Re: Formal Review of std.range.ndslice

2015-12-14 Thread Stefan Frijters via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 13 December 2015 at 22:32:43 UTC, Ilya Yaroshenko 
Since it's a segfault in the compiler, should I put it on 
Bugzilla too?

1. Please note in Bugzilla report that program code is 
incorrect (see example of correct above).

2. More reduced code can be used for report:

void main() {
Slice!(3, double*) force = new double[60].sliced(3, 4, 5);
// Wrong foreach params. dmd failed with exit code -11.
foreach(p, e; force)

Reported as .

Will look into my other non-bug problems when I can, have to run 

Re: Formal Review of std.range.ndslice

2015-12-13 Thread Stefan Frijters via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 11 December 2015 at 22:56:15 UTC, Ilya wrote:
On Friday, 11 December 2015 at 19:31:14 UTC, Stefan Frijters 


Slice!(N, T*) arr;


  // compute length
  // more flexible construtors would be added after
  // allocatrs support for ndslice
  size_t len = 1;
  foreach(l; lengths)
 len *= l;

  arr = new T[len].sliced(lengths);


   std.experimental.ndslice.selection: indexSlice, byElement;

   foreach(p; someField.shape.indexSlice.byElement) {
  someField[p] = foo(someOtherField[bar(p)]);


See also updated docs:


Thank you for your help. I'm trying to convert my code again at 
the moment, but ran into a new problem: I need to pass a pointer 
to the data into a C function. It seems that the .ptr property is 
not available, and using & caused dmd to segfault (currently 
running a Dustmite reduction for that). Is there any clean way to 
get a pointer to the underlying data?

Re: Formal Review of std.range.ndslice

2015-12-13 Thread Stefan Frijters via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 13 December 2015 at 15:59:19 UTC, Ilya Yaroshenko 
Could you please post reduced code example that caused dmd to 

Took dustmite about 6 hours to reduce, and then I went at it 
manually for a bit, so this is the smallest I could get it:

import std.experimental.ndslice;

int main() {
  Field force;
  foreach(p, e; force) e;

struct Field {
  alias arr this;
  Slice!(3, double*) arr;

Compiled with dmd 2.069.1 via dub build:

"name": "dlbc",
"sourcePaths": ["src"],
"dependencies": {
"dip80-ndslice": "~>0.8.3",

dip80-ndslice 0.8.3: target for configuration "library" is up to 

dlbc ~master: building configuration "application"...
Segmentation fault
dmd failed with exit code 139.

Since it's a segfault in the compiler, should I put it on 
Bugzilla too?

2D way: [0, 0]   or   &(slice.front.front());

ND way: &(slice.byElement.front())

Note: Comparing with unstandard  there is no guarantee that the 
first element in a ndarray is the first element in memory. 
`reversed` and `allReversed` should not be used to preserve 
strides positive.

Hm, I assumed the underlying array would be a single block of 
data and then a bunch of pointers would be used to keep track of 
any slices. I'll try to figure out how to give the data to C then 
(for MPI and HDF5, to be exact).

Re: Formal Review of std.range.ndslice

2015-12-11 Thread Stefan Frijters via Digitalmars-d
Today I've made an abortive attempt at replacing my code's [1] 
dependence on unstd.multidimarray [2] with ndslice.
I'm guessing it's just me being stupid, but could anyone supply 
with some hints on how to do the conversion with a minimum of 

Basically I have an N-dimensional array (N is known at compile 
time) of type T wrapped in a struct to carry some additional 
I then address it using size_t[N] fixed-size arrays, and loop 
over it a lot with foreach, which also uses size_t[N] as index.

So it looks something like this:

struct Field(T, uint N) {

  alias arr this;

  MultidimArray!(T, N) arr; // is there any way to supply the 
correct type here with ndslice? I cannot use auto, right?

  this (in size_t[N] lengths) {
arr = multidimArray!T(lengths);
and then things like

foreach(immutable p, ref pop; someField) {
  pop = foo(someOtherField[bar(p)]);

where p is of type size_t[N].

I tried using ndarray in conjunction with the 
std.experimental.allocator, but I don't particularly care about 
memory management;
these are large arrays that are allocated once and kept around 
for the duration of the program.

Any help would be appreciated.


Re: Measuring test coverage

2015-08-10 Thread Stefan Frijters via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 9 August 2015 at 20:24:22 UTC, Alexei Bykov wrote:
D has builtin support for coverage analysis but it produces 
only .lst files. This is a bit inconvenient. Is there any tool 
which can create something like an html report from .lst files?
For now I'm using OpenCppCoverage which is not the best tool 
and works only on Windows but at least it produces html reports 
which can be customized (sort of).

If your code is hosted at Github or similar, allows you to use for D code. Not made by me, but I've been using it 
for a while now and it works very well for me.

std.parallelism and multidimensional arrays

2015-05-22 Thread Stefan Frijters via Digitalmars-d-learn
I have a code which does a lot of work on 2D/3D arrays, for which 
I use the 2.066 multidimensional slicing syntax through a fork of 
the Unstandard package [1].
Many times the order of operations doesn't matter and I thought I 
would give the parallelism module a try to try and get some easy 
speedups (I also use MPI, but that has some additional overhead).

The way I currently have my foreach loops set up, p is a 
size_t[2], the payload of the array v is double[9] and the array 
is indexed directly with a size_t[2] array and all works fine:

foreach(immutable p, ref v, arr) { double[9] stuff; arr[p] = 
stuff; }

If I naively try

foreach(immutable p, ref v, parallel(arr)) { ... }

I first get errors of the type Error: foreach: cannot make v 
ref. I do not understand where that particular problem comes 
from, but I can possibly live without the ref, so I went for

foreach(immutable p, v, parallel(arr)) { ... }

Which gets me Error: no [] operator overload for type 
(complicated templated type of some wrapper struct I have for 
arr). I'm guessing it doesn't like that there is no such thing 
as a simple one-dimensional slicing operation for a 
multidimensional array?
Should I define an opSlice function that takes the usual two 
size_t arguments for the upper and lower bounds and doesn't 
require a dimension template argument and somehow map this to my 
underlying two-dimensional array? Will it need an opIndex 
function that takes only takes a single size_t as well?
Or is this just taking the simple parallel(...) too far and 
should I try to put something together myself using lower-level 

Any hints would be appreciated!


