Random Access I/O

2016-03-25 Thread Chris Williams via Digitalmars-d-learn
I need to be able to perform random access I/O against a file, 
creating a new file if it doesn't exist, or opening as-is (no 
truncation) if it already exists.

None of the access modes for std.stdio.File seem to allow that. 
Any usage of the "w" mode causes my code to consider the file 
empty if it pre-exists (though, it doesn't always actually 
truncate the disk on file?)

If I was coding in C, I would use open() as it gives more options 
for access:


However, I don't see this exposed in phobos anywhere?

Re: GSOC 2015 - GNU dmd

2015-03-05 Thread Chris Williams via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 4 March 2015 at 22:08:44 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 3/3/2015 1:15 PM, notna wrote:
not sure if someone should inform them about the DMD name 
clash... or just enjoy

the popularity ;)


I sent them a note.

I'd suggest Daemon Hurder or dhurd.

Re: Let's Play Code Golf

2015-02-24 Thread Chris Williams via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 23 February 2015 at 22:58:22 UTC, Charles wrote:
I didn't beat your score, but I did it with ranges (full 
character count was 174):

foreach(x; stdin.byLine)
   writefln(%0.15f, map!(a = 

I think if I didn't have to import so many things, I would 
have done much better :)


Yeah, imports were my issue too. Especially with readln, 
because using that meant I needed std.conv. Why don't reals 
initialize to zero? That'd save me 4 characters! :P

For real programming purposes, having floating types initialize 
to an invalid state helps developers to catch logic errors that 
allow a variable to go into a mathematical operation without 
having been initialized.

Re: Plan for Exceptions and @nogc?

2015-02-17 Thread Chris Williams via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 18 February 2015 at 00:14:55 UTC, deadalnix wrote:
On Tuesday, 17 February 2015 at 19:03:49 UTC, Chris Williams 
Every throwable function call could be assumed to have a typed 
result (even void functions) and if, after the return, the 
caller checks the type and detects that it was an error, 
bubbles that up, then eventually you get to wherever the 
catcher is.

But so basically, the current ABI doesn't support it and 
there's no desire to change it? How do exceptions currently 
happen, if not via some official ABI declaration of how 
throwable methods interact with one another? The 
compiler/linker determines where the catcher is and inserts 
code to cut down the stack and perform a long jump all the way 
back? If so, how do scope statements work?

This kind of stunt is taxing on the fast path. It can be 
implemented as setjmp/longjmp but is more and more avoided in 
favor of libunwind based solutions for languages that have code 
running on unwinding.

libunwind based solution is slower to unwind, but is not very 
taxing in the fast path (only prevent some optimizations to be 
done like tail call).

This solution is a non starter perforamnce-wize for D.

I didn't mean it as a solution. As said, I was just looking for 
an intro to the topic, so that I (and others) could meaningfully 
contribute or at least understand the options. I'll look up 
libunwind and, if that has enough info for me to grok it, create 
a wiki page on the subject.

Re: Template constraints

2015-02-17 Thread Chris Williams via Digitalmars-d
On Saturday, 14 February 2015 at 17:00:33 UTC, Andrei 
Alexandrescu wrote:
There's been recurring discussion about failing constraints not 
generating nice error messages.

void fun(T)(T x) if (complicated_condition) { ... }
struct Type(T)(T x) if (complicated_condition) { ... }

If complicated_condition is not met, the symbol simply 
disappears and the compiler error message just lists is as a 
possible, but not viable, candidate.

I think one simple step toward improving things is pushing the 
condition in a static_assert inside type definitions:

void fun(T)(T x) if (complicated_condition) { ... } // no change
struct Type(T)(T x)
  static assert(complicated_condition, Informative message.);

This should improve error messages for types (only). The 
rationale is that it's okay for types to refuse compilation 
because types, unlike functions, don't overload. The major 
reason for template constraints in functions is allowing for 
good overloading.


This seems like a lot of manual labor to cover a compiler 
limitation that is going to affect not just Phobos, but every D 
project which uses constraints (or template type specialization?) 
instead of interfaces. Ideally, the compiler would be able to 
say, Well the function name and the parameter list exactly match 
these possibilities, so let's run through each constraint applied 
in the set of possibilities and explicitly dump the boolean 
result for each constraint.

Re: Plan for Exceptions and @nogc?

