Re: accepts-invalid?

2010-08-24 Thread Don

Nick Sabalausky wrote:
"Steven Schveighoffer"  wrote in message 

On Mon, 23 Aug 2010 15:29:32 -0400, Nick Sabalausky  wrote:

"klickverbot"  wrote in message

Hello all,

currently, DMD accepts the following code, but the resulting binary
bus-errors at runtime:

import std.stdio;

void foo( string str ) () {
writefln( str );

void bar( string text ) {
foo!( text );

void main() { bar( "asdf" );

Shouldn't this be a compile-time error?

I'm pretty sure that should work fine in D1 without any errors. Although 

1.062 I'm getting this (at run-time):

Error: 4invalid UTF-8 sequence
Wait, how can you pass a runtime string as a template parameter?  I'm 
pretty sure the whole thing is a bug.

Oh, yea, now I see it :)

It may be a duplicate of bug 2962.

Range literals

2010-08-24 Thread Peter Alexander
I know that D2 is supposed to be closed for new features, but I thought 
I'd mention this anyway just in case it's deemed easy/simple enough for 
inclusion, or even if it will just get considered for later on.

Anyway, we all know that we can do the following:

  foreach (int x; 0..10)

That will print 0, 1, 2 .. 9.

We could also write it like this:

  foreach (int x; iota(0, 10))

for the same effect.

If we want only odd numbers then we can use:

  foreach (int x; filter!("a & 1")(iota(0, 10)))

but what we cannot write is:

  foreach (int x; filter!("a & 1")(0..10))

because 0..10 isn't a range literal -- it's a special notation that only 
applies to foreach loops and array slicing.

Proposal: Make a..b a literal that evaluates to iota(a, b) or some 
built-in equivalent. Of course, the $ symbol would not be valid for 
these literals.

More advanced proposal: Make .. into a binary operator, which is 
language-defined for integer data types (takes two integers, returns 
iota), and overloadable for user data-types. Why would you want to 
overload it? For linked data-structures, it would be an ideal candidate 
for creating a range between two links (linkA..linkB).


- Creates more uniformity and purity across the language i.e. if I can 
use X and Y to the same effect (as above) then I expect f(X) and f(Y) to 
have the same effect -- assuming that f is referentially transparent.

- Adds a nice, intuitive shorthand for a common practice, increasing the 
productivity and readability of D code.

- It removes a special case of foreach.

- Doesn't (shouldn't?) break backwards-compatibility. If reliance on 
std.algorithm.iota is a problem then perhaps it would be best encoded as 
a D runtime type.


- Slicing still remains a special case, which might confuse people into 
thinking that slicing is an operation that takes a range (arguably, this 
is already the case)

- Requires core language and compiler changes.

I also have a proposal for slicing along the same lines, but I'll leave 
that for later.

Re: Why C++ compiles slowly

2010-08-24 Thread Walter Bright

Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

With profiling enabled, gprof outputs this as the top hitters:

Flat profile:

Each sample counts as 0.01 seconds.
  %   cumulative   self  self total
 time   seconds   secondscalls  ms/call  ms/call  name
 77.76  6.68 6.68 2952 2.26 2.26  
elf_findstr(Outbuffer*, char const*, char const*)

  2.10  6.86 0.18 4342 0.04 0.04  searchfixlist

elf_findstr definitely looks like a problem area. I can't look at it right now, 
so can you post this to bugzilla please?

Re: Fixing std.string

2010-08-24 Thread Jonathan M Davis
On Monday 23 August 2010 23:16:25 Michael Rynn wrote:
> The problems are combinatorial, because of encoding schemes.
> I imagine that when someone wants a function that is missing from
> std.string, they might write one, and might even add to it.

A lot of functions in Phobos are templated on string type, so you don't have to 
define multiple versions of them. Very few, if any, are actually defined for 
multiple string types. Now, because each template instantiation results in 
another version of the function in the resulting binary, if you try and use all 
of the functions with all of the string types, then you do get combinatorial 
problems. But thanks to the templates, you don't have to worry about it 
directly, and it's not like it's going to be a typical use case for most string 
functions to be used by multiple string types in the same program. It will 
happen, but not enough to generally be an issue.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: Range literals

2010-08-24 Thread Norbert Nemec

On 24/08/10 08:56, Peter Alexander wrote:

Proposal: Make a..b a literal that evaluates to iota(a, b) or some
built-in equivalent.

Indeed, this has been discussed before and I believe people were 
generally in favor of this idea. I agree that it should still be 
considered for DMD2. As I see it, this would not be a new feature on its 
own, but rather a modification to round up the existing set of features.

Of course, the $ symbol would not be valid for
these literals.

Indeed -- the $ has nothing to do with the "range" but rather with the 
indexing expression within which it appears.

I also have a proposal for slicing along the same lines, but I'll leave
that for later.

This was discussed along with it and is actually essential for the 
concept: With a..b turning into an expression of its own, 'opSlice' is 
not needed any more. The same effect could be achieved by overloading 
opIndex for the range expression's type.

The whole idea is crucial for implementing multidimensional arrays. It 
is the simplest way to allow implementing mixed indexing expressions like


Re: Fixing std.string

2010-08-24 Thread Norbert Nemec

On 20/08/10 03:22, dsimcha wrote:

3.  Is there any good reason to avoid just templating everything to work with
all 9 string types (mutable/const/immutable char/wchar/dchar[]) or whatever
subset is reasonable for the given function?

Wouldn't it be sufficient to take const as input? IIRC, both mutable and 
immutable can be implicitly converted to const and this exactly the 
purpose that const is designed for: data that I can't change but that 
other code may be able to change. Or am I mixing something up here?

