2016-01-21 Thread Jakob Jenkov via Digitalmars-d
I can only suspect, but I think they use maven to collect all 
functions that use @Benchmark. And this leads to the problem 
the unittest library proposal for phobos had.

No that is the job of the Java compiler.

Actually, annotations in Java can be both read at runtime or 
compile time.
As far as I know, you cannot hook into the compiler to check for 
so most Java frameworks scan for annotations at startup time. Not 
that it

matters much, anyways.

D Cross Platform Status + OpenGL Status ?

2016-01-09 Thread Jakob Jenkov via Digitalmars-d


What is the status of cross compiling D to multiple platforms? I 
know it is possible, but how easy is it? How many issues do you 
have to mess with on different platforms?

What about ARM / Android support?

And what about OpenGL support? Is that easy? And does it work 
easily across platforms?

Re: What are you planning for 2016?

2016-01-09 Thread Jakob Jenkov via Digitalmars-d
The communication is the easy part. The time consuming part is 
converting R objects to D objects and vice versa. I've had to 
learn the internals of R at the same time that I've learned D. 
I've been working on it in my spare time for more than two 

Would it have been possible to make a D API for data analysis 
instead? Or is that too big a job?

Re: What are you planning for 2016?

2016-01-08 Thread Jakob Jenkov via Digitalmars-d
I've just finished with the initial version of my project to 
embed R inside D. Hopefully now I can convince other economists 
to use it.

I might put together a simple web interface (using D of course) 
that will improve my research collaboration efforts. The 
earliest I will have time to work on it will be the summer.

How does this work? Do you write R programs which are executed by 
a D program?

Or do you call functions in D which corresponds to R functions?

Re: What are you planning for 2016?

2016-01-08 Thread Jakob Jenkov via Digitalmars-d
We plan to port a network protocol + binary data format API (IAP 
Tools) to D from Java.

Re: Proposal: Database Engine for D

2016-01-03 Thread Jakob Jenkov via Digitalmars-d
You could just target your database at data analysis. Then you 
don't need to care about ACID, transactions etc. Just load all 
the data into memory, and start analyzing it.

Also, you'd typically be scanning over large parts of the data 
set for each query, so you may not need to support a full query 
language. Just what is needed for data analysis.

Later you can modify your engine to support ACID, more expressive 
query language etc.

On one of the projects I am working on right now, we will also 
implement our own database engine. We need it to integrate 
tightly with the rest our architecture, and the only way to do 
that is to roll our own. We will also not be using SQL because 
SQL is so limiting.

So, I'd say "go ahead" - you can only learn something from the 
project. I've "reinvented a lot of wheels" over the years, and 
each time I came out smarter than before. Not every reinvention 
was a success, but I always learned something from the process.

Re: Article on D for CVu or Overload

2015-12-28 Thread Jakob Jenkov via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 28 December 2015 at 11:40:50 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:
Is anyone up for writing an article or two on D for publication 
in the CVu or Overload journals as an act of D-efiance? There 
are to be a 1- day D workshop and a keynote session t the 
conference, it would be good to "leverage" this as part of the 
campaign to show that C++ is a 20th century language and D a 
21st century one.

I am happy to co-author if that helps. ASCIIDoctor the only 
source form usable though.

What would the topics be?

How long?

What are the deadlines?

Re: D Consortium as Book / App Publisher... ?

2015-12-25 Thread Jakob Jenkov via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 24 December 2015 at 17:19:30 UTC, karabuta wrote:

On Sunday, 20 December 2015 at 21:09:31 UTC, Jakob Jenkov wrote:

Writing a focused book of around 100 pages can be done in 3-6 
months. If more people chip in, it might even be faster.

There are these books floating around where various programmers 
actually come together to write them. Each author take charge 
of a section. They go like:

Problem: How to rename all files in a directory.
Solution: ..

They take advantage of common tasks and make them into a book. 
These books really sell. D community/Consortium can do similar 
if is worth it.

