Re: Three Unlikely Successful Features of D

2012-03-22 Thread Matt Peterson
On Tuesday, 20 March 2012 at 19:02:16 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
I plan to give a talk at Lang.NEXT 
( with 
the subject above. There are a few features of D that turned 
out to be successful, in spite of them being seemingly 
unimportant or diverging from related consecrated approaches.

What are your faves? I have a few in mind, but wouldn't want to 
influence answers.



It isn't mainline yet, but UFCS from git has made working with 
std.algorithm much nicer. Instead of something like 
array(filter!"a > 0"(map!((a){return somefunc(a);})(data))) where 
you can quickly drown in parenthesis and the order seems somewhat 
backwards, you can use!((a){return 
somefunc(a);}).filter!"a > 0".array

Re: Three Unlikely Successful Features of D

2012-03-23 Thread Matt Peterson

On Friday, 23 March 2012 at 04:07:53 UTC, bearophile wrote:

I suggest to compile all your D2 code with -wi (or -w) and 

Already using -w, and I thought I was using -property. I am now, 

And one bug of UFCS will be probably fixed by Hara 
( ), so map 
and filter will require an ending () (I have closed my ).

So your last line is better written like this:!somefunc().filter!q{a > 0}().array()

Yes, I agree. I had to work around a bug a few months ago that 
using map!some_nested_func wouldn't compile, and I still haven't 
gotten out of the habit of using delegate literals for all but 
the simplest maps.

2012-03-27 Thread Matt Peterson

On Tuesday, 27 March 2012 at 15:14:07 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu

On 3/27/12 6:54 AM, Tyro[17] wrote:
On Tuesday, 27 March 2012 at 00:05:51 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 3/26/12 2:52 PM, Tyro[17] wrote:
Couldn't the state of stdin be checked upon entrance into 

and reopened if it is already closed?

That won't work.

But this does:


Very interesting! But then what if people press Ctrl-C? That 
would end the input instead of ending the program.

Could that technique be used to implement readf for stdin?

I don't think we should pursue this path.

Wouldn't that accomplish the desired effect while avoiding
the pitfalls of scanf?

I don't think this is a pitfall. Essentially you don't have a
definition of what constitutes a chunk of input. Once you get 

define, you should be able to express it more or less easily.

I'm of the opinion that Ctrl-D defines the boundary of that
chunk of input. We simply have to prevent it from closing
the stream when working with stdin.

You're in a sparse minority at best. Every Unix application out 
there uses Ctrl-D for end-of-console-input, and your users 
would be surprised by your exotic use of it.

Why not pick any other character for end of chunk - double 
newline, Ctrl-S, pretty much anything but Ctrl-D? It's a waste 
of your time to fight a long-established standard.


GDB handles Ctrl-D differently. It doesn't close the input on the
first one, it waits for the second one and then exits. After the
first one it acts like you typed 'quit', which asks you if you
really want to quit when there's a program still running.

2012-03-27 Thread Matt Peterson

On Tuesday, 27 March 2012 at 19:05:19 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:

On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 08:56:56PM +0200, Matt Peterson wrote:

On Tuesday, 27 March 2012 at 15:14:07 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu

>You're in a sparse minority at best. Every Unix application 
>out there

>uses Ctrl-D for end-of-console-input, and your users would be
>surprised by your exotic use of it.
>Why not pick any other character for end of chunk - double 
>Ctrl-S, pretty much anything but Ctrl-D? It's a waste of your 
>time to

>fight a long-established standard.


GDB handles Ctrl-D differently. It doesn't close the input on 
first one, it waits for the second one and then exits. After 
the first
one it acts like you typed 'quit', which asks you if you 
really want

to quit when there's a program still running.

That's because gdb uses libreadline (or something along those 
with cbreak, so it can intercept control characters without 
them getting
interpreted by the terminal. This requires manual control of 
functions, which is something outside the scope of readf(). 
(You'd be
better off writing your own terminal handling from scratch, if 

what you want.)


Ah, nice to know. Thanks.

Re: Documentation Layout

2012-03-28 Thread Matt Peterson

On Wednesday, 28 March 2012 at 07:00:58 UTC, Brad Anderson wrote:

I've been trying to generate parsable ddoc output for use in an
autocomplete for the search box (symbol names + short 
excerpts for context).  I had some luck but couldn't strip it 
down to the
bare minimum information I wanted to extract so I got it in my 
head that I
should try adding documentation to dmd's json output instead.  
I haven't
attempted this yet.  I think the search is very important.  
Right now

someone basically has to tell you where which module certain
structs/classes are in std.typecons has a lot of useful stuff 
but nobody
would ever think to check there to find out where tuples or 
RefCounted are.
 Just yesterday I was very confused about why the documentation 
'recurrence' had gone missing but it turns out it's in 
std.range, not


As long as normal documentation output is turned on, my Json 
( will 
output the (unformatted) documentation comments associated with 
all top-level declarations. Take a look at that.

