Re: A Briefer Syntax for Using Concepts

2014-05-07 Thread froglegs via Digitalmars-d
 I believe Concepts lite in C++ works around this by allowing a 
syntax like this:

void foo(InputRange{T} range1, InputRange{T2} range2)


void foo(InputRange range1, InputRange range2)

If they are the same type.

I believe the objection is that the proposed syntax can't tell 

difference between:

void foo(R)(R range1, R range2) if (isInputRange!R)


	void foo(R,S)(R range1, S range2) if (isInputRange!R && 

I.e. in the first case, the two ranges must be the same type, 
whereas in
the second case they can be different types as long as they are 

input ranges.


Re: More radical ideas about gc and reference counting

2014-05-03 Thread froglegs via Digitalmars-d

feels like writing C++ with C# syntax.

 Ahem. C++ has RAII k thanks.  C++ > C# Proof.

Re: More radical ideas about gc and reference counting

2014-04-30 Thread froglegs via Digitalmars-d

 Here is an alternative:

 1. classes are unique by default, they cannot be shared. No GC 
or RF required, and covers 90% of objects.
 2. To share, retype as GC, the requirement being that it does 
not have a destructor.

Re: DIP60: @nogc attribute

2014-04-18 Thread froglegs via Digitalmars-d

Also possible in C# with structs, interop annotations and 
unsafe blocks.

 And now you aren't using the language, but a (very) poor subset 
of a language that doesn't even support templates.

C++ exposes SSE/AVX intrinsics, C# does not.

That is not correct.

1 - Nowhere in the ANSI/ISO C++ are SSE/AVX intrinsics defined, 
those are compiler extensions. So equal foot with the C# EMCA 

 Duh, but every C++ compiler exposes this, so it is defacto 
standard. C++ has plenty of non-standard standards, such as 
#pragma once.

3 - .NET Native and RyuJIT have official support for SIMD 
instructions, GPGPU support is also planned

  I see on MS website an article about having a vector data type. 
While interesting that isn't the same as exposing the actual 
instructions, which will limit potential gains.

 The aricle

 Additionally .NET native will be MS only--

Re: DIP60: @nogc attribute

2014-04-16 Thread froglegs via Digitalmars-d

I am really looking forward to .NET Native becoming widespread.

Then this type of comparisons (C# vs C++) will be quite 

 I don't think it will make a major difference. Taking a GC based 
language and giving it a native compiler doesn't automatically 
make it performance competitive with C++(see Haskel and D(without 
dumping GC) on anything besides micro bench marks).

C# is still GC based, still makes heavy use of indirection(See 
Herb Sutters recent talk on arrays).

C++ exposes SSE/AVX intrinsics, C# does not.
Many programs don't use these, but if you have a few hot spots 
involving number crunching, they can make a major difference.

My current project spends about 80% of its CPU time in SSE 
amenable locations, some template magic mixed with SSE 
intrinsics, and now those spots run 4x faster.
 You might be thinking auto vectorization can compete, but I've 
yet to see the one in VS2013 accomplish much of anything.
  Also I doubt very much that an auto vectorizer can squash 
branches, which is very possible with intrinsics. True branches 
and vectorized code don't mix well...

Re: DIP60: @nogc attribute

2014-04-16 Thread froglegs via Digitalmars-d
Well, most of the new games (Unity3D) are done in C# nowadays 
and people live with it even though game development is one of 
the biggest C++ loving and GC hating crowd there is.

 Unity3D the engine is written primarily in C++, not C#.

The Unity editor and gameplay code is written in C# because that 
type of code is generally not performance sensitive.

Re: DIP60: @nogc attribute

2014-04-15 Thread froglegs via Digitalmars-d

I know it does, but users employing @nogc still have to manage 
memory somehow.  Let's add hooks to the runtime and implement 
some GC alternatives, and then see what demand is like ;-)

 They use noGC and smart pointers/manual ala C++.

 You seem to be suggesting that people who don't want GC, 
actually secretly want GC. Just to let you know, that isn't the 
case. A global one size fits all approach to memory management is 
far from optimal.

