Re: Visual D 0.51.0 - semantic engine based on dmd frontend

2020-09-09 Thread James via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 8 September 2020 at 19:38:17 UTC, mw wrote:

On Tuesday, 8 September 2020 at 19:36:51 UTC, mw wrote:

On Tuesday, 8 September 2020 at 18:42:28 UTC, James wrote:

how is the dub support work?

i don't understand how to load it in visual studio

is there any guide?

given you have dub.json build already,

C:\\ dub.exe generate visuald

then open the generated `proj.sln` file with VisualD

thanks a lot!

Re: Visual D 0.51.0 - semantic engine based on dmd frontend

2020-09-08 Thread James via Digitalmars-d-announce

how is the dub support work?

i don't understand how to load it in visual studio

is there any guide?


Re: DConf 2018 Call for Submissions

2017-11-16 Thread Mike James via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 16 November 2017 at 00:45:58 UTC, codephantom wrote:
On Wednesday, 15 November 2017 at 23:53:40 UTC, Ali Çehreli 

I would like to see Chuck Allison talk about the experiences of 
students approaching D. I think that would be really worthwhile 
- or even yourself for that matter, given your strong interest 
in this area. Technical stuff is good and helpful, but I like 
to know about peoples experiences too...that's what really 
interests me the most, and should be at the core of any 
language design. So somebody examining D from this perspective 
could be really insightful to those contributing to the 

It's really critical that D remain accessible to newcomers, or 
its' replacement is just around the corner.

Chucks already done a talk like that - it was berry, berry good...


Re: D as a Better C

2017-08-25 Thread Jolly James via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 25 August 2017 at 15:29:54 UTC, Swoorup Joshi wrote:

On Friday, 25 August 2017 at 08:54:02 UTC, Kagamin wrote:

On Thursday, 24 August 2017 at 19:09:58 UTC, Parke wrote:

What is "intermediate D"?

D with minimal runtime.

5 years later...

D - BetterC++ (no gc)
D - BetterJava (full on gc + other goodie tissue)
D - BetterRust (full interoperability with rust)

Forgive my cynicism

D - BetterC# (no simple and easy-to-use generics, complex 
templates instead)
Phobos - Better.NET (pointless names, weird structure, outdated 
DCD - BetterIntelliSense (tends to always not find about ~10 of 
all real possibilities, is rather "patched into" IDEs/editors 
than integrated)

Re: Release D 2.075.0 does not install on Windows 10 with VS2017

2017-07-20 Thread Jolly James via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 20 July 2017 at 16:28:54 UTC, jan wrote:

seems like i am not the first one to have that problem.

please fix.

everything working fine from here :)
Maybe you should state what exactly is not working for you and 
paste some error messages...

Re: DMD now has colorized syntax highlighting in error messages

2017-05-16 Thread Mike James via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 14 May 2017 at 14:07:20 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

It turned out to be unexpectedly easy to implement.

The only downside is now we have to rather tediously tweak the 
error message texts so they use backticks.

The next step is Color D...


Re: 2.069.0 Installation problem with .exe for Windows

2015-11-11 Thread Mike James via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 11 November 2015 at 03:13:18 UTC, Martin Nowak 

On Tuesday, 10 November 2015 at 14:17:28 UTC, Mike James wrote:

The x64 sub-directory does not exist on my system.

We found the bug and I build a new installer with the fix.
As soon as someone confirms the fix, we'll make a new point 

Hi Martin,

I can confirm it installs correctly on:

Windows 10 64-bit.
Windows Vista 32-bit.
Windows 7 64-bit.




Re: 2.069.0 Installation problem with .exe for Windows

2015-11-10 Thread Mike James via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 9 November 2015 at 13:44:59 UTC, Martin Nowak wrote:

On 11/09/2015 09:46 AM, Mike James wrote:

Hi Martin,

I've tried the new install with Windows Vista and Windows 7 
and the problem is the same as before.


