Re: Synchronized classes have no public members

2015-10-24 Thread Spacen Jasset via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 20 October 2015 at 18:15:05 UTC, Bruno Medeiros wrote:

On 16/10/2015 08:02, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 2015-10-16 08:49, Dicebot wrote:

As far as I understand topic is about deprecating direct 
field access of

synchronized classes, method calls in synhronized classes and
`synchronized () {}` blocks will remain untouched.

Is it even possible to do synchronized classes in Java? That 
is, but

synchronized on the class declaration as in D.

No, it's not possible. `synchronized` in Java can only apply to 
methods, or the synchronized statement.

And (for a change), rightly so that it's not possible. This 
synchronized class feature seems to me a clumsy mis-feature. At 
first glance at least.

This change seems like a good idea.

As far as having synchronized classes go. I think they can be 
useful. If, as some of the respondents have said a synchronized 
class is wrong, then perhaps their classes are too big and indeed 
require fine grained locks everywhere. Or, if it is performance 
you are after, then that is the way you might do it.

If, however, you would like better defense against multi-threaded 
related breakage against your non time-critical class, a class 
wide lock, surely, would be of benefit.

Re: iterate over a directory, dealing with permission errors

2015-09-19 Thread Spacen Jasset via Digitalmars-d
On Friday, 18 September 2015 at 14:35:39 UTC, Dmitry Olshansky 

On 18-Sep-2015 15:03, Adrian Matoga wrote:
On Friday, 18 September 2015 at 11:35:45 UTC, John Colvin 
Posting here instead of learn because I think it uncovers a 
design flaw

void main(string[] args)
import std.file : dirEntries, SpanMode;
import std.stdio : writeln;
foreach(file; dirEntries(args[1], SpanMode.depth))

Modify this program such that it will print " 
denied" instead of crashing with an exception whenever it 
hits a
permissions problem. Remember that you might not even have 

to read the directory given in args[1]. Remember that access
permissions can change at any time.

It can be done, but it is seriously ugly.

I had to move to some urgent stuff instead of improving the PR 
and later
I forgot about it. The discussion points out what not to do 
when solving

this issue. :)


I came across the same problem a few years ago. I can't remember 
if a bug was raised. it would be very handy to document the way 
to get around this in the dirEntries pages, especially if it 
involves a little convolution.

Re: GDC vs dmd speed

2013-10-15 Thread Spacen Jasset

On 14/10/2013 22:22, Walter Bright wrote:

On 10/14/2013 12:24 PM, Spacen Jasset wrote:

dmd32 v2.063.2
with flags: ["-O", "-release", "-noboundscheck", "-inline"]

gdc 4.6 (0.29.1-4.6.4-1ubuntu4) Which I assume might be v2.020?
with flags: ["-O2"]

dmd uses the x87 for 32 bit code for floating point, while gdc uses the
SIMD instructions, which are faster.

For 64 bit code, dmd uses SIMD instructions too.

Thanks Walter. I shall find a 64 bit system at some point to compare.

Re: GDC vs dmd speed

2013-10-15 Thread Spacen Jasset

On 14/10/2013 22:06, bearophile wrote:

Spacen Jasset:

const float pi = 3.14159265f;

float dx = cast(float)(Clock.currSystemTick.length %
(TickDuration.ticksPerSec * 10)) / (TickDuration.ticksPerSec * 10);
float xRot = sin(dx * pi * 2) * 0.4f + pi / 2;
float yRot = cos(dx * pi * 2) * 0.4f;
float yCos = cos(yRot);
float ySin = sin(yRot);
float xCos = cos(xRot);
float xSin = sin(xRot);

float ox = 32.5f + dx * 64;
float oy = 32.5f;
float oz = 32.5f;

for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
float ___xd = cast(float)(x - width / 2) / height;
for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
float __yd = cast(float)(y - height / 2) / height;
float __zd = 1;

The performance difference between the DMD and GDC compile is kind of
expected for FP-heavy code. Also try the new LDC2 compiler (ldmd2 for
the same compilation switches) that sometimes is better than GDC.

More comments:
- There is a PI in std.math (but it's not a float);
- Add immutable/const to every variable that doesn't need to change.
This is a good habit like washing your hands before eating;
- "for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x)" ==> "foreach (immutable x; 0 ..
- I suggest to avoid many leading/trailing newlines in identifier names;
- It's probably worth replacing all those "float" with another name,
like "FP" and then define "alias FP = float;" at the beginning. So you
can see how much performance you lose/gain using floats/doubles. In many
cases in my code there is no difference, but float are less precise.
Floats can be useful when you have many of them, in a struct or array.
Floats can also be useful when you call certain numerical functions that
compute their result by approximation, but on some CPUs sin/cos are not
among those functions.

Thank you. I may take up some of those suggestions. It was a direct port 
of some c++ hence the style.

