D is for Data Science

2014-11-24 Thread Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-d-announce

Just browsing reddit and found this article posted about D.
Written by Andrew Pascoe of AdRoll.

From the article:
The D programming language has quickly become our language of 
choice on the Data Science team for any task that requires 
efficiency, and is now the keystone language for our critical 
infrastructure. Why? Because D has a lot to offer.



dfix 0.2.0

2014-11-24 Thread Brian Schott via Digitalmars-d-announce
dfix is a tool for automatically upgrading the syntax of D source 

Changes since 0.1.1:
* #1 dfix will now rewrite const int foo() {} to int foo() 
const {}
* #6 The C-style array syntax fix is no longer incorrectly 
applied to

  certain ASM statements.
* #9 You can now provide directory names as arguments to dfix in 

  you're too lazy to run find and xargs. (And really, who isn't?)
* #11 dfix is now registered on code.dlang.org.
* Added tests.

D is for Data Science - reddit discussion

2014-11-24 Thread MrSmith via Digitalmars-d-announce

D is for Data Science by Andrew Pascoe


Re: D is for Data Science - reddit discussion

2014-11-24 Thread MrSmith via Digitalmars-d-announce

Haven't noticed that it was already posted. Sorry about that.

The disscussion is here 

Re: DerelictSASS

2014-11-24 Thread Colden Cullen via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 24 November 2014 at 17:32:36 UTC, Lodin wrote:
Of course, I want to register it, but I think it should be a 
part of Derelict Project, not unofficial binding. What should I 
do to realize it?

And one thing about the diet plugin. I plan to make thin 
wrapper around binding to simplify using. Something like 
`sassc` which allows using libsass from console with options. 
Of course, it should be useful like a library too. Is the diet 
plugin a same thing? Or should it be the next layer around 

I can't help you with getting it included in Derelict, but I 
think Mike Parker[0] is probably the one to talk to.

I think the diet plugin would serve best as a layer on top of 
your wrapper. It's scope is limited to taking inline sass, as 
well as paths to sass files, compiling them, and including the 
result on the HTML page. If you could make that process easier 
with a wrapper, it would make the plugin much simpler.

[0] https://github.com/aldacron

Re: D is for Data Science

2014-11-24 Thread weaselcat via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Monday, 24 November 2014 at 15:27:19 UTC, Gary Willoughby 

Just browsing reddit and found this article posted about D.
Written by Andrew Pascoe of AdRoll.

From the article:
The D programming language has quickly become our language of 
choice on the Data Science team for any task that requires 
efficiency, and is now the keystone language for our critical 
infrastructure. Why? Because D has a lot to offer.



Why is File.byLine so slow? Having to work around the standard 
library defeats the point of a standard library.

Re: D is for Data Science

2014-11-24 Thread Dmitry Olshansky via Digitalmars-d-announce

25-Nov-2014 00:34, weaselcat пишет:

On Monday, 24 November 2014 at 15:27:19 UTC, Gary Willoughby wrote:

Just browsing reddit and found this article posted about D.
Written by Andrew Pascoe of AdRoll.

From the article:
The D programming language has quickly become our language of choice
on the Data Science team for any task that requires efficiency, and is
now the keystone language for our critical infrastructure. Why?
Because D has a lot to offer.


Quoting the article:

 One of the best things we can do is minimize the amount of memory 
we’re allocating; we allocate a new char[] every time we read a line.

This is wrong. byLine reuses buffer if its mutable which is the case 
with char[]. I recommend authors to always double checking hypothesis 
before stating it in article, especially about performance.


And notice a warning about reusing the buffer here:



Why is File.byLine so slow?

Seems to be mostly fixed sometime ago. It's slower then straight fgets 
but it's not that bad.

Also nearly optimal solution using C's fgets with growable buffer is way 
simpler then outlined code in the article. Or we can mmap the file too.

Having to work around the standard library
defeats the point of a standard library.

Truth be told the most of slowdown should be in eager split, notably 
with GC allocation per line. It may also trigger GC collection after 
splitting many lines, maybe even many collections.

The easy way out is to use standard _splitter_ which is lazy and 
non-allocating.  Which is a _2-letter_ change, and still using nice 
clean standard function.

Article was really disappointing for me because I expected to see that 
single line change outlined above to fix the 80% of problem elegantly. 
Instead I observe 100+ spooky lines that needlessly maintain 3 buffers 
at the same time (how scientific) instead of growing single one to 
amortize the cost. And then a claim that's nice to be able to improve 
speed so easily.

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: D is for Data Science

2014-11-24 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-announce

Dmitry Olshansky:

Why is File.byLine so slow?

Seems to be mostly fixed sometime ago.

Really? I am not so sure.


Re: D is for Data Science

2014-11-24 Thread Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 11/24/2014 2:25 PM, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:


Excellent comments. Please post them on the reddit page!

Re: D is for Data Science

2014-11-24 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Monday, 24 November 2014 at 15:27:19 UTC, Gary Willoughby 

Just browsing reddit and found this article posted about D.
Written by Andrew Pascoe of AdRoll.

From the article:
The D programming language has quickly become our language of 
choice on the Data Science team for any task that requires 
efficiency, and is now the keystone language for our critical 
infrastructure. Why? Because D has a lot to offer.



Is this related?


Re: D is for Data Science

2014-11-24 Thread Jay Norwood via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 24 November 2014 at 23:32:14 UTC, Jay Norwood wrote:

Is this related?


This seems good too.  Why the comments in the discussion about 
lack of libraries?


Re: D is for Data Science

2014-11-24 Thread Dmitry Olshansky via Digitalmars-d-announce

25-Nov-2014 01:28, bearophile пишет:

Dmitry Olshansky:

Why is File.byLine so slow?

Seems to be mostly fixed sometime ago.

Really? I am not so sure.


I too has suspected it in the past and then I tested it.
Now I test it again, it's always easier to check then to argue.

Two minimal programs
import std.stdio;

void main(string[] args) {
auto file = File(args[1], r);
size_t cnt=0;
foreach(char[] line; file.byLine()) {
import core.stdc.stdio;

void main(string[] args) {
char[] buf = new char[32768];
size_t cnt;
shared(FILE)* file = fopen(args[1].ptr, r);
while(fgets(buf.ptr, cast(int)buf.length, file) != null){

In the below console session, log file - is my dmsg log replicated many 
times (34 megs total).

dmitry@Ubu64 ~ $ wc -l log
522240 log
dmitry@Ubu64 ~ $ du -hs log
34M log

# touch it, to have it in disk cache:
dmitry@Ubu64 ~ $ cat log  /dev/null

dmitry@Ubu64 ~ $ dmd my
dmitry@Ubu64 ~ $ dmd my2

dmitry@Ubu64 ~ $ time ./my2 log

sys 0m0.023s
dmitry@Ubu64 ~ $ time ./my log

sys 0m0.025s

~4 time in user mode, okay...
Now with full optimizations, ranges are very sensitive to optimizations:

dmitry@Ubu64 ~ $ dmd -O -release -inline  my
dmitry@Ubu64 ~ $ dmd -O -release -inline  my2
dmitry@Ubu64 ~ $ time ./my2 log

sys 0m0.023s
dmitry@Ubu64 ~ $ time ./my2 log

sys 0m0.023s

Which is 1:1 parity. Another myth busted? ;)

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: D is for Data Science

2014-11-24 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-announce

Dmitry Olshansky:

Which is 1:1 parity. Another myth busted? ;)

There is still an open bug report:

Do you want also to benchmark that byLineFast that for me is 
usually significantly faster than the byLine?


Re: D is for Data Science

2014-11-24 Thread Dmitry Olshansky via Digitalmars-d-announce

25-Nov-2014 02:43, bearophile пишет:

Dmitry Olshansky:

Which is 1:1 parity. Another myth busted? ;)

 dmitry@Ubu64 ~ $ time ./my2 log

 dmitry@Ubu64 ~ $ time ./my2 log


Read the above more carefully.
OMG. I really need to watch my fingers, and double-check:)

dmitry@Ubu64 ~ $ time ./my log

sys 0m0.026s

dmitry@Ubu64 ~ $ time ./my2 log


Which is quite bad. Optimizations do help but not much.

