Re: D is dead

2018-08-23 Thread burjui via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 23 August 2018 at 12:03:59 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
I'd appreciate a list of bugzilla issues you regard as critical 
to your operations.

Sorry to weasle in, but
Sorry for childish behaviour in bugzilla (my last comment), but 
this bug makes me radiate in gamma-rays, because the current D 
behaviour is stupid and invalid, the workarounds (hacks) are 
incredibly ugly, and, on top of that, the bug is 10 years old. 
There are also tons of other bugs, inconsistencies etc. that I 
stumble upon regularly, they all were in bugzilla long before my 

Ok, let me be brutally honest. These types of things really piss 
me off in D. IMHO top-tier devs are not focused on really 
important things. For me, a long-term D user, proper closures are 
much more relevant than D/C++ Kama Sutra. I don't have any C++ 
code and I don't intend to write any. I want to and do write D 
code and I want it to work *at least* correctly. But Walter, our 
compiler-fu black belt master (not making fun of him, I really 
respect his expertise), is more concerned about "poor" C++ users 
(which have all the luxuries) than about peasants like me with 
their puny #2043's, which he could solve by a single roundhouse 
kick (and maybe a restomp of the groin).

But I get it, it's a community-driven project, so "if you want 
it, DIY or get lost". I choose the latter, because my compiler-fu 
is rather weak, if exists at all. I still love D, but more like a 
good book, than a reliable tool. It's funny and sad at the same 
time, that I regularly find nightly Rust more reliable than 
stable D. So the obvious move for me is to stop arguing with the 
Party and simply choose other party that better represents and 
addresses my needs.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not ditching or D or saying it's crap, 
I'm still using it from time to time, but I will likely not 
choose it for any "serious" project (even hobby). Just tired of 
stomping on all the occasional caltrops, which are well-known, 
marked on the maps, but not being removed because children starve 
in Africa.

Re: #dbugfix Issue 2043

2018-04-04 Thread burjui via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 7 February 2018 at 07:15:36 UTC, Mike Franklin 

It's a really old bug, and top-voted in bugzilla...

And a really frustrating one. That's a shame we had to launch a 
special campaign to finally notice this bug, despite it being the 
top-voted one. And I hope this time Walter has a better idea than 
what he proposed in 2015.

Anyway, what's the current status, is anyone working on it?

Re: D compiles fast, right? Right??

2018-04-03 Thread burjui via Digitalmars-d
Atila laid it out pretty clear: he doesn't care about the 
differences, he wants the work to be done. And I'm with him on 
that. Go and it's standard library may be way simpler, but it 
get's the job done (which is trivial in both cases, by the way) 
almost instantaneously, which is a much bigger deal than it seems 
to be. When your edit-compile cycle is that fast, it changes the 
way you write code, you develop a habit of writing smaller pieces 
of code and testing them more frequently. Remember that Linus 
Torvalds' talk about Git at Google?

H. S. Teoh is not the only one here cringing at "fast code fast" 
on the main page. I use D from time to time for over 10 years 
now, and even used it at work and it was a relatively positive 
experience, thanks to vibe.d. But compilation times are just 
horrible - minimum 3 seconds for a 1500 lines project (on a 
8-core 4GHz CPU with 16 GB RAM), and that's after I ditched 
std.regex, made all imports qualified (didn't help that much, 
though) and switched to And I would be ok with slow 
compilation if DMD was smart enough, doing some graph magic, like 
extensive control flow analysis, and insane optimizations, but it 
doesn't. For example, Rust compilation times are no picnic 
either, but it's obvious why - you get nice good-looking error 
messages, tons of useful warnings and very fast programs free of 
memory corruption bugs. It's not the case with DMD, though. The 
language may be better than C++, but it's fastest compiler is 
slower and produces worse code? I'd rather not boast about speed 
at the main page in this situation. And god save us from ridicule 
by Goers.

Re: Should we warn if we detect null derefernces or void value uses ?

2016-12-06 Thread burjui via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 5 December 2016 at 04:41:55 UTC, Stefan Koch wrote:

Hi Guys,
What is your opinion, should we warn if we unambiguously detect 
something that is clearly unwanted ?

int fn(int y)
  int x = void;
  return x+y;

 This requires data-flow analysis (The same kind that tells you 
if you are skipping a statement)
And will slow down compilation a little if we enable such a 

Yes, but we should issue an error, like Andrei said. A language 
is only as useful as it's best implementation, so diagnostics 
like that are essential. Data-flow analysis shouldn't even be 
optional or lacking in any modern compiler.