Re: IDE Support for D

2012-04-06 Thread Matt Peterson

On Friday, 6 April 2012 at 06:40:02 UTC, Gour wrote:

Otherwise, I'm considering to use Geany and/or buy SublimeText2.

I use Sublime Text 2, and it is a great editor. You can try it 
for free, there's just a nag dialog that opens occasionally.

Re: std.algorithms filter and string[]

2012-04-11 Thread Matt Peterson

On Wednesday, 11 April 2012 at 13:55:45 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:
I am having a dumb n00b moment, but I need to solve this 10 
mins ago ;-)

	immutable files = ( selector == 0 ) ? [ "." ] : filter ! ( ( 
string x ) { return x.isFile ; } ) ( sliceOfStrings ) ;

gives me the error:

 Error: incompatible types for ((["."]) ? 

'string[]' and 'Result'

which in one universe is fine, but in my universe is a problem 
as I
cannot see a way of properly creating a Result instance based 
on the

array literal.

(I have a workaround, but I'd prefer to know the proper D idiom 



Use the array(...) function from std.array to convert "Result" to 
the string[].

Re: Foreach Closures?

2012-04-11 Thread Matt Peterson
On Tuesday, 10 April 2012 at 02:24:31 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

Would the JSON compiler output help?

I made a pull request a while ago that gives a lot more JSON 
output ( 
I'm willing to try to improve it to better meet the needs of an 
IDE, if anyone has any suggestions.

Re: Foreach Closures?

2012-04-12 Thread Matt Peterson

On Thursday, 12 April 2012 at 06:46:53 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
I'm pretty sure that the JSON output can _never_ be enough for 
what we want to do.

I agree with that, nothing will quite be the same as a full 
compiler-as-a-library (CAAL?). But in the meantime, there is a 
working compiler now, and isn't it better to get some kind of 
IDE-like functionality sooner rather than waiting for a long time 
with nothing?

Re: Notice/Warning on narrowStrings .length

2012-04-26 Thread Matt Peterson

On Friday, 27 April 2012 at 01:35:26 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
When I get the time? Hah... I really need to get my lazy bum 
back to

working on the new AA implementation first. I think that would
contribute greater value than optimizing Unicode algorithms. 
:-) I was
hoping *somebody* would be inspired by my idea and run with 

I actually recently wrote a lexer generator for D that wouldn't 
be that hard to adapt to something like this.

Re: export extern (C) void Fun Error

2012-04-27 Thread Matt Peterson

On Friday, 27 April 2012 at 13:02:56 UTC, 拖狗散步 wrote:

On Friday, 27 April 2012 at 01:21:56 UTC, Trass3r wrote:

export c callback fun:

alias void function(int id) ConnectedCallBack;
alias void function(int id, void* data, int len) ReadCallBack;

add extern(C) to be safe

Thank, Trass3r! Finally correct, why have to export these two?

You specified the C calling convention with 
UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.Cdecl), and extern(C) 
means use the C calling convention. Otherwise they'll be 
expecting a function using the D calling convention, which is 

Re: Cross module version specs

2012-04-27 Thread Matt Peterson

What about a templated module?

module test(bool option1, T);

Imported like this:

import test!(true, Foo);

It could act like the entire module was wrapped in a template, 
and the import would become:

import test;
mixin test.test_template!(true, Foo);

Re: Cross module version specs

2012-04-27 Thread Matt Peterson

On Friday, 27 April 2012 at 20:26:38 UTC, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:

I would rather see this as import test with specified version 

import test!(some_version);
//imports module but treats it contents as if with "version = 
some_version;" added at the top of it

This is inconsistent with the syntax and the way templates work 
in the rest of the language, as well as being a lot less flexible.

It wouldn't be hard to mixin a string built from a list of 
identifiers passed in to set those versions.

Re: Why typedef's shouldn't have been removed :(

2012-05-05 Thread Matt Peterson

On Saturday, 5 May 2012 at 23:41:52 UTC, Mehrdad wrote:

That's *such* a lame question...

Even if I _couldn't_ tell you a reason, that'd still be a lame
question, because the *entire point* of reflection is to access
type information information about the program... if for nothing
other than printing it out for the user.

But it's more than that: it's the same darn reason why you need
to distinguish between
void* and HWND -- it's an ERROR!