There is still an open bug report:

Do you want also to benchmark that byLineFast that for me is usually
significantly faster than the byLine?

And it seems like byLineFast is indeed fast.

dmitry@Ubu64 ~ $ time ./my3 log

sys 0m0.025s
dmitry@Ubu64 ~ $ time ./my2 log

sys 0m0.024s

Now once I was destroyed the question is who is going to make a PR of this?

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: D is for Data Science

2014-11-24 Thread Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 11/24/2014 7:27 AM, Gary Willoughby wrote:

Just browsing reddit and found this article posted about D.


Thought I'd post this as a counterpoint to the recent please break our code 

Re: D is for Data Science

2014-11-24 Thread Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 25 November 2014 at 00:34:30 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
Thought I'd post this as a counterpoint to the recent please 
break our code thread.

I would caution against putting very much weight in Reddit 
opinions - there's people who will never use D and just look for 
excuses to justify their prejudice and there's people who think 
they want something, but don't really have any idea (this is 
common in feature requests, as I'm sure you know)

That comment, in particular, seems very questionable to me. 
dstats at least compiles out of the box and has github activity 
within the last few months. It has a lot of templates, so maybe 
actually using it would reveal compilation problems, but at quick 
glance it seems to work.

Re: D is for Data Science

2014-11-24 Thread Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 11/24/2014 4:50 PM, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

On Tuesday, 25 November 2014 at 00:34:30 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

Thought I'd post this as a counterpoint to the recent please break our code

I would caution against putting very much weight in Reddit opinions - there's
people who will never use D and just look for excuses to justify their prejudice
and there's people who think they want something, but don't really have any idea
(this is common in feature requests, as I'm sure you know)

That comment, in particular, seems very questionable to me. dstats at least
compiles out of the box and has github activity within the last few months. It
has a lot of templates, so maybe actually using it would reveal compilation
problems, but at quick glance it seems to work.

I know it's a tough call. But I do see these sorts of comments regularly, and it 
is a fact that there are too many D libraries gone to seed that won't compile 
anymore, and that makes us look bad.

Re: D is for Data Science

2014-11-24 Thread weaselcat via Digitalmars-d-announce
With algorithm.sort the deciles bench from the article runs twice 
as fast(it's in the reddit thread)

I see array.sort is planned for future deprecation, what does 
future fall under?

Re: Comparing Parallelization in HPC with D, Chapel, and Go

2014-11-24 Thread Ziad Hatahet via Digitalmars-d
On Sun, Nov 23, 2014 at 7:48 PM, Andrei Amatuni via Digitalmars-d 
digitalmars-d@puremagic.com wrote:

 not exactly the most rigorous research, but it's pretty

Not even remotely rigorous. One has to wonder about the quality of the
conference into which this paper was accepted.

Re: 'int' is enough for 'length' to migrate code from x86 to x64

2014-11-24 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 21 November 2014 at 20:17:12 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 11/21/2014 7:36 AM, Don wrote:
On Friday, 21 November 2014 at 04:53:38 UTC, Walter Bright 
0 crossing bugs tend to show up much sooner, and often 

You're missing the point here. The problem is that people are 
using 'uint' as if

it were a positive integer type.

Suppose  D had a type 'natint', which could hold natural 
numbers in the range
0..uint.max.  Sounds like 'uint', right? People make the 
mistake of thinking

that is what uint is. But it is not.

How would natint behave, in the type system?

typeof (natint - natint)  ==  int NOT natint  !!!

This would of course overflow if the result is too big to fit 
in an int. But the

type would be correct.  1 - 2 == -1.


typeof (uint - uint ) == uint.

The bit pattern is identical to the other case. But the type 
is wrong.

It is for this reason that uint is not appropriate as a model 
for positive
integers. Having warnings about mixing int and uint operations 
in relational
operators is a bit misleading, because mixing signed and 
unsigned is not usually
the real problem. Instead, those warnings a symptom of a type 
system mistake.

You are quite right in saying that with a signed length, 
overflows can still
occur. But, those are in principle detectable. The compiler 
could add runtime
overflow checks for them, for example. But the situation for 
unsigned is not

fixable, because it is a problem with the type system.

By making .length unsigned, we are telling people that if 
.length is

used in a subtraction expression, the type will be wrong.

It is the incorrect use of the type system that is the 
underlying problem.

I believe I do understand the problem. As a practical matter, 
overflow checks are not going to be added for performance 

The performance overhead would be practically zero. All we would 
need to do, is restrict array slices such that the length cannot 
exceed ssize_t.max.

This can only happen in the case where the element type has a 
size of 1, and only in the case of slicing a pointer, 
concatenation, and memory allocation.

Making this restriction would have been unreasonable in the 8 and 
16 bit days, but D doesn't support those.  For 32 bits, this is 
an extreme corner case. For 64 bit, this condition never happens 
at all.

In exchange, 99% of uses of unsigned would disappear from D code, 
and with it, a whole category of bugs.

Also, in principle, uint-uint can generate a runtime check for 
underflow (i.e. the carry flag).

No it cannot. The compiler does not have enough information to 
know if the value is intended to be positive integer, or an 
unsigned. That information is lost from the type system.

Eg from C, wrapping of an unsigned type is not an error. It is 
perfectly defined behaviour. With signed types, it's undefined 

To make this clear: I am not proposing that size_t should be 
I am proposing that for .length returns a signed type, that for 
array slices is guaranteed to never be negative.

Testing lazy ranges in post-conditions

2014-11-24 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d
If a function returns a lazy range, I can't verify its 
correctness in the function post-condition because inside the 
post-condition such range is const.

An example of the problem:

import std.range, std.algorithm;

auto foo()
out(result) {
assert(result.all!(x = x  10));
} body {
return iota(5);

void main() {}

This limits the usefulness of post-conditions in my code. Do you 
have ideas to solve this problem?


Re: Comparing Parallelization in HPC with D, Chapel, and Go

2014-11-24 Thread Craig Dillabaugh via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 24 November 2014 at 03:48:27 UTC, Andrei Amatuni wrote:
This prompted me to google for recent academic papers on D, 

led me to this:


not exactly the most rigorous research, but it's pretty

My main take away from that paper was that C is much slower than 
Java :o)

Based on those results it likely would have been trounced by 
Python or Ruby too.

Re: Testing lazy ranges in post-conditions

2014-11-24 Thread Peter Alexander via Digitalmars-d

Should be able to do:

assert(result.save.all!(x = x  10));

But iota's save isn't const, so you can't (that's a bug).

Re: std.experimental.logger formal review round 3

2014-11-24 Thread Robert burner Schadek via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 14 November 2014 at 23:06:22 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
On Friday, 14 November 2014 at 22:20:17 UTC, Robert burner 
Schadek wrote:
I will test something this weekend regarding the additional 

Thanks! I may try hacking some sample implementation too but 
pessimistic about ETA

So, I added a layer of thread local indirection to the Logger. It 
now goes by default like:

log|trace|... - threadLocalLogger - globalLogger

The threadLocalLogger is just another Logger so it can be 
replaced with whatever you need may need. Or just keep it 

Re: Testing lazy ranges in post-conditions

2014-11-24 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d

Peter Alexander:

Should be able to do:

assert(result.save.all!(x = x  10));

But iota's save isn't const, so you can't (that's a bug).