Re: Request for testers: GDC-5.1 Release Candidate branched

2015-04-19 Thread Stefan Frijters via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 19 April 2015 at 07:13:16 UTC, Iain Buclaw wrote:


GCC-5.1 has hit RC, and so it's all rush again to get bug fixes 

quick before the window closes.

Packages are up on Debian:

Latest changes however are on github:

Updates/Fixes from gdc-4.9 include:
- Front-end updated from 2.065.0 to 2.066.1
- Added goto support for GDC Extended Inline Assembler
- Added -fbounds-check=safe compiler option
- Added Runtime support for EMUTLS targets
- Added new gcc.attributes section, weak and alias
- Partially fixed thunk support for externally referenced 

(only variadic methods now don't work)
- Improved Closure/Frame chaining, all tests now passing in the 
- Improved NRVO support to take advantage of Return Slot 

(RSO), all tests now passing in the testsuite[2]

Last feature I am working on getting in is runtime exception 
support.  If anyone has any grand ideas, they'd be more than 



I don't have too much to report (which is a good thing in this 
case): I did a fresh install from source, following [1], and I 
didn't encounter any problems. I was already compiling my code 
with an earlier GDC version that used the 2.066.1 front-end 
(which is required for my code) because it gives me a 2.5x speed 
increase for my code execution (in my Linux VM at least), so I 
love the new release already :-D




Re: Position of unittest attributes

2015-03-22 Thread Stefan Frijters via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 22 March 2015 at 09:42:44 UTC, Rikki Cattermole wrote:

On 22/03/2015 10:29 p.m., Stefan Frijters wrote:
So I was trying to add some attributes to unittests in my 
code, but
apparently they are only allowed *before* the unittest 
keyword, which I
think makes it much harder to quickly see the unittests when 

through the code:

void foo() @safe pure nothrow @nogc { } // Ok - I normally use 

style, and Phobos does too, I think?
@safe pure nothrow @nogc void bar() { } // Ok

@safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest { foo(); } // Ok
unittest @safe pure nothrow @nogc { bar(); } // Nope

I looked through the D grammar and it does seem to disallow 
this, so
it's not a bug as such, but is there a particular reason to 
not allow it?

Post attributes to e.g. functions are a relatively new standard 
in D. It'll simply be nobody has brought it up as of yet.

File it into the issue tracker.

Thank you.
While filing in the summary field in Bugzilla it actually showed 
me an issue already exists , so I just bumped 
it a bit.

Position of unittest attributes

2015-03-22 Thread Stefan Frijters via Digitalmars-d-learn
So I was trying to add some attributes to unittests in my code, 
but apparently they are only allowed *before* the unittest 
keyword, which I think makes it much harder to quickly see the 
unittests when scrolling through the code:

void foo() @safe pure nothrow @nogc { } // Ok - I normally use 
this style, and Phobos does too, I think?

@safe pure nothrow @nogc void bar() { } // Ok

@safe pure nothrow @nogc unittest { foo(); } // Ok
unittest @safe pure nothrow @nogc { bar(); } // Nope

I looked through the D grammar and it does seem to disallow this, 
so it's not a bug as such, but is there a particular reason to 
not allow it?

Strange alias behaviour in template arguments

2015-03-03 Thread Stefan Frijters via Digitalmars-d-learn
So this is a strange thing I ran into while trying to streamline 
some templates in my code, where fixed-length arrays are passed 
as runtime arguments. I started out by trying variant fun2(), 
which disappointingly didn't work. fun3() then did its job but I 
was suspicious and tried fun4() and fun(5), which also worked but 
shouldn't. Is this a bug or am I doing something bad?

struct Connectivity(uint _d, uint _q) {
  enum d = _d; // Number of dimensions
  enum q = _q;

alias d2q9 = Connectivity!(2,9);

// Stores fixed-size array of base type T, and the length of the 
array is determined by the connectivity.

struct Field(T, alias c) {
  alias conn = c;
  T[conn.d] payload;

  this(in T[conn.d] stuff) {
payload = stuff;

// Ok
void fun(T)(T field) {
  pragma(msg, T);
  pragma(msg, T.conn);
  pragma(msg, T.conn.d);
  pragma(msg, T.conn.q);

// cannot deduce function from argument types
void fun2(T)(T field, double[T.conn.d] foo) {
  pragma(msg, T);
  pragma(msg, T.conn);
  pragma(msg, T.conn.d);
  pragma(msg, T.conn.q);
  field.payload = foo;

// Ok!
void fun3(T, alias d = T.conn.d)(T field, double[d] foo) {
  pragma(msg, T);
  pragma(msg, T.conn);
  pragma(msg, T.conn.d);
  pragma(msg, T.conn.q);
  pragma(msg, typeof(foo)); // 2, okay
  field.payload = foo;

// Huh?
void fun4(T, alias d = T.conn.q)(T field, double[d] foo) {
  pragma(msg, T);
  pragma(msg, T.conn);
  pragma(msg, T.conn.d);
  pragma(msg, T.conn.q);
  pragma(msg, typeof(foo)); // expect 9, get 2
  field.payload = foo;

// Huh?
void fun5(T, alias d = T.conn)(T field, double[d] foo) {
  pragma(msg, T);
  pragma(msg, T.conn);
  pragma(msg, T.conn.d);
  pragma(msg, T.conn.q);
  pragma(msg, typeof(foo)); // don't know what to expect, still 
get 2

  field.payload = foo;

void main() {
  double[d2q9.d] foo;
  auto f = Field!(double, d2q9)(foo);; // Sure, this works
  // f.fun2(foo);  // Won't work without additional alias
  f.fun3(foo); // Works, so are we happy?
  f.fun4(foo); // No! This isn't supposed to work...
  f.fun5(foo); // Nor this...

Any thoughts?

