Re: Request for review:

2011-03-27 Thread Walter Bright

On 3/22/2011 3:04 PM, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

I've now finished the port of Dominic Sayers' PHP is_email function
( and sending it for review.

I think it looks nice. I'd add a note saying it is derived from Dominic's php 
code, I'd add your name to the copyright for the derived D version.

The Link: should be placed under the References: instead.

It'll be a valuable addition to Phobos, and a good start on net support.

Re: Managing the review queue

2011-03-27 Thread Jonathan M Davis
On 2011-03-27 20:53, dsimcha wrote:
>  From observing the review processes for std.parallelism and
>, I think our review process needs some tweaking.  There
> are two key issues:
> 1.  The pace of reviews is glacial unless there's a vote date near.
> Only 4 people have reviewed, and that's counting any
> participation in the discussion as "review".  This module doesn't have a
> vote date yet.  IIRC only two people reviewed std.parallelism during its
> first two weeks of review.  Furthermore, it took some time after I
> requested review for the "official" review period to start.  As a
> solution all requests for review should come with a tentative vote date
> to prevent the module from being held in limbo indefinitely and move the
> review queue along.
> 2.  Reviews that prompt major changes right before the vote date are
> stressful.  A looming deadline is not conducive to careful discussion
> and consideration of suggestions, especially those that are non-trivial
> to understand and/or implement.
> I propose that all review periods last one week for small modules or two
> weeks for large modules, subject to extension if the review process is
> still yielding good discussion near the vote date or "stashing" if the
> author needs time to discuss specific issues that were raised and/or
> design and implement changes.  When a module is stashed, it is no longer
> officially in review and the next item in the review queue, if any, can
> begin the process.  As soon as this item is done, review of the stashed
> item is resumed.  Right now, std.parallelism is stashed until
> is finished.
> To prevent the community from being overwhelmed, multiple reviews may
> not take place concurrently but a review may take place concurrently
> with a vote.  Contention for the review queue is an issue in theory, but
> that's a problem we'd like to have and can work out on an ad-hoc basis
> should it arise.
> More specifically, the pace of reviews for has been
> glacial.  If everyone who intends to review it has done so, we should
> move on to a vote.  If anyone intends to review this module but hasn't
> yet, please do so or at least state your intention to do so.

Overall, your suggestions are good. Personally, my problem with reviews is 
that I have enough going on and they take enough time and concentration to do 
that I end up setting them aside to do later and then have trouble getting 
around to them. I've been intending to look at both std.parallelism and (Am I the only one who thinks Ishmael when I see that? LOL), 
but I've been busy. Shorter review periods are both good and bad, because they 
force you to take the time to review them rather than putting it off, thereby 
actually encouraging reviews, but if they're too short, some folks will miss 
them entirely or not have the time to come up with solid feedback.

Overall, I think that what you're suggesting is solid.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: "body" keyword is unnecessary

2011-03-27 Thread Jonathan M Davis
On 2011-03-27 22:23, Walter Bright wrote:
> On 3/23/2011 3:17 PM, Alvaro wrote:
> > D already has a long list of keywords, reserved words can't be used as
> > identifiers, which can be annoying. "body" in particular is a common noun
> > that programmers would gladly use as a variable name in physics
> > simulation, astronomy, mechanics, games, health, etc. I think "body" can
> > be removed from D with no harm, and with the benefit of allowing the
> > name as identifier.
> Body is not strictly necessary to parse it. But it makes for a nice
> "anchor" when the in and out clauses get long.
> In any case, we are currently working on getting temp destruction to work
> correctly, and after that we'll work on fixing issues with const. I think
> these are the most important things we should be working on at the moment.

I'll be _very_ excited to have both the destructor issues and the const issues 
sorted out. They are some of the more annoying quality of implementation 
issues at the moment.

I'm not against body no longer being a keyword if it's reasonable to leave the 
language as-is, as has been suggested here, and not have body be a keyword, 
but I have to concur that it's not exactly a high priority issue. However, 
it's much easier to discuss, which is probably part of the reason that it's 
being discussed so much.

Then again, in many cases at this point, what we need isn't really more 
suggestions on how to improve the language or libraries but help in 
implementing improvements. Suggestions are by no means bad, but given 
everything else that needs doing and how few people there are to do it, 
suggestions are not likely to be implemented soon, even if they're good.

If no one has done so already, this suggestion would be worth creating an 
enhancement request in bugzilla for, but I'd much rather see other quality of 
implementation issues fixed rather than have such an enhancement implemented 
right now. The enhancement is nicely backwards compatible, so it can be done 
at any point in time later without breaking any code or having to way for a 
possible D3.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: "body" keyword is unnecessary

2011-03-27 Thread Walter Bright

On 3/23/2011 3:17 PM, Alvaro wrote:

D already has a long list of keywords, reserved words can't be used as
identifiers, which can be annoying. "body" in particular is a common noun that
programmers would gladly use as a variable name in physics simulation,
astronomy, mechanics, games, health, etc. I think "body" can be removed from D
with no harm, and with the benefit of allowing the name as identifier.

Body is not strictly necessary to parse it. But it makes for a nice "anchor" 
when the in and out clauses get long.

In any case, we are currently working on getting temp destruction to work 
correctly, and after that we'll work on fixing issues with const. I think these 
are the most important things we should be working on at the moment.

Re: how to use a lib in d

2011-03-27 Thread maarten van damme
So what's the point of compiling all those files to a lib if you can't use
that lib anymore?
Is there some documentation on this?

Managing the review queue

2011-03-27 Thread dsimcha
From observing the review processes for std.parallelism and, I think our review process needs some tweaking.  There 
are two key issues:

1.  The pace of reviews is glacial unless there's a vote date near. 
Only 4 people have reviewed, and that's counting any 
participation in the discussion as "review".  This module doesn't have a 
vote date yet.  IIRC only two people reviewed std.parallelism during its 
first two weeks of review.  Furthermore, it took some time after I 
requested review for the "official" review period to start.  As a 
solution all requests for review should come with a tentative vote date 
to prevent the module from being held in limbo indefinitely and move the 
review queue along.

2.  Reviews that prompt major changes right before the vote date are 
stressful.  A looming deadline is not conducive to careful discussion 
and consideration of suggestions, especially those that are non-trivial 
to understand and/or implement.

I propose that all review periods last one week for small modules or two 
weeks for large modules, subject to extension if the review process is 
still yielding good discussion near the vote date or "stashing" if the 
author needs time to discuss specific issues that were raised and/or 
design and implement changes.  When a module is stashed, it is no longer 
officially in review and the next item in the review queue, if any, can 
begin the process.  As soon as this item is done, review of the stashed 
item is resumed.  Right now, std.parallelism is stashed until is finished.

To prevent the community from being overwhelmed, multiple reviews may 
not take place concurrently but a review may take place concurrently 
with a vote.  Contention for the review queue is an issue in theory, but 
that's a problem we'd like to have and can work out on an ad-hoc basis 
should it arise.

More specifically, the pace of reviews for has been 
glacial.  If everyone who intends to review it has done so, we should 
move on to a vote.  If anyone intends to review this module but hasn't 
yet, please do so or at least state your intention to do so.

Re: i like cakes

2011-03-27 Thread Andrew Wiley
On Sun, Mar 27, 2011 at 8:45 PM, Gary Whatmore  wrote:
> Hello again
> I've stayed quiet for a long time because people started accusing me of 
> TROLL! :-(

The problem with trolls is that when you do this, they win. No one
likes them, but you've just got to learn to ignore them or you just
make things worse.

i like cakes

2011-03-27 Thread Gary Whatmore
Hello again

I've stayed quiet for a long time because people started accusing me of 

 - G.W.