Mine was just an example of the general problem, another example:

import std.range, std.algorithm;

auto foo()
out(result) {
assert(result.all!(b = b.length == 2));
} body {
auto a = new int[10];
return a.chunks(2);

void main() {}


Re: 'int' is enough for 'length' to migrate code from x86 to x64

2014-11-24 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 21 November 2014 at 17:23:51 UTC, Marco Leise wrote:

Am Thu, 20 Nov 2014 08:18:23 +
schrieb Don x...@nospam.com:

It's particularly challenging in D because of the widespread 
use of 'auto':

auto x = foo();
auto y = bar();
auto z = baz();

if (x - y  z) { ... }

This might be a bug, if one of these functions returns an 
unsigned type.  Good luck finding that. Note that if all 
functions return unsigned, there isn't even any 
signed-unsigned mismatch.

With those function names I cannot write code.

ℕ x = length();
ℕ y = index();
ℕ z = requiredRange();

if (x - y  z) { ... }

Ah, now we're getting somewhere. Yes the code is obviously
correct. You need to be aware of the value ranges of your
variables and write subtractions in a way that the result can
only be = 0. If you realize that you cannot guarantee that
for some case, you just found a logic bug. An invalid program
state that you need to assert/if-else/throw.

Yup. And that is not captured in the type system.

I don't get why so many APIs return ints. Must be to support
Java or something where proper unsigned types aren't available.

 D and C do not have suitable types either.

unsigned !=  ℕ.

In D,  1u - 2u  0u. This is defined behaviour, not an overflow.

Re: Comparing Parallelization in HPC with D, Chapel, and Go

2014-11-24 Thread Russel Winder via Digitalmars-d
On Sun, 2014-11-23 at 13:09 -0800, Ziad Hatahet via Digitalmars-d wrote:
 On Sat, Nov 22, 2014 at 7:17 AM, Russel Winder via Digitalmars-d 
 digitalmars-d@puremagic.com wrote:
  I have emailed the author.
 Keep us posted!

Author replied. He is issuing source code on a bilateral pseudo-NDA. I
will read it to ensure no hidden problems later this evening, and then
reply. Most likely affirmative…

Dr Russel Winder  t: +44 20 7585 2200   voip: sip:russel.win...@ekiga.net
41 Buckmaster Roadm: +44 7770 465 077   xmpp: rus...@winder.org.uk
London SW11 1EN, UK   w: www.russel.org.uk  skype: russel_winder

Re: Comparing Parallelization in HPC with D, Chapel, and Go

2014-11-24 Thread Russel Winder via Digitalmars-d
On Mon, 2014-11-24 at 11:53 +, Craig Dillabaugh via Digitalmars-d
 My main take away from that paper was that C is much slower than 
 Java :o)

This can happen!

 Based on those results it likely would have been trounced by 
 Python or Ruby too.

I don't know about Ruby, but Python can now be more or less as fast as C
and C++. I am not joking on this one, even my π by quadrature codes can
show Python running computational loops as fast.

Dr Russel Winder  t: +44 20 7585 2200   voip: sip:russel.win...@ekiga.net
41 Buckmaster Roadm: +44 7770 465 077   xmpp: rus...@winder.org.uk
London SW11 1EN, UK   w: www.russel.org.uk  skype: russel_winder

Re: Comparing Parallelization in HPC with D, Chapel, and Go

2014-11-24 Thread Nemanja Boric via Digitalmars-d

Compilers and interpreters used
Turbo C++ IDE


On Monday, 24 November 2014 at 11:53:08 UTC, Craig Dillabaugh 
On Monday, 24 November 2014 at 03:48:27 UTC, Andrei Amatuni 
This prompted me to google for recent academic papers on D, 

led me to this:


not exactly the most rigorous research, but it's pretty

My main take away from that paper was that C is much slower 
than Java :o)

Based on those results it likely would have been trounced by 
Python or Ruby too.

Re: Testing lazy ranges in post-conditions

2014-11-24 Thread Peter Alexander via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 24 November 2014 at 12:20:40 UTC, bearophile wrote:

Peter Alexander:

Should be able to do:

assert(result.save.all!(x = x  10));

But iota's save isn't const, so you can't (that's a bug).

Mine was just an example of the general problem, another 

import std.range, std.algorithm;

auto foo()
out(result) {
assert(result.all!(b = b.length == 2));
} body {
auto a = new int[10];
return a.chunks(2);

void main() {}

Chunks.save should also be const, so result.save.{...} should 

It becomes a real problem with input ranges, because you can't 
save them. That makes sense though, as there is no way to consume 
the result in a post-condition check that doesn't consume it. 
That's just a fact of life and a limitation of trying to verify 
mutable data.

Re: Testing lazy ranges in post-conditions

2014-11-24 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d

Peter Alexander:

Chunks.save should also be const, so result.save.{...} should 

But it doesn't. Should I have to file two bug reports (ERs) on 
iota and chunks?

It becomes a real problem with input ranges, because you can't 
save them. That makes sense though, as there is no way to 
consume the result in a post-condition check that doesn't 
consume it.

I agree.


Re: 'int' is enough for 'length' to migrate code from x86 to x64

2014-11-24 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 21 November 2014 at 08:46:20 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 11/21/2014 12:10 AM, bearophile wrote:

Walter Bright:

All you're doing is trading 0 crossing for 0x7FFF 
crossing issues, and

pretending the problems have gone away.

I'm not pretending anything. I am asking in practical 
programming what of the
two solutions leads to leas problems/bugs. So far I've seen 
the unsigned

solution and I've seen it's highly bug-prone.

I'm suggesting that having a bug and detecting the bug are two 
different things. The 0-crossing bug is easier to detect, but 
that doesn't mean that shifting the problem to 0x7FFF 
crossing bugs is making the bug count less.

BTW, granted the 0x7FFF problems exhibit the bugs less 
often, but
paradoxically this can make the bug worse, because then it 
only gets found

much, much later in supposedly tested  robust code.

Is this true? Do you have some examples of buggy code?


Changing signed to unsigned in that example does NOT fix the bug.
It just means it fails with length = 2^^31 instead of length = 

uint a = 0x8000_u;
uint b = 0x8000_0002u;
assert( (a + b) /2 == 0);

But actually I don't understand that article.
The arrays are int, not char. Since length fits into 32 bits, the 
largest possible value is 2^^32-1. Therefore, for an int array, 
with 4 byte elements, the largest possible value is 2^^30-1.

So I think the article is wrong. I don't think there is a bug in 
the code.

Re: Testing lazy ranges in post-conditions

2014-11-24 Thread Peter Alexander via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 24 November 2014 at 14:20:02 UTC, bearophile wrote:

Peter Alexander:

Chunks.save should also be const, so result.save.{...} should 

But it doesn't. Should I have to file two bug reports (ERs) on 
iota and chunks?

I suppose chunks should be inout, because you might want mutable 

You could file bug reports, but you can't really add const/inout 
manually in templates. The dependencies on the const-ness of 
template parameters makes it unmanageable. You need it to be 



Re: 'int' is enough for 'length' to migrate code from x86 to x64

2014-11-24 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 11/24/14 2:20 AM, Don wrote:

I am proposing that for .length returns a signed type, that for array
slices is guaranteed to never be negative.

Assuming you do make the case this change is an improvement, do you 
believe it's worth the breakage it would create? -- Andrei

Re: 'int' is enough for 'length' to migrate code from x86 to x64

2014-11-24 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 11/24/14 4:54 AM, Don wrote:

In D,  1u - 2u  0u. This is defined behaviour, not an overflow.

I think I get what you mean, but overflow is also defined behavior (in D 
at least). -- Andrei

Re: 'int' is enough for 'length' to migrate code from x86 to x64

2014-11-24 Thread ketmar via Digitalmars-d
On Mon, 24 Nov 2014 12:54:58 +
Don via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d@puremagic.com wrote:

 In D,  1u - 2u  0u. This is defined behaviour, not an overflow.
p.s. sorry, of course this is not and overflow. this is underflow.