GDC vs dmd speed

2013-10-14 Thread Spacen Jasset


Whilst porting some C++ code I have discovered that the compiled output 
from the gdc compiler seems to be 47% quicker than the dmd compiler. The 
code I believe that is the 'busy' code is below. Although I could 
provide a complete test if anyone is interested. Is this an expected 
result and/or is there something I could change to make the compilers 
perform similarly. The function render_minecraft gets called repeatedly 
to render single frames. framebufindex is a simple function to return a 
buffer index. Perhaps it is not being inlined? rgba is another simple 

further details are:

dmd32 v2.063.2
with flags: ["-O", "-release", "-noboundscheck", "-inline"]

gdc 4.6 (0.29.1-4.6.4-1ubuntu4) Which I assume might be v2.020?
with flags: ["-O2"]

// render the next frame into the given 'frame_buf'
void render_minecraft(void * private_renderer_data, uint32_t * frame_buf)
render_info * info = cast(render_info *)private_renderer_data;
const float pi = 3.14159265f;

float dx = cast(float)(Clock.currSystemTick.length % 
(TickDuration.ticksPerSec * 10)) / (TickDuration.ticksPerSec * 10);

float xRot = sin(dx * pi * 2) * 0.4f + pi / 2;
float yRot = cos(dx * pi * 2) * 0.4f;
float yCos = cos(yRot);
float ySin = sin(yRot);
float xCos = cos(xRot);
float xSin = sin(xRot);

float ox = 32.5f + dx * 64;
float oy = 32.5f;
float oz = 32.5f;

for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
float ___xd = cast(float)(x - width / 2) / height;
for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
float __yd = cast(float)(y - height / 2) / height;
float __zd = 1;

float ___zd = __zd * yCos + __yd * ySin;
float _yd = __yd * yCos - __zd * ySin;

float _xd = ___xd * xCos + ___zd * xSin;
float _zd = ___zd * xCos - ___xd * xSin;

uint32_t col = 0;
uint32_t br = 255;
float ddist = 0;
float closest = 32;

for (int d = 0; d < 3; ++d) {
float dimLength = _xd;
if (d == 1)
dimLength = _yd;
if (d == 2)
dimLength = _zd;

float ll = 1 / (dimLength < 0 ? -dimLength : dimLength);
float xd = (_xd) * ll;
float yd = (_yd) * ll;
float zd = (_zd) * ll;

float initial = ox - cast(int)ox;
if (d == 1)
initial = oy - cast(int)oy;
if (d == 2)
initial = oz - cast(int)oz;
if (dimLength > 0)
initial = 1 - initial;

float dist = ll * initial;

float xp = ox + xd * initial;
float yp = oy + yd * initial;
float zp = oz + zd * initial;

if (dimLength < 0) {
if (d == 0)
if (d == 1)
if (d == 2)

while (dist < closest) {
uint tex =[mapindex(xp, yp, zp)];

if (tex > 0) {
uint u = cast(uint32_t)((xp + zp) * 16) & 15;
uint v = (cast(uint32_t)(yp * 16) & 15) + 16;
if (d == 1) {
u = cast(uint32_t)(xp * 16) & 15;
v = (cast(uint32_t)(zp * 16) & 15);
if (yd < 0)
v += 32;

uint32_t cc = info.texmap[u + v * 16 + tex * 
256 * 3];

if (cc > 0) {
col = cc;
ddist = 255 - cast(int)(dist / 32 * 255);
br = 255 * (255 - ((d + 2) % 3) * 50) / 255;
closest = dist;
xp += xd;
yp += yd;
zp += zd;
dist += ll;

const uint32_t r = cast(uint32_t)(((col >> 16) & 0xff) * br 
* ddist / (255 * 255));
const uint32_t g = cast(uint32_t)(((col >> 8) & 0xff) * br 
* ddist / (255 * 255));
const uint32_t b = cast(uint32_t)(((col) & 0xff) * br * 
ddist / (255 * 255));

frame_buf[framebufindex(x, y)] = rgba(r, g, b);

Re: std.parallelism is accepted into Phobos

2011-04-26 Thread Spacen Jasset

On 26/04/2011 18:37, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 4/26/11 11:32 AM, Russel Winder wrote:

On Tue, 2011-04-26 at 09:16 -0700, Sean Kelly wrote:

Bootstrapping issue. Make is almost guaranteed to exist, while the
fancier tools are not.

That may be the case but Makefiles are either incomprehensibly
complicated or platform specific -- it is nigh on impossible to create a
single Makefile that does its job sensibly on Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X
and Windows.

In reality if you target GNU make things are very portable.

The advantage of tools such as Waf, SCons, CMake is that they manage
the platform issues for you.

I hope that's not the only advantage. Anyhow, the problem here is that
you already mentioned three tools, none of which I know. If you could
write the equivalent of posix.mak in your favorite tool, we'd be in a
better position to evaluate how it improves our build process.

Egr... I *might* give it a go at some point in Scons. Which is the only 
tool I've found to (my) liking. It supports D too.

I must say that when dsss and rebuild were maintained it was very handy 
indeed to be able to it with. (yeah - almost) identical build files on 
the platforms I built for. Win & linux at the time.

I can't but think you haven't written enough makefiles Andrei, for 
enough cross platform development, but I dare say you have.

Re: Twitter hashtag for D?

