Where to buy the official DLang shirt?

2016-04-15 Thread Andre via Digitalmars-d

Is there an official DLang shirt, i can buy? I work in a software 
company and would like to make some advertisement for D. The 
profit for marketing articles like the shirt e.g. could be used 
for the DLang foundation. This would be a nice way to donate some 

Kind regards

Re: Marketing for D: Making D an official Cloud Foundry built-in language

2015-10-10 Thread Andre via Digitalmars-d
On Saturday, 10 October 2015 at 02:49:23 UTC, Rikki Cattermole 


Wrong way round. Bundle dub with dmd is already planned.

I hoped 2.069 already contains dub, maybe with 2.070


I am sure Walter will have no problem with you creating a 
custom archive, perhaps with tar? If that suits you better. 
Check with him however.


That may not be possible. Unless you want to make dub dependent 
upon git. Which it currently isn't. Right now it uses e.g. 
Github to create an archive of the repository and download that.

Although some trade off will be possible.

Also it all goes through code.dlang.org the last I remember.

yes it would depend on git. I suggest a new dub attribute. The
value starts with a protocol. Like file:// if it is a zip on the 

pc or a file on a file server. git:// if it is a git repository.


It exists, the support is there. Just not in the dub 
configuration file. It is something that would be nice to have.

This feature would also be a "work around" for 4). I will file 


Marketing for D: Making D an official Cloud Foundry built-in language

2015-10-09 Thread Andre via Digitalmars-d

I want to share my experiences with making marketing for D.
At the company I am working for, Cloud and Cloud Foundry is a big 

At the office github there are several coding examples how to
develop applications for the languages Cloud Foundry supports
out of box: Java, Node.js, Ruby, Go, PHP and Python.
I decided to also develop a coding example in the D Language to 
make some marketing for D.

Unfortunately it was not added directly to the coding examples,
because it is not an official Cloud Foundry language.

Using a third party buildpack it is possible to also support D 
but the marketing
effect for D would be huge if it would be listed as official 
supported language.

Short explanation for buildpack: Cloud Foundry gives your 
application an environment
which is prepared by using 3 shell scripts called the buildpack. 
You only upload the D
source code to Cloud Foundry. In Cloud Foundry dmd / dub ... are 
downloaded and executed

to compile your application.

There are some prerequisites which would maximize the chance for 
D to become an official CF language:

1. Easy installation: Bundle dmd with dub
The buildpack coding should be small and easy. At the moment dmd 
and dub must
be downloaded from different places to different cache folders, 
extracted with different tools...

2. Stable link to last released dmd
Is there an archive link, always pointing to the last released 
dmd archive?
Instead of always adapting the buildpack, a stable link to the 
recent dmd archive

would be a great benefit

3. Fast installation: Currently the dmd zip is about 60 Mb. The 
download size doesn't
matter that much, because it is downloaded once and then cached. 
But it must be unzipped on every push of the
application. This makes the push slow. Could be a minimized 
archive provided, with only these

files absolutely necessary to compile a D application?

4. Dub support for git repositories
I wrote a http/OData library in the office and uploaded it to the 
company internal github.
The buildpack shell script loads in addition to the dmd and dub 
archive also this git repository
and added it to DUB with command "add-local". This is a bad hack, 
but I cannot publish it on code.dlang.org

due it is an company internal library.
I wish dub would support to specifiy a git repository.
With this feature, you could push d applications to Cloud Foundry 
which either uses a http engine
from code.dlang.org (vibe-d with libasync) or in a company 
scenario, from an internal git repository.

5. Dub support for package registries other than code.dlang.org
Either by manipulation a DNS or by taking over code.dlang.org or 
an github repository,
an attacker could insert malicious code into your application. To 
reduce the attack vector,
companies have their own package registries with proven packages. 
I would like to specify in
dub.json which package registries, DUB will load the packages 

Kind regards

Re: Experience: Developing Cloud Foundry applications with D

2015-10-06 Thread Andre via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 6 October 2015 at 09:36:42 UTC, Marc Schütz wrote:

On Tuesday, 6 October 2015 at 05:45:18 UTC, Andre wrote:

Target memutils 0.4.1 is up to date. Use --force to rebuild.
Target libasync 0.7.5 is up to date. Use --force to rebuild.
Target vibe-d 0.7.25 is up to date. Use --force to rebuild.
Building vibed_test ~master configuration "debug", build type 

Compiling using dmd...
Enhanced memory security is enabled.
Using Linux EPOLL for events
Running ./bin/app
Listening for HTTP requests on :::8080
Listening for HTTP requests on
E: Could not mlock 65536 bytes

Does it keep running? AFAIK, the last line is just a warning 
from the botan library that attempts to allocate non-swappable 
memory for holding secret keys etc.