Re: Heartbleed and static analysis

2014-04-12 Thread froglegs


 Some C++ code bases get that way. I once worked on a codebase 
that was originally C, then added C with classes, and then had 
C++ metaprogramming bolted on top(custom and incomplete 
implementations of half of boost, including MPL).
  While it wasn't the best, I personally did not have a huge 
issue with understanding it. My coworkers, on the other hand, had 
serious problems understanding the metaprogramming, so I always 
had to deal with that code(I did not write it).
 If I could come onto the project and understand it, is it really 
the fault of the language, or the fault of my coworkers for not 
taking it upon themselves to become informed?

 Design flaws of C++? It may have a few, but compared to C? I 
think C++ is far better designed, and far safer.

 A legit flaw I would label C++ with(aside from missing features 
such as modules etc.) is a degree of unnecessary complexity, 
mostly caused by its evolving design. That is just what happens 
when you have a 30 year old language, that is mostly backwards 
compatible with an even older language.

 Because C++ is more complex it requires more informed 
programmers to operate than C.

 If you have a team of informed C++ programmers I feel that it is 
very possible to produce very quickly, high quality reliable 
code. That all members can understand(I'd be inclined to say fire 
anyone that can't grok it, they will just be a liability).

 But anyway I do not understand why important software is still 
written in C. It makes me sad:(

On Saturday, 12 April 2014 at 22:40:32 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:

On Sat, Apr 12, 2014 at 10:10:55PM +, froglegs wrote:

 Why do they write such important code in C to begin with? C is
garbage compared to C++.  With C++ they wouldn't need to drop 
down to

raw pointers and would never have these problems.


C++ is better in theory, but not all that much better than C in
practice. The design flaws of the language often makes it worse 
than C
in terms of maintainability. At my day job, we switched a major 
from C++ back to C, because the C++ codebase was 
over-engineered and
full of abstractions that nobody understood, patched over 
multiple times
by people who were reassigned to take the place of the original 
who left, who didn't understand the original design but had 
deadlines to meet, so as a result they just added hacks and 
to get their job done before they got fired. By the time a few 
years had
passed, *nobody* understood what the system even does, and 
every new
code change was a "blindly copy-n-paste from other parts of the 
code and
pray it won't break something else" deal. It was bloated, slow, 
riddled with bugs nobody dared to fix, because nobody 
understood what it
does. Certain features were dependent on dtor side-effects, and 

such pathological things, and it was maintenance hell.

We rewrote the entire thing in C and, in spite of all C's 
flaws, at
least you didn't have dtors performing magic behind your back 
and class
abstractions that nobody understood what it actually does at 
runtime. I
have to say that, in spite of C's shortcomings, at least it was 
(relatively) small and self-contained design, and the gotchas 
were well
understood and well-documented, whereas C++ is a monstrous 
beast full of
every pitfall imaginable. Just about every other line of code 
you write
out of habit is almost guaranteed to be wrong in *some* obscure 
case that only 2% of C++ programmers are even aware of. And in 
a large
team project, you can guarantee that *someone* one day will 
write code
that will trigger exactly that one obscure case that will 
produce a bug
nobody can find. In C, when you mess up, most of the time you 
get a
straight segfault, and you have no choice but to fix it before 
you check
in. Well, most of the time, anyway. The same old off-by-1 
buffer overrun
bugs just keep recurring and recurring -- I just found another 
yet a few
days ago, which has been lurking in there for a *long* time. 
years. Sigh... But at least it's a well-known and 
problem, whereas in C++ it could be any one of 1000 novel 
of several obscure C++ spec corner cases that interact in 
complex ways
to produce a bug that most mid-level coders don't even 
understand, let

alone have any idea how to debug.

If you were to ask me 5-10 years ago which language was better, 
I'd say
C++. Today, I'm not so sure anymore. Both suck. And I'm not 
sure which
one sucks more -- 5 years ago I'd say C, but now I'm leaning 

saying C++.

