Re: DIP 1014--Hooking D's struct move semantics--Final Review

2018-07-17 Thread Shachar Shemesh via Digitalmars-d

On 17/07/18 16:29, aliak00 wrote:

A postblit on a class issues a compiler error. And an identity opAssign 
on a class also issues a compiler error. So I'm not sure how this would 
be different. And the page In also explicitly mentions 
differences between ops on classes or structs.

That's actually a good argument. It should definitely be handled the 
same way the corresponding opAssign is handled.


Re: DIP 1014--Hooking D's struct move semantics--Final Review

2018-07-17 Thread aliak00 via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 12 July 2018 at 10:24:40 UTC, Shachar Shemesh wrote:

On 29/06/18 15:35, aliak wrote:

On Wednesday, 27 June 2018 at 07:24:05 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

On Wednesday, 27 June 2018 at 07:13:14 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

Thanks in advance for your participation.

For those of you using the NNTP or mailing list interfaces, 
this is the thread to respond in. Thanks!


This is great!

Just a clarification about the last paragraph phrasing

The last line: "We can further reduce this problem by calling 
the function opPostMove." seemed to imply that an alternate 
name to opPostMove would be mentioned, but am I correct in 
understanding that it is just saying that "naming this second 
function as op* will keep code breakage to a minimum" ?

This is a left over from a previous draft, where the operator 
was called "opMove". It should be removed.

Also, what should happen if someone defines an opPostMove for 
a class. Compile error or? Should something about that be 

I think nothing should happen. The function would be ignored, 
just like it is today. I am open to hear other ideas, however.

I'm not sure whether it should be explicitly mentioned or not.


A postblit on a class issues a compiler error. And an identity 
opAssign on a class also issues a compiler error. So I'm not sure 
how this would be different. And the page In also explicitly 
mentions differences between ops on classes or structs.

- Ali

Re: DIP 1014--Hooking D's struct move semantics--Final Review

2018-07-14 Thread Shachar Shemesh via Digitalmars-d

On 14/07/18 15:56, Johan Engelen wrote:
First off: I am trying to wear a strict language lawyer hat. D spec is 
already very much ill specced which is _very_ problematic for language 
and compiler development. I am not attacking the proposal in order to 
kill it. I am merely commenting on points that I feel should be improved.

Wouldn't these comments be better suited for the language spec's PR, then?

I'm asking seriously. There is nothing in this DIP (or just about any 
other one) that can go, unmodified, into the specs. If that's the DIP's 
purpose, then so be it. If not, then I don't see the value.

OK, so make _that_ explicit. I think there is value in prescribing the 
precise order of moves (like for construction of members), such that 
reasoning about code becomes easier.

I disagree.

The member variables at the point of the move are all:
1. Fully initialized.
2. Either move agnostic or know how to handle their own move
3. Oblivious to one another

Obviously, you might wish to spite me by creating a case where any one 
of the above is not true, but the compiler has every right to assume all 
three points above are true. In your hypothetical spite case, your best 
course of action is to leave the members with no opPostMove at all, and 
handle their move in the containing struct's opPostMove, in which case 
you are fully defined.

Assuming all three are correct, the order in which they are moved makes 
no difference.

If you want the same semantic effect (as I wrote above), then the text 
should say that the ordering is relaxed.

I have no objection to explicitly stating that exact move order of 
members is undefined.

Why "SHOULD" and not "MUST"?

Precisely for the reason you stated above. So that if you want to do 
something else, you may.

Why is that freedom needed?

Because compiler implementers might have a good reason to do something 
besides this. For example, a compiler writer might choose to place the 
actual moving code inside __move_post_blt, and I don't think we should 
stop her.

The freedom is already provided by 
user-defined opPostMove?

Different audiences. opPostMove serves the D programmer, __move_post_blt 
serves the compiler.

I think the language spec doesn't say when a "move" is performed?

I think Walter sees that as an advantage, but I'm not sure.

Either way, the current language spec says structs must have semantics 
that remain correct even if the struct suddenly changes the memory 
address it resides in. The specs + DIP 1014 say that the above is true, 
or the struct must supply an opPostMove that fixes the semantics post-move.

In both cases, *when* the move takes place is irrelevant.

Or is it enough to define what a "move" is ? (didn't check but I guess 
the DIP already explains that)

Only implicitly.

(D's "move" is different from C++'s right?