2015-02-17 Thread Chris Williams via Digitalmars-d
On Tuesday, 17 February 2015 at 15:54:17 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 2/16/15 3:17 PM, Jonathan Marler wrote:
Is there a proposal for how D will support throwing Exceptions 
in @nogc

code in the future?

Nothing definite. We will get on to that right after 2.067. 
This is a good time to start discussions. -- Andrei

Could someone give a description of the minutiae of why Exception 
throwing uses memory allocation as it is and why (for example) 
passing it back on the stack isn't an option?

Re: Plan for Exceptions and @nogc?

2015-02-17 Thread Chris Williams via Digitalmars-d
On Tuesday, 17 February 2015 at 18:50:46 UTC, Tobias Pankrath 
Could someone give a description of the minutiae of why 
Exception throwing uses memory allocation as it is and why 
(for example) passing it back on the stack isn't an option?

The stack frame of the thrower is the first one to be rolled 
back. So you cannot allocate in the stack frame of the thrower, 
but a function cannot now, who (if anyone) is catching the 
exceptions it might throw. So I fear the stack is out.

Every throwable function call could be assumed to have a typed 
result (even void functions) and if, after the return, the caller 
checks the type and detects that it was an error, bubbles that 
up, then eventually you get to wherever the catcher is.

But so basically, the current ABI doesn't support it and there's 
no desire to change it? How do exceptions currently happen, if 
not via some official ABI declaration of how throwable methods 
interact with one another? The compiler/linker determines where 
the catcher is and inserts code to cut down the stack and perform 
a long jump all the way back? If so, how do scope statements work?

Static convertability testing?

2015-02-12 Thread Chris Williams via Digitalmars-d-learn
I have a template function that gets values out of a tree of 
variant types. My goal is to be able to write code like;

node.get!string(path, to, leaf);

Inside get(), I would like to use std.conv to dynamically convert 
(where able) to the target type (T) or, if that is not possible, 
to return T.init.

If I wanted to force the user to request the correct type as is 
stored in the structure, I could write code like:

switch (leafType) {
case STRING:
   static if (is(T : string)) {
  return leftValue;
   else {
  return T.init

But since I want to allow all possiblities that std.conv 
supports, I want something like:

static if (isConvertible!(T, string)) {
   return leftValue.to!T;
else {
   return T.init;

Is there something like isConvertible() in the library somewhere?

Re: Time from timestamp?

2015-01-30 Thread Chris Williams via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Friday, 30 January 2015 at 22:22:27 UTC, Rikki Cattermole 
On a slightly related note, I have code for UTC+0 to unix time 


Unix timestamps can be negative, so you should probably be using 
longs instead of ulongs.

Time from timestamp?

2015-01-30 Thread Chris Williams via Digitalmars-d-learn
I'm attempting to print a human-readable version of a timestamp. 
The timestamp is coming from an external service, via JSON. An 
example is:


Which I know to be:


The only method I see which takes an epoch-style timestamp, so 
that I can convert it to something printable, is the SysTime 

pure nothrow @safe this(long stdTime, immutable TimeZone tz = 

According to the reference, this seems to take the value in 
hnsecs. My expectation would be that this means multiplying my 
initial value by 1_000_000. But if I do that, I get a random date 
2500 years in the future.

I created this sample code:

void main() {
long time = 1421865781342L;
writefln(%s, SysTime(time));
writefln(%s, SysTime(time * 10L));
writefln(%s, SysTime(time * 100L));
writefln(%s, SysTime(time * 1_000L));
writefln(%s, SysTime(time * 10_000L));
writefln(%s, SysTime(time * 100_000L));
writefln(%s, SysTime(time * 1_000_000L));

writefln(%s, Clock.currTime.stdTime);


0001-Jan-02 07:36:48.5781342
0001-Jan-17 03:04:47.781342
0001-Jun-14 05:44:39.81342
0005-Jul-04 08:23:20.1342
0046-Jan-21 10:50:03.342
0451-Jul-28 11:17:15.42
4506-Sep-18 16:42:14.2

My expectation would be that the final line would be something 
beginning with 14 at least. Playing around with possible 
multipliers, there doesn't even seem to be any integer value that 
would allow conversion between the timestamp I received and 
whatever SysTime expects.

I'm using:

DMD64 D Compiler v2.066.1
Ubuntu from .deb package

Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong?

Re: Time from timestamp?

2015-01-30 Thread Chris Williams via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 31 January 2015 at 00:20:07 UTC, ketmar wrote:

On Sat, 31 Jan 2015 00:03:43 +, Chris Williams wrote:

since most database software probably
stores birthdates (many of which are pre-1970) in this format

a perfectly broken software.