I got it working. *Argh* I forgot the command parameter in the 
cloud foundry manifest file. vibe-d is working fine, out of the 
box in cloud foundry with libasync :)

Re: Experience: Developing Cloud Foundry applications with D

2015-10-05 Thread Andre via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 5 October 2015 at 15:51:09 UTC, Andre wrote:
On Sunday, 4 October 2015 at 23:34:58 UTC, Rikki Cattermole 

On 05/10/15 8:13 AM, Andre wrote:

Vibe.d has a provider called libasync. Libasync is fully 
implemented in D. You probably should have tried that at least.
Although I still would recommend trying it ;) It's a lot 
better then what we have in Phobos.

Looks good, it seems all external dependencies issues are gone 
for vibe-d on Cloud Foundry. I haven't a working test 
application so far but I think the issue is now releated to the 
correct bind address in a Cloud Foundry environment.

As far as I understand vibe-d is not runnable out of the box in 
Cloud Foundry.
I cannot point directly to the issue, I just get the information, 
that the
test application does not accept connections during a health 
check run in the log file.

My simple test application is the example from the homepage 

that the port is read from the environment variable PORT.

import vibe.d;

shared static this()
import std.process: environment;
auto settings = new HTTPServerSettings;
settings.port = to!ushort(environment.get("PORT", "8080"));

listenHTTP(settings, &handleRequest);

void handleRequest(HTTPServerRequest req,
   HTTPServerResponse res)
if (req.path == "/")
res.writeBody("Hello, World!", "text/plain");

I assume some issues with memutils, but have no chance to 
validate this.
What I can see, if I run the application in my virtubox (Ubuntu) 

of the Cloud Foundry, I get following reponse:

vagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64:~/projects/tests/vibed_test$ dub
Target memutils 0.4.1 is up to date. Use --force to rebuild.
Target libasync 0.7.5 is up to date. Use --force to rebuild.
Target vibe-d 0.7.25 is up to date. Use --force to rebuild.
Building vibed_test ~master configuration "debug", build type 

Compiling using dmd...
Enhanced memory security is enabled.
Using Linux EPOLL for events
Running ./bin/app
Listening for HTTP requests on :::8080
Listening for HTTP requests on
E: Could not mlock 65536 bytes

Re: Experience: Developing Cloud Foundry applications with D

2015-10-05 Thread Andre via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 4 October 2015 at 23:34:58 UTC, Rikki Cattermole wrote:

On 05/10/15 8:13 AM, Andre wrote:

Vibe.d has a provider called libasync. Libasync is fully 
implemented in D. You probably should have tried that at least.
Although I still would recommend trying it ;) It's a lot better 
then what we have in Phobos.

Looks good, it seems all external dependencies issues are gone 
for vibe-d on Cloud Foundry. I haven't a working test application 
so far but I think the issue is now releated to the correct bind 
address in a Cloud Foundry environment.

Re: Experience: Developing Cloud Foundry applications with D

2015-10-05 Thread Andre via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 4 October 2015 at 22:47:46 UTC, Vladimir Panteleev 

On Sunday, 4 October 2015 at 19:13:58 UTC, Andre wrote:

I tried different http servers available for D.

One more (my own): 

ae.net is used on:
- http://forum.dlang.org/
- http://dtest.thecybershadow.net/
- Digger's local web UI
- (other projects not related to D)

Thanks a lot. Unfortunatelly in the office I have to avoid MPL 
licensed libraries if possible due to legal reasons ):

Experience: Developing Cloud Foundry applications with D

2015-10-04 Thread Andre via Digitalmars-d
I want to share my experiences with D and the platform as a 
service solution Cloud Foundry. Cloud Foundry supports any 
development language as long it is runnable on Linux 64 bit and 
the application has a http Server listening on a port which Cloud 
Foundry provides you using system environment variable PORT.

