Re: Fake IFTI-compatible struct constructors

2021-05-01 Thread Chad Joan via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 1 May 2021 at 23:21:33 UTC, Basile B. wrote:

On Saturday, 1 May 2021 at 21:57:54 UTC, Chad Joan wrote:
... Rather, this setup doesn't work at all, because IFTI 
doesn't seem to work on function-templates with alias 

Yes your observation is correct. That should work but this is 
currently not implemented and referenceced as [issue 

Good to know. Thank you!

Fake IFTI-compatible struct constructors

2021-05-01 Thread Chad Joan via Digitalmars-d-learn
I came up with a couple techniques for making it seem like 
templated structs deduce their template parameters from 
constructor invocations. These are given further down in the post.

This has been a profitable exercise. However, the techniques I 
came up with have some drawbacks.

Thus, I have some questions for the community:

Is there a better way?
Do any of you have other constructor-IFTI-faking techniques to 

Maybe one of you has encountered this already and come up 
different ways to approach this. Please share if you can!

### Background:

I ended up distracted with trying to make IFTI (Implicit Function 
Template Instantiation) work for a struct constructor.

I'm already aware of the normal factory function technique (ex: 
have `foo(T)(T x)` construct `struct Foo(T)`) and have looked 
into some of the history of this issue, like this thread from 
April of 2013:

I updated to DMD v2.096.1 to see if IFTI for constructors had 
been implemented recently.

But it seems not, because code like this fails to compile:

struct Foo(StrT)
StrT payload;
this(StrT text)
this.payload = text;

void main()
import std.stdio;
auto foo = Foo("x");

Compilation results:
xfail.d(13): Error: struct `xfail.Foo` cannot deduce function 
from argument types `!()(string)`, candidates are:


What followed was a series of experiments to see if I could get 
most of what I wanted by (ab)using existing D features.

### Technique 1: Mutually Exclusive Constraints

This technique was the first one I came up with.

It's disadvantage is that it only works for templated types with 
parameter lists that meet specific criteria:

* At least one of the parameters must be a string or array type.
* There can't be any other versions of the template that take the 
element's type at the same position.

So if I have a templated struct that parameterizes on string 
types, then this works for that.

The advantage of this method (over the later method I discovered) 
is that it doesn't regress the long or free-standing (non-IFTI) 
form of template instantiation in any way that I've noticed. As 
long as the above parameter list criteria can be met, it's 
strictly an upgrade.

It looks like this:

// Fake IFTI constructor for templates with at least one string 

auto Foo(Char)(Char[] text)
// The constraint basically just ensures
// that `Char` isn't a string or array.
if ( !is(Char T : T[]) )
import std.stdio;
Foo!(Char[]) foo;
foo.payload = text;
pragma(msg, "function Char.stringof == "~Char.stringof);
return foo;

struct Foo(StrT)
// This constraint ensures the opposite:
//   that `StrT` is a string|array.
// It also declares `CharT` as it's
//   element type, but that's quickly discarded.
if ( is(StrT CharT : CharT[]) )
StrT payload;
pragma(msg, "struct StrT.stringof  == " ~ StrT.stringof);

// These fail to compile.
// Presumably, `CharT` isn't declared /in this scope/.
CharT ch;
pragma(msg, "struct CharT.stringof == " ~ CharT.stringof);
// (It's not a big deal though. It's easy enough
// to get the element type from an array without
// the help of the template's parameter list.)

void main()
import std.stdio;

// Test IFTI-based instantiation.
auto foo1 = Foo("1");  // IFTI for Foo constructor!
writeln(foo1.payload); // Prints: 1

// Test normal instantiation.
// (In other words: we try to avoid regressing this case.)
Foo!string foo2;
foo2.payload = "2";
writeln(foo2.payload); // Prints: 2

/// Accidental instantiations of the wrong template are
/// prevented by the `!is(Char T : T[])` template constraint.
// Foo!char foo3; // Error: `Foo!char` is used as a type
// foo3.payload = "3";

### Technique 2: Explicit Instantiation

I wanted a way to do this with templates that don't deal with 
strings or arrays, and with templates that might accept either an 
array or its element in the same parameter (or parameter 

So I did that, but it has a notable drawback: free-standing 
instantiations like `Bar!int bar;` won't work without adding 
additional template specializations for every type that might 
need to be used that way.

This drawback isn't very severe for project internals, but I 
think it's no good for library APIs.

I really hope someone has a way to do something like this, but 
without this drawback.

Here's what this technique looks like:

// This is like the usual helper function that returns
// an instance of the desired templated type.
// (AKA: a 

Re: safety and auto vectorization

2020-08-03 Thread Chad Joan via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 2 August 2020 at 17:31:45 UTC, Bruce Carneal wrote:

import std;

void f0(int[] a, int[] b, int[] dst) @safe {
dst[] = a[] + b[];

void f1(int[] a, int[] b, int[] dst) @trusted {
const minLen = min(a.length, b.length, dst.length);
dst[0..minLen] = a[0..minLen] + b[0..minLen];
assert(dst.length == minLen);

I was surprised that f0 ran just fine with a.length and 
b.length geq dst.length.  Is that a bug or a feature?

Assuming it's a feature, are f0 and f1 morally equivalent?  I 
ask because f1 auto-vectorizes in ldc while f0 does not.  Not 
sure why.  As a guess I'd say that the front end doesn't hoist 
bounds checks in f0 or at least doesn't convey the info to the 
back end in a comprehensible fashion.  Non-guesses welcome.

I don't know what's going on auto-vectorization-wise, but to 
address the behavioral issues, the next thing I would do if I 
were in your shoes is something like this:

import std.stdio;
int[100]  a, b, dst;
a[]   = 2;
b[]   = 3;
dst[] = 42;
f0(a[0..$], b[0..$], dst[0..50]); // Notice: dst is a smaller 

writefln("dst[49] == %d", dst[49]); // Should be 5.
writefln("dst[50] == %d", dst[50]); // 42 or 5?

On my machine (Linux 64-bit DMD v2.093.0) it prints this:
dst[49] == 5
dst[50] == 42

Which suggests that it is doing the minimum-length calculation, 
as the dst[] values outside of the lesser-sized slice were 

This was DMD, so it's going to be worth trying on your compiler 
to see what you get.

Re: D on lm32-CPU: string argument on stack instead of register

2020-08-01 Thread Chad Joan via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 1 August 2020 at 08:58:03 UTC, Michael Reese wrote:

So the compiler knows how to use r1 and r2 for arguments. I 
checked again in the lm32 manual 
and it says:

"As illustrated in Table 3 on page 8, the first eight function 
arguments are
passed in registers. Any remaining arguments are passed on the 
stack, as

illustrated in Figure 12."

So strings and structs should be passed on the stack and this 
seems to be more an issue of the gcc lm32 backend than a D 

Nice find!

Though if the compiler is allowed to split a single uint64_t into 
two registers, I would expect it to split struct/string into two 
registers as well. At least, the manual doesn't seem to 
explicitly mention higher-level constructs like structs. It does 
suggest a one-to-one relationship between arguments and registers 
(up to a point), but GCC seems to have decided otherwise for 
certain uint64_t's. (Looking at Table 3...) It even gives you two 
registers for a return value: enough for a string or an array. 
And if the backend/ABI weren't up for it, it would be 
theoretically possible to have the frontend to lower strings 
(dynamic arrays) and small structs into their components before 
function calls and then also insert code on the other side to 
cast them back into their original form. I'm not sure if anyone 
would want to write it, though. o.O

But I just found a workaround using a wrapper function.

void write_to_host(in string msg) {
write_to_hostC(msg.ptr, msg.length);

I checked the assembly code on the caller side, and the call 
write_to host("Hello, World!\n") is inlined. There is only one 
call to write_to_hostC. This is still not nice, but I think I 
can live with that for now. Now I have to figure out how make 
the cast back from from pointer-length pair into a string. I'm 
sure I read that somewhere before, but forgot it and was unable 
to find it now on a quick google search...

That's pretty clever. I like it.

Getting from pointer-length to string might be pretty easy:
string foo = ptr[0 .. len];

D allows pointers to be indexed, like in C. But unlike C, D has 
slices, and pointers can be "sliced". The result of a slice 
operation, at least for primitive arrays+pointers, is always an 
array (the "dynamic" ptr+length kind). Hope that helps.