Re: Fixing std.string

2010-08-24 Thread Simen kjaeraas

Norbert Nemec  wrote:

On 20/08/10 03:22, dsimcha wrote:
3.  Is there any good reason to avoid just templating everything to  
work with
all 9 string types (mutable/const/immutable char/wchar/dchar[]) or  

subset is reasonable for the given function?

Wouldn't it be sufficient to take const as input? IIRC, both mutable and  
immutable can be implicitly converted to const and this exactly the  
purpose that const is designed for: data that I can't change but that  
other code may be able to change. Or am I mixing something up here?

What should the functions return, then? If the output is always
const(char)[], I need to cast it to make it immutable(char)[] or char[],
and casting is an unsafe operation.


Re: Why C++ compiles slowly

2010-08-24 Thread bearophile
Walter Bright:
> elf_findstr definitely looks like a problem area. I can't look at it right 
> now, 
> so can you post this to bugzilla please?

I am able to find two versions of elf_findstr, one in elfobj.c and one in 
machobj.c, so it may be possible to remove one of them.

Its docstring doesn't seem to show the 'suffix' argument.

I have seen that it performs strlen() of str and suffix at the beginning, so 
using fat pointers (C structs that keep ptr + len) as D may be enough to avoid 
those strelen calls and save some time.

>From what I see it seems to perform a linear search inside an Outbuffer, 
>something like a search of strtab~strs inside an array of strings, so the 
>structure may be replaced by an associative set or ordered set lookup instead.


Why all the D hate?

2010-08-24 Thread igabrieL
- GDB developers refsue to apply up to date D patches
- the language shootout included ALL other relevant languages, but hated D. 
This is very bad
- D wiki had CSS style competition but someone wanted to keep the boring 
looking style. Wiki has sometimes also disk space problem
- no Tango for D 2.0 (trying be fair and equal here. not only phobos!)
- Lots of people constantly complaining D 2.0 situation
- and suggesting feature improvements
- forum trolls
- many good software died. I need ddbi, kate intellisense plugin (not 
compatible anymore)
- the forum web interfaces are bad. broken trees of message topics
- when is time for (safe) d on dot net / java?

When this all stops? When is D stable and we can build compilers and editors 
and debuggers and bring it back in language shootout (very bad for advertising 
D to have no D in the page!)

Re: contracts for external functions?

2010-08-24 Thread Trass3r

extern(C) int foo(int i)
   in { assert(i > 7); }
   out (result) { assert(result & 1); }

Re: How does D handle null pointers?

2010-08-24 Thread Steven Schveighoffer

On Mon, 23 Aug 2010 16:30:15 -0400, Adam B  wrote:

I was pondering bearophile's idea of having compile-time null
checking.  Since adding new language syntax is often a hard thing to
sell to the language authors, perhaps we could get by with just a
compiler warning?  Some static code analysis.  For example:

char[] foo()
   if (some condition)
return "yada";
   return null;   //compiler makes note that foo() might  
return null


void bar()
 char[] s = foo();
 printf(s);   //compiler issues warning because 's' has not been

Or, if that's too heavy for the compiler, it could be done in a
separate program.  (Is there a Lint like program for D?)

This kind of analysis is not possible by the compiler because of the  
compilation model.  Essentially, it's possible to force the compiler to  
compile bar without having access to the source code of foo.  Without  
access to the source code, it cannot tell whether the result will be null  
or not.

The object file format does not provide places to store such metadata  
(whether a function returns null or not), so it's not possible to resolve  
this.  There are other compilation models which allow storage of metadata,  
and I'm in favor of having such a system, but it would be a drastic change  
from the current model.  But essentially such a model allows complex  
analysis of the code (including full escape analysis), and also allows you  
to avoid sync problems such as compiling against newer sources but linking  
with stale objects.


Re: Algorithms & opApply

2010-08-24 Thread Steven Schveighoffer

On Tue, 24 Aug 2010 01:59:51 -0400, Fawzi Mohamed  wrote:

On 24-ago-10, at 04:26, dsimcha wrote:

3.  Ranges are the flagship way of iterating through an object in D, as  
should be.  opApply has its uses, but they're relatively few and far  
between.  I'm
wondering if anyone besides bearophile and I think supporting opApply  
is worth the
effort and potential bloat, if Walter cares enough to fix Bug 2443, and  
if Andrei
considers it to be a reasonable part of std.range/std.algorithm's  

I already defended opApply in the past let me put this here again:

ranges abstract away one iteration step. This is useful because it means  
that combining several of them, adancing in locksteo,... is possible and  
easy to do

opApply abstracts away a whole loop. This makes complex loops simpler to  
realize without having to resort to fibers, and it allows *parallel*  
looping in a natural way (which cannot be done directly using only  
single iteration operations.
In blip/dchem I use this quite a bit (for example for parallel loop  
helpers, often my objects have obj.sLopp  

I like very much to be able to do foreach (x;obj.pLoop){...}

Now they obviously are different kinds of abstractions, so looping in  
lockstep is not possible with opApply, at most you can lockstep *one*  
opApply with N iterators.

About the operations in algorithm well I am not too sure how much  
support there should be, if they require just looping then yes, but (for  
example) I think that almost all of them would fail if feeded with a  
parallel opApply.
For sequential loops fibers can transform opApply in an iterator (just  
as fibers can be used to easily make an iterator out of a complex loop).

