Re: Error about constructor calls in loops/labels, but there are no loops and labels?

2018-05-20 Thread Yuxuan Shui via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 20 May 2018 at 00:05:39 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
because it tends to become very difficult to get right in all 
cases and results in situations where the programmer is forced 
to do something in order to make the compiler shut up

Well, doesn't this post show exactly this problem, and that's 
because the compiler is too dumb?

Making the compiler smarter will only decrease the number of 
these cases.

Re: Sealed classes - would you want them in D? (v2)

2018-05-20 Thread Dave Jones via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 20 May 2018 at 02:45:25 UTC, KingJoffrey wrote:
On Saturday, 19 May 2018 at 17:38:48 UTC, Gheorghe Gabriel 

But in D, everything is your friend - you don't get to manage

You want to be taken seriously and yet you repeat false 
statements over and over again.

There is absolutely no reason why D cannot have both (the 
current way D does it, and the C++ way). It's obviously 
technically possible.

Being technically possible or even easy to implement is not an 
argument for including something.

It's obvious it would attract a great deal more programmers to 

Pure conjecture. You don't know why people choose not to use D, 
you know why you choose not to use it. Assuming your opinion is 
shared by all these supposed people is at best naive at worst an 
indication of narcissism.

I'll assume for now that you are young, idealistic and naive.

It doesn't really complicate the language at all - that's just 
an excuse not to change. And, it's obvious, that protecting the 
interface would result in better quality software. It's a core 
fundamental principle of quality software.

It's just a matter of getting more diverse people into the D 

Yes because if a group of people don't accept your argument about 
something obviously there is something wrong with them.

OK it's starting to look more like narcissism.

But I get the feeling that's not what most D people want. The 
status quo is pretty comfortable for many, it seems.

No shit... you're just getting that feeling now? You remind me of 
my teenage son, it takes about 100 times of telling him something 
before it sticks in his head.

Let me ask you this...

How do you get comfortable with something? By using it, trying 
it, and finding that it works. You don't get comfortable with 
having a stone in your shoe, so if this feature was the nightmare 
you say it is all these people using D wouldn't be OK with it.

But again it's utterly pointless because you cannot grasp that. 
You are unable to even consider that something "other" might 
work. You are a zealot in that respect, that's why you 
exaggerate, misrepresent the other side of the argument, predict 
doom for the heathens, and never budge on your position.

Anyway... feel free to misrepresent what I've said, engage in 
hyperbole, snip the parts you cant argue with, speak for all the 
people who chose not to use D, tell D it's doomed if they don't 
do what you say, it'll never be popular, that it's all idiotic. 

Re: Error about constructor calls in loops/labels, but there are no loops and labels?

2018-05-20 Thread Daniel N via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 20 May 2018 at 10:56:27 UTC, Yuxuan Shui wrote:

On Sunday, 20 May 2018 at 00:05:39 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
because it tends to become very difficult to get right in all 
cases and results in situations where the programmer is forced 
to do something in order to make the compiler shut up

Well, doesn't this post show exactly this problem, and that's 
because the compiler is too dumb?

Making the compiler smarter will only decrease the number of 
these cases.

There is one construct which is guaranteed to run at the end...

  this(ExceptionType t, long rowsNum, string file = __FILE__, 
size_t line = __LINE__) pure @safe {

type = t;

string msg;
scope(exit) super(msg, file, line); // w00t

Re: auto: useful, annoying or bad practice?

2018-05-20 Thread I love Ice Cream via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 20 May 2018 at 02:34:38 UTC, Neia Neutuladh wrote:
The return type for range-oriented functions in std.algorithm 
is usually not terribly useful.

So the first question that comes to my mind are what are the 
'rules' of the output. Which is really what typing is. It's a 
series of rules. Your object is allowed to call these 
methods/properties. It is 'this' size. Languages have generic 
returns. D is not the only language with a concept of returning a 
'compiler determined type'. But the rules are always baked into 
the API. If it's not, it's a design failure and more thought 
should be put into it.

The only place I wouldn't be so strict with auto returns is in 
private methods. However, I still might tell someone to think 
about what they are trying to return there. It's not an 
unimportant piece of the API.