2011-04-16 Thread Spacen Jasset
On 30/07/2009 10:12, MIURA Masahiro wrote:
> Walter Bright wrote:
>> How about #d-lang ?
>> #dpl ?
> I just tested those two.
> Although noone else uses #d-lang, it seems that
> doesn't treat it as a hashtag (because it contains a dash?).
> #dpl gives a few false positives.

So what do people currently use for C and C++ then?

Re: LLVM Coding Standards

2011-04-15 Thread Spacen Jasset

On 12/04/2011 11:21, Mafi wrote:

Am 12.04.2011 00:31, schrieb Spacen Jasset:

std::getline(is, line);
while (line.size() != 0)
...some things...
std::getline(is, line);

What's wrong with
while( std::getline(is, line), (line.size() != 0) ) {
//... some things

I mean, that's what the comma operator is for.
Ah yes well. I was wondering who was going to throw that in. 
Well...okay. But sometimes it's not just one statement that you always 
need to do before your test condition.

Also, I would say that sort of code is a little bit more difficult to 
read. I don't mind typing a little bit more to be able to make it look a 
bit better.

As other posters have pointed out, it seems to me, at least, that having 
a way to express your model/idea or view of a problem directly is the 
most useful thing a language can give you.

In other words less code structure design caused by safety and/or other 
issues, and more problem, higher level design visible in the code. As an 
example, perhaps not a great one. The RAII pattern. It's a code type of 
design/solution used to manage resources, and specifically to prevent 
resource leaks, rather than anything in particular to do with a problem 
that is being solved. e.g. That of reading and processing a file.

So we end up with
(a) solution to some problem
(b) solution to the method of expressing the solution to the problem

as you have put above:
while( std::getline(is, line), (line.size() != 0) ) {

There is a strong component of (b), rather than just (a), which ideally 
in utopia we don't want to spend time on thinking about.

Re: LLVM Coding Standards

2011-04-11 Thread Spacen Jasset

On 11/04/2011 20:58, spir wrote:

[slightly OT]


I'm reading (just for interest) the LLVM Coding Standards at Find them very interesting
because their purposes are clearly explained. Below sample.


That seem all fairly sensible. It also reminds me of open source 
projects written in C, where GOTO is used, like so:

HANDLE handle1 = open(...);

if (out_of_memory)
goto cleanup;

if (invalid_format)
goto cleanup;

   if (handle1)
   if (handle2)

This code uses the dreaded goto statement, but I belive you can see that 
the author is trying to make the code more readable, or at least get rid 
of the nested indents/multiple cleanup problem you inevitably come 
across at some points in C code. It does tend to be more readable than 
the alternative, too.

I think that people like to follow rules, that is as soon as they have 
internalised them and made them their own. What this means is that they 
often then follow them to a fault, and you get deeply nested, but 
"structured" code, where instead you would be better of with more 
logically linear code as in the case of the early exit. Coding standards 
should probably just say: try and write readable code. Everyone knows 
what readable code looks like. It just not always quick or easy to make 
it that way.

While I am on the subject, I've *always* thought major languages have 
poor loop constructs:


for (;;)
std::getline(is, line);
if (line.size() == 0)
...some things...

You have to call getline always at least once, then you need to test if 
the line is empty to terminate the loop. So how do you do it another way?

std::getline(is, line);
while (line.size() != 0)
...some things...
std::getline(is, line);

Isn't there something a bit wrong here? N.B. a do .. while doesn't help 
here either.

in (A) there is no duplication, in essence what I am saying, is that 
there should be a loop whereby you can put the exit condition where you 
need it, but *also* the compiler should check you have an exit condition 
to prevent mistakes. This whole WHILE vs DO vs FOR loops thing is 
strange to me.

Instead you could just have:

 if (condition) exit;

instead of WHILE and DO. Whereby you *must* have an exit condition.

But I suppose you need a FOR loop because the following may be error prone.

int x=0;
if x > 9 exit;

So you would then end up with a LOOP a FOREVER (perhaps which is for(;;) 
by convention anyway) and a FOR loop.

I'll put the coffee down now...

Re: Well, it's been a total failure

2010-09-12 Thread Spacen Jasset

On 11/09/2010 23:52, Vladimir G. Ivanovic wrote:

  I'm running Fedora 13.x86_64 and I've tried various ways of getting a
D compiler to work. None have succeeded.

1. a. I can't install dmd 2.048:

 # rpm -Uvh /downloads/dmd-2.048-0.i386.rpm
 error: Failed dependencies:
gcc(x86-32)>= 4.2.3 is needed by dmd-2.048-0.i386
I don't know what package will satisfy this dependency.
b. dmd is a closed compiler. Not good. I'm really not comfortable
running a compiler for which I don't have access to the source. The
risk of undetected malware is too great.
c. So, I give up on dmd.

2. I can't run ldc because
a. The ldc RPM requires Tango, even though this is not an RPM
dependency for ldc, i.e. you can install ldc without any errors.
b. The installation instructions for Fedora on the LDC web site are
incorrect. "yum install ldc" works, but "yum install tango" doesn't.
"yum install tango-devel" is the correct command. (This is the first
time I've heard of-devel without a corresponding.)
c. After I've gotten everything installed, it still doesn't work. I get
 $ ldc hello.d
 hello.d(5): Error: module stdio cannot read file 'std/stdio.d'
d. OK, so I link /usr/include/d/tango/stdc to
/usr/include/d/tango/std, but it still doesn't work. I get:
 $ ldc hello.d
 hello.d(8): Error: undefined identifier writefln
 hello.d(8): Error: function expected before (), not writefln
of type int
e. ldc only supports D v1.
f. All of this is too much for me. I give up on ldc.