But fiber have a relatively high cost.
So I suppose I would give support just to the basic stuff + conversion  
for sequential loops (via fibers), keeping most of std.algorithm opApply  

Building on this, (I once asked "do we need opApply anymore?"), I know of  
several reasons ranges do not replace opApply:

1. opApply is a more natural fit for virtual functions.
2. opApply can use the stack, ranges cannot.  This is useful for say  
iterating a binary tree without parent pointers.
3. opApply supports the full syntax of foreach, which can include multiple  
parameters in the loop.

I have proposed an enhancement in the past to make all callable symbols  
foreachable, including delegates, normal functions, and functors.  This  
would obviate the need for a special "opApply" function (just use opCall  
with the proper signature).

The bug is here:


Re: Why C++ compiles slowly

2010-08-24 Thread Steven Schveighoffer
On Tue, 24 Aug 2010 03:58:57 -0400, Walter Bright  

Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

With profiling enabled, gprof outputs this as the top hitters:
  Flat profile:
 Each sample counts as 0.01 seconds.
  %   cumulative   self  self total
 time   seconds   secondscalls  ms/call  ms/call  name
 77.76  6.68 6.68 2952 2.26 2.26   
elf_findstr(Outbuffer*, char const*, char const*)

  2.10  6.86 0.18 4342 0.04 0.04  searchfixlist

elf_findstr definitely looks like a problem area. I can't look at it  
right now, so can you post this to bugzilla please?


Re: Why all the D hate?

2010-08-24 Thread Pelle

On 08/24/2010 02:14 PM, igabrieL wrote:

- GDB developers refsue to apply up to date D patches
- the language shootout included ALL other relevant languages, but hated D. 
This is very bad
- D wiki had CSS style competition but someone wanted to keep the boring 
looking style. Wiki has sometimes also disk space problem
- no Tango for D 2.0 (trying be fair and equal here. not only phobos!)
- Lots of people constantly complaining D 2.0 situation
- and suggesting feature improvements
- forum trolls
- many good software died. I need ddbi, kate intellisense plugin (not 
compatible anymore)
- the forum web interfaces are bad. broken trees of message topics
- when is time for (safe) d on dot net / java?

When this all stops? When is D stable and we can build compilers and editors 
and debuggers and bring it back in language shootout (very bad for advertising 
D to have no D in the page!)

Lack of time and an abundance of trolls, mostly. And angry people from 
C++ land, but they are probably trolls.

A lot of people is looking forward to what D is becoming, at least that 
has been my interpretation of forum discussions.

Re: Why all the D hate?

2010-08-24 Thread Adam D. Ruppe
"Those who can, do. Those who can't, complain."

-- Attributed to Linus Torvalds on Wikipedia.

Re: Why all the D hate?

2010-08-24 Thread retard
Probably answering to a troll, but..

Tue, 24 Aug 2010 08:14:37 -0400, igabrieL wrote:

> - GDB developers refsue to apply up to date D patches

This is a copyright issue. GDB is owned by the FSF and you cannot use any 
Digital Mars code in it. You need to assign the copyright to them.

> - the language shootout included ALL other relevant languages, but 
hated D. This is very bad

I'm not sure what happened. It seams the shootout guy did not consider D 
revolutionary enough. It could also be the lack of a 64-bit compiler. He 
runs the tests on both 32 and 64-bit systems. When the 64-bit compiler 
comes out, maybe he has no reasons to leave it out. The benchmark code 
was already there, wasn't it.

> - D wiki had CSS style competition but someone wanted to keep
> the boring looking style. Wiki has sometimes also disk space problem

No idea.

> - no Tango for D 2.0 (trying be fair and equal here. not only phobos!)

Maybe it will ported when D 2.0 is safe to use? First we need to be able 
to compile all examples shown in TDPL.

> - Lots of people constantly complaining D 2.0 situation - and suggesting
> feature improvements

I believe D attracts people who want to leave their hand-mark in the 
language's design. The community members see that the language is in a 
constant 'work in progress' phase so they're dumping truckloads of 
feature suggestions before the language's author.

These suggestions are mostly syntactical improvements taken from other 
languages because the community members rarely have any kind of knowledge 
in the field of programming language theory.

> - forum trolls


> - many good software died. I need ddbi, kate intellisense plugin (not
> compatible anymore)

Please contribute!

- the forum web interfaces are bad. broken trees of
> message topics

Please contribute! Write one in D.

> - when is time for (safe) d on dot net / java?

The SafeD spec needs to be beefed up quite a bit to be any useful for 
compiler writers. I think having a SafeD environemnt on .NET/JVM might be 
an interesting exercise. However, the language doesn't have many 
interesting new features to justify its existence on either platform.

> When this all stops? When is D stable and we can build compilers and
> editors and debuggers and bring it back in language shootout (very bad
> for advertising D to have no D in the page!)

Already answered.

Re: Why all the D hate?

2010-08-24 Thread Norbert Nemec

On 24/08/10 13:14, igabrieL wrote:

- the language shootout included ALL other relevant languages, but hated D. 
This is very bad

I recall that this was due to the lack of 64bit support and the lack of 
a Debian package that would work out of the box. The latter problem may 
be solved by now, but the site maintainer decided to wait for 64bit DMD 
to come out.

- Lots of people constantly complaining D 2.0 situation
- and suggesting feature improvements

I view the latter point a clear sign of *love* not hate. The language is 
great and inspiring many ideas. People see that many good ideas have 
been picked up through discussion so they throw in their ideas as well. 
I see it as one big bonus of the D community that there is this forum in 
which newcomers and experts alike discuss their ideas freely and 
actually make a direct impact on the development.

When this all stops? When is D stable and we can build compilers and editors 
and debuggers and bring it back in language shootout (very bad for advertising 
D to have no D in the page!)