And stdc:




Re: Time from timestamp?

2015-01-30 Thread Chris Williams via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 30 January 2015 at 22:38:21 UTC, Chris Williams wrote:
On Friday, 30 January 2015 at 22:22:27 UTC, Rikki Cattermole 
On a slightly related note, I have code for UTC+0 to unix time 


Unix timestamps can be negative, so you should probably be 
using longs instead of ulongs.

Yup, there was a world before January 1st, 1970.

Re: Time from timestamp?

2015-01-30 Thread Chris Williams via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 30 January 2015 at 23:50:53 UTC, ketmar wrote:

On Fri, 30 Jan 2015 23:42:04 +, Chris Williams wrote:

On Friday, 30 January 2015 at 22:38:21 UTC, Chris Williams 
On Friday, 30 January 2015 at 22:22:27 UTC, Rikki Cattermole 
On a slightly related note, I have code for UTC+0 to unix 
time stamp.



Unix timestamps can be negative, so you should probably be 
using longs

instead of ulongs.

Yup, there was a world before January 1st, 1970.

not for unix timestamps. please, stop that, unix timestamp was 
designed to present any dates before 1970. negative timestamp 
is a bug

in code.

Unless you know something I don't, everything I've ever read says 
that a negative unix timestamp is meant to refer to a time before 
1970. It may not have been intentional, but since most database 
software probably stores birthdates (many of which are pre-1970) 
in this format, having a library be unable to support them just 
makes the library useless for many situations.

Re: Time from timestamp?

2015-01-30 Thread Chris Williams via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Saturday, 31 January 2015 at 00:14:37 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:

On 1/30/15 5:18 PM, Chris Williams wrote:
I'm attempting to print a human-readable version of a 
timestamp. The
timestamp is coming from an external service, via JSON. An 
example is:


Which I know to be:



It's kind of convoluted because there is no epoch, but you can 
make one:

import std.datetime;
import std.stdio;

void main(string[] args)
// can't make this enum because of time zone...
auto epoch = SysTime(unixTimeToStdTime(0), UTC());
writeln(epoch + 1_421_865_781_342.msecs);

2015-Jan-21 18:43:01.342Z

Note the reason your code didn't work is because SysTime uses 
1/1/1 as the epoch.


D'oh, I missed that in the description:

and convert it to hnsecs in UTC since midnight, January 1st, 1 

That does explain it. I also didn't spot the declaration of 
unixTimeToStdTime(), which assuredly helps.

Thank you!

Re: How to copy object of class A to another object of class B?

2015-01-28 Thread Chris Williams via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 28 January 2015 at 09:44:29 UTC, zhmt wrote:

Sometime , I need to copy them:

thrift.Card tc;

db.Card dc;

dc.id = tc.id;
dc.pwd = tc.pwd;

It is boring coding, I want a solution to copy them 

void copyObj(SRC,DEST)(SRC src,DEST dest)
foreach (i, type; typeof(SRC.tupleof)) {
auto name = SRC.tupleof[i].stringof;
		__traits(getMember, dest, name) =  __traits(getMember, src, 


Unfortunitely, it doesnt work,  how to improve it?

Assuming that the hibernated class isn't auto-generated and you 
can redefine its contents freely, the following style may be an 
alternative that works for you:

struct Foo {
string a;
int b;

class FooClass {
union {
struct {
string a;
int b;
Foo foo;


void main() {
Foo f = Foo(a, 10);
FooClass c = new FooClass();
c.foo = f;

writefln(%s %s, c.a, c.b);

Probably the anonymous struct will break the UDAs, but it should 
be worth testing.

Re: Using std.net.curl to stream data

2015-01-28 Thread Chris Williams via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 28 January 2015 at 14:18:38 UTC, Trollgeir wrote:
I'm having some trouble trying to stream data to my plot.ly 


The API:  https://plot.ly/streaming/

I am able to post messages that get recorded into the stream 
live, although right after curl uploads it, it just seems to 
wait for a response it's not getting, and eventually timeouts. 
Does anyone have any advice?

auto client = HTTP(stream.plot.ly);
client.verbose = true;

string msg = { \x\: 500, \y\: 500 } \n;

You have to define a handler for HTTP.onReceive before calling 
HTTP.perform. It will receive ubyte arrays for each packet that 
comes in. For most purposes, you just copy that onto the end of a 
string in an external scope. But if you're streaming content, 
you'll need to do something more fancy.