Re: Strange alias behaviour in template arguments

2015-03-03 Thread Stefan Frijters via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 3 March 2015 at 14:40:45 UTC, anonymous wrote:

On Tuesday, 3 March 2015 at 13:42:09 UTC, Stefan Frijters wrote:
So this is a strange thing I ran into while trying to 
streamline some templates in my code, where fixed-length 
arrays are passed as runtime arguments. I started out by 
trying variant fun2(), which disappointingly didn't work. 
fun3() then did its job but I was suspicious and tried fun4() 
and fun(5), which also worked but shouldn't. Is this a bug or 
am I doing something bad?

struct Connectivity(uint _d, uint _q) {
 enum d = _d; // Number of dimensions
 enum q = _q;

alias d2q9 = Connectivity!(2,9);

// Stores fixed-size array of base type T, and the length of 
the array is determined by the connectivity.

struct Field(T, alias c) {
 alias conn = c;
 T[conn.d] payload;

 this(in T[conn.d] stuff) {
   payload = stuff;

// Ok
void fun(T)(T field) {
 pragma(msg, T);
 pragma(msg, T.conn);
 pragma(msg, T.conn.d);
 pragma(msg, T.conn.q);

// cannot deduce function from argument types
void fun2(T)(T field, double[T.conn.d] foo) {
 pragma(msg, T);
 pragma(msg, T.conn);
 pragma(msg, T.conn.d);
 pragma(msg, T.conn.q);
 field.payload = foo;

// Ok!
void fun3(T, alias d = T.conn.d)(T field, double[d] foo) {
 pragma(msg, T);
 pragma(msg, T.conn);
 pragma(msg, T.conn.d);
 pragma(msg, T.conn.q);
 pragma(msg, typeof(foo)); // 2, okay
 field.payload = foo;

// Huh?
void fun4(T, alias d = T.conn.q)(T field, double[d] foo) {
 pragma(msg, T);
 pragma(msg, T.conn);
 pragma(msg, T.conn.d);
 pragma(msg, T.conn.q);
 pragma(msg, typeof(foo)); // expect 9, get 2
 field.payload = foo;

// Huh?
void fun5(T, alias d = T.conn)(T field, double[d] foo) {
 pragma(msg, T);
 pragma(msg, T.conn);
 pragma(msg, T.conn.d);
 pragma(msg, T.conn.q);
 pragma(msg, typeof(foo)); // don't know what to expect, still 
get 2

 field.payload = foo;

void main() {
 double[d2q9.d] foo;
 auto f = Field!(double, d2q9)(foo);; // Sure, this works
 // f.fun2(foo);  // Won't work without additional alias
 f.fun3(foo); // Works, so are we happy?
 f.fun4(foo); // No! This isn't supposed to work...
 f.fun5(foo); // Nor this...

Any thoughts?

I don't know if there's a reason why fun2 doesn't work. I don't 
see one.

fun4 and fun5 work correctly. They are the same as fun3, just 
with other default values for d. Those default values are not 
used, because d is inferred from the argument to be 2. If you 
pass a double[3], d is inferred to be 3 (and the compiler 
complains on `field.payload = foo`).

You can use a static assert or a template constraint to work 
around fun2 not working:

void fun6(T, size_t d)(T field, double[d] foo)
  static assert(d == T.conn.d);
void fun7(T, size_t d)(T field, double[d] foo) if(d == T.conn.d)

Ah, yes, I was misinterpreting the alias. fun7() would work for 
me, although it's a shame fun2() doesn't...


Re: Dutch D Meetup

2015-02-24 Thread Stefan Frijters via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 23 February 2015 at 22:20:50 UTC, Arjan wrote:
On Monday, 23 February 2015 at 21:07:04 UTC, George Sapkin 
Seems like there are some local meetups starting across the 
globe, but no Dutch one so far. Are there any D users from the 
Netherlands that would want to meetup and share their D 
stories? Cheers.

I would surely come. Though have not really anything to share 

I might be interested in something like this, but I also don't 
have any exciting stories to share to be honest...

Code coverage during CTFE

2015-02-03 Thread Stefan Frijters via Digitalmars-d-learn
Recently I've hooked my code up to using the 
convenient doveralls[1]. At first, I just did a dub test command 
before sending the data to coveralls, but my simulation code also 
has runnable tests in addition to unittests, which reaches many 
more lines.

Today I've added an option to my testing script to merge the .lst 
files from various runs, basically adding up the number of times 
each line is hit. This seems to work just fine.

However, my code also heavily uses string mixins in a couple of 
places, and I use functions that return the relevant strings to 
generate them. These functions are never called at runtime, and 
as such are shown with the nasty red bars for no coverage. Is it 
possible to get a -cov dump for code run at compile time?


Zero-length static array spec

2015-02-01 Thread Stefan Frijters via Digitalmars-d
So recently I ran into this discrepancy between the behaviour of 
dmd (and gdc) and ldc2:

void test(int[] data)
  in { assert(data, data must be non-null.); }
  body { }

void main() {
  import std.stdio;
  int[1] data1;
  writeln(data1); // [0]
  test(data1); // Passes
  assert(data1.ptr !is null);
  int[0] data0;
  writeln(data0); // []
  test(data0); // Passes with dmd and gdc, fails with ldc2 
  assert(data0.ptr !is null); // Passes with dmd and gdc, fails 
with ldc2


I reported this as an issue at and was asked to 
check for a more definite answer. So, in light of recent 
developments of trying to tighten up the D spec, does anyone have 
any insight what the correct behaviour should be, and can it be 
locked down in the spec?

Currently the D spec says [1]:


Static Arrays
int[3] s;
These are analogous to C arrays. Static arrays are distinguished 
by having a length fixed at compile time.

The total size of a static array cannot exceed 16Mb. A dynamic 
array should be used instead for such large arrays.

A static array with a dimension of 0 is allowed, but no space is 
allocated for it. It's useful as the last member of a variable 
length struct, or as the degenerate case of a template expansion.

Static arrays are value types. Unlike in C and D version 1, 
static arrays are passed to functions by value. Static arrays can 
also be returned by functions.


It does not seem to say whether a zero-length array should have a 
valid address or not.



Re: Zero-length static array spec

2015-02-01 Thread Stefan Frijters via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 1 February 2015 at 14:54:37 UTC, ketmar wrote:

On Sun, 01 Feb 2015 14:42:31 +, Stefan Frijters wrote:

It does not seem to say whether a zero-length array should 
have a valid

address or not.

i believe that zero-length array should not be `null`, as it's
infinitely small, yet not non-existent. at least this is 
what my

logic tells me.

Fwiw, I would also like this to be the case, as to not have to 
handle any special cases when using int[N] templates and such.

Dub subPackage buildType and output file name

2015-01-23 Thread Stefan Frijters via Digitalmars-d-learn
Currently I'm using dub for the first time and I've run into two 
problems so far.