Re: the best language I have ever met(?)

2016-11-21 Thread burjui via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Monday, 21 November 2016 at 12:44:47 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
Someone could create a DIP for it though and argue for it. If 
they did that convincingly enough, maybe it would become a 
feature. I suspect that the response will be though that since 
it's easy enough to just create a template to do the same 
thing, it's not worth adding to the language.

- Jonathan M Davis

That's definitely what Walter would say. But I think it shouldn't 
be the only argument to not add a feature to the language itself: 
if some pattern is useful/frequent, and users implement it 
themselves every time, it should be either implemented in the 
compiler or in the standard library.

Besides that, it just seems inconsistent that D lacks this 
particular feature: fixed-sized arrays are there, type deduction 
is there, so where's type deduction for fixed-sized arrays? 
Though I would argue that it's better to use '_' instead of '$' 
to denote deduced fixed size, it seems more obvious to me:

int[_] array = [ 1, 2, 3 ];

Re: [OT] Music to Program Compilers To

2016-08-02 Thread burjui via Digitalmars-d
Nice to see fellow metalheads here. Here are some of my favourite 

Animals as Leaders
Between The Buried And Me
Children of Bodom
Dan Swano
Iron Maiden
In Flames
Killswitch Engage
Lamb Of God
Lye By Mistake
Nar Mattaru (the Russian one)
Parkway Drive
Son Of Aurelius
The Black Dahlia Murder

For me, good music is much like good code - technical and 
beautiful at the same time. And it so happens that metal very 
often matches both criteria. However, there are also some 
non-metal bands and artists worth mentioning:

Counts Of The Netherworld
Jimi Hendrix
Lindsey Stirling
Nine Inch Nails

Re: Why D isn't the next "big thing" already

2016-07-28 Thread burjui via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 27 July 2016 at 10:41:54 UTC, ketmar wrote:

On Wednesday, 27 July 2016 at 10:39:52 UTC, NX wrote:

Lack of production quality tools

like? no, "refactoring" and other crap is not "production 
quality tools", they are only useful to pretend that you are 
doing something useful, so you will look busy for your boss.

Why do you use D then? C++ already exists and you can do anything 
in it. Oh, D is more convenient and robust? Well, "Refactoring" 
is more convenient and robust than sed -i 's/.../.../g'.

Re: DConf 2016 on YouTube

2016-07-23 Thread burjui via Digitalmars-d-announce
Excellent, thanks to all people involved! DConfs are my favourite 
conferences: great speakers and very interesting topics. I wish 
Adam Ruppe had a talk at this one, I absolutely love his 
presentation style and sense of humour.

Re: new cpuid is ready for comments

2016-07-15 Thread burjui via Digitalmars-d-announce

AMD FX 8350

Re: how to mark an extern function @nogc?

2016-07-15 Thread burjui via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 13 July 2016 at 02:20:58 UTC, anonymous wrote:

On Tuesday, 12 July 2016 at 14:04:55 UTC, Seb wrote:
D is entirely driven by highly motivated volunteers. (this 
will change soon with the new D foundation)

With the fundation, volunteers wont be highly motivated 
anymore. Fundations are real motivation-killers.

I disagree. Volunteers will be motivated more, because D will now 
be more reliable as a thing they put their effort into and rely 
upon. Right now D is moving at relatively slow pace, because 
everybody works on it in their spare time. That also means they 
don't have spare time anymore. Somebody has to work on it 

Re: Vision for the D language - stabilizing complexity?

2016-07-10 Thread burjui via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 10 July 2016 at 11:21:49 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 7/9/2016 7:44 PM, Ola Fosheim Grøstad wrote:

Scheme is a simple functional language which is easy to extend.

If they have to extend it, it isn't Scheme anymore.

You misunderstand the meaning of "extend" in respect to Scheme 
due to your lack of experience with it. Macros are the way of 
extending Scheme, you don't need to hack the compiler for that.

