DCV v0.2.0 - adaptation to the new ndslice

2017-03-01 Thread Relja Ljubobratovic via Digitalmars-d-announce

Hi everyone,

I wanted to let you know that we've released new version of 
DCV[1], an open source computer vision library, written in D 
programming language, with goal to provide tools for solving most 
common computer vision problems - various image processing tasks, 
feature detection and tracking, camera calibration, stereo etc.

Major change in this one is the integration of new ndslice 
package[2], Ilya Yaroshenko has been working on for past couple 
of months.

These major API braking changes have initiated following 
refactoring of the library[3]. We've recognized some critical 
design errors, and until those are sorted out, we've paused the 
implementation of new features. But, with help of more 
experienced colleagues at libmir org[4], hopefully we'll soon 
have a stable API, upon which we'll safely build new computer 
vision algorithms.

Best regards,

[1] https://github.com/libmir/dcv
[2] https://github.com/libmir/mir-algorithm
[3] https://github.com/libmir/dcv/issues/87
[4] https://github.com/libmir

Re: Vibrant 2.0, major update

2017-02-17 Thread Relja Ljubobratovic via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Monday, 13 February 2017 at 14:22:25 UTC, Guillaume Piolat 

It's the 10th update for this abstract shooter made in D.

This is the first time I've heard of this game. Downloaded the 
demo, and first impressions were mind blowing!

Gameplay seems very fluid and well calibrated. But, I've got to 
say - most awesome element of the gameplay is definitely the 
music! This might be the most impressive sound I've heard coming 
from my macbook since I've bought it! Truly drives the mood in 
the game. :)

I've gladly payed for the full version, and will spread the word 
of this game whenever I can.

Congrats, and thank you!

Re: macOS: debugging hell - strange behavior in lldb and gdb

2017-02-14 Thread Relja Ljubobratovic via Digitalmars-d-debugger

On Tuesday, 14 February 2017 at 20:32:53 UTC, John Colvin wrote:
The docs say it is, but they could be wrong. Could you run dub 
with -v (and without any manually added -gc) and share the 

Sure, here's what I'd think is the relevant part:
Performing "debug" build using ldc2 for x86_64.
File '/Users/relja/Projects/dlangplayground/dub.json' modified, 
need rebuild.

dlangplayground ~master: building configuration "application"...
ldc2 -mcpu=haswell 
-of.dub/build/application-debug-posix.osx-x86_64-ldc_2071-A59B2D18A3A7E59FF17DA8905B6773B0/dlangplayground -d-debug -g -w -oq -od=.dub/obj -d-version=Have_dlangplayground -Isource/ source/app.d -vcolumns

So, no -gc.

Btw. it seems like I'm using dub v1.1.2 from homebrew:
$ dub --version
DUB version unknown, built on Jan 16 2017

$ readlink /usr/local/bin/dub

I'll test this with newer releases in the next few days, and if 
situation is the same, I'll file a bug.

Once again, thanks man - feels fantastic having a debugger once 
again! :)


Re: Compiling to shared library with static dependencies

2016-12-14 Thread Relja Ljubobratovic via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 14 December 2016 at 22:17:25 UTC, Tanel L wrote:
First of all thanks Johan for urging me to compile it with only 
with that flag. It worked! Previously I tried to compile it 
with only BUILD_SHARED or both - and that failed. But I got it 
working. Thanks! More details below.


Thanks, I will use this as a template in the future.

Please don't :) - consider other options (D is full of them, I'm 
sure you'll find much more elegant solution), I pulled this just 
as a quick test!

Thanks, I don't need ffmpeg and I will surely use your advice. 
I am not worried about the size much. Is there any way to 
include many/most of them into the binary? Or should I just 
ship the deps alongside the shared lib?