[GSOC Draft Proposal] ANTLR and Java based D parser for IDE usage

2011-03-27 Thread Luca Boasso
Sorry for my late draft proposal, I'm currently moving so I didn't
have enough time this days.
I would be glad to have your opinion.

Thank you


There are different IDEs for the D programming language. The purpose of this
project proposal is to write a parser for the D programming language (v1 and v2)
that is tailored for IDEs needs. The new parser will be designed to be modular
and abstracted from any particular IDE implementation detail, so that it can be
used in different IDEs or with tools that need an abstract syntax tree of the
source code for further analysis.
Particular care will be taken to integrate the new parser with the DDT
Eclipse-based IDE so that this project will be useful in the short-term.
The DDT project needs a new parser up-to-date with the latest D syntax, with
a better error recovery and improved performance.
Thanks to this integration it will be possible to understand the appropriate
interface for the parser so that in the long-term the same code could be used in
different projects.

I will use the ANTLR parser generator for this project. This parser generator
has been proven to be a valuable tool with advanced features for tree
construction and  tree manipulations that cuts development time [1]. The LL(*)
parsing algorithm  on which ANTLR is based upon allows efficient parsing of
complex grammar with good error handling and unrestricted grammar actions [2].

The use of a parser generator allows the creations of parsers in different
programming languages. This project will focus on the creation of a Java parser.
Since ANTLR support many target languages [3], it will not be so difficult to
generate a parser in the original implementation language of the IDE.
Eg. Generate a C++ parser for the D language that will be used in the IDE
written in C++.

Furthermore, updates of the D grammar are reflected in a more convenient way
through modifications of the ANTLR grammar of D, than through a modification of
a hand-written parser.
In particular, one of the problems faced by DDT developers was to keep their
parser up-to-date with the reference one (DMD parser) [4].
It is time-consuming and error-prone to manually port the DMD parser written in
C++ to another language, instead most of the modification will be handled by

In addition, easy modification of the D language syntax encourages
experimentation for the benefit of the language's evolution.

Finally in the process of writing a new parser eventual misunderstanding or
inconsistency of the D language reference and documentations will be addressed.
A good set of test will be created to guarantee the compatibility of the new
parser with the official language definition and the DMD parser.


This is a tentative timeline to be further discussed with the help of the
community. I'm committed to dedicate substantially to this project
knowing that I also have to pass some exams. I estimate that I could spend
initially approximately 25h/week. After the exam session I will work full-time
on this project.

* April 25 – May 23: Community Bonding Period
  Since I am new in the D community I will spend some time learning how to
  contribute while following the guideline of the community and the DDT project.
  I will start reviewing the language reference asking for clarifications when
  needed. Once I have got an overall understanding I will write the production
  rules of the D grammar (v1 and v2) in the ANTLR grammar notation (similar to

* May 23 – July 11: Developing phase I
  The correctness of the parser is of paramount importance. I will create
  many tests to exercise the parser (at this point just a
"recognizer") obtained
  as output from ANTLR.
  Once I am confident with the parser conforms to the language reference and
  recognizes the same language as the parser in DMD, I will enhance it with
  AST construction rules.
  At this point, I need to discuss with the DDT team the type of AST that has to
  be built for IDEs purposes, and confirm which annotations are most useful
  (eg. source ranges).

* July 11 – August 15: Developing phase II
  In this phase I will create unit tests to verify the correctness of the
  generated trees and I will focus on the integration of the parser with the DDT
  In the remaining time I will provide good error recovery to the parser and I
  will improve the overall performance.

* August 15 - August 22: Final phase
  I will use this last week to polish the code and improve the documentation.
  As a final task, I will think about how support for incremental parsing can be
  added in the future.

About me

I am Luca Boasso, I am a computer engineering student of Polytechnic University
of Turin [5]. I won a scholarship for a double-degree program and obtained the
first master in France under Telecom ParisTech [6] in 2010.
After having an internship in Panasonic R&D in Cupertino [7], I am currently
finishing my last semester in Italy to re

Re: expression templates

2011-03-27 Thread Robert Jacques

On Sun, 27 Mar 2011 15:46:54 -0400, enuhtac  wrote:

Hello everyone,

I'm new to D and to this list (although I've had a look onto D a few  
years ago). I hope you guys can help me with my questions.

At the moment I'm trying to implement some expression template stuff. My  
first goal is to encode an expression into a type representing that  
expression without any additional functionality (like the possibility to  
evaluate that expression). Actually this is very simple and short in D.  
This is my approach:

struct OpBinary( string Op, R1, R2 )
alias typeof( mixin( "R1.EvalT.init" ~ Op ~ "R2.EvalT.init" ) )  

enum string Operator = Op;

struct Constant( T, T v )
alias T EvalT;

enum T value = v;

struct Expr( R )
auto opBinary( string Op, R2 )( Expr!R2 )
return Expr!( OpBinary!( Op, R, R2 ) )();

auto opBinary( string Op, T )( T v ) if( isNumeric!T )
return Expr!( OpBinary!( Op, R, Constant!( T, v ) ) )();

auto opBinaryRight( string Op, T )( T v ) if( isNumeric!T )
return Expr!( OpBinary!( Op, Constant!( T, v ), R ) )();

But I cannot figure out how to implement expression templates for  
comparison operators, which is crucial for my purpose. The opCmp  
function is great for implementing comparison functionality, but when  
building an expression template tree the information on the actual  
comparison operator is needed. opCmp just knows that a comparison is  
going on, the actual type of comparison is unknown.

What I would like to have is something like this:

auto opCmp( string Op, R2 )( Expr!R2 )
return Expr!( OpBinary!( Op, R, R2 ) )();

So opCmp knows about the actual operator and would just use my OpBinary  
struct to encode it. But this is not possible.

The only workaround for I this problem I can imagine is using my own  
comparison functions instead of the comparison operators:

op!"<"( a, b ) instead of a < b.
Another possibility would be to call opBinary explicitly:
a.opCmp!"<"( b )
In this case I would not even have to write additional code.

But these workarounds are ugly, if would greatly prefer the normal  
comparison operators.

Does anyone has an idea how to use them?


Hmm... I don't know you're use case exactly, but it sounds like a case of  
operator overload abuse. The design of opCmp was inspired by the amount of  
bug prone repetition that happens with C++ style comparison operators.  
Furthermore, both opCmp and opEquals have fixed return types in order to  
limit abuse. (D also prevents the overload of certain operators for the  
same reason). The main reason behind expression templates is to avoid  
costly intermediates, but the expression is always going to be heavier  
weight than an int, so why can't you evaluated the expression then and  

Re: [GSOC] Database API

2011-03-27 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 03/25/2011 09:02 AM, Christian Manning wrote:

On 24/03/2011 17:58, Trass3r wrote:

Has this idea/project been assigned a mentor? I'd like to ask them and
the list, what's the best thing for me to do right now to prepare for

You could also have a look at
This shows some past efforts to create database interfaces.

This can be of some inspiration and also brings up a point about how
this project would be executed, ie. is this to be part of phobos or a
totally separate project? I'm guessing to be Digital Mars supported it's
more likely wanted to be a part of phobos, but could someone clarify on

Either way would be acceptable.

Another question about Digital Mars' GSOC involvement: when it's
application time do I submit a proposal to someone directly, to this
list, or to the GSOC site at ?

You'll submit via Google's interface. See for details. Submission 
opens tomorrow.


A few thoughts on the existing GSoC student proposals

2011-03-27 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

Hello everyone,

I've been following with interest the three preliminary proposals made 
so far: ANTLR grammar by Luca Boasso, containers by Ishan Thilina, 
Thrift bindings by David Nadlinger aka klickverbot, and database API by 
Christian Manning.

There are many issues to consider when looking over such a project 
proposal, and there's no quick and easy formula. The considerations include:

- Project impact: what would be the impact of the project? What 
consequences for D's adoption can be expected following the project?