And since this is D: is there maybe some CTFE magic that allows 
to create these wrappers automatically? Somthing like

fix_stack!write_to_host("Hello, World!\n");

It ended up being a little more complicated than I thought it 
would be. Hope I didn't ruin the fun. ;)

Also, that part where you mentioned a 64-bit integer being passed 
as a pair of registers made me start to wonder if unions could be 
(ab)used to juke the ABI:

Good luck with your lm32/FPGA coding. That sounds like cool 

I'm doing this mainly to improve my understanding of how 
embedded processors work, and how to write linker scripts for a 
given environment. Although I do have actual hardware where I 
can see if everything runs in the real world, I mainly use 
simulations. The coolest thing in my opinion is, nowadays it 
can be done using only open source tools (mainly ghdl and 
verilator, the lm32 source code is open source, too). The 
complete system is simulated and you can look at every logic 
signal in the cpu or in the ram while the program executes.

Thanks for the insights; I've done just a little hobby electrical 
stuff here-and-there, and having some frame of reference for tool 
and component choice makes me feel good, even if I don't plan on 
buying any lm32s or FPGAs anytime soon :)  Maybe I can Google 
some of that later and geek out at images of other people's 
debugging sessions or something. I'm curious how they manage the 
complexity that happens when circuits and massive swarms of logic 
gates do their, uh, complexity thing. o.O

Re: D on lm32-CPU: string argument on stack instead of register

2020-07-31 Thread Chad Joan via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 31 July 2020 at 10:22:20 UTC, Michael Reese wrote:

Hi all,

at work we put embedded lm32 soft-core CPUs in FPGAs and write 
the firmware in C.
At home I enjoy writing small projects in D from time to time, 
but I don't consider myself a D expert.

Now, I'm trying to run some toy examples in D on the lm32 cpu. 
I'm using a recent gcc-elf-lm32. I succeeded in compiling and 
running some code and it works fine.

But I noticed, when calling a function with a string argument, 
the string is not stored in registers, but on the stack.
Consider a simple function (below) that writes bytes to a 
peripheral (that forwards the data to the host computer via 
USB). I've two versions, an ideomatic D one, and another 
version where pointer and length are two distinct function 
I also show the generated assembly code. The string version is 
4 instructions longer, just because of the stack manipulation. 
In addition, it is also slower because it need to access the 
ram, and it needs more stack space.

My question: Is there a way I can tell the D compiler to use 
registers instead of stack for string arguments, or any other 
trick to reduce code size while maintaining an ideomatic D 

Best regards

// ideomatic D version
void write_to_host(in string msg) {
// a fixed address to get bytes to the host via usb
char *usb_slave = cast(char*)BaseAdr.ft232_slave;
foreach(ch; msg) {
*usb_slave = ch;
// resulting assembly code (compiled with -Os) 12 instructions
addi sp, sp, -8
addi r3, r0, 4096
sw   (sp+4), r1
sw   (sp+8), r2
add  r1, r2, r1
be r2,r1,.L1
lbu  r4, (r2+0)
addi r2, r2, 1
sb   (r3+0), r4
bi   .L3
addi sp, sp, 8

// C-like version
void write_to_hostC(const char *msg, int len) {
char *ptr = cast(char*)msg;
char *usb_slave = cast(char*)BaseAdr.ft232_slave;
while (len--) {
*usb_slave = *ptr++;
// resulting assembly code (compiled with -Os) 8 instructions
add  r2, r1, r2
addi r3, r0, 4096
be r1,r2,.L5
lbu  r4, (r1+0)
addi r1, r1, 1
sb   (r3+0), r4
bi   .L7

Hi Michael!

Last time I checked, D doesn't have any specific type attributes 
or special ways to force variables to enregister. But I could be 
poorly informed. Maybe there are GDC-specific hints or something. 
I hope that if anyone else knows better, they will toss in an 

THAT SAID, I think there are things to try and I hope we can get 
you what you want.

If you're willing to entertain more experimentation, here are my 

(1) Try writing "in string" as "in const(char)[]" instead:

// ideomatic D version
void write_to_host(in const(char)[] msg) {
// a fixed address to get bytes to the host via usb
char *usb_slave = cast(char*)BaseAdr.ft232_slave;
foreach(ch; msg) {
*usb_slave = ch;


The "string" type is an alias for "immutable(char)[]".

In D, "immutable" is a stronger guarantee than "const". The 
"const" modifier, like in C, tells the compiler that this 
function shall not modify the data referenced by this 
pointer/array/whatever. The "immutable" modifier is a bit 
different, as it says that NO ONE will modify the data referenced 
by this pointer/array/whatever, including other functions that 
may or may not be concurrently executing alongside the one you're 
in. So "const" constraints the callee, while "immutable" 
constrains both the callee AND the caller. This makes it more 
useful for some multithreaded code, because if you can accept the 
potential inefficiency of needing to do more copying of data (if 
you can't modify, usually you must copy instead), then you can 
have more deterministic behavior and sometimes even much better 
total efficiency by way of parallelization. This might not be a 
guarantee you care about though, at which point you can just toss 
it out completely and see if the compiler generates better code 
now that it sees the same type qualifier as in the other example.

I'd actually be surprised if using "immutable" causes /less/ 
efficient code in this case, because it should be even /safer/ to 
use the argument as-is. But it IS a difference between the two 
examples, and one that might not be benefiting your cause (though 
that's totally up to you).

(2) Try keeping the string argument, but make the function more 
closely identical in semantics:

// ideomatic D version
void write_to_host(string msg) {
// a fixed address to get bytes to the host via usb

Re: Why does stringof not like functions with arguments?

2020-07-31 Thread Chad Joan via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 10 August 2017 at 14:51:22 UTC, Meta wrote:

On Wednesday, 9 August 2017 at 01:39:07 UTC, Jason Brady wrote:

Why does the following code error out with:

app.d(12,10): Error: function app.FunctionWithArguments (uint 
i) is not callable using argument types ()


import std.stdio;

void FunctionWithoutArguments() {

void FunctionWithArguments(uint i) {

void main()

Welcome to optional parentheses hell. Please enjoy your stay.

Muahahaha it's necromancy time!

... meaning I just ran into this problem. Again. And it sucked. 
And I found this thread. Again. Now it's time for me to be less 
of a dummy and post my solution.

This seems to have different solutions depending on what you want 
out of the function symbol. The advice already given in this 
thread is great if you want to print the function's name (and 
maybe a couple other things I already forgot).

But what I needed was to print the function's *signature*.

Basically, I want to


and get this output:

  void FunctionWithArguments(uint i)

I didn't quite get there. I got this far:

  void(uint i)

But for what I'm doing right now, that's good enough.

Alright here's how it's done:


So it was ultimately really easy. At least, for this one very 
specific use-case. I just about kicked myself.

The previous example then becomes this:

import std.stdio;

void FunctionWithoutArguments() {

void FunctionWithArguments(uint i) {

void main()

I needed this when writing a program that checks for whether 
functions visible from alias-this statements are included in the 
results of __traits(getOverloads,...).

Here is the end result:

And no. No they are not. :3

Re: Is there a way to use Object.factory with templated classes? Or some way to construct templated classes given RTTI of an instance?

2018-09-27 Thread Chad Joan via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 27 September 2018 at 09:58:25 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 

For two types to be compared, they must be the the same type - 
or they must be implicitly convertible to the same type, in 
which case, they're converted to that type and then compared. 
So, as far as D's design of comparison goes, there is no need 
worry about comparing differing types. At most, you need to 
worry about what implicit type conversions exist, and D isn't 
big on implicit type conversions, because they tend to cause 
subtle bugs. So, while they definitely affect comparison, they 
don't affect anywhere near as much as they would in a language 
like C++. In general, you're not going to get very far if 
you're trying to make it possible to compare a user-defined 
type against other types in D without explicitly converting it 

- Jonathan M Davis

That makes sense, but requiring types to be explicitly converted 
before comparisons kinda throws sand on the cake when I'm 
ostensibly trying to make things that interact seamlessly with 
existing types.

"alias this" is still awesome, so it's usually fine regardless :)

Thanks for the explanation.

Re: Is there a way to use Object.factory with templated classes? Or some way to construct templated classes given RTTI of an instance?

2018-09-27 Thread Chad Joan via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 27 September 2018 at 13:23:15 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe 

On Thursday, 27 September 2018 at 05:04:09 UTC, Chad Joan wrote:
As above, I think this might be a very clean and effective 
solution for a different class of use-cases :)  I'll keep it 
in mind though.

Yeah. And I did make one mistake: the tupleof assignment trick 
wouldn't work well for references, so lol it isn't much of a 
deep copy. You'd want to deep copy any arrays too probably.

But sounds like you are already doing that, yay.

You're right though, if I end up adding boilerplate anyways, I 
may as well have a good shallow copy to begin with.

Re: Is there a way to use Object.factory with templated classes? Or some way to construct templated classes given RTTI of an instance?

2018-09-27 Thread Chad Joan via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 27 September 2018 at 14:23:48 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:

On 9/27/18 10:20 AM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
typeid sometimes gives you a more derived type than TypeInfo. 
Including for classes and structs.