You could build ffmpeg for static linking, but I'm not sure about 
ggplotd's deps - I suppose there's a way I just haven't done it 

Thank you both so much. With this I can successfully move 
forward with using D in our company :)

Congrats! - if it's possible keep us posted of your endeavors for 
which you're using Mir and DCV! And of course, feel free to make 
a question, bug report, feature request etc at our repositories:


All of the best,

Re: Compiling to shared library with static dependencies

2016-12-14 Thread Relja Ljubobratovic via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 14 December 2016 at 21:41:53 UTC, Relja 
Ljubobratovic wrote:

use just dcv:core with imageformats[1]


Re: Compiling to shared library with static dependencies

2016-12-14 Thread Relja Ljubobratovic via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 14 December 2016 at 20:46:15 UTC, Tanel L wrote:

Hi, thanks for the answer.

I had tried disabling all imports, but now I created a clean 
new project to test this - it worked.

Awesome. So LDC compile-link is ok, and also python runtime 
linking is good.

After that I moved the compiling and linking over to DUB, with 

dependency "dcv" version="0.1.7"
dependency "mir" version="0.22.0"
targetPath "output"
targetType "dynamicLibrary"
dflags "-defaultlib=phobos2"

Why are you defining defaultlib explicitly here? - wouldn't this 
work fine without it? Also, like I said before, try removing mir 
from dependencies since its included with dcv.

The library source:
import std.stdio;
import dcv;
import core.runtime:Runtime;
extern (C) int doit(int a, int b) {
return a*b + dcv.imread("1.jpg").width.to!int;

Did you actually call Runtime.initialize before calling doit? 
Also, did you try the same code in ordinary D app? Anyways, this 
works for me:

D source

import std.stdio;
import core.runtime;

extern (C) void initd()

extern (C) void terminated()

extern (C) void showim()
import dcv;
auto im = imread("img.jpg");

Python source

from ctypes import *

d = CDLL("libctypestest.so")

This created an .so with huge amount of all kinds of external 
so deps, but it still failed with the same error:

OSError: libdynlibtest.so: undefined symbol: _d_eh_personality

All kinds of external deps are expected since dcv is linking to 
ggplotd and ffmpeg, which also link to whole lotta libraries. I'm 
not sure about the binary size though. If you can, use only 
dcv:core which has no other dependencies other than Mir. Also, 
dcv:io links to ffmpeg at the moment, but if you need only image 
i/o and would like to avoid linking to ffmpeg, you could use just 
dcv:core with imageformats[1] (dcv wraps it's io methods in 
imread). If you need help with this let me know.

Linux Mint 18 (basically Ubuntu 16.04)
LDC - the LLVM D compiler (1.1.0-beta6):
  based on DMD v2.071.2 and LLVM 3.9.0
  built with LDC - the LLVM D compiler (1.0.0)
gcc (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4) 5.4.0 20160609
DUB version 1.1.1, built on Nov 30 2016

Thank you for helping! :)

Hey, no sweat - its a pleasure! I'm really glad you'd like to use 
D (and Mir and DCV for that matter). I'd really like to help you 
out as much as I can, so this can work out for you! :)


Re: Compiling to shared library with static dependencies

2016-12-14 Thread Relja Ljubobratovic via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 14 December 2016 at 12:33:04 UTC, Tanel L wrote:


Hi Tanel,

I have just tried replicating the task you describe, and it 
worked flawlessly for me.

I am very new to the D world - but serious in moving over to it 
after I have seen what a cool language it really is.
I am trying to incorporate D into our main product as an 
externally loadable module.

Basically I have a minimal project:

./helpers/image.d (mir and dcv libraries imported)

I am using the latest (statically compiled) ldc2

In my app file(besides the void main) I have a test function 
which I am trying to call from python using ctypes:

extern (C) int doit()

Probably a dumb question - have you tried compiling your library 
without dependencies, and using it through ctypes? Does this work?