Wrox Publishing uses this model. Not all their books are really 
good, but they can be decent. I was thinking the D Language 
Foundation could do the same. But I guess someone has to take the 
reigns, make a plan and mobilize people.

D Testable Code

2015-12-23 Thread Jakob Jenkov via Digitalmars-d
D Testable Code is not detestable code... There is a little 
holiday "puzzle/joke" for you :-)

(I just watched a video from DConf 2013 about unit testing - 
sorry! )

Re: D Consortium as Book / App Publisher... ?

2015-12-23 Thread Jakob Jenkov via Digitalmars-d
I really want to put these paid blogging ideas into use one 
day, but maybe D isn't the place to do it.

Or - maybe D is exactly the right use case. D doesn't already 
have a ton of available material, but still as a decent size 

I'd say the hardest part is to get information about those parts 
of D which are not documented. I find the D docs for Phobos 
pretty hard to read. There are very few explanations to the 
methods and classes.

The "read the code" dogma is not very helpful to beginners in a 
new language or API.

Re: D Consortium as Book / App Publisher... ?

2015-12-22 Thread Jakob Jenkov via Digitalmars-d
It is all beyond idiotic: it is amazing how long antiquated 
ideas stick around, only because people cannot imagine anything 

I agree 100%. I published 4 books for Amazon Kindle, then stopped 
for exactly this reason. You can do so much more advanced stuff 
on the web than in an ebook.

I run which has a good bit above 1 
million page views a month. I do a few videos too. I just publish 
as I write. I earn a bit of money from the ads, but it's not that 
much money. The % of people browsing with ad blockers is rising.

How would a paid blog work? Subscription? Texts hidden behind a 
pay wall? Hard to get it into the search engines then...

Re: D Consortium as Book / App Publisher... ?

2015-12-22 Thread Jakob Jenkov via Digitalmars-d
Simple, a blog that you pay to read. :) It's amazing to me that 
people still continue to pump out books, such an outdated form, 
simply because it has an existing payment model in place, 
rather than trying new paid models online.  Simply churning out 
ebooks or the equivalent is all they do, when so much more is 
possible online, everything from pay-per-post to comments.  The 
lack of imagination is simply stunning.

I agree. A website / blog allows links to videos etc. and it can
be expanded over time, and indexed by search engines.

Have you considered using LeanPub for this?

Re: D Consortium as Book / App Publisher... ?

2015-12-22 Thread Jakob Jenkov via Digitalmars-d
All decent ideas- I've been thinking recently about setting up 
a paid blog for articles by D devs- but without someone to 
explore and push them, they will go nowhere, ie somebody has to 
do the work of wrangling the writers and docs.

What do you mean by a "paid blog" ?

D Consortium as Book / App Publisher... ?

2015-12-20 Thread Jakob Jenkov via Digitalmars-d
I was thinking that the D Consortium could function as publisher 
of D books too, for the following (obvious) reasons:

1) To raise money for the D Consortium (from sales)

2) To increase the available documentation about D

3) Increased amount of documentation might lead to increased 

Those in the D community who have experience writing books could 
chip in
with a chapter each. The books could then be put together as EPUB 
and the D Consortium could self publish them online (e.g. for 
Amazon Kindle). I have self published a few books on Amazon about 
programming. It's not that hard to do, once you get the first one 

The books could be smaller with a more narrow scope, to get them 
done faster. For instance, one book about D collections, one book 
about D IO etc.

The price range could be around $5 - $9.99 . I think that is a 
fair price - especially if developers know that the profits goes 
back into the D Consortium. Each sold book on Amazon for $9.99 
should be able to give a profit of $7 to the D Consortium.

Another option to raise money and increase the documentation for 
D would be to make an Android / iOS app which collects all the D 
documentation in one app. The app could work like an e-book. It 
is possible to charge a subscription fee for apps. Thus, 
supporters could pay e.g. $1 / month - or $6 a year for the app. 
The money would go to the D Consortium. In return subscribers 
would support D, and have all their D documentation gathered in 
one place.