From Wikipedia:
Invocations of macros and procedures bear a close resemblance — 
both are s-expressions — but they are treated differently. When 
the compiler encounters an s-expression in the program, it first 
checks to see if the symbol is defined as a syntactic keyword 
within the current lexical scope. If so, it then attempts to 
expand the macro, treating the items in the tail of the 
s-expression as arguments without compiling code to evaluate 
them, and this process is repeated recursively until no macro 
invocations remain. If it is not a syntactic keyword, the 
compiler compiles code to evaluate the arguments in the tail of 
the s-expression and then to evaluate the variable represented by 
the symbol at the head of the s-expression and call it as a 
procedure with the evaluated tail expressions passed as actual 
arguments to it.


For example, an "if expression" is written as follows:

; Returns either settings or an error, depending on the condition
(if (authenticated)
  (error "cannot load settings, authentication required"))

Either branch is an expression, and the false-branch can be 
omitted (then a Scheme's "null" equivalent will be returned 
instead). If you need a "block", a sequence of expressions, you 
could write this:

(if (authenticated)
(display "loading settings")
(display "something went wrong")
(error "cannot load settings, authentication required")))

When you specify true-branch only, it's tedious to wrap your 
sequence in "begin" expression. But you can write a "when" macro, 
which takes a condition and a sequence of expressions and 
generates the code for you:

(define-syntax when
  (syntax-rules ()
((when pred exp exps ...)
  (if pred (begin exp exps ...)

Now you can use it just as an ordinary "if":

(when (authenticated)
  (display "Saved settings"))

What about the false-branch-only "if"?

(define-syntax unless
  (syntax-rules ()
((unless pred exp exps ...)
  (if (not pred) (begin exp exps ...)

(unless (dead)
  (display "walking")

The only syntax Scheme has is S-expressions, which are used to 
represent both data and code, so there's nothing to be extended 
in the language itself. You just write a macro that generates the 
code you want. Macros are effectively AST transformers, it just 
happens so that in Scheme everything is represented in 
S-expressions, so the code you write is already the AST.

So if you "extend" Scheme by writing a macro, it's still Scheme. 
You can think of macros as of D string mixins, but without the 
ugly stringiness.

Re: Vision for the D language - stabilizing complexity?

2016-07-09 Thread burjui via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 9 July 2016 at 08:57:18 UTC, Observer wrote:

constant if
durable if
persistent if
adamant if
unalterable if
immutable if

Okay, that last one is a joke, considering that we're talking 
about keyword overloading. But the effort did spark some other 
brain cells to fire. So we could have had any of these:

exactly if
strictly if
only if

I'm sorry, but these examples are horrible, except maybe 
"constant if", because none give a clue about compile-time and 
they are not even synonyms. The last three are just plain 
nonsense, especially "strictly if" which implies that ordinary 
"if" is somehow not reliable. You didn't even think about it, 
just picked the words from a book.

"static if" is perfectly fine, if you just try to imagine what in 
"if" could be dynamic, because the only meaningful answer is: 
"The condition". If there is a context where "static" really 
needs to be replaced by a synonym, it's definitely not "static 

Re: Beta release DUB 1.0.0-beta.1

2016-06-08 Thread burjui via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 8 June 2016 at 12:21:57 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

It's just that since the language support other styles of 
comments one could think that all comments are supported and it 
will cause confusion if only one style is supported.

That reason alone is enough. Restricting DUB special comments to 
only /++/ will put users off, because now they know that there's 
a cool feature in DUB, but it only works with certain types of 
comments, that nobody wants to remember (why should they?), so 
they will decide that this feature is either broken or unfinished 
and will hardly use it at all.

We could make users' lives easier, if we allowed them to just 
specify the dependencies in Gradle style on a single line:

#!/usr/bin/env dub
// dependencies: "color:~>0.0.3", "vibe.d:~>0.7.28"

Re: Killing the comma operator

2016-05-11 Thread burjui via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 11 May 2016 at 13:29:56 UTC, Gopan wrote:

int x;
while( scanf("%d", ),  x!= 0) // until user input 0.
   //do something with x

Does anybody think that this is a useful case of comma operator?

Well, it is, but judging from my experience, comma operator is 
the most rarely used part of the language. I hardly ever needed 
it in C and C++, where it originated, same with D and Java. In 
fact, I had to check if it works in Java at all - turned out, 
it's only allowed in "for" loops. Just never used it and forgot 
about it.

The comma operator does more harm than good, is very rarely used 
and is far less usable than tuples, so I'm all for killing it 
(except in "for" loops).