Re: how convert the range to slice ?

2015-01-28 Thread Chris Williams via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 28 January 2015 at 22:43:36 UTC, bearophile wrote:


Is there any chance we could add logic to dmd+phobos that 
hints user about this?

It's such a fundamental part of D+Phobos that newbies are 
forced to learn this quickly. On the other hand an informative 
error message could be useful...

What error message do you suggest?


Range is not castable to array. See std.array.array to generate 
an array from a Range.

Re: D3

2014-12-09 Thread Chris Williams via Digitalmars-d
On Monday, 8 December 2014 at 20:21:51 UTC, Andrej Mitrovic via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:
On 12/8/14, Russel Winder via Digitalmars-d 
digitalmars-d@puremagic.com wrote:

It seems that D3 is already available:


Guess we'll just have to skip a number and call the next D - 
D4. :)

Powers of two are magic.

Re: Russian translation of the range term?

2014-11-12 Thread Chris Williams via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 12 November 2014 at 11:38:52 UTC, thedeemon wrote:
On Tuesday, 11 November 2014 at 11:50:18 UTC, Ivan Kazmenko 


I'm unsure what is the Russian equivalent for the term 
range, as in D range, the generalization of a pair of 

I think последовательность (sequence) is the most 
appropriate, because the defining characteristic of an input 
range (most common one) is ability to provide data 
sequentially. Also, afaik, some languages like F# and Clojure 
use this term (often shortened to 'seq') for the same thing 
that D calls ranges.

While sequence makes more sense for how std.range thinks of 
ranges, I think the history of the term is closer to how we use 
slices. So another (English) alternative to try might be a 
view. It's a fairly common term in SQL databases, so presumably 
there's a translation for it in Russian.

Re: DIP68: Adding @nogc to types

2014-11-10 Thread Chris Williams via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 10 November 2014 at 12:59:14 UTC, Tomer Filiba wrote:


This DIP proposes the addition of a compiler-enforced @nogc 
attribute on types.

I would probably suggest extending this to variables.

class Foo {
@nogc Bar var1;

void doStuff() {
@nogc char* cStrPtr;

Re: Library inheritance

2014-11-05 Thread Chris Williams via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 4 November 2014 at 15:03:08 UTC, Felix wrote:

just wondering if it's possible, due to the lag of header 
files, to inherit from some class that exists within a library, 
that has been written in D?

How did you solve that?

Thanks in advance.

You can run the compiler to create library and header (.di) 
files. Anything that requires compile-time execution, like 
templates, will remain in the .di. Anything that can be compiled 
as-is, will go in the library and just be represented as a 
function/method declaration in the .di file.

So, basically, the same as C++ except you don't have to manually 
write your own header files.

Re: Why do some language-defined attributes have @ and some not?

2014-10-24 Thread Chris Williams via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 23 October 2014 at 07:39:21 UTC, Gary Willoughby
On Thursday, 23 October 2014 at 00:59:26 UTC, Shriramana Sharma 
via Digitalmars-d-
I submit that the syntax for attributes should be streamlined. 
Shall I

go and open a Bugzilla item?

No need: http://wiki.dlang.org/DIP64

Besides the @ symbols, isn't there also some inconsistency on
whether attributes go before or after the declaration?

@property public static void foo() const @safe pure nothrow

I've never bothered to ascertain how much of the positioning is
optional, but definitely none of it makes sense.

Re: Endovena: a dependency injection framework.

2014-10-21 Thread Chris Williams via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 17 October 2014 at 22:55:24 UTC, Orfeo wrote:

* [endovena] https://github.com/o3o/endovena Boost License 1.0

I would suggest naming the class something other than 
Container. Injector or Factory or something.

Container gets confusing with std.container.

Re: example of pointer usefulness in D

2014-10-21 Thread Chris Williams via Digitalmars-d
On Tuesday, 21 October 2014 at 19:36:50 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 

On Tuesday, 21 October 2014 at 19:33:14 UTC, Freddy wrote:

On Tuesday, 21 October 2014 at 12:22:54 UTC, edn wrote:
Could someone provide me with examples showing the usefulness 
of pointers in the D language? They don't seem to be used as 
much as in C and C++.