1) I have defined buildTypes in dub.json, as well as subPackages. 
However, I want to always build all subPackages in release mode, 
regardless of the --build option I'm using to build the main 
program. I'm not clear if it's possible to do this, and if so, 
how to specify this.

2) I would like the file name of my final executable to depend on 
my chosen --build and --config options (i.e. 
myexecutable-build-config). Is this possible to do?

Kind regards,


Re: multidimensional array

2014-09-28 Thread Stefan Frijters via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 28 September 2014 at 04:24:25 UTC, Joel wrote:
I'm trying to make a multidimensional array. I feel I've tried 
every thing. Is there a good guide explaining it?

struct Spot { bool dot; }
spots = new Spot[][](800,600);
assert(spots[800-1][600-1].dot, Out of bounds);

You could also take a look at unstd.multidimarray (not my work, 
but I'm using it extensively at the moment)[1].


Foreach/opApply with @nogc

2014-08-24 Thread Stefan Frijters via Digitalmars-d-learn
Should this be possible? I admit to not being fully clear on the 
way delegates are handled, but maybe someone can shed some light? 
As an example I use a snippet Ali uses to demonstrate opApply:

struct NumberRange {
  int begin;
  int end;

  int opApply(int delegate(ref int) @nogc operations) @nogc const 

int result = 0;

for (int number = begin; number != end; ++number) {
  result = operations(number);

  if (result) {
return result;

void main() {
  import std.stdio;
  foreach (element; NumberRange(3, 7)) { // line 21
write(element, ' ');

When I compile this with 2.066.0 I get

opapply.d(21): Error: function opapply.NumberRange.opApply (int 
delegate(ref int) @nogc operations) const is not callable using 
argument types (int delegate(ref int __applyArg0) @system)

It doesn't actually complain about anything gc, just about the 
signature, so I was wondering if there is some restriction inside 
the foreach implementation that can be lifted? Thanks in advance 
for any hints!

Re: Foreach/opApply with @nogc

2014-08-24 Thread Stefan Frijters via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 24 August 2014 at 14:34:03 UTC, bearophile wrote:


but i tend not to fill enhancement requests without
corresponding patches,

I agree that having a patch ready is much better. But people 
like me file hundreds of ERs without too much damage done, and 
many of them get eventually implemented. If you find a D 
limitation, then putting this information in Bugzilla is better 
than letting this get forgotten.


I would also prefer to submit a patch but I do not have the 
skills to do it at the moment, so I filed an enhancement request: .

Re: Foreach/opApply with @nogc

2014-08-24 Thread Stefan Frijters via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Sunday, 24 August 2014 at 18:55:09 UTC, ketmar via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

On Sun, 24 Aug 2014 11:45:14 -0700
Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn


Yeah, the only reason why the original code does not work is 

write() expression in the foreach body.
hm. really. i forgot what is delegate body for opApply. sure, 
here we

can't use @nogc delegate. my fault.

Apologies for the misunderstanding. Before I close my enhancement 
request I do have a followup question: is it possible somehow to 
have both a @nogc and a normal opApply function available? My 
code would like to have @nogc in as many places as possible, but 
there will be places where I cannot make the foreach body @nogc 
(I think; maybe some more Phobos functions can be annotated as 
well and the problem would go away).

So I basically want something like this:

void bar() @nogc { }
void foreachBar() @nogc {
  foreach (element; NumberRange(3, 7)) { bar(); }

void foo() { }
void foreachFoo() {
  foreach (element; NumberRange(3, 7)) { foo(); }

void main() {

Obviously if I have one opApply function one of the two functions 
opapply.d(36): Error: @nogc function 'opapply.foreachBar' cannot 
call non-@nogc function 'opapply.NumberRange.opApply'

opapply.d(44): Error: function opapply.NumberRange.opApply (int 
delegate(ref int) @nogc operations) const is not callable using 
argument types (int delegate(ref int __applyArg0) @system)

If I add a second opApply function (one with @nogc, the other 
without) the compiler cannot distinguish between the two:

opapply.d(36): Error: NumberRange(3, 7).opApply matches more than 
one declaration:
opapply.d(5): const @nogc int(int delegate(ref int) @nogc 

opapply.d(18): const int(int delegate(ref int) operations)
opapply.d(36): Error: cannot uniquely infer foreach argument types
opapply.d(44): Error: NumberRange(3, 7).opApply matches more than 
one declaration:
opapply.d(5): const @nogc int(int delegate(ref int) @nogc 

opapply.d(18): const int(int delegate(ref int) operations)
opapply.d(44): Error: cannot uniquely infer foreach argument types

Is this maybe something that could be used as an enhancement 
request? Or I guess what I want is basically an 'inout' kind of 
thing for @nogc...

Re: Simplified signatures in generated documentation

2014-08-20 Thread Stefan Frijters via Digitalmars-d
The simplified signatures would be show for the main 
signatures, i.e. the ones with a light blue background, and the 
full signatures would be added at the end of the documentation 
for each symbol.

I like it. Some of my code also features a lot of free functions 
with template constraints and it does get a bit much.

Related remark on the other side of things (more text!): 
documentation is currently lacking UDA annotations [1] and I 
would love it if that were to be added at some point.


Re: multidimensional indexing/slicing docs?

2014-08-06 Thread Stefan Frijters via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 6 August 2014 at 08:48:25 UTC, John Colvin wrote:
Is there anywhere that describes what Kenji (it was Kenji 
wasn't it?) recently implemented for this?

Not what you asked for, but maybe useful nonetheless: Denis 
Shelomovskij has written a multidimensional array implementation 
using the new syntax[1]. I've been using it in my code for a 
while now and it's been working great so far.


Re: DDoc and private members / mixins / UDAs

2014-06-26 Thread Stefan Frijters via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 26 June 2014 at 02:33:43 UTC, Mathias LANG wrote:
On Wednesday, 25 June 2014 at 18:49:27 UTC, Stefan Frijters 
Let me preface this by admitting that I'm not sure I'm using 
the DDoc functionality properly at all, so let me know if my 
questions are bogus.

Is it possible to:
- Add private members to documentation?
- Have DDoc do its thing after mixins have been handled?
- Access UDAs?

