Re: You don't like GC? Do you?

2018-10-16 Thread Tony via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 15 October 2018 at 08:21:11 UTC, Eugene Wissner wrote:

On Monday, 15 October 2018 at 05:26:56 UTC, Tony wrote:

Ideally you wouldn’t have chosen to even try D. You (and 
others who spend so much time arguing against garbage 
collection on a forum for a language designed with garbage 
collection) would be better off using a non-garbage collected 

He doesn't argue against garbage collection.

Well, can you state what he does argue against?

And D is one of the few languages that can be used without 
garbage collection, so it can be a non-garbage collected 
language and can be used as such.

Wouldn't C++ or Rust, with their smart pointers, be a better 
choice for someone who wants to use a compiles-to-object-code 
language, but can't suffer any garbage collector delays?

Re: You don't like GC? Do you?

2018-10-14 Thread Tony via Digitalmars-d
On Sunday, 14 October 2018 at 07:51:09 UTC, Stanislav Blinov 

That's a lamest excuse if I ever seen one. If you can't be 
bothered to acquire one of the most relevant skills for writing 
code for modern systems, then:

a) Ideally, you shouldn't be writing code
b) At the very least, you're not qualified to give any advice 
pertaining to writing code

PS. "Correctness" also includes correct use of the machine and 
it's resources.

Ideally you wouldn’t have chosen to even try D. You (and others 
who spend so much time arguing against garbage collection on a 
forum for a language designed with garbage collection) would be 
better off using a non-garbage collected language.

Re: Engine of forum

2018-08-20 Thread Tony via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 20 August 2018 at 09:52:01 UTC, Peter Alexander wrote:

On Monday, 20 August 2018 at 08:39:38 UTC, Andrey wrote:
On Sunday, 19 August 2018 at 11:11:56 UTC, rikki cattermole 

This is a news group not a forum.
The web interface is driven by DFeed and is written in D.

It has been designed to be very fast (quite a notable 

I see this address: It is forum.
Ok, even if it isn't a forum, will dlang community have 
someday the real forum? Are there any movements in this 

What are the specific problems solved or opportunities realised 
by moving to a real forum?

Inability to edit messages.

Re: Remember the Vasa! by Bjarne Stroustrup

2018-06-01 Thread Tony via Digitalmars-d
With regard to having, say, a GUI written with garbage 
collection, and then needing to have non-garbage collected code 
to process audio, could that not be done with GC D calling C? 
And, if there was a garbage-collected D (D for Applications) and 
a non-GC D (D for Systems Programming), couldn't one be linked 
with the other? And before you say "but it should all be together 
coming out of one compiler" - take a moment to Remember the Vasa!

I don't seriously expect two D-ish compilers, but it does seem to 
make more sense with regard to adding automatic reference 
counting to a language that already has garbage collection, as 
well as working to remove garbage collection from the standard 
library. Presumably at the beginning and for much of D's history, 
garbage collection was a premier selling point, along with OOP.

But with regard to various compile-time stuff and function 
annotations and other things that didn't exist years ago, has 
that resulted in noticeably faster programming and/or noticeably 
higher code quality by those utilizing it?

Re: Remember the Vasa! by Bjarne Stroustrup

2018-05-29 Thread Tony via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 29 May 2018 at 20:19:09 UTC, bachmeier wrote:

I don't think it's difficult to do that yourself. There's no 
need to have a formal split. One example is that it's really 
nice to have the GC available for part of the program and avoid 
it for another part. @nogc gives you a guarantee. Different 
variants of the language are a special case of this that is 
equivalent to annotating the entire program to restrict 
behavior. That's rarely desirable.

What would be an example of a type of application (or maybe that 
should be "which type of domain" or "which type of developer") 
where you would want part of it to do garbage collection and the 
rest of it do not do garbage collection?

Re: Remember the Vasa! by Bjarne Stroustrup

2018-05-29 Thread Tony via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 29 May 2018 at 11:31:53 UTC, Guillaume Piolat wrote:

On Tuesday, 29 May 2018 at 05:11:27 UTC, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:
D is probably at the edge of what I can tollerate 
complexity-wise. And we’ll get to simplify a few things soon I 

Within D, there is a bit smaller and cleaner language 
struggling to get out!

Seems like it could be broken into two languages, one a garbage 
collected object-oriented language. The other, C with 
metaprogramming and other "betterC" type stuff.

Re: On Forum Moderation

2018-05-26 Thread Tony via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 26 May 2018 at 12:06:13 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

On Saturday, 26 May 2018 at 11:30:24 UTC, Tony wrote:

On Saturday, 26 May 2018 at 11:12:29 UTC, Rubn wrote:

What about self moderation? If I make an unprofessional 
comment and want to delete it? Will this be allowed now? I 
guess it's more of a feature request.

The lack of an edit feature has been brought up before and it 
was said that it doesn't exist because the forum is combined 
with an email mailing list.

The authoratative database is an NNTP server. The mailing list 
is an interface to that, and so is the forum (though it 
maintains its own copy of the DB).

Are you saying the forum could have an edit feature?

Re: On Forum Moderation

2018-05-26 Thread Tony via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 26 May 2018 at 11:12:29 UTC, Rubn wrote:

What about self moderation? If I make an unprofessional comment 
and want to delete it? Will this be allowed now? I guess it's 
more of a feature request.

The lack of an edit feature has been brought up before and it was 
said that it doesn't exist because the forum is combined with an 
email mailing list.

Re: Sealed classes - would you want them in D?

2018-05-11 Thread Tony via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 11 May 2018 at 03:32:25 UTC, Uknown wrote:
Also, classes are pretty inconvenient because they are hard to 
use without the GC.

I find it surprising that a language that had Garbage Collection 
as one of its' key features, now has that feature looked at as an 
inconvenience. Was it a design error, or did the wrong class of 
users latch onto the language?

Re: Is it a bug that a parent class that access its own private members from derived classes gets deprecation warning?

2018-04-08 Thread Tony via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 7 April 2018 at 20:14:49 UTC, bauss wrote:

The above in my case will give a deprecation warning that 
"_baz" isn't visible from "Bar".

Seems like a bug to me since I'm accessing "_baz" from "Foo" 
itself and not from "Bar" or is it by design that you can't do 
such thing.

I would say that you are accessing it from Bar. Or maybe that 
should be "via Bar". You are in Foo, but with a reference to a 
Bar instance. And trying to get to the _baz that is in that Bar 
instance. But your design doesn't allow (or at least I would have 
thought it was an error, not warning) or want Bar objects to be 
able to access _baz.

Re: does it scale to have 1 person approve of all phobos additions?