Uhm. That won't work with the GC…

It won't work with the GC, but one could still safely implement 
an XOR linked list in D, if they used malloc/free manually, so 
that the collector was never aware of the existence of those 

As to the OP, at the moment, D doesn't support structs as a 
reference type so if you want a container that stores references 
to structs rather than copies, the container will probably use 

Re: RFC: std.concepts

2014-10-20 Thread Chris Williams via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 19 October 2014 at 21:10:12 UTC, Shammah Chancellor 
It was request that I create a NG thread about a module I was 
hoping to merge with phobos. (std.concepts)  Please take a look.

It seems like it might have some good use cases, but I'm not sure 
that it warrants a new module. I would probably recommend putting 
it into std.traits, as a more advanced version of the isX range 
of functionality.

Re: Segmented stack

2014-10-17 Thread Chris Williams via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 16 October 2014 at 19:46:42 UTC, Shucai wrote:
I am doing research on segmented stack mechanisms, and in 
addition to academic papers, I am surveying whether segmented 
stack mechanism is still useful on 64-bit machines. On 64 bit 
machines, why  they don’t just use a big enough stack, for 
example, 1GB or even larger?  Are segmented stacks only useful 
for 32 bit machines?  Are there other reasons for segmented 
stacks on 64 bit machines?

Any response is appreciated, thanks, Shucai

While the implementation isn't guaranteed, I think that Java 
mandates that the VM behave like every function receives a fresh 
stack. I imagine that the advantage of this was that it allows 
the VM to supply only the minimal necessary memory for a function 
to operate, at any given time. On small devices, it can swap the 
stack out to disk. On large devices, it can just keep everything 
in memory. Optimization for size/speed is handled for you, making 
your code more portable. (Theoretically.)

Another possibility is that, while I can't think of the 
application, being able to preserve discarded chunks of the stack 
might be useful in some way. In a traditional stack arrangement, 
a new function entry will generally cause the data from the 
previous function entry to be overwritten. If you're allocating 
each new entry as its own thing, then all of the old functions 
continue to sit around to be processed by another thread, until 
you're ready to completely get rid of them.

Re: Worse is better?

2014-10-10 Thread Chris Williams via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 10 October 2014 at 21:54:32 UTC, Peter Alexander wrote:
(a) gives users full control over how every function 
allocates/manages memory (control).

(b) makes the implementation of those functions easy (simple).
(c) makes it easy to compose functions with different 
management policies (expressive).

Probably the method would be to make garbage management an aspect 
of the language itself, like how Go handles parallel processing 
at the compiler level. Developers write everything like it's all 
magically garbage collected, with maybe a few metatags/keywords 
sprinkled around, and then tells the compiler what the default 
garbage collection should be, and the garbage collector goes in 
and rewrites code according to different strategies, including an 
option for static-analysis based collection like Mercury.

D could potentially be moved that direction, but I would imagine 
that adding reference versions of structs would be necessary 
first, so that pointers became less prevalent, and pointers only 
allowed in blocks marked dangerous where the programmer has to 
perform any management himself.

Re: Worse is better?

2014-10-10 Thread Chris Williams via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 10 October 2014 at 22:25:10 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
So it's not that we don't care about simplicity anymore. We 
care about what is simple for the programmer to get complex 
work done quickly and accurately. I like to think of D as a 
fully equipped machine shop, where the programmer doesn't have 
to make do with inadequate (but simple) tools. As professional 
programmers, isn't that what we really care about?

Agreed. Overall, I'd say that there's a third way beyond better 
or worse, which is non-whollistic better.

I always start any new task not by designing the whole 
application nor by start to hack together parts as I need them. 
Instead, I identify tools - parts of the application that I 
know will exist, but could be used in any variety of applications 
- and build nicely designed, generic libraries for those. With a 
set of better libraries the remaining code that links them 
together is fairly small, so it's easy to shuffle things around 
or build out new functionality.

Re: Search Engine

2014-10-08 Thread Chris Williams via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 8 October 2014 at 18:15:08 UTC, ANtlord wrote:
It would be stable? I mean program, that will use C++ extern 

Trying to link to C++ code will cause some work to solve build 
issues, but there shouldn't be any stability impacts other than 
recognizing that C++ won't be using memory management.

Re: RFC: moving forward with @nogc Phobos

2014-09-29 Thread Chris Williams via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 29 September 2014 at 12:29:33 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
Any assumption that library code can go away with some set of 
pre-defined allocation strategies is crap. This whole 
discussion was about how important it is to move allocation 
decisions to user code (ranges are just one tool to achieve 
that, Don has been presenting examples of how we do that with 
plain arrays in DConf 2014 talk).

