the conference website to register and reserve your


* Receive E-mail Updates - Note Your Interest 

If you plan to attend or are not quite ready to register, please sign-up
to receive conference announcements. 

Simply e-mail: 


* Contact Us 

To contact the conference team, e-mail: 


* Additional Details and Link

About Minnesota - Plan a Minne-vacation

Transportation Advice

Propose Small Group Sessions

Highlights from the Global E-Democracy Best Practices Work

UK Local E-Democracy National Project

Office of the Deputy Prime Minister

Steven Clift - http://publicus.net - Reply to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Join
DoWire: http://dowire.org
E-Democracy: http://e-democracy.org

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[DDN] Fw: [UnnayanNews] Opportunity to Participate in a New Media TrainingWorkshop

2005-06-14 Thread Shahjahan Siraj
- Original Message - 
From: Shahjahan Siraj 
Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2005 2:56 PM
Subject: [UnnayanNews] Opportunity to Participate in a New Media 

Opportunity to Participate in a New Media Training Workshop

Online Journalism and Web Publishing Training Workshop
15-19 Augist, 2005, Panos Media centre, Kathmandu, Nepal


New media technologies are rapidly changing the face of journalism, stretching 
traditional professional paradigms to the limit. Both print and broadcast media 
are discovering a vast complementary world online, as well as a whole new array 
of cheap and timesaving digital tools.


Panos South Asia (PSA)  is organising a 5-day South 
Asian regional 'Online Journalism and Web Publishing Training Workshop' for 
media practitioners in South Asia, from 15 -19 August, 2005 at its Media Centre 
in Kathmandu, Nepal. This training workshop will provide a solid basis for 
understanding new media formats for text, audio, and video materials. 
Participants will become acquainted with the general issues of online 
publishing and distribution, such as copyright and newly emerging roles in the 
field of online journalism. They will also be introduced to technologies of 
simultaneous layout of print and online editions of a given publication, as 
well as to new forms of content distribution. On the practical side, 
participants will learn how to develop web multimedia content, beginning with 
text-based material, then moving onto integration of audio and video material. 
The outcome of the training will be an extensive fictitious online multimedia 


Publishers, editors and journalists from print and broadcast media from South 
Asian countries wishing to attend this training workshop may apply by 15 July, 
2005 to Kishor Pradhan by e-mail at [EMAIL PROTECTED] PSA will cover all 
related costs of participation, including travel, for selected participants 
from the region. Your applications should contain a brief resume and a less 
than 300 word essay stating how by participating in this workshop it will 
enable you or your organization to use new media technologies for online 
publications. PSA will respond only to selected applicants by 27 July, 2005.

Kishor Pradhan 
Panos South Asia 
Kathmandu, Nepal

UnnayanNet is an `non political` and non profit organisation. The platform 
actively works to give the ownership of modern information and technology to 
the majority people especially to the rural poor by solving the digital divide 
and poverty alleviation. It widely gives ICT and innovative webdesign support 
to NGO and development organisation with nonprofit manner. The programs of 
UnnayanNet have been designed with the spirit of change; unity and equity by 
targeting the millennium development goals ( MDG), universal human rights 
declaration, culture of peace as well as majority peoples participation in 
development process.."UnnayanNews" is the listserv of UnnayanNet, a countrywide 
development news network. Detail info at http://www.unnayannet.org  

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Re: [DDN] DDN-related activities at CTCNet

2005-06-14 Thread kmichaelson
I am appearing on the program twice.  On Friday at 10:30 a.m., I'm doing a 
workshop on "Hands on Strategies for Creating Community Change" and on Saturday 
at 9 a.m., I am doing another interactive workshop called "Sustainability and 
Social Enterprise:Improving your Community and your Bottom Line.

See you there.

Karen L. Michaelson, Ph.D., Director
TINCAN (The Inland Northwest Community Access Network)
827 West First Avenue, Suite 418   Spokane, WA  99201
(509)744-0972; FAX: (509)744-1120

-- Original Message --
From: "Andy Carvin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: The Digital Divide Network discussion group<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:  Mon, 13 Jun 2005 13:41:33 -0400

>Hi everyone,
>In just a few days it'll be the start of the 14th annual CTCNet conference, 
>taking place this year in Cleveland. The Digital Divide Network will be 
>hosting several activities during the event, so I wanted to share a list of 
>these activities as well as invite DDN members to share CTCNet-related 
>activities of their own.
>First, we'll be hosting two sessions during the conference. On Friday morning 
>at 10:30am, I'll be speaking at a session on the World Summit on the 
>Information Society (WSIS). John Zoltner of CTCNet will also participate, as 
>will a representative from IDRC's telecentres.org initiative. Here's the 
>session description:
>On Saturday at 9am, I'll host a 90-minute session about the Digital Divide 
>Network. This session will take place in the computer lab, meaning everyone 
>attending will have a chance to learn about DDN and explore the website at the 
>same time. I'll demonstrate DDN's newest features, including blogs, dicussion 
>boards, RSS feeds and other tool. I'm also hoping that DDN members will want 
>to share some of their experiences with people learning about DDN for the 
>first time, so I encourage all of you to attend.
>On Saturday afternoon, during the birds of a feather timeslot (4:30pm), I'll 
>convene a meetup of DDN members. It's not often that DDN members from around 
>the country get a chance to meet face-to-face, so this will be a chance for 
>you to put a face to the name (or the email address) you've seen on the 
>discussion list, as well as talk about DDN, what it can do to help you in your 
>work, and its future activities. 
>If anyone is interested, I was also thinking of hosting an informal happy hour 
>at the hotel bar on Thursday night, around 8:30pm. Please let me know if you 
>might be interested and we can make plans to meet there.
>Lastly, if you're planning to present at CTCNet, please feel free to post a 
>note to the list and let us know about your session.
>Andy Carvin
>Program Director
>EDC Center for Media & Community
>acarvin @ edc . org
>Blog: http://www.andycarvin.com
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[DDN] EPIC creators comment about EPIC on morph