Re: d-vulkan, automatically generated D bindings for Vulkan

2016-03-21 Thread burjui via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 20 March 2016 at 00:52:48 UTC, Alex Parrill wrote:

If I import a xcb_connection_t from some bindings,
it ties d-vulkan to those bindings, which I'd rather not do.

By the magic of D:

version (Linux)
import xcb.xcb;


version (Linux)
xcb_connection_t* con;

Also you can make xcb-d dependency optional in DUB.

Re: Why do some attributes start with '@' while others done't?

2016-01-25 Thread burjui via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 22 January 2016 at 18:28:31 UTC, Wyatt wrote:
If you need an IDE to work comfortably in a language, something 
has clearly gone wrong.

Oh come on, not that "Vim/Emacs vs IDEs" crap again. Please stop 
being so black and pretentious. Have you ever tried 
IntelliJ IDEA? It's the best IDE I know, and it saves me a lot of 
time by automating tasks I'm not interested in, e.g. reindenting 
the code, maintaining project files in Git, renaming things 
within their contexts etc., while proving an excellent debugger, 
a decent unit test runner and and integrated lint. I spend much 
less time messing with these things and have more time for 
actually writing the code and experimenting.

If you consider all these conveniences unnecessary, good for you. 
You can continue using your favorite screwdriver, but most 
professionals prefer a screw gun, because it saves time. You may 
have big powerful hands, but you don't have to brag about it and 
point fingers: "Just look at this pussy with a screw gun, he 
clearly has never been to gym." By the way, it's perfectly normal 
to make screws that hold things tight, but not easily screwed in 
by hand.

Re: Walter on his experience as a dev, on running an open source project and D

2016-01-21 Thread burjui via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 20 January 2016 at 03:13:38 UTC, deadalnix wrote:

I also prefer to work at night, mainly because of silence. A 
simple test: listen to a song in your headphones at day, then 
listen to it on the same volume level at night. Recently I almost 
stopped listening to music (even ambient) while I write code, 
because it turns out I do less mistakes and overlook things not 
so often, when I code in silence. It makes coding less 
entertaining, but more productive.

Re: Functions that return type

2016-01-20 Thread burjui via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 20 January 2016 at 04:27:27 UTC, blm768 wrote:
It's not very far along, though. Right now, I have a "compiler" 
that parses integers and parentheses. ;)

That's alright. Parsing and AST construction are trivial with 
S-expressions (Lisp-like syntax), so if you use them for the 
early stages of development, you can focus on the type system. 
When you're done with types, you can switch to making a better 
grammar for your language.

Re: Damage Control: An homage to Rampart (Alpha)

2016-01-11 Thread burjui via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 6 January 2016 at 02:39:08 UTC, rcorre wrote:
I'll have to look into that. If you're saying D does that by 
default for debug builds -- the alpha release _is_ a debug build

Sorry, it was a bit unclear. I meant that:
- A console window is only meaningful in debug builds, so it 
should be disabled in release builds.
- Debug binaries should not be published, as they are meant for 
development only. They execute contracts, unittests and code in 
"debug" statements, which slow down the app and are useless for 
an end-user.

DMD makes a console application by default, no matter what build 
profile is used.

Here's a relevant thread:

It's suggested there to use "-L/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS" switch in DMD 
command line when linking under Windows.

Re: Damage Control: An homage to Rampart (Alpha)

2016-01-05 Thread burjui via Digitalmars-d-announce

Nice game!

On Monday, 4 January 2016 at 02:34:37 UTC, rcorre wrote:
Right now even having a single tile enclosed counts -- which 
actually may be too lenient.

Not at all, sometimes it's the only way to win, it often depends 
on generosity of the embedded Tetris. 6 missiles is not that 
much, and if your tetris-fu is not enough to join an another 
base, you're pretty much screwed on the next round, unless you 
quickly enclose a small area during rebuild. Cursor speed is 
pretty low, so you can't react quickly and in the 3rd round your 
base always looks like Swiss cheese.

Also, it would be really nice to use Enter for confirmation and 
Escape for going back by default, since these are standard. I 
cannot reassign the "cancel" action, because app crashes if I 
press Escape.

