Building JSON until 2.067

2015-02-04 Thread Matt Kline via Digitalmars-d
I'm trying to build a small utility for a project at work that 
stores some config on-disk as JSON. Imagine my dismay when I find 
that opIndexAssign hasn't been added to JSONValue until after 
2.066 went out:

1. Is there any way until 2.067 gets release to build a JSON 

   besides building it as a string?

2. I'm thoroughly confused - something like this would make it 
seem that

   std.json is almost never used "in the wild".
   Is there a JSON library that most other people are using 

Range functions expand char to dchar

2015-09-08 Thread Matt Kline via Digitalmars-d
After seeing Walter's DConf presentation from this year, I've 
been making an effort to use range algorithms more, such as using 
chain() and joiner() as an alternative to array concatenation and 

Unfortunately, doing so with strings has been problematic, as 
these algorithms expand strings into dstrings.

An example:

import std.algorithm;
import std.range;
import std.stdio;
import std.regex;

void main()
// One would expect this to be a range of chars
auto test = chain("foo", "bar", "baz");
// prints "dchar"

auto arr = ["foo", "bar", "baz"];
auto joined = joiner(arr, ", ");
// Also "dchar"

// Problems ensue if one assumes the result of joined is a 
char string.

auto r = regex(joined);
matchFirst("won't compile", r); // Compiler error

Whether by design or by oversight, this is quite undesirable. It 
violates the principle of least astonishment (one wouldn't expect 
joining a bunch of strings would result in a dstring), causing 
issues such as the one shown above. And, if I aim to use UTF-8 
consistently throughout my applications (see, what am I to do?

Re: Range functions expand char to dchar

2015-09-08 Thread Matt Kline via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 8 September 2015 at 17:52:13 UTC, Matt Kline wrote:

Whether by design or by oversight, this is quite undesirable.

My apologies for double-posting, but is this intended behavior, 
or an unfortunate consequence of the metaprogramming used to 
determine the resulting type of these range functions?

Re: Range functions expand char to dchar

2015-09-08 Thread Matt Kline via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 8 September 2015 at 18:21:34 UTC, anonymous wrote:

By design with regrets:$1frl$

On Thursday, 25 September 2014 at 19:40:29 UTC, Walter Bright 
Top of my list would be the auto-decoding behavior of 
std.array.front() on character arrays. Every time I'm faced 
with that I want to throw a chair through the window.

At least I'm not alone. :)

You can use std.utf.byCodeUnit to get ranges of chars:

A bit verbose, but I suppose that will do.

/* Having char elements isn't enough. Need to turn the 
range into an

array via std.array.array: */
auto r = regex(joined.array);
matchFirst("won't compile", r); /* compiles */

If we have a range of char elements, won't that do? regex() uses 
the standard isSomeString!S constraint to take any range of chars.

Re: DoxyPress support for D

2015-10-15 Thread Matt Kline via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 13 October 2015 at 08:48:14 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
- Since D already has ddoc, do we need DoxyPress support as 

While ddoc is great (just by virtue of being there by default), 
Doxygen (and by extension DoxyPress) have some really nice 
features that are sorely missed when I'm using ddoc. Its 
cross-referencing, dependency graph, and annotated code abilities 
beat out every other "auto" documentation system I've used. I've 
used it often in the past on Java and C# projects, in spite of 
the dedicated doc tools those languages have (JavaDoc and Visual 
Studio's XML comment system, respectively).

I'd use it in an instant if it could parse D and ddoc-style 

- If so, who would like to help Barbara and Ansel? :)

If only there were more hours in the day...

Understanding the D memory model re: Voldemort types

2015-04-09 Thread Matt Kline via Digitalmars-d
I have a bit of confusion about the D memory model when it comes 
to returning nested classes (i.e. "Voldemort types") and am 
hoping someone can take a minute to clear it up. Consider the 
following short program:

auto foo()
import std.random;
import std.conv;

auto i = dice(0.5, 0.5);
string s = "Hello, scopes";

class Bar {
string what() { return s ~ " " ~!string; }

return new Bar;

void main()
import std.stdio;

auto b = foo();

I was under the impression that nested classes captured their 
context via a pointer to the current stack frame. But if that 
were the case, reading i and s when b.what() is called would 
cause invalid reads below the current stack pointer, and this 
data could be thrashed by inserting any calls between the call to 
foo() and the call to b.what(). Running the above program through 
valgrind also indicates no foul play.

So what is actually going on here? Do nested classes capture 
their context some other way? Does the compiler do semantic 
analysis and capture local variables by value if an instance of 
the Voldemort type is going to get returned out of the function?

Re: Understanding the D memory model re: Voldemort types

2015-04-09 Thread Matt Kline via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 9 April 2015 at 18:15:16 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:

The compiler detects when a variable is being closed over by a 

function, and allocates them on the heap instead of the stack.

Is there somewhere I can read more about this (besides the 
compiler source code)? What ramifications are there for local 
variables being closed over that have destructors? Does the 
Voldemort object then get implicit destructor code that destroys 
the closed-over variables when it falls out of scope?