Now if we can only iron out the last 5% of D's wrinkles, it 
would be a
HUGE relief from C/C++ nastiness.  (Unfortunately, Pareto's 
dictates that this last 5% is gonna take us 95% of the time. 


Re: Heartbleed and static analysis

2014-04-12 Thread froglegs
 Why do they write such important code in C to begin with? C is 
garbage compared to C++.  With C++ they wouldn't need to drop 
down to raw pointers and would never have these problems.

(of course D guys will say use D, but lets be real, D isn't ready 
for many obvious reasons)

Re: enum

2014-04-12 Thread froglegs
 Oh you D guys, arguing about enums for 187 posts! Find something 
more interesting to talk about, this is boring:(

 The only thing about enum class that pisses me off is not being 
able to index into an array by default.

Re: Numbering compiler error messages?

2014-03-29 Thread froglegs

On Saturday, 29 March 2014 at 15:37:05 UTC, w0rp wrote:
I agree with Walter about error numbers being a bad idea. 
Especially when people prefer the numbers over a description. 
MySQL has really turned me off the idea of error numbers. When 
I get an error about MySQL syntax, the message actually reads 
like this.

"Error near... number>"

It never tells you what kind of syntax error you made, or 
*exactly* where it actually happened (The line and column 
numbers are misleading.). You just get a message "well it 
broke" and an error number which might as well be the result of 
a hash function. As a result, I hardly ever look up the error 
number, and I just make a guess as to what I did wrong. It's 
usually faster to guess.

It's kind of like the effect bug IDs can have on commit 
messagses, which I mentioned in another thread. If you put some 
ID you can search for in a message, some people have a tendency 
to rely on the ID and forget about providing a descriptive 
message as well.

I think a better approach is to just describe the error better. 
When I use DMD I get some pretty good results already for 
errors. We just need to patch messages which may be confusing 
at the moment into being more descriptive.

  The way Visual C++ does it is that you get *both* and error
number and an error message.  Having the error number is very
useful for googling(yes the complete message will give you hits,
but the # is more concise and turns up more hits), and for
quickly referring to a given error.

Re: Why is it that no one writes with portability in mind in druntime?

2013-11-26 Thread froglegs
 I understand that it is converting a uint32 to a int32.  My 
point is that in C++ you can make this a warning, and then make 
all warnings errors. So this would not compile in any sane 
codebase since a int cannot express the full range of a uint. 
Perhaps D just better errors/warnings if it is unable to capture 

On Monday, 25 November 2013 at 11:51:22 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 

On Monday, November 25, 2013 12:14:59 froglegs wrote:

>>int len = arr.length;

  That isn't an error in D?

  Every C++ code base I've worked in enables max 

as errors, this would never compile--

  Does it at least trigger a warning?

No. It's not a warning, and dmd is not big on warnings (and 
IMHO warnings you
should be abolished, but that's another discussion). 
Regardless, given how
size_t is implemented, the compiler doesn't really even know 
that it exists
anyway. It's aliased to uint on 32-bit systems and ulong on 
64-bit systems, so
every place that size_t is used, it gets replaced with the type 
that it's
aliased to, and the compiler forgets that it was ever anything 
else - the same

thing happens with all aliases.

So, on 32-bit systems, size_t is uint and

int len = arr.length;

works just fine, because uint implicitly converts to int. 
Whereas on 64-bit
systems, size_t is ulong, and ulong does _not_ implicitly 
convert to int, so

you get an error.

So, on 32-bit systems, it compiles just fine, and 64-bit 
systems you get an

error, but no systems will give you a warning.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: Why is it that no one writes with portability in mind in druntime?

2013-11-25 Thread froglegs

int len = arr.length;

 That isn't an error in D?

 Every C++ code base I've worked in enables max warnings/warnings 
as errors, this would never compile--

 Does it at least trigger a warning?

Re: Protocols vs Concepts?