2018-03-20 Thread Tony via Digitalmars-d
I have never used DUB, but as I understand it, it will 
automatically bring down modules that are stored in gitub or two 
other git hosts (but not SourceForge for some reason). With that 
kind of functionality, it seems that inclusion in the standard 
library becomes much less important for a library. Rather than 
being included into Phobos, modules could be sanctioned/blessed 
in some fashion by beyond their inclusion at . Such as having their documentation on 
(or with a link to the wiki page on a 
page that is for listing "sanctioned modules" or "semi-official 

Downloads page

2018-03-19 Thread Tony via Digitalmars-d

The downloads page is a little corrupted:

Re: UDK : Comment sont levés les "Mappable keys"

2018-03-05 Thread Tony via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 5 March 2018 at 02:12:07 UTC, Adam Levine wrote:

Bonjour à tous
Alors voilà, quelqu'un saurait-il comment sont levé les 
évènements des touches appuyées pour UDK?

Nous voudrions pouvoir utiliser un nouveau périphérique autre 
que la souris, le clavier ... : En l’occurrence la Kinect.
Nous avons développé notre API qui permet d'exploiter la kinect 
en c++.
Nous l'avons intégré dans UDK en unrealscript, cependant on 
voudrait pouvoir lever un évènement lorsque l'on détecte un 
On voudrait donc faire le binding de nos geste avec une 
commande UDK et réussir à lever nos évènements qui exécuterons 
les commandes prédéfinis.

Par exemple :
Bindings=(Name="BrasEnAvant",Command="StartFire | onrelease 

Comment lever l'évènement "BrasEnAvant" ?

Merci d'avance

Bing translate seemed to a better than normal job on this:

Hi all
So, would anyone know how the events of the keys pressed for UDK 
are lifted?

We would like to be able to use a new device other than the 
mouse, the keyboard...: In this case the Kinect.

We have developed our API that allows the use of Kinect in C++.
We have integrated it into UDK in UnrealScript, however we would 
like to be able to raise an event when we detect a gesture.
So we would like to do the binding of our gestures with a UDK 
command and succeed in lifting our events that will execute the 
predefined commands.

Like what:
Bindings = (Name =  "BrasEnAvant ", Command =  "StartFire | 
onrelease StopFire ")

How to raise the event  "BrasEnAvant "?

Thanks in advance

Re: Annotation of functions

2018-02-21 Thread Tony via Digitalmars-d
On Tuesday, 20 February 2018 at 12:15:57 UTC, psychoticRabbit 

I've noticed that Go and Rust annotate functions.

func (in go)
fn (in rust)

I was kind of wondering why they made that choice, given 
compilers in many languages do not.
On Tuesday, 20 February 2018 at 12:15:57 UTC, psychoticRabbit 

I've noticed that Go and Rust annotate functions.

func (in go)
fn (in rust)

I was kind of wondering why they made that choice, given 
compilers in many languages do not.

I think it is common to have a keyword used in function 
definition - outside the
C-family. The Pascal family has keywords for function and 
procedure declaration, as does Fortran. It looks like Cobol uses 
the "function" keyword for when you call a function and 
"function-id" for when you define it.  Perl, Python and Ruby all 
have a keyword for function definition.

Would this be a useful feature in D?

Everything else seems to have an annotation (e.g structs, 
classes.) So why not functions?

What are people's thoughts about it?

I think keywords for functions may be to avoid or minimize the 
difficulty C and C++ have with declaring (and deciphering the 
declarations of) function pointers. Seems it also would have 
prevented years of C++ having "the most vexing parse", where a 
class instantiation can be confused with a function declaration.

Re: -libpath?

2018-02-21 Thread Tony via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 21 February 2018 at 10:23:08 UTC, Tony wrote:

There is a tool that lets you call GDC and use DMD command-line 
options (gdmd). If it doesn't already exist, what about a tool 
that allows you to call DMD using GDC options (which I think 
are the same as gcc/g++/clang/clang++)?

I am mainly thinking about being about to do -L/the/path/to/abc 

-labc as is done for the Linux C/C++ compilers.

Re: -libpath?

2018-02-21 Thread Tony via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 21 February 2018 at 02:21:14 UTC, Jonathan Marler 

If we added a new "linker-independent" flag to dmd, then you 
could add paths using the same interface regardless of which 
linker you are using.  I'd expect the argument to be something 


The disadvantage is it would be another command line option 
added to DMD.  If there is general agreement that this is a 
desirable feature, I'll go ahead and implement it.

no one responded to this, but I thought I would bump this to 
the front page to double check if there is any interest in this 

There is a tool that lets you call GDC and use DMD command-line 
options (gdmd). If it doesn't already exist, what about a tool 
that allows you to call DMD using GDC options (which I think are 
the same as gcc/g++/clang/clang++)?

Re: Which language futures make D overcompicated?

2018-02-15 Thread Tony via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 9 February 2018 at 19:19:03 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:

But none of these features are *necessary* to start coding in
D. They are optional extras that are nice once you're 
comfortable with the language.  I got by fine for *years* 
without even using a single mixin, or knowing what 'inout' 
does, or use any attributes.

It's like human language, there's a set of core words ("basic 
features") that you have to know to hold a conversation, but 
there's a vast vocabulary of more specialized words ("advanced 
features") to draw from when you need to be more precise or in 
special situations. You don't need to know the *entire* 
language to be functional in it. E.g., there's a vast body of 
scientific vocabulary that 90% of the general population (of 
native English speakers) has no idea about.  Yet they can live 
and function in society just fine.  But that vocabulary is 
there when you *do* need it.

That's true for writing your own code, but when you look at other 
code like the standard library and are trying to understand it - 
if it's written using a plethora of features, then you have to 
learn a plethora of features.

Ali G

Re: The name "Phobos" in user-facing docs

2018-01-12 Thread Tony via Digitalmars-d
I had similar feelings when starting out with D - "why don't they 
say "standard library" instead of "Phobos"? I don't know that it 
would change D's image, but I think it would be better for 
newcomers if they only saw "standard library".

Re: load data from txt file

2018-01-04 Thread Tony via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 4 January 2018 at 05:52:35 UTC, codephantom wrote:

On Wednesday, 3 January 2018 at 05:45:32 UTC, Tony wrote:

Someone else should know what the correct replacement
is for removechars().

the replacement is known as 'programming' ;-)

//string trimmed = removechars!string(line,"[\\[\\]\"\n\r]");
string trimmed;
foreach(c; line)
if(c != '[' && c != ']' && c != '\"' && c != '\r' && c != 
'\n' )

  trimmed ~= c;

OK, thanks. The removechars() note about deprecation said to use 
std.regex instead so I have been looking at that and after a 
struggle did make some use of std.regex.replaceAll. Reminded me 
of the famous Jamie Zawinski quote: "Some people, when confronted 
with a problem, think "I know, I'll use regular expressions." Now 
they have two problems.

import std.stdio;
import std.string;
import std.algorithm;
import std.regex;
import std.file;
import std.format : format;

void checkLine(string line,long line_number)
   // not expecting any whitespace or extra colons. Each line:
   // ["key":"value"]

   long colon_pos = std.string.indexOf(line,':');
   assert(colon_pos != -1,format("ERROR: no colon on line 

   long splitter_string_pos = std.string.indexOf(line,"\":\"");
   assert(splitter_string_pos != -1,
	  format("ERROR: line %s missing quote(s) adjacent to 
   assert(line[0..2] == "[\"",format("ERROR: no [\" at line %s 

   assert(line[line.length - 2 .. line.length] == "\"]",
  format("ERROR: no \"] at end of line %s",line_number));

void main()
   string[string] data;
   string filename = "users.txt";
   assert( std.file.exists(filename), format("ERROR: file %s not 

   auto f = std.stdio.File("users.txt","r");
   scope(exit) { f.close(); }
   string line = f.readln!();
   long line_number = 0;
   while ( line !is null)
  import std.uni : lineSep;
  auto fields  = std.algorithm.findSplit(line,"\":\"");
  string key   = 
  string value = 

  data[key] = value;
  line = f.readln!();   
   writeln("value for key admin:",data["admin"]);
   writeln("value for key test:",data["test"]);

Re: Maybe D is right about GC after all !