Can you try again, I updated the installer and tried to revert 
the other part of the change (though I don't see why that would 
fix the problem). More details would help a lot at this point, 
e.g. what windows are open (also look whether the uninstaller 
hides any window) and what files are left in the install dir 
(C:\D by default) while the installation hangs.

And let's please continue this in Bugzilla.

Hi Martin,

I've not got a login for the bug tracking so here is part of the 
log file...

Call: 2674
Jump: 2691
Jump: 2708
Check previous dmd installation
Check dmd already installed
Remove dmd already installed
MessageBox: 33,"DMD v2.068.2 is installed on your system

Press 'OK' to replace by DMD 2.069.0"
Call: 2734
Jump: 2756
Exec: command="C:\D\uninstall.exe /IC False _?=C:\D"
Exec: success ("C:\D\uninstall.exe /IC False _?=C:\D")
Exec: command="C:\D\uninstall.exe /IC False /S"
Exec: success ("C:\D\uninstall.exe /IC False /S")
Uninstall done
Call: 2564
Read VisualStudio\*\Setup\VC
detect ucrt
detect KitsRoot*
IfFileExists: file "C:\Program Files\Microsoft 
SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Lib\x64\kernel32.lib" does not exist, jumping 0
IfFileExists: file "C:\Program Files\Microsoft 
SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\Lib\x64\kernel32.lib" does not exist, jumping 0

detect KitsRoot*
IfFileExists: file "C:\Program Files\Microsoft 
SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Lib\x64\kernel32.lib" does not exist, jumping 0
IfFileExists: file "C:\Program Files\Microsoft 
SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\Lib\x64\kernel32.lib" does not exist, jumping 0

detect KitsRoot*

with the last 2 lines repeating...

The x64 sub-directory does not exist on my system.

Hope this helps.


Re: 2.069.0 Installation problem with .exe for Windows

2015-11-09 Thread Mike James via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 8 November 2015 at 23:33:31 UTC, Martin Nowak wrote:

On 11/04/2015 10:05 AM, Mike James wrote:

Copied here for extra visibility...


There seems to be an install problem with the .exe version for 
Windows. The installer removes the old DMD then doesn't 
install the 2.069.0 version. In the task manager it's still 
running at 50% CPU time. It fails on Windows Vista and Windows 

Could some try and verify that this installer fixes the issue. 
I wasn't able to reproduce the issue myself.

Hi Martin,

I've tried the new install with Windows Vista and Windows 7 and 
the problem is the same as before.


2.069.0 Installation problem with .exe for Windows

2015-11-04 Thread Mike James via Digitalmars-d-announce

Copied here for extra visibility...


There seems to be an install problem with the .exe version for
Windows. The installer removes the old DMD then doesn't install
the 2.069.0 version. In the task manager it's still running at
50% CPU time. It fails on Windows Vista and Windows 7.


Re: Release D 2.069.0

2015-11-04 Thread Mike James via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 4 November 2015 at 01:50:38 UTC, Martin Nowak wrote:

Glad to announce D 2.069.0.

This is the first release with a self-hosted dmd compiler and 
comes with even more rangified phobos functions, 
std.experimental.allocator, and many other improvements.

See the changelog for more details.



There seems to be an install problem with the .exe version for 
Windows. The installer removes the old DMD then doesn't install 
the 2.069.0 version. In the task manager it's still running at 
50% CPU time. It fails on Windows Vista and Windows 7.


Re: 1st Ever Artificial Consciousness to be Written in D Language

2015-09-03 Thread Mike James via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 2 September 2015 at 15:20:13 UTC, Rikki Cattermole 

On 03/09/15 2:41 AM, GrandAxe wrote:


To save time maybe I should send my bank details right now... 
Western Union anyone?



That's quite a large set of features, considering the site 
still says 2014 for copyright I am sure it is worthy of being 

I on the other hand hope it is indeed real and will succeed!
Would love to have my own digital personal assistant. Not that 
Cortana / Google Now really works for me.