In the past, .classinfo gave you a different thing than 
typeid(obj), but now it is the same thing:

     auto obj = new Object;
     // classinfo and typeid are the same object
     assert(obj.classinfo is typeid(obj));
     // and the same type
     static assert(is(typeof(obj.classinfo) == 

I wouldn't use classinfo any more, I generally use typeid.

I should add that typeid does give you the derived 
TypeInfo_Class, not the concrete one.

that is:

Object obj; // = null

//typeid(obj); // segfault, can't dereference null pointer

class C {}

obj = new C;

static assert(is(typeof(obj) == Object));

writeln(typeid(obj)); // C, not Object

So it really is a drop-in replacement for classinfo. I think 
classinfo is still there to avoid breaking existing code that 
uses it.


Interesting!  That's yet another thing I hadn't realized had 
changed.  Good to know.

Re: Is there a way to use Object.factory with templated classes? Or some way to construct templated classes given RTTI of an instance?

2018-09-27 Thread Chad Joan via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 27 September 2018 at 13:16:58 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe 

On Thursday, 27 September 2018 at 05:18:14 UTC, Chad Joan wrote:

How does this work?

The language reference states that typeid(Type) returns "an 
instance of class TypeInfo corresponding to Type".


But then the TypeInfo class doesn't seem to have a .create() 
method, or at least not one in the documentation:

I forgot about the create method, lol, that is what you want.

But typeid(obj) - pass it an existing object of the type btw - 
when obj is a class will return TypeInfo_Class - a subclass of 

It is *that* which has the create method.

(or less horrible docs

Yep, that solves the mystery!  Thanks!

Re: Is there a way to use Object.factory with templated classes? Or some way to construct templated classes given RTTI of an instance?

2018-09-27 Thread Chad Joan via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 27 September 2018 at 18:37:27 UTC, Chad Joan wrote:

I will probably end up going with the latter suggestion and 
have Extended use the Root's T.  That would probably make sense 
for what I'm doing.  In my case, the T allows the caller to 
configure what kind of output the thing provides... IIRC (it's 
been a while since I touched this code o.O).

Thanks for pointing that out.

Wait, actually the T is the element type of the input range, like 
"char" if the parser is to parse UTF8 strings.  I'd already 
figured that out too.  (*゚ー゚)ゞ

Re: Is there a way to use Object.factory with templated classes? Or some way to construct templated classes given RTTI of an instance?

2018-09-27 Thread Chad Joan via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 27 September 2018 at 08:56:22 UTC, Alex wrote:
On Wednesday, 26 September 2018 at 20:41:38 UTC, Chad Joan 

class Root(T)
T x;

class Extended(T) : Root!T
T y;

Sorry for a technical aside, but would this be something for 

I mean... In either case, there is something curious in the 
Extended/Root usage, as they both are bound to the same type. 
And if so, you could get rid of the templatization in the 
Extended class, either by templating Root on the Extended or 
use the T of Root in Extended.

Perhaps it's half some form of unintended neural network 
fabrication that happened as I wrote the example and half that 
the original code isn't that well thought out yet.  The original 
code looks more like this:

template Nodes(T)
class Root
T x;

class Extended : Root
T y;

I will probably end up going with the latter suggestion and have 
Extended use the Root's T.  That would probably make sense for 
what I'm doing.  In my case, the T allows the caller to configure 
what kind of output the thing provides... IIRC (it's been a while 
since I touched this code o.O).

Thanks for pointing that out.

Re: Is there a way to use Object.factory with templated classes? Or some way to construct templated classes given RTTI of an instance?

2018-09-27 Thread Chad Joan via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 27 September 2018 at 08:19:41 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
On Thursday, September 27, 2018 1:41:23 AM MDT Chad Joan via 
Digitalmars-d- learn wrote:
On Thursday, 27 September 2018 at 05:12:06 UTC, Jonathan M 

This is also reminding me of how it's always bugged me that 
there isn't a way to operator overload opEquals with a static 
method (or even a free function?), given that it would allow 
the class/struct implementer to guard against (or even 
interact intelligently with) null values:

That's not really an issue with D. With classes, when you have 
a == b, it
doesn't lower to a.opEquals(b). Rather, it lowers to 
opEquals(a, b), and the

free function opEquals is defined as

bool opEquals(Object lhs, Object rhs)
// If aliased to the same object or both null => equal
if (lhs is rhs) return true;

// If either is null => non-equal
if (lhs is null || rhs is null) return false;

// If same exact type => one call to method opEquals
if (typeid(lhs) is typeid(rhs) ||
!__ctfe && typeid(lhs).opEquals(typeid(rhs)))
/* CTFE doesn't like typeid much. 'is' works, but 

(issue 7147). But CTFE also guarantees that equal 
TypeInfos are
always identical. So, no opEquals needed during 
CTFE. */

return lhs.opEquals(rhs);

// General case => symmetric calls to method opEquals
return lhs.opEquals(rhs) && rhs.opEquals(lhs);

* Returns true if lhs and rhs are equal.
bool opEquals(const Object lhs, const Object rhs)
// A hack for the moment.
return opEquals(cast()lhs, cast()rhs);

So, it already takes care of checking for null or even if the 
two references point to the same object. For structs, a == b, 
does lower to a.opEquals(b), but for better or worse, structs 
are designed so that their init values need to be valid, or 
you're going to have problems in general. Trying to work around 
that is fighting a losing battle.

The spec seems to have the homogeneous cases covered: classes 
with classes or structs with structs.  What I'm more worried 
about is stuff like when you have a class compared to a struct or 
builtin type, or maybe a struct compared to a builtin type 
(especially more complicated builtin types like arrays!).  The 
homogeneous cases are important for making a type consistent with 
itself, but the other cases are important for integrating a type 
with everything else in the ecosystem.

Notably, "alias this" is awesome and has more or less solved that 
for me in the pedestrian cases I tend to encounter.  I can write 
a struct and alias this to some reference variable that will be 
representative of my struct's "nullness" or other states of 

But I wouldn't be surprised if there are corner-cases I haven't 
encountered yet (actually I think I just remembered that this bit 
me a little bit once or twice) where having a single alias-this 
isn't sufficient to cover all of the possible things my 
struct/class could be compared to (ex: if the type's null-state 
corresponded to int.max for ints and float.nan for floats, and 
you can't just use opEquals, such as when the type is a class and 
could be precisely null).

Wouldn't it be helpful to have a root class type just to have 
a "Top" type at runtime, even if it had no members?  Ex: so 
you could do things like make an array ProtoObject[] foo; that 
can contain any runtime polymorphic variables.

Maybe? It's not something that I've personally found to be 
useful. Once you can templatize code, the need to have a common 
base class
gets pretty hard to argue for, but I don't know that it's 
Also, for better or worse, you can already get it with void* - 
and cover
more types no less (albeit less @safely). But from what I 
understand of what
Andrei is intending, ProtoObject will end up being the new root 
class for
all D classos, so having ProtoObject[] would work for all 
extern(D) classes.
Of course, that still potentially leaves exern(C++) classes and 
(which could be extern(C++) or COM even right now and aren't 
derived from
Object). So, things are already a bit weird with classes when 
you start

interacting with other languages through D. is(T : Object) and
is(T == class) do _not_ mean quite the same thing even though 
you'd think
that they would. And I haven't done enough with extern(C++) or 
COM in D to
claim to understand all of the subtleties. If you're not 
messing with them
directly or writing generic code that's going to mess with 
them, it doesn't

really matter though.

-Jonathan M Davis

Gotcha.  Quite a rabbit hole :)

Re: Is there a way to use Object.factory with templated classes? Or some way to construct templated classes given RTTI of an instance?

2018-09-27 Thread Chad Joan via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 27 September 2018 at 05:12:06 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
On Wednesday, September 26, 2018 10:20:58 PM MDT Chad Joan via 
Digitalmars- d-learn wrote:


That's interesting!  Thanks for mentioning.

If you don't mind, what are the complaints regarding Object?  
Or can you link me to discussions/issues/documents that point 
out the shortcomings/pitfalls?

I've probably run into a bunch of them, but I realize D has 
come a long way since that original design and I wouldn't be 
surprised if there's a lot more for me to learn here.