3. I can't get gdc to compile.
a. First I have to get gcc-4.4.4 to compile, but that requires a 4
year old version of automake. I have to downgrade.
b. After that's fixed, I'm still running into errors that prevent a
build. The errors change from changeset to changeset. So, I'm giving
up on gdc.

Getting a D compiler to run on x86_64 Linux is too hard. I'm giving up
on D.

I'm posting this message not as a plea for help, but to illustrate how
hard it is to get D to run on Fedora.x86_64. The success of D depends
on high quality, open source compilers being available (my belief),
and so far, D doesn't seem to be mature enough to be considered, at
least on Fedora.x86_64.

But, on the plus side, the existence of the book "The D Programming
Language" is a major step in getting D accepted as a serious system
programming language. Maybe installation will improve and D will move

--- Vladimir

when installing an rpm package it's usually best to try yum localinstall 
/downloads/dmd-2.048-0.i386.rpm first

and yum will then go off and fetch the dependencies if (a) they are 
available and (b) they have been specified properly in the rpm package

Re: Errors in TDPL

2010-06-21 Thread Spacen Jasset

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 06/21/2010 05:35 PM, Spacen Jasset wrote:

I am only on page ten, I believe I saw a minor typo somewhere in the
preface, that's all so far. I look forward to pondering the rest in the
coming days.

oh yes.

"D is a language that attempts to consistently do the right thing within
the constraints it choose: sys" etc

missing s, I gues.

Thanks for your note. The current text uses "chose", i.e. the past tense 
of "to choose", so I think it is correct.


heh. I can't read. I loose a cookie.

Re: Errors in TDPL

2010-06-21 Thread Spacen Jasset
I am only on page ten, I believe I saw a minor typo somewhere in the 
preface, that's all so far. I look forward to pondering the rest in the 
coming days.

oh yes.

"D is a language that attempts to consistently do the right thing within 
the constraints it choose: sys" etc

missing s, I gues.

Re: [OT] The One Hundred Year Data Model

2010-05-15 Thread Spacen Jasset

Justin Johansson wrote:
Perhaps off topic for this NG, though certainly a good topic for LtU, 
but nevertheless D people might have some interesting insight on the 
topic of data models (for programming languages).

So I'll begin with saying, "Forget the Hundred-Year Language"

and drop the notion of the "Next Big Language" per se.

Let's take a step back and instead ask what might be the Next Big Data 
Model or the Hundred-Year Data Model in the same vein as Paul Graham 
contemplates (link above) a Hundred-Year Programming Language.

While discussions about programming languages, syntax, static vs dynamic 
typing, etc are about ubiquitous and can be as emotional as political 
and religious ideological discussions, it seems (to me at least) that 
in-depth discussions about data models are few and far between.

Apart from the Third Manifesto (the relational database data model) made 
famous in decades past
there have been few advancements in abstract data models since then.

While there may be others, the only significant new data model in the 
last decade that I know of is the XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Data Model (XDM)

With the above preamble, I would like to ask members of the D community 
 to contemplate about what the ubiquitous data model of the future, 
perhaps the Hundred-Year Data Model, might be in shape or form, taking a 
programming language agnostic position.


Justin Johansson

What about the dimensional database model. Where each attribute is 
effectively a dimension. This has been around for a while and it popular 
in data warehousing applications. Data is king these days and extracting 
information from it easily is what everyone wants to do that has a lot 
of data.

I am surprised to find that there don't really appear to be many open 
source libraries to support this sort of thing. Like for example sqllite 
in the RDBMS field. There is jbase with it's multi valued fields and so 
on, but as far as I can tell it is built on top of a relational model 
which is more OLAP. Whereas I think I am thinking more along the lines 

Re: Patches, bottlenecks, OpenSource

2010-04-13 Thread Spacen Jasset

bearophile wrote:

After the last posts about patches, I can write something myself about this 
topic :-) I am far from being an expert of big software projects, but I think I 
am now able to understand some things of the D project.

I like D, it's an alive project, but from what I've seen D so far is not having a so 
significant success. I think lot of people (especially young programmers) don't want 
"a better C++", they want no stinking C++ at all. They want something quite 
different. (On the other hand now I am not so sure Scala will have a widespread success, 
its type system makes it not easy to learn).

A C++-class language compiler is a big project that requires quite different 
skill sets: in the D compiler there is work to do on the vector operations, 
lent/uniqueness, multi-core, 64 bit, work for keep it well updated on 
Mac/Linux/Win and well packaged, development of Phobos and its data structures, 
work on the back-end to use the SSE registers and future CPUs or GPUs, tuning 
of the associative arrays, future improvements of the core language, 
improvements in the unit test system, large improvement in the D web site and 
the documentation, big improvements needed for the GC to turn it into something 
more modern, and so on. Such things have to be refined, debugged, efficient, 
cared of, polished.