Re: Error about constructor calls in loops/labels, but there are no loops and labels?

2018-05-20 Thread Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, May 20, 2018 10:56:27 Yuxuan Shui via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> On Sunday, 20 May 2018 at 00:05:39 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> > because it tends to become very difficult to get right in all
> > cases and results in situations where the programmer is forced
> > to do something in order to make the compiler shut up
> Well, doesn't this post show exactly this problem, and that's
> because the compiler is too dumb?
> Making the compiler smarter will only decrease the number of
> these cases.

Well, constructors are one of the few places that the compiler attempts flow
analysis for stuff other than optimization, because it pretty much has to in
order to do what the language needs. And no, it's not very sophisticated
about it, because it's simpler to guarantee correctness that way. It also
highlights why Walter is usually against doing much in the way of flow
analysis. By designing the language such that it doesn't need much flow
analysis, you mostly avoid problems like this. Unfortunately, it becomes
more or less impossible to completely avoid it in constructors when you have
const or immutable members, so the compiler does have to do some flow
analysis in constructors. And it seems that Walter's solution in this sort
of situation is to err on the side of having the compiler be stupid in order
to avoid better guarantee correctness.

Not being a compiler expert, I can't really comment on what the best
approach would be here, but I know that Walter is typically against flow
analysis at the semantic pass level precisely because it's very hard to get
right, and it's always a battle between having it be sophisticated enough to
not get in the programmers way and having it actually be guaranteed to be
correct. As I understand it, flow analysis in stuff like the optimizer is
_much_ easier, because the constructs you're dealing with are much easier.
That's also why Walter and Andrei really like to design advanced language
features in terms of lowering into simpler features (e.g. the use of
destructors and scope statments all get lowered to try-catch-finally
blocks). It's much easier to guarantee correctness with simpler features.

As for this particular case, I expect that the best course of action is to
report it in bugzilla and see what Walter thinks is the best approach. I can
comment on Walter's basic approach and reasoning based on what he's said
about these issues in the past, but I can't way what his response would be
to this particular example.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: auto: useful, annoying or bad practice?

2018-05-20 Thread I love Ice Cream via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 20 May 2018 at 02:34:38 UTC, Neia Neutuladh wrote:
D is very hard to make an IDE for that would actually tell you 
what type the return value is.

This might sound a little hard, but that's probably a fundamental 
failure of the D language and explains some of the poor tooling 
around the language.

Re: Error about constructor calls in loops/labels, but there are no loops and labels?

2018-05-20 Thread Yuxuan Shui via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 20 May 2018 at 14:39:28 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
Well, constructors are one of the few places that the compiler 
attempts flow analysis for stuff other than optimization, 
because it pretty much has to in order to do what the language 
needs. And no, it's not very sophisticated about it, because 
it's simpler to guarantee correctness that way. It also 
highlights why Walter is usually against doing much in the way 
of flow analysis. By designing the language such that it 
doesn't need much flow analysis, you mostly avoid problems like 
this. Unfortunately, it becomes more or less impossible to 
completely avoid it in constructors when you have const or 
immutable members, so the compiler does have to do some flow 
analysis in constructors. And it seems that Walter's solution 
in this sort of situation is to err on the side of having the 
compiler be stupid in order to avoid better guarantee 

Not being a compiler expert, I can't really comment on what the 
best approach would be here, but I know that Walter is 
typically against flow analysis at the semantic pass level 
precisely because it's very hard to get right, and it's always 
a battle between having it be sophisticated enough to not get 
in the programmers way and having it actually be guaranteed to 
be correct. As I understand it, flow analysis in stuff like the 
optimizer is _much_ easier, because the constructs you're 
dealing with are much easier. That's also why Walter and Andrei 
really like to design advanced language features in terms of 
lowering into simpler features (e.g. the use of destructors and 
scope statments all get lowered to try-catch-finally blocks). 
It's much easier to guarantee correctness with simpler features.