I am used to develop on Windows. Using VirtuaBox I created a 
Linux virtual machine. I defined a shared directory between my 
windows host system and the Linux virtual machine. In Addition I 
use Putty as SSH client. In the Putty terminal I execute dub and 
after that the Cloud Foundry console application to push the 
binary to the cloud.

I tried different http servers available for D. At the end I 
decided to build my own.

vibe-d: The linking time of a vibe-d application on a Linux 
system is quite high, I think this is due to the dependencies 
like pthreads and so on. Also the binary size is also quite high. 
As far as I remember around 20 mb for a test application. The 
size matters as you have to upload the application again and 
again. Cloud Foundry provides some shared objects libraries. In 
case you have special requirements like pthreads you must create 
a build pack. With a build pack you can download external 
dependencies and install them while pushing the binary to the 
cloud. There already exists build packs for vibe-d but they are 
outdated. They run a long time and then stops.
From windows I know vibe-d is a great library but on Linux out of 
the box it doesn't make fun due to the usage of external 

I also had a look at the arsdnet http server. But I didn't 
achieved to get my scenario running. In addition to my http 
server component I have a thread which executes 10 some database 
calls and some http requests. If I am not completely wrong the 
scenario of starting a thread in addition to the main server 
thread is not supported unless I duplicate a big amount of coding 
from the template  "main" of the arsdnet http server component.

In the end I build my own very simple http server component. By 
using the pure phobos library compiling and linking is super fast 
and the size of the full application is around 8 mb. Compile, 
link and pushing to the cloud is possible in less than a minute.

In sum, it is just fun to develop cloud applications with D!

Re: std.typecons: PrimitiveRef

2015-03-24 Thread Andre via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 24 March 2015 at 16:58:48 UTC, Gary Willoughby wrote:

On Tuesday, 24 March 2015 at 15:38:04 UTC, Andre wrote:
The use case is a type tuple where you cannot use the keyword 

Could template alias parameters not be used here?


Event is defined as struct Event(T...){}.
That way the actual number of parameters is very flexible.

I just checked template alias parameters. Also here the ref 

is not allowed:

struct Event(alias x)
private void delegate(x)[] _dlgArr;

Event!(ref bool) onEvent;

Error is thrown: expression expected not ref.

Kind regards

std.typecons: PrimitiveRef

2015-03-24 Thread Andre via Digitalmars-d


Namespace helped me to get following template working.

struct PrimitiveRef(T)
private T* _value;

ref inout(T) get() inout pure nothrow {
return *_value;

alias get this;

this(T val) {
_value = new T(val);

The use case is a type tuple where you cannot use the keyword ref.

Example usage: ( This is an extract from a little event framework)

Event!(Object, BoolRef) onClose;

onClose.attach(&onFormClose); // function or delegate

void onFormClose(Object o, BoolRef canClose)
canClose = false;

I think it is useful to add to std.typecons as there is no 

to use ref for type tuples.

Kind regards

Re: std.typecons: PrimitiveRef

2015-03-24 Thread Andre via Digitalmars-d

Definition of BoolRef:

alias BoolRef = PrimitiveRef!bool;

Re: Problem with coupling shared object symbol visibility with protection

2015-02-18 Thread Andre via Digitalmars-d


I also want to say a big thank you to all of you involved
in this topic and especially to Benjamin.

Proper DLL handling in D I would really appreciate.
I think this topic is the break through.

Kind regards

On Tuesday, 17 February 2015 at 18:03:06 UTC, Benjamin Thaut 
So i looked at the Dll Test within the dmd test framework and 
when I make export an attribute, like I suggested, this 
perticular test will compile & run without any code changes. 
This is another reason why I suspect that making export an 
attribute will only break very little if any code at all.

Am 16.02.2015 um 09:08 schrieb Walter Bright:

At this point I suggest simply making those private helper 
public and export them. It gets your project moving without 
waiting for

language changes (and this is a breaking change).

I have to big fears with doing this

1) I finish everything up any finally do the pull request. Then 
the reviewers will realize that using export in all required 
places will completely undermine D's module level protection 
system and reject the PR. Then all my work is in vain.

2) Even if 1 does not happen, that means from now on the broken 
export will be used in _actual_ code. Because it kind of works. 
Going forward this would mean that changing export into an 
attribute will break actual production code. So in my opinion 
we have to implement Dll Support on windows and fix export 
simulatiously, otherwise fixing export will lead to big 
breaking changes instead of a few small ones.