Currently I have gotten as far as getting a loading error in 

library.so: undefined symbol: _d_eh_personality

Googling disclosed that this is satisfied by libdruntime.so, 
but I don't have a shared libdruntime anywhere. I guess I have 
to compile ldc2 in dynamic mode and use the libdruntime.so from 

My build steps until now:

dub.sdl (pseudocode):
  project_description "nudesc"
  dependency "mir"
  dependency "dcv"
  targetPath "lib"
  dflags "-relocation-mode=pic"

dub build --compiler ldc2
cp .dub/obj/*.o lib/
cd lib
ldc2 -of library.so helpers.image.o helpers.utils.o nudesc.o 
-shared -defaultlib=phobos2

Why are you linking manually? Why not let dub do the job? Also, I 
believe if you're adding dcv as dependency, you don't need to add 
mir, since mir is the dependency of dcv. (it has worked for me 
this way so far) but this has nothing to do with errors you 

strace shows that ldc2 loads "phobos2" from DMD: 

The LDC2 folder only seems to contain libphobos2-ldc.a, no 

Compilation succeeds, but trying to load the so from python:

python  -c "from ctypes import *; CDLL('library.so', 

OSError: library.so: undefined symbol: _d_eh_personality

I figured that I don't have druntime.so available because 
druntime is incorporated into LDC2, but mine is statically 
compiled (downloaded precompiled from github i think).

Again, dumb one (and I'm quite sure this is not the issue) - have 
you initialized druntime in the doit function?

So I tried to compile LDC2 dynamically:

But I get a bunch of these errors before the LDC2 build fails:
/home/tanel/thirdparty/ldc-dynamic/build/bin/ldc2: error while 
loading shared libraries: libldc.so: cannot open shared object 
file: No such file or directory
runtime/CMakeFiles/druntime-ldc.dir/build.make:93: recipe for 
target 'runtime/src/core/bitop.o' failed

make[2]: *** [runtime/src/core/bitop.o] Error 127

Basically I am cornered... I really need to be able to compile 
dcv and mir into my dynamic libraries. Probably LDC2 is a must 
because DMD and GDC have given me compilation errors on the 
project even in regular mode. Also LDC2 seems to be the best.

Any ideas what to do or how to proceed?
Thanks a bunch!

What is your configuration - OS, ldc and gcc version etc.? 
Anyhow, I'm surely not the best person to help here - I hope some 
of more experienced guys will drop a word to help you out...

And for the end, have you tried creating the python module with 


[1] https://github.com/ariovistus/pyd

Re: Mir Blog: Writing efficient numerical code in D

2016-12-13 Thread Relja Ljubobratovic via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 13 December 2016 at 15:31:00 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

Thank you, Mike!

Re: Mir Blog: Writing efficient numerical code in D

2016-12-12 Thread Relja Ljubobratovic via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Tuesday, 13 December 2016 at 05:27:01 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

I'm about to fall asleep, but I made a quick pass through the 
piece. Here are a few nits:

Thanks for an extensive feedback, Andrei! I've followed up 99% of 
fixes given here[1], but unfortunately I'll be unavailable for 
the rest of the day, so I'm passing the torch (or the hot potato) 
to Ilya.

* "we’ve been actively refactoring" -> define the team; so far 
the article referred to the author as a single person
I've done the coding, but couldn't have done it without Ilya's 
consulting, so I put the 'Mir team' there. Hope thats ok.

* "On my machine" -> "On a Core i7 laptop with xyz GB or RAM 
and xyz other relevant parameters..."

There are specs shown at the top of the post, so I thought it 
would be best just to remove the "On my machine part". Again, I 
hope that's alright.

I suggest making two passes through the piece: (a) one pass 
should reduce fillers that are abundant ("as you can see", "as 
I'll show you", "as said in the docs"...) A few are fine 
(perhaps 2-3 in the whole article. Then (b) one pass looking 
for unified use of "I" (most likely: the author, use 
sparingly), "you" (the reader, use sparingly), and "we" (most 
likely: the author and reader looking together at something).

As I've demonstrated, I'm quite unexperienced with writing. :) 
So, thanks for the feedback, I've learned a lot! If I catch some 
time during the day, I'll be sure to take another glance at it!

The results are terrific, congrats Ilya and Relja!