I doubt it will "stop" at any fixed point in time, but the situation has 
been improving gradually and I am optimistic that it will continue to do so.

update zlib used in phobos?

2010-08-24 Thread Trass3r

Phobos still uses 5 years old zlib 1.2.3
Couldn't that be updated to v1.2.5 (April 19, 2010)?

Re: update zlib used in phobos?

2010-08-24 Thread Adam D. Ruppe
On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 07:29:57PM +0200, Trass3r wrote:
> Phobos still uses 5 years old zlib 1.2.3
> Couldn't that be updated to v1.2.5 (April 19, 2010)?

Yes, Walter and Andrei are planning to update it in the next month or so.

Re: Why all the D hate?

2010-08-24 Thread dsimcha
== Quote from retard ('s article
> I believe D attracts people who want to leave their hand-mark in the
> language's design. The community members see that the language is in a
> constant 'work in progress' phase so they're dumping truckloads of
> feature suggestions before the language's author.
> These suggestions are mostly syntactical improvements taken from other
> languages because the community members rarely have any kind of knowledge
> in the field of programming language theory.

IMHO this is a good thing as long as the language designer has enough of a
backbone to know when to say no to things.  (Except for the @property debacle 
say Walter is such a language designer.)  Maybe it's just my engineering
background creeping in (like Walter, I have very little formal CS education and 
degree is in engineering) but I **don't want** a language designed heavily from 
theoretical perspective.  I want a language that will make it easy for me to 
efficient, readable, safe, terse, flexible and DRY code, not one that showcases
cutting edge theoretical comp sci achievements.  In fact the features of D that
seem most theoretically grounded (the pure/nothrow/const/shared type system 
are my least favorite features of the language, largely because they interact so
poorly with generic programming, which is more of a practical feature IMHO.

> The SafeD spec needs to be beefed up quite a bit to be any useful for
> compiler writers.

Agreed.  The implementation needs improvement as well.  I refuse to take SafeD 
all seriously until I can at least use it with std.getopt.  I refuse to take it
very seriously until it integrates well with generic programming.

> I think having a SafeD environemnt on .NET/JVM might be
> an interesting exercise. However, the language doesn't have many
> interesting new features to justify its existence on either platform.

Don't D's compile-time introspection and generic programming abilities count for
something?  They're the biggest reason I use D over C# or Java, and AFAIK D is 
most mainstream language with a comparable level of compile time metaprogramming

Re: Why all the D hate?

2010-08-24 Thread Steven Schveighoffer

On Tue, 24 Aug 2010 13:44:38 -0400, dsimcha  wrote:

== Quote from retard ('s article

I believe D attracts people who want to leave their hand-mark in the
language's design. The community members see that the language is in a
constant 'work in progress' phase so they're dumping truckloads of
feature suggestions before the language's author.
These suggestions are mostly syntactical improvements taken from other
languages because the community members rarely have any kind of  

in the field of programming language theory.

IMHO this is a good thing as long as the language designer has enough of  
backbone to know when to say no to things.  (Except for the @property  
debacle I'd

say Walter is such a language designer.)

Why all the @property hate?  ;)


Re: Why C++ compiles slowly

2010-08-24 Thread Walter Bright

Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
On Tue, 24 Aug 2010 03:58:57 -0400, Walter Bright 

Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

With profiling enabled, gprof outputs this as the top hitters:
  Flat profile:
 Each sample counts as 0.01 seconds.
  %   cumulative   self  self total
 time   seconds   secondscalls  ms/call  ms/call  name
 77.76  6.68 6.68 2952 2.26 2.26  
elf_findstr(Outbuffer*, char const*, char const*)

  2.10  6.86 0.18 4342 0.04 0.04  searchfixlist

elf_findstr definitely looks like a problem area. I can't look at it 
right now, so can you post this to bugzilla please?

Also, putting a printf in elf_findstr to print its arguments will be helpful.

Re: Why all the D hate?

2010-08-24 Thread Walter Bright

igabrieL wrote:
- and suggesting feature improvements 


When is D stable

It cannot be both stable and adding in endless new features.

Re: Why all the D hate?

2010-08-24 Thread Walter Bright

dsimcha wrote:

I think having a SafeD environemnt on .NET/JVM might be
an interesting exercise. However, the language doesn't have many
interesting new features to justify its existence on either platform.

Don't D's compile-time introspection and generic programming abilities count for
something?  They're the biggest reason I use D over C# or Java, and AFAIK D is 
most mainstream language with a comparable level of compile time metaprogramming

What we may be seeing here is an effect I noticed decades ago with the Zortech 
compiler. Let's say you have the Zortech compiler, and BrandX compiler. The 
feature lists of the two are:

Zortech: A B C M N O S T U

BrandX:  A B C D M N O

Reviewer concludes that Zortech lacks features because it doesn't do D. Reviewer 
never notices S T U because he's used to BrandX and so obviously S T U are not 

It's a very human thing. For example, back in 1995, a friend of mine would 
interview engineers. He'd show them a cell phone, and ask them how they would 
improve it. He'd get answers that were simple refinements of making phone calls. 
Nobody suggested adding a calculator, calendar, texting, email, music playing, a 
camera, etc. It simply never occurred to them because people thought of a phone 
as a phone, nothing more.

Back in the 80's, I knew about OOP but saw no value in it. I'd never used it, 
and had no idea how to. It certainly wasn't on any of my "it would be nice 
if..." desires for a programming language feature.

Re: Why all the D hate?