2018-01-03 Thread Tony via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 3 January 2018 at 21:11:06 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 

On Wednesday, 3 January 2018 at 19:42:28 UTC, Tony wrote:
Why would someone choose to use a language with a Garbage 
Collector and then complain that the language has a Garbage 

People always complain about garbage collectors that freeze up 
the process. Irrespective of the language. It's the antithesis 
of low level programming…

Why would they choose D for low level programming when they knew 
before they chose it that it had a Garbage Collector? It seems 
like their programming language decision methodology  was flawed. 
To me,  the only people who should be complaining about D's 
garbage collector are people who don't use D, not people who do. 
But maybe that is the case, the people who complain about the 
Garbage Collector in this D forum are not using D.

Re: Maybe D is right about GC after all !

2018-01-03 Thread Tony via Digitalmars-d
Why would someone choose to use a language with a Garbage 
Collector and then complain that the language has a Garbage 

Re: load data from txt file

2018-01-02 Thread Tony via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 2 January 2018 at 22:08:52 UTC, aerto wrote:

Hello and happy new year im new in d so i have a question

i have into a txt file named users.txt the bellow


im my app

string[string] data;

so i need to load users.txt content into data in order to be 
able to run

writeln(data["admin"]); // i want this to print 123456789
writeln(data["test"]); // i want this to print test345

This seems to work (on Linux with no error checking) but is using 
the deprecated removechars() which gets deleted May 2018. There 
should be a simple fix using std.regex.replaceAll but I can't 
even get a successful compile right now (templates aren't 
deducing). Someone else should know what the correct replacement 
is for removechars().

import std.stdio;
import std.string;
import std.algorithm;

void main()
   string line;
   string[string] data;
   auto f = File("users.txt","r");
   while ((line = f.readln('\n')) !is null)

  string trimmed = removechars!string(line,"[\\[\\]\"\n\r]");
  auto fields = findSplit(trimmed,":");
  data[fields[0]] = fields[2];
   writeln("data for key admin:",data["admin"]);

Re: Maybe D is right about GC after all !

2017-12-24 Thread Tony via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 24 December 2017 at 22:04:00 UTC, Dan Partelly wrote:

1995. A dark year. Two of the crappiest language ever devised 
by man arrived. Both gained traction. Java, through marketing. 
PhP though tribalism.

What makes Java a "crappy" language?

I think PHP's success is due to its ability to integrate HTML 
statements. Also, it was often the only option back in the day 
from cheap web hosting services. And it seemed like on those 
cheap web hosts, when offered, Python and Perl were accessed via 
CGI, while PHP used via an Apache module which I think gave it a 
speed/resource utilization advantage.

Re: Maybe D is right about GC after all !

2017-12-20 Thread Tony via Digitalmars-d
I have heard with regard to reference counting as is done in 
Python, that if two objects each have a reference to the other, 
that they will never be deleted, even if neither is used 
elsewhere in the program. Garbage collection is not supposed to 
have that issue, although I don't know how a garbage collector 
determines that there usage is just via each other and that they 
can be deleted.

Re: "body" keyword is unnecessary

2017-11-19 Thread Tony via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 19 November 2017 at 11:02:37 UTC, bauss wrote:

They wouldn't need to know. Obviously they know its purpose and 
how it works if they have it in their source code, if they 
don't have it in their source code and they look at contracts, 
then they will be fine either way as it's not a required 
keyword anymore and thus doesn't require documentation, since 
you can achieve the same semantics without using the keyword.

The keyword is completely irrelevant unless you're maintaining 
old source codes, in which case you should already be aware of 
how it functions and if you aren't then a little research won't 

I may have misunderstood you. I assumed you were saying that the 
"do" keyword was optional in the syntax. If not, given the fact 
that "body" may be required on the compiler that someone is 
currently using and the documentation only mentions "do", the 
keyword seems relevant to me.

Re: "body" keyword is unnecessary

2017-11-19 Thread Tony via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 19 November 2017 at 11:02:37 UTC, bauss wrote:

On Sunday, 19 November 2017 at 08:13:32 UTC, Tony wrote:

On Sunday, 19 November 2017 at 08:05:38 UTC, Tony wrote:

OK, but how would someone who is looking at:

I wish this board had an edit function. That should be

"OK, but how would someone who is looking at:

They wouldn't need to know. Obviously they know its purpose and 
how it works if they have it in their source code, if they 
don't have it in their source code and they look at contracts, 
then they will be fine either way

They won't be fine either way if they are using LDC or GDC right 
now or they are using a slightly older version of DMD and they 
want to try using contracts. They will look at the documentation 
and think that they need to write "do" and their version of the 
compiler will only accept "body", which won't be documented.

as it's not a required keyword anymore and thus doesn't require 
documentation, since you can achieve the same semantics without 
using the keyword.

The keyword is completely irrelevant unless you're maintaining 
old source codes, in which case you should already be aware of 
how it functions and if you aren't then a little research won't 

"do" doesn't appear to be optional and the compiler still talks 
about the deprecated "body", even if any mention of it has been 
removed from the documentation:

import std.stdio : writeln;

int MyFunction(int input)
   assert(input >= 0);
out (result)
   assert(result > 100);

   return input + 100;

void main()
   writeln("output: ",MyFunction(10));

dmd --version
DMD64 D Compiler v2.077.0
Copyright (c) 1999-2017 by Digital Mars written by Walter Bright

dmd test_contracts.d
test_contracts.d(13): Error: missing `body { ... }` after `in` or 

Re: "body" keyword is unnecessary

2017-11-19 Thread Tony via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 19 November 2017 at 08:05:38 UTC, Tony wrote:

OK, but how would someone who is looking at:

I wish this board had an edit function. That should be

"OK, but how would someone who is looking at:

Re: "body" keyword is unnecessary

2017-11-19 Thread Tony via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 19 November 2017 at 07:21:32 UTC, Seb wrote:

On Sunday, 19 November 2017 at 04:57:11 UTC, Tony wrote:

On Saturday, 18 November 2017 at 19:22:25 UTC, Meta wrote:

On Saturday, 18 November 2017 at 16:21:30 UTC, Eljay wrote:


Don't worry, you've got a few years yet. Currently `body`is 
not even deprecated; it's become a conditional keyword, or 
you can use `do` in its place.