2005-06-14 Thread Gloria Pan

I wanted to share EPIC creators Matt Thompson's and Robin Sloan's comments, 
which appeared today on the morph blog:

Do Googlezon masterminds really think it'll happen?

We asked our friend Matt Thompson and his creative partner Robin Sloan to talk 
to us about EPIC, their anxiety-inducing vision of the mediacentric future. We 
asked them to share some of their experiences and thoughts since EPIC took on a 
life of its own on the Internet. They said, "Sure, why not?" Here it is:

Matt: One of the first questions people always ask after they see EPIC 2014 is, 
"Do you really think this is going to happen?"

Nah, we usually say. Google didn't even buy TiVo in 2004 (fixed in the 2015 
version). Clearly they can't take over the world now.

Lately, I've begun giving a different answer. It already has happened. It is 

No, fact-stripping robots haven't quite been rifling through your news sources, 
rearranging facts and quotes and recalculating statistics to produce 
custom-tailored stories for you. Microsoft hasn't exactly focused its sights on 
its suite of productivity software. And Google and Amazon remain kissing 

To read more and to comment, please go here: 

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[DDN] Fw: [UnnayanNews] Free/Open Source Software Localization PrimerPublished

2005-06-14 Thread Shahjahan Siraj

- Original Message -
From: "Khairil Yusof" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2005 3:05 PM
Subject: [UnnayanNews] Free/Open Source Software Localization

UNDP-APDIP's International Open Source Network has produced a primer on
Free/Open Source Software Localization.

Download the primer: FOSS Localization Primer (pdf format - 1.3MB)

June 6th 2005

This primer provides a broad perspective on the localization of
Free/Open Source Software (FOSS) for the benefit of policy- and
decision-makers in developing countries. It highlights the benefits and
strategies of FOSS localization, along with case studies from various
countries that are on the road to software freedom.

The primer begins with an introduction to localization and the benefits
of choosing FOSS over proprietary software. The next section provides a
survey of initiatives and efforts in localization of FOSS within the
Asia-Pacific region, including best practices and lessons learned
specifically in countries such as Viet Nam, Thailand, Cambodia, India
and Malaysia. The primer also provides three case studies of
localization efforts in Thailand, Lao PDR and Cambodia, as well as
recommendations on technical issues, resource allocation, skills and
tools, implementation, costs and language considerations.

To help localizers get started, two annexes regarding key concepts and
the technical aspects of localization are provided. These are intended
for project managers and implementers who are planning software
localization projects.

This primer is produced by the International Open Source Network an
initiative of UNDP's Asia-Pacific Development Information Programme and
supported by the International Development Research Center (IDRC).

The primer is released under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0
license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/)


Sunil Abraham

Thailand: Tel: (66-2) 288-1234
India : Tel: (91-80) 51150580

About UNDP-APDIP International Open Source Network

The International Open Source Network (IOSN - http://www.iosn.net)) is a
Centre of Excellence for Free/Open Source Software in the Asia-Pacific
Region. IOSN is an initiative of the Asia-Pacific Information
Development Programme (APDIP - http://www.apdip.net), which has been
supporting the strategic and effective use of Information Communication
Technology (ICT) for poverty alleviation and sustainable human
development in the Asia-Pacific region since 1997. Via a small
secretariat, the IOSN is tasked specifically to facilitate and network
Free/Open Source Software advocates and human resources in the region.

About the International Development Research Center (IDRC)

The IDRC is a Canadian public corporation that works in close
collaboration with researchers from the developing world in their search
for the means to build healthier, more equitable, and more prosperous
societies. For more information please see www.idrc.ca.

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Re: [DDN] DDN-related activities at CTCNet

2005-06-14 Thread Judy Hallman

Andy Carvin wrote:

Let's do it, then. I believe there's a bar at the Grill Room inside the hotel. 
Does anyone know the hotel at all? -ac

The Grill Room looks like the best place -- see 

I can't tell how big it is.

Hopefully there will be a message board where you could post any change 
of plans.

I plan on being there.

Judy Hallman ([EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.rtpnet.org/hallman)
Executive Director, RTPnet, NC (http://www.RTPnet.org/)

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[DDN] HR 2726 - "Preserving Innovation in Telecommunications"

2005-06-14 Thread Susan Myrland
I received an email from a friend that HR 2726 is coming up for 
review by Congress.  I haven't been following this issue, but googled 
it and found that it's the "Preserving Innovation in 
Telecommunications" Act.  The purpose is "to prohibit municipal 
governments from offering telecommunications, information, or cable 
services except to remedy market failures by private enterprise." 
This seems like something that this listserve would be interested in. 
Here are some links:





Silvergate Consulting
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