I can point you to the related DIP, though it's a WIP in 

There are also these enhancement requests for removing the 
various member functions from Object (though they're likely to 
be superceded by the DIP):

Basically, the problems tend to come in two areas:

1. Because of how inheritance works, once you have a function 
on a class, you're forcing a certain set of attributes on that 
function - be it type qualifiers like const or shared or scope 
classes like pure or @safe. In some cases, derived classes can 
be more restricted when they override the function (e.g. an 
overide can be @safe when the original is @system), but that 
only goes so far, and when you use the base class API, you're 
stuck with whatever attributes it has. Regardless, derived 
classes can't be _less_ restrictive. In fact, the only reason 
that it's currently possible to use == with const class 
references in D right now is because of a hack. The free 
function opEquals that gets called when you use == on two class 
references actually casts away const so that it can then call 
the member function opEquals (which doesn't work with const). 
So, if the member function opEquals mutates the object, you 
actuall get undefined behavior. And because Object.opEquals 
defines both the parameter and invisible this parameter as 
mutable, derived classes have to do the same when they override 
it; otherwise, they'd be overloading it rather than overriding 

You're right, I wouldn't be caught dead wearing that.


But yeah, thanks for pointing that out.  Now I know not to mutate 
things in an opEquals, even if it makes sense from the class's 
point of view, just in case.  At least until this all gets sorted 
out and code gets updated to not inherit from Object.

Object and its member functions really come from D1 and predate 
all of the various attributes in D2 - including const. But even 
if we could just add all of the attributes that we thought 
should be there without worrying about breaking existing code, 
there would be no right answer. For instance, while in the vast 
majority of cases, opEquals really should be const, having it 
be const does not work with types that lazily initialize some 
members (since unlike in C++, D does not have backdoors for 
const - when something is const, it really means const, and 
it's undefined behavior to cast away const and mutate the 
object). So, having Object.opEquals be const might work in 99% 
of cases, but it wouldn't work in all. The same could be said 
for other attributes such as pure or nothrow. Forcing a 
particular set of attributes on these functions on everyone is 
detrimental. And honestly, it really isn't necessary.

Having them on Object comes from a Java-esque design where you 
don't have templates. With proper templates like D2 has, there 
normally isn't a reason to operate on an Object. You templatize 
the code rather than relying on a common base class. So, 
there's no need to have Object.toString in order have toString 
for all classes or Object.opEquals to have opEquals for all 
classes. Each class can define it however it sees fit. Now, 
once a particular class in a hierarchy has defined a function 
like opEquals or toString, that affects any classes derived 
from it, but then only the classes derived from it are 
restricted by those choices, not every single class in the 
entire language as has been the case with Object.

That makes sense.  Also, compile-time inheritance/duck-typing 
FTW, again.

This is also reminding me of how it's always bugged me that there 
isn't a way to operator overload opEquals with a static method 
(or even a free function?), given that it would allow the 
class/struct implementer to guard against (or even interact 
intelligently with) null values:

import std.stdio;

class A
int payload;

bool opEquals(int rhs)
if ( rhs == int.max )
return false;
return this.payload == rhs;

class B
int payload;

static bool opEquals(B lhs, int rhs)
if ( lhs is null &&

Re: Is there a way to use Object.factory with templated classes? Or some way to construct templated classes given RTTI of an instance?

2018-09-26 Thread Chad Joan via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 26 September 2018 at 21:25:07 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:

Object.factory is a really old poorly supported type of 
reflection. I would not depend on it for anything.

Roger that.  Will avoid :)

You are better off using your own registration system.

As far as choosing the design for your problem, you can use:

auto obj = typeid(obj).create();

which is going to work better, and doesn't require a linear 
search through all modules/classes like Object.factory.

How does this work?

The language reference states that typeid(Type) returns "an 
instance of class TypeInfo corresponding to Type".


But then the TypeInfo class doesn't seem to have a .create() 
method, or at least not one in the documentation:

It looks like what I want, so it might be very helpful.

If it were me, I'd probably instead implement a clone virtual 
method. This way if any custom things need to occur when 
copying the data, it can be handled.


I'm thinking I want to avoid the virtual method in this case, for 
reasons I wrote about in my response to Adam 
(  But I think it's probably a good suggestion in most cases; I suspect that most of the time wanting to write a "deepCopy" method is going to be in response to some problem that will respond well to just virtualizing the method.

Thanks for the advice!

Re: Is there a way to use Object.factory with templated classes? Or some way to construct templated classes given RTTI of an instance?

2018-09-26 Thread Chad Joan via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 26 September 2018 at 21:24:07 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe 
On Wednesday, 26 September 2018 at 20:41:38 UTC, Chad Joan 
I'm implementing a deep-copy method for a tree of templated 
class instances.  As part of this, I need some way to copy 
each node.

that isn't already handled by their deepCopy method.

I would strongly suggest just using that virtual method and 
having the child classes override it, then you call it from any 
of them and get the right result.

The tree nodes are potentially very diverse, but the tree 
structure itself will be very homogeneous.  I'm writing a parser 
generator backend and the tree is expressions of various 
operators (Sequence, OrderedChoice, UnorderedChoice, Repetition, 
etc).  I'm trying to keep it simple: everything is an expression, 
and expressions can contain other expressions (though some are 
always leaves in the tree).  At some level, if I let things 
implement their own deepCopy, then it means there are potentially 
other classes and state out there to iterate that the rest of the 
code doesn't know about.  That could be bad, and expressions 
shouldn't contain anything besides expressions!

This probably contrasts a lot with other use-cases, like 
serialization.  And I wouldn't be surprised if things change 
later on and I end up with some kind of auxiliary virtual copy 
function that does what you suggest, but is specifically for 
handling special out-of-band mutable reference data that the 
expressions might need to carry someday.

I suppose I've never considered just how hard/impossible it is to 
have a generic way to copy things.  Well, maybe a little bit at 
various points, but not this bad ;)  There are so many dimensions 
to the problem and it seems like the context and requirements 
will always be really important.  So it can be made simple under 
the right constraints (ex: everything is immutable!), but the 
constraints are always different depending on the requirements 
(ex: ... but in this hypothetical, we need mutability, so then 
it's gotta happen a different way).

Object.factory kinda sux and I'd actually like to remove it 
(among other people). There's no plan to actually do that, but 
still, just on principle I want to turn people away.

But even as you can see, the implementation is lacking and it 
isn't great design anyway - the interface with virtual methods 
does better work. It also wouldn't work in ctfe anyway, 
object.factory relies on runtime stuff.

Good to know!

I don't think I've even used it much, if at all.  I suppose I 
won't miss it if it goes ;)

If Object.factory is incapable of this, is there some other 
CTFE-friendly way to copy templated class instances?

I think you can copy typeinfo().init and then call 
typeinfo().defaultConstructor - this is iirc what 
Object.factory does, but once you already have the typeinfo you 
can use it directly and bypass the string lookup.

I'm having trouble looking this up.  Could you link me to the 
docs for this?

But you'd really be better off with a virtual copy method. I 
say those string factory things should only be used if you are 
starting with a string, like deserialization.

interface Copyable {
   Copyable copy();

class Whatever(T) : Copyable {
   Whatever!T copy() {
   auto c = new Whatever!T();
   c.tupleof = this.tupleof;
   return c;

that kind of method. the template implements the interface so 
little boilerplate and it works and can be customized etc and 
fits in well. If you call it from the interface, you get an 
instance of the interface (tho note since it is virtual, the 
underlying type is still what you need). If you call from the 
child static type, you get it right back. Yay, fits liskov and 

As above, I think this might be a very clean and effective 
solution for a different class of use-cases :)  I'll keep it in 
mind though.

If I have to, I can probably make these things register 
themselves in some list of delegates that can be used to 
instantiate the correct class.  Or something like that.  But I 
am hoping that there is a better way that involves less 

that's not a terrible idea if you need delegates keyed to 

Right.  At some level I just need a function that I can call like 

auto newThing = makeAnother(originalThing);

and perhaps makeAnother(...) can just lookup originalThing's 
classname in an associative array of delegates.  Or maybe I can 
just hash some part of originalThing's type information.  I can 
put all of the ugly registration boilerplate into a mixin 
template and somehow force that to always be mixed-into any 
descendant classes.  OK, it's probably getting too far into the 
weeds now, but it seems doable and I'll reach for that if I need 


Things at least seem much more clear already.  Thanks a bunch!

Re: Is there a way to use Object.factory with templated classes? Or some way to construct templated classes given RTTI of an instance?

2018-09-26 Thread Chad Joan via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 26 September 2018 at 23:32:36 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
On Wednesday, September 26, 2018 3:24:07 PM MDT Adam D. Ruppe 
via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
Object.factory kinda sux and I'd actually like to remove it 
(among other people). There's no plan to actually do that, but 
still, just on principle I want to turn people away.

While there may not currently be plans to be remove it, as 
there _are_ plans to add ProtoObject as the new root class 
underneath Object, at some point here, it's likely that a large 
percentage of classes won't have anything to do with Object, so 
relying on Object.factory to be able to construct class Objects 
in general isn't likely to be a viable path in the long term - 
though presumably it would work for a code base that's written 
specifically with it in mind.