- Project's chances of succeeding: what is the assessment that the 
project can be completed within the timeframe?

- Student match: what is the match between the student's initial skill 
set and the project?

- Mentor match: is there a strong mentor for the project?

Here are a few considerations regarding the three pre-submission 
proposals discussed herein:

1. ANTLR grammar for D

I think this is a feasible project. My main concern remains the 
projected impact. If the project is meant to build an ANTLR parser on 
the off chance that someone will later use it for Eclipse integration or 
otherwise, then there are serious concerns about the impact.

If, on the other hand, the project is focused on Eclipse integration 
(perhaps starting from an existing similar project) and uses an 
ANTLR-based parser as a mechanism to achieve that goal, then the impact 
would be significant. However, there is the concern that the scope of 
the project might be too large to be finished in time. So I recommend 
attention in defining the definition and scope of the project when 
writing the proposal.

The fact that we already have a good, supporting mentor in Bruno for an 
Eclipse project should help a lot.

2. Containers

I'd need to hear a lot more about this proposal before making an 
impression of it. From the little I gathered so far, I think this would 
be a difficult project to carry through. At this point D's containers 
need less solid coding but more design. Such design artifacts are most 
likely to come from an experienced member of the community. Starting 
from scratch in understanding the issues involved up to the level of 
making a solid contribution is possible, but difficult.

3. Thrift bindings

This is by far the best proposal we have so far. It comes from an 
established member of the community who has a good understanding of D, 
and is likely to boost adoption of D at companies that use 
service-oriented architectures, and Facebook in particular. If the 
project will be of adequate quality, I should be able to contribute it 
to the Thrift mainline. The impact could be decisive.

4. Database API

This is a high impact item. I'd need to collect more information about 
the specifics of the application before creating an opinion about its 
chances of success. I see Piotr and others have some related ideas; I 
suggest them to apply appropriately (either as mentors or students). A 
solid mentor(s)/student(s) combo is a key ingredient of a successful 



Re: Strategies for resolving cyclic dependencies in static ctors

2011-03-27 Thread Graham St Jack
I sounds like we actually agree with each other on all the important 
points - its just the different starting positions made our 
near-identical ideas about testing to look different.

Thanks for the discussion.

Graham St Jack

Re: how to use a lib in d

2011-03-27 Thread Maarten
Wow, thank you for the fast reply.
Winbase.d is compiled in win32.lib or am i really getting confused?

Op 27-mrt.-2011 om 22:25 heeft Jacob Carlborg  het volgende 

> On 2011-03-27 22:03, maarten van damme wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I've succesfully compiled the win32.lib file from the bindings project.
>> For a fun little project I need to call the windows function
>> "writeprocessmemory/readprocessmemory" in winbase.d .
>> I loved to use the eclipse ide to use with it but I kept getting the
>> same error over and over again so I installed the entice ide.
>> This gave more control over the compile command. But the error persisted.
>> /"Error module winbase is in file win32/winbase.d which cannot be found..."/
>> The contents of the file I'm trying to compile:
>> /"pragma(lib,"win32.lib");/
>> /
>> /
>> /import win32.winbase;"/
>> The compile command is:
>> /"dmd.exe common.d main.d win32.lib -ofediting.exe -inline -O -release
>> -w -version=Unicode -version=WindowsVista"/
>> /
>> /
>> So it looks as if the modules from win32.lib do not get used when I try
>> to import.
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Maarten
> Seems the compiler can't find win32.winbase. Add this to compile command:
> -I/path/to/parent_of_win32
> Example:
> say that winbase.d is located at:
> C:\d\imports\win32\winbase.d
> Then add this to the command:
> -IC:\d\imports
> -- 
> /Jacob Carlborg

Re: Bruno Medeiros has been accepted as a GSoC 2011 mentor for Digital Mars

2011-03-27 Thread Luca Boasso
Congratulations! :)

On 3/27/11, Ary Manzana  wrote:
> On 3/27/11 3:57 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
>> Bruno Medeiros from Google has been accepted as a mentor for the Google
>> Summer of Code 2011 program for Digital Mars.
>> Please join me in congratulating and wishing the best to Bruno.
>> We have three mentors and two pending applications. We are always
>> looking for mentor and student applications. Please refer to this page
>> for how to apply:
>> Andrei
> Yeah! Congratulations, Bruno!

Re: Bruno Medeiros has been accepted as a GSoC 2011 mentor for Digital Mars

2011-03-27 Thread Ary Manzana

On 3/27/11 3:57 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Bruno Medeiros from Google has been accepted as a mentor for the Google
Summer of Code 2011 program for Digital Mars.

Please join me in congratulating and wishing the best to Bruno.

We have three mentors and two pending applications. We are always
looking for mentor and student applications. Please refer to this page
for how to apply:


Yeah! Congratulations, Bruno!

Re: CTFE Overhaul (Was: RFC: Thrift project proposal (draft))

2011-03-27 Thread Jonathan M Davis
On 2011-03-27 08:41, Robert Jacques wrote:
> On Sun, 27 Mar 2011 06:06:48 -0400, Jacob Carlborg  wrote:
> > On 2011-03-26 21:16, Don wrote:
> >> dsimcha wrote:
> >>> On 3/26/2011 12:16 PM, Don wrote:
>  I'm giving CTFE a *major* overhaul right now. I don't know if I'll be
>  finished in time for the next compiler release, but definitely by the
>  release after that. Most importantly, bug 1330, which is the root
>  cause
>  of almost all of the problems, will be fixed. I hope to move CTFE out
>  the "experimental feature" category.
> >>> 
> >>> This is great news, I'm looking forward to it. Thanks for the hard
> >>> work. Out of curiosity, can you give a brief overview of what new
> >>> things CTFE will be usable for?
> >> 
> >> The basic problem with the current implementation of CTFE is that it
> >> uses copy-on-write. This means that references (including dynamic
> >> arrays) don't work properly -- they just copy a snapshot of the thing
> >> they are referencing. This is bug 1330. It also means it burns up memory
> >> like you wouldn't believe.
> >> 
> >> I'm changing CTFE to use in-place modification. This fixes all those
> >> issues. But this is obviously a fairly intense change, and will take
> >> quite a lot of time to iron out all the corner cases. So that's all I'm
> >> planning on doing right now.
> >> 
> >> But once that's done, it will be straightforward to implement other
> >> reference types, such as classes and pointers (pointer arithmetic will
> >> be restricted to pointers which point to array members). Once classes
> >> are implemented, it's straightforward to do exceptions. So, pretty much
> >> everything.
> >> 
> >> I've been planning on doing this for over a year, but while Walter was
> >> working on 64-bit, I felt that I was the only one working on the
> >> showstopper wrong-code bugs and regressions, so I put this
> >> important-but-not-urgent stuff aside.
> > 
> > Will the time it takes to compile heavy uses of CTFE be affected by this
> > (positive or negative)?
> Any string heavy CTFE should see a major improvement in performance.

Yeah. Considering how memory-heavy CTFE tends to be, I'd expect that such a 
massive drop in memory consumption would almost always result in a performance 
improvement. However, we could end up being surprised with how it actually 
performs, since how the performance characteristics of an application change 
as you change it can sometimes be very surprising. I would generally expect it 
to improve performance though, not harm it. And it should definitely make some 
CTFE which currently fails due to a lack of memory actually work.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: Curl support RFC

2011-03-27 Thread Jonas Drewsen

On 25/03/11 12.07, Johannes Pfau wrote:

Johannes Pfau wrote:

Jonas Drewsen wrote:


   So I've been working a bit on the etc.curl module. Currently most
the HTTP functionality is done and some very simple Ftp.