Description: PGP signature

Re: 'int' is enough for 'length' to migrate code from x86 to x64

2014-11-24 Thread ketmar via Digitalmars-d
On Mon, 24 Nov 2014 12:54:58 +
Don via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d@puremagic.com wrote:

 In D,  1u - 2u  0u. This is defined behaviour, not an overflow.
this *is* overflow. D just has overflow result defined.

Description: PGP signature

Re: 'int' is enough for 'length' to migrate code from x86 to x64

2014-11-24 Thread via Digitalmars-d
On Monday, 24 November 2014 at 16:00:53 UTC, ketmar via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:

this *is* overflow. D just has overflow result defined.

So it basically is and isn't modular arithmetic at the same time? 
I think Ada got this right by providing the ability to specify 
the modulo value, so you can define:

type Weekday is mod 7;
type Byte is mod 256;

A solid solution solution is to provide «As if Infinitely Ranged 
Integer Model» where the compiler figures out how large integers 
are needed for computation and then does overflow detection when 
you truncate for storage:


Re: 'int' is enough for 'length' to migrate code from x86 to x64

2014-11-24 Thread Matthias Bentrup via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 24 November 2014 at 16:45:35 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad
On Monday, 24 November 2014 at 16:00:53 UTC, ketmar via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:

this *is* overflow. D just has overflow result defined.

So it basically is and isn't modular arithmetic at the same 

Overflow is part of modular arithmetic. However, there is no
signed and unsigned modular arithmetic, or, more precisely, they
are the same.

Computer words just aren't a good representation of integers.

You can either use modular arithmetic, which follows the common
arithmetic laws for addition and multiplication (commutativity,
associativity, etc., even most non-zero numbers have a
multiplicative inverse), but break the common ordering laws (a =
0  b = 0 implies a+b = 0).

Or you can use some other order preserving arithmetic (e.g.
saturating to min/max values), but that breaks the arithmetic

I think Ada got this right by providing the ability to specify 
the modulo value, so you can define:

type Weekday is mod 7;
type Byte is mod 256;

A solid solution solution is to provide «As if Infinitely 
Ranged Integer Model» where the compiler figures out how large 
integers are needed for computation and then does overflow 
detection when you truncate for storage:


You could just as well use a library like GMP.

Re: Comparing Parallelization in HPC with D, Chapel, and Go

2014-11-24 Thread ixid via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 21 November 2014 at 22:57:44 UTC, Kapps wrote:

On Friday, 21 November 2014 at 21:53:00 UTC, bearophile wrote:



Thank you for the link, it's very uncommon to see papers that 
use D. But where's the D/Go/Chapel source code? What's the 
compiler/version used? (When you do floating point benchmarks 
there's a huge difference between LDC2 and DMD).


The flags make it likely that DMD was used (-O -inline 
-release). IIRC there were some problems with DMD that made it 
not perform too well in these types of benchmarks that use 
std.parallelism. Results would likely have been noticeably 
better with GDC or LDC.

Whenever there is a benchmark like this the D community outlines 
a number of obvious to arcane speedups. Our house needs to be in 
order such that the obvious choice is at least competitive to the 
speed claims made for D. DMD particularly, while not optimisation 
focused, should improve its floating point speed and avoid 
surprising 80 bit floating point behaviours, or at least try to 
be surprising in a manner more in line with what users of other 
languages are used to.

Re: 'int' is enough for 'length' to migrate code from x86 to x64

2014-11-24 Thread via Digitalmars-d
On Monday, 24 November 2014 at 17:12:31 UTC, Matthias Bentrup 

Overflow is part of modular arithmetic. However, there is no
signed and unsigned modular arithmetic, or, more precisely, they
are the same.

Would you say that a phase that goes from 0…2pi overflows? Does 
polar coordinates overflow once every turn?

I'd say overflow/underflow means that the result is wrong. (Carry 
is not overflow per se).

Or you can use some other order preserving arithmetic (e.g.
saturating to min/max values), but that breaks the arithmetic

I don't think it breaks them, but I think a system language would 
be better off by having explicit operators for alternative 
edge-case handling on a bit-fiddling type. E.g.:

a + b as regular addition
a (+) b as modulo arithmetic addition
a [+] b as clamped (saturating) addition

The bad behaviour of C-like languages is the implicit coercion 
to/from a bit-fiddling type. The bit-fiddling should be contained 
in expression where the programmer by choosing the type says I 
am gonna do tricky bit hacks here. Just casting to uint does not 
convey that message in a clear manner.

A solid solution solution is to provide «As if Infinitely 
Ranged Integer Model» where the compiler figures out how large 
integers are needed for computation and then does overflow 
detection when you truncate for storage:


You could just as well use a library like GMP.

I think the point with having compiler support is to retain most 
optimizations. The compiler select the most efficient 
representation based on the needed headroom and makes sure that 
overflow is recorded so that you can eventually respond to it.

If you couple AIR with constrained integer types, which Pascal 
and Ada has, then it can be very efficient in many cases.

Does RTTI and exceptions work in dlls on windows?

2014-11-24 Thread MrSmith via Digitalmars-d
I've got little test here 

I have one application and two dlls. Application loads both dlls, 
calls their factory functions and then passes each IModule 
instance that it got from factories to those modules.

Modules then try to cast those IModule refs back to their real 
interfaces (ISharedModule1) but i am getting null there.

A have found a workaround for this by returning a void* pointer 
to real interface and it back when needed.

Another, and more major issue is, that when exception is thrown 
application fail immediately.

Is it broken on windows, or it is me doing it wrong?

Re: 'int' is enough for 'length' to migrate code from x86 to x64

2014-11-24 Thread via Digitalmars-d
On Monday, 24 November 2014 at 17:55:06 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 
I think the point with having compiler support is to retain 
most optimizations. The compiler select the most efficient 
representation based on the needed headroom and makes sure that 
overflow is recorded so that you can eventually respond to it.

It is also worth noting that Intel CPUs have 3 new instructions 
for working with large integers:



So there is no reason to not go for it IMO.

Re: 'int' is enough for 'length' to migrate code from x86 to x64

2014-11-24 Thread Matthias Bentrup via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 24 November 2014 at 17:55:06 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad
On Monday, 24 November 2014 at 17:12:31 UTC, Matthias Bentrup 

Overflow is part of modular arithmetic. However, there is no
signed and unsigned modular arithmetic, or, more precisely, 

are the same.

Would you say that a phase that goes from 0…2pi overflows? Does 
polar coordinates overflow once every turn?

No, sin and cos are periodic functions, but that doesn't mean
their arguments are modular. sin 4pi is well defined by e.g. the
taylor expansion of sin without any modular arithmetic at all.

I'd say overflow/underflow means that the result is wrong. 
(Carry is not overflow per se).

There is no right or wrong in Mathematics, only true and false.
The result of modular addition with overflow is not wrong, it is
just different than the result of integer addition.

Or you can use some other order preserving arithmetic (e.g.
saturating to min/max values), but that breaks the arithmetic

I don't think it breaks them, but I think a system language 
would be better off by having explicit operators for 
alternative edge-case handling on a bit-fiddling type. E.g.:

a + b as regular addition
a (+) b as modulo arithmetic addition
a [+] b as clamped (saturating) addition

The bad behaviour of C-like languages is the implicit coercion 
to/from a bit-fiddling type. The bit-fiddling should be 
contained in expression where the programmer by choosing the 
type says I am gonna do tricky bit hacks here. Just casting 
to uint does not convey that message in a clear manner.

Agreed, though I don't like the explosion of new operators. I'd
prefer the C# syntax like check(expression), wrap(expression),

A solid solution solution is to provide «As if Infinitely 
Ranged Integer Model» where the compiler figures out how 
large integers are needed for computation and then does 
overflow detection when you truncate for storage:


You could just as well use a library like GMP.

I think the point with having compiler support is to retain 
most optimizations. The compiler select the most efficient 
representation based on the needed headroom and makes sure that 
overflow is recorded so that you can eventually respond to it.