Humpth maybe my evil bytecode dreams for D may be a good use 
case for it. After all, I'm sure being able to evaluate code 
could be quite useful.

Re: DMD 2.067.0 Programming Language Specifications

2015-04-09 Thread Mike James via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 6 April 2015 at 12:04:40 UTC, Jordi Sayol wrote:
D Programming Language Specifications for dmd 2.067.0 in 
several formats, available at:

dlangspec-2.067.0.chm  --  (Microsoft Compiled HTML Help)

dlangspec-2.067.0.epub  --  (Electronic Publication for 
e-book readers)  --  (Mobipocket e-book for Kindle)

dlangspec-2.067.0.pdf  --  (Portable Document Format)

That's great.
Just a small observation - why does the kindle not remember the 
page when you close the mobile file then open it up again?

regards, -=mike=-

Re: DlangUI

2015-03-26 Thread Mike James via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 20 May 2014 at 18:13:36 UTC, Vadim Lopatin wrote:


I would like to announce my project, DlangUI library -


Hi Vadim,

I have just installed the latest D 2.067.0, ran the git install 
and the build now fails. The errors are as follows:

C:\D\dmd2\gui\dlanguidub run dlangui:example1 --build=release
Building package dlangui:example1 in 

Target gl3n 1.0.1 is up to date. Use --force to rebuild.
Building dlib ~master configuration library, build type release.
Running dmd...
Warning: instead of C-style

syntax, use D-style syntax 'ubyte[64] dezigzag'
Error: undefin

ed identifier wcslen

3DBA1310DF90D85EA81F6AA09FBD95\ dlib staticLibrary
Error executing command run: dmd failed with exit code 1.


any clues?


Regards, Mike.

Re: DlangUI

2015-03-26 Thread Mike James via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 26 March 2015 at 11:47:59 UTC, Vadim Lopatin wrote:

On Thursday, 26 March 2015 at 11:41:17 UTC, Mike James wrote:

On Tuesday, 20 May 2014 at 18:13:36 UTC, Vadim Lopatin wrote:


I would like to announce my project, DlangUI library -


Hi Vadim,

I have just installed the latest D 2.067.0, ran the git 
install and the build now fails. The errors are as follows:

C:\D\dmd2\gui\dlanguidub run dlangui:example1 --build=release
Building package dlangui:example1 in 

Target gl3n 1.0.1 is up to date. Use --force to rebuild.
Building dlib ~master configuration library, build type 

Running dmd...
Warning: instead of C-style

syntax, use D-style syntax 'ubyte[64] dezigzag'
Error: undefin

ed identifier wcslen

3DBA1310DF90D85EA81F6AA09FBD95\ dlib staticLibrary
Error executing command run: dmd failed with exit code 1.


any clues?


Regards, Mike.

Try `dub upgrade --force-remove` followed by `dub build --force`

Thanks Vadim, That did the trick.

regards, -=mike=-

Re: DlangUI

2015-02-02 Thread Mike James via Digitalmars-d-announce

Hi Vadim,

When I follow the Build and Run Demo App using DUB I get the 

C:\D\dmd2\srcgit clone
Cloning into 'dlangui'...
remote: Counting objects: 13291, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (186/186), done.
remote: Total 13291 (delta 113), reused 0 (delta 0)
Receiving objects: 100% (13291/13291), 8.78 MiB | 538.00 KiB/s, 

Resolving deltas: 100% (10144/10144), done.