I would very much like to know if this has a chance of getting in
phobos if I finish it with the current design. If not then it will be
for my own project only and doesn't need as much documentation or all
the features.

I do know that the error handling is currently not good enough... WIP.


On 11/03/11 16.20, Jonas Drewsen wrote:


So I've spent some time trying to wrap libcurl for D. There is a lot
of things that you can do with libcurl which I did not know so I'm
starting out small.

For now I've created all the declarations for the latest public curl
C api. I have put that in the etc.c.curl module.

On top of that I've created a more D like api as seen below. This is
located in the 'etc.curl' module. What you can see below currently
works but before proceeding further down this road I would like to
get your comments on it.

// Simple HTTP GET with sane defaults
// provides the .content, .headers and .status
writeln( Http.get("";).content );

// GET with custom data receiver delegates
Http http = new Http("";);
http.setReceiveHeaderCallback( (string key, string value) {
writeln(key ~ ":" ~ value);
} );
http.setReceiveCallback( (string data) { /* drop */ } );

// POST with some timouts
http.setReceiveCallback( (string data) { writeln(data); } );
http.setPostData("The quick");

// PUT with data sender delegate
string msg = "Hello world";
size_t len = msg.length; /* using chuncked transfer if omitted */

http.setSendCallback( delegate size_t(char[] data) {
if (msg.empty) return 0;
auto l = msg.length;
data[0..l] = msg[0..$];
msg.length = 0;
return l;
HttpMethod.put, len );


// FTP

// ... authenication, cookies, interface select, progress callback
// etc. is also implemented this way.


I looked at the code again and I got 2 more suggestions:

1.) Would it be useful to have a headersReceived callback which would
be called when all headers have been received (when the data callback
is called the first time)? I think of a situation where you don't know
what data the server will return: a few KB html which you can easily
keep in memory or a huge file which you'd have to save to disk. You
can only know that if the headers have been received. It would also be
possible to do that by just overwriting the headerCallback and looking
out for the ContentLength/ContentType header, but I think it should
also work with the default headerCallback.

As far as I can see you store the http headers in a case sensitive way.
(res.headers[key] ~= value;). This means "Content-Length" vs
"content-length" would produce two entries in the array and it makes
it difficult to get the header from the associative array. It is maybe
useful to keep the original casing, but probably not in the array key.

BTW: According to RFC2616 the only headers which are allowed
to be included multiple times in the response must consist of comma
separated lists. So in theory we could keep a simple string[string]
list and if we see a header twice we can just merge it with a ','.
Relevant part from the RFC:
   Multiple message-header fields with the same field-name MAY be
   present in a message if and only if the entire field-value for that
   header field is defined as a comma-separated list [i.e., #(values)].
   It MUST be possible to combine the multiple header fields into one
   "field-name: field-value" pair, without changing the semantics of
the message, by appending each subsequent field-value to the first,
each separated by a comma. The order in which header fields with the
same field-name are received is therefore significant to the
   interpretation of the combined field value, and thus a proxy MUST
NOT change the order of these field values when a message is

I'm also done with the first pass through the http parsers.
Documentation is here:

Code here:
The http.d file is generated from the http.d.rl file.

I added some code to show how I think this could be used in the HTTP

Like in the .net webclient we'd need two of these collections: one for
received headers and one for headers to be sent.


It wou

Re: Curl support RFC

2011-03-27 Thread Jonas Drewsen

On 25/03/11 10.54, Johannes Pfau wrote:

Jonas Drewsen wrote:


   So I've been working a bit on the etc.curl module. Currently most
the HTTP functionality is done and some very simple Ftp.

I would very much like to know if this has a chance of getting in
phobos if I finish it with the current design. If not then it will be
for my own project only and doesn't need as much documentation or all
the features.

I do know that the error handling is currently not good enough... WIP.


On 11/03/11 16.20, Jonas Drewsen wrote:


So I've spent some time trying to wrap libcurl for D. There is a lot
of things that you can do with libcurl which I did not know so I'm
starting out small.

For now I've created all the declarations for the latest public curl
C api. I have put that in the etc.c.curl module.

On top of that I've created a more D like api as seen below. This is
located in the 'etc.curl' module. What you can see below currently
works but before proceeding further down this road I would like to
get your comments on it.

// Simple HTTP GET with sane defaults
// provides the .content, .headers and .status
writeln( Http.get("";).content );

// GET with custom data receiver delegates
Http http = new Http("";);
http.setReceiveHeaderCallback( (string key, string value) {
writeln(key ~ ":" ~ value);
} );
http.setReceiveCallback( (string data) { /* drop */ } );

// POST with some timouts
http.setReceiveCallback( (string data) { writeln(data); } );
http.setPostData("The quick");

// PUT with data sender delegate
string msg = "Hello world";
size_t len = msg.length; /* using chuncked transfer if omitted */

http.setSendCallback( delegate size_t(char[] data) {
if (msg.empty) return 0;
auto l = msg.length;
data[0..l] = msg[0..$];
msg.length = 0;
return l;
HttpMethod.put, len );


// FTP

// ... authenication, cookies, interface select, progress callback
// etc. is also implemented this way.


I looked at the code again and I got 2 more suggestions:

1.) Would it be useful to have a headersReceived callback which would be
called when all headers have been received (when the data callback is
called the first time)? I think of a situation where you don't know
what data the server will return: a few KB html which you can easily
keep in memory or a huge file which you'd have to save to disk. You
can only know that if the headers have been received. It would also be
possible to do that by just overwriting the headerCallback and looking
out for the ContentLength/ContentType header, but I think it should
also work with the default headerCallback.

I'm a little confused as to what a headersReceived(string[string] 
headers) would give you compared to the onReceiveHeader(const(char)[], 
const(char)[])) callback that exists today in the example.

The headersReceived callback would probably lookup the content-length 
header and set a flag about whether to save content to file or memory.

The existing onReceiveHeader could do the same by setting the flag when 
it receives the content-length field.

Or maybe I'm misunderstanding you?

As far as I can see you store the http headers in a case sensitive way.
(res.headers[key] ~= value;). This means "Content-Length" vs
"content-length" would produce two entries in the array and it makes
it difficult to get the header from the associative array. It is maybe
useful to keep the original casing, but probably not in the array key.

BTW: According to RFC2616 the only headers which are allowed
to be included multiple times in the response must consist of comma
separated lists. So in theory we could keep a simple string[string]
list and if we see a header twice we can just merge it with a ','.
Relevant part from the RFC:
Multiple message-header fields with the same field-name MAY be
present in a message if and only if the entire field-value for that
header field is defined as a comma-separated list [i.e., #(values)].
It MUST be possible to combine the multiple header fields into one
"field-name: field-value" pair, without changing the semantics of the
message, by appending each subsequent field-value to the first, each
separated by a comma. The order in which header fields with the same
field-name are received is therefore significant to the
interpretation of the combined field value, and thus a proxy MUST NOT
change the order of these field values when a message is forwarded.

I will surely i

Re: how to use a lib in d

2011-03-27 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2011-03-27 22:03, maarten van damme wrote:

Hello everyone,
I've succesfully compiled the win32.lib file from the bindings project.
For a fun little project I need to call the windows function
"writeprocessmemory/readprocessmemory" in winbase.d .
I loved to use the eclipse ide to use with it but I kept getting the
same error over and over again so I installed the entice ide.
This gave more control over the compile command. But the error persisted.

/"Error module winbase is in file win32/winbase.d which cannot be found..."/
The contents of the file I'm trying to compile:

/import win32.winbase;"/

The compile command is:
/"dmd.exe common.d main.d win32.lib -ofediting.exe -inline -O -release
-w -version=Unicode -version=WindowsVista"/
So it looks as if the modules from win32.lib do not get used when I try
to import.