It may be deprecated, but someone completely removed it from 
the documentation on contracts. That could cause some 
confusion for people using older versions of the compiler.

That's what the docarchives are for:

OK, but how would someone who is looking at:

know what version of the compiler it applies to and where to find 
older documentation for their version of the compiler?

Re: "body" keyword is unnecessary

2017-11-18 Thread Tony via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 18 November 2017 at 19:22:25 UTC, Meta wrote:

On Saturday, 18 November 2017 at 16:21:30 UTC, Eljay wrote:

On Monday, 28 March 2011 at 18:59:03 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 3/27/2011 10:35 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
I'll be _very_ excited to have both the destructor issues 
and the const issues
sorted out. They are some of the more annoying quality of 

issues at the moment.

Yes, I agree those are the top priority at the moment, now 
that we have the 64 bit compiler online and the worst of the 
optlink issues resolved.


But I just saw that was 
addressed with .

I, for one, will miss 'body' the keyword.  Now I'll have to 
update all my toy code.

(Just kidding, I don't mind updating my toy code.  At least it 
isn't a codebase the size of Photoshop!)

Don't worry, you've got a few years yet. Currently `body`is not 
even deprecated; it's become a conditional keyword, or you can 
use `do` in its place.

It may be deprecated, but someone completely removed it from the 
documentation on contracts. That could cause some confusion for 
people using older versions of the compiler.

Re: What do people here use as an IDE?

2017-11-17 Thread Tony via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 17 November 2017 at 14:57:52 UTC, Stas wrote:
I use and highly recommend Codelobster:

But I would hope you don't recommend it for D language 

"Details of Codelobster:

Our goal is to create product which would simplify and speed up 
to the maximum process of developing full-featured web sites on 

Re: Zig mentions D in justifying its existence

2017-11-15 Thread Tony via Digitalmars-d
I am surprised C hasn't tried to become a "better C". Add a 
string datatype (and maybe other datatypes like datetime). Add an 
array type (static and/or dynamic) that doesn't suffer from 
"array decay" when passed to a function or returned from a 
function. Provide an alternative to the ridiculous syntax for 
declaring a function pointer. And copy the scope() guard from D. 
They could also add some data structure code to the standard 
library. Not a lot of changes and suddenly the language is a lot 
more usable for all those GNU programs (and any like them) that 
are written in C.

Re: [OT] mobile rising

2017-11-12 Thread Tony via Digitalmars-d
On Friday, 10 November 2017 at 14:28:10 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 

On Friday, 10 November 2017 at 12:55:24 UTC, Tony wrote:
Very few companies are not "all about making money". That is 
why Americans were laid off by the millions and replaced by 
workers in countries with much cheaper labor rates. Bad for 
the workers, good for "making money". Apple isn't unique in 
making all it's products outside the USA.

I understand what you mean, but I don't think it is a 
scientific fact that companies are all about making money. They 
are run by humans with a set of beliefs and desires which they 
operate under…

But those humans at the top, working for public companies, are 
monitored by a board and stockholders who place "making money" as 
the main, and normally only, measure of their job performance.

Anyway, even companies that are all about making money need to 
think long term, meaning to take care of their long term 
reputation. Microsoft was not all about making money in the 
90s, but they were all about growing and retaining market share 
using bad business practices and that cost them their 
reputation among IT professionals.

"growing and retaining market share" is a part of "all about 
making money", to me. My definition of "not all about making 
money" is when a company does things to benefit the environment 
or citizens or employees that they could have legally avoided, 
which gives them lower profits than they would have had from the 
other course of action. There are donations for various causes 
made by some public companies, but I think those are normally an 
insignificant percentage of their profits.

Companies like Amazon are more about growth than making money… 
Some banks are more about being big than making money long 
term… Too big to fail and the government will save your ass. 

I see Amazon as foregoing profits now for growth - and also 
wiping out the competition - in order to reap massive profits in 
the future.  At least, I haven't heard of them foregoing profits 
in order to benefit employees, citizens or the environment. Their 
stock price has a very high valuation (PE ration of 285.1), 
reflective of investors expecting massive profits in the future.

I don't know. I use a mac daily, but there is not a single 
product in their line today that is anywhere near good value 
compared by what you get by building your own Linux/Windows box 
or buy a quality non-Apple product from Samsung or Asus…

That is what I see as the Apple way of doing things from their 
beginning back in the late 1970s. They make premium and/or unique 
products and then mark them up more than anybody in the industry. 
Their products have always been unique with regard to the OS 
(except for a year or two when they allowed Mac clones) making 
the situation that no other manufacturer can offer an identical 

Re: [OT] mobile rising

2017-11-10 Thread Tony via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 10 November 2017 at 11:28:41 UTC, Joakim wrote:
It would either be you and Jobs, or just you, letting them 
rebel. I would keep the line.

That's funny, as I was responding to your statement above, 
"So, let them rebel." :D

"Let them rebel" was with regard to your point of view. As 
demonstrated by the sentence I put after it: "You said that 
they would like to see it go away, and/or they want to milk 
it." You said that Apple would be happy to see it go away. 
Then you added that they were "milking" the line while they 
could. Satisfying rebelling users doesn't jive with either 
position. They rebel and you want to get rid of it - and you 
get rid of it. They rebel wanting changes, and you only want 
to keep milk it while you can - then you get rid of it, 
because you can't milk what you have.

Your logic is extremely confused.  Let me spell it out for you: 
the Mac is all but dead, particularly when compared to the 
mobile computing tidal wave, since they sell 10 iPhones + iPads 
for every Mac, according to the sales link I gave you before.  
They have cut investment in that legacy Mac product, but they 
would like to keep selling a lower-quality product at high 
prices to the few chumps that still maintain the old Mac aura 
in their heads.

You have little company in thinking the Mac line is a 
"low-quality product". The computer magazine writers gush about 
the Macbooks.

As far as "all but dead", in the most recent quarter, that line 
did have declining sales from the previous year, but it was "5.6 
billion in revenue in Q3 — over 12% of Apple’s total for the 

So that is what they do, milk the suckers still paying high 
prices for a rarely refreshed product with a lot more bugs.  I 
don't know what's hard to understand about this for you.  When 
the Mac userbase rebels, they try to calm them down and say 
they're coming out with a new Mac Pro _next year_, five years 
since the last one!

Your logic seems extremely confused. If they aren't changing the 
product it won't have a "lot more bugs". With no changes you get 
less bugs over time.

Apple is a business.  As long as the Mac faithful are still 
willing to pay a lot of money for lower-quality products, they 
will gladly take their money, even though it's now just a 
sideline for their real business, the iPhone.  Of course, 
they'd rather just focus on the iPhone, but if they can take a 
lot of devs off macOS and still milk those suckers, why 
wouldn't they?