In other words, this must NOT compile!

auto call(F, T...)(F func, T args) { return func(args); }
void test(uint) { }
void main() { call!(typeof(&test), size_t)(&test, 1); }

If you're still asking "why shouldn't it compile" then you 

look up what "type safety" means.

That doesn't compile on x86_64.

The point of size_t is to be the native word-sized integer for
the platform, and it does exactly that.

Re: Why typedef's shouldn't have been removed :(

2012-05-05 Thread Matt Peterson

I understand you're frustrated, but you don't need to be so
hostile. I agree with most of what you've said on this thread.
And just because I made a short comment doesn't mean I don't know
about std.stdint, sizediff_t, etc. My point was to say that
size_t is supposed to be the size of the architecture's word. I
said nothing about it being the "fastest" type or even whether it
was useful . I would be very interested if you have a better
solution for the integer typing/naming problem.

There definitely needs to be way to define a type that can't
implicitly cast to its base type. The problem is that the
original typedef did do implicit casting away, and that has
potential to cause confusion when porting from C or D1. I don't
see that as much of a problem, but others might.

On Sunday, 6 May 2012 at 02:25:54 UTC, Mehrdad wrote:
The point of size_t is to be the native word-sized integer for 
the platform

"Native word-sized integer" is such a blurry term, but of course
wouldn't know this without understanding why C has a gazillion
"native" integer types... (hint: if you're trying to justify
these with today's x86 processors, you're already on the wrong

The point of size_t is for it to be able to represent the size 

something. That's all.

The point of sizediff_t is for it to be able to represent the
difference between two size_t's. That's all.

The point of ptrdiff_t is for it to be able to represent the
difference between two pointers. That's all.

Those three need NOT be the same size on the same machine, and
they need NOT be the same as the "fastest" integers on any
That's the whole point of std.stdint, in case you hadn't heard 


That doesn't compile on x86_64.

I can't tell if you're missing my point or what...
In case that was unclear:
* I'm saying that shouldn't compile on *ANY* platform. 

What you're saying is like saying "dchar[] function()" should be
interchangeable with "uint[] function()" just because they're 
the same data on the same


Or like saying class Bar { } and class Foo { } should be
interchangeable because there's no actual difference between 

Or like saying "HWND function()" and "HANDLE function()" and
"void* function()" should be
interchangeable because they're all the same anyway.

Kind of silly IMO.

Re: Why typedef's shouldn't have been removed :(

2012-05-05 Thread Matt Peterson

On Sunday, 6 May 2012 at 03:28:32 UTC, Mehrdad wrote:

Right, but what I was saying was that that *isn't* what it's 
meant to be! It's just a *size* type, not a *word* of any 
kind... (think about systems with interleaving pointers, for 
example, x86 with segmentation -- the notion of a "word" isn't 
so obvious anymore, when denoting sizes)

Yeah, figuring out what to name something is always a challenge, 
and the huge variety and complexity of modern, and even 
not-so-modern processors doesn't help at all.

There definitely needs to be way to define a type that can't 
implicitly cast to its base type. The problem is that the 
original typedef did do implicit casting away, and that has 
potential to cause confusion when porting from C or D1. I 
don't see that as much of a problem, but others might.

Yeah, I still don't understand what the "potential to cause 
confusion" was.
Was it *actually* causing a significant problem, or was it just 
a "potential" problem?

The issue is if someone new to D2 is porting code from C or D1, 
they would get all kinds of weird errors caused by using typedef 
instead of D2's alias and trying to do math or expecting implicit 
casting to work. But D2 is a different language, with different 
syntax and semantics. Anyone expecting copied C to "just work" in 
D2 is expecting a miracle, but that's not to say we can't try to 
make it as easy as possible.

IMO, alias is a much better name than typedef, which is quite 
generic because technically any struct, class, or even function 
declaration is defining a new type. But adding a new keyword is 
ugly, assuming you can think of a good one, so typedef is 
probably the best choice. The only other alternative is reusing 
existing keywords, but I can't even think of a good choice. Does 
any of static/const/immutable/etc. alias sound good to anyone?

Re: Optional parameters referring to previous parameters?

2012-05-09 Thread Matt Peterson

On Thursday, 10 May 2012 at 00:16:52 UTC, Mehrdad wrote:

Is this possible/should it compile?

If not, should I make an enhancement request for it? It's been 
something that would've been useful in a ton of situations for 

void process(R)(R items, size_t maxCount = items.length)

Have you tried it?

I bet this isn't possible currently, but do open an enhancement 
request if it isn't. It's going to be a bit tricky to implement, 
but I like it.