D's move after exiting a 
struct's constructor doesn't lead to a destructor call, but D's 
std.algorithm.mutation.move _does_ call the destructor of the moved 
source object.)

Depends on which version of move you're referring to.

For example, moveEmplace does not.

I think the correct way to phrase this is to say that D's move *never* 
calls a destructor, but if the move's destination had a valid object in 
it, that one gets destructed.

In a way, C++'s move is the same, except the actual moving of the data 
from the source location to the destination one is up to the programmer, 
and accordingly, so is destructing. Since, logically, a C++ move 
operator always copies, it also has to destruct the source.

Technically, however, it doesn't always. A move assignment operator 
typically just swaps the content of the structs (i.e. - moves the source 
to the destination and the destination to the source), and lets the 
usual rvalue elimination code destruct it.


Re: DIP 1014--Hooking D's struct move semantics--Final Review

2018-07-14 Thread Johan Engelen via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 12 July 2018 at 10:22:33 UTC, Shachar Shemesh wrote:

On 11/07/18 20:04, Johan Engelen wrote:

On Wednesday, 27 June 2018 at 07:13:14 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
DIP 1014, "Hooking D's struct move semantics", is now ready 
for final review.

after quick read:

(would be much easier to do inline commenting, but it appears 
that's not supported)

### Section "Code emitted by the compiler on move"
Dangerous to talk about what "code is emitted" by the 
compiler. I think this DIP doesn't need that, and semantics is 
enough. "the compiler MUST call " should be reworded, because 
an _actual_ call to the function should not be mandatory, 
because it would limit the optimizer in eliding it or inlining 
it (note that it will be hard to _prevent_ the optimizer from 
eliding/inlining the call as currently specified by the DIP).

I don't draw the same conclusions from the text as you.

I'm perfectly fine with specifying that nothing here is 
mandatory if the compiler ensures that *the end effect* is as 
if it happened.

AFAIK, C++ has a standing order to that effect, and it greatly 
simplifies documenting what you want to do.

First off: I am trying to wear a strict language lawyer hat. D 
spec is already very much ill specced which is _very_ problematic 
for language and compiler development. I am not attacking the 
proposal in order to kill it. I am merely commenting on points 
that I feel should be improved.

My point was to remove things like "compiler" and "emitted code" 
from the DIP / spec. In this case, the simple rewording can be: 
"When moving a struct's instance, an implicit call to 
__move_post_blt is inserted with both new and old instances' 
addresses as arguments."

### "__move_post_blt SHOULD be defined in a manner that is 

What does "compatible" mean?

"Has the same effect as".

It's a little as if you're complaining about something not 
being explicit in one section, and again about that same thing 
being explicit in the next. Precisely why such standing order 
would be a good idea.

Being explicit about generated machine is not good in a language 
spec. Being explicit about the semantic meaning of something 
_is_.  ;-)
"compatible" is very vague. It may mean that just the function 
signature should match.
"has the same semantic effect" would be a much better description 
of what you want.

Some things should be made more explicit, such as the order of 
calls for compound structs.

I don't think it makes sense to specify the order, except to 
say that member's opPostMove must be called before the 
instance's opPostMove (which the code already says).

OK, so make _that_ explicit. I think there is value in 
prescribing the precise order of moves (like for construction of 
members), such that reasoning about code becomes easier.
If you want the same semantic effect (as I wrote above), then the 
text should say that the ordering is relaxed.

Why "SHOULD" and not "MUST"?

Precisely for the reason you stated above. So that if you want 
to do something else, you may.

Why is that freedom needed? The freedom is already provided by 
user-defined opPostMove? I think the implicit call to 
__move_post_blt is a MUST, like calls to dtors.

### "This MUST return true iff a struct or any of its members 
have an opPostMove defined."
Doesn't cover struct A containing struct B containing struct C 
with opPostMove. Reword e.g. into: "hasElaborateMove!S MUST 
return true iff `S` has an `opPostMove` defined or if 
hasElaborateMove!X is true for any member of S of type X.

Yes, I'm sorry. I worded the spec for humans.

Please don't ;-)

I can suggest a recursive definition:

hasElaborateMove for a struct MUST return true iff at least one 
of the following is true:

* The struct has opPostMove defined
* hasElaborateMove returns true for at least one of the 
struct's members.


### What is lacking is a clear list of exactly in which cases 
`opPostMove` will be called (needed for user-facing 
documentation of the function).