Thanks a lot Andrei!

[1] https://github.com/libmir/blog/pull/32

Re: Mir Blog: Writing efficient numerical code in D

2016-12-12 Thread Relja Ljubobratovic via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 12 December 2016 at 22:34:32 UTC, Johan Engelen wrote:
On Monday, 12 December 2016 at 21:58:23 UTC, Relja 
Ljubobratovic wrote:

Hey guys,

We have just published another post on "Writing efficient 
numerical code in D", to Mir's Blog[1].

Nice :)

Thanks! :)

Some comments:
- You can make the numbers in the table more readable by adding 
For example, 1624687 --> 1,624,687. Probably even better is to 
only show the most significant digits. 1624687 us --> 1.625 s 
for example.

Great suggestion - I was focusing on the speedup, so I didn't pay 
attention to run time, but obviously other people will.

- Add a sentence about the benchmarking set up. " The numbers 
shown are the best times of 10 trials, with LDC commandline 
options `ldc2 -O3 -release`" Something like that. Or add it to 
the configuration table.

Thanks, will do. I agree there's an explanation missing on how 
benchmark is configured.

- For the "convolution" example, could you elaborate on why the 
Mir-based implementation is so much faster than the C-like 
implementation? From the big table, I see that the speedup for 
DCV's convolution algorithms is not as large as 10x.

DCV's convolution is parallelized, which I believe, could be the 
reason. Ilya is probably the best man to elaborate the speedup vs 
C implementation.

- The "threshold" algorithm has a 19x speed up?! (I would 
remove "threshold" from the average improvement calculation. 
The numbers are already awesome, no need to oversell it!)

I agree. I was thrilled when I saw the comparison at first, but 
to be honest, I'm not sure what's the main reason. Here's the 
commit diff if anyone is interested to explain:


- Overall, does this mean that DCV became more than twice as 
fast? How does it stack up to other vision libs after this 
massive speed boost?

I'm not sure. But I'm afraid we're not even close to opencv, 
since its base image processing (and other) algorithms have been 
intensively (manually) optimized with SIMD, but also have almost 
100% coverage with OpenCL (and CUDA from 3.x). Anyhow, I'd like 
not to bother with comparisons like this until we are satisfied 
with DCV - there's much work yet to be done, IMHO.


Thanks for the feedback Johan!

Mir Blog: Writing efficient numerical code in D

2016-12-12 Thread Relja Ljubobratovic via Digitalmars-d-announce

Hey guys,

We have just published another post on "Writing efficient 
numerical code in D", to Mir's Blog[1]. In this post we are 
focusing on mir.ndslice.algorithm usage in DCV[2], computer 
vision library that has recently joined libmir organization. 
We've had great success in optimizing DCV's algorithms mostly by 
replacing loop-style code with mir.ndslice.algorithm 
multidimensional iteration utilities[3], and we thought it was 
worth blogging about.

Any grammar (or any other type of) fix report is greatly 

Also, we'd like to ask Mike Parker to forward this to reddit if 
it's not too much trouble? :) Maybe only wait few days so we 
could weed out some mistakes from the text.



[2] https://github.com/libmir/dcv
[3] https://github.com/libmir/dcv/pull/58

Re: Neural Networks / ML Libraries for D

2016-10-31 Thread Relja Ljubobratovic via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 25 October 2016 at 11:17:29 UTC, Saurabh Das wrote:


Are there any good ML libraries for D? In particular, looking 
for a neural network library currently. Any leads would be 


There is also Henry Gouk's dnnet library[1]. I'm not sure how far 
is it in development, since there's no dub project registered at 
code.dlang.org, but you could give it a spin. AFAIK it relies 
another package of his, dopt[2][3], which depends on CUDA (cuBLAS 
and cuDNN).