2013-11-20 Thread froglegs

b) it is impossible to do partial semantic validation of 
template body based on concept limitation which is the original 
motivating reason behind concept designs in C++ (with no 
success so far)

 I'm pretty sure I've read that they have it working in a GCC 
branch for C++ concepts lite, it does validation at compile time.

Re: What’s Wrong with OOP and FP

2013-11-13 Thread Froglegs
 Go is a boring language, kind of like Dart, I guess Google just 
sucks at language design? The do use an awful lot of Java, 
perhaps it has caused irreparable damage

Re: What’s Wrong with OOP and FP

2013-11-12 Thread Froglegs

 bearophile how much do you love haskell

Re: BigInt -- a challenge for std.allocator

2013-10-29 Thread Froglegs

BigInt n = 100;
n += 10;

... and both the 2nd and 3rd lines will result in a 
reallocation even though there is no need for it, because only 
n is referencing the memory it wraps.

 Does BigInt not have overloaded operators for adding normal 
integers? Is it converting 10 to a BigInt prior to adding it to n?

Re: More on C++ stack arrays

2013-10-20 Thread Froglegs
 One of my most anticipated C++14 features actually, hope they 
don't dawdle too much with the TS it apparently got pushed back 

Re: The "no gc" crowd

2013-10-09 Thread Froglegs
 GC works for some cases, but the global one size fits all GC 
that D uses is no good.

Re: SteamOS, games programming, and D

2013-09-28 Thread Froglegs

1. Easy C++ interop(don't want to write C wrappers)
2. An awesome IDE(visual D is not there yet) comparable to Visual 
C++ w/ Visual Assist

3. none buggy language implementation
4. Easy to disable GC without breaking everything

Re: John Carmack on Eclipse performance

2013-09-28 Thread Froglegs

I do like C++, but every time I look what is happening post 
C++11, tend to be glad to spend most of my time in JVM/.NET 
land, specially because I deal a lot with teams full of 
developers with an average skill set.


 Eh? C++11 makes things easier/better IMO, C++14 also has a few 
good things in it.  Really I'd say the main issue with C++ is how 
slow they are at adding some of the really important things(no 
modules until C++17(if then) --)

  personally I don't give a fig about developers with average 
skill sets, but even they are better off with newer features like 
auto, lambda, shared_ptr/unique_ptr

Re: John Carmack on Eclipse performance

2013-09-27 Thread Froglegs

  You can look at the source for Doom 3, it is written in C with
classes more than C++. But that was years ago, and Carmack has
taken an interest to functional programming so perhaps they are
more up to date nowadays.. although I'm guessing they have a ton
of legacy code written in C style and C with classes style..

  Perhaps he is using a haskell IDE for eclipse?

Re: new DIP47: Outlining member functions of aggregates

2013-09-08 Thread FrogLegs
 This seems like a waste of time compared to the other complaints 
Manu brought up(bad IDE/debugger support etc.)

Re: Had another 48hr game jam this weekend...

2013-08-31 Thread Froglegs

 Yes IDE should be built with the language :)

D has bad IDE support that is why I read about D but don't 
actually use it...

Re: D vs C++11

2012-11-03 Thread Froglegs
 I'm not convinced D has caught up to C++ yet from a usability 
standpoint, as the tools are still quite bad(VisualD -not- fun).

 But the other day I tried out MonoD and it shows promise, auto 
completion is solid, and it seems to have at least some of the 
features I've come to expect from using Visual C++ with Visual 
Assist. Its still behind though, perhaps in another year?

 Ideally VisualD would support the completion/reflection stuff 
MonoD has, and that would be a pretty awesome package that I 
think would attract many more developers.

Re: Rust and D

2012-09-29 Thread Froglegs
 Go looks like a horrible combination of C and Lua, lacking the 
speed of C and the  power of Lua(and I'd bet LuaJIT beats Go for 

 Not all features are equal, for me, meta programming is such a 
useful thing that a language better have something damn 
impressive to replace it(especially a systems programming 
language). I scanned through the Rust docs and did not see 
anything that appeared capable of doing so.