As for this particular case, I expect that the best course of 
action is to report it in bugzilla and see what Walter thinks 
is the best approach. I can comment on Walter's basic approach 
and reasoning based on what he's said about these issues in the 
past, but I can't way what his response would be to this 
particular example.

- Jonathan M Davis

I would argue that the best approach is to design the language to 
avoid flow analysis as much as possible. But for places that need 
it, the compiler should do as best as it can.

Re: auto: useful, annoying or bad practice?

2018-05-20 Thread Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, May 20, 2018 14:33:16 I love Ice Cream via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> On Sunday, 20 May 2018 at 02:34:38 UTC, Neia Neutuladh wrote:
> > The return type for range-oriented functions in std.algorithm
> > is usually not terribly useful.
> So the first question that comes to my mind are what are the
> 'rules' of the output. Which is really what typing is. It's a
> series of rules. Your object is allowed to call these
> methods/properties. It is 'this' size. Languages have generic
> returns. D is not the only language with a concept of returning a
> 'compiler determined type'. But the rules are always baked into
> the API. If it's not, it's a design failure and more thought
> should be put into it.
> The only place I wouldn't be so strict with auto returns is in
> private methods. However, I still might tell someone to think
> about what they are trying to return there. It's not an
> unimportant piece of the API.

That's where you get into a combination of needing good documentation and
needing to know what set of traits to use to test the type to see what
functionality it has. But for better or worse, asking a type what it can do
is a key piece of Design by Introspection. The result can be extremely
powerful, as Andrei has talked about on multiple occasions (I'd suggest
watching his dconf 2015 talk about it if you haven't), but it does place a
higher burden on the programmer to figure out how to use a type. So, there
are pros and cons. Ultimately, auto can be extemely useful, and much of what
we do with D really wouldn't be reasonably feasible without it, but it also
needs to be used intelligently, because while it does bring some serious
benefits, it can be at the cost of clarity if used poorly.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: Found on proggit: simple treap language benchmark, includes D

2018-05-20 Thread Nerve via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 19 May 2018 at 15:09:38 UTC, Joakim wrote:

D does well, comes in second on Mac/Win/linux:

The results in these tests are blazing fast, but they all forego 
the GC for manual allocation.

In the Issues section of the repo, I included some simple, 
vanilla D translated from their Java implementation and made for 
use with the GC and runtime. I also included some raw sample 
times that are competitive with desktop i7 times of Rust and 
ref-counted C++ on...get this...a much slower laptop i5.

This sort of thing needs to be shouted from the rooftops by the 

I'll see if I can get it included so they can test it on their 
specific setup. needs updating

2018-05-20 Thread IntegratedDimensions via Digitalmars-d
load and save are not working, an example is always compiled in. 
No code in the input box still shows examples code in the 

Re: GDC Explorer - an online disassembler for D

2018-05-20 Thread IntegratedDimensions via Digitalmars-d
On Friday, 21 September 2012 at 03:46:12 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
I've met Matt Goldbolt, the author of the GCC Explorer at - a very handy online disassembler for 

We got to talk a bit about D and he hacked together support for 
D by using gdc. Take a look at, I think 
it's pretty darn cool! I'm talking to him about integrating his 
work with our servers.


Compare a simple C++ to D and the C++ output is far better:

class C
int x = 12;
int foo(int y) { return y*x; }

int main()
   C* c = new C();
   return c->foo(2);


class C
int x = 12;
int foo(int y) { return y*x; }

int main()
   C c = new C();

operator new(unsigned long)@plt:
 jmpQWORD PTR [rip+0x200baa]# 601020 new(unsigned long)@GLIBCXX_3.4>

 push   0x1
 jmp400450 <.plt>
 push   rbp
 push   rbx
 call   400470 
 movDWORD PTR [rbx],0x0
 call   4005bc 
 movQWORD PTR [rbp-0x18],rbx
 movrax,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x18]
 call   4005a4 
 push   rbp
 movQWORD PTR [rbp-0x8],rdi
 movDWORD PTR [rbp-0xc],esi
 movrax,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x8]
 moveax,DWORD PTR [rax]
 imul   eax,DWORD PTR [rbp-0xc]
 push   rbp
 movQWORD PTR [rbp-0x8],rdi
 movrax,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x8]
 movDWORD PTR [rax],0xc
 nopWORD PTR cs:[rax+rax*1+0x0]
 nopDWORD PTR [rax+rax*1+0x0]