What does "take a lot of devs off macOS" refer to?

Apple is all about making money, which is why they're the 
largest company in the world, with some forecasting that they 
will soon be the first company to have a market cap of... one 
trillion dollars!!! insertDoctorEvilPinkie();

Very few companies are not "all about making money". That is why 
Americans were laid off by the millions and replaced by workers 
in countries with much cheaper labor rates. Bad for the workers, 
good for "making money". Apple isn't unique in making all it's 
products outside the USA.

I don't see where it makes sense to call people who buy Mac 
products suckers (they seem especially popular with software 
developers) who pay extra for what you call "low-quality 
equipment" without saying the same thing about the people who buy 
iPhones. Your mantra is "people need so much less than they are 
buying". Well, that applies as much to iPhone users as it does 
Mac users. People don't need $1,000 phones and they don't need to 
upgrade a phone every two years.

The large Apple profit comes from offering quality products 
and then pricing them at the highest gross profit margin in 
the industry. In order to get people to pay a premium for 
their products it helps to have a mystique or following, and 
the macOS line helps to maintain their mystique and it is 
small potatoes next to their phone business.

I've already said repeatedly that they're not going to drop 
the Mac line anytime soon, so I don't know why you want to 
write a paragraph justifying keeping it.

My post was in response to this statement of yours "Simple, 
they see the writing on the wall, ie much smaller sales than 
means they can focus on the much bigger mobile market." That 
seems to be a contradiction to "they're not going to drop the 
Mac line anytime soon".

No contradiction: they want the Mac to go away, but are happy 
to keep supplementing their bottom line while pulling engineers 
off of it, just like the iPod Touch.

If somebody wants something to go away and they can make it go 
away, they make it go away. It is most certainly a contradiction 
to say "they want it to go away" and they "want it to not go away 
so they can milk it".

You seem to be confused by the fact that a business sometimes 
has contradictory goals- should we focus exclusively on the 
iPhone and make more money there or keep the Mac limping along 
too?- and tries to balan

Re: [OT] mobile rising

2017-11-10 Thread Tony via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 10 November 2017 at 11:10:30 UTC, Tony wrote:

I don't see any relationship between that iOS picture in the 
Wiki article and Metro. The idea is RESIZABLE, LIVE tiles. Not 
effects to make them look 3D or not.

"live tile" meaning the underlying app can dynamically put 
readable information in the tile. Such as the most recent sender 
of email and subject, the most recent headline, the item at the 
top of your todo list, a calendar reminder, current weather 

Re: [OT] mobile rising

2017-11-10 Thread Tony via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 8 November 2017 at 09:34:39 UTC, Joakim wrote:

I see, so your claim is that MS, Nokia, HP, Sony, all much 
larger companies than Apple or Google at the time, could not 
have countered them even on a lucky day.  I wonder why this is, 
as they certainly had more money, you don't believe they're 
that bright? :)

Google bought Android from a startup of sharp programmers. There 
are only so many mobile operating systems and operating systems 
are not easy to develop. Jobs got back into Apple because they 
had failed in an attempt to replace OS 9 and Jobs had a talented 
software team and an OS from his failing Next company. Nokia had 
a big internal effort to replace Symbian (which had multi-tasking 
from the beginning, unlike iOS) due to some flaw that it could 
only handle 640 x 360 screens (bigger than the first couple 
iPhone generations). But one effort failed and another, based on 
Linux came too late to survive being cut at the same time the new 
CEO from Microsoft announced that Symbian would be discontinued 
and replaced by Windows Mobile.

On Wednesday, 8 November 2017 at 07:04:24 UTC, Tony wrote:

On Monday, 6 November 2017 at 08:33:16 UTC, Joakim wrote:

The vast majority of users would be covered by 5-10 GBs of 
available storage, which is why the lowest tier of even the 
luxury iPhone was 16 GBs until last year.  Every time I talk 
to normal people, ie non-techies unlike us, and ask them how 
much storage they have in their device, whether smartphone, 
tablet, or laptop, they have no idea.  If I look in the 
device, I inevitably find they're only using something like 
3-5 GBs max, out of the 20-100+ GBs they have available.

You are making an assumption that people want as much storage 
for a combo phone/PC as they do for only a phone. You need to 
also check how much storage they are using on their PCs.

You need to read what I actually wrote, I was talking about 
laptops too.  I don't go to people's homes and check their 
desktops, but their laptops fall under the same low-storage 
umbrella, and laptops are 80% of PCs sold these days.

OK, I see you did mention laptops. It isn't my case and I find it 
hard to believe that people are being sold ever larger disk 
drives when they can survive with a 32GB flash rom.

I never made any previous claim about what IDEs are being 
used. The only time I previously mentioned an IDE was with 
regard to RemObjects and Embarcadero offering 
cross-compilation to Android/iOS with their products.

"There is a case to be made for supporting  Android/iOS 
cross-compilation. But it doesn't have to come at the 
expense of Windows 64-bit integration. Not sure they even 
involve the same skillsets. Embarcadero and Remobjects both 
now support Android/iOS development from their Windows (and 
macOS in the case of Remobjects) IDEs."

That was to highlight that those two compiler companies have 
seen fit to also cross-compile to mobile - they saw an 
importance to mobile development. It wasn't about what IDEs 
are best for mobile or even what IDEs are being used for 

If you look back to the first mention of IDES, it was your 
statement, "Good luck selling game developers on using D to 
develop for Android, when you can't supply those same game 
developers a top-notch development environment for the 
premier platform for performance critical games - Windows 

That at least implies that they're using the same IDE to 
target both mobile and PC gaming, which is what I was 
disputing.  If you agree that they use completely different 
toolchains, then it is irrelevant whether D supports 
Windows-focused IDEs, as it doesn't affect mobile-focused 

My statements quoted didn't mention IDEs and they didn't imply 
IDEs. What was implied was the initial line in the first post 
"* better dll support for Windows". My assumption is that game 
developers (or just developers) work on multiple OSes. If you 
want them to use a language - like D - they should find it 
compelling to use on all their platforms.

Your statement was made in direct response to my question, "why 
spend time getting D great Windows IDE support if you don't 
think Windows has much of a future?"

What does IDE support refer to? You didn't say "get good Windows 
IDEs". In any event, I was talking about DLLs and related Windows 
issues that you would encounter using Vim and D.

I've already said I don't think there's much overlap between 
mobile and PC games, the markets are fairly disjoint.  The top 
mobile games are never released for PC and vice versa.

I never said the games have overlap. I said the developers have 

As for dll support, that was not mentioned at all in the OT 
thread to which you were responding, and you never called it 

Never called what out? You were saying that Windows was going 
down by 99% in some unstated timeframe and I challenged that 
notion. The first and second posts in this thread mention DLL 
support and I

Re: [OT] mobile rising

2017-11-10 Thread Tony via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 8 November 2017 at 09:34:39 UTC, Joakim wrote:
Why did they fund development of a new iMac Pro which is 
coming this December as well as the new MacBook Pros that 
came out this June? That's a contradiction of "milk it 
like an iPod".