Thanks in advance,

Seems the compiler can't find win32.winbase. Add this to compile command:



say that winbase.d is located at:


Then add this to the command:


/Jacob Carlborg

Re: Bruno Medeiros has been accepted as a GSoC 2011 mentor for Digital Mars

2011-03-27 Thread Walter Bright

On 3/27/2011 11:57 AM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Bruno Medeiros from Google has been accepted as a mentor for the Google Summer
of Code 2011 program for Digital Mars.

Please join me in congratulating and wishing the best to Bruno.

Yay Bruno!

Re: GCC 4.6

2011-03-27 Thread bearophile

> On 3/27/2011 7:30 AM, bearophile wrote:
> > In Bugzilla I have proposed that if you call a pure function and you don't
> > assign its return value, then you have a bug, like the similar present in D
> > for unassigned expressions.
> I think that's a reasonable proposal.

:-) Thank you. This is the enhancement request (about one year old):


Re: how to use a lib in d

2011-03-27 Thread Andrej Mitrovic
win32.lib doesn't have any modules, it only has binary code.

You need to add an import switch and the location of the win32 project
folder. E.g. if you have:


Then you would add "-IC:\win32\", and the compiler will look for
winbase inside the win32 subfolder. So your compile command would look
"dmd.exe common.d main.d win32.lib -IC:\win32\ -ofediting.exe -inline
-O -release -w -version=Unicode -version=WindowsVista"

There should be a list of imports you can set in Eclipse, I believe.
It is an IDE after all.

Re: CTFE Overhaul (Was: RFC: Thrift project proposal (draft))

2011-03-27 Thread Andrej Mitrovic
I remember a few months ago I've tried using CTFE and import
expressions to load a .def file and generate at compile-time a runtime
DLL loading mechanism in a class which would load a DLL file and
create wrapper functions for DLL functions. It would also add
try{}catch{} blocks based on a naming scheme and if -debug was
enabled. But I've had some big issues with string handling at

I'm not sure if I was doing something wrong or if CTFE was just
inadequate at the time (I do remember having some trouble using
foreach loops and some unfriendly CTFE error messages). I'll give it
another shoot soon. Anyhow, its great seeing someone working to
improve CTFE. Thanks, Don!

expression templates

2011-03-27 Thread enuhtac
Hello everyone,

I'm new to D and to this list (although I've had a look onto D a few years 
ago). I hope you guys can help me with my questions.

At the moment I'm trying to implement some expression template stuff. My first 
goal is to encode an expression into a type representing that expression 
without any additional functionality (like the possibility to evaluate that 
expression). Actually this is very simple and short in D. This is my approach:

struct OpBinary( string Op, R1, R2 )
alias typeof( mixin( "R1.EvalT.init" ~ Op ~ "R2.EvalT.init" ) ) EvalT;

enum string Operator = Op;

struct Constant( T, T v )
alias T EvalT;

enum T value = v;

struct Expr( R )
auto opBinary( string Op, R2 )( Expr!R2 )
return Expr!( OpBinary!( Op, R, R2 ) )();

auto opBinary( string Op, T )( T v ) if( isNumeric!T )
return Expr!( OpBinary!( Op, R, Constant!( T, v ) ) )();

auto opBinaryRight( string Op, T )( T v ) if( isNumeric!T )
return Expr!( OpBinary!( Op, Constant!( T, v ), R ) )();

But I cannot figure out how to implement expression templates for comparison 
operators, which is crucial for my purpose. The opCmp function is great for 
implementing comparison functionality, but when building an expression template 
tree the information on the actual comparison operator is needed. opCmp just 
knows that a comparison is going on, the actual type of comparison is unknown.
What I would like to have is something like this:

auto opCmp( string Op, R2 )( Expr!R2 )
return Expr!( OpBinary!( Op, R, R2 ) )();

So opCmp knows about the actual operator and would just use my OpBinary struct 
to encode it. But this is not possible.

The only workaround for I this problem I can imagine is using my own comparison 
functions instead of the comparison operators:
op!"<"( a, b ) instead of a < b.
Another possibility would be to call opBinary explicitly:
a.opCmp!"<"( b )
In this case I would not even have to write additional code.

But these workarounds are ugly, if would greatly prefer the normal comparison 
Does anyone has an idea how to use them?


how to use a lib in d

2011-03-27 Thread maarten van damme
Hello everyone,
I've succesfully compiled the win32.lib file from the bindings project.
For a fun little project I need to call the windows function
"writeprocessmemory/readprocessmemory" in winbase.d .
I loved to use the eclipse ide to use with it but I kept getting the same
error over and over again so I installed the entice ide.
This gave more control over the compile command. But the error persisted.

*"Error module winbase is in file win32/winbase.d which cannot be found..."*
The contents of the file I'm trying to compile:

*import win32.winbase;"*

The compile command is:
*"dmd.exe common.d main.d win32.lib -ofediting.exe -inline -O -release -w
-version=Unicode -version=WindowsVista"*
So it looks as if the modules from win32.lib do not get used when I try to

Thanks in advance,

Re: GCC 4.6

2011-03-27 Thread Walter Bright

On 3/27/2011 7:30 AM, bearophile wrote:

In Bugzilla I have proposed that if you call a pure function and you don't
assign its return value, then you have a bug, like the similar present in D
for unassigned expressions.

I think that's a reasonable proposal.

Re: CTFE Overhaul (Was: RFC: Thrift project proposal (draft))

2011-03-27 Thread Don

Robert Jacques wrote:

On Sun, 27 Mar 2011 08:36:39 -0400, spir  wrote:

On 03/26/2011 09:57 PM, Don wrote:

The basic problem with the current implementation of CTFE is that it
uses copy-on-write. This means that references (including dynamic
arrays) don't work properly -- they just copy a snapshot of the thing
they are referencing. This is bug 1330. It also means it burns up 

like you wouldn't believe.

Right.  IIUC there's also no way to free the memory from copies that 
are no
longer referenced.  I can see where this would leak memory like a 

That's not the big problem, actually. The issue is that x[7]=6;
duplicates x, even if x has 10K elements.
Now consider:
   for(int i=0; i

Hello Don,

I don't understand your point. I have once implemented a toy dynamic 
language, using the common trick of boxed elements (à la Lisp). But I 
wanted to maintain value semantics as standard. A cheap way to do that 
is copy on write; it is actually cheap since simple, atomic, elements 
are never copied (since they cannot be changed on place), thus one 
just just needs to trace complex elements (array-lists & named tuples 
in my case):

x := [1,2,3]// create the array value, assign its ref
y := x// copy the ref, mark the value as shared
x[1] := 0// copy the value, reassign the ref, then change
But the new value is not shared, thus:
x[1] := 1// change only

So that in your loop example, at most one array copy happens (iff it 
was shared). This is as far as I know what is commonly called 
copy-on-write. There is no need to copy the value over and over again 
on every change if it is not multiple-referenced, and noone does that, 
I guess.

Side-Note: assignments of the form of "y := x" are really special, at 
least conceptually; but also practically when pointers or refs enter 
the game. I call them "symbol assignments" as the source is a symbol.


Hi Denis,
What Don is explaining is not how you should implement copy-on-write, 
etc., but the actual implementation of arrays in DMD's CTFE system. 


Right now, any access to an array in CTFE causes the entire array to be 
duplicated, which is a major memory and performance issue, to say 
nothing of the fact that D arrays are supposed to have reference, not 
value semantics. I don't know how or why this behavior was ever 
introduced, only that it is awesome that Don is fixing it.

I believe it was a quick hack to get things working. But it needs to 

D's GSoC now on reddit

2011-03-27 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

Discuss and upvote!


Bruno Medeiros has been accepted as a GSoC 2011 mentor for Digital Mars

2011-03-27 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu
Bruno Medeiros from Google has been accepted as a mentor for the Google 
Summer of Code 2011 program for Digital Mars.