 push   rbp
 movrdi,QWORD PTR [rip+0x0]# f <_Dmain+0xf>
 call   14 <_Dmain+0x14>
 movQWORD PTR [rbp-0x8],rax
 movrax,QWORD PTR [rax]
 rex.W call QWORD PTR [rax+0x28]
 addBYTE PTR [rax],al
 push   rbp
 movDWORD PTR [rbp-0x10],edi
 movQWORD PTR [rbp-0x8],rsi
 movrdx,QWORD PTR [rip+0x0]# 16 
 movrsi,QWORD PTR [rbp-0x8]
 movedi,DWORD PTR [rbp-0x10]
 call   22 
 push   rbp
 learax,[rip+0x0]# b <.text.d_dso_init+0xb>
 push   rax
 learax,[rip+0x0]# 13 <.text.d_dso_init+0x13>
 push   rax
 learax,[rip+0x0]# 1b <.text.d_dso_init+0x1b>
 push   rax
 push   0x1
 call   26 <.text.d_dso_init+0x26>

the C++ version is more verbose, gives explicit references to 
functions and methods while the D version requires you to hunt 
and peck.

Re: auto: useful, annoying or bad practice?

2018-05-20 Thread Neia Neutuladh via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 20 May 2018 at 14:35:21 UTC, I love Ice Cream wrote:

On Sunday, 20 May 2018 at 02:34:38 UTC, Neia Neutuladh wrote:
D is very hard to make an IDE for that would actually tell you 
what type the return value is.

This might sound a little hard, but that's probably a 
fundamental failure of the D language and explains some of the 
poor tooling around the language.

This is specifically when metaprogramming is going on.

Most programming languages these days fall into one of three 

* They don't support metaprogramming.
* They support metaprogramming by reflection only, like Java and 
Go. As soon as you use any metaprogramming, your IDE can't tell 
you what types things are; you've got interface{} or Object and 
you're calling Field.get() and Method.invoke().
* They support metaprogramming by merit of being a dynamic 
language. As soon as you write a line of code, your IDE can't 
tell you what types things are.

If you write D without any metaprogramming, it's as easy to write 
an IDE for that as for Java.

The problem is that metaprogramming is useful, and in D it's not 
that hard, so we use it a lot. There are proposals floating 
around for "concepts" or "signatures" (basically, compile-time 
interfaces) that would help out a lot, but nobody's driven one of 
those proposals to completion, as far as I know.

Re: needs updating

2018-05-20 Thread Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d

On 5/20/2018 9:47 AM, IntegratedDimensions wrote:
load and save are not working, an example is always compiled in. No code in the 
input box still shows examples code in the disassembly.

Please post bug reports to

Help with DMD internals

2018-05-20 Thread Manu via Digitalmars-d
I've started digging at some surfac-ey extern(C++) issues.

First up, I desperately want a document that describes D's precise
construction/destruction rules; there are a bunch of generated
functions, they get called, in what order, and under what conditions?

  What is the order of operations?
  Where and when is init applied before calling constructors?
  What about super-constructors? Aggregate member constructors? When
are where-from are they called?
  Is this all wrapped in an outer '__xctor' function that does the
whole job? Is it all rolled into __ctor? Or is it just a bunch of
loose operations that appear at the call-site?
  I want a function that wraps initialisation, super construction,
aggregate construction, and local construction; similar to __xdtor is
for destruction. That function would match C++, and that would be the
logical point of interaction with C++ (mangling).

  What's the precise story with __dtor, __xdtor, __fieldDtor?
  Is __xdtor **always** present?
  extern(C++) seems to have bugs(?) with __xdtor...
  Is re-initialisation to 'init' part of destruction, or is it a
separate post-process? (I feel it's a post-process)

Regarding extern(C++), I've started with trying to mangle correctly,
but then next will come trying to match C++ semantics.