I think the key to this sort of issue is to try and get as much 
functionality in Phobos marked @nogc as possible. After that, 
building new library-like functionality into a DUB package that 
assumes @nogc and only uses the @nogc code in Phobos would be the 
next step. Should that get to a state where it's popular and 
supported, pulling it in as std.nogc.* might make sense, but 
trying to redo Phobos as a manual memory collection library is 

Were I your company, I'd start working on leading such an effort.

Unlike Tango, I don't think a development like this would split 
the community nor the community's resources in a useless fashion.

Re: RFC: moving forward with @nogc Phobos

2014-09-29 Thread Chris Williams via Digitalmars-d
On Monday, 29 September 2014 at 10:49:53 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On the caller side:

auto p1 = setExtension(hello, .txt); // fine, use gc
auto p2 = setExtension!gc(hello, .txt); // same
auto p3 = setExtension!rc(hello, .txt); // fine, use rc

So by default it's going to continue being business as usual, 
but certain functions will allow passing in a (defaulted) 
policy for memory management.

Forcing someone (or rather, a team of someones) to call into the 
library in a consistent fashion like this seems like a rather 
risky venture. I suppose that you could add some special compiler 
checks to make sure that people are being consistent, but I'd 
probably rather see some way of templating modules so that the 
chances for human error are reduced.

--- foo.d ---
module std.foo(GC = gc);

void bar() {
   static if (gc) {

--- usercode.d ---
import std.foo!rc;

void fooCaller() {

Though truthfully, I'd rather it be a compiler flag. But I 
presume that there's an issue with that, which it is too early 
for my brain to think of.

Re: Momentary Eh?! for a Dynamic Language Programmmer. Tuples vs Arrays. Just rambling.

2014-06-25 Thread Chris Williams via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 23 June 2014 at 22:08:59 UTC, John Carter wrote:

On Monday, 23 June 2014 at 21:26:19 UTC, Chris Williams wrote:

More likely what you want are variants:

Hmm. Interesting.

Yes, Variant and VariantArray are much closer to the dynamic 
language semantics...

But the interesting thing is Tuple is much closer to What I 
Mean when I create these things.

I probably should used Rubies
but apart from naming the elements it gives me nothing beyond 
more keystrokes to enter.

Tuple is very similar, but also grants type safety.

D has structs. If you have any problem working with Tuples, you 
might consider moving over.

Re: Is void* compatible with function pointers?

2014-06-23 Thread Chris Williams via Digitalmars-d
On Monday, 23 June 2014 at 20:49:27 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 
Since most architectures use same-size words for function 
addresses and object addresses, D would be fine to say it's 
defined and valid. I think the extreme outliers are 
architectures that are not equal, and D will not be harmed too 
badly by making this distinction. Any D flavor that would be 
ported to such an architecture may have to be a derived 


While it might be fine, I would be concerned that people wouldn't 
understand the difference between a function and a delegate. They 
would figure that if you can store a function reference in a 
void* then you should be able to fit a delegate in as well, and 
proceed to lose data.

I would make it something where the compiler forces you to make 
an explicit cast. Before that, it should warn you about the 
potential loss of data.

Re: Momentary Eh?! for a Dynamic Language Programmmer. Tuples vs Arrays. Just rambling.

2014-06-23 Thread Chris Williams via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 23 June 2014 at 21:18:39 UTC, John Carter wrote:
I guess between perl and Ruby and Scheme etc. I got used to 
creating hybrid containers

Want a pair of [string, fileList]? Just make an Array with two 
items, one a string, one and array of strings. Done.

D barfed... leaving me momentarily stunned... then Oh Yes, type 
safety, Tuple's are the answer where Tuples where Tuples...

Eventually found http://dlang.org/tuple.html and more 
specifically the somewhat unexpectedly named 
http://dlang.org/phobos/std_typecons.html and off I went...

I do have a personal design guideline of when you adding too 
much behaviour to a heterocontainer, refactor into a class.

But I guess I have never realised how often I do casually 
create heterogenous containers

Just rambling and musing.

More likely what you want are variants:


Tuples can hold multiple types, but they're only available during 
compile time.

Re: D Logos

2014-06-13 Thread Chris Williams via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 13 June 2014 at 03:33:41 UTC, Khaled wrote:


Overall, I like them. I agree that it's not intuitive that it's a 
d, but I don't think that's a strong drawback, if all you want 
is something cool to put on a shirt or coffee cup.

