Re: #dbugfix Issue 15984

2018-03-07 Thread Ronny Spiegel via Digitalmars-d


Re: DFL?

2012-05-21 Thread Ronny
Looks like a -d is missing on the command line to allow 


Still doesn't work.

Thank you to everyone who has offered help, but I think I've seen 
enough to dismiss DFL.  If I have to duct tape it just to get it 
to work, then what does this say about the rest of the product?  
I don't intend to find out.

If there are other windowing kits for D that work right out of 
the box (integration with Entice would be sweet), I'd love to 
know about them.  Otherwise, I'll have to look elsewhere for UI 

I really like D, so I hope I won't have to look elsewhere because 
of the absence of a workable GUI.

Oh, and by workable I don't mean thin wrappers to the Windows 
API.  I did my time with the Windows API, and I don't intend to 
repeat the experience.

Thanks again to everyone who took the time to help.  I really 
appreciate it.

Re: DFL?

2012-05-17 Thread Ronny

On Wednesday, 16 May 2012 at 15:52:37 UTC, Richard Webb wrote:
Try using the version from 
instead of the one from the official site.

Thank you, but that didn't work.  I now get the following error:

C:\D\dmd2\import\dfl>C:\D\dmd2\windows\bin\dmd -c -debug -g  -wi  
-I.. all.d bas
e.d application.d internal/dlib.d internal/clib.d internal/utf.d 
control.d clippingform.d form.d registry.d drawing.d menu.d 
notifyicon.d commond
ialog.d filedialog.d folderdialog.d panel.d textbox.d 
richtextbox.d picturebox.d
 listbox.d groupbox.d splitter.d usercontrol.d button.d label.d 
collections.d in
ternal/winapi.d internal/wincom.d event.d socket.d timer.d 
environment.d message
box.d tooltip.d combobox.d treeview.d tabcontrol.d colordialog.d 
listview.d data
.d clipboard.d fontdialog.d progressbar.d resources.d statusbar.d 
imagelist.d to

Notice: As of Phobos 2.058, std.ctype has been deprecated. It 
will be removed in

 August 2012. Please use std.ascii instead.
internal\utf.d(91): Error: identifier 'useWfuncs' of 
'std.file.useWfuncs' is not



Could Not Find C:\D\dmd2\import\dfl\*.obj
DFL lib files not found.
Error: dfl_debug.lib not found


2012-05-16 Thread Ronny


I am trying to get DFL to work and failing.  Details follow:

First, I downloaded the latest snapshot (dfl-20110523.exe 

Next, I Installed in my DMD folder (c:\d\dmd2)

Then, I created a project as per the tutorial 

Then I tried to build it (dfl -debug welcome.d -gui) [note: the 
options were changed as per the errata]

When I did this, I got the following:
DFL lib files not found.
Would you like to build the DFL lib files now? [Y/n]

I answered Y and got the following:
Compiling debug DFL...

C:\D\dmd2\import\dfl>C:\D\dmd2\windows\bin\dmd -c -debug -g
-I.. all.d base.d
 application.d internal/dlib.d internal/clib.d internal/utf.d 
internal/com.d con
trol.d form.d registry.d drawing.d menu.d notifyicon.d 
commondialog.d filedialog
.d folderdialog.d panel.d textbox.d richtextbox.d picturebox.d 
listbox.d groupbo
x.d splitter.d usercontrol.d button.d label.d collections.d 
internal/winapi.d in
ternal/wincom.d event.d socket.d timer.d environment.d 
messagebox.d tooltip.d co
mbobox.d treeview.d tabcontrol.d colordialog.d listview.d data.d 
clipboard.d fon
tdialog.d progressbar.d resources.d statusbar.d imagelist.d 
application.d(1842): use of typedef is deprecated; use alias 
application.d(1842): use of typedef is deprecated; use alias 
internal\winapi.d(1726): use of typedef is deprecated; use alias 
internal\winapi.d(1726): use of typedef is deprecated; use alias 


Could Not Find C:\D\dmd2\import\dfl\*.obj
DFL lib files not found.
Error: dfl_debug.lib not found

Press any key to continue . . .

I then replaced typedef with alias references to fix the messages 
above and retried the compilation.  I got:

Compiling debug DFL...

C:\D\dmd2\import\dfl>C:\D\dmd2\windows\bin\dmd -c -debug -g
-I.. all.d base.d
 application.d internal/dlib.d internal/clib.d internal/utf.d 
internal/com.d con
trol.d form.d registry.d drawing.d menu.d notifyicon.d 
commondialog.d filedialog
.d folderdialog.d panel.d textbox.d richtextbox.d picturebox.d 
listbox.d groupbo
x.d splitter.d usercontrol.d button.d label.d collections.d 
internal/winapi.d in
ternal/wincom.d event.d socket.d timer.d environment.d 
messagebox.d tooltip.d co
mbobox.d treeview.d tabcontrol.d colordialog.d listview.d data.d 
clipboard.d fon
tdialog.d progressbar.d resources.d statusbar.d imagelist.d 
Notice: As of Phobos 2.058, std.ctype has been deprecated. It 
will be removed in

 August 2012. Please use std.ascii instead.
internal\utf.d(91): Error: identifier 'useWfuncs' of 
'std.file.useWfuncs' is not



Could Not Find C:\D\dmd2\import\dfl\*.obj
DFL lib files not found.
Error: dfl_debug.lib not found

Press any key to continue . . .

This is when I realized I should stop heading down the rabbit 
hole and ask here.