Issue 1: extern(C++) classes have broken __xdtor. I observe
extern(C++) classes with no destructor will generate an __xdtor that
correctly calls aggregate destruction. If you then add a destructor
(__dtor), __xdtor will call that function directly (or maybe it just
becomes an alias?), and aggregate destruction will no longer occur.

Issue 2: assuming the above is fixed, __xdtor matches C++ expectation
for destruction. I intend to change the mangling such that __xdtor
mangles as the C++ symbol, and not __dtor.

Issue 3: If the user specifies an extern(C++) destructor *prototype*
with no implementation (ie, extern link to C++ destructor), it needs a
hack to re-interpret as a prototype for an extern __xdtor, rather than
__dtor (and __dtor can happily not exist, or just alias). C++
destructors perform a full-destruction, which is equivalent to __xdtor
from D's perspective.

That should lead to destruction semantics matching C++.

Matching construction semantics is a little bit fiddly too. It might
need special-casing.
D doesn't seem to wrap up a full construction into a single nice
function like C++ does... or does it? I'm struggling to understand D
construction from end-to-end.

Let's not talk about passing by-val... yet.

Re: Help with DMD internals

2018-05-20 Thread Manu via Digitalmars-d
On 20 May 2018 at 12:28, Manu  wrote:
> [...]

Then... next up, extern(C++) classes need to place __xdtor in the
vtable (posix uses 2 slots).
We need the vtable to match naturally, without advising people to add
a dummy method.

I also have a hack in progress to support `final ~this()` in
extern(C++) classes, which will omit it from the vtable (once it's in
there!), since there are also C++ classes without virtual destructors.

This work is hard... adding the dtor to the vtable freaks DMD out in
all sorts of ways and ICE's everywhere.

Any comments on any of these points appreciated. I don't know what I
don't know. There's probably reasons that these things aren't all done

Re: Help with DMD internals

2018-05-20 Thread Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d

On 5/20/2018 12:28 PM, Manu wrote:

I've started digging at some surfac-ey extern(C++) issues.

I've improved the definition of how construction works, such as when the .init 
happens, in the spec.

> Is __xdtor **always** present?

No. If it's POD, it is not. When it is added, it is added as an 
AliasDeclaration, not a FuncDeclaration. See buildDtor() in clone.d, which is 
where it is created.

You can also see in that function how _ArrayDtor and __fieldDtor are built on 
demand, and the order in which they are called.

Re: Help with DMD internals

2018-05-20 Thread Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d

On 5/20/2018 12:28 PM, Manu wrote:

   Is re-initialisation to 'init' part of destruction,


or is it a
separate post-process? (I feel it's a post-process)

Yes, and only for delete.

A pattern I'd like to see more of - Parsing template parameter tuples

2018-05-20 Thread Ethan via Digitalmars-d
Code for context:

Something struck me at DConf. I was watching the dxml talk and 
hearing about all these things that weren't being implemented for 
one reason or another. And I was thinking, "But what if I want 
those things?" Being D, it'd be pretty easy to opt in to them 
with template parameters and static if controlling what code gets 
executed at runtime.

But that brings up a bit of an annoying thing. Namely, the old 
school way of doing such things:

class SomeObject( bool option1, bool option2, Flags iHateBools = 
Flags.Default, int 
ohIDontWantThisToBeDefaultedButRefactoringSucks = -1 )


Pretty obnoxious design pattern.

But we're in D. We can do much better. It makes sense to do the 

class SomeObject( LooseOptions... )

Much nicer. But how do we go about dealing with that? Static 
foreach each time we want something? One time parse and cache the 
values? Both are laborious in their own way. What we want is some 
helper objects to make sense of it all.