C:\D\dmd2\srccd dlangui

C:\D\dmd2\src\dlanguidub run dlangui:example1 --build=release
Building package dlangui:example1 in 

Fetching derelict-util 1.9.1 (getting selected version)...
Placing derelict-util 1.9.1 to 

Building dlib 0.4.1 configuration library, build type release.
Running dmd...
Building derelict-util 1.9.1 configuration library, build type 

Running dmd...
Building derelict-ft 1.0.1 configuration library, build type 

Running dmd...
Building derelict-sdl2 1.9.1 configuration library, build type 

Running dmd...
Building derelict-gl3 1.0.12 configuration library, build type 

Running dmd...
Building dlangui:dlanguilib 0.4.35+commit.4.gf902ceb 
configuration library, build type release.

Running dmd...
src\dlangui\graphics\resources.d(152): Error: file 
btn_background.xml\x0d cannot be found or not in a path 
specified with -J
src\dlangui\graphics\resources.d(153): Error: data.length cannot 
be evaluated at compile time
src\dlangui\graphics\resources.d(166): Error: template instance!res/btn_background.xml\x0d 
error instantiating src\dlangui\graphics\resources.d(173):

Is the setup missing extra directories?

Regards, -=mike=-

Re: Anyone interested in embedding a JVM in their D app?

2015-01-14 Thread james via Digitalmars-d-announce
I think the goal of this may be backwards of what most people are 

What I am trying for is not to write extensions to a java app in 
D through JNI.  Anyone is welcome to use any of this work to 
achieve that if they'd like.

The actual goal is to embed a JVM inside of a D program.  This is 
actually a practice from C++ that happens more than one would 
think.  This also makes several things easier as the D subsystem 
is correctly initialized.

There are several things that come with Java APIs only.  A few 
that come to mind are some database drivers (hsql recommends 
doing JNI from C++ to Java to use their driver).  Anyone familiar 
with hadoop, their remote file system driver is the same way (in 
older versions anyways).  They do provide a c library that does 
the embedding for you (so you may not of noticed).

There are other languages that do this to take advantage of the 
massive amount of DB support in java (last time I checked that's 
how DB drivers in R worked).

Anyone familiar with doing this from C or C++ knows it looks 
nothing like java though.

If you look at ... 
that's the equivalent of System.out.println(100) with the 
cleaned up api in djvm.

While using JNI inside a java app is messy... using JNI inside a 
C app is sometimes way easier.

Anyways, you are free to continue discussing trying to use D in 
Android.  I'd be willing to share any information and try to 
assist with that project as able.

On Wednesday, 14 January 2015 at 09:29:25 UTC, Russel Winder via 
Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:
On Wed, 2015-01-14 at 02:00 +, james via 


I've been playing with jni.h and D.  I think I've got a fully
working jni.d and I have the start of a nicer D wrapper around 

with djvm.d.

Whilst I have tinkered with JNI, I have never had to really use 
it in
anger. And I, and many others, really want to keep it that way 
though there are many who use it. It's like trying to program 

from C, only worse performance.

There is JNA of course, which does some similar stuff, many use 
that I

have never used it.

The current fashion is (or will be) JNR (which leads to JEP 

As far as I know JNA, JNR (and JEP 191) use JNI, more or less 

they have to. The issue is to make using the adaptor as easy as
possible. JNI is not easy; JNA is easy but slow; JNR is 
supposedly easy

and fast, so hopefully JEP 191 will be.

Anyone interested in embedding a JVM in their D app?

2015-01-13 Thread james via Digitalmars-d-announce

I've been playing with jni.h and D.  I think I've got a fully
working jni.d and I have the start of a nicer D wrapper around it
with djvm.d.

There is an example usage in the  There's also why I'd
do such a thing in there.

I'm not sure if anyone else would be interested in this.  I'm
open to help and merge requests if anyone wants to join in.

In the short term, I still have several low level things to wrap
with the more D interfaces.

In the longer term, I want to have D interfaces around JDBC.

Re: DlangUI project update

2015-01-07 Thread Mike James via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 26 December 2014 at 12:33:04 UTC, Vadim Lopatin wrote:


DlangUI project is alive and under active development.