Personally, I'm hoping that we eventually get to the point 
where Walter and Andrei are willing to outright deprecate 
Object itself, but I expect that ProtoObject will have to have 
been in use for a while before we have any chance of that 
happening. Either way, I think that it's clear that most code 
bases should go with a solution other than Object.factory if at 
all reasonably possible.

- Jonathan M Davis

That's interesting!  Thanks for mentioning.

If you don't mind, what are the complaints regarding Object?  Or 
can you link me to discussions/issues/documents that point out 
the shortcomings/pitfalls?

I've probably run into a bunch of them, but I realize D has come 
a long way since that original design and I wouldn't be surprised 
if there's a lot more for me to learn here.

Is there a way to use Object.factory with templated classes? Or some way to construct templated classes given RTTI of an instance?

2018-09-26 Thread Chad Joan via Digitalmars-d-learn

Hi all,

I'm implementing a deep-copy method for a tree of templated class 
instances.  As part of this, I need some way to copy each node.  
I want to avoid code that does things like casting objects into 
byte arrays and then copying raw bytes; I want all operations to 
be memory safe things that I can use at compile-time.  So I 
planned to make all of these have default constructors and use 
Object.factory to at least create the correct instance type at 
the destination.  The classes can implement auxiliary copy 
methods if they need to copy anything that isn't already handled 
by their deepCopy method.

But I ran into a problem: Object.factory doesn't seem to be 
compatible with templated classes.

Here is an example:

import std.stdio;

class Root(T)
T x;

class Extended(T) : Root!T
T y;

void main()
Root!int foo = new Extended!int();

auto name =;
writefln("foo's name is '%s'", name);
// foo's name is 'main.Extended!int.Extended'

Object   obj = Object.factory(name);
writefln("Is obj null? %s", obj is null);

Root!int bar = cast(Root!int)obj; // Still going to be null.
writefln("Is bar null? %s", obj is null);

//bar.x = 3; // crash!

I had a look at Object.factory.  It seems very simple.  Perhaps 
too simple.  I think this might be a dead end.  Have I missed 
something?  Can it actually handle templates somehow, but I just 
don't know how to calculate the correct string to hand it?

If Object.factory is incapable of this, is there some other 
CTFE-friendly way to copy templated class instances?

If I have to, I can probably make these things register 
themselves in some list of delegates that can be used to 
instantiate the correct class.  Or something like that.  But I am 
hoping that there is a better way that involves less boilerplate.

- Chad

Re: Going on std.regex & std.uni bug-fixing hunt

2017-09-10 Thread Chad Joan via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 10 September 2017 at 11:47:02 UTC, Dmitry Olshansky 

On Sunday, 10 September 2017 at 00:16:10 UTC, Chad Joan wrote:
I was working on std.regex a bit myself, so I created this bug 
report to capture some of the findings/progress:

It seems like something you might be interested in, or might 
even have a small chance of fixing in the course of other 

Yeah, well known problem. Solution is to keep a bit of memory 
cached eg  in TLS variable.


Is there another issue I can mark it as a duplicate of?

-- The Captures struct does not specify what value is returned 
for submatches that were in the branch of an alternation that 
wasn't taken or in a repetition that matched 0 or more than 1 

As every engine out there the value is "", empty string.

I usually don't refer to other libraries while using a library.  
If an API doesn't define something, then it is, by definition, 
undefined behavior, and thus quite undesirable to rely upon.

This one seems pretty easy to fix though.  I will probably make a 
documentation PR at some point.

-- The Captures struct does not seem to have a way to access 
all of the strings matched by a submatch in repetition 
context, not to mention nested repetition contexts.

Just like any other regex library.


I actually have a strong interest in this.  And not because I 
need to write regular expressions that extract lists of patterns 
all the time (well, it might've happened).  More importantly: 
this would make it easier to integrate Phobos' regex engine into 
a parser generator framework.  Current plans involve regular 
expression + parsing expression grammars.  I'm pretty sure it is 
possible to mechanically convert a subset of PEGs into Regexes 
and gain some useful optimizations, but this requires granular 
control over regular expression captures to be able to extract 
the text matched by the original PEG symbols.

I'm not sure how much those mentions help without proper bug 
reports, but at least I got it off my chest (for the time 
being) without having to spend my whole weekend writing bug 
reports ;)

Well they are warmly welcome shouldypu get to it.



Dmitry, I appreciate your working towards making the regex 
module easier to work on.  Thanks.


I'm curious what you're thinking about when you mention 
something ambitious like writing a new GC :)

(like this

I can't help but fantasize about cheap ways to get GC 
allocations to parallelize well and not end up writing an 
entire generational collector!

ThreadCache can go a long way to help that.

Google didn't help me with this one.  Any chance I could get a 

But I doubt I'll ever have the opportunity to work on such 
things.  I hope your GC attempt works out!

Me too. It's won't be trivial effort though.

Good luck!

Re: Going on std.regex & std.uni bug-fixing hunt

2017-09-09 Thread Chad Joan via Digitalmars-d
On Tuesday, 5 September 2017 at 10:50:46 UTC, Dmitry Olshansky 
It's been tough time on D front for me, going down from about 
~1 week of activity during July to ~2-3 days in August.

One thing I realised is that doing a new GC is going to be a 
long battle.
Before I'm too deep down this rabbit hole I decided to first 
address the long-standing backlog of issues of std.regex and 

My burndown list for std.regex:

I was working on std.regex a bit myself, so I created this bug 
report to capture some of the findings/progress:

It seems like something you might be interested in, or might even 
have a small chance of fixing in the course of other things.


There are other regex improvements I might be interested in, but 
I'm not sure I have time to make bug reports for them right now.  
I might be convinced to fast track them if someone wants to make 
legitimate effort towards fixing them, otherwise I'll eventually 
get around to writing the reports and/or making PRs someday.


-- Calls to malloc in the CTFE path cause some regexes to fail at 
compile time.  I suspect this happens due to the Captures (n > 
smallString) condition when the number of possible captures is 
greater than 3, but I haven't tested it (time consuming...).

-- I remember being unable to iterate over named captures.  But 
I'm not confident that I'm remembering this correctly, and I'm 
not sure if it's still true.

-- The Captures struct does not specify what value is returned 
for submatches that were in the branch of an alternation that 
wasn't taken or in a repetition that matched 0 or more than 1 

-- The Captures struct does not seem to have a way to access all 
of the strings matched by a submatch in repetition context, not 
to mention nested repetition contexts.

I'm not sure how much those mentions help without proper bug 
reports, but at least I got it off my chest (for the time being) 
without having to spend my whole weekend writing bug reports ;)


Dmitry, I appreciate your working towards making the regex module 
easier to work on.  Thanks.


I'm curious what you're thinking about when you mention something 
ambitious like writing a new GC :)

(like this

I can't help but fantasize about cheap ways to get GC allocations 
to parallelize well and not end up writing an entire generational 
collector!  But I doubt I'll ever have the opportunity to work on 
such things.  I hope your GC attempt works out!

Re: Supporting musl libc

2017-06-12 Thread Chad Joan via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 17 May 2016 at 08:51:01 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
As an alternative to glibc there's a C standard library called 
musl [1]. [...]

The issue is that musl doesn't support the functions defined by 
execinfo.h: backtrace, backtrace_symbols_fd and 
backtrace_symbols, since these are glibc extensions. As far as 
I can see, these functions are used in two places in druntime: 
src/rt/backtrace/dwarf.d [3] and src/core/runtime.d [4].

The imports of execinfo is guarded by version(CRuntime_Glibc). 
I see that CRuntime_Glibc is a predefined version identifier 
defined by the compiler on Linux.


I just ran into these problems while trying to get D running on a 
hardened Gentoo system using musl libc.

Using a patched gdc-4.9.4 I've been able to compile and run a 
simple D "Hello world".  That made me very happy!

Here are the binaries:

I have forked the dlang overlay in the hope that it can provide 
the necessary information if someone tries to compile the thing 
for themselves:

This is pretty recent work, so I haven't had time to use it for 
anything besides "Hello world".  I'm also not sure how to run 
regression tests for this thing, if there even are any.  So this 
is all very untested.  I'm sharing a minimally useful milestone, 
and hopefully it is more than that.


Earlier, I modified the "dmd-2.067.1-r2" ebuild from the dlang 
overlay and actually managed to get it to compile and emit 
executables.  The BSD execinfo did not even manage to run its own 
test program on my system without segfaulting.  So I used 
libbacktrace for backtraces and had to do a bunch of other 
patching to get dmd/druntime/phobos to build on this system; it 
involved a lot of trial-and-error.  Although it emitted 
executables, these executables would segfault or overstep 
security bounds enforced by the kernel (to the point where 
removing all PAX restrictions would not help it).  I remember 
something about text relocations, but at this point it's been a 
while, so my memory of details is lacking.  Diving into codegen 
is far too time-consuming in my situation, so that was a dead-end.