So as D develops and grows it will get hard for a single person to write all 
patches to the language and other parts. As D grows this will become a bottleneck, 
and from what I've seen it already is. The disadvantage of allowing other people 
the rights to patch the front-end is some lost control, but Walter can review 
patches after they are already applied & working (in a big project having a 
director is positive). This can speed up the patching process itself. The compiler 
can become more like a patchwork of different programming styles, and Walter has to 
ask to other people how some parts not written by him work. This can be doable if 
the front-end becomes more modular. LLVM shows a more modular design that can be 
copied. This is a lot of refractoring work.

Increasing openess can increase the influx of devs and their willingness to 
help the project. This is quite positive and its importance can't be 

Pyrex ( ) was forked 
in Cython ( ) because Pyrex author was too much slow in 
patching. A fork will not happen in D soon because there are not enough people 
yet that care and work for D enough to make a fork viable. D is not a project 
as alive as Pyrex. Cython is a tiny rib of the Python language circus.

I suggest to give patching rights to Don, it can be one more step forward 
toward Open Sourcing D development style :-) In future such right can be given 
to other few good people that have shown to deserve enough trust.

I am not sure the future of D is in the dmd back-end, llvm looks in better 
shape for this purpose. LLVM is able to support 99.9% of the features of D2 
(and I presume llvm devs are willing to add the few missing things if someone 
gives them patches; from the unladen-swallow project I have seen they are open 
enough), and it supports a large number of good features currently not 
done/present by/in the back-end of dmd. Currently ldc is a compiler much better 
than dmd (try it if you don't believe me!), but its devs are not appreciating 
D2 language yet much. I don't like to see the Walter-locomotive so detached 
from the present nice ldc D1 compiler, and from the future of LDC and llvm. I'd 
still like ldc to become the official D2 compiler, developed and cared of :-)


It's all true. I also think we should use a DVCS too so that Walter can 
apply patches easily and we can upload patch branches directly to 
somewhere that can be merged and or reconciled by the original authors 
in case of conflict. It's all good. The history of the patch itself can 
also be tracked even after merging. I suggest Bazaar but I am deeply 
biased on the matter.

Further, Don et al. could act as gatekeeper to prevent Walter getting 
bogged down with too many patches. And then things will be all good and 
I may find the time to get interested in D again.

Re: Converting Optlink from Assembler to C

2009-11-30 Thread Spacen Jasset

Vladimir Panteleev wrote:
On Mon, 30 Nov 2009 23:02:13 +0200, Walter Bright 

The link posted on reddit in broken: "You are not authorised to view 
this resource. You need to login."

Broken  link: 

Working link: 

Note the HTML entities...

The article doesn't really say why optlink? Why not use another linker? 
(which may already be written in c)

Re: CPAN for D

2009-11-11 Thread Spacen Jasset

Clay Smith wrote:

Bill Baxter wrote:

On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 3:08 PM, Walter Bright

Over and over, I hear that CPAN is one of the great reasons people 
use Java.

Such for D would be a tremendous boost to the D community.

CPAN is so bad that people run away from Perl in horror over to
comfortable but boring old Java?  :-P

DSSS was supposed to be a sort of CPAN for D.  I think it's still the
easiest way to get the Derelict library installed.  Unfortunately it's
really only a very humble start.  It lacks any sort of versioning, and
has no web face.  And now it's unmaintained.


It would be great if there could be a new DSSS maintainer, or someone to 
fix DSSS.

Then I'd imagine a site like could easily add CPAN like 
functionality, however it would need to make sure to only search for 
completed / near completed projects.

Yes DSSS is/was good. It probably needs more than one point of contact / 

I'd also suggest using bzr/hg/git (in that order) such that users could 
more easily contribute changes, and it may help provide more visibility 
to exactly who and what is happening on the project, if branches can be 

As for CPAN. It's the only thing that is good about Perl.

Re: What is an ANNOTATION?

2009-11-11 Thread Spacen Jasset

sclytrack wrote:

== Quote from Lars T. Kyllingstad (pub...@kyllingen.nospamnet)'s article

Lars T. Kyllingstad wrote:

So, it seems that @annotations will become a part of D. But which of the
existing attributes should become annotations, and which should remain
as they are? What is the rule for determining whether a new feature
should be introduced in terms of annotations?

  @safe @pure @nothrow @immutable int foo() { ... }


Sorry, bit of a typo in the message subject there. ;)

a) Things that shows up in the reflection

b) When added to stuff it doesn't create a new type or overload.

c) Annotations provide data about a software program that is not part of the
program itself. They have no direct effect on the operation of the code they
annotate. (wikipedia)

Pick one, ... or two.

(c) is the one.