I don't think I understand this point. Can you suggest what 
that list might contain?

I think the language spec doesn't say when a "move" is performed? 
So I don't know when exactly the opPostMove is called. Things 
that come to mind:

* exiting from struct ctor
* std.algorithm.mutation.move
Or is it enough to define what a "move" is ? (didn't check but I 
guess the DIP already explains that)
(D's "move" is different from C++'s right? D's move after exiting 
a struct's constructor doesn't lead to a destructor call, but D's 
std.algorithm.mutation.move _does_ call the destructor of the 
moved source object.)

I now realize that the DIP is a mix between language semantic 
changes (opPostMove) and implementation suggestions/details 
("__move_post_blt"). I think it would have been clearer to split 
the two in the DIP (it's valuable to have implementation 
suggestions in addition to spec changes), but by now that's too 
late. Part of my comments 

Re: DIP 1014--Hooking D's struct move semantics--Final Review

2018-07-13 Thread Dukc via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 12 July 2018 at 10:38:52 UTC, Shachar Shemesh wrote:
On 12/07/18 04:17, Jonathan M Davis wrote:> I'm also> not sure 
if going to copy constructors means that we should do 
something> different with this. It don't think that it's 
affected by it, but I could be> missing something.

I actually had that very same concern myself. Andrei does not 
seem to share it (I talked to him about it during DConf, and he 
even mentioned it in his talk). He seems to think the two are 
completely independent.

That's already thought through? Great, no need to "lockstep" the 
DIPs then and one curve less to worry about.

Re: DIP 1014--Hooking D's struct move semantics--Final Review

2018-07-12 Thread Shachar Shemesh via Digitalmars-d
On 12/07/18 04:17, Jonathan M Davis wrote:> I'm also> not sure if going 
to copy constructors means that we should do something> different with 
this. It don't think that it's affected by it, but I could be> missing 

I actually had that very same concern myself. Andrei does not seem to 
share it (I talked to him about it during DConf, and he even mentioned 
it in his talk). He seems to think the two are completely independent.

Like I said, I'm not sure I completely agree. Some of the problems 
postblit have will also affect us here (specifically, what happens if 
you want to override a member's behavior, specifically when @disabled.

What tipped the scale for me was this: This DIP is relatively simple. It 
requires a few changes to all three (compiler, run time and phobos), but 
small changes to all three. Best of all, this change does not introduce 
what Andrei called "magic". The changes are easily lowered to existing D 

Switching to a move-constructor type implementation will make all of 
those advantages disappear in a puff of bits.

However, I don't agree that opPostMove needs to be nothrow on the basis that
it might be confusing if it's not.

The problem here is that D moves *everywhere*, and it is often quite 
impossible to make it not move (believe me, I've tried).

With that said, downgrading this to a very hearty recommendation instead 
of a requirement is fine by me.

Also, as soon as we discuss overriding what happens when an object is moved,
that opens up the question of whether it should be allowed to be @disabled.
What happens when someone does

@disable opPostMove();

What happens today is that if you actually try to move the struct, you 
will get a compilation error. IMHO, this is the behavior we actually 
want to keep.

I can actually see some uses for such a step - if you simply cannot have 
that struct move, a compilation error is preferable to things breaking.

With that said, the moves are so integral to D's code generation that a 
struct with opPostMove @disabled would not be very useful. I am of the 
opinion that the programmer can make up their own mind on what to do 
about it.

However, I would argue that if we're going to take the step of allowing
the programmer to hook into the move process to do custom stuff that we
should also allow it to be outright disabled - the use case that comes to
mind at the moment being stuff like mutexes where the object can't safely be
moved, because it's not only not thread-safe, but it's probably not possible
with the mutex's C API, since you handed a pointer off to it and have no
control over what it does with it.

Like I said above, I completely agree.

Of course, that also opens the question of what should happen with a shared
opPostMove, since presumably a mutex would be in a shared object, and that
would then require that we finish working out shared - though I'd argue that
we would have to disallow moves on a shared object in order to be
thread-safe anyway.

That one is actually handled by the DIP.

opPostMove is called by the compiler when it has just moved the object. 
This means that, at least as far as the compiler is concerned, the 
object has no external references to it (or it couldn't move it).

If a struct's pointer is shared, and there are external pointers to 
update, it is up to the programmer to decide how to handle it (and, yes, 
@disable might be the only safe option).