Recent changes:
- new controls: ScrollWidget, TreeView, ComboBox, ...
- new dialogs: FileOpenDialog, MessageBox
- a lot of bugfixes
- performance improvements in software renderer
- killer app: new example - Tetris game :)

Try Demos:
# download sources
git clone
cd dlangui
# example 1 - demo for most of widgets
dub run dlangui:example1 --build=release
# tetris - demo for game development
dub run dlangui:tetris --build=release

DlangUI is cross-platform GUI library written in D.
Main features:
- cross platform: uses SDL for linux/macos, Win32 API or SDL 
for Windows
- hardware acceleration: uses OpenGL for drawing when built 
with version USE_OPENGL
- easy to extend: since it's native D library, you can add your 
own widgets and extend functionality

- Unicode and internationalization support
- easy to customize UI - look and feel can be changed using 
themes and styles

- API is a bit similar to Android - two phase layout, styles

Screenshots (a bit outdated):

See project page for details.

I would like to get any feedback.
Will be glad to see advises, bug reports, feature requests.

Best regards,

Hi Vadim,

When I follow the building and the running of the demo app using 
DUB I get the following error:

C:\D\dmd2\srcgit clone
Cloning into 'dlangui'...
remote: Counting objects: 5700, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (56/56), done.
remote: Total 5700 (delta 21), reused 0 (delta 0)
Receiving objects: 100% (5700/5700), 5.33 MiB | 1.51 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (/), done.

C:\D\dmd2\srccd dlangui

C:\D\dmd2\src\dlanguidub run dlangui:example1 --build=release
Building package dlangui:example1 in 
WARNING: A deprecated branch based version specification is used 
for the dependency derelict-ft. Please use numbered ver
sions instead. Also note that you can still use the 
dub.selections.json file to override a certain dependency to use 
a b

ranch instead.
WARNING: A deprecated branch based version specification is used 
for the dependency derelict-sdl2. Please use numbered v
ersions instead. Also note that you can still use the 
dub.selections.json file to override a certain dependency to use a

 branch instead.
WARNING: A deprecated branch based version specification is used 
for the dependency derelict-fi. Please use numbered ver
sions instead. Also note that you can still use the 
dub.selections.json file to override a certain dependency to use 
a b

ranch instead.
WARNING: A deprecated branch based version specification is used 
for the dependency dlangui:dlanguilib. Please use numbe
red versions instead. Also note that you can still use the 
dub.selections.json file to override a certain dependency to

use a branch instead.
WARNING: A deprecated branch based version specification is used 
for the dependency derelict-gl3. Please use numbered ve
rsions instead. Also note that you can still use the 
dub.selections.json file to override a certain dependency to use a

branch instead.
Target derelict-util 1.9.0 is up to date. Use --force to rebuild.
Target derelict-ft ~master is up to date. Use --force to rebuild.
Target derelict-sdl2 ~master is up to date. Use --force to 

Target derelict-fi ~master is up to date. Use --force to rebuild.
Target dlib ~master is up to date. Use --force to rebuild.
Target derelict-gl3 ~master is up to date. Use --force to rebuild.
Building dlangui:dlanguilib 0.2.2+commit.2.g15226e8 configuration 
library, build type release.

Running dmd...
Building dlangui:example1 0.2.2+commit.2.g15226e8 configuration 
application, build type release.

Compiling using dmd...
src\dlangui\core\files.d(114): Error: module windows is in file 
'win32\windows.d' which cannot be read

import path[0] = examples\example1\src
import path[1] = 
import path[2] = 
import path[3] = 
import path[4] = 

import path[5] = src
import path[6] = 
import path[7] = 

import path[8] = C:\D\dmd2\windows\bin\..\..\src\phobos
import path[9] = C:\D\dmd2\windows\bin\..\..\src\druntime\import
example1 ex

Error executing command run: dmd failed 

Re: Mono-D v2.4.9 - Parser fixes

2014-09-25 Thread Mike James via Digitalmars-d-announce
Alexander Bothe wrote in message

Hi everyone,

just wanted to announce a further small version bump of Mono-D. And yeah, 
despite my 2 week-break, development still continues!