To expand on the last point: in my code I currently use UDAs 
to annotate variables that can be set in an input file; at 
compile time I use __traits to find all of them and create a 
parser etc. for them. I would really like to be able to create 
a minimal documentation, which only includes all such 
UDA-annotated variables from all modules, so it can be used as 
a short manual for the end user, rather than being developer 
documentation. I was thinking of using a LaTeX template and 
using the absence or presence of the UDA to somehow insert a 
macro that is either just blank or actually adds the 

Any tips to achieve this in a different fashion are also 

Kind regards,

Stefan Frijters

1) You might be interested by ddox [1] which provides more 
functionality and a nicer output than DDoc (actually, the 
phobos docs are being replacd by it).
As you can see in the example, you can filter what goes in and 
what doesn't, as well as the minimum protection level (so you 
can chose to put private in it).
Note that if you have a dub-based project, you can just run 
dub --build=ddox to get it working.

2) Yes for regular mixin, no for template mixins. Example:
mixin strToSym!(moduleName!moduleName); // Template mixin
mixin(int a = 42;);   // regular mixin

Will output (using dmd -Xfdocs.json module.d):
name : strToSym!(\std.traits\),
kind : mixin,
line : 62
name : a,
kind : variable,
protection : private,
file : CppWrapper.d-mixin-63,
line : 63,
deco : i,
init : 42

3) Nope. Again, example:
void foo() {}

Ouputs in the docs.json:
name : foo,
kind : function,
protection : private,
file : CppWrapper.d,
line : 66,
deco : FZv,
endline : 66

Hope this helps !


Thank you! Some comments:

1) I will check it out. It looks like it may be a bit too 
HTML-centric for my taste though.

2) Here, I meant if there is a way to have the comment included 
as well. It doesn't seem like this is the case (if there are no 
hidden switches I don't know about):

/// Comment
int a;
/// Ditto
mixin(int b;);
mixin(///Ditto\nint c;);

  kind : module,
  file : testdoc2.d,
  members : [
name : a,
kind : variable,
comment : Comment\n,
line : 2,
char : 5,
deco : i
name : b,
kind : variable,
file : testdoc2.d-mixin-4,
line : 4,
char : 5,
deco : i
name : c,
kind : variable,
file : testdoc2.d-mixin-5,
line : 6,
char : 5,
deco : i

3) That's a shame. I guess I can work around it by doing a dirty 
grep beforehand and using that information to filter the json...

Related question: I found a pull request to add 
__traits(documentation, ...)[1] which would also allow me to 
solve my problem as a workaround, does anyone know if this is 
still moving forward?


DDoc and private members / mixins / UDAs

2014-06-25 Thread Stefan Frijters via Digitalmars-d-learn
Let me preface this by admitting that I'm not sure I'm using the 
DDoc functionality properly at all, so let me know if my 
questions are bogus.

Is it possible to:
- Add private members to documentation?
- Have DDoc do its thing after mixins have been handled?
- Access UDAs?

To expand on the last point: in my code I currently use UDAs to 
annotate variables that can be set in an input file; at compile 
time I use __traits to find all of them and create a parser etc. 
for them. I would really like to be able to create a minimal 
documentation, which only includes all such UDA-annotated 
variables from all modules, so it can be used as a short manual 
for the end user, rather than being developer documentation. I 
was thinking of using a LaTeX template and using the absence or 
presence of the UDA to somehow insert a macro that is either just 
blank or actually adds the documentation.

Any tips to achieve this in a different fashion are also 

Kind regards,

Stefan Frijters

Re: Finally full multidimensional arrays support in D

2014-06-11 Thread Stefan Frijters via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 10 June 2014 at 19:04:18 UTC, Stefan Frijters wrote:
I've been using the multidimensional arrays for a while now, 
but recently I've run into a problem w.r.t. optimization:

import std.stdio;
import unstd.multidimarray;

void main() {
  MultidimArray!(double, 3) arr;
  arr = multidimArray!double([1,2,42]);

If I compile with 'dmd multidimtest.d unstd/multidimarray.d', I 
get [1,2,42], as expected, but when I compile in release mode 
'dmd multidimtest.d unstd/multidimarray.d -release' I get 
[0,0,0]. Any ideas what might cause this?

I've looked into this and it seems there is required code inside 
a contract 'in', which is omitted with -release.

I've gone ahead and opened a pull request to fix this:


Re: Finally full multidimensional arrays support in D

2014-06-10 Thread Stefan Frijters via Digitalmars-d
I've been using the multidimensional arrays for a while now, but 
recently I've run into a problem w.r.t. optimization:

import std.stdio;
import unstd.multidimarray;

void main() {
  MultidimArray!(double, 3) arr;
  arr = multidimArray!double([1,2,42]);

If I compile with 'dmd multidimtest.d unstd/multidimarray.d', I 
get [1,2,42], as expected, but when I compile in release mode 
'dmd multidimtest.d unstd/multidimarray.d -release' I get 
[0,0,0]. Any ideas what might cause this?

Also, when I compile with -w (which I normally prefer) I get a 
list of errors of the type

unstd/multidimarray.d(101): Warning: calling 
3LU).MultidimArray.this without side effects discards return 
value of type inout(MultidimArray!(double, 3LU)), prepend a 
cast(void) if intentional

I've acted on these errors in the version I use for my HPC test 
code, and I have not noticed any deleterious effects; would you 
accept a pull request to fix these?

Kind regards,

Stefan Frijters

Scalar + array operations

2014-05-21 Thread Stefan Frijters via Digitalmars-d-learn
When working on my current project (writing a numerical 
simulation code) I ran into the following issue when trying to 
multiply a vector (represented by a fixed-length array) by a 

import std.stdio;

void main() {
  int ifoo = 2;
  int[3] ibar = 1;

  double dfoo = 2.0;
  double[3] dbar = 1.0;

  dfoo = ifoo * dfoo;  // Scalar int * scalar double -- OK
  dfoo = dfoo * dfoo;  // Scalar double * scalar double -- OK
  dbar = dfoo * dbar[];// Scalar double * array of double -- 

  ibar = ifoo * ibar[];// Scalar int * array of int -- OK
  dbar = ifoo * dbar[];// Scalar int * array of double -- OK
  // dbar = dfoo * ibar[]; // Scalar double * array of int -- FAIL
  // writeln(dbar);

I would have expected the last case to work as well, but I get

testarr.d(20): Error: incompatible types for ((dfoo) * (ibar[])): 
'double' and 'int[]'

Is this by design? It was very surprising to me, especially since 
all other combinations do seem to work.