[1] https://github.com/henrygouk/dnnet
[2] https://github.com/henrygouk/dopt
[3] http://code.dlang.org/packages/dopt

Re: Neural Networks / ML Libraries for D

2016-10-31 Thread Relja Ljubobratovic via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 26 October 2016 at 12:13:16 UTC, Ilya Yaroshenko 


Now moved to https://github.com/libmir/mir-neural

Re: ndslice: feature deprecation voting / discussion

2016-10-03 Thread Relja Ljubobratovic via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 2 October 2016 at 16:36:14 UTC, jmh530 wrote:

Wouldn't it be more flexible to allow both ways?

If D can handle the case without brackets without any issue, 
why force it?

In Matlab, writing ones(2, 2) produces a 2x2 matrix of ones.
In numpy, I would write np.ones((2, 2))

I find it annoying that in numpy I have to constantly remember 
to put in the second set of parentheses. This idea is basically 
forcing the same issue into ndslice. I think it's a bad idea.

I feel the same way. +1 here

Re: From the D Blog: Martin Nowak on the DMD release process

2016-08-15 Thread Relja Ljubobratovic via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 15 August 2016 at 08:37:16 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

Hi, Relja. Now that this is on my radar, I'll be in touch with 
you about putting a post together some time in the next couple 
of weeks.

Hi, Mike. That's awesome, thanks!

Re: From the D Blog: Martin Nowak on the DMD release process

2016-08-15 Thread Relja Ljubobratovic via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 15 August 2016 at 07:41:59 UTC, Ilya Yaroshenko wrote:

On Monday, 15 August 2016 at 07:37:25 UTC, ZombineDev wrote:
On Monday, 15 August 2016 at 07:32:34 UTC, Ilya Yaroshenko 

On Monday, 15 August 2016 at 06:55:18 UTC, Suliman wrote:

On Friday, 29 July 2016 at 12:09:46 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:


I do not know with whom I should contact, but this release 
https://github.com/ljubobratovicrelja/dcv should be mention 
in D blog.

+1 and my 0.02$: please add the note that it is based on 

I think it would be great if you and the other people involved 
with using "D for science" make a series of blog posts about 
the great work you've all been doing with those libraries.

Yes, we will do it this month after the next Mir release, which 
will include first part of generic linear algebra subroutines, 
ndslice.algorithm draft and our GSoC project - Flex.

Thanks guys for recognizing DCV project as D blog material! If I 
can offer any help, please let me know - I'd be glad to 

Ilya, just wanted to say I'm already trying to promote ndslice, 
wherever I can- note the "API" section in site's home page[1]! If 
you have any suggestions or requirements for content related to 
ndslice or mir project on DCV site, please let me know.


[1] https://ljubobratovicrelja.github.io/dcv

Re: daffodil, a D image processing library

2016-07-02 Thread Relja Ljubobratovic via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 1 July 2016 at 21:18:28 UTC, Vladimir Panteleev wrote:

Generally most use cases for using an image library can be 
divided into:

1. You have full control over the images being loaded. This is 
the case when you're loading graphical assets for your 
application which otherwise doesn't concern itself for 
graphical work.

2. You're writing an image editor, or some other program that 
processes images out of your control, i.e. supplied by the user.

Generally the first case is by far the most common one (think 
GUI applications, video games...). In this case, since you 
already know or have control over the format of your images, 
there is no reason to burden your application with 
performance-killing abstraction layers - you should load and 
work in the format that your images already are.

Additionally, if necessary, it is easy to build such a runtime 
abstraction layer over a templated library by creating an 
algebraic type from only the set of formats that you want to 
support. Doing the inverse is impossible.

In case anyone from this thread haven't seen it, I have my own 
image library, which I wrote about here: 

Hi Vladimir, thanks for your response and explanation.

Also wanted to take the opportunity to say that the blog post 
about your library was one of the biggest motivations for me to 
pursue D for computer vision. Thanks a tone for your effort! :)


Re: daffodil, a D image processing library

2016-07-01 Thread Relja Ljubobratovic via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 1 July 2016 at 14:30:17 UTC, Benjamin Schaaf wrote:
The problem with not knowing bit depth at compile time, is that 
you're now forced to store the image internally as plain bytes. 
So if you wanted to add two colors, you end up with ubyte[4] + 
ubyte[4] instead of int + int. At some point you're going to 
have to use a proper numerical representation (ie. long), or be 
faced with slow calculations (ie. bigint).