If you couple AIR with constrained integer types, which Pascal 
and Ada has, then it can be very efficient in many cases.

And can fail spectacularly in others. The compiler always has to
prepare for the worst case, i.e. the largest integer size
possible, while in practice you may need that only for a few
extreme cases.

Re: 'int' is enough for 'length' to migrate code from x86 to x64

2014-11-24 Thread via Digitalmars-d
On Monday, 24 November 2014 at 19:06:35 UTC, Matthias Bentrup 

There is no right or wrong in Mathematics, only true and false.
The result of modular addition with overflow is not wrong, it is
just different than the result of integer addition.

I think we are talking past each other. In my view the term 
overflow has nothing to do with mathematics, overflow is a 
signal from the ALU that the computation is incorrect e.g. not in 
accordance with the intended type.

Agreed, though I don't like the explosion of new operators. I'd
prefer the C# syntax like check(expression), wrap(expression),

Yep, that is another way to do it. What is preferable probably 
varies from case to case.

And can fail spectacularly in others. The compiler always has to
prepare for the worst case, i.e. the largest integer size
possible, while in practice you may need that only for a few
extreme cases.

In some loops it probably can get tricky to get it right without 
help from the programmer. I believe some languages allow you to 
annotate loops with an upper boundary to help the semantic 
analysis, but you could also add more frequent overflow checks on 

Re: Does RTTI and exceptions work in dlls on windows?

2014-11-24 Thread Rainer Schuetze via Digitalmars-d

On 24.11.2014 19:20, MrSmith wrote:

I've got little test here

I have one application and two dlls. Application loads both dlls, calls
their factory functions and then passes each IModule instance that it
got from factories to those modules.

Modules then try to cast those IModule refs back to their real
interfaces (ISharedModule1) but i am getting null there.

The different DLLs have different copies of the RTTI for the classes 
(you could not link them separately otherwise). Looking for base classes 
or derived classes only compares RTTI pointers, so it doesn't find the 
target class of a cast in the hierarchy inside another DLL.

A have found a workaround for this by returning a void* pointer to real
interface and it back when needed.

Another workaround for a limited number of classes would be to add 
member functions 'ISharedModule1 toSharedModule1() { return null; }' in 
IModule and override these 'ISharedModule1 toSharedModule1() { return 
this; }' in the appropriate class.

Another, and more major issue is, that when exception is thrown
application fail immediately.

Is it broken on windows, or it is me doing it wrong?

I haven't tried in a while but I think it should work on Win32, but 
probably does not on Win64.

Re: Does RTTI and exceptions work in dlls on windows?

2014-11-24 Thread MrSmith via Digitalmars-d
On Monday, 24 November 2014 at 20:56:29 UTC, Rainer Schuetze 

On 24.11.2014 19:20, MrSmith wrote:

I've got little test here

I have one application and two dlls. Application loads both 
dlls, calls
their factory functions and then passes each IModule instance 
that it

got from factories to those modules.

Modules then try to cast those IModule refs back to their real
interfaces (ISharedModule1) but i am getting null there.

The different DLLs have different copies of the RTTI for the 
classes (you could not link them separately otherwise). Looking 
for base classes or derived classes only compares RTTI 
pointers, so it doesn't find the target class of a cast in the 
hierarchy inside another DLL.

A have found a workaround for this by returning a void* 
pointer to real

interface and it back when needed.

Another workaround for a limited number of classes would be to 
add member functions 'ISharedModule1 toSharedModule1() { return 
null; }' in IModule and override these 'ISharedModule1 
toSharedModule1() { return this; }' in the appropriate class.

Another, and more major issue is, that when exception is thrown
application fail immediately.

Is it broken on windows, or it is me doing it wrong?

I haven't tried in a while but I think it should work on Win32, 
but probably does not on Win64.

I thought it will work at least for interfaces.
Any way, this is workaroundable, but exceptions must be there at 

Re: 'int' is enough for 'length' to migrate code from x86 to x64

2014-11-24 Thread Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d

On 11/24/2014 2:20 AM, Don wrote:

I believe I do understand the problem. As a practical matter, overflow checks
are not going to be added for performance reasons.

The performance overhead would be practically zero. All we would need to do, is
restrict array slices such that the length cannot exceed ssize_t.max.

This can only happen in the case where the element type has a size of 1, and
only in the case of slicing a pointer, concatenation, and memory allocation.

(length1 + length2) / 2

In exchange, 99% of uses of unsigned would disappear from D code, and with it, a
whole category of bugs.

You're not proposing changing size_t, so I believe this statement is incorrect.

Also, in principle, uint-uint can generate a runtime check for underflow (i.e.
the carry flag).

No it cannot. The compiler does not have enough information to know if the value
is intended to be positive integer, or an unsigned. That information is lost
from the type system.

Eg from C, wrapping of an unsigned type is not an error. It is perfectly defined
behaviour. With signed types, it's undefined behaviour.

I know it's not an error. It can be defined to be an error, and the compiler can 
insert a runtime check. (I'm not proposing this, just saying it can be done.)

To make this clear: I am not proposing that size_t should be changed.
I am proposing that for .length returns a signed type, that for array slices is
guaranteed to never be negative.

There'll be mass confusion if .length is not the same type as .sizeof

Re: std.experimental.logger formal review round 3

2014-11-24 Thread Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d

Anyone know anything about this?


Re: Ranges and Exception handling PR 2724

2014-11-24 Thread Jonathan Marler via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 21 November 2014 at 16:57:29 UTC, Marco Leise wrote:

Am Fri, 21 Nov 2014 08:56:17 +
schrieb Jonathan Marler johnnymar...@gmail.com:

I actually ran into this problem today when using the 
dirEntries function in std.file.  I was attempting to iterate 
all the files on my C drive and I got an Access Denied error 
which caused the DirIterator to throw an exception.  There's 
nothing I could do to catch the exception and continue.  I'm 
very glad people are aware of this problem and I'm glad you 
are trying to do something about it.

Yep, that dirEntries Exception is quite the show stopper. You
need to be certain that you have access to all directories
that it may encounter, which makes it unusable for file system
roots, but also breaks way to easily with unreadable
directories in user directories when all you need is a list of
the _accessible_ files.

The bug reports so far:

std.file: dirEntries-range crashes, when hitting the system 
folder System Volume Information


DirEntries throws in foreach

dirEntries throws when encountering a long path on windows

Submitted my idea as a PR in phobos here: 

Re: Ranges and Exception handling PR 2724

2014-11-24 Thread Jonathan Marler via Digitalmars-d
On Tuesday, 25 November 2014 at 00:46:11 UTC, Jonathan Marler 

On Friday, 21 November 2014 at 16:57:29 UTC, Marco Leise wrote:

Am Fri, 21 Nov 2014 08:56:17 +
schrieb Jonathan Marler johnnymar...@gmail.com:

I actually ran into this problem today when using the 
dirEntries function in std.file.  I was attempting to iterate 
all the files on my C drive and I got an Access Denied error 
which caused the DirIterator to throw an exception.  There's 
nothing I could do to catch the exception and continue.  I'm 
very glad people are aware of this problem and I'm glad you 
are trying to do something about it.

Yep, that dirEntries Exception is quite the show stopper. You
need to be certain that you have access to all directories
that it may encounter, which makes it unusable for file system
roots, but also breaks way to easily with unreadable
directories in user directories when all you need is a list of
the _accessible_ files.

The bug reports so far:

std.file: dirEntries-range crashes, when hitting the system 
folder System Volume Information


DirEntries throws in foreach

dirEntries throws when encountering a long path on windows

Submitted my idea as a PR in phobos here: 

Woops wrong link, heres the right one: 

Re: std.experimental.logger formal review round 3

2014-11-24 Thread Brian Schott via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 25 November 2014 at 00:37:00 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

Anyone know anything about this?