Re: Rust and D

2012-09-28 Thread Froglegs

  The Rust website says this:

Generic types   yes, only simple, non-turing-complete substitution

  After seeing that I just assumed the language was worthless and
ignored it..  is there something more to this?

Re: C++Now! 2012 slides

2012-06-07 Thread Froglegs
 For some reason I found these docs really dull, to much 
rehashing of C++ 11 which is old hat now.

 The template stuff might be interesting if not for the knowledge 
that it will take absolutely forever to compile--

Re: Nimrod language

2012-05-29 Thread Froglegs

* Can you do metaprogramming with nimrod templates? Are they as 
powerful as C++/D in this regard? Docs for templates is very 
short, making me think you can't do much, but perhaps it just 
isn't covered?

*also what is up with lack of unsigned integer types?

*not a big fan of forward declaring things, just seems very 
primitive, something the compiler should do

*can you create unnamed procs?

+see closures is upcoming, that should be nice

Re: Nimrod language

2012-05-24 Thread Froglegs

 Like the design, syntax is way better than D

 But half of what makes a language are the 

Re: using d dll/lib with msvc program

2012-05-13 Thread Froglegs

	LoadME = LoadLibrary(L"C:\\Users\\CrashTUA\\Documents\\visual 

func dllprintt;
dllprintt = (func)GetProcAddress(LoadME,"trololo");
int i = dllprintt();
return 0;
And it gives me acces violation...

 Well did LoadLibrary or did GetProcAddress fail?

Re: using d dll/lib with msvc program

2012-05-13 Thread Froglegs

On Sunday, 13 May 2012 at 19:07:41 UTC, crashtua wrote:
Is it possible to build dll or lib with dmc to use it in 
program builded in microsoft c++ compiler?

   Yes you can download Visual D, build a D DLL with DMD, and call
it from a Visual C++ program. Unfortunately you have to use C to
communicate between them, and the D IDE experience is pretty bad.

-this forum likes to reject posts with nonsense errors... btw

Re: Let's give a honor to dead giants!

2012-04-21 Thread Froglegs

One thing I miss, though, is ctags support for D. You don't 
know how
powerful such a simple concept is; it lets you navigate 
source files without even batting an eyelid.  :-) (Just try 
that in an
IDE, and you'll soon get an aneurism from trying to scroll with 

1-pixel high scrollbar...)

 You need to use a better IDE then, and get a faster computer, 
and a mouse with a scroll wheel.

 With Visual Studio + Visual Assist navigating huge solutions is 
fairly trivial, and extremely fast.

 VAX can instantly take you to the definition of any symbol with 
alt-g(not the build in crap in VS, VAX has better capabilities by 
far), list all references(not just variables with the same name, 
it actually understands the code), rename any symbol throughout 
the entire codebase, and a bunch of other things that only a tool 
which actually understands the code can do.  All of these 
operations are extremely fast btw.

Re: The Downfall of Imperative Programming

2012-04-09 Thread Froglegs
  I like functional languages, but the only one that seems to 
have much support is F#.

 I've used TBB Flow Graph in C++ and found it to be a major 
improvement over straight parallel algorithms/tasks/message 
passing etc which seem to be the norm(like in D).  Expressing 
dependencies between separate nodes was super easy.

  Do any other languages have support for flow based concurrency 
like C++/TBB?

Re: Precise GC

2012-04-07 Thread Froglegs

 That sounds cool, perhaps people can have customizable GC for
specific applications?

Looking forward to D having a precise GC

Re: [OT] Previously: DMD - Windows -> C# in gamedev

2012-01-07 Thread Froglegs

Indeed. And this is usually just to mitigate the fact that C++ 
is so crap
at this sort of code. Maybe D will be tolerable, and this 
breaking out to

script won't be necessary? (though I'm dubious)

Yeah C++ is a migraine for that type of code:(  I think D would 
be nicer than C++ for gameplay code, but another reason for 
scripts is the ability to modify the script while the game is 
running, and just the general lack of compilation time which is 
soo nice.

Perhaps if D gets ported to mono? Though even then I think I'd 
prefer Lua, since it is quite good at acting as both a language 
and data description.