2010-08-24 Thread Leandro Lucarella
retard, el 24 de agosto a las 15:36 me escribiste:
> Probably answering to a troll, but..
> Tue, 24 Aug 2010 08:14:37 -0400, igabrieL wrote:
> > - GDB developers refsue to apply up to date D patches
> This is a copyright issue. GDB is owned by the FSF and you cannot use any 
> Digital Mars code in it. You need to assign the copyright to them.

That's true, but I don't know where the original affirmation come from,
who is trying to push patches to GDB now? I followed very closely the
inclusion of D support patches in GDB and it took a lot of time to merge
them because nobody cared to do it. When someone tried to do it, he just
did (it took some time because of the paperwork needed, because as
retard say, you have to assign the copyright to the FSF to include big
changes, as D support patches was).

Leandro Lucarella (AKA luca)
GPG Key: 5F5A8D05 (F8CD F9A7 BF00 5431 4145  104C 949E BFB6 5F5A 8D05)
-- Crónica TV

Re: Why all the D hate?

2010-08-24 Thread dsimcha
== Quote from Walter Bright ('s article
> dsimcha wrote:
> >> I think having a SafeD environemnt on .NET/JVM might be
> >> an interesting exercise. However, the language doesn't have many
> >> interesting new features to justify its existence on either platform.
> >
> > Don't D's compile-time introspection and generic programming abilities 
> > count for
> > something?  They're the biggest reason I use D over C# or Java, and AFAIK D 
> > is the
> > most mainstream language with a comparable level of compile time 
> > metaprogramming
> > ability.
> What we may be seeing here is an effect I noticed decades ago with the Zortech
> compiler. Let's say you have the Zortech compiler, and BrandX compiler. The
> feature lists of the two are:
> Zortech: A B C M N O S T U
> BrandX:  A B C D M N O
> Reviewer concludes that Zortech lacks features because it doesn't do D. 
> Reviewer
> never notices S T U because he's used to BrandX and so obviously S T U are not
> relevant.
> It's a very human thing. For example, back in 1995, a friend of mine would
> interview engineers. He'd show them a cell phone, and ask them how they would
> improve it. He'd get answers that were simple refinements of making phone 
> calls.
> Nobody suggested adding a calculator, calendar, texting, email, music 
> playing, a
> camera, etc. It simply never occurred to them because people thought of a 
> phone
> as a phone, nothing more.
> Back in the 80's, I knew about OOP but saw no value in it. I'd never used it,
> and had no idea how to. It certainly wasn't on any of my "it would be nice
> if..." desires for a programming language feature.

Re: Why all the D hate?

2010-08-24 Thread retard
Tue, 24 Aug 2010 17:44:38 +, dsimcha wrote:

>> I think having a SafeD environemnt on .NET/JVM might be an interesting
>> exercise. However, the language doesn't have many interesting new
>> features to justify its existence on either platform.
> Don't D's compile-time introspection and generic programming abilities
> count for something?  They're the biggest reason I use D over C# or
> Java, and AFAIK D is the most mainstream language with a comparable
> level of compile time metaprogramming ability.

Those are quite expressive features. However, without the close to metal 
aspect, D is too close to C# in my opinion. The metaprogramming things 
surely help when cleaning up useless boilerplate, but they aren't enough. 
Ruby, Python, Clojure, and F# all have more powerful features on top of a 
modern virtual machine and people seem to favor (J)Ruby and Python these 

Re: Why all the D hate?

2010-08-24 Thread Nick Sabalausky
"retard"  wrote in message 
> I think having a SafeD environemnt on .NET/JVM might be
> an interesting exercise. However, the language doesn't have many
> interesting new features to justify its existence on either platform.

Aside from being a questionable statement, it's not particularly important 
either, since being able run the same code on multiple platforms IS often a 
significant feature. That's one of the reasons I'm using Haxe for a 
Flash/PHP project. 

Re: Why all the D hate?

2010-08-24 Thread Nick Sabalausky
"retard"  wrote in message 
> Tue, 24 Aug 2010 17:44:38 +, dsimcha wrote:
>>> I think having a SafeD environemnt on .NET/JVM might be an interesting
>>> exercise. However, the language doesn't have many interesting new
>>> features to justify its existence on either platform.
>> Don't D's compile-time introspection and generic programming abilities
>> count for something?  They're the biggest reason I use D over C# or
>> Java, and AFAIK D is the most mainstream language with a comparable
>> level of compile time metaprogramming ability.
> Those are quite expressive features. However, without the close to metal
> aspect, D is too close to C# in my opinion.

So if you're writing something that needs to run on .NET, and you have to 
choose between [what you see as] two nearly identical languages, but one has 
good generic programming and the other just has generics, and they're 
ridiculously gimped generics at that, you'd rather use the latter?

Re: Why all the D hate?

2010-08-24 Thread retard
Tue, 24 Aug 2010 15:37:52 -0400, Nick Sabalausky wrote:

> "retard"  wrote in message
> news:i516du$
>> Tue, 24 Aug 2010 17:44:38 +, dsimcha wrote:
 I think having a SafeD environemnt on .NET/JVM might be an
 interesting exercise. However, the language doesn't have many
 interesting new features to justify its existence on either platform.
>>> Don't D's compile-time introspection and generic programming abilities
>>> count for something?  They're the biggest reason I use D over C# or
>>> Java, and AFAIK D is the most mainstream language with a comparable
>>> level of compile time metaprogramming ability.
>> Those are quite expressive features. However, without the close to
>> metal aspect, D is too close to C# in my opinion.
> So if you're writing something that needs to run on .NET, and you have
> to choose between [what you see as] two nearly identical languages, but
> one has good generic programming and the other just has generics, and
> they're ridiculously gimped generics at that, you'd rather use the
> latter?