Kind Regards
Benjamin Thaut

Re: D 2.066.1: Assertion failure: '0' on line 2022 in file 'mtype.c'

2014-11-10 Thread Andre via Digitalmars-d

I will create a issue for this. The minimized version is:

enum DummyStringEnum
foo = "bar"

class Test
@property DummyStringEnum e()
return DummyStringEnum.foo;

void main()
import std.json;
JSONValue[string] jsPayload;
jsPayload["A"] = __traits(getMember, new Test(), "e");

Kind regards

On Monday, 10 November 2014 at 12:34:11 UTC, Daniel Murphy wrote:
"Andre"  wrote in message 

Based on the location of the error, I'd guess it's to do with 
passing a delegate to a templated function / as a template 
argument. (but it's possible it's not a delegate)

To find the error:
- Run dmd with '-v', it should tell you which function it was 
compiling when it crashed (the last one it lists).  Once you 
know the function it should be easier to determine which bit of 
code causes the crash.

- Or use dustmite to reduce the test case.

Re: 'partial' keyword in C# is very good for project , what's the same thing in D?

2014-11-10 Thread Andre via Digitalmars-d
One requirement for a partial alternative is, that the generated 
coding can access private member of the actual class as they are 
in most GUI framework private members of the class.

class Example
private Button b;
private ComboBox cb;

The GUI framework takes care about calling their constructors and 
also about persisting their design time values (values you read 
and write in the GUI builder).

Is there any possibility to access private members by using 
Template Mixins?
As far as I can see only String Mixins are able to access private 
members of the scope they are inserted to.

Kind regards

On Monday, 10 November 2014 at 14:38:58 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 2014-11-10 11:21, Regan Heath wrote:

Basically it's just a good idea(TM).  Unfortunately as many 
have said,
it's not something D2.0 is likely to see.  String mixins 
aren't the
nicest thing to use, but at least they can achieve the 
same/similar thing.

Template mixins can be used instead. Looks a lot better.

D 2.066.1: Assertion failure: '0' on line 2022 in file 'mtype.c'

2014-11-09 Thread Andre via Digitalmars-d


after the update from 2.066 to 2.066.1
DMD gives following output:

Assertion failure: '0' on line 2022 in file 'mtype.c'
abnormal program termination

Unfortunatelly I do not know how to create a reproducible
example as the error occurs in a huge application.

DMD doesn't give me more information. I try to find out more
(reproducible example).

Kind regards

Re: 'partial' keyword in C# is very good for project , what's the same thing in D?

2014-10-30 Thread andre via Digitalmars-d

From some little tests I can say only string mixins are working
for the GUI builder scenario.
The concrete class contains private ui controls (members). The 
gui builder
framework needs to access these private members to call their 
constructors, and set their values to the last persisted state.

template mixins aren't able to access these private members.
I also think alias this and opDispatch do not help here.

string mixins working perfectly. partial would be a really nice
feature but I also doubt that it will come with D2.

Kind regards

On Wednesday, 29 October 2014 at 23:23:40 UTC, Walter Bright 

On 10/29/2014 7:01 AM, Gary Willoughby wrote:

On Wednesday, 29 October 2014 at 12:55:01 UTC, FrankLike wrote:
The same thing in D should be done,now.Otherwise,no big 
projects can be done

like C#. Add another keyword,and update the compiler.

Large projects are already being developed using D so your 
argument is wrong.
Also no new keywords are being added to the language because D 
is trying to

achieve stability right now.

You can achieve what you desire using mixins.

Either string mixins, template mixins, alias this or opDispatch.

Re: Runtime type information

2014-10-10 Thread andre via Digitalmars-d

I just saw, there is also dip 8.

As a suggestion, instead of a compiler switch , we could 
introduce an interface IPersistent. By implementing this 
interface in your actual class, rtti would be available/generated.

What do You think?

Kind regards

On Thursday, 9 October 2014 at 16:15:08 UTC, andre wrote:


I just stubmled over an enhancement in object_.d and object.di 
Benjamin Thaut described on his page: 

The enhancement looks quite good and handy for me and would be 
a quick win to have some more runtime type information in the 

Does it worth to create a pull request?