Re: bug #2607 building DMD against and older version of glibc [was: objdump src]

2009-11-11 Thread Spacen Jasset

dsimcha wrote:

== Quote from Spacen Jasset ('s article

Spacen Jasset wrote:

I am trying to build dmd such that it will work on older versions of

Given that there will be a book out in the fairly near future, and
people may therefore want to run dmd on GNU/Linux. Perhaps bug #2607
would be useful to fix. That is; ensure that dmd will run on a
respectable set of GNU/linux versions easily. (and perhaps this applies
to FreeBSD too)

I'm forced to use Linux caveman edition (kernel 2.6.8 or something) on some of 
computers I deal with for my research because my sysadmin refuses to upgrade.
Before DMD came with buildable source this was problematic because I was
constantly searching for one of the few nodes that DMD would run on.  However, 
I don't see it as much of a problem, as it takes approximately 2 minutes to just
compile from source.  Furthermore, I think I asked Walter about this back when 
was still a problem and he said changing the glibc version would break people 
a newer version.
Ok. glibc is forward compatible, on purpose. We build stuff for redhat 2 
at our workplace, which works on 5 (and ubuntu and suse) without any 
trouble. Drepper goes into a lot of detail here:

The problem Walter had was First with glibc, which was fixed by building 
on an older platform (there are other ways but this is easiest).

Then Second, with the older libc++ which was missing on the newer 
systems. The latter is fixed by either:

a) static link in only libc++ and libgcc
b) ship libc++ and change the link loader path with the -L options 
(requires a startup stub I think if you don't always use the same 
installation location i.e. /usr/local/dmd

Which is a very similar way you fix missing msvcr71.dll problems on windows.

bug #2607 building DMD against and older version of glibc [was: objdump src]

2009-11-11 Thread Spacen Jasset

Spacen Jasset wrote:
I am trying to build dmd such that it will work on older versions of 


Given that there will be a book out in the fairly near future, and 
people may therefore want to run dmd on GNU/Linux. Perhaps bug #2607 
would be useful to fix. That is; ensure that dmd will run on a 
respectable set of GNU/linux versions easily. (and perhaps this applies 
to FreeBSD too)

objdump src

2009-11-08 Thread Spacen Jasset
I am trying to build dmd such that it will work on older versions of 
GNU/Linux as well as newer versions with a single binary. This requires 
some special attention for libc++ and lib_gcc, (or a link loaded wrapper 

I have proceeded like this to start off:

--- linux.mak.orig  2009-11-08 23:07:22.0 +
+++ linux.mak   2009-11-08 23:30:29.0 +
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
+STATIC_LIBCPP=--static-libgcc -lm -Wl,-Bstatic,-lstdc++,-Bdynamic

 CC=g++ -m32

@@ -86,7 +87,7 @@
 all: dmd

 dmd: id.o optabgen $(DMD_OBJS)
-   gcc -m32 -lstdc++ $(COV) $(DMD_OBJS) -o dmd
+   gcc -m32 $(COV) $(DMD_OBJS) -o dmd $(STATIC_LIBCPP)

rm -f $(DMD_OBJS) dmd optab.o id.o impcnvgen idgen id.c id.h \

Which works assuming you compile it on redhat 3 and then it is upward 
compatible (glibc wise). But objdump and the other tools also need 
similar treatment, but I can't seem to find their source.

Re: "with" should be deprecated with extreme prejudice

2009-05-18 Thread Spacen Jasset

BCS wrote:

Hello Andrei,

Robert Fraser wrote:

This. Just issue an error/warning if something in the with shadows
something outside. That way, if the struct/class/template/whatever
changes, affected code will be notified.

No warning, error!

warning if it exist, error if used?

It probably should be an error. Then though, you have the unfortunate 
thing whereby adding something to say struct X will shadow and generate 
a compile error, which you can only fix by:

a) Not using with
b) rename identifier in your sturct
c) rename local variable

I seem to remember some language (I think it's VB) supporting with that 
required a "." prefix in front of with enclosures. Like so:

auto a = 0;
with (foo)
a = 0;
.a = 1;

This is a bit dangerous too though, in terms of typos.

Re: D1 and Phobos Fixes

2009-05-15 Thread Spacen Jasset

Walter Bright wrote:

Spacen Jasset wrote:
This goes for the compiler too, but presumably a lot of the the code 
is shared and it isn't so easy.

Many compiler patches get posted to bugzilla. About half of them are 
correct, the other half aren't (often fixing the symptom rather than the 
cause of the problem).

Essentially, the compiler is fairly complicated and not well commented; 
I want to review any changes before they're committed. Otherwise I'll 
lose track of how it works and how it's supposed to work.

Yes fair enough. What about phobos? Do many patches for phobos come in?

Re: D1 and Phobos Fixes

2009-05-14 Thread Spacen Jasset

Jason House wrote:

Spacen Jasset Wrote:

Since D1 is stable I wonder why bugs in Phobos1 and/or D can't be ironed 
out quicker by allowing certain members of the D community to commit 
changes to phobos directly.

This goes for the compiler too, but presumably a lot of the the code is 
shared and it isn't so easy.

I presume that all the bug fixes for phobos are incorporated by Walter, 
and wonder if this need by the case. Would it not be useful to have a 
"team" of some sort that can operate on phobos1 directly, and take 
submissions from the wider community.

These fixes of course would be bug fixes only, I dand perhaps in some cases 
fixes where no behaviour has been defined, but existing behaviour is 
(clearly) wrong or non intentional.