For what's it worth, C# 4.0 also has many impressive features. You can 
see the list somewhere - something for the friends of dynamic typing, 
LINQ, lambda expressions etc. And it's not broken / a moving target 99% 
of the time => I can find 100 other commercial C# coders in just a few 

How about a nabble forum archive?

2010-08-24 Thread skip

I'm just wondering, would it be possible to register this mailing list on
nabble? Replies would be grouped in topics and indexed for full text search, I
think it would make this mailing list more convenient to use.

Result looks like this

Just an idea, what do you think?

Re: Why all the D hate?

2010-08-24 Thread Nick Sabalausky
"igabrieL"  wrote in message 
> - no Tango for D 2.0 (trying be fair and equal here. not only phobos!)

Re: Why all the D hate?

2010-08-24 Thread Nick Sabalausky
"retard"  wrote in message 
> I can find 100 other commercial C# coders in just a few
> days.

Now, see that's something that always bugs the hell out of me. Any 
programmer who can code in, say imperative or OO style in one language and 
*can't* pick up another imperative or OO language with ease is incompetent. 
Period. But no one outside of (real) programmers ever seems to realize that. 
(One of the reasons I despise anyone who works anywhere near HR.)

I don't always agree with Joel Spolsky (though I often do), but one thing I 
*absolutely* agree with him on is this:

"The recruiters-who-use-grep, by the way, are ridiculed here, and for good 
reason. I have never met anyone who can do Scheme, Haskell, and C pointers 
who can't pick up Java in two days, and create better Java code than people 
with five years of experience in Java, but try explaining that to the 
average HR drone."

- The Perils of JavaSchools:

Incidentally, that's also why I think all of those managers out there who 
choose PHP because "there are a lot of PHP programmers" are complete fucking 

Re: Why all the D hate?

2010-08-24 Thread retard
Tue, 24 Aug 2010 16:29:01 -0400, Nick Sabalausky wrote:

> "retard"  wrote in message
> news:i51963$
>> I can find 100 other commercial C# coders in just a few days.
> Now, see that's something that always bugs the hell out of me. Any
> programmer who can code in, say imperative or OO style in one language
> and *can't* pick up another imperative or OO language with ease is
> incompetent. Period. But no one outside of (real) programmers ever seems
> to realize that. (One of the reasons I despise anyone who works anywhere
> near HR.)
> I don't always agree with Joel Spolsky (though I often do), but one
> thing I *absolutely* agree with him on is this:
> "The recruiters-who-use-grep, by the way, are ridiculed here, and for
> good reason. I have never met anyone who can do Scheme, Haskell, and C
> pointers who can't pick up Java in two days, and create better Java code
> than people with five years of experience in Java, but try explaining
> that to the average HR drone."
> - The Perils of JavaSchools:
> Incidentally, that's also why I think all of those managers out there
> who choose PHP because "there are a lot of PHP programmers" are complete
> fucking morons.

The C# programmers naturally also have knowledge of the toolchain in 
general: build tools, unit testing tools, document generators, coding 
conventions, web frameworks, best utility libraries, and so on. Do you 
think commercial application development always starts from scratch? Even 
if you were Joel Spolsky, you would need few days or weeks to catch up 
with the more experienced team members. Unnecessary studying isn't 
acceptable when you need to produce a prototype in a week and the whole 
project only lasts for 6 months.

Re: Why C++ compiles slowly

2010-08-24 Thread Steven Schveighoffer
On Tue, 24 Aug 2010 14:31:26 -0400, Walter Bright  

Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
On Tue, 24 Aug 2010 03:58:57 -0400, Walter Bright  

Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

With profiling enabled, gprof outputs this as the top hitters:
  Flat profile:
 Each sample counts as 0.01 seconds.
  %   cumulative   self  self total
 time   seconds   secondscalls  ms/call  ms/call  name
 77.76  6.68 6.68 2952 2.26 2.26   
elf_findstr(Outbuffer*, char const*, char const*)

  2.10  6.86 0.18 4342 0.04 0.04  searchfixlist

elf_findstr definitely looks like a problem area. I can't look at it  
right now, so can you post this to bugzilla please?

Also, putting a printf in elf_findstr to print its arguments will be  

Through some more work with printf, I have to agree with bearophile, this  
lookup function is horrid.

I think it's supposed to look for a symbol in the symbol table, but it  
uses a linear search through all symbols to find it.  Not only that, but  
the table is stored in one giant buffer, so once it finds the current  
symbol it's checking against doesn't match, it has to still loop through  
the remaining characters of the unmatched symbol to find the next 0 byte.

I added a simple running printout of how many times the function has been  
called, along with how large the symbol table has grown.

The code is as follows:

static IDXSTR elf_findstr(Outbuffer *strtab, const char *str, const char  

+static int ncalls = 0;
+printf("\r%d\t%d", ncalls, strtab->size());
const char *ent = (char *)strtab->buf+1;
const char *pend = ent+strtab->size() - 1;

At the end, the symbol table is over 4 million characters and the number  
of calls is 12677.  You can watch it slow down noticeably.

I also added some code to count the number of times a symbol is matched --  
648, so about 5% of the time.  This means that 95% of the time, the whole  
table is searched.

If you multiply those factors together, and take into account the nature  
of how it grows, you have probably 20 billion loop iterations.  Whereas, a  
hash table would probably be much faster.  I'm thinking a correct  
compilation time should be on the order of 3-4 seconds vs. 67 seconds it  
now takes.

I am not sure how to fix it, but that's the gist of it.  I think the  
symbol table is so large because of the template proliferation of  
dcollections, and the verbosity of D symbol names.