Because their userbase was rebelling?  I take it you're not 
that familiar with Mac users, but they were genuinely 
scared that Apple was leaving them behind, since they 
weren't refreshing Mac and Macbooks much anymore and all 
Apple's focus is on iOS:

So, let them rebel. You said that they would like to see it 
go away, and/or they want to milk it. If you have to spend 
money on development to keep selling it, then you can't 
"milk it".

You and I and Jobs may've let them rebel, but Apple is a 
public corporation.  They can't just let easy money go, their 
shareholders may not like it. Perhaps you're not too familiar 
with legacy calculations, but they're probably still making 
good money off Macs, but it just distracts and keeps good 
Apple devs off the real cash cow, iPhone.  Even if the Mac 
financials aren't _that_ great anymore, you don't necessarily 
want to piss off your oldest and most loyal customers, who 
may stop buying iPhones and iPads too.

It would either be you and Jobs, or just you, letting them 
rebel. I would keep the line.

That's funny, as I was responding to your statement above, "So, 
let them rebel." :D

"Let them rebel" was with regard to your point of view. As 
demonstrated by the sentence I put after it: "You said that they 
would like to see it go away, and/or they want to milk it." You 
said that Apple would be happy to see it go away. Then you added 
that they were "milking" the line while they could. Satisfying 
rebelling users doesn't jive with either position. They rebel and 
you want to get rid of it - and you get rid of it. They rebel 
wanting changes, and you only want to keep milk it while you can 
- then you get rid of it, because you can't milk what you have.

The large Apple profit comes from offering quality products 
and then pricing them at the highest gross profit margin in 
the industry. In order to get people to pay a premium for 
their products it helps to have a mystique or following, and 
the macOS line helps to maintain their mystique and it is 
small potatoes next to their phone business.

I've already said repeatedly that they're not going to drop the 
Mac line anytime soon, so I don't know why you want to write a 
paragraph justifying keeping it.

My post was in response to this statement of yours "Simple, they 
see the writing on the wall, ie much smaller sales than mobile, 
focus on the much bigger mobile market." That seems to be a 
contradiction to "they're not going to drop the Mac line anytime 

As for mystique, it is laughable that you think this outdated 
Mac line that practically nobody buys compared to the iPhone 
provides any. :) More likely, they will keep milking the 
Mac-buying chumps till they stop, or when they can just tell 
them to buy an iPhone with a multi-window option instead.

"Nobody buys" Rolls Royces, but they have a lot of mystique. 
Mystique isn't measured by sales volume.

If people ever get so cost-conscious that they decide to buy a 
$150 companion for their phone, instead of a $400 laptop, it's 
unlikely they will be using iPhones. You can get a nice Android 
phone with plenty of RAM/ROM for half the price of an  iPhone.

Re: [OT] mobile rising

2017-11-10 Thread Tony via Digitalmars-d
Apple had a big benefit on mobile with their iTunes store that 
had already been established on Desktop and the very popular 
iPod. They also had rich USA buyers who bought more apps than 
users of the other platforms which encouraged developers to 
target iOS. And they had the Apple/Jobs mystique.

Re: [OT] Windows dying

2017-11-07 Thread Tony via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 6 November 2017 at 08:33:16 UTC, Joakim wrote:

The vast majority of users would be covered by 5-10 GBs of 
available storage, which is why the lowest tier of even the 
luxury iPhone was 16 GBs until last year.  Every time I talk to 
normal people, ie non-techies unlike us, and ask them how much 
storage they have in their device, whether smartphone, tablet, 
or laptop, they have no idea.  If I look in the device, I 
inevitably find they're only using something like 3-5 GBs max, 
out of the 20-100+ GBs they have available.

You are making an assumption that people want as much storage for 
a combo phone/PC as they do for only a phone. You need to also 
check how much storage they are using on their PCs.

I never made any previous claim about what IDEs are being 
used. The only time I previously mentioned an IDE was with 
regard to RemObjects and Embarcadero offering 
cross-compilation to Android/iOS with their products.

"There is a case to be made for supporting  Android/iOS 
cross-compilation. But it doesn't have to come at the expense 
of Windows 64-bit integration. Not sure they even involve the 
same skillsets. Embarcadero and Remobjects both now support 
Android/iOS development from their Windows (and macOS in the 
case of Remobjects) IDEs."

That was to highlight that those two compiler companies have 
seen fit to also cross-compile to mobile - they saw an 
importance to mobile development. It wasn't about what IDEs 
are best for mobile or even what IDEs are being used for 

If you look back to the first mention of IDES, it was your 
statement, "Good luck selling game developers on using D to 
develop for Android, when you can't supply those same game 
developers a top-notch development environment for the premier 
platform for performance critical games - Windows 64-bit."

That at least implies that they're using the same IDE to target 
both mobile and PC gaming, which is what I was disputing.  If 
you agree that they use completely different toolchains, then 
it is irrelevant whether D supports Windows-focused IDEs, as it 
doesn't affect mobile-focused devs.

My statements quoted didn't mention IDEs and they didn't imply 
IDEs. What was implied was the initial line in the first post "* 
better dll support for Windows". My assumption is that game 
developers (or just developers) work on multiple OSes. If you 
want them to use a language - like D - they should find it 
compelling to use on all their platforms.

I've always thought that flat Metro interface was best suited 
for mobile displays, the easiest to view, render, and touch.  
To some extent, all the other mobile interfaces have copied it, 
with their move to flat UIs over the years.  However, it 
obviously takes much more than a nice GUI to do well in mobile.

I don't know what a flat UI is, but every mobile OS I have used - 
Blackberry 9/10, Nokia Symbian, Nokia Linux, Palm OS, WebOS, 
Firefox OS, iOS, Android - all have the same essential interface. 
Icons on a scrolling desktop. Windows 8/10 Mobile, with the 
resizable live tiles is the only one that does the interface 
differently, and in my opinion, does it the best.

Why did they fund development of a new iMac Pro which is 
coming this December as well as the new MacBook Pros that 
came out this June? That's a contradiction of "milk it like 
an iPod".

Because their userbase was rebelling?  I take it you're not 
that familiar with Mac users, but they were genuinely scared 
that Apple was leaving them behind, since they weren't 
refreshing Mac and Macbooks much anymore and all Apple's 
focus is on iOS:

So, let them rebel. You said that they would like to see it go 
away, and/or they want to milk it. If you have to spend money 
on development to keep selling it, then you can't "milk it".

You and I and Jobs may've let them rebel, but Apple is a public 
corporation.  They can't just let easy money go, their 
shareholders may not like it. Perhaps you're not too familiar 
with legacy calculations, but they're probably still making 
good money off Macs, but it just distracts and keeps good Apple 
devs off the real cash cow, iPhone.  Even if the Mac financials 
aren't _that_ great anymore, you don't necessarily want to piss 
off your oldest and most loyal customers, who may stop buying 
iPhones and iPads too.