This is where my EnumOptions struct comes in. The idea here is 
that all the options you want as booleans, you put them in an 
enum like so:

enum SomeOptions

And then instantiate your class like so:

alias SomeInstantiatedObject = SomeObject!( SomeOptions.Option1, 
SomeOptions.Option2, SomeOptions.Option3 );

And inside your class definition, you clean it up automagically 
with a nice little helper function I made:

class SomeObject( LooseOptions... )
  enum Options = OptionsOf( SomeOptions, LooseOptions );

This resolves to an EnumOptions struct that parses all members of 
an enumeration, and generates bits in a bitfield for them and 
wraps it all up with properties. So now the following is possible:

static if( Options.Option1 )
  // Do the slow thing that I would like supported

Now, if you've been able to keep up here, you might have noticed 
something. Your class has a variable template parameter list. 
Which means we can throw anything in there. The plot thickens. 
This means you can go one step further and make your options 
actually human readable:

enum ObjectVersion

enum ObjectEncoding

class SomeDocument( Options... )
  enum Version = OptionsOf( ObjectVersion, Options );
  enum Encoding = OptionsOf( ObjectVersion, Options );

alias DocumentType = SomeDocument!( ObjectVersion._1_0, 
ObjectEncoding.PlainASCII );
alias DocumentType2 = SomeDocument!( ObjectEncoding.UTF8, 
ObjectVersion._2_0 );

Pretty, pretty, pretty good.

With this in the back of my mind, I've been able to expand 
Binderoo's module binding to be a bit more user friendly. I've 
got a new BindModules mixin, which unlike the existing mixins are 
more of a pull-in system rather than a push-in system. Basically, 
rather than BindModule at the bottom of each module, you put a 
single BindModules at the bottom of one module and list every 
module you want as a parameter to it.

The mixin needs to do a few things though. The list of modules is 
one thing. A bunch of behaviour options is another. And, since 
the mixin adds a static shared this, a list of functions that 
need to be executed for module initialisation. The first two are 
pretty easy to deal with:

enum Modules = ExtractAllOf!( string, Options );
enum BindOptions = OptionsOf!( BindOption, Options );

But the functions, they're a bit trickier. So I made a new trait 
in Binderoo's traits module called ExtractTupleOf. The template 
prototype is the following:

template ExtractTupleOf( alias TestTemplate, Symbols... )

That first parameter is the interesting one. It's essentially an 
uninstantiated template that doubles as a lambda. The template is 
expected to be an eponymous template aliasing to a boolean value, 
and take one parameter (although, theoretically, a CTFE bool 
function(T)() would also work). ExtractTupleOf will static 
foreach over each symbol in Symbols, and static if( 
TestTemplate!Symbol ) each one. If it returns true, then that 
symbol is extracted and put in a new tuple.

What does this mean? It means I can do this:

import std.traits : isSomeFunction;
mixin BindModuleStaticSetup!( ExtractTupleOf!( isSomeFunction, 
Options ) );

All of this is very definitely well in the real of "Let's see you 
do that in the hour it took me to throw it all together, C++!" 
territory. And I'd really like to see people pick up this pattern 
rather than emulate the old ways.

Re: A pattern I'd like to see more of - Parsing template parameter tuples

2018-05-20 Thread Neia Neutuladh via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 21 May 2018 at 00:13:26 UTC, Ethan wrote:
Code for context:

This looks good. One small caveat:

alias DocumentType = SomeDocument!(ObjectVersion._1_0, 
alias DocumentType2 = SomeDocument!(ObjectEncoding.UTF8, 

These are not the same type; they're two identical types with 
different mangles. You can fix that with a layer of indirection:

template SomeDocument(Options...)
  alias SomeDocument = 
SomeDocumentImpl!(OptionsOf!(DocumentParams, Options));


Re: Help with DMD internals

2018-05-20 Thread Manu via Digitalmars-d
On 20 May 2018 at 17:14, Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d
> On 5/20/2018 12:28 PM, Manu wrote:
>>Is re-initialisation to 'init' part of destruction,
> No.
>> or is it a
>> separate post-process? (I feel it's a post-process)
> Yes, and only for delete.

destroy() also seems to do it.

Re: A pattern I'd like to see more of - Parsing template parameter tuples

2018-05-20 Thread Manu via Digitalmars-d
I don't really like that SomeObject() will be instantiated a crap load
of times for every possible combination and order of options that a
user might want to supply. How do you control the bloat in a way that
people won't mess up frequently?