Re: Why C++ compiles slowly

2010-08-24 Thread Mafi

Am 24.08.2010 22:56, schrieb Steven Schveighoffer:

I am not sure how to fix it, but that's the gist of it.  I think the
symbol table is so large because of the template proliferation of
dcollections, and the verbosity of D symbol names.

Why are D's symbols verbose?  if I understood you corectly, dmd makes a 
linear search no matter if i used foo or ArrayOutOfBoundsException 
(that's a real Java exception).

Re: Why all the D hate?

2010-08-24 Thread Nick Sabalausky
"retard"  wrote in message 
> Tue, 24 Aug 2010 16:29:01 -0400, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
>> "retard"  wrote in message
>> news:i51963$
>>> I can find 100 other commercial C# coders in just a few days.
>> Now, see that's something that always bugs the hell out of me. Any
>> programmer who can code in, say imperative or OO style in one language
>> and *can't* pick up another imperative or OO language with ease is
>> incompetent. Period. But no one outside of (real) programmers ever seems
>> to realize that. (One of the reasons I despise anyone who works anywhere
>> near HR.)
>> I don't always agree with Joel Spolsky (though I often do), but one
>> thing I *absolutely* agree with him on is this:
>> "The recruiters-who-use-grep, by the way, are ridiculed here, and for
>> good reason. I have never met anyone who can do Scheme, Haskell, and C
>> pointers who can't pick up Java in two days, and create better Java code
>> than people with five years of experience in Java, but try explaining
>> that to the average HR drone."
>> - The Perils of JavaSchools:
>> Incidentally, that's also why I think all of those managers out there
>> who choose PHP because "there are a lot of PHP programmers" are complete
>> fucking morons.
> The C# programmers naturally also have knowledge of the toolchain in
> general: build tools, unit testing tools, document generators, coding
> conventions, web frameworks, best utility libraries, and so on. Do you
> think commercial application development always starts from scratch? Even
> if you were Joel Spolsky, you would need few days or weeks to catch up
> with the more experienced team members. Unnecessary studying isn't
> acceptable when you need to produce a prototype in a week and the whole
> project only lasts for 6 months.

There's always a learning/ramp-up period anyway when bringing on new team 
member. They have to get acclimated to the existing codebase and how the 
group has everything set up and policies/procedures, etc, all of which will 
vary from company to company even with the same langauge. When I took my 
first web development job, it was an ASP house (this was before ASP.NET), 
and I had never even looked at a line of ASP in my life, but learning it was 
trivial, especially compared to picking up the company-specific stuff.

And if a manager goes hiring programmers when time's already tight, then the 
manager is an idiot because getting the new people up-to-speed is only going 
to cause more delay even if the language is the same (and again, the time to 
pick up the language is small compared to the other stuff). That's been 
shown time and time again.

Re: Why C++ compiles slowly

2010-08-24 Thread Steven Schveighoffer

On Tue, 24 Aug 2010 17:05:30 -0400, Mafi  wrote:

Am 24.08.2010 22:56, schrieb Steven Schveighoffer:

I am not sure how to fix it, but that's the gist of it.  I think the
symbol table is so large because of the template proliferation of
dcollections, and the verbosity of D symbol names.

Why are D's symbols verbose?  if I understood you corectly, dmd makes a  
linear search no matter if i used foo or ArrayOutOfBoundsException  
(that's a real Java exception).

A symbol includes the module name, and the mangled version of the function  
argument types, which could be class/struct names, plus any template info  
associated with it.

For example, foo(HashSet!int hs) inside the module testme becomes:



Re: Why C++ compiles slowly

2010-08-24 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2010-08-24 12:25, bearophile wrote:

Walter Bright:

elf_findstr definitely looks like a problem area. I can't look at it right now,
so can you post this to bugzilla please?

I am able to find two versions of elf_findstr, one in elfobj.c and one in 
machobj.c, so it may be possible to remove one of them.

As the files indicate elfobj.c is for generating ELF (linux) object 
files and machobj.c is for generating Mach-O (osx) object files, both 
are needed. I guess he uses the same name for the functions to have a 
uniform interface, no need to change the code on the calling side.

Its docstring doesn't seem to show the 'suffix' argument.

I have seen that it performs strlen() of str and suffix at the beginning, so 
using fat pointers (C structs that keep ptr + len) as D may be enough to avoid 
those strelen calls and save some time.

 From what I see it seems to perform a linear search inside an Outbuffer, 
something like a search of strtab~strs inside an array of strings, so the 
structure may be replaced by an associative set or ordered set lookup instead.


/Jacob Carlborg

Re: Why C++ compiles slowly

2010-08-24 Thread bearophile
Steven Schveighoffer:
> For example, foo(HashSet!int hs) inside the module testme becomes:
> _D6testme3fooFC12dcollections7HashSet14__T7HashSetTiZ7HashSetZv

And I think some more things needs to be added to that string, like a 
representation for the pure attribute, etc.


Re: Why all the D hate?

2010-08-24 Thread Brad Roberts
On Tue, 24 Aug 2010, Leandro Lucarella wrote:

> retard, el 24 de agosto a las 15:36 me escribiste:
> > Probably answering to a troll, but..
> > 
> > 
> > Tue, 24 Aug 2010 08:14:37 -0400, igabrieL wrote:
> > 
> > > - GDB developers refsue to apply up to date D patches
> > 
> > This is a copyright issue. GDB is owned by the FSF and you cannot use any 
> > Digital Mars code in it. You need to assign the copyright to them.
> That's true, but I don't know where the original affirmation come from,
> who is trying to push patches to GDB now? I followed very closely the
> inclusion of D support patches in GDB and it took a lot of time to merge
> them because nobody cared to do it. When someone tried to do it, he just
> did (it took some time because of the paperwork needed, because as
> retard say, you have to assign the copyright to the FSF to include big
> changes, as D support patches was).