An app would also be able to link to videos, or articles around 
the web about D.

Yes, I know it's a lot of work etc. but it's not impossible. 
Writing a focused book of around 100 pages can be done in 3-6 
months. If more people chip in, it might even be faster.

Re: Redesign of

2015-12-19 Thread Jakob Jenkov via Digitalmars-d
It looks good. A bit more clear than the current one. Not a fan 
of the drop downs though. Just personal taste.

All in all, though, is that design really so much different from 
the current one? Yes, the frontpage / color scheme looks nicer, 
but it's not that big of a diff, or?

If the D website maintainers are to put an effort into changing 
its design, would it not be preferable to go "all-in" and jazz it 
up, e.g. like ?

For instance, I am pretty new to D, and when I entered the D 
website I was not looking for code samples, but a list of 
features or core concepts / principles. The code sample on the 
frontpage did nothing for me. But that's just me. I would rather 
know what companies use D, and for what - or what big frameworks 
/ tools were available in D etc.

Re: D Cannot Be Used for Real Time / Low Latency Systems? - Of course it can!

2015-12-18 Thread Jakob Jenkov via Digitalmars-d
Thanks for the comments everyone! I learn a lot from this D forum 
alone. I have been encaged in the Java world for too long. Great 
to get some input from other languages / eco systems. Not that 
I'll drop Java immediately, but I can definitely see how D can 
supplement Java in our systems.

D Cannot Be Used for Real Time / Low Latency Systems? - Of course it can!

2015-12-17 Thread Jakob Jenkov via Digitalmars-d

Hi guys,

I read from some of the other forum threads that D is being 
criticized for not being usable for real time / low latency 
systems because it has a GC.

First of all, such system are already being written in Java. 
Google "Martin Thompson" and LMAX and you will see. Or Aeron 
(also Java and Martin Thompson).

Second, when Java has been used to develop such systems, the GC 
has been avoided as much as possible - which is even easier to do 
with D than Java.

So, it's a load of BS that D's GC should somehow make it 
impossible to make real time / low latency software.

Re: Thoughts on a Future Garbage Collector

2015-12-11 Thread Jakob Jenkov via Digitalmars-d

A little something I've been working on for making into a DIP:

Would it be to your liking?

I don't know - what does it do? I am pretty new to D... !

Re: Thoughts on a Future Garbage Collector

2015-12-03 Thread Jakob Jenkov via Digitalmars-d
Great to hear! Looking forward to learning more about how this 
all works!

Thoughts on a Future Garbage Collector

2015-12-03 Thread Jakob Jenkov via Digitalmars-d

Hi D devs,

I read recently that D's garbage collector isn't the fastest, and 
that you would like a faster one. I have some thoughts on that.

I have spent about 16 years with Java, and my experience with the 
garbage collector typically falls into one of these two 

Either the speed of the software didn't matter, and thus the 
garbage collector didn't matter either.

Or, the speed of the software mattered, and the garbage collector 
was never good enough, so you end up designing your software to 
avoid the garbage collector (using arrays and object pools 
instead of new'ing objects).

Rather than trying to come up with a "perfect" garbage collector 
for D I would prefer if the memory system could become a first 
class member of the language / libraries. Make it a component you 
can access. Make it possible to:

- Hint to the memory system where to allocate an object, meaning 
hinting if it is
   - shortlived (like within a function), transaction scope (max 
60 s life time),
   - permanent singleton etc. Often you already know at 
allocation time. Then the object

 could be allocated directly at the right "generation" heap.

- Force the GC to run

- ... above, but with a maximum time allowed GC.

- Let developers be able to plug in their own garbage collection 

- Allow multiple memory managers into which you can plug 
different garbage collection strategies, and different heap 
allocation / deallocation strategies (growing and shrinking the 
heap of a memory manager).

My experience from Java is that one size never really fits all. 
Open it up instead. Let the community "plug in" and I am sure D 
will get a wealth of memory management strategies fast. Not just 
1 garbage collector, but N garbage collectors.