Great. Any news of an integrated debugger... :-)


Re: Offtopic: AMA (Was: Interview at Lang.NEXT)

2014-06-07 Thread Mike James via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 7 June 2014 at 04:21:15 UTC, Craig Dillabaugh wrote:

On Friday, 6 June 2014 at 19:27:35 UTC, Ary Borenszweig wrote:

On 6/4/14, 3:19 AM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:


This is offtopic, but why are people obsessed with writing 
English acronyms?

I always have to lookup the meaning and then I'm polluting my 
head with acronyms.

Is there any difference in time/convenience between writing 
Interviewee here. Ask me anything Between Interviewee. AMA?


Its all the fault of people texting on their cell phones and 
the like! Too much work to write proper English words.  Amirite?

You should see it in the rail industry - it's all TLAs.


Re: DlangUI

2014-06-05 Thread Mike James via Digitalmars-d-announce
Vadim Lopatin wrote in message


I would like to announce my project, DlangUI library - cross-platform GUI 
for D.
License: Boost License 1.0

Native library written in D (not a wrapper to other GUI library) - easy to 
As a backend, uses SDL2 on any platform, Win32 API on Windows, XCB on 
Linux. Other backends can be added easy.

Tested on Windows and Linux.
Supports hardware acceleration - drawing using OpenGL when built with 

Unicode support.
Internationalization support.
Uses Win32 API fonts on Windows, and FreeType on other platforms.
Same look and feel can be achieved on all platforms.
Flexible look and feel - themes and styles.
API is a bit similar to Android UI.
Flexible layout, support of different screen DPI, scaling.
Uses two phase layout like in Android.
Supports drawable resources in .png and .jpeg, nine-patch pngs and state 
drawables like in Android.

Single threaded. Use other threads for performing slow tasks.
Mouse oriented.

Actually, it's a port (with major redesign) of my library used for 
cross-platform version of my application CoolReader from C++.

State of project: alpha. But, already can be used for simple 2D games and 
simple GUI apps.

I'm keeping in mind a goal to write D language IDE based on dlangui. :)
Adding support of 3D graphics is planned.

Currently implemented widgets:

TextWidget - simple static text (TODO: implement multiline formatting)
ImageWidget - static image
Button - simple button with text label
ImageButton - image only button
TextImageButton - button with icon and label
CheckBox - check button with label
RadioButton - radio button with label
EditLine - single line edit
EditBox - multiline editor
VSpacer - vertical spacer - just an empty widget with layoutHeight == 
FILL_PARENT, to fill vertical space in layouts
HSpacer - horizontal spacer - just an empty widget with layoutWidth == 
FILL_PARENT, to fill horizontal space in layouts

ScrollBar - scroll bar
TabControl - tabs widget, allows to select one of tabs
TabHost - container for pages controlled by TabControl
TabWidget - combination of TabControl and TabHost

Layouts - Similar to layouts in Android

LinearLayout - layout children horizontally or vertically depending on 

VerticalLayout - just a LinearLayout with vertical orientation
HorizontalLayout - just a LinearLayout with vertical orientation
FrameLayout - all children occupy the same place; usually onle one of them 
is visible

TableLayout - children are aligned into rows and columns of table

List Views - similar to lists in Android UI API.
ListWidget - layout dynamic items horizontally or vertically (one in 
row/column) with automatic scrollbar; can reuse widgets for similar items

ListAdapter - interface to provide data and widgets for ListWidget
WidgetListAdapter - simple implementation of ListAdapter interface - just 
a list of widgets (one per list item) to show

Sample project, example1 contains demo code for most of dlangui API.