I don't typically find C/C++ intolerable, or even particularly 
for engine level code as it is, it's the higher level code I'm 
keen to


Yes I agree!

I tend to think of the code I work with as having three levels

1) low level - high performance, optimal memory layout/access, 
alignment concerns, intrinsic, not much 
abstraction(unfortunately..). C++ works pretty well here(though 
any improvements are welcome..), certainly I'm not aware of 
anything else that is better

2) mid level - good performance, fairly optimal memory, no 
intrinsics, fairly abstract. C++ works OK here, but I think D 
could be better at this

3) high level - moderate/low performance, GC memory, JIT'd if you 
are lucky, but possibly interpreted, can reload scripts while 
program is executing. Neither D nor C++ work here.

#1 isn't actually that much code, but the program probably spends 
the majority of its time executing it, so it is pretty important

Also in reply to Walter-- for me the problem with pausing the GC, 
and then running it at certain times, is that there is actual no 
time when it is alright for the GC to take any significant amount 
of time to collect( a couple milliseconds might be acceptable, 
but can that be guaranteed?).  Some games don't have load 
screens, or levels, but just an endless streaming world.

Re: [OT] Previously: DMD - Windows -> C# in gamedev

2012-01-07 Thread Froglegs

The reason I am conviced is that C++ was the last systems 
programming language with manual memory management. All the 
languages people are
developing as possible C++ replacement do have some form of 

memory management.

Meanwhile smart pointers and a GC API became part of the C++ 
language standard. In the future, if you want to target Windows 
8 Metro games, you will need to use WinRT which requires C++/CX 
and makes use of reference counting in the language.

Apple added GC to Objective-C, which has some problems with 
existing frameworks, so their next step was to introduce ARC.

This is why I think that eventually even games engines will be 
in a language that supports some kind of automatic memory 
management be

it GC or reference counting.

 Well games often already integrate scripting languages, 
generally Lua or Mono, which are both GC based. But this is for 
the game logic, not for the high performance parts of the code.

  For a GC to be used at the C++/D layer it would need to be

1) optional always, D makes it optional but you loose a solid 
chunk of the language if you ditch GC, what remains is in some 
ways inferior to C++(no escaping lambda without GC, /cry)

2) no long pauses ever

 I think most game engine stuff will continue to be written 
without GC, as it doesn't really add much if what you are after 
is raw performance. And C++ does have smart pointers which 
perform much of what a GC does, but without the long pauses or 
non deterministic destruction.

Re: DMD - Windows

2012-01-07 Thread Froglegs

 A great IDE is essential for D to really succeed.

 Visual D is a solid start but it isn't really usable for a large 
project yet.

-  The debugging experience is funky, it can't seem to see many 

-  hovering over variables generally doesn't show anything useful
-  hitting . doesn't pop up possible members
-  very limited syntax highlighting

 D might have simplified C++ syntax, but it is still quite 
complex, not having an IDE that supports the type of things that 
Visual Studio supports is just painful-- I doubt D has any chance 
in the game industry without much better VS support.

Aside from C++ I also use Lua quite often and even in a light 
weight scripting language like Lua I much prefer an 
IDE(Decoda--Manu it works with embedded scripts btw).

Re: SIMD support...

2012-01-06 Thread Froglegs
 That Cuda is used more is probably true, OpenCL is fugly C and 
no fun.

Microsoft's upcoming C++ AMP looks interesting as it lets you 
write GPU and CPU code in C++.  The spec is open so hopefully it 
becomes common to implement it in other C++ compilers.

SSE intrinsics in C++ are pretty essential for getting great 
performance, so I do think D needs something like this.  A 
problem with intrinsics in C++ has been poor support from 
compilers, often performing little or no optimization and just 
blindly issuing instructions as you listed them, causing all 
kinds of extra loads and stores.

 Visual Studio is actually one of the worst C++ compilers for 
intrinsics, ICC is likely the best.

So even if D does add these new intrinsic functions it would need 
to actual optimize around them to produce reasonably fast code.