You are posting to page 16 of the third iteration of a single 

Re: std.experimental.logger formal review round 3

2014-11-24 Thread Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d

On 11/24/2014 4:51 PM, Brian Schott wrote:

On Tuesday, 25 November 2014 at 00:37:00 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

Anyone know anything about this?


You are posting to page 16 of the third iteration of a single review.

I know, and the reddit comment refers to this.

Re: 'int' is enough for 'length' to migrate code from x86 to x64

2014-11-24 Thread FrankLike via Digitalmars-d
On Monday, 24 November 2014 at 19:06:35 UTC, Matthias Bentrup 

Agreed, though I don't like the explosion of new operators. I'd
prefer the C# syntax like check(expression), wrap(expression),

You maybe like this:
---small test 1--
import std.stdio;

template  subuint(T1,T2){
auto subuint(T1 x, T2 y, ref bool overflow)
if(is(T1 == uint)  is(T2==uint))
if (x  y)
return cast(int)(x -y);
return x - y;
else if(is(T1 == uint)  is(T2==int))
{writeln(enter here1);

if (x  y)
{ writeln(enter here2);
return cast(int)(x -y);
{ writeln(enter here3);
return x - y;
else if(is(T1 == int)  is(T2==uint))
if (x  y)
return cast(int)(x -y);
return x - y;
else if(is(T1 == int)  is(T2==int))
return x - y;

bool overflow;
assert(subuint(3, 2, overflow) == 1);
assert(subuint(3, 4, overflow) == -1);

assert(subuint(uint.max, 1, overflow) == uint.max - 1);
writeln(typeid = ,typeid(subuint(uint.max, 1, overflow)));
assert(subuint(1, 1, overflow) == uint.min);
assert(subuint(0, 1, overflow) == -1);
assert(subuint(uint.max - 1, uint.max, overflow) == -1);
assert(subuint(0, 0, overflow) == 0);

assert(subuint(3, -2, overflow) == 5);
assert(subuint(uint.max, -1, overflow) == uint.max + 1);

assert(subuint(1, -1, overflow) == 2);
assert(subuint(0, -1, overflow) == 1);
assert(subuint(uint.max - 1, int.max, overflow) == int.max);
assert(subuint(0, 0, overflow) == 0);
assert(subuint(-2, 1, overflow) == -3);

void main()
 uint a= 3;
 int b = 4;
 int c =2;
  writeln(c -a =,c-a);
 writeln(a -b =,a-b);
bool overflow;
	 writeln(typeid = ,typeid(subuint(a, b, overflow)),, 
a-b=,subuint(a, b, overflow));


---here is a simple ,but it's 

import std.stdio;

template  subuint(T1,T2){
auto subuint(T1 x, T2 y, ref bool overflow)
if(is(T1 == int)  is(T2==int))
return x - y;
	else if((is(T1 == uint)  is(T2==int)) | (is(T1 == uint)  
is(T2==uint)) | (is(T1 == int)  is(T2==uint)))

if (x  y)
return cast(int)(x -y);
return x - y;

void main()
 uint a= 3;
 int b = 4;
 int c =2;
  writeln(c -a =,c-a);
 writeln(a -b =,a-b);
bool overflow;
	 writeln(typeid = ,typeid(subuint(a, b, overflow)),, 
a-b=,subuint(a, b, overflow));


Re: 'int' is enough for 'length' to migrate code from x86 to x64

2014-11-24 Thread Don via Digitalmars-d
On Monday, 24 November 2014 at 16:00:53 UTC, ketmar via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:

On Mon, 24 Nov 2014 12:54:58 +
Don via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d@puremagic.com wrote:

In D,  1u - 2u  0u. This is defined behaviour, not an 

this *is* overflow. D just has overflow result defined.

No, that is not overflow. That is a carry. Overflow is when the 
sign bit changes.

Re: @property method needs ()

2014-11-24 Thread ketmar via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Mon, 24 Nov 2014 06:56:08 +
Andre via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn@puremagic.com wrote:

 in following example the @property method needs the ()
 otherwise compiler error  for row 24 is thrown.
 I cannot judge, whether the compiler behaves correct or not.
 Kind regards
 alias fnError = void delegate(string s);
 interface IfSession
   @property fnError addError();
 class Session: IfSession
   private fnError _addError;
   @property fnError addError()
   return _addError;
 void main()
   auto session = new Session();
   session._addError = delegate(s){};
   session.addError()(test); // Works
   session.addError(test); // Does not work
a known thing. not sure if this is a known *bug* (seems that almost
nobody cares). compiler is obviously wrong here (and i believe that
it's wrong to accept `()` for properties at all), but i don't know if
this will ever be fixed.

Description: PGP signature

Re: @property method needs ()

2014-11-24 Thread via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Monday, 24 November 2014 at 08:35:08 UTC, ketmar via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

On Mon, 24 Nov 2014 06:56:08 +
Andre via Digitalmars-d-learn 
digitalmars-d-learn@puremagic.com wrote:


in following example the @property method needs the ()
otherwise compiler error  for row 24 is thrown.
I cannot judge, whether the compiler behaves correct or not.

Kind regards


alias fnError = void delegate(string s);

interface IfSession
@property fnError addError();

class Session: IfSession
private fnError _addError;

@property fnError addError()
return _addError;

void main()
auto session = new Session();
session._addError = delegate(s){};

session.addError()(test); // Works
session.addError(test); // Does not work
a known thing. not sure if this is a known *bug* (seems that 
nobody cares). compiler is obviously wrong here (and i believe 
it's wrong to accept `()` for properties at all), but i don't 
know if

this will ever be fixed.

There's hope that this will get fixed in the near future:

Re: print yyyy-mm-dd

2014-11-24 Thread Suliman via Digitalmars-d-learn
Is there any way to set separator? For example I want use '/' or 

Re: print yyyy-mm-dd

2014-11-24 Thread Suliman via Digitalmars-d-learn
And could anybody explain me how the cast is work. How to 
understand which types to which may be casted?

Re: print yyyy-mm-dd

2014-11-24 Thread Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Monday, November 24, 2014 10:33:16 Suliman via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
 Is there any way to set separator? For example I want use '/' or

No. toISOString and toISOExtString support the ISO and Extended ISO formats
from the ISO standard, and std.datetime does not currently support custom
date/time string formatting (though it's on the todo list). The only
non-standard format that it currently suports is Boost's simple time via
toSimpleString, and it probably shouldn't even be there, since it just
confuses things without adding any real, useful functionality. Custom
date/time string formatting is what's really needed for non-standard
representations, especially because everyone has a different way that they
want to represent the time. However, most code really should use
toISOExtString, since it's standard and reasonably readable (e.g.
2014-11-24T02:53:12 as opposed to the non-extended ISO format of

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: print yyyy-mm-dd

2014-11-24 Thread Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Monday, November 24, 2014 10:38:55 Suliman via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
 And could anybody explain me how the cast is work. How to
 understand which types to which may be casted?

Look at the documentation for opCast. That's how the casting is done. But
what it comes down to is

SysTime - DateTime, Date, or TimeOfDay
DateTime - Date or TimeOfDay

Those are the conversions which lose information, so they can be done via
casts, whereas the conversions that would increase the amount of information
in the type require using a constructor, because you have to use information
from multiple objects to be able to create the new object. e.g.

auto dt = DateTime(date, tod);

The primary reason to cast a SysTime to a Date prior to calling
toISOExtString on it is to strip off the time portion, but slicing the
result as uri suggested works too (though it's probably a tad less efficient
due to the time spent creating the portion of the string that isn't even

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: @property method needs ()

2014-11-24 Thread Andre via Digitalmars-d-learn

Thanks a lot for the info.

Kind regards

On Monday, 24 November 2014 at 09:26:16 UTC, Marc Schütz wrote:
On Monday, 24 November 2014 at 08:35:08 UTC, ketmar via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
a known thing. not sure if this is a known *bug* (seems that 
nobody cares). compiler is obviously wrong here (and i believe 
it's wrong to accept `()` for properties at all), but i don't 
know if

this will ever be fixed.