Please join me in congratulating and wishing the best to Bruno.

We have three mentors and two pending applications. We are always 
looking for mentor and student applications. Please refer to this page 
for how to apply:


Re: GSoC-2011 project:: Containers

2011-03-27 Thread Lutger Blijdestijn
Ishan Thilina wrote:

> As to my understanding algorithms are seperated from the containers so
> that the code is maintainable. But in std.container I can see that all the
> algorithms are in the container method definitions. Why is this? Have I
> got the things incorrectly?

Slightly, D ranges use the same basic principles as the STL so any 
documentation on that can be used to understand the big picture. 

You'll see that no container implements all of std.algorithm, in fact 
containers have a very small interface. Normally algorithms work with 
different kinds of ranges and containers can  provide one or more ranges, 
thus achieving very loose coupling and reuse. If a container provides a 
certain range then *all* algorithms which operate on that kind of range will 
work with the container. For example, any container that can be accessed 
with a random access range can be used by std.sort. 

However, containers usually have more to offer than what can be expressed by 
ranges. std.container documents a large set of methods that particular 
containers can implement as they see fit, as a convention. These methods are 
usually specific to a particular container implementation and necessary to 
use a container or take advantage of it's specific properties. 

Re: [GSoC] RFC: Thrift project proposal (draft)

2011-03-27 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 03/27/2011 12:25 AM, Don wrote:

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 3/26/11 3:01 PM, Don wrote:

David Nadlinger wrote:

On 3/26/11 5:16 PM, Don wrote:

I'm giving CTFE a *major* overhaul right now. I don't know if I'll be
finished in time for the next compiler release, but definitely by the
release after that. Most importantly, bug 1330, which is the root
of almost all of the problems, will be fixed. I hope to move CTFE out
the "experimental feature" category.

That's great news – do you plan to put your work in progress up at
GitHub somewhere before the official release?

Yes, definitely. All my fixes go into my fork of dmd on github.
My CTFE work is progressing quite well. Simple test cases like the one
in bug 1330 are working (and all the existing tests still pass, of
course). It will be a while before I publish it to github, though -- the
code is VERY untidy, and lots of stuff isn't implemented yet.

I'm playing around with CTFE quite a bit at the moment and plan to
have a stab at making the basic parts of std.algorithm CTFE-able soon
(Steve, did you find time to look at the Appender issue yet?), so I'd
be glad to test any improvements…

My changes will make a *lot* more things work in CTFE. I recommend
against spending much time making things CTFE-able right now.

This is absolutely awesome. Compile-time evaluation is a key strategic
feature of D. Thank you!

Two questions - do you plan to allow class object creation a la new

Eventually. That requires some form of class literal to be created
inside the compiler, so it's a bit more work.

Sounds great. Most of the advanced CTFE applications that I'm thinking 
of involve referential data types. Right now only arrays offer that in 
CTFE space, which is quite limiting.


Re: Proposal: Thread-sealed containers

2011-03-27 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 03/26/2011 05:26 PM, dsimcha wrote:

I'm thinking about ways to make std.concurrency's model more flexible
without compromising safety. It's sometimes useful to cheaply _move_ (as
opposed to share or copy) data between threads. I wonder if we could
co-opt sealed containers here:

1. Define basic data structures like arrays, hash tables and trees that
are otherwise identical to sealed containers, but maintain a
_thread-specific_ reference count. This can be naively implemented as a
hash table with Thread keys and size_t values, but there's probably a
better way. Provisionally call these "thread-sealed containers".

A thread-sealed container has the invariant that no two thread-specific
reference counts may be simultaneously nonzero. If this becomes untrue,
an Error is thrown at runtime. This is not as good as a compile time
error, but it's much better than a low-level data race.

2. Restrict the contents of thread-sealed containers to types that can
be safely shared/moved between threads: Primitives, shared and immutable
data, and other thread-sealed containers.

3. Define a std.concurrency.moveSend() function. This function takes a
thread-sealed container by reference, decrements the sending thread's
reference count, enforces that it's zero, then sends the container as a
message to the receiving thread. The receiving thread increments its
reference count of the container.

Sounds like a good idea. Given the restriction, instead of one reference 
count per thread you only need a pair threadid + refcount. Then the 
refcounts of all other threads are implicitly zero.


Re: GSoC-2011 project:: Containers

2011-03-27 Thread Ishan Thilina
As to my understanding algorithms are seperated from the containers so that the
code is maintainable. But in std.container I can see that all the algorithms are
in the container method definitions. Why is this? Have I got the things 

Re: constexpr and CTFE

2011-03-27 Thread Lutger Blijdestijn
bearophile wrote:

> This first question is mostly for D.learn, but below I show a partially
> related link too, so I put both of them here.
> If you have library code, and the users of your library run one of your
> functions at compile time, later if you change your function it may not
> run at compile time any more. So isn't the quality of being able to run at
> compile time part of the signature of the function?

An attribute similar to pure that can be checked by the compiler might be 
useful. However, the signature affects the type right? I'm not sure that is 
the intent of ctfe. A simple ddoc annotation and a unittest is probably  
enough to both ensure and convey the ctfe-ability.
> ---
> GCC 4.6 implements the C++0x constexpr. I've found a note about constexpr,
> that touches the topic of logic const too, purity, memoization:
> Bye,
> bearophile

Re: GCC 4.6

2011-03-27 Thread bearophile

> This should be restricted to *strongly* pure functions.

Right, I have added the note. I have written the enhancement request 3882 
before the introduction of the weakly pure ones.


Re: CTFE Overhaul (Was: RFC: Thrift project proposal (draft))

2011-03-27 Thread Robert Jacques

On Sun, 27 Mar 2011 06:06:48 -0400, Jacob Carlborg  wrote:

On 2011-03-26 21:16, Don wrote:

dsimcha wrote:

On 3/26/2011 12:16 PM, Don wrote:

I'm giving CTFE a *major* overhaul right now. I don't know if I'll be
finished in time for the next compiler release, but definitely by the
release after that. Most importantly, bug 1330, which is the root  

of almost all of the problems, will be fixed. I hope to move CTFE out
the "experimental feature" category.

This is great news, I'm looking forward to it. Thanks for the hard
work. Out of curiosity, can you give a brief overview of what new
things CTFE will be usable for?

The basic problem with the current implementation of CTFE is that it
uses copy-on-write. This means that references (including dynamic
arrays) don't work properly -- they just copy a snapshot of the thing
they are referencing. This is bug 1330. It also means it burns up memory
like you wouldn't believe.

I'm changing CTFE to use in-place modification. This fixes all those
issues. But this is obviously a fairly intense change, and will take
quite a lot of time to iron out all the corner cases. So that's all I'm
planning on doing right now.

But once that's done, it will be straightforward to implement other
reference types, such as classes and pointers (pointer arithmetic will
be restricted to pointers which point to array members). Once classes
are implemented, it's straightforward to do exceptions. So, pretty much

I've been planning on doing this for over a year, but while Walter was
working on 64-bit, I felt that I was the only one working on the
showstopper wrong-code bugs and regressions, so I put this
important-but-not-urgent stuff aside.

Will the time it takes to compile heavy uses of CTFE be affected by this  
(positive or negative)?

Any string heavy CTFE should see a major improvement in performance.

Re: CTFE Overhaul (Was: RFC: Thrift project proposal (draft))

2011-03-27 Thread Robert Jacques

On Sun, 27 Mar 2011 08:36:39 -0400, spir  wrote:

On 03/26/2011 09:57 PM, Don wrote:

The basic problem with the current implementation of CTFE is that it
uses copy-on-write. This means that references (including dynamic
arrays) don't work properly -- they just copy a snapshot of the thing
they are referencing. This is bug 1330. It also means it burns up  

like you wouldn't believe.