I also have evidence that follow up patches to fix simple bugs aren't hard 
to get submitted to GDB.  Mine was small enough to not need a copyright 
assignment form and only took a week or two -- mostly just that I didn't 
ping anyone after sending it to the patch mailing list.


Re: Why C++ compiles slowly

2010-08-24 Thread Jonathan M Davis
On Tuesday, August 24, 2010 14:37:09 bearophile wrote:
> Steven Schveighoffer:
> > For example, foo(HashSet!int hs) inside the module testme becomes:
> > _D6testme3fooFC12dcollections7HashSet14__T7HashSetTiZ7HashSetZv
> And I think some more things needs to be added to that string, like a
> representation for the pure attribute, etc.
> Bye,
> bearophile

They probably aren't there because

1. They have nothing to do with overrideability.

2. They have nothing to do with C linking.

Presumably, dmd deals with those attributes at the appropriate time and then 
doesn't bother putting them in the symbol table because they're not relevant 
more (or if they are relevant, it has other ways of getting at them). If they 
were actually necessary in the symbol name, they'd be there. If they aren't 
necessary, why bother putting them in there, making the symbol names even 

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: Why all the D hate?

2010-08-24 Thread retard
Tue, 24 Aug 2010 17:21:56 -0400, Nick Sabalausky wrote:

> And if a manager goes hiring programmers when time's already tight, then
> the manager is an idiot because getting the new people up-to-speed is
> only going to cause more delay even if the language is the same (and
> again, the time to pick up the language is small compared to the other
> stuff). That's been shown time and time again.

It's a bit different where I've worked. Most contracts were really short. 
You participate in about 3 to 12 smaller web service projects during the 
year. We rarely hired any juniors, you had to have 5+ years of real life 
commercial experience with typical frameworks (Stripes, Spring, 
Hibernate, Memcached, ASP.Net, Rails, Django, Symfony, jQuery, Maven, 
Apache configuration, SVN, Git, GCC, etc.). Sometimes a single project 
took only couple of months - a prototype milestone had a really tight 

Re: Why C++ compiles slowly

2010-08-24 Thread Walter Bright

Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
Through some more work with printf, I have to agree with bearophile, 
this lookup function is horrid.

It is now, but when it was originally written (maybe as long as 20 years ago) 
there were only a few strings in the table, and it was fine. It's just outlived 
its design. Clearly, it should now be a hash table.

Just goes to show how useful a profiler is.

Re: Why C++ compiles slowly

2010-08-24 Thread Simen kjaeraas
On Tue, 24 Aug 2010 23:53:44 +0200, Jonathan M Davis  

On Tuesday, August 24, 2010 14:37:09 bearophile wrote:

Steven Schveighoffer:
> For example, foo(HashSet!int hs) inside the module testme becomes:
> _D6testme3fooFC12dcollections7HashSet14__T7HashSetTiZ7HashSetZv

And I think some more things needs to be added to that string, like a
representation for the pure attribute, etc.


They probably aren't there because

1. They have nothing to do with overrideability.

2. They have nothing to do with C linking.

Presumably, dmd deals with those attributes at the appropriate time and  
doesn't bother putting them in the symbol table because they're not  
relevant any
more (or if they are relevant, it has other ways of getting at them). If  
were actually necessary in the symbol name, they'd be there. If they  

necessary, why bother putting them in there, making the symbol names even

Pure might be worth stuffing in the symbol name, as the compiler may
optimize things differently for pure vs. non-pure(dirty?) code.
E.g. the result of a large, pure function that takes a while to compute
might be cached to prevent calling it twice.


Re: Why C++ compiles slowly

2010-08-24 Thread dsimcha
== Quote from Walter Bright ('s article
> Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
> > Through some more work with printf, I have to agree with bearophile,
> > this lookup function is horrid.
> It is now, but when it was originally written (maybe as long as 20 years ago)
> there were only a few strings in the table, and it was fine. It's just 
> outlived
> its design. Clearly, it should now be a hash table.
> Just goes to show how useful a profiler is.

Wow, now it's really hit home for me how much programming languages and 
have advanced in the past 20 years.  Nowadays any reasonable person would
generally use a hash table even for small N because it's not any harder to code.
Any modern language worth its salt comes with one either built in or in the
standard lib.  I guess 20 years ago this wasn't so.

Re: Why C++ compiles slowly

2010-08-24 Thread bearophile
Jonathan M Davis:
> They probably aren't there because
> ...

In Bugzilla there are some pure-related bugs (3833, 3086/3831, maybe 4505) that 
I think need that attribute in the mangled string. But as usual I may be wrong, 
and other ways to solve those problems may be invented.


Re: Self-compilation

2010-08-24 Thread sybrandy

On 08/22/2010 06:28 PM, Pedro Rodrigues wrote:

There are already projects aiming to write a D compiler in D:


Thanks for all the answers, but I was looking more for an official 
compiler, but it's great that there's people working on it.  I don't 
know about anybody else, but languages that can compile themselves make 
me smile.


Re: Self-compilation

2010-08-24 Thread Trass3r

languages that can compile themselves make me smile.

Yep ddmd is a wonderful project :)

Link to that D doc-search tool?

2010-08-24 Thread Nick Sabalausky
Someone created a webpage a little while ago to jump to the D documentation 
for a given identifier. What was the URL to that? In a real example of 
irony, I searched the NG for that search tool, but couldn't find it.