Kind regards,

Stefan Frijters

Re: Scalar + array operations

2014-05-21 Thread Stefan Frijters via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 21 May 2014 at 13:52:47 UTC, John Colvin wrote:
Please file a bug, there's no reason for that not to work, it 
just needs to be implemented properly.

Ok, thanks for confirming. Filed as .

Re: Scalar + array operations

2014-05-21 Thread Stefan Frijters via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 21 May 2014 at 17:07:27 UTC, Francesco Cattoglio 

On Wednesday, 21 May 2014 at 13:52:47 UTC, John Colvin wrote:
On Wednesday, 21 May 2014 at 11:45:57 UTC, Stefan Frijters 

I would have expected the last case to work as well, but I get

testarr.d(20): Error: incompatible types for ((dfoo) * 
(ibar[])): 'double' and 'int[]'

Is this by design? It was very surprising to me, especially 
since all other combinations do seem to work.

Kind regards,

Stefan Frijters

Please file a bug, there's no reason for that not to work, it 
just needs to be implemented properly.

To me, it just feels reasonable that it is not allowed. What 
should be the correct type of the result? int[]? I thought 
double to int conversion was not allowed unless you explicitly 
asked for it.

No, I expected and desired an array of doubles, implicitly 
converting the array of ints to doubles.

Avoiding __traits(getAttributes, ...) on alias

2014-05-09 Thread Stefan Frijters via Digitalmars-d-learn
I've been playing with UDAs a bit and I wanted to find all 
variables with a particular attribute in various modules. I 
thought I had it cracked, until I added a module that contains an 
alias declaration, which makes it choke when trying to execute 
__traits(getAttributes, ...). A small example is shown below. Is 
there any conditional I can insert between the two foreach lines 
to make it detect such an alias declaration, and move on to the 
next derived member? Or should getAttributes handle this by just 
returning no attributes?

import std.traits;

@(testattr) int foo;
alias char[256] MyChar;
@(testattr) int bar;

void main() {
  foreach(e ; __traits(derivedMembers, mixin(__MODULE__)))  {
foreach( t; __traits(getAttributes, mixin(e)) ){
  pragma(msg, t);
  // testattr
  // test.d(9): Error: first argument is not a symbol
  // test.d(9): Error: invalid foreach aggregate false
  // testattr

Any hints would be appreciated!

Kind regards,

Stefan Frijters

Re: Avoiding __traits(getAttributes, ...) on alias

2014-05-09 Thread Stefan Frijters via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 9 May 2014 at 12:19:12 UTC, John Colvin wrote:

On Friday, 9 May 2014 at 11:53:59 UTC, Stefan Frijters wrote:
I've been playing with UDAs a bit and I wanted to find all 
variables with a particular attribute in various modules. I 
thought I had it cracked, until I added a module that contains 
an alias declaration, which makes it choke when trying to 
execute __traits(getAttributes, ...). A small example is shown 
below. Is there any conditional I can insert between the two 
foreach lines to make it detect such an alias declaration, and 
move on to the next derived member? Or should getAttributes 
handle this by just returning no attributes?

import std.traits;

@(testattr) int foo;
alias char[256] MyChar;
@(testattr) int bar;

void main() {
 foreach(e ; __traits(derivedMembers, mixin(__MODULE__)))  {
   foreach( t; __traits(getAttributes, mixin(e)) ){
 pragma(msg, t);
 // testattr
 // test.d(9): Error: first argument is not a symbol
 // test.d(9): Error: invalid foreach aggregate false
 // testattr

Any hints would be appreciated!

Kind regards,

Stefan Frijters

You could always do a static if with __traits(compiles, 
__traits(getAttributes, mixin(e))

Thank you for the fast reply; this solves my problem. I actually 
tried this before, but in my actual code instead of the example, 
where I'm deep into backticks and quotes and escaped quotes so I 
probably made a mistake there...

Re: Finally full multidimensional arrays support in D

2014-04-16 Thread Stefan Frijters via Digitalmars-d
On Monday, 17 March 2014 at 17:39:41 UTC, Denis Shelomovskij 
Multidimensional arrays indexing and slicing syntax is finally 
added [1] (thanks to Kenji Hara). So it was a good cause to 
update my multidimensional arrays library implementation and 
add support for the new syntax. So here we are: [2].

Also should we add it to the standard library?


First of all, thank you very much for making such nice additions 
to D available for general use. I finally got around to giving 
this a spin. I'm using it for a proof-of-context HPC simuation 
code written in D (currently mostly experimenting with D's 
features), and as such I'm interfacing with the C MPI library to 
communicate between processes. The basis of the simulation is a 
3D lattice, so I was eagerly awaiting a nice solution in D. So 
far I've run into two things while using your library. The first 
is that I need to provide void pointers to the data to the MPI 
functions, so I currently hacked your code to make the _data 
storage array publicly accessible and that seems to work. To give 
an idea, I currently have code like this (just a snippet):

arr = multidimArray!T(nxH, nyH, nzH);
// [...] fill the array with data
// Prepare a buffer to receive a slice from another process.
rbuffer = multidimArray!T(haloSize, nyH, nzH);
// Prepare a buffer to send a slice to another process.
sbuffer = arr[$-2*haloSize-1..$ - haloSize-1, 0..$, 0..$].dup;
// Here I now use the pointer of the storage arrays to send the 
buffer around.
MPI_Sendrecv(sbuffer._data.ptr, nyH * nzH, MPI_INT, M.nbx[1], 0, 
rbuffer._data.ptr, nyH * nzH, mpiType, M.nbx[0], 0, M.comm, 

// Put the buffer in the correct spot in the main array.
arr[0..haloSize, 0..$, 0..$] = rbuffer;

Am I missing a nicer way to accomplish this? I like the 
compactness of the code (compared to what I'm currently used to 
with our F90 simulation code). Secondly, the property that 
returns the dimensions of the array is called 'dimentions' (with 
a t), this should be fixed.



Re: Starting D with a project in mind.

2013-10-16 Thread Stefan Frijters

On Wednesday, 16 October 2013 at 07:52:44 UTC, Andrew wrote:

andrew@islay:~/dub$ ./
Generating version file...
Running gdmd...
error: this cannot be interpreted at compile time, because it 
has no available source code
/usr/local/gdc/include/d/4.8.2/std/net/curl.d:195: note: 
called from here: dur(2L)

line 224 is trying to instantiate a Duration object. Any ideas 

Giving up on dub, I tried niaively to build one of the vibe.d 
samples directly :-

andrew@islay:~/vibe.d/examples/http_server/source$ gdmd 
-I~/vibe.d/source app.d
/data/home/andrew/vibe.d/source/vibe/stream/ssl.d:43: error: 
module bio is in file 'deimos/openssl/bio.d' which cannot be 

Looks like I'm missing some openssl dependencies, where do 
these come from as they don't appear to be part of phobos ?