On 20 May 2018 at 17:58, Neia Neutuladh via Digitalmars-d
> On Monday, 21 May 2018 at 00:13:26 UTC, Ethan wrote:
>> Code for context:
> This looks good. One small caveat:
> alias DocumentType = SomeDocument!(ObjectVersion._1_0, ObjectEncoding.UTF8);
> alias DocumentType2 = SomeDocument!(ObjectEncoding.UTF8,
> ObjectVersion._1_0);
> These are not the same type; they're two identical types with different
> mangles. You can fix that with a layer of indirection:
> template SomeDocument(Options...)
> {
>   alias SomeDocument = SomeDocumentImpl!(OptionsOf!(DocumentParams,
> Options));
> }

Re: auto: useful, annoying or bad practice?

2018-05-20 Thread Charles Hixson via Digitalmars-d
auto has its uses, but it's wildly overused, especially in library code 
and documentation, and really, really, *really* much so in documentation 

On 05/01/2018 06:09 AM, Craig Dillabaugh via Digitalmars-d wrote:

On Monday, 30 April 2018 at 21:11:07 UTC, Gerald wrote:
I'll freely admit I haven't put a ton of thought into this post 
(never a good start), however I'm genuinely curious what people's 
feeling are with regards to the auto keyword.

Speaking for myself, I dislike the auto keyword. Some of this is 
because I have a preference for static languages and I find auto adds 
ambiguity with little benefit. Additionally, I find it annoying that 
the phobos documentation relies heavily on auto obscuring return 
types and making it a bit more difficult to follow what is happening 
which gives me a bad taste for it.


So I'm curious, what's the consensus on auto?

As some have pointed out, it certainly has value. For example, in 
functions returning ranges, etc. where you wouldn't want to have to 
write out the whole type.

However, as an infrequent D user I admit I prefer to see the actual 
type where it is feasible, as I find 'auto' is a barrier to 
understanding to someone who isn't familiar with a particular piece of 
code.  I would never use auto in place of a basic type.

Re: Sealed classes - would you want them in D? (v2)

2018-05-20 Thread KingJoffrey via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 20 May 2018 at 11:19:01 UTC, Dave Jones wrote:

On Sunday, 20 May 2018 at 02:45:25 UTC, KingJoffrey wrote:
On Saturday, 19 May 2018 at 17:38:48 UTC, Gheorghe Gabriel 

But in D, everything is your friend - you don't get to manage

You want to be taken seriously and yet you repeat false 
statements over and over again.

There is absolutely no reason why D cannot have both (the 
current way D does it, and the C++ way). It's obviously 
technically possible.

Being technically possible or even easy to implement is not an 
argument for including something.

It's obvious it would attract a great deal more programmers to 

Pure conjecture. You don't know why people choose not to use D, 
you know why you choose not to use it. Assuming your opinion is 
shared by all these supposed people is at best naive at worst 
an indication of narcissism.

I'll assume for now that you are young, idealistic and naive.

It doesn't really complicate the language at all - that's just 
an excuse not to change. And, it's obvious, that protecting 
the interface would result in better quality software. It's a 
core fundamental principle of quality software.

It's just a matter of getting more diverse people into the D 

Yes because if a group of people don't accept your argument 
about something obviously there is something wrong with them.

OK it's starting to look more like narcissism.

But I get the feeling that's not what most D people want. The 
status quo is pretty comfortable for many, it seems.

No shit... you're just getting that feeling now? You remind me 
of my teenage son, it takes about 100 times of telling him 
something before it sticks in his head.

Let me ask you this...

How do you get comfortable with something? By using it, trying 
it, and finding that it works. You don't get comfortable with 
having a stone in your shoe, so if this feature was the 
nightmare you say it is all these people using D wouldn't be OK 
with it.

But again it's utterly pointless because you cannot grasp that. 
You are unable to even consider that something "other" might 
work. You are a zealot in that respect, that's why you 
exaggerate, misrepresent the other side of the argument, 
predict doom for the heathens, and never budge on your position.

Anyway... feel free to misrepresent what I've said, engage in 
hyperbole, snip the parts you cant argue with, speak for all 
the people who chose not to use D, tell D it's doomed if they 
don't do what you say, it'll never be popular, that it's all 
idiotic. Etc...