Try it using DUB:

git clone
cd dlangui
dub run dlangui:example1

Fonts note: on Linux, several .TTFs are loaded from hardcoded paths 
(suitable for Ubuntu).

TODO: add fontconfig support to access all available system fonts.


// main.d
import dlangui.all;

/// entry point for dlangui based application
extern (C) int UIAppMain(string[] args) {
// resource directory search paths
string[] resourceDirs = [
appendPath(exePath, ../res/),   // for Visual D and DUB builds
appendPath(exePath, ../../res/) // for Mono-D builds

// setup resource directories - will use only existing directories
Platform.instance.resourceDirs = resourceDirs;
// select translation file - for english language
Platform.instance.uiLanguage = en;
// load theme from file theme_default.xml
Platform.instance.uiTheme = theme_default;

// create window
Window window = Platform.instance.createWindow(My Window, null);
// create some widget to show in window
window.mainWidget = (new Button()).text(Hello 
worldd).textColor(0xFF); // red text

// show window;
// run message loop
return Platform.instance.enterMessageLoop();

DDOC generated documentation can be found there:

For more info see readme and example1 code.

I would be glad to see any feedback.
Can this project be useful for someone? What features/widgets are must 
have for you?

Best regards,

Hi Vadim,

I am evaluating GUIs for a project I have in mind and the DLangUI looks 

First problem: you need to add gl3n to the git clone list for developing 
under Visual-D.

I am having problems running (debugging) the example1 program. When loading 

Re: DlangUI

2014-06-05 Thread Mike James via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 5 June 2014 at 15:15:48 UTC, Casper Færgemand wrote:

On Thursday, 5 June 2014 at 14:22:46 UTC, Mike James wrote:
I am having problems running (debugging) the example1 program. 
When loading the resources it gets to tab_up_background.9.png 
(line 579 in file resources.d) and then fails with an 

Unhandled exception at 0x0044f932 in example1.exe: 
0xC005: Access violation reading location 0x.

Do you have any clues as to what the problem could be?

I didn't compile this, so take it with a grain of salt.

Access violation reading 0x is a null pointer 
dereference. Looking at the source:

_drawbuf = loadImage(_filename);
if (_filename.endsWith(.9.png))

I'm making a wild guess that loadImage returns a null if it 
can't find the file. Dereferencing thus throws. You probably 
lack the image or it's in the wrong place.

Hi Casper,

I checked the sub-directory the loading refers to and all the 
pngs seems to be there.


Re: Adam D. Ruppe's D Cookbook now available!

2014-05-30 Thread Mike James via Digitalmars-d-announce
Walter Bright wrote in message 

After watching Adam's most excellent presentation at Dconf, I'm sure the 
book will be great! My copy gets here on Friday.

Just got a copy - now I need the time to read it... :-)


Re: My D book is now officially coming soon

2014-05-28 Thread Mike James via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 27 May 2014 at 14:20:49 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

On Tuesday, 27 May 2014 at 13:27:56 UTC, Szymon Gatner wrote:

Will epub version be available too?

Yeah, I think it is already on the packt website.

I'm looking at getting the ebook version - does that version 
include the errata described above?


Re: My D book is now officially coming soon

2014-05-28 Thread Mike James via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 28 May 2014 at 09:06:12 UTC, Alix Pexton wrote:

On 28/05/2014 9:00 AM, Mike James wrote:

On Tuesday, 27 May 2014 at 14:20:49 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

On Tuesday, 27 May 2014 at 13:27:56 UTC, Szymon Gatner wrote:

Will epub version be available too?

Yeah, I think it is already on the packt website.

I'm looking at getting the ebook version - does that version 
include the

errata described above?

 I've not checked them side-by-side the whole way through but 
the ePub does have the same triple colons as the PDF.

the ePub uses colour instead of font weight for the keywords in 
the text and the notes and tips are styled differently, but as 
far as I've seen so far the content is the same.


Thanks. As 'early adopters' do we get a chance to upgrade :-)