In the last picture, I don't think the top and bottom lines are 
parallel, so it's making it look like weird perspective.

Re: extern(Windows) behavior on non-Windows systems

2014-06-11 Thread Chris Williams via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 11 June 2014 at 22:20:27 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
I've got an enhancement request to have it behave like 


Thoughts? Anyone use extern(Windows) on non-Windows systems?

No, but if I had a 3rd party .lib that had been built on Windows
and it was the only known source for that library, I would prefer
to be able to convert it to a .a and link against it using
extern(Windows) (if possible).

I would vote that extern(Windows) should do what it says on the
tin OR issue an error telling people that a Mac/Linux build of
the compiler can't build binaries that have any chance of being
compatible with any library they'll ever find or make, so not to
include it as a build target.

Separate allocation and construction?

2014-06-05 Thread Chris Williams via Digitalmars-d-learn
If I wanted to allocate memory for a class and then call its 
constructor as two separate steps, while still having the object 
be managed by the garbage collector, is there any way to do that?

I believe that I've figured out a way to accomplish the first 
step, but not the second.

import std.stdio;

class Foo {
this(string bar) {

void main() {
Foo f = (new Foo[1])[0];
f(Hello); // doesn't compile

Re: Separate allocation and construction?

2014-06-05 Thread Chris Williams via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 5 June 2014 at 22:25:03 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

On Thursday, 5 June 2014 at 22:22:16 UTC, Chris Williams wrote:
If I wanted to allocate memory for a class and then call its 
constructor as two separate steps, while still having the 
object be managed by the garbage collector, is there any way 
to do that?

Check out std.conv.emplace

First, allocate the memory block for the class. The size is 
__traits(classInstanceSize, Yourclass). Then slice it:

enum size = __traits(classInstanceSize, YourClass);
auto memory = GC.malloc(size)[0 .. size];

Why slice? There seems to be a version of emplace that accepts a 
pointer, which is what GC.malloc() seems to return.

Re: Performance of std.json

2014-06-02 Thread Chris Williams via Digitalmars-d
On Monday, 2 June 2014 at 00:39:48 UTC, Jonathan M Davis via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:
I know that vibe.d uses its own json implementation, but I 
don't know
how much of that is part of its public API and how much of that 

simply used internally: http://vibed.org

In general, I've been pretty happy with vibe.d, and I've heard 
that the parser speed of the JSON implementation is good. But I 
must admit that I found the API to be fairly obtuse. In order to 
do much of anything, you really need to serialize/deserialize 
from structs. The JSON objects themselves are pretty impossible 
to modify.

I haven't looked at how vibe's parser works, but any very-fast 
parser would probably need to support an input stream, so that it 
can build out data in parallel to I/O, and do a lot of manual 
memory management. E.g. you probably want a stack of reusable 
node buffers that you use to add elements to as you scan the JSON 
tree, then clone off purpose-sized nodes from the work buffers 
when you encounter the end of the definition. Whereas, the 
current implementation in std.json only accepts a complete string 
and for each node starts with no memory and has to 
allocate/reallocate for every fresh piece of information.

Having worked with JSON libraries quite a bit, the key to a good 
one is the ability to refer to paths through the data. So besides 
the JSON objects themselves, you need something like a struct 
JPath that represents an array of strings and size_ts, which you 
can pass into get, set, has, and count methods. I'd view the lack 
of that as the larger issue with the current JSON implementations.

Re: Performance of std.json

2014-06-02 Thread Chris Williams via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 2 June 2014 at 20:10:52 UTC, David Soria Parra wrote:
I think the main question is, given that std.json is close to 
be unusable for anything serious due to it's poor performance, 
can we come up with something faster that has the same API. I 
am not sure what phobos take on backwards compatibility is, but 
I'd rather keep the API than breaking it for whoever is using 

std.json really only has two methods parseJson and toJson. Any 
implementation is going to have those two methods, so in terms of 
not breaking anything, you're pretty safe there.

Since it doesn't have any methods except those two, it really 
comes down to the underlying data structure. Right now, you have 
to read the source and understand the structure in order to 
operate on it, which is a hassle, but is presumably what people 
are doing. So maintaining the current structure would be the key 
necessity. I think that limits the optimizations which could be 
performed, but doesn't make them impossible.

Adding a stream-based parsing method would probably be the main 
optimization. That adds to the API, but is backwards compatible.