It would either be you and Jobs, or just you, letting them rebel. 
I would keep the line. The large Apple profit comes from offering 
quality products and then pricing them at the highest gross 
profit margin in the industry. In order to get people to pay a 
premium for their products it helps to have a mystique or 
following, and the macOS line helps to maintain their mystique 
and it is small potatoes next to their phone business.

Re: [OT] Windows dying

2017-11-05 Thread Tony via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 3 November 2017 at 14:12:56 UTC, Joakim wrote:

I don't know why you're so obsessed with storage when even 
midrange smartphones come with 32 GBs nowadays, expandable to 
much more with an SD card.  My tablet has only 16 GBs of 
storage, with only 10-12 actually accessible, but I've never 
had a problem building codebases that take up GBs of space with 
all the object files, alongside a 64 GB microSD card for many, 
mostly HD TV shows and movies.

The smallest storage Windows 10/Linux laptops have is a 128GB 
SSD. Even with a faster 128GB SSD being around the price of a 1TB 
hard drive, I still see 1TB being the dominant low-end storage. 
So I am going by what I see being offered as a minimum. It may be 
that most or even 99% of people can get by with 32GB flash 
memory, but it isn't being offered (except on Chromebooks which 
have traditionally only been web browsers, and on Windows 10S 
machines which can only run Windows Store apps).

Are you suggesting they are developing their games for iOS and 
Android devices ON those devices? Apple has XCode for 
developing iOS apps and it runs on macOS machines only. There 
is also the Xamarin IDE or IDE plug-in from Microsoft that 
allows C# on iOS, but it runs on macOS or WIndows. For 
Android, there is Android Studio - "The Official IDE of 
Android" - which runs on Windows, macOS and Linux. There is no 
Android version.

Yes, of course they're still largely developing mobile games on 
PCs, though I'm not sure why you think that matters.  But your 
original claim was that they're still using PC-focused IDEs, as 
opposed to new mobile-focused IDEs like XCode or Android 
Studio, which you now highlight.

I never made any previous claim about what IDEs are being used. 
The only time I previously mentioned an IDE was with regard to 
RemObjects and Embarcadero offering cross-compilation to 
Android/iOS with their products.

"There is a case to be made for supporting  Android/iOS 
cross-compilation. But it doesn't have to come at the expense of 
Windows 64-bit integration. Not sure they even involve the same 
skillsets. Embarcadero and Remobjects both now support 
Android/iOS development from their Windows (and macOS in the case 
of Remobjects) IDEs."

That was to highlight that those two compiler companies have seen 
fit to also cross-compile to mobile - they saw an importance to 
mobile development. It wasn't about what IDEs are best for mobile 
or even what IDEs are being used for mobile.

Not that it matters, but I don't think that XCode meets the 
definition of "new mobile-focused IDE" as-as far as I know, it 
was developed for OS X development and is still used for such. 
Android Studio may be "new mobile-focused", even though based on 
IntelliJ IDEA.

Yes, Windows is dominant, dominant in a niche, internal IT.  
The consumer mobile market is much larger nowadays, and Windows 
has almost no market share there.

Sad too, because of all the tablet/phone interfaces, the only one 
that is not just "icons on a background", and my personal 
preference, is Windows Mobile.

As for Microsoft, Windows is not their only product, they have 
moved Office onto the dominant mobile platforms.  As long as 
they keep supporting mobile, they could eke out an existence.  
Their big bet on Azure is going to end badly though.

They have Word, Excel, Powerpoint for mobile, but they are free. 
The Android store mentions "in-app purchases" but I wasn't 
offered any. Maybe it is for OneDrive storage of files. I already 
have that so it could be why I don't see anything to purchase in 
the app.

Why did they fund development of a new iMac Pro which is 
coming this December as well as the new MacBook Pros that came 
out this June? That's a contradiction of "milk it like an 

Because their userbase was rebelling?  I take it you're not 
that familiar with Mac users, but they were genuinely scared 
that Apple was leaving them behind, since they weren't 
refreshing Mac and Macbooks much anymore and all Apple's focus 
is on iOS:

So, let them rebel. You said that they would like to see it go 
away, and/or they want to milk it. If you have to spend money on 
development to keep selling it, then you can't "milk it".

It is ironic that Microsoft and Ubuntu both saw a convergence of 
mobile and desktop and began modifying their desktop interace to 
best suit mobile, and now  Ubuntu has abandoned the idea and 
Microsoft has abandoned the phone market. As it turns out, any 
convergence will have to come from the two dominant mobile OSes 
as it is impossible to go the other direction due to the app 

Re: [OT] Windows dying

2017-11-03 Thread Tony via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 3 November 2017 at 09:16:42 UTC, Joakim wrote:

Why do predictions about the future matter when at the 
present Windows dominates the desktop and is also strong in 
the server space?

Because that desktop market matters much less than it did 
before, see the current mobile dominance, yet the D core team 
still focuses only on that dying x86 market.  As for the 
future, why spend time getting D great Windows IDE support if 
you don't think Windows has much of a future?

The concept that you are proposing, that people will get rid 
of ALL their desktops and laptops for phones or tablets, 
doesn't seem to be happening right now.

To begin with, I never said they'd "ALL" be replaced in the 
paragraph you're quoting above, but yes, that's essentially 
what will eventually happen.

You said 99% would go away. So "almost all".

And of course it's happening right now, why do you think PC 
sales are down 25% over the last six years, after rising for 
decades?  For many people, a PC was overkill but they didn't 
have a choice of another easier form factor and OS.  Now they 

There are others reasons for PC sales declining beyond someone 
just using a phone or a tablet. Some find their current PC fast 
enough and see no reason to upgrade as frequently as they did in 
the past - only a hard drive failure will trigger a PC upgrade 
for them.

Some have cut down from a desktop and a laptop to just a laptop 
as the laptops got faster. Or a family replaces some combination 
of laptops and desktops with a combination of 

That 25% is not indicative of 25% of homes getting rid of ALL of 
their PC/laptops.

At this point, were they do to that, they would end up with a 
machine that has less power in most cases (there are Atom and 
Celeron laptops), and probably less memory and disk storage. 
That solution would be most attractive to Chromebook type 
users and very low end laptop users. And while people buy low 
spec laptops and desktops, there are still many laptops and 
desktops sold with chips that aren't named Atom and Celeron or 
arm. If phones and tablets try to get chips as powerful as 
those for the desktop and laptops they run into the chip 
maker's problem - the more processing power, the more the 
electricity the chip uses. Phones and tablets don't plug into 
the wall and they are smaller than the batteries in laptops. 
And in order to use a phone/tablet as a "lean forward" device 
(as opposed to "lean back") and do work, they will have to 
spend money on a "laptop shell" that will have a screen and 
keyboard and probably an SSD/HD which will cancel most of the 
cost savings from not buying a laptop.