I started over with gdc, because I knew that gcc could already 
generate working executables on the system.  Most of the pain in 
this process involved two things: (1) coercing portage into 
building gdc in its own directory so that it didn't take over my 
system compiler and (2) fixing gcc/gdc build scripts.  It was 
important to use portage and not just manually configure gdc, 
because I wanted to ensure that the resulting gdc build would be 
configured and patched in a way closely matching what my system 
compiler does (and thus having higher success chances).  Trying 
to configure and patch it by hand, thus repeating a lot of hard 
work already done by Gentoo maintainers, is... not practical.  As 
for the build scripts: I have no idea what conventions gcc 
maintainers use for these things, and thus how I might do basic 
things like use an environment variable from outside of the build 
process to affect what flags are passed to a compiler.  There be 
hacks in my patching!  As an example, it will unconditionally 
compile the D frontend with -fPIC; if you end up building this on 
another system and you didn't want that, then it's just too bad 
;)  So it took more trial-and-error, and maybe a little 
compromise, but eventually it got there.

I hope this helps someone.

Re: Best way to manage non-memory resources in current D, ex: database handles.

2017-03-08 Thread Chad Joan via Digitalmars-d-learn

Awesome, thank you!

On Thursday, 9 March 2017 at 00:47:48 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
Now, if you forget to scope(exit), it is OK, the garbage 
collector WILL get around to it eventually, and it is legal to 
work with C handles and functions from a destructor. It is only 
illegal to call D's garbage collector's functions or to 
reference memory managed by D's GC inside the destructor. C 
pointers are fine.

It's good to have this confirmed.  I'm always a bit trepidatious 
around destructors.

Oooh, and it looks like there is more information in the language 
spec about @disable on struct constructors and postblits now 
(compared to the previous time I tried to learn about that 
feature).  So between that and your example, I think I have a 
feel for how to use that.  Thanks.

Have a wonderful day!

How do I get names of regex captures during iteration? Populate AAs with captures?

2017-02-28 Thread Chad Joan via Digitalmars-d-learn
Is there a way to get the name of a named capture when iterating 
over captures from a regular expression match?  I've looked at 
the std.regex code and it seems like "no" to my eyes, but I 
wonder if others here have... a way.

My original problem is this: I need to populate an associative 
array (AA) with all named captures that successfully matched 
during a regex match (and none of the captures that failed).  I 
was wondering what the best way to do this might be.


Please see comments in the below program for details and my 
current progress:

void main()
import std.compiler;
import std.regex;
import std.range;
import std.stdio;

writefln("Compiler name:%s",;
writefln("Compiler version: %s.%s", version_major, 


enum pattern = `(?P\w+)\s*=\s*(?P\d+)?;`;
writefln("Regular expression: `%s`", pattern);

auto re = regex(pattern);

auto c = matchFirst("a = 42;", re);
reportCaptures(re, c);

c = matchFirst("a = ;", re);
reportCaptures(re, c);

void reportCaptures(Regex, RegexCaptures)(Regex re, RegexCaptures 

import std.range;
import std.regex;
import std.stdio;

writefln("Captures from matched string '%s'", 

string[string] captureList;

// I am trying to read the captures from a regular 
expression match

// into the above AA.
// ...
// This kind of works, but requires a string lookup for 
each capture
// and using it in practice relies on undocumented 
behavior regarding
// the return value of std.regex.Capture's 
opIndex[string] method
// when the string index is a valid named capture that 
was not actually
// captured during the match (ex: the named capture was 
qualified with
// the ? operator or the * operator in the regex and 
never appeared in

// the matched string).
foreach( captureName; re.namedCaptures )
auto capture = captures[captureName];
if ( capture is null )
writefln("  captures[%s] is null", 

else if ( capture.empty )
writefln("  captures[%s] is empty", 

writefln("  captures[%s] is '%s'", 
captureName, capture);

captureList[captureName] = capture;

writefln("Total captures: %s", captureList);

// I really want to do something like this, instead:
foreach( capture; captures )
captureList[] = capture.value;

// And, in reality, it might need to be more like this:
foreach( capture; captures )
foreach ( valueIndex, value; capture.values )

captureList[format("%s-%s",,valueIndex)] = value;

// Because, logically, named captures qualified with the
// *, +, or {} operators in regular expressions may 

// multiple slices.

writefln("Total captures: %s", captureList);


//Output, DMD64 D Compiler v2.073.1:
//Compiler name:Digital Mars D
//Compiler version: 2.73
//Regular expression: `(?P\w+)\s*=\s*(?P\d+)?;`
//Captures from matched string 'a = 42;'
//  captures[value] is '42'
//  captures[var] is 'a'
//Total captures: ["value":"42", "var":"a"]
//Captures from matched string 'a = ;'
//  captures[value] is empty
//  captures[var] is 'a'
//Total captures: ["var":"a"]

Re: How do I use CTFE to generate an immutable associative array at compile time?

2017-02-21 Thread Chad Joan via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 21 February 2017 at 23:30:52 UTC, Chad Joan wrote:

On Tuesday, 21 February 2017 at 22:43:15 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:

Parsing strings at program startup is ugly and slow.  What 
about parsing at compile-time with CTFE into an array literal 
and transforming that into an AA at startup, which should be a 
lot faster?

// Warning: untested code
pure string[2][] parseTwoColumnCsv(string inputCsv)
import std.csv;
import std.typecons;

string[2][] result;
		foreach (record; 
csvReader!(Tuple!(string,string))(inputCsv)) {

result ~= [record[0], record[1]];
return result;

immutable string[string] dataLookup;
static this()
		enum halfCookedData = 

foreach (p; halfCookedData) {
dataLookup[p[0]] = p[1];



That makes a lot of sense and it had crossed my mind.

In my case the data sets are super small, so I'm probably going 
to be lazy/productive and leave it the way it is.

Anyone else from the internet copying these examples: try to 
just do it H.S. Teoh's way from the start ;)

Thanks for the suggestion.
- Chad

OK I couldn't help it:

pure private string[][] parseTwoColumnCsv(string inputCsv)
import std.csv;
import std.typecons;

string[][] result;

foreach ( record; csvReader!(Tuple!(string,string))(inputCsv) )
result ~= [record[0],record[1]];

return result;

pure private string[string] twoColumnArrayToAA(const string[][] 

string[string] result;
foreach ( pair; arr )
result[pair[0]] = pair[1];
return result;

pure private string[string] importTwoColumnCsv(string csvFile)()
// Force the parse to happen at compile time.
	immutable string[][] tempArray = 

	// Convert the parsed array into a runtime Associative Array and 
return it.

return tempArray.twoColumnArrayToAA();

immutable string[string] dataLookup;
immutable string[string] dataLookup1;
immutable string[string] dataLookup2;

static this()
import std.range;
dataLookup1 = importTwoColumnCsv!"some_data1.csv";
dataLookup2 = importTwoColumnCsv!"some_data2.csv";
	foreach( pair; chain(dataLookup1.byKeyValue, 
dataLookup2.byKeyValue) )

dataLookup[pair.key] = pair.value;

void main()
import std.stdio;
writefln("dataLookup = %s", dataLookup);

This example also shows joining associative arrays.

Re: How do I use CTFE to generate an immutable associative array at compile time?

2017-02-21 Thread Chad Joan via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 21 February 2017 at 22:43:15 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:

Parsing strings at program startup is ugly and slow.  What 
about parsing at compile-time with CTFE into an array literal 
and transforming that into an AA at startup, which should be a 
lot faster?

// Warning: untested code
pure string[2][] parseTwoColumnCsv(string inputCsv)
import std.csv;
import std.typecons;

string[2][] result;
		foreach (record; csvReader!(Tuple!(string,string))(inputCsv)) 

result ~= [record[0], record[1]];
return result;

immutable string[string] dataLookup;
static this()
		enum halfCookedData = 

foreach (p; halfCookedData) {
dataLookup[p[0]] = p[1];



That makes a lot of sense and it had crossed my mind.

In my case the data sets are super small, so I'm probably going 
to be lazy/productive and leave it the way it is.

Anyone else from the internet copying these examples: try to just 
do it H.S. Teoh's way from the start ;)

Thanks for the suggestion.
- Chad

Re: How do I use CTFE to generate an immutable associative array at compile time?