Kind regards

Runtime type information

2014-10-09 Thread andre via Digitalmars-d


I just stubmled over an enhancement in object_.d and object.di 
Benjamin Thaut described on his page: 

The enhancement looks quite good and handy for me and would be a 
quick win to have some more runtime type information in the 

Does it worth to create a pull request?

Kind regards

Dlls on Windows?

2014-09-27 Thread andre via Digitalmars-d

As far as I know there are some issues with dlls on Windows (D 
dlls used in D applications) in contrast to linux.There are some 
(unfinished) pull requests, and some ideas.
It would be great if You can give an update on this topic. Maybe 
the Wiki page for Dlls on Windows can be updated with the current 
limitations/ updated information.

Is there any agenda to support the same functionality like on 

Kind regards

Re: Qt Creator and D

2014-08-07 Thread Andre via Digitalmars-d
Which is the latest Qt Creator version you successfully built 

plugins for?

Thanks & regards

I built the plugins for QtCreator 3.1.1 and 3.1.2 (Qt >= 5.0.1).
Yep, for QtCreator's master (3.2.81) compilation failed and I
fixed it. I think the plugins can be successfully built now. I 
not able to test it right now, but I will try plugins with 

in the nearest future.

Before I saw that you already fixed the build I tested your 
plugins with QtCreator 3.1.1. Nice work so far! I really like 
that the project manager plugin is based on DUB because it seems 
to have become the de-facto standard for D. I already have some 
features on my wish-list ;-)

- Enable Locator/Ctrl+K support for quick symbol access
- Outline/class view for project and current document
- Tooltip with symbol information when hovering in text editor

Hopefully I will have some time in the near future to be able to 
create some pull requests.

Currently you have two separate plugins for project manager and 
editor; what do you think about only one, integrated plugin? It 
might be easier for users to have one plugin which contains 
everything. Especially if more parts might be integrated (Locator 

Anyway keep up the good work!

Re: Why no contracts for release build?

2014-06-04 Thread Andre via Digitalmars-d

Am 04.06.2014 16:23, schrieb Martin Krejcirik:

On Wednesday, 4 June 2014 at 13:48:04 UTC, Andre wrote:

I currently wonder what is included by adding no switch to DMD?

default (no switch) = asserts, contracts, boundscheck=all
-debug = include code marked with debug keyword
-unittest = include unittests
-g = include debug info
-release = do not include asserts, contracs, boundscheck=safeonly, some
switch optimizations

-boundscheck option can override -release option for turning on or off
all bounds checking (there is deprecated -noboundscheck in 2.065 or

thanks a lot for these informations, exactly what I need.

Kind regards

Re: Why no contracts for release build?

2014-06-04 Thread Andre via Digitalmars-d

Am 03.06.2014 23:43, schrieb Sean Kelly:

I think the problem is that "release" is a misnomer, because the
presence of contracts has nothing to do with whether you're
deploying a test or release build.  For all the talk of how we
should be profiling our code to find the trouble spots instead of
prematurely optimizing, the release flag, by virtue of its name,
exists as a giant red button we're all expected to press for
"performance" or whatever before deploying our software for use
in the first instance where safety actually matters.

As for the idea that contracts simply aid in finding logic errors
during testing... for testing to have any validity the test must
be performed on the same build that will be released to the
public.  And the idea that testing will ever find all the
problems that might occur in the field is laughable.

In short, pretend "release" says something like "unchecked" and
think hard before actually setting it in real code.

Yes you are right. For my product "released" to customer, as business 
application developer, I am more focused on safety and less on performance.

If in any case a customer is doing s.th which can be caught by contracts
then it should be caught. Therefore the release switch is really dangerous.

What I really want is a switch "stable", which contains all safety 
relevant features like Contracts/Asserts and so on. But this build 
should exclude debug information etc.

I currently wonder what is included by adding no switch to DMD?
> dmd main

Kind regards

Re: Why no contracts for release build?

2014-06-03 Thread Andre via Digitalmars-d

Am 03.06.2014 19:13, schrieb Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d:

On Tue, 03 Jun 2014 16:29:20 +0200
Andre via Digitalmars-d  wrote:

I currently think about whether or not contracts should be available
in release builds.

Assuming a small example, you have an account class with a deposit
method, the input parameter must always be > 0.

void deposit(int amount)
enforce(amount > 0);
this.amount += amount;

If in release build the Contracts sections is removed, this means, I
also need to add in addition in another place the enforce method.
Otherwise in the productive scenario, this coding isn't secure
anymore. This leads to code duplication.