Direct annonymous access can lead to quality control issues. I doubt that'll happen. It's much more reasonable to give write access on a case by case basis.  If you want to make a case for yourself, start by adding quality patches into bugzilla. If they don't get no reaction, you can complain publicly on this newsgroup. 

More than just Walter has write access to Phobos. Andrei, Sean, and Don also 
have access. I'm pretty sure Don and Sean got access after frequent high 
quality contributions.


I did mean some "trusted" people rather than everyone, and I also mean 
perhaps someone(s) that can funnel patches in from the community, as a 
gatekeeper. I don't know if Andrei, Sean, or Don do that sort of thing 
on a regular basis.

I don't mean to whine, but people here have, and continue complain about 
the rate of fixes from time to time. So perhaps for D1/phobos1 a case 
can be made for more of a community momentum as it were.

It's just an idea. I have been following D's development for a few years 
now. Following is the word too, I haven't done much with it, so my 
contributions are minimal. I might aim to change that though. Can't sit 
around when there are projects to be worked on.

Perhaps someone with commit rights could look at 2429 (has patch) or 
2413 They aren't that important on the one hand, but on the other hand 
they are bugs. Perhaps since the focus will be switching to D2 it isn't 
so important for fix D1 bugs now anyway.

Since this is the modern age of distributed revision control we could 
use such a system. I have played around with launchpad and bzr git and 
see that the model works quite well. (I am not necessarily suggesting 
bzr and launchpad here) While bugzilla patch files and svn work quite 
well. It is possible, and probably easier to stage branches in various 
states that people can pull from and then submit patches to, which 
ultimately can then potentially be put in the main phobos branch, and in 
the mean time people can pull down development branches to get the 
latest fixes that aren't in the official release yet.

I am going off on all sorts of tangents here, but a colleague of mine 
has just ventured into D (After Andrei banded the D word about at the 
ACCU conference), and I think it could help a lot if people were able to 
  contribute more easily to D/phobos or any other related projects.

I am not sure I am getting across what I think I mean with all this 
waffle, so perhaps less of that and more doing is in order.

D1 and Phobos Fixes

2009-05-14 Thread Spacen Jasset
Since D1 is stable I wonder why bugs in Phobos1 and/or D can't be ironed 
out quicker by allowing certain members of the D community to commit 
changes to phobos directly.

This goes for the compiler too, but presumably a lot of the the code is 
shared and it isn't so easy.

I presume that all the bug fixes for phobos are incorporated by Walter, 
and wonder if this need by the case. Would it not be useful to have a 
"team" of some sort that can operate on phobos1 directly, and take 
submissions from the wider community.

These fixes of course would be bug fixes only, and perhaps in some cases 
fixes where no behaviour has been defined, but existing behaviour is 
(clearly) wrong or non intentional.

Re: OT: Worthwhile *security-competent* web host?

2009-02-20 Thread Spacen Jasset

Nick Sabalausky wrote:
Anyone know of a reliable, reasonably-priced web host that...and here's the 
key part...actually understands even the most basic security concepts?

... snip

Not really, no. In which country?

I have some suggestions if you can live with out a control panel and 
therefore want to do a bit of DIY:-

Firstly there is (US) Which has charity status, and so you 
can't really do any commercial things with it. You get a shell account 
on netbsd, and they like a donation now and then, but it's sort of 

In the UK there is bytemark hosting, starting at ~150 GBP (per year) for 
user mode linux. I believe bytemark to be competent.

xtrahost for a slightly more, but with xen virtualisation and they offer 
windows, too.

I think both the above offer some sort of plesk control panel, but that 
may only be for domain management.

Re: Glibc hell

2009-01-26 Thread Spacen Jasset

Walter Bright wrote:

Spacen Jasset wrote:
For us Linux DMD users a bug should be raised against dmd so that 
Walter will hopefully compile against an older glibc on future releases.

Yet when I do that the other half of the linux users have a problem.

Do you know what problems they had Walter, I think this problem should 
be able to be ironed out somehow.

I believe that is is ok to statically link with the c++ libraries* and 
we do this at our workplace, otherwise the target users also have to 
have the correct c++ libraries installed.

The link flags I use for our builds are like this:

LINK_FLAGS=-Wl,-Bstatic,-lstdc++,-Bdynamic -static-libgcc

and are passed to gcc for the linking phase.

Would it be possible for you to generate a version of DMD built in this 
way for testing as well as how you do it currently?

If you have already done this and found no way to make it work then 
perhaps it's not worthwhile, but this really should work on Linux.

* - you don't get the "benefit" of bug fixes via the dynamic library 

Re: Glibc hell

2009-01-26 Thread Spacen Jasset

Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

"Spacen Jasset" wrote

Steven Schveighoffer wrote:


For us Linux DMD users a bug should be raised against dmd so that Walter 
will hopefully compile against an older glibc on future releases.

As long as it doesn't cause weird problems.  I have had weird stuff happen 
when you are running an older app against a newer lib (specifically, the 
program exited silently).

Ok, fair enough. I've done it it a few times, and we have not had 
problems. Perhaps some sort of trial with DMD would be helpful.