There's hope that this will get fixed in the near future:

projections in D

2014-11-24 Thread Ramon via Digitalmars-d-learn
what range/algorithm allows me to make projections from one 
sequence to another?

that is, in C#, this is the Select method 

example in C#:

class ProjectionWanted
  public int field1 { get; set; }
  public int field2 { get; set; }
  public int field3 { get; set; }

void Foo(ListProjectionWanted list)
  var list_projected = list.Select(l = new { l.field1, l.field2 

  // list_projected elements now contain only field1 and field2

So how would I make it in D? First yet, does D supports creating 
anonymous type for the projection? Or maybe I need to declare the 
class/struct that I want to be projected?

Re: projections in D

2014-11-24 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn


example in C#:

class ProjectionWanted
  public int field1 { get; set; }
  public int field2 { get; set; }
  public int field3 { get; set; }

void Foo(ListProjectionWanted list)
  var list_projected = list.Select(l = new { l.field1, 
l.field2 });

  // list_projected elements now contain only field1 and field2

Here I have defined ProjectionWanted as a struct.

import std.stdio, std.algorithm, std.typecons;

struct ProjectionWanted {
public int a, b, c;

auto foo(ProjectionWanted[] seq) pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
return seq.map!(p = tuple(p.a, p.b));

void main() {
[ProjectionWanted(1, 2, 3), ProjectionWanted(4, 5, 6)]

Note that foo() returns a lazy range. If you need an eager one 
you can append an .array:

return seq.map!(p = tuple(p.a, p.b)).array;

And you have to import std.array too.


Re: projections in D

2014-11-24 Thread Ramon via Digitalmars-d-learn

What is the difference between lazy and eager ranges?

(I guess, the lazy one has not yet queried the elements)

Re: projections in D

2014-11-24 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 24 November 2014 at 15:44:02 UTC, Ramon wrote:

What is the difference between lazy and eager ranges?

(I guess, the lazy one has not yet queried the elements)

The lazy returns a range that once iterated gives the results one 
at a time (so the function allocates no heap memory).

The eager version creates an array of the results in heap memory.


Re: Sum informations in file....

2014-11-24 Thread Suliman via Digitalmars-d-learn
I can't understand why foreach loop produce every line by line, 
while it's fuctional analog print lines on one string:

foreach(f; file.byLine())

auto file = File(foo.txt,r);

file content:
first sring
second string

[first sring, second string]

first sring
second string

Re: Sum informations in file....

2014-11-24 Thread ketmar via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Mon, 24 Nov 2014 19:04:34 +
Suliman via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn@puremagic.com

 I can't understand why foreach loop produce every line by line, 
 while it's fuctional analog print lines on one string:
the two samples are not the same, they doing completely different

File.byLine returns *output* *range*. what `foreach` does is processing
this range element by element, while `writeln(range)` outputs the whole

the second code means:

  auto lines = file.byLine();

for `writeln` output range is a kind of array, so it outputs it as an

Description: PGP signature

Re: Sum informations in file....

2014-11-24 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 11/24/2014 11:04 AM, Suliman wrote:

 I can't understand why foreach loop produce every line by line, while
 it's fuctional analog print lines on one string:

 foreach(f; file.byLine())

f is a char[] and writeln prints all strings as their contents i.e. 
first string is printed as

first string


 auto file = File(foo.txt,r);

In that case the first three lines make a range object. By default, 
writeln prints ranges as if they are arrays. For this example, the range 
is a range of strings, so it prints it as

[ first string ]

writefln gives us more power:

auto content = File(foo.txt,r).byLine();
writefln(%-(%s\n%), content);

Per-element formatting is specified within %( and %). So, each element 
would be printed with %s\n format. Notes:

1) The dash in %-( means do not print the double-quotes for strings

2) Everything after %s in the per-element formatting is taken as element 
delimiter and writefln does not print the delimiters are not printed for 
the last element. One may need to use %| to specify the actual delimiters.

Here is the spec:


Here is my rewording:



Re: Sum informations in file....

2014-11-24 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 11/24/2014 11:30 AM, ketmar via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

 File.byLine returns *output* *range*.

Although the range is used for outputting, it is still an InputRange. :)


Re: Sum informations in file....

2014-11-24 Thread ketmar via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Mon, 24 Nov 2014 11:41:43 -0800
Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn@puremagic.com

 On 11/24/2014 11:30 AM, ketmar via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
   File.byLine returns *output* *range*.
 Although the range is used for outputting, it is still an InputRange. :)
ah, yes, my bad. i'm always tend to mess with input, output,
client, server and such. knowing that i checked three times if i
wrote the correct range direction and... failed it.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Sum informations in file....

2014-11-24 Thread Rene Zwanenburg via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 24 November 2014 at 20:23:57 UTC, Suliman wrote:

thanks! But how I can skip first line?

My varian:
auto lines = foo.txt.File
.filter!(f=f[0] != f[0]);

With 'drop' from std.range:

auto lines = foo.txt.File
.filter!(f=f[0] != f[0]);

Re: Sum informations in file....

2014-11-24 Thread Suliman via Digitalmars-d-learn

Thanks! But is there any way to do it with std.algorithm?
Can be skipOver used for it?

DerelictOrg and SDL_Mixer

2014-11-24 Thread torea via Digitalmars-d-learn

Hi all,

I'm playing a bit with D and SDL using DerelictOrg on debian 6. 
I've installed SDL2, SDL_mixer2 and the latest packages 
DerelictUtil and DerelictSDL2.

I can display some stuffs and interact with the keys.
Now I'm trying to add music and sounds but each time I try to 
access a function from SDL_mixer ( I tried with Mix_openAudio and 
Mix_LoadWav ), I get a segmentation fault.
These functions are defined in the mixer.d file in the 
DerelictSDL2 package but I guess I miss something concerning the 
link to the real sdl_mixer lib file.
Is there a specific way to install the sdl_mixer package with 

opEquals unsafe? Please tell me this isnt true...

2014-11-24 Thread Eric via Digitalmars-d-learn

class Y { }

class X { }

class Z
int x;

if (typeid(X) == typeid(Y)) x = 1; // Compile Error
else x = 2;

void main() { new Z; }

// test.d(19): Error: safe function 'test.Z.this'
// cannot call system function 'object.opEquals'

Isn't this analagous to saying that the instanceof operator
in java endangers the GC?

Is it correct to replace '==' with 'is'?


Something between a scalar and an enum

2014-11-24 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn

An enumeration contains a small number of distinct elements:

enum Colors { red, green, yellow, brown }

While an integral numeric value encodes a scalar:

uint x;
x = 120;

A sufficiently common pattern in my code is to have something 
intermediate: that has a small group of special values, plus many 
values identified just by a number.

alias Unit = uint;
enum : Uint { EmptyUnit = 0, BrokenUnit = Unit.max - 1, 
MissingUnit = Unit.max }

This allows me to denote some special units, plus count the units 
starting from 1 up to millions or more.

It's unfortunate the D type system doesn't offer me much good to 
express this idiom, but I am not sure how much a type system can 
help here even in principle.


A nice D coding pattern

2014-11-24 Thread bearophile via Digitalmars-d-learn

In some D programs I'm using this coding pattern:

struct Foo {
// Instance fields here.

@disable this();

this(in string[] data) pure @safe
in {
// Many pre-conditions here.
} out(result) {
// Some post-conditions here.
} body {
// ...