Found some minor issues:
- On Windows, it shows a console window on launch. It may be 
useful for debugging, but since game doesn't output anything, 
it's useless and should be shown only in debug builds anyway
- On the title screen, it says "v0.0 (alpha)", but I'm actually 
using v0.2

- A typo: Options -> Shake: "Taseteful"

Anyway, I played the game for an hour and enjoyed it. It needs 
some tuning and some kind of an introductory tutorial mode, but 
it's playable and fun. Also, kudos for composing music in LMMS :)

Re: Implementing a Programming Language in D: Lexical Analysis

2015-12-30 Thread burjui via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 29 December 2015 at 05:57:34 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
I've realized that with a nested anonymous enum, there is no 
need to (and no way of) mentioning the enum type inside a 
user-defined type. This can simplify the implementation:

Only if you intend to use enum members as manifest constants,
otherwise you're losing the type safety and explicitness
offered by named enums.
For example, I wouldn't use an anonymous enum for lexeme types.

enum {
ulong b = 42, c,   // b and c are ulong
s = "hello",   // an inferred string between integrals!
x = 7, y, z

For me, it's a clear example of unnecessary over-engineering.

However, move 's' to the end of the list or remove it 

then x, y, and z become ulong! Weird.

It's even worse than that: x, y and z will still be int (inferred 
from 7).

This code

void main()
enum {
   ulong b = 42, c,   // b and c are ulong
   x = 7, y, z
import std.stdio, std.typecons;
tuple!(typeof(b), typeof(c), typeof(x)).writeln;

will print

Tuple!(ulong, ulong, int)(0, 0, 0)

which is somewhat counter-intuitive. I would suggest to remove 
this feature

as useless and bug-prone. The following is much clearer IMHO,
even though it's more verbose:

enum { a }
enum: ulong { b = 42, c }
enum { s = "hello" }
enum { x = 7, y, z }

Even more than that, I would also suggest to remove anonymous 
auto-typed enums

without an initial value from which type can be inferred, e.g.:

enum { a } // a is an int implicitly

Again, the following is not much harder to write, but the type of 
'a' is immediately clear:

enum: int { a } // a = int.init, obviously

Although I understand that these are breaking changes,
and D is too mature to break anything (almost not being 

Re: DMD is slow for matrix maths?

2015-10-27 Thread burjui via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 27 October 2015 at 05:27:22 UTC, Jack Stouffer wrote:
My intentions are to call things as they are. If people are 
demoralized after learning that one person working in his spare 
time can't match the productivity of several people working 
full time, then they need a reality check.
Can't agree more. It's unrealistic to expect Walter work on the 
backend full-time just to catch up with GCC and LLVM teams, let 
alone support architectures other than x86 as well.

Re: It's a class! It's a struct! It's ... SuperStruct!

2015-10-21 Thread burjui via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Tuesday, 20 October 2015 at 15:22:41 UTC, Vladimir Panteleev 

"This video is not available from your location".
I haven't been able to find a mirror that's watchable from here 
Same here, though I finally googled out it's key phrase: "It's a 
floor wax and a dessert topping!"

Pretty much explains Walter's suggestion :D

Re: 1st Ever Artificial Consciousness to be Written in D Language

2015-10-02 Thread burjui via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 30 September 2015 at 06:55:47 UTC, Grand_Axe wrote:
I am slightly behind schedule with the coding. The main logic 
is only getting completed today.

The system should be ready for first looks by the 9th of 

Surprise, dlang hacker! :)
Let me guess: you'll spend all October and most likely much more 
time debugging your AI and the result will be far from what you 
promised, assuming you're just too naive and confident, and not 
trying to bullshit us. I'll be the first to apologize if you'll 
*ever* reach your declared goals, let alone 9th October.


Re: Operator overloading or alternatives to expression templates

2015-09-14 Thread burjui via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 13 September 2015 at 17:16:40 UTC, Daniel N wrote:

int opCmp(Foo rhs)
  return (id > - (id <;

IMO, subtracting boolean values is bad code style, it's better to 
be explicit about your intention:

(id > ? 1 : 0) - (id < ? 1 : 0)

Re: Programming in D – Tutorial and Reference

2015-09-10 Thread burjui via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 31 August 2015 at 01:22:58 UTC, puming wrote:
Can we post a text without link and people could copy/paste the 
address? Will HN check that also?