Right.  IIUC there's also no way to free the memory from copies that  
are no
longer referenced.  I can see where this would leak memory like a  

That's not the big problem, actually. The issue is that x[7]=6;
duplicates x, even if x has 10K elements.
Now consider:
   for(int i=0; i

Hello Don,

I don't understand your point. I have once implemented a toy dynamic  
language, using the common trick of boxed elements (à la Lisp). But I  
wanted to maintain value semantics as standard. A cheap way to do that  
is copy on write; it is actually cheap since simple, atomic, elements  
are never copied (since they cannot be changed on place), thus one just  
just needs to trace complex elements (array-lists & named tuples in my  

x := [1,2,3]// create the array value, assign its ref
y := x  // copy the ref, mark the value as shared
x[1] := 0   // copy the value, reassign the ref, then change
But the new value is not shared, thus:
x[1] := 1   // change only

So that in your loop example, at most one array copy happens (iff it was  
shared). This is as far as I know what is commonly called copy-on-write.  
There is no need to copy the value over and over again on every change  
if it is not multiple-referenced, and noone does that, I guess.

Side-Note: assignments of the form of "y := x" are really special, at  
least conceptually; but also practically when pointers or refs enter the  
game. I call them "symbol assignments" as the source is a symbol.


Hi Denis,
What Don is explaining is not how you should implement copy-on-write,  
etc., but the actual implementation of arrays in DMD's CTFE system. Right  
now, any access to an array in CTFE causes the entire array to be  
duplicated, which is a major memory and performance issue, to say nothing  
of the fact that D arrays are supposed to have reference, not value  
semantics. I don't know how or why this behavior was ever introduced, only  
that it is awesome that Don is fixing it.

Re: GCC 4.6

2011-03-27 Thread Iain Buclaw
== Quote from bearophile ('s article
> Iain Buclaw:
> > I think it would be better if it were targeting 
> > memory/(re)allocation-related
> > functions.
> >
> > ie:
> > {
> >   new int[4096];  // allocation has no effect, other than leaking memory.
> > }
> (The memory does not leak, the GC will deallocate it later).

Assuming you are using the stock implementation that comes bundled with 
and not some stub implementation or freestanding environment. :~)

Re: GCC 4.6

2011-03-27 Thread KennyTM~

On Mar 27, 11 23:19, KennyTM~ wrote:

On Mar 27, 11 22:30, bearophile wrote:

In Bugzilla I have proposed that if you call a pure function and you
don't assign its return value, then you have a bug, like the similar
present in D for unassigned expressions.

This should be restricted to *strongly* pure functions. Weakly pure
functions may have its major effect sent out via the input arguments, so
ignoring the return value could make sense.

import std.stdio;

pure double[] set(double[] x, int index, double e) {
x[index] = e;
return x;

void main () {
auto j = new double[](3);
j.set(0, 1.5).set(1, 2.5).set(2, 5.1);

BTW, which Bugzilla entry you are talking about?

OK, I see it is 3882.

Re: GCC 4.6

2011-03-27 Thread KennyTM~

On Mar 27, 11 22:30, bearophile wrote:

In Bugzilla I have proposed that if you call a pure function and you don't 
assign its return value, then you have a bug, like the similar present in D for 
unassigned expressions.

This should be restricted to *strongly* pure functions. Weakly pure 
functions may have its major effect sent out via the input arguments, so 
ignoring the return value could make sense.

  import std.stdio;

  pure double[] set(double[] x, int index, double e) {
x[index] = e;
return x;

  void main () {
auto j = new double[](3);
j.set(0, 1.5).set(1, 2.5).set(2, 5.1);

BTW, which Bugzilla entry you are talking about?

Re: import error and error types

2011-03-27 Thread bearophile

> * The message is wrong: the error is precisely due to the fact no file 
> 'algorithm.d' was found.

The D compilers need to produce good error messages. So I suggest you to 
perform a search in Bugzilla, if you don't find your problem there (I have a 
related bug there), then add a new Bugzilla entry.


constexpr and CTFE

2011-03-27 Thread bearophile
This first question is mostly for D.learn, but below I show a partially related 
link too, so I put both of them here.

If you have library code, and the users of your library run one of your 
functions at compile time, later if you change your function it may not run at 
compile time any more. So isn't the quality of being able to run at compile 
time part of the signature of the function?


GCC 4.6 implements the C++0x constexpr. I've found a note about constexpr, that 
touches the topic of logic const too, purity, memoization:


Re: GCC 4.6

2011-03-27 Thread bearophile
Iain Buclaw:

> I think it would be better if it were targeting memory/(re)allocation-related
> functions.
> ie:
> {
>   new int[4096];  // allocation has no effect, other than leaking memory.
> }

(The memory does not leak, the GC will deallocate it later).
In Bugzilla I have proposed that if you call a pure function and you don't 
assign its return value, then you have a bug, like the similar present in D for 
unassigned expressions.
If the druntime function to allocate a new array is a pure function, then my 
enhancement request catches your bug too :-)


Re: GCC 4.6

2011-03-27 Thread Iain Buclaw

> test.d(4): Error: + has no effect in expression (x + y)
> But currently this gives no errors, despite it's the same situation, so I'd 
> like
an error here too (this enhancement request is in Bugzilla already):
> pure int add(int a, int b) { return a + b; }
> void main() {
> int x = 10;
> int y = 20;
> add(x, y);
> }

I think it would be better if it were targeting memory/(re)allocation-related

  new int[4096];  // allocation has no effect, other than leaking memory.

Re: GCC 4.6

2011-03-27 Thread Iain Buclaw
== Quote from bearophile ('s article
> Walter:
> > You quoted a claim saying it was also an optimization.
> If GCC devs say so, then I presume they are right. But the main purpose of a
warning is to warn the programmer, in this case to avoid some bugs.

Warnings have no effect on optimisations. And unused code are later removed via
general dead code elimination anyway (how aggressive this is depends on the
optimisation level).

import error and error types

2011-03-27 Thread spir


"import algorithm;" generates the error message:
test.d(35): Error: module algorithm is in file 'algorithm.d' which cannot be 

Three notes:
* The message is wrong: the error is precisely due to the fact no file 
'algorithm.d' was found.
* A nice tip for phobos modules would be to hint "Did you forget the prefix 

* There is no mention of import, which would be helpful ;-)

More generally, dmd (and build/link) errors have no "type". Giving errors a 
written type is very helpful (not only to the user, also to organise, name, and 
formulates error messages properly).

test.d(35): Import Error: cannot find module file 'algorithm.d' (in current 
directory or standard import directories).

Did you forget the prefix 'std.' needed to import Phobos modules?

(The additional tip only when module name matches a phobos module name.)

vita es estrany

Re: Proposal: Thread-sealed containers

2011-03-27 Thread dsimcha

On 3/27/2011 2:47 AM, Jason House wrote:

dsimcha Wrote:

I'm thinking about ways to make std.concurrency's model more flexible
without compromising safety.  It's sometimes useful to cheaply _move_
(as opposed to share or copy) data between threads.  I wonder if we
could co-opt sealed containers here:

What definition of sealed are you using? A quick web search mostly brought up 
C#'s sealed keyword which I think is the same as D's final. I vaguely remember 
Andrei might have used the term to mean no aliases to the data held by the 

I was using Andrei's definition that had been floated around here 
previously.  For those not already familiar, a sealed container is one 
where references/pointers to the elements cannot be obtained.  This 
allows things like reference-counted memory management to be done safely.

1.  Define basic data structures like arrays, hash tables and trees that
are otherwise identical to sealed containers, but maintain a
_thread-specific_ reference count.  This can be naively implemented as a
hash table with Thread keys and size_t values, but there's probably a
better way.  Provisionally call these "thread-sealed containers".