Other libraries (eg. ImageMagick) get around this by just using 
longs as the internal representation. Daffodil allows you to 
control this. So if you know you will never use more than 4 
bytes per color, you don't have to pay for anything more. If 
you don't know, you can just use 8 and essentially have the 
same behaviour as ImageMagick.

Yes, I'm aware of that problem. But if you store the type 
information in the image (as enum field), later on you can do the 
casting to correct types and perform arithmetics the right way. 
This is how opencv's cv::Mat works under the hood, also I believe 
numpy.ndarray's c implementation performs the same way.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying your way is not correct. :) 
Just explaining my viewpoint. I believe your way is a lot easier 
- if you could show that it works well in production environment, 
I'd be glad to adopt it!


Re: daffodil, a D image processing library

2016-07-01 Thread Relja Ljubobratovic via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 30 June 2016 at 21:35:37 UTC, Benjamin Schaaf wrote:
daffodil is a image processing library inspired by python's 
Pillow (https://pillow.readthedocs.org/). It is an attempt at 
designing a clean, extensible and transparent API.


The library makes full use out of D's templates and 
metaprogramming. The internal storage mechanism is entirely 
configurable from almost every endpoint. File headers are 
directly loaded into structs defining them, removing most of 
the difficulties in reading them according to spec. The image 
type and loading API is entirely extensible, making extra image 
formats entirely self-contained.

Currently only loading and saving of simple BMP images is 
supported, with convolution and Gaussian Blur filters and flip 
transformations. Its still early in development, but I'd love 
to get some feedback on it.

import daffodil;
import daffodil.filter;
import daffodil.transform;

void main() {
auto image = load!32("daffodil.bmp");



The license is MIT, so feel free to do whatever you want with 
the code. Issues and pull requests are of course welcome ;)

Alongside I've also written (an admittedly hacky) sphinx 
(http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/stable/) extension that provides 
a domain and autodocumenter for D, using libdparse and pyd.

Hi there. Took a quick look at the source and it seems really 
nice! I like your idea of extensibility for color conversion. 
Also, image I/O seems to be set up quite nicely for a starting 
point. Although I have to comment that bit depth shouldn't be a 
template argument, in my opinion. When loading images, bit depth 
should be determined in the runtime, depending on the image you'd 
be loading at the moment. Or am I wrong? - do you have some other 
way of handing this case?

Also wanted to let you know I've been working on a similar 
library for some time now [1].
Hope we could merge some modules and learn from each other, and 
not have multiple different implementations of the same stuff. 
Please let me know if your interested.

[1] https://github.com/ljubobratovicrelja/dcv

Re: Commercial video processing app in D (experience report)

2016-04-28 Thread Relja Ljubobratovic via Digitalmars-d-announce

Awesome! Thanks so much for such detailed explanation!

Btw, if you're interested in an image processing app in pure D, 
I've got one too:

(sources: https://bitbucket.org/infognition/bsort )

Great, I'll check it out - Thanks!

Re: Commercial video processing app in D (experience report)

2016-04-28 Thread Relja Ljubobratovic via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 27 April 2016 at 12:42:05 UTC, thedeemon wrote:

I just wanted to share some experience of using D in industry.
Recently my little company released version 2.0 of our flagship 
product Video Enhancer, a video processing application for 
Windows, and this time it's written in D.


Awesome work, congratulations!

Can you share with us some of your experience working on image 
and video processing modules in the app, such as are filters here:


If I may ask, was that part implemented in D, C++, or was some 
3rd party library used?

Thanks, and again - big congrats!