As far as I know deimos is a set of official (?) bindings for 
common C libraries. I don't know dub's build process but I assume 
that if the build script would have worked for you it would have 
attempted to clone this repo (you can find 
more bindings if you go up one level). My gdc build hadn't 
finished yet when I had to leave for work this morning, but I'll 
try to build dub tonight, to see if I run into the same 

Re: Starting D with a project in mind.

2013-10-16 Thread Stefan Frijters

On Wednesday, 16 October 2013 at 09:11:16 UTC, Andrew wrote:

As far as I know deimos is a set of official (?) bindings for 
common C libraries. I don't know dub's build process but I 
assume that if the build script would have worked for you it 
would have attempted to clone this repo (you can find 
more bindings if you go up one level). My gdc build hadn't 
finished yet when I had to leave for work this morning, but 
I'll try to build dub tonight, to see if I run into the same 

I've been using a Cubieboard A20, it's much better than a RPi 
as it has 1GB RAM, dual core armv7 and much better IO including 
on-board SATA for $50. The gcc /gdc build takes around 2 - 3 
hours on that. You'll probably run into the same libphobos 
issues that I had, since there are many places where there are 
no ARM headers.

Ok, I logged onto my Pi during lunch break, and actually the 
compilation process went fine, and pragma(msg, __VERSION__); now 
correctly has 2063L as output. So in my recent experience:

- GDC master branch doesn't compile properly, because it's 
missing the ARM-specific code.
- GDC-jp91 master branch compiles, but is based on 2.060 and is 
too old to be useful.
- GDC-jp91 arm branch seems to work, although Johannes has warned 
that there is some codegen bug when compiling with -O2.

This is all now a bit confusing, but I expect GDC master branch 
to compile again for ARM when either frontend version 2.064 is 
released and merged into GDC (in a few weeks hopefully?), or 
Johannes' arm fork is merged into GDC (whenever he has time to 
find and fix his codegen bug). Then everything would be 
(relatively) easy again...

Looking into dub / vibe.d is out of my lunch scope :-P

Re: Starting D with a project in mind.

2013-10-16 Thread Stefan Frijters

On Wednesday, 16 October 2013 at 19:18:53 UTC, Andrew wrote:
I'm a very happy man ! Everything is built and working 
including dub and the http_server example from vibe.d.

It's slow to build, but it executes quickly and strips down to 
about 3MB which is heavy but tolerable.

Thanks to everybody for the help, now I can start learning D, 
exploring vibe.d and Pegged and hopefully make some good 
progress on my MUD.

So to recap, to help anybody else building on ARM these are the 
steps I took :-

mkdir gdc
cd gdc

tar xvf gcc-4.8-20131010.tar.bz2
git clone arm_gdc
cd arm_gdc
git checkout arm
./ ../gcc-4.8-20131010
cd ../
mkdir build
cd build
export C_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include/$(gcc -print-multiarch)
export EXTRA_CONF=-mfloat-abi=hard --with-float=hard
../gcc-4.8-20131010/configure --enable-languages=d 
--disable-bootstrap --prefix=/usr/local/gdc --disable-multilib 
--disable-softfloat --with-float=hard

make -j2
sudo make install
sudo cp ../arm_gdc/libphobos/libdruntime/core/time.d 
sudo mv 

I don't know why that last step was necessary but dub and a few 
other things didn't build without it.

After that dub built fine once I'd hacked the build file to use 

Cool. I was posting in the D.GNU newsgroup about this when I 
noticed your update, so I included a link to this work around in 
my post [1]. Maybe Iain or any of the other gurus know of a 
better way, because the last part looks awfully dirty :-D


Re: Starting D with a project in mind.

2013-10-15 Thread Stefan Frijters

On Tuesday, 15 October 2013 at 14:56:06 UTC, Dicebot wrote:

On Tuesday, 15 October 2013 at 14:38:32 UTC, Andrew wrote:

Is this something I can update easily ?

If rebuilding GDC from sources so that it will catch 2.063.2 
frontend version is an option - it may help.

Looking at , 2.063.2 
support is also included in the ARM branch, cf. commit 1aa5755 
from June 30, so you should have it already I think. Where did 
you get the 2.062 info from?

Re: Starting D with a project in mind.

2013-10-15 Thread Stefan Frijters

On Tuesday, 15 October 2013 at 19:23:13 UTC, Andrew wrote:

2060L  - seems I'm further advanced than everybody else :-)

Sorry, I thought it was 2.052, but now I see it's well behind 
since it should be 2.063. I'm rebuilding again from the master.

Aha, oops, I have the same 2060L, but that is presumably because 
I forgot to 'git checkout arm', and the master branch on 
Johannes' fork is not up-to-date. The reason why this works while 
normal GDC doesn't is that this is so old it doesn't include some 
explicit architecture static ifs that were added later (and for 
which ARM was not available for some time).

I'm going to let this stuff rebuild overnight...

Re: Starting D with a project in mind.

2013-10-14 Thread Stefan Frijters

On Monday, 14 October 2013 at 07:36:03 UTC, Andrew wrote:

Thanks Stefan, those were the instructions that I tried.

With GDC, is it possible to generate portable intermediate C 
code so that I can compile D sources on the Mac and then just 
copy the resultant C code to an ARM debian machine and build 
that there ?

That would allow me to work around the problem of not being 
able to build D directly on the target system.


Hi, I actually managed to build GDC over the weekend, directly on
the RPi. It required some small changes to the process as
compared to [1]:

- Fresh raspbian install (same).
- Installed the packages (same).
- Set up swap USB HD (same).
- I got gcc-4.8.1 release sources, didn't apply the patches
(seems they are already in place now), nor did I rerun the

I then proceeded to clone GDC, run the scripts and build, however
I ran into a set of bugs[2]. I tried to get around those with my
limited knowledge but got stuck. Luckily Johannes Pfau has been
doing some great work as usual and already fixed these problems
(mostly) in his fork / ARM branch [3]. So I redid this part of
the process, with a fresh GCC source directory, using a clone of
his fork, and the compilation ran to completion. A small test
program also worked, but Johannes warned that there is some
codegen issue in his fork, which is why he hasn't opened a pull
request to merge into GDC proper yet[2]. I don't know the details
of that but this might be good enough for now for your purposes.
I assume that by the time 2.064 comes around and GDC's frontend
is update one can go back to the main GDC master branch, as most
fixes are already in druntime as well.