2017-02-21 Thread Chad Joan via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 21 February 2017 at 22:26:01 UTC, Chad Joan wrote:

On Tuesday, 21 February 2017 at 21:58:07 UTC, Stefan Koch wrote:

On Tuesday, 21 February 2017 at 21:53:23 UTC, Chad Joan wrote:

Hello all,

I'm trying to make this work:


You cannot create AA's at ctfe and carry them over to runtime 

You'd have to use a costum dictionary-type.
I think the vibe.d project has one you could use.

I wondered if this might be the case.

Well, I won't worry about it then.  I'll have to find another 
way around.

Thanks a bunch!

For the sake of the rest of the internet, here is what I'm 
probably going to stick with:

pure string[string] parseTwoColumnCsv(string inputCsv)
import std.csv;
import std.typecons;

string[string] result;

foreach ( record; csvReader!(Tuple!(string,string))(inputCsv) )
result[record[0]] = record[1];

return result;

immutable string[string] dataLookup;

static this()
dataLookup = parseTwoColumnCsv(import("some_data.csv"));

void main()
import std.stdio;
writefln("dataLookup = %s", dataLookup);

In this case the AA isn't actually coded into the executable; but 
at least the configuration from some_data.csv will be in the 
executable as a string.  The program will construct the AA at 
startup.  It's not as "cool", but it should get the job done.


Re: How do I use CTFE to generate an immutable associative array at compile time?

2017-02-21 Thread Chad Joan via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 21 February 2017 at 21:58:07 UTC, Stefan Koch wrote:

On Tuesday, 21 February 2017 at 21:53:23 UTC, Chad Joan wrote:

Hello all,

I'm trying to make this work:


You cannot create AA's at ctfe and carry them over to runtime 

You'd have to use a costum dictionary-type.
I think the vibe.d project has one you could use.

I wondered if this might be the case.

Well, I won't worry about it then.  I'll have to find another way 

Thanks a bunch!

How do I use CTFE to generate an immutable associative array at compile time?

2017-02-21 Thread Chad Joan via Digitalmars-d-learn

Hello all,

I'm trying to make this work:

pure string[string] parseTwoColumnCsv(string inputCsv)
import std.csv;
import std.typecons;

string[string] result;

foreach ( record; csvReader!(Tuple!(string,string))(inputCsv) )
result[record[0]] = record[1];

return result;

immutable string[string] dataLookup = 

void main()
import std.stdio;
writefln("dataLookup = %s", dataLookup);

But (with DMD 2.073.1) I am getting this error:
main.d(14): Error: non-constant expression [['a', 'b', 'c']:['x', 
'y', 'z'], ['1', '2', '3']:['4', '5', '6']]

The case with normal (non-associative) arrays seems to work fine, 
but is not what I needed:

pure string[][] parseTwoColumnCsv(string inputCsv)
import std.csv;
import std.typecons;

string[][] result;

foreach ( record; csvReader!(Tuple!(string,string))(inputCsv) )
result ~= [record[0],record[1]];

return result;

immutable string[][] dataLookup = 

void main()
import std.stdio;
writefln("dataLookup = %s", dataLookup);

Any idea how I can get this working?

I have tried a couple other things, like having the 
parseTwoColumnCsv function return an immutable string[string] and 
casting 'result' to that in the return statement, and I also 
tried just casting the value returned from parseTwoColumnCsv as 
it appears in the declaration of 'dataLookup'.  I tried 
std.exception's assumeUnique, but the function/template signature 
doesn't seem to support associative arrays.


Re: Another new io library

2016-02-19 Thread Chad Joan via Digitalmars-d
On Friday, 19 February 2016 at 01:29:15 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

On 2/18/16 6:52 PM, Chad Joan wrote:


This is why I think it will be much more important to have at 

these two interfaces take front-and-center:
A.  The presence of a .popAs!(...) operation (mentioned by 
Wyatt in this

thread, IIRC) for simple deserialization, and maybe for other
miscellaneous things like structured user interaction.

To me, this is a higher-level function. popAs cannot assume to 
know how to read what it is reading. If you mean something like 
reading an entire struct in binary form, that's not difficult 
to do.

I think I understand what you mean.  We are entering the problem 
domain of serializing and deserializing arbitrary types.

I think what I'd expect is to have the basic language types 
(ubyte, int, char, string, etc) all covered, and to provide some 
way (or ways) to integrate with serialization code provided by 
other types.  So you can do ".popAs!int" out of the box, but 
".popAs!MyType" will require MyType to provide a .deserialize 
member function.  Understandably, this may require some thought 
(ex: what if MyType is already under constraints from some other 
API that expects serialization? what does this look like if there 
are multiple serialization frameworks? etc etc).  I don't have 
the answer right now and I don't expect it to be solved quickly ;)

B.  The ability to attach parsers to streams easily.  This 
might be as
easy as coercing the input stream into the basic encoding that 
parser expects (ex: char/wchar/dchar Ranges for compilers, or 
ubyte Ranges for our PostgreSQL client's network layer), 
though it might
need (A) to help a bit first if the encoding isn't known in 
(text files can be represented in sooo many ways!  isn't it 

This is the fundamental goal for my library -- enabling parsers 
to read data from a "stream" efficiently no matter how that 
data is sourced. I know your time is limited, but I would 
invite you to take a look at the convert program example that I 
created in my library. In it, I handle converting any UTF 
format to any other UTF format.


I understand that most unsuspecting programmers will arrive at 
a stream
library expecting to immediately see an InputRange interface.  

/probably/ is not what they really want at the end of the day.
 So, I
think it will be very important for any such library to 
concisely and
convincingly explain the design methodology and rationale 
early and

aggressively.  Neglect to do this, and the library and it's
documentation will become a frustration and a violation of 
(an "astonishment"). Do it right, and the library's 
documentation will
become a teaching tool that leaves visitors feeling 
enlightened and


Good points! I will definitely spend some time explaining this.

Best of luck :)

Of course, I have to wonder if someone else has contrasting 
with stream use-cases.  Maybe they really would be frustrated 
with a
range-agnostic design.  I don't want to alienate this 
individual either, so if this is you, then please share your 

I hope this helps and is worth making a bunch of you read a 
wall of text ;)

Thanks for taking the time.


Thank you for making progress on this problem!

- Chad

Re: Another new io library

2016-02-18 Thread Chad Joan via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 17 February 2016 at 06:45:41 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:
It's no secret that I've been looking to create an updated io 
library for phobos. In fact, I've been working on one on and 
off since 2011 (ouch).


Hi everyone, it's been a while.

I wanted to chime in on the streams-as-ranges thing, since I've 
thought about this quite a bit in the past and discussed it with 
Wyatt outside of the forum.

Steve: My apologies in advance if I a misunderstood any of the 
functionality of your IO library.  I haven't read any of the 
documentation, just this thread, and I my time is over-committed 
as usual.


I believe that when I am dealing with streams, >90% of the time I 
am dealing with data that is *structured* and *heterogeneous*.  
Here are some use-cases:

1. Parsing/writing configuration files (ex: XML, TOML, etc)
2. Parsing/writing messages from some protocol, possibly over a 
network socket (or sockets).  Example: I am writing a PostgreSQL 
client and need to deserialize messages:
3. Serializing/deserializing some data structures to/from disk.  
Example: I am writing a game and I need to implement save/load 
4. Serializing/deserializing tabular data to/from disk (ex: .CSV 
5. Reading/writing binary data, such as images or video, from/to 
disk.  This will probably involve doing a bunch of (3), which is 
kind of like (2), but followed by large homogenous arrays of some 
data (ex: pixels).

6. Receiving unstructured user input.  This is my <10%.

Note that (6) is likely to happen eventually but also likely to 
be minuscule: why are we receiving user input?  Maybe it's just 
to store it for retrieval later.  BUT, maybe we actually want it 
to DO something.  If we want it to do something, then we need to 
structure it before code will be able to operate on it.

(5) is a mix of structured heterogeneous data and structured 
homogenous data.  In aggregate, this is structured heterogeneous 
data, because you need to do parsing to figure out where the 
arrays of homogeneous data start and end (and what they *mean*).

This is why I think it will be much more important to have at 
least these two interfaces take front-and-center:
A.  The presence of a .popAs!(...) operation (mentioned by Wyatt 
in this thread, IIRC) for simple deserialization, and maybe for 
other miscellaneous things like structured user interaction.
B.  The ability to attach parsers to streams easily.  This might 
be as easy as coercing the input stream into the basic encoding 
that the parser expects (ex: char/wchar/dchar Ranges for 
compilers, or maybe ubyte Ranges for our PostgreSQL client's 
network layer), though it might need (A) to help a bit first if 
the encoding isn't known in advance (text files can be 
represented in sooo many ways!  isn't it fabulous!).