Re: Computer Vision Library in D

2016-04-21 Thread Relja Ljubobratovic via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 21 April 2016 at 16:13:31 UTC, Bill Baxter wrote:
Fortran has some linear algebra functions in the standard 
library.  :-)
Java and many other modern languages are pretty much actively 
hostile to

doing numerical computation,
so including a linear algebra package in the standard library 
of those

languages would just highlight how bad they are at it.
C++ has a tradition of not having a standard library for 
anything you might
actually need to get work done, so I wouldn't follow their 


Nice point about the Fortran, and also about the C++. :)

I'd have to say I'm convinced - if there's a vote about such 
module joining Phobos, count me in! :)

But really, when you look at it - the ndslice has made it to the 
Phobos, now it's probably natural to have some more extensive use 
of it in the standard library. Linear algebra stuff could be 
build nicely on top of the ndslice, you agree?

Re: Computer Vision Library in D

2016-04-19 Thread Relja Ljubobratovic via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 20 April 2016 at 04:37:10 UTC, rikki cattermole 

On the note of linear algebra.
Would you be willing to improve gfm:math (or start from scratch 
I don't really care too much) for Phobos inclusion?

Frankly, I didn't know about the gfm project - it seems nice! 
About the math module, I'm not really sure how (or where) it 
would fit into Phobos? Seems to me that such module really should 
be kept as a library. Isn't there a isolated 3D math library 
present in dub? Anyways, I'll look into it more closely when I 
find time!

Also how much do you know about color theory?
Manu really needs help to get his color work to support 
blending (its mostly time thing really) and that would really 
help since its meant for Phobos.

I've given it only a quick look just now, and it seems great! - 
I'll definitely look into it!

Re: Computer Vision Library in D

2016-04-19 Thread Relja Ljubobratovic via Digitalmars-d-announce

Hey guys, thank you all for responding!

Standard modules for color conversion already exists. See for 

That's awesome, thanks! - I'll look into it!

Wouldn't it be easier to just write bindings to C interface of 
OpenCV, or make a thin D-style wrapper over that API, and use a 
proven widely supported computer vision library rather than try 
to reinvent the wheel?

I've given this a lot of thought. I use OpenCV daily on the job, 
and I'm very familiar with it. I too believe it would probably be 
smarter, faster and safer to wrap its C interface with D, from 
the user's point of view.
The reason why I chose not to do it is it's complexity - OpenCV 
has everything implemented/integrated inside - linear algebra, 
machine learning, optimization and all the other submodules that 
are needed for cv. In the dcv project, I'd really like to rely on 
third party libraries for such functionality - actualy I was 
encouraged and inspired to do it because of DlangScience guys. 
I'm hopping that scid and other such libraries would get a 
interface with ndslice in time, which is the reason I chose to 
use it as main array structure in the library. I believe (as many 
do I'm sure) that through the ndslice, D would get numeric 
ecosystem nice and well integrated as python, which I think would 
be a great success for the language.

So the long story short - we could build a opencv wrapper, but 
here I wanted to start building something that would more nicely 
fit with DlangScience and other D libraries.

You've got a bad @trusted here

Thanks - I'll fix it and try to learn bit more about @trusted!

I am happy to see that you use ndslice. We start to build 
numeric library for science and machine learning. SVM, which is 
used in CV is in out TODO list. You are welcome for feature 
request and for contributing.

Hey Ilya! The text above tells that I've been closely following 
your work, and that I hope ndslice plays important part in D's 
numeric future. I will of course watch the SVM and other such 
projects from you guys, and will contribute whenever I can - 
thanks a lot for your effort!

I'm interested in contributing towards parts that involve 
machine learning/numerical optimisation. I have written some of 
my own CV/ML programs with D in the past, but none of them are 
particularly well engineered since they were all intended for 
just my own use.

That's great, thanks Henry! As I've noted above, I think it would 
be wise to keep modules like ML and optimization apart from this 
library, and to integrate dcv with them through ndslice. Maybe 
it's more likely that you could contribute to DlangScience's SVM 
libray with those parts? But any of your previous CV experience 
is more than welcome for DCV - I'll contact you on the github so 
we could discuss this further, hope that's ok.