Re: Starting D with a project in mind.

2013-10-11 Thread Stefan Frijters

On Friday, 11 October 2013 at 07:09:17 UTC, Andrew wrote:

As Adam already said D on Pi is adventurous.

For MongoDB and web stuff, you should look into Vibe.d [0]. 
For parsing I would suggest Pegged [1].

Welcome to D and Happy Hacking! :)


Thanks both. Well after several hours of hacking I have 
spectacularly failed to build GDC on any arm based debian 
environment - tried both my RPi and Cubieboard. In both cases 
it fails with a pile of compilation errors.

I'm guessing that D just isn't mainstream enough at the moment 
to be properly supported on Debian and yet it's too big and 
complicated to build easily yourself and so it's probably a 
non-starter for me at the moment. There is a pre-built package 
on debian gdc-4.4 but it's too old to build vibe or dub from my 

I guess I'll go back to plain old C.

Thanks anyway - I'll check back in a few years.

Hi, I don't know which instructions you followed, but building 
GDC for the Pi was slow (overnight job) but in the end relatively 
pain free for me using these instructions: 
This was some time ago however (more than a year by now, wow), so 
I don't know if some change has broken the process since. I don't 
think I have the SD card with GDC installed anymore so I don't 
know for sure which version I built at the time. I think it was 
based on 2.0.59 still. See also

When I have some free time I will fire up one of my Pis and give 
it a try again and report back.



Re: Rectangular multidimensional arrays for D

2013-10-09 Thread Stefan Frijters
On Wednesday, 9 October 2013 at 08:30:11 UTC, Denis Shelomovskij 

09.10.2013 7:55, Nick B пишет:
On Tuesday, 8 October 2013 at 17:26:46 UTC, Stefan Frijters 

andrei wrote:

I too are interesteed in this area as well. Dennis do you only 
plan to
focus on multidimensional arrays only, or will you incorporate 
the above

matrices as well  ??

What features are you proposing ?

I propose stuff for multidimensional arrays only as you 
noted. And I plan just to revise my existing API [1] without 
cardinal changes.

I.e. all I propose is rectangular multidimensional arrays 
slicing and iterating. For matrix and math specific tasks see 
DScience [2] and SciD [3]. The latter started as a fork of 
DScience but became a separate project and is in development. 
See its wiki [4]. Also such math oriented libraries have to be 
partially (and the are) wrapper around LAPACK.

Also it will be interest to see features you (Stefan and Nick) 
need e.g. as examples of code you want to compile with comments 
if needed. Write down at least basic features for now.



Ok, off the top of my head, here are some of the points that 
would be great for me to have. I apologize in advance if any of 
them are trivial / irrelevant or out of scope; I have not had 
time to get my hands dirty on this subject. Even if they are not 
to be part of the generic multidimensional array (MDA) module, 
these are things that I would then like to build my own 
implementation of without having to work with instead of against 
the things that will be in Phobos.

- Many of my operations involve looping over the array in no 
particular order, so the first foreach example in your link #1 
will be very useful.
- Another very common operation is accessing a lattice site and 
looking at its neighbours to determine the outcome of the 
operation. Of course this is easy for nested for-loops as I can 
just nest one deeper and pre-calculate the neighbour offsets in 
another array, but I don't know if there's a canonical way to do 
this in terms of a foreach loop, and if this would add 
requirements to the MDA. As an example, Python's numpy seems to 
have 'generic_filter' for tasks like this[1]. In my testing it 
was very slow though.
- I will have multiple MDAs, containing information like local 
densities and velocities. These will affect each other in 
calculations and thus being able to use zip and friends would be 
very useful. This would require the MDA to be a range I guess?
- My code will use wrapped MPI[2] and HDF5[3] calls for 
parallelism and parallel IO, respectively, and because of that I 
will need some control over the memory layout. Nothing fancy, but 
the usual C-style pointer arithmetic would need to work I think, 
unless there's a nicer mechanism.

I hope these comments can be of some help.





Re: Rectangular multidimensional arrays for D

2013-10-08 Thread Stefan Frijters
On Tuesday, 8 October 2013 at 14:41:47 UTC, Denis Shelomovskij 
I accidentally discovered Andrei wrote [1] multidimensional 
array implementation is needed. If it really is, I will work to 
revise the API and prepare my implementation [2] for review if 
nobody is doing it already.

Also as Kenji's multidimensional indexing and slicing pull 
[3] still not merged the only way is to use hacks like this:

// first two rows and three columns of the second matrix
array2d = matrices[1, R[0 .. 2], R[0 .. 3]];



--- Previous related topics ---

At least the ones I participated in:

* October 09, 2011: Kenji Hara proposes Matrix-type-friendly 
syntax and more. His dmd pull #443 still isn't merged.$2a7k$

* October 25, 2011: Original Multidimensional arrays for D 
post. No response from Phobos developers.$2gi0$

* June 17, 2012: A request for template that can simulate a 
rectangular array.

* June 30, 2012: A request for fixed size multidimensional 
array at runtime.

I don't normally post here a lot (though I'm a regular reader), 
but I wanted to say I for one would really appreciate an official 
solution for proper rectangular arrays. A bit of background: I'm 
a numerical physicist focusing on the lattice Boltzmann 
method[1], where most physical quantities live on a (3D) lattice. 
Currently I'm using a Fortran code with is very feature-rich, but 
has grown organically over a decade or so and the features have 
come at the cost of maintainability and performance. As I'm very 
much interested in the D language (though I cannot devote much 
time to it at the moment) I've had plans of writing my own 
smaller D code which would contain the features I need. It would 
be nice to be able to use Phobos for my 3D array needs. Slicing 
will also be much valued to make it easier to communicate 
sections of the lattice through MPI. I would aim to undertake 
this project after I've finished my PhD thesis, in ~2 months. I 
don't assume an official Phobos version would be available at 
that time, but even having a good idea of the API that is being 
aimed for would save me a lot of time I think.