I understand that most unsuspecting programmers will arrive at a 
stream library expecting to immediately see an InputRange 
interface.  This /probably/ is not what they really want at the 
end of the day.  So, I think it will be very important for any 
such library to concisely and convincingly explain the design 
methodology and rationale early and aggressively.  Neglect to do 
this, and the library and it's documentation will become a 
frustration and a violation of expectations (an "astonishment").  
Do it right, and the library's documentation will become a 
teaching tool that leaves visitors feeling enlightened and 

Of course, I have to wonder if someone else has contrasting 
experiences with stream use-cases.  Maybe they really would be 
frustrated with a range-agnostic design.  I don't want to 
alienate this hypothetical individual either, so if this is you, 
then please share your experiences.

I hope this helps and is worth making a bunch of you read a wall 
of text ;)

- Chad

Re: Scriptlike v0.9.4 - Perl-like interpolated strings, full examples and more.

2015-09-23 Thread Chad Joan via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 23 September 2015 at 14:33:23 UTC, Nick Sabalausky 

On 09/23/2015 01:44 AM, Sönke Ludwig wrote:

An alternative idea would be to mix in a local "writeln" 
function, which

can then be used multiple times without syntax overhead:

mixin template interp()
 void iwriteln(string str)()
 // pretend that we actually parse the string ;)
 write("This is ");

void main()
 int somevar = 42;
 mixin interp;
 iwriteln!("This is ${somevar}.");

Hmm, interesting idea. I'd leave it as a string-returning 
function, rather than automatically printing, but a writeln 
convenience wrapper is a nice idea too.

The one problem I'm seeing with it though, is it wouldn't be 
able to see symbols declared between the "mixin interp;" and 
any later uses of it. Ie:

void main()
int somevar = 42;
mixin interp;
iwriteln!("This is ${somevar}.");

int another = 17;
iwriteln!("This won't work, using ${another}.");

Seems like it would be too awkward and confusing to be 
worthwhile. :(

This is why I argued for alternative mixin syntax in D some ... 
years? ... ago.

It'd be really cool to have a writefln overload that did this:

int somevar = 42;
writefln#("This is ${somevar}");

writefln#("Plus two and you get ${somevar+1}");

Which would just be shorthand for

int somevar = 42;
mixin writefln!("This is ${somevar}");

mixin writefln!("Plus two and you get ${somevar+2}");

I feel like a bit of syntax sugar could go a long way ;)

Re: Scriptlike v0.9.4 - Perl-like interpolated strings, full examples and more.

2015-09-23 Thread Chad Joan via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 23 September 2015 at 19:28:03 UTC, Nick Sabalausky 

On 09/23/2015 03:18 PM, Chad Joan wrote:

This is why I argued for alternative mixin syntax in D some 
... years?

... ago.

It'd be really cool to have a writefln overload that did this:

int somevar = 42;
writefln#("This is ${somevar}");

writefln#("Plus two and you get ${somevar+1}");

Which would just be shorthand for

int somevar = 42;
mixin writefln!("This is ${somevar}");

mixin writefln!("Plus two and you get ${somevar+2}");

I feel like a bit of syntax sugar could go a long way ;)

Yea, the trouble with string mixins is that they're ugly enough 
people don't like to use them.

I'd argued in the past for a way to tag a CTFE-able 
string-returning function as being intended for mixing-in, so 
you could omit the "mixin(...)" part. But we only ever got it 
for template mixins. Allowing it for string mixins was too 
controversial. :(

I dunno, maybe even a string mixin sugar as simple as this 
would be a big help:

mixin!func(args to func here)


mixin!interp("Some string here")

But I'm guessing the ship's ling since sailed for anything like 

I hope not :(

I remember when Walter originally designed mixins, he stated 
something to the effect that he wanted them to be easily 
greppable at all times.

I would argue that they are so centrally important that they 
should be a symbol rather than a keyword.  Still greppable.  But 
also much more useful.

Since D already has the mixin keyword, I suspect it would be more 
practical to just ask people to grep for 'mixin|' 
instead of just 'mixin'.

There are similar (but orthogonal) concerns with delegate 
(anonymous function) nesting:

// D notation.
foo ( (x,y) {
auto z = doSomething(x+y);
return z*z;


// Speculative notation.
foo() : (x,y) {
auto z = doSomething(x+y);
return z*z;

Current D notation for nesting functions reminds me of C's 
notation for structs...

// C notation.
typedef struct WhatDoIPutHereFoo
int x,y;
} Foo;

// D notation.  (Yay, consistency!)
struct Foo
int x,y;

Extra semicolon and syntax noise and such.

I'm still incredibly glad D even has delegates and mixins at this 
point ;)

Re: Microsoft now giving away VS 2013

2014-11-14 Thread Chad Joan via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 14 November 2014 at 06:21:45 UTC, Joakim wrote:

On Thursday, 13 November 2014 at 13:59:32 UTC, Wyatt wrote:
On Thursday, 13 November 2014 at 08:50:29 UTC, Ola Fosheim 
Grøstad wrote:

So, how to write a source-to-source compiler from CS to D…? 

I think it would be more useful would be to go the other way 
around for targeting Windows Phone.  Or rather, it would be if 
anyone actually used WP.  (Going after Microsoft's also-ran 
mobile OS isn't particularly compelling when our story for 
targeting Android is still in such a dire state.)

Dire state?  All druntime/phobos tests pass on Android/x86, 
except for std.datetime:

OK, that's not ARM that everybody cares about, but that just 
means combining an ARM backend from ldc or gdc and the existing 
linux/ARM and Android support in druntime/phobos, then hacking 
around the lack of native TLS on Android.  gdc supposedly 
supports emulated TLS, so all the pieces should be in place 
there to do it.  I've been recently looking into hacking the 
packed TLS solution I used with dmd for Android/x86 into ldc 
and llvm.

Dan Olson got pretty far with iOS support too, early this year:

D has some support for mobile, albeit not fully polished.

We really should have had a toolchain compiling D into working 
(release quality) Android/iOS executables about 3-5 years ago.  
This would have allowed D to scoop up a HUGE share of deployment 
in a market that was very new and welcoming of experimentation.  
It seems like there have been a few people enthusiastically 
working on this, but with little support from the broader 
community.  I really wish this were a higher development priority 
and more actively encouraged a long time ago.

Where should D programs look for .so files on Linux (by default)?

2014-09-16 Thread Chad Joan via Digitalmars-d

--- The Problem ---

I was using Derelict to play around with SDL/OpenGL in D for a 
bit, and I was initially unable to do so because DerelictSDL2's 
search paths for .so files could not find on my 
Linux distribution (Gentoo).

This seems quite solvable these days, so I entered an issue on 
DerelictSDL2's issue tracker.  As I typed away, it became 
apparent that this is probably something that the entire D 
community should care about: intelligent lookup of a system's .so 
files (or lack thereof) could have a profound impact on user 
experience for anyone on Linux using programs written in D.  Mike 
(aldacron) responded with a request to gather input from the D 
community at large, so here it is ;)

The original issue tracker is here:

--- One Solution ---

As an initial proposal, how about this:
1. Look in ./
3. Look in all directories listed in /etc/
4. Look in a baked-in list of last-ditch fallback options. 
Although I'm sure better could be done, my current suggestion 
would look like this:

4a. ~/lib
4b. /usr/local/lib
4c. /usr/lib

This logic should probably end up in Phobos or somewhere suitably 
common, and revised as needed, so that all D programs can benefit 
from the community's research and experience on the subject.

As a data point: on my Gentoo box, the truly important step 
(usually) is to look in '/etc/'.  My machine has a 
fairly comprehensive list in that file, and LD_LIBRARY_PATH 
doesn't have squat.

It may be desirable to first search folders or specific paths 
that are explicitly provided by the caller, and possibly skip the 
default search paths entirely if the caller insists.  I'm not 
sure how that would look, since the explicit path would probably 
be passed to a (non-Phobos) library-specific loading function 
(ex: DerelictSDL2.load(...)) before making its way to any 
community ordained logic.

In retrospect, I also have some reservations about looking in 
'./'.  I am not sure what the security implications are.  If 
there are no security concerns, then I, as both a developer and a 
user, would intuitively want D programs to look in ./ first 
(unless, perhaps, the program has an explicit search path 
defined, such as a packaged folder full of .so files, then 
/maybe/ those should go first).  As a developer, I might want to 
drop my program's .so/.dll files into the same directory as the 
executable, and I'd expect it to just work. This is important 
whenever package managers can't be relied upon to deliver a 
correct version of the .so (ex: for obscure libraries), or can't 
be relied upon to release the program at all.  As a user, I 
sometimes want to replace .so/.dll files with different versions 
(ex: if the developer's version links to symbols or is compiled 
with features that don't exist on my system and are not strictly 
needed by the program).

Is this a reasonable approach, or is there a more appropriate way 
to handle this search?