There's no way for them to do that, since all they will have 
access to is the URL. But if you click the link, your browser 
will add a "Referer" (sic) header to the HTTP request:

Re: 1st Ever Artificial Consciousness to be Written in D Language

2015-09-09 Thread burjui via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 6 September 2015 at 22:49:17 UTC, jqb wrote:

verging on racism with talk of "Nigerian software"

The term has nothing to do with racism. See
AFAIK, in Russia, my home, this type of scam is commonly known as 
"Nigerian letters":Нигерийские_письма
I assume you're an American, because Americans are obsessed with 
racism and overly sensitive in general, they like to bring such 
things up. Funny fact: in Russia, we call black people negros, 
and it's completely normal, just like calling Chinese or Georgian 
people asian. On the other hand, pointing out skin color _is_ 
racist here, no matter if it's black, yellow or white. All this 
stuff is completely culture-dependent, after all.

On the topic: I agree that being rude is not the way do discuss 
things, especially in an IT community (we strive to be smarter 
than the majority of people, don't we?). But I understand the 
skepticism in comments. Best scientists study inner workings of 
human brain and are working on theory of consciousness if you 
will, but current results are far from even understanding it 
completely, let alone building an AI.

And then GrandAxe pops up with this revolutionary software, 
claiming that Okeuvo company built an AI. However, that claim is 
not supported by anything and reminds me of the Unlimited Detail 
technology by Euclideon, which was announced in a similar manner, 
promising a revolution in graphics rendering. As you can see, 
it's far from it, despite the fact they were given $2 million by 
the Australian government. It seems like this revolution takes a 
little bit more effort, than was anticipated :)
And there's no reason to think Okeuvo's technology is different 
in that sense.

In general, I tend to not trust people, who claim that their 
technology _will_ do this and that, revolutionize something and 
so on. Show me a working technology first, sell it later. 
Otherwise it's nothing but promises, and I'm not interested in 
that, because everybody can create a website and make promises. 
This thread should be posted at the release date, with "will do 
something" replaced by "does something", supported by a working 
demo that anybody can download without giving up their social 
security number, sexual preferences and whatnot. And in this 
particular case, it should be also supported by scientific 
papers, since they claim to solve such a huge scientific problem 
of the 21th century.

Re: Rant after trying Rust a bit

2015-08-06 Thread burjui via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 6 August 2015 at 12:33:33 UTC, Kagamin wrote:
On Thursday, 6 August 2015 at 11:33:29 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 

DOA. (Degenerate Overclockers 
Without this great site it would often be hard to understand what 
people from USA are talking about.

Re: Points of Failure

2015-07-30 Thread burjui via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 29 July 2015 at 16:00:35 UTC, Alex Parrill wrote:

`git clone` can take awhile with large repositories, like mono.

Also not all people have a decent Internet connection, so it's 
just impractical to wait 10 minutes just for one file. For 
example, the only option I have at home is 4 Mbit ADSL, and it 
sucks big-time these days. The general principle applies to 
everything, not only to browsing sources: the less networking you 
have to deal with, the better. So being able to view a single 
file online instead of cloning the whole repository is a win, as 
well as downloading individual packages in a package manager 
instead of downloading recent system images.

And of course, you can get a single file from a Git repository, 
*if it's explicitly enabled in there* :

But do you really want to type something like:
$ git archive 
--prefix=path/to/ HEAD:path/to/ |  tar xvf -


Obvious stuff is so obvious.

Re: Points of Failure

2015-07-29 Thread burjui via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 28 July 2015 at 23:29:42 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
Having it viewable on github also makes it very convenient to 
embed links to specific source lines.
Indeed. Also GitHub makes it easy to contribute (at least small 
fixes), because you can fork, edit and make a pull request all in 
one place.

BTW, is it worth so much discussion? It's only 5 points :)

Re: DMD memory management

2015-06-17 Thread burjui via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 15 June 2015 at 22:25:27 UTC, Tofu Ninja wrote:
I think fork just does copy on write, so all the garbage that 
is no longer being referenced off in random pages shouldn't get 
copied. Only the pages that get written are actually copied.
You are correct. fork() guarantees separate address spaces for 
the parent and the child processes, but there's a note in it's 
man page:

   Under  Linux,  fork()  is  implemented using copy-on-write 
   so the only penalty that it incurs is the time and memory 
required to
   duplicate the parent's page tables, and to create a unique 

   structure for the child.