Come on Dave.

18+ years, and still less than 1000 programmers.

As I've said, I can have more that one class in a file in a 
variety of different mainstream languages, which represent about 
20 million developers, and still have the compiler protect that 
interface from abuse, including accidental misuse.

You cannot get this in D, and yet 20 million developers have had 
this for decades.

When they come over to D, their' told, stuff you, we don't do it 
that way in D, and btw, we don't care about your ideas on how we 
could easily get D to do it both ways. We prefer our own way, so 
you get stuffed.

That's kind of what I've hearing from the D community.

Of course, that kind of attitude can only invite the same 
attitude back to the D community.

Let's hope you truly don't represent the D community, cause then 
my comments are not hyperbole, they are fact.

Re: A pattern I'd like to see more of - Parsing template parameter tuples

2018-05-20 Thread Paul Backus via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 21 May 2018 at 00:13:26 UTC, Ethan wrote:
But the functions, they're a bit trickier. So I made a new 
trait in Binderoo's traits module called ExtractTupleOf. The 
template prototype is the following:

template ExtractTupleOf( alias TestTemplate, Symbols... )

That first parameter is the interesting one. It's essentially 
an uninstantiated template that doubles as a lambda. The 
template is expected to be an eponymous template aliasing to a 
boolean value, and take one parameter (although, theoretically, 
a CTFE bool function(T)() would also work). ExtractTupleOf will 
static foreach over each symbol in Symbols, and static if( 
TestTemplate!Symbol ) each one. If it returns true, then that 
symbol is extracted and put in a new tuple.

Am I missing something, or is this the same thing as `std.meta: 

CI buildbots

2018-05-20 Thread Manu via Digitalmars-d
This CI situation with the DMD/druntime repos is not okay.
It takes ages... **hours** sometimes, for CI to complete.
It's all this 'auto-tester' one, which seems to lock up on the last few tests.

This makes DMD is a rather unenjoyable project to contribute to.
I had a sudden burst of inspiration, but it's very rapidly wearing off.

Re: Sealed classes - would you want them in D? (v2)

2018-05-20 Thread KingJoffrey via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 19 May 2018 at 21:25:37 UTC, 0xEAB wrote:

I wouldn't consider putting classes into own modules a 
workaround. In my opinion it's more or less the solution.

I'll add your solution into my article - but, I'm not sure it 
really addresses my problem statement.

The Problem Statement (being drafted still):
In the D programming language, the semantics of the access-level 
modifier 'private' is likely very different to what a large 
number of programmers from object-oriented, and class-oriented 
languages, might expect.

In D, the module (not the class) is the overarching entity, and 
one that encompasses all other entities within the module.

In D, The module can contain (and typically would contain) a 
variety of types - functions, structs, classes and so on.

If a module contains a class type however, and that class has a 
private access modifier on it's members, then that private access 
modifier becomes moot (within the module), because all the 
surrounding code in that module can directly access (and even 
modify) those private members.

The module implicitly morphs a 'private' access modifier, into a 
'private-but-also-module-public' modifier.

The programmer has no control over this implicit conversion of 
the access modifier.

This would be unfamiliar, and unexpected, to a very large number 
of programmers from languages where 'private' has an established 
and well-defined semantic as being the most restrictive form of 
access to a class member.

Unfortunately, in the D programming language, there is simply no 
way to declare a member of a class to be private, and prevent 
surrounding code (within the module) from accessing it.

The D module, will implicitly change the semantics of your code.

The Implications: do

Re: A pattern I'd like to see more of - Parsing template parameter tuples

2018-05-20 Thread Dmitry Olshansky via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 21 May 2018 at 01:53:20 UTC, Manu wrote:
I don't really like that SomeObject() will be instantiated a 
crap load of times for every possible combination and order of 
options that a user might want to supply. How do you control 
the bloat in a way that people won't mess up frequently?

Just sort types by .stringof in a thin forwarding template, we 
have sort in std.meta now.

On 20 May 2018 at 17:58, Neia Neutuladh via Digitalmars-d 