Plus, I think the OP essentially was looking to run programs that DMD 
compiled, not necessarily running DMD itself.


Ideally, we (as in someone) will want to do both of these things.

Re: Glibc hell

2009-01-23 Thread Spacen Jasset

Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

"Spacen Jasset" wrote

Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
You may have to statically link (which, of course, is not officially 
supported by glibc, for very stupid reasons).
I am not sure that the reasons are "stupid". It is similar, for example to 
kernel32.dll on windows, which you cannot link to statically *at all* libc 
is a comparable interface in that it calls into the kernel.

The reasons are not so concrete.  It's more a matter of opinion than 

For example, see this web page:

I ran into this when trying to get busybox working.  It took me a while to 
figure out, but I ended up using a dynamic glibc.  Apparently, there are 
bugs in glibc with static linking that the developers refuse to fix because 
"static linking glibc isn't a valid requirement."

Yet some very important programs are statically linked.  For example, 
ldconfig and  nash (Red Hat's system loader shell).  It just seems stupid to 
me when they preach that you should *always* dynamically link, yet there are 
cases where they found it more suitable to statically link.

Just my opinion.


It is the way it is at the end of the day. I don't consider it too 
unreasonable to require dynamic linking for things such as glibc. 
(again, just like kernel32.dll and user32.dll on windows)

At our company we compile against older versions of glib c and the same 
code runs without problem on the latest versions. This is not the case 
with static linking it often breaks unless you run on the same system 
you linked on.

As for bugs in glibc preventing static linking I can't comment except to 
say that the the kernel apis do sometimes change and I have read that 
static linking will case crashes, which it does. It appears they don't 
want to maintain static compatibility in this way. However, if you do 
build glibc from source there is a configurable option to provide 
compatability wrappers, I noticed this when building a cross compiler.

I know that static linking of glibc is sometimes used so that the 
libraries are not required for base operating system components, in 
particular some maintenance binaries are linked in this way so that a 
system can be recovered without the need for a working usable /usr/lib 

Unfortunately it does seem easier to compile against an older glibc 
using an older distribution, but there may be a better way. Installing 
an older gcc may suffice. At our company we took the "easy way" and used 
a virtual machine.

For us Linux DMD users a bug should be raised against dmd so that Walter 
will hopefully compile against an older glibc on future releases.

Re: Glibc hell

2009-01-21 Thread Spacen Jasset

Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

"dsimcha" wrote
Apparently, DMD for Linux requires a non-ancient version of Glibc to work, 

worse yet, all the stuff compiled by it requires a similarly non-ancient
version.  The problem is that I'm trying to run some jobs on a cluster 

has an ancient version of Linux that my sysadmin doesn't want to upgrade.
Given that i don't have any root/admin privileges, and will never get 
does anyone know of a workaround to make DMD, or at least stuff compiled 

it, work with ancient versions of glibc?

P.S.  Nothing illegal/unethical, such as cracking the root acct. please.

You may have to statically link (which, of course, is not officially 
supported by glibc, for very stupid reasons).  I'm not sure how much of the 
new glibc is required by dmd, part of glibc is in the dynamic linker, which 
I think is hard to use a local copy of.

However, the linker does support a way to override which libraries to use.

I'd suggest the following.  I assume you have a local account with some 

mkdir ~/libs
cp ~/libs
cp ~/libs
# bash syntax, not sure of csh syntax
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/libs

What this does is make the dynamic linker use ~/libs to look for dynamic 
libs to link in before the default ones.  You can check which libraries the 
dynamic linker is using to resolve dependencies by using 'ldd executable'.

Hope this helps


I am not sure that the reasons are "stupid". It is similar, for example 
to kernel32.dll on windows, which you cannot link to statically *at all* 
libc is a comparable interface in that it calls into the kernel.

Linking to an older libc should ensure a good level of compatibility 
going forward, but I am not an expert on this. We do this for some of 
our software at the moment, which works without trouble.

Re: Glibc hell

2009-01-21 Thread Spacen Jasset

dsimcha wrote:

Apparently, DMD for Linux requires a non-ancient version of Glibc to work, and
worse yet, all the stuff compiled by it requires a similarly non-ancient
version.  The problem is that I'm trying to run some jobs on a cluster that
has an ancient version of Linux that my sysadmin doesn't want to upgrade.
Given that i don't have any root/admin privileges, and will never get them,
does anyone know of a workaround to make DMD, or at least stuff compiled by
it, work with ancient versions of glibc?

P.S.  Nothing illegal/unethical, such as cracking the root acct. please.

Get Walter to recompile DMD on centos 2, or install the gcc-compat 
libraries and compiler and again recompile DMD with that so it's forward 
compatible. glibc shouldn't be statically linked, it leads to crashes. 
libc++ however can be.

Re: Threads

2008-11-19 Thread Spacen Jasset

DF wrote:

 * Testing.
module Test;

import std.thread;
import std.stdio;

class DerivedThread : Thread {

 this() {

private :
 int run() {
writefln("Derived thread running.\n" );
return 0;

void main() {
Thread derived = new DerivedThread();

This code makes no output. Why?

Not quite sure, but you could try derived.wait() in main to wait for the 
thread to finish.