 I agree that the v128 type should be typeless, it is typeless on 
hardware, and this makes it easier to mix and match instructions.

Re: Reference counted containers prototype

2011-12-27 Thread Froglegs

When I go to that link it just says

Unknown Paste ID!

Don't see any code anywhere.. hum

 What is wrong with value containers?  They work great in C++, a 
container is such a basic thing that ref counting and whatnot is 
rarely if ever needed, and in the unlikely event you need to 
share a container, wrapping it with a smart pointer of some sort 
is easy enough in C++, let alone D with its better support for 
type aliasing.

Re: std.container and classes

2011-12-21 Thread Froglegs

On Wednesday, 21 December 2011 at 12:50:44 UTC, so wrote:
On Wed, 21 Dec 2011 07:37:33 +0200, Andrei Alexandrescu 

a great mathematician

Name please?

I believe he is referring to

Re: std.container and classes

2011-12-20 Thread Froglegs
  I don't really think ref counted struct vs class is fair, 
because in reality most containers don't need ref counting.  I 
can't think of one instance in C++ where I stuck a container 
directly in a shared_ptr or anything similar.

Also as far I as I can tell making it a class would bloat it with 
unnecessary data(vtable), and being it is common to have many 
many instances of these containers, that doesn't sound like such 
a great thing.

Re: d future or plans for d3

2011-12-20 Thread Froglegs

D's pass-down lambdas do not need memory allocation. As far as 
I remember none of std.algorithm's use of lambda allocates 


Oh cool, I like that

Re: d future or plans for d3

2011-12-20 Thread Froglegs

C++ "closures" do not allow you to maintain a reference to the 
context after the function containing said context returns. 
Instead, C++ allows you to choose between copying the variables 
into the lambda instance, or referencing them (the references 
may not "escape"). The compiler may or may not enforce correct 
uses of reference captures. In contrast, D's approach is both 
intuitive (does not copy variables) and safe (conservatively 
allocates on the heap), with the downside of requiring the 
context to be garbage-collected.

Ah, makes sense now, thanks.

Still it seems like a case of "you pay for what you don't use", 
and seems like a real downer for adopting D since you loose the 
ability to use lambda's without having the GC shoved down your 
throat(wouldn't be so bad if the D GC was known for performance, 
but everything I've read indicates it is quite slow).

Re: d future or plans for d3

2011-12-20 Thread Froglegs

The class will still have a vptr. The vtable will contain only 
the type info.

No way to disable type info(like in most C++ compilers you can 
disable RTTI)? I get that GC might want it, but if I disable GC 
why would I want type info?

I saw that D is planning to make the standard containers into 
classes with final methods, why do this instead of using structs 
if it bloats each instance of the container?

Some aspects of D will _always_ require a GC or they won't 
work. Array concatenation would be a prime example. I believe 
that delegates are another major example. I think that scoped 
delegates avoid the problem, but any that require closures do 
not. Other things be done but become risky - e.g. slicing 
arrays (the GC normally owns the memory such that all dynamic 
arrays are slices and none of them own their memory, so slicing 
manually managed memory gets dicey).

The array concatenation requiring GC I get, but why does a 
delegate require it?

This link says D allocates closures on the heap

I don't really get why, C++ lambda works well(aside from broken 
lack of template lambda's) and do not require heap usage, even 
binding it to std::function can generally avoid it if it doesn't 
exceed the  SBO size

Re: d future or plans for d3

2011-12-20 Thread Froglegs

 I've only recently tried D out, but what I'd like to see..

-GC being truly optional
-being able to specify if the standard library should use GC or 
not, perhaps with allocators
-if D is going to have a GC, then a precise, compacting one would 
be cool, but not if it gets in the way of making the GC optional

 One thing I'm not sure about, D classes are virtual by default, 
but if you mark all functions as final does the class still 
contain a VFP or any other cruft?
 Also why are class functions virtual by default? My experience 
in C++ is that I rarely use virtual, so I don't really understand 
why that is the default.