You seem wholly ignorant of this market and the various points 
I've made in this thread.  Do you know what the median Windows 
PC sold costs?  Around $400.  Now shop around, are you finding 
great high-spec devices at that price?

You said 99% are going away. You need to talk about a lot more 
than median prices. But nevertheless, $400 laptops have better 
specs and performance than $400 tablets and phones. And you are 
good to go with a laptop. People who want to go down to the 
coffee shop and work on their term paper on a laptop just take 
the laptop. People who want to go down to the coffee shop and 
work on their term paper on a phone or tablet, have to bring a 
keyboard and monitor (phone) or a keyboard and tablet stand and 
squint at their screen (tablet).

The high-spec market that you focus on is a tiny niche, the 
bulk of the PC market is easily eclipsed by mobile performance, 
which is why people are already turning in their PCs for mobile.

I don't think that phones/tablets can compete performance-wise 
with $400 and up machines, which you claim is over 50% of the 

Battery life on mobile is already much better than laptops, for 
a variety of reasons including the greater efficiency of mobile 
ARM chips.

That is a common belief, but it is referred to as a myth in many 
places, including this research paper after performing tests on 
different architectures. It ends with:

"An x86 chip can be more power efficient than an ARM processor, 
or vice versa, but it’ll be the result of other factors — not 
whether it’s x86 or ARM."

And the Sentio laptop shell I already linked in this thread has 
a screen, keyboard, and battery but no SSD/HD, which is why it 
only costs $150, much less than a laptop.

I see that 11.6" screen setup with the small storage of a phone 
as competition for $150 Chromebooks, not $400 Windows laptops. I 
would prefer to be on my Chromebook and take a call on my cell 
phone, rather than having my cellphone plugged into a docking 
station and have to unplug it or put it on speaker phone.

In the case of trying to court Android development, I read 
that 95% of Android is done on Java (

Re: [OT] Windows dying

2017-11-02 Thread Tony via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 1 November 2017 at 08:49:05 UTC, Joakim wrote:

On Wednesday, 1 November 2017 at 00:16:19 UTC, Mengu wrote:

On Monday, 30 October 2017 at 13:32:23 UTC, Joakim wrote:

I don't know how intense your data analysis is, but I 
replaced a Win7 ultrabook that had a dual-core i5 and 4 GBs 
of RAM with an Android tablet that has a quad-core ARMv7 and 
3 GBs of RAM as my daily driver a couple years ago, without 
skipping a beat.
 I built large mixed C++/D codebases on my ultrabook, now I 
do that on my Android/ARM tablet, which has a slightly weaker 
chip than my smartphone.

How does the performance compare between an i5 laptop and an 
Android tablet?

Why do predictions about the future matter when at the present 
Windows dominates the desktop and is also strong in the server 

Because that desktop market matters much less than it did 
before, see the current mobile dominance, yet the D core team 
still focuses only on that dying x86 market.  As for the 
future, why spend time getting D great Windows IDE support if 
you don't think Windows has much of a future?

The concept that you are proposing, that people will get rid of 
ALL their desktops and laptops for phones or tablets, doesn't 
seem to be happening right now. At this point, were they do to 
that, they would end up with a machine that has less power in 
most cases (there are Atom and Celeron laptops), and probably 
less memory and disk storage. That solution would be most 
attractive to Chromebook type users and very low end laptop 
users. And while people buy low spec laptops and desktops, there 
are still many laptops and desktops sold with chips that aren't 
named Atom and Celeron or arm. If phones and tablets try to get 
chips as powerful as those for the desktop and laptops they run 
into the chip maker's problem - the more processing power, the 
more the electricity the chip uses. Phones and tablets don't plug 
into the wall and they are smaller than the batteries in laptops. 
And in order to use a phone/tablet as a "lean forward" device (as 
opposed to "lean back") and do work, they will have to spend 
money on a "laptop shell" that will have a screen and keyboard 
and probably an SSD/HD which will cancel most of the cost savings 
from not buying a laptop.

In the case of trying to court Android development, I read that 
95% of Android is done on Java (and maybe other JVM languages 
like the now "officially supported" Kotlin) and 5% in C or C++. 
But that 5% is for applications that have a need for high 
performance, which is mostly games. Good luck selling game 
developers on using D to develop for Android, when you can't 
supply those same game developers a top-notch development 
environment for the premier platform for performance critical 
games - Windows 64-bit.

I have seen conflicting reports about what OS is bigger in the 
server market, but Windows is substantial and the more 
frequent winner.

I have never seen any report that Windows is "bigger in the 
server market."

I linked one that said:

"And what OSes are running in virtual machines and on physical 
servers around the world? It turns out like with client OSes, 
Microsoft is dominant. Fully 87.7% of the physical servers and 
VMs in the Spiceworks network (which are mostly on-premises) run 
Microsoft Windows Server."

Last month's Netcraft survey notes,

"which underlying operating systems are used by the world's web 
facing computers?

By far the most commonly used operating system is Linux, which 
runs on more than two-thirds of all web-facing computers. This 
month alone, the number of Linux computers increased by more 
than 91,000; and again, this strong growth can largely be 
attributed to cloud hosting providers, where Linux-based 
instances are typically the cheapest and most commonly 

Web-facing server is a subset of servers. Shared web hosting 
services are probably a harder target for native-code 
applications than internal IT servers.

But regardless of whether Windows is dominant, or just widely 
used, you haven't made predictions that Windows servers are going 
to die.

Your first link is actually a bad sign for Windows, as it's 
likely just because companies are trying to save money by 
having their employees run Windows apps off a virtualized 
Windows Server, rather than buying a ton more Windows PCs.

I would say that is an unlikely scenario. Companies use virtual 
machines for servers because it allows for the email server 
and/or http server and/or database server and/or application 
server to be on one physical machine, and allow for the system 
administrator to reboot the OS or take the server offline when 
making an upgrade/bug fix, and 

Re: [OT] Windows dying

2017-10-31 Thread Tony via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 30 October 2017 at 13:32:23 UTC, Joakim wrote:

There will always be a few Windows cockroaches that survive the 
mobile nuclear blast, but we're talking about the majority who 

Why do predictions about the future matter when at the present 
Windows dominates the desktop and is also strong in the server 
space? I have seen conflicting reports about what OS is bigger in 
the server market, but Windows is substantial and the more 
frequent winner.

And if desktop OSes were going to go away, the MacOS would go 
before Windows.

Re: What is the Philosophy of D?

2017-10-23 Thread Tony via Digitalmars-d

Combine C and Java.

Re: D on quora ...

2017-10-15 Thread Tony via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 6 October 2017 at 21:12:58 UTC, Rion wrote:

Other aspects like being unsure when the GC will trigger can 
also influence people to a non-gc language. The Go developers 
have done a massive ( an impressive ) amount of work on trying 
to reduce GC pauses in the last two years, and that 
communication and effort has helped to reduce the GC myth ( for 
people looking at Go ).

How can GC issues be a myth if the Go developers did an 
impressive massive amount of work trying to reduced GC pauses?