Nullable!(string[][]) doIt() pure {

// Various other methods here...

void main() {
// Created at compile-time.
enum something = .Foo;

// Something much larger is done at run-time.
immutable const result = something.doIt;

The structure is created at compile-time using data known at 
compile-time (here a string). This struct has a constructor that 
runs at compile-time that has many pre-conditions that avoid 
wrong input data at compile-time.
The largest part of the computation is done at run-time calling 
one or more struct methods.
And the @disable this() assures that a struct is correctly 
initialized by the constructor.
This pattern has significant advantages regarding code 

You can see an example of this pattern that I've used here:


Re: DerelictOrg and SDL_Mixer

2014-11-24 Thread Jack via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 24 November 2014 at 21:19:40 UTC, torea wrote:

Hi all,

I'm playing a bit with D and SDL using DerelictOrg on debian 6. 
I've installed SDL2, SDL_mixer2 and the latest packages 
DerelictUtil and DerelictSDL2.

I can display some stuffs and interact with the keys.
Now I'm trying to add music and sounds but each time I try to 
access a function from SDL_mixer ( I tried with Mix_openAudio 
and Mix_LoadWav ), I get a segmentation fault.
These functions are defined in the mixer.d file in the 
DerelictSDL2 package but I guess I miss something concerning 
the link to the real sdl_mixer lib file.
Is there a specific way to install the sdl_mixer package with 

It's a common error but did you load the Mixer and SDL libraries?

And some code or output from gdb would be most helpful.

Re: DerelictOrg and SDL_Mixer

2014-11-24 Thread torea via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 24 November 2014 at 23:27:58 UTC, Jack wrote:
It's a common error but did you load the Mixer and SDL 


And some code or output from gdb would be most helpful.

Oh.. I didn't know about the DerelictSDL2Mixer.load()!
I thought the initialization of sdl_mixer was done with 

Thanks very much!! I'll try this tonight!
(And yes, I know it's better to post some code but I forgot to 
bring the source code..)

Re: opEquals unsafe? Please tell me this isnt true...

2014-11-24 Thread Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Monday, November 24, 2014 22:12:08 Eric via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

 class Y { }

 class X { }

 class Z
  int x;

  if (typeid(X) == typeid(Y)) x = 1; // Compile Error
  else x = 2;

 void main() { new Z; }

 // test.d(19): Error: safe function 'test.Z.this'
 // cannot call system function 'object.opEquals'

 Isn't this analagous to saying that the instanceof operator
 in java endangers the GC?

 Is it correct to replace '==' with 'is'?

It's not that it's inherently unsafe. The problem is a combination of the
fact that stuff in druntime that pre-existed @safe hasn't been made @safe
yet (particularly, stuff in TypeInfo) and the fact that Object shouldn't
even have opEquals, opCmp, toHash, or toString on it, because that restricts
which attributes can be used
( https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9769 ), though I think that with
@safe, we can work around that (unlike with const). However, for whatever
reason, TypeInfo's opEquals function hasn't been marked with @safe or
@trusted, so it's considered @system. That will need to be fixed, but I
don't know if there are any implementation issues preventing it. It _looks_
like it could probably be marked @trusted, but I haven't actually dug into
it in detail.

In any case, you should be able to just mark the constructor as @trusted for
now to work around the issue, and at some point in the future opEqualso or
TypeInfo should be @trusted or @safe.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: opEquals unsafe? Please tell me this isnt true...

2014-11-24 Thread Eric via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Tuesday, 25 November 2014 at 02:48:43 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
On Monday, November 24, 2014 22:12:08 Eric via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

class Y { }

class X { }

class Z
 int x;

 if (typeid(X) == typeid(Y)) x = 1; // Compile Error
 else x = 2;

void main() { new Z; }

// test.d(19): Error: safe function 'test.Z.this'
// cannot call system function 'object.opEquals'

Isn't this analagous to saying that the instanceof operator
in java endangers the GC?

Is it correct to replace '==' with 'is'?

It's not that it's inherently unsafe. The problem is a 
combination of the
fact that stuff in druntime that pre-existed @safe hasn't been 
made @safe
yet (particularly, stuff in TypeInfo) and the fact that Object 
even have opEquals, opCmp, toHash, or toString on it, because 
that restricts

which attributes can be used
( https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9769 ), though I 
think that with
@safe, we can work around that (unlike with const). However, 
for whatever
reason, TypeInfo's opEquals function hasn't been marked with 
@safe or
@trusted, so it's considered @system. That will need to be 
fixed, but I
don't know if there are any implementation issues preventing 
it. It _looks_
like it could probably be marked @trusted, but I haven't 
actually dug into

it in detail.

In any case, you should be able to just mark the constructor as 
@trusted for
now to work around the issue, and at some point in the future 
opEqualso or

TypeInfo should be @trusted or @safe.

- Jonathan M Davis

Thanks for reminding me about @trusted.  I'm finding it really 

to write robust classes in D due to all the problems with Object.


Re: opEquals unsafe? Please tell me this isnt true...

2014-11-24 Thread Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 25 November 2014 at 03:42:50 UTC, Eric wrote:

I'm finding it really hard to write robust classes in D
due to all the problems with Object.

I wish Object didn't have any methods. One thing I do is kinda 
act as if it didn't and make my own interfaces instead.

[Issue 13770] New: can't mix template class and normal class

2014-11-24 Thread via Digitalmars-d-bugs

  Issue ID: 13770
   Summary: can't mix template class and normal class
   Product: D
   Version: D2
  Hardware: All
OS: All
Status: NEW
  Severity: enhancement
  Priority: P1
 Component: DMD
  Assignee: nob...@puremagic.com
  Reporter: galaxyl...@gmail.com

struct Opt
   Opt!T opCall(T)(T v)

struct Opt(T)

Error: class m.Opt conflicts with class m.Opt(T)


[Issue 13771] New: any language support capture acquire type?

2014-11-24 Thread via Digitalmars-d-bugs

  Issue ID: 13771
   Summary: any language support capture acquire type?
   Product: D
   Version: D2
  Hardware: All
OS: All
Status: NEW
  Severity: enhancement
  Priority: P1
 Component: DMD
  Assignee: nob...@puremagic.com
  Reporter: galaxyl...@gmail.com

auto add(T)(T a,T b)
return to!RetureType(a+b);

void fun(T)(T x)


just add a implicit RetureType,not need visible,background syntax tree like

auto add(RetureType,T)(T a,T b)

but we can see ,the type reduce logical changed from down-up to up-down
template SelectFrom(T)
 alias SelectFrom=T;
auto add(T=SelectFrom!(ReturnType))(T a,T b)

these will change the language' template more magic when mix use with


[Issue 13772] New: template capture error

2014-11-24 Thread via Digitalmars-d-bugs

  Issue ID: 13772
   Summary: template capture error
   Product: D
   Version: D2
  Hardware: All
OS: All
Status: NEW
  Severity: normal
  Priority: P1
 Component: DMD
  Assignee: nob...@puremagic.com
  Reporter: galaxyl...@gmail.com

//more,now DMD implement follow two case no difference
//classP(T:U!(V,X),alias U,V){}===classP(T:U!(V,X),alias U,V...){}

class U(V...)
classP(T:U!(V,X),alias U,V,X,D=U!(V,X))

P!(U!(int,int,int,int)) p;

@property void opCall(P)(P)

P!(U!(int,int,int,int)) p;

//m.P!(U!(int, int, int, int), U, int, int, U!(int, int)).P

there also a problem that,as you can see 
@property void opCall(P)(P)
can work
@property void opDispatch(P,string op)(P)
but not run


[Issue 13772] template capture error

2014-11-24 Thread via Digitalmars-d-bugs

--- Comment #1 from galaxylang galaxyl...@gmail.com ---
//there are some copy problem
//now DMD implement follow two case no difference
//classP(T:U!(V,X),alias U,V){}===classP(T:U!(V,X),alias U,V...){}

class U(V...)
classP(T:U!(V,X),alias U,V,X,D=U!(V,X))

@property void opCall(P)(P)

P!(U!(int,int,int,int)) p;
//m.P!(U!(int, int, int, int), U, int, int, U!(int, int)).P
//but now
//T=U!(int, int, int, int)

there also a problem that,as you can see 
@property void opCall(P)(P)
can work
@property void opDispatch(P,string op)(P)
but not run