I think Contracts are not a feature solely for unittests, they are a
fundamental part of classes/interfaces and theirfore should be
available in all builds.

What do you think?

Contracts are specifically intended for validating the input and output
of a function with assertions. So, they're going to go away in any
build that does not have assertions enabled. Contracts are very much
the wrong place to use enforce. enforce throws an Exception and does
not get compiled out. It is intended for error-handling rather than for
validating the correctness of your code.

- Jonathan M Davis

As I known that assertions are only for unittest purposes I hoped,
if I use enforce, this statements will not be removed in release build
and will still be executed - wrong.

I see, the idea of contracts in D differs to the idea of contracts e.g.
in Java (http://c4j-team.github.io/C4J/
Here contracts are used for unittest but also for the productive code
in release builds.

I thought about writing a Contracts library, which works similiar to C4J
but I see no chance to solve this issue without AST.

Kind regards

Why no contracts for release build?

2014-06-03 Thread Andre via Digitalmars-d

I currently think about whether or not contracts should be available
in release builds.

Assuming a small example, you have an account class with a deposit 
method, the input parameter must always be > 0.

void deposit(int amount)
  enforce(amount > 0);
  this.amount += amount;

If in release build the Contracts sections is removed, this means, I 
also need to add in addition in another place the enforce method. 
Otherwise in the productive scenario, this coding isn't secure anymore. 
This leads to code duplication.

I think Contracts are not a feature solely for unittests, they are a
fundamental part of classes/interfaces and theirfore should be available
in all builds.

What do you think?

Kind regards

Contracts: Potential for improvements

2014-05-23 Thread Andre via Digitalmars-d


after I attended a session for C4J (Contracts for Java)
I revisited the contracts functionality in D.

I tried to develop a very small example and failed early.
It seems just by using interfaces for your class, contracts
stopped working silently.

By reading the bug reports for contracts
it seems there are serious issues when you use interface
or inheritance.

As Contract Programming is mentioned as the first item
in the DLang Reliability feature list there should be a roadmap
to get this feature working again.

Kind regards

Re: Mass-enabling D => License question

2014-05-21 Thread andre via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 21 May 2014 at 09:25:56 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 21/05/14 09:50, Joakim wrote:

Yes, but they moved to the UIUC-licensed (basically the BSD
license) llvm eventually, partially because they wanted Xcode 
directly link against it.  I think it's that kind of 

that Andre and Max have in mind, though as John noted, they're
not particularly precise about what they want.

That's a completely different thing. I would like to see 
someone try doing that with DMD ;). I assume they didn't want 
to do that since that feels quite unrealistic at this stage, 
DMD is not really meant for this type of integration.

The delphi ide is able to create components which coding runs 
during design time in the ide. My idea for s.th. Like that is to 
compile d code to dll and during runtime load it into the ide. 
But as far as I understand this could also be made as external 
toolchain call to DMD which is also allowed with the license. 
Kind regards andre

Mass-enabling D => License question

2014-05-20 Thread Andre via Digitalmars-d


I like D due to its clear syntax and power. For a business application 
developer what is really missing is a full blown IDE which enables

Rapid Application Development.
=> GUI
=> Database
=> Internet components
=> Refactoring
=> ... and a lot things more

If I compare the time I need to develop a D application and a delphi
application there are several weeks between unfortunatelly
(my experience).

I wonder whether it is possible from a license point of view to
develop an IDE for D and sell it? Of course there are license issues
due to fact that D must be integrated in the package but someone would
only pay for the IDE.
On the other side, a good IDE will mass enabled D for business 
application developer.

If someone will create an IDE for D like Borland has done for Delphi
this would lead to an huge success for D in my opinion.

What do you think? Would you appreciate such an IDE?

Kind regards

Future of D Interface Files?

2014-04-22 Thread Andre via Digitalmars-d


what is the future of D interface files? Somehow they work except for 
new features package.d files or @properties.

I got the information that D interface files shouldn't be used anymore
as this functionality is outdated/broken

On the other side this seems like a big missing base feature of D if I 
cannot create *.lib files and ship the D interface files.

(Closed source, payed lib files...)

Are there plans to make them fully available again in the future?

Kind regards