It might be possible to simply store the owning thread id. Since the thread 
that sent the container will still have a reference to it, you may be forced to 
do some extra runtime checks on every method call anyway...

3.  Define a std.concurrency.moveSend() function.  This function takes a
thread-sealed container by reference, decrements the sending thread's
reference count, enforces that it's zero, then sends the container as a
message to the receiving thread.  The receiving thread increments its
reference count of the container.

I like that you're thinking about this kind of stuff. I am over tired right now 
and haven't really thought this through, but it feels like this could lead to a 
major safety upgrade for std.concurrency.

Now that I think about it some more, we don't need explicit 
thread-specific reference counts.  All we need to prove is that we're 
dealing with a unique reference, i.e. that the reference count is 1. 
moveSend() then clears the sending thread's view of the container so 
that the sending thread no longer has access to it and sends it as a 
message to the receiving thread.  The receiving thread is the new owner.

The bottom line concept is that uniqueness is useful but difficult to 
prove statically.  (To refresh people's memory uniqueness in this 
context means that a piece of data only has one pointer/reference 
pointing to it.)  Static solutions will always be conservative and risk 
making the type system absurdly complex.  Therefore, enforce uniqueness 
at runtime when it can be determined exactly via reference counting. 
The same principle may solve the problem of immutable data creation.

Re: CTFE Overhaul (Was: RFC: Thrift project proposal (draft))

2011-03-27 Thread spir

On 03/26/2011 09:57 PM, Don wrote:

The basic problem with the current implementation of CTFE is that it
uses copy-on-write. This means that references (including dynamic
arrays) don't work properly -- they just copy a snapshot of the thing
they are referencing. This is bug 1330. It also means it burns up memory
like you wouldn't believe.

Right.  IIUC there's also no way to free the memory from copies that are no
longer referenced.  I can see where this would leak memory like a sieve.

That's not the big problem, actually. The issue is that x[7]=6;
duplicates x, even if x has 10K elements.
Now consider:
   for(int i=0; i

Hello Don,

I don't understand your point. I have once implemented a toy dynamic language, 
using the common trick of boxed elements (à la Lisp). But I wanted to maintain 
value semantics as standard. A cheap way to do that is copy on write; it is 
actually cheap since simple, atomic, elements are never copied (since they 
cannot be changed on place), thus one just just needs to trace complex elements 
(array-lists & named tuples in my case):

x := [1,2,3]// create the array value, assign its ref
y := x  // copy the ref, mark the value as shared
x[1] := 0   // copy the value, reassign the ref, then change
But the new value is not shared, thus:
x[1] := 1   // change only

So that in your loop example, at most one array copy happens (iff it was 
shared). This is as far as I know what is commonly called copy-on-write. There 
is no need to copy the value over and over again on every change if it is not 
multiple-referenced, and noone does that, I guess.

Side-Note: assignments of the form of "y := x" are really special, at least 
conceptually; but also practically when pointers or refs enter the game. I call 
them "symbol assignments" as the source is a symbol.

vita es estrany

Re: GCC 4.6

2011-03-27 Thread bearophile

> You quoted a claim saying it was also an optimization.

If GCC devs say so, then I presume they are right. But the main purpose of a 
warning is to warn the programmer, in this case to avoid some bugs.

> As I said, these kinds of error messages are very annoying when developing 
> code, 
> for example, when enabling and disabling various sections.

Warnings have a cost. Sometimes they are locally wrong, becoming noise, so in 
some situations people want to disable specific warnings locally (GCC 4.6 has 
added ways to do this).

In some situations I agree that an error is better than a warning message, 
indeed D has turned some C warnings into errors. There are even two D warnings 
that I want to become errors:

Elsewhere you have explained that different compilers have different warnings, 
this combined with the choice of many programmers to see warnings as errors 
produces incompatible programs, it means that changing the compiler becomes 
almost like changing language (a possible solution I see to this problem is to 
standardize most warnings in a language. So most warnings are shared between 
compilers of the same language).

Regarding what you say here, I agree that when you develop a part of code you 
want a little more local freedom. Because you often have some scaffolding code, 
variables, etc, that you use to build the main code. This means that in code 
that's work in progress you sometimes have duplicated variables, redundancies, 
and several other things that are probably seen as problems by a more strict 

On the other hand, the amount of code you work in a moment is not large, so the 
amount of warnings your program generates is not large (assuming most other 
part of the code don't generate warnings or have silenced warnings), so I think 
such limited amount of warnings is going to be acceptable. Maybe there is a way 
to disable the warnings in just the parts of the program you are working now. 
But warnings sometimes are useful, so they may catch bugs you are adding in the 
new code you are adding/changing now.

The most part of a largish program is not under change in any moment (even if 
many people are working on a program at the same time). And experience has 
shown me that unused variables in cold code (code you are not modifying right 
now) are sometimes associated with bugs or other troubles (this was also the 
main point of that paper by Yichen Xie). And removing them helps make the code 
shorter, more tidy. It's worse than leaving useless phrases in a text.

> I get told I'm wrong on just about everything I do.

In D language/compiler I have found many good decisions, most of them are good, 
that's why I am here :-) But there are things I don't agree with, and I try to 
explain why.

Like that section 3 page 2 "Redundant assignments" on the Yichen Xie paper. In 
my code and code written by other people I have seen many times little errors 
like this, or several similar variations of it:

class Foo {
  int x, y, z;
  Foo(int x_, int y_, int z_) {
x = x_;
y = y;
z = z_;

If the lint is able to spot redundant assignments, it shows a warning. A 
compiler may even turn redundant assignments into errors. D turns unassigned 
pure expressions into errors:

void main() {
int x = 10;
int y = 20;
x + y;

test.d(4): Error: + has no effect in expression (x + y)

But currently this gives no errors, despite it's the same situation, so I'd 
like an error here too (this enhancement request is in Bugzilla already):

pure int add(int a, int b) { return a + b; }
void main() {
int x = 10;
int y = 20;
add(x, y);

In the paper by Yichen Xie you see many other interesting cases, that come from 
real world code, it's quite interesting stuff.


Re: CTFE Overhaul (Was: RFC: Thrift project proposal (draft))

2011-03-27 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2011-03-26 21:16, Don wrote:

dsimcha wrote:

On 3/26/2011 12:16 PM, Don wrote:

I'm giving CTFE a *major* overhaul right now. I don't know if I'll be
finished in time for the next compiler release, but definitely by the
release after that. Most importantly, bug 1330, which is the root cause
of almost all of the problems, will be fixed. I hope to move CTFE out
the "experimental feature" category.

This is great news, I'm looking forward to it. Thanks for the hard
work. Out of curiosity, can you give a brief overview of what new
things CTFE will be usable for?

The basic problem with the current implementation of CTFE is that it
uses copy-on-write. This means that references (including dynamic
arrays) don't work properly -- they just copy a snapshot of the thing
they are referencing. This is bug 1330. It also means it burns up memory
like you wouldn't believe.

I'm changing CTFE to use in-place modification. This fixes all those
issues. But this is obviously a fairly intense change, and will take
quite a lot of time to iron out all the corner cases. So that's all I'm
planning on doing right now.

But once that's done, it will be straightforward to implement other
reference types, such as classes and pointers (pointer arithmetic will
be restricted to pointers which point to array members). Once classes
are implemented, it's straightforward to do exceptions. So, pretty much

I've been planning on doing this for over a year, but while Walter was
working on 64-bit, I felt that I was the only one working on the
showstopper wrong-code bugs and regressions, so I put this
important-but-not-urgent stuff aside.

Will the time it takes to compile heavy uses of CTFE be affected by this 
(positive or negative)?

/Jacob Carlborg