The module has a lot of inner methods and recursion. Reducing the 
number of function calls, using manual stack management instead 
of recursion, etc. might give another significant gain. How 
parseJson() works is irrelevant to the caller, so all of that can 
be optimized to the heart's content.

Re: std.experimental – DConf?

2014-05-30 Thread Chris Williams via Digitalmars-d
On Friday, 30 May 2014 at 01:39:26 UTC, Jonathan M Davis via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:

On Thu, 29 May 2014 20:55:32 +
Dicebot via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d@puremagic.com wrote:

I have discussed this with Andrei shortly after he has merged 

that adds `std.experimental` to Phobos. Looks like he actually
thinks about it as `std.staging` - place for almost complete
Phobos modules to bring more attention to them while still 

able to make breaking API changes.

If that's the case, then I'd be inclined to argue that what 
should go in
std.experimental is modules that past the Phobos review process 
so that rather
than sticking them in std directly, they go in std.experimental 
for a release
or two so that they get better battle-tested before actually 
being put into
std, where APIs shouldn't be changing. So, rather than doing 
anything to speed
up the development process, std.experimental is for making sure 
that APIs are

solid before they get set in stone in Phobos proper.

- Jonathan m Davis

While I like the idea of a std.experimental, I would also suggest 
an attribute like deprecated. I had been intending (should I 
ever have free time...) to add some features to std.concurrency, 
but I don't think there's any way to access the module-level 
private variables from a different file (?). Short of duplicating 
the contents of concurrency.d into a new file under 
experimental/, I don't know that there would be any way to trial 
the features without going straight to main.

Re: std.experimental – DConf?

2014-05-30 Thread Chris Williams via Digitalmars-d
On Friday, 30 May 2014 at 16:33:06 UTC, H. S. Teoh via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:

Maybe we should call it std.broken_in_next_release. ;-)


import std.heretherebedragons.all;

Re: std.experimental – DConf?

2014-05-30 Thread Chris Williams via Digitalmars-d
On Friday, 30 May 2014 at 17:35:39 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

You mean like http://dlang.org/attribute#deprecated ?

Yes, except named experimental.

I had been intending (should I ever have free time...) to add 
some features to std.concurrency, but I don't think there's 
any way to access the module-level private variables from a 
different file (?). Short of duplicating the contents of 
concurrency.d into a new file under experimental/, I don't 
know that there would be any way to trial the features without 
going straight to main.

First, if it is a minor increment, it can be proposed as a pull 
request for std.concurrency.

If it is a major overhaul, we need to review it more broadly. 
This is kind of the problem with just adding things to std, 
which is why the std.experimental branch was proposed -- it's 
so difficult to get bad design out of the standard library 
after it has been released. The deprecation schedule takes 


Not an overhaul but also not minor, just adding different 


Again, this is assuming I ever have the free time to do it, but I 
could see other such issues popping up. In the case of 
std.concurrency, since each thread gets its own set of global 
variables, the module itself is effectively the struct of 
information for each thread, including the thread message box. If 
I wanted to insert into the message box, I would need access to 
the module privates.

DConf Recommendation

2014-05-28 Thread Chris Williams via Digitalmars-d
My first day at DConf, during lunch, I ended up sitting next to 
the CTO/CEO of a startup company that was considering D as their 
language of choice. He commented to me, and which makes sense to 
me, that the format of the conference wasn't very well geared to 
people who are just interested in figuring out what the language 
is like and how to get started with it.

His recommendation was to offer two tracks over two days (instead 
of one over three), whith one track focussing on things like how 
to get a development environment set up on different platforms, 
how to debug, overview of language features, etc. That way a CTO 
or other interested party could use the conference as a way to 
evaluate the language for use at their companies.

I also got the sense that he was hiring, should anyone be 
interested. Apakau.com

Re: DConf Recommendation

2014-05-28 Thread Chris Williams via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 28 May 2014 at 22:04:47 UTC, Andrej Mitrovic via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:
Personally I think there were too many talks *per day*, it was 
hard not
getting tired and all the talks were extremely interesting. But 
understand that it's hard for people to take more free days for 
dconf alone.

I suspect that for a power D user, keeping awake through a How 
to set up Visual D step-through would be pretty impossible.

If only one person like the guy I mentioned is going to show up, 
then to Walter's point, there's not much value in providing such 
a session in the conference. But maybe next year advertize an 
intro to D class that will be on the first day if there's 
enough interest, and then make people choose between interested 
or not interested when they register.