By no means do I think that this DIP should be contingent on anything to do
with disallowing moving, but I do think that it if we're going to allow
mucking around with moves like this rather than simply leaving it up to the
compiler that we should seriously consider allowing it to be disabled -

I disagree. I think we should allow it to be disabled whether this DIP 
goes in or not. On the contrary: this DIP would allow cases to be 
handled where today they are simply not safe, no matter what you do. In 
other words, the cases where you'd want to disable move are only reduced 
by adopting this DIP.


Re: DIP 1014--Hooking D's struct move semantics--Final Review

2018-07-12 Thread Shachar Shemesh via Digitalmars-d

On 29/06/18 15:35, aliak wrote:

On Wednesday, 27 June 2018 at 07:24:05 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

On Wednesday, 27 June 2018 at 07:13:14 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

Thanks in advance for your participation.

For those of you using the NNTP or mailing list interfaces, this is 
the thread to respond in. Thanks!


This is great!

Just a clarification about the last paragraph phrasing

The last line: "We can further reduce this problem by calling the 
function opPostMove." seemed to imply that an alternate name to 
opPostMove would be mentioned, but am I correct in understanding that it 
is just saying that "naming this second function as op* will keep code 
breakage to a minimum" ?

This is a left over from a previous draft, where the operator was called 
"opMove". It should be removed.

Also, what should happen if someone defines an opPostMove for a class. 
Compile error or? Should something about that be mentioned?

I think nothing should happen. The function would be ignored, just like 
it is today. I am open to hear other ideas, however.

I'm not sure whether it should be explicitly mentioned or not.


Re: DIP 1014--Hooking D's struct move semantics--Final Review

2018-07-12 Thread Shachar Shemesh via Digitalmars-d

On 11/07/18 20:04, Johan Engelen wrote:

On Wednesday, 27 June 2018 at 07:13:14 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
DIP 1014, "Hooking D's struct move semantics", is now ready for final 

after quick read:

(would be much easier to do inline commenting, but it appears that's not 

### Section "Code emitted by the compiler on move"
Dangerous to talk about what "code is emitted" by the compiler. I think 
this DIP doesn't need that, and semantics is enough. "the compiler MUST 
call " should be reworded, because an _actual_ call to the function 
should not be mandatory, because it would limit the optimizer in eliding 
it or inlining it (note that it will be hard to _prevent_ the optimizer 
from eliding/inlining the call as currently specified by the DIP).

I don't draw the same conclusions from the text as you.

I'm perfectly fine with specifying that nothing here is mandatory if the 
compiler ensures that *the end effect* is as if it happened.

AFAIK, C++ has a standing order to that effect, and it greatly 
simplifies documenting what you want to do.

### "__move_post_blt SHOULD be defined in a manner that is compatible"
What does "compatible" mean?

"Has the same effect as".

It's a little as if you're complaining about something not being 
explicit in one section, and again about that same thing being explicit 
in the next. Precisely why such standing order would be a good idea.

Some things should be made more explicit, 
such as the order of calls for compound structs.

I don't think it makes sense to specify the order, except to say that 
member's opPostMove must be called before the instance's opPostMove 
(which the code already says).

Why "SHOULD" and not "MUST"?

Precisely for the reason you stated above. So that if you want to do 
something else, you may.

### "This MUST return true iff a struct or any of its members have an 
opPostMove defined."
Doesn't cover struct A containing struct B containing struct C with 
opPostMove. Reword e.g. into: "hasElaborateMove!S MUST return true iff 
`S` has an `opPostMove` defined or if hasElaborateMove!X is true for any 
member of S of type X.

Yes, I'm sorry. I worded the spec for humans.

I can suggest a recursive definition:

hasElaborateMove for a struct MUST return true iff at least one of the 
following is true:

* The struct has opPostMove defined
* hasElaborateMove returns true for at least one of the struct's members.

I'm fine with this definition, and it resolves your concern, but I think 
it is less readable.

You are free to suggest a better way of phrasing this.

### What is lacking is a clear list of exactly in which cases 
`opPostMove` will be called (needed for user-facing documentation of the 

I don't think I understand this point. Can you suggest what that list 
might contain?

Thank you,

Re: DIP 1014--Hooking D's struct move semantics--Final Review

2018-07-11 Thread Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 27 June 2018 01:13:14 MDT Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> DIP 1014, "Hooking D's struct move semantics", is now ready for
> final review. This is a last chance for community feedback before
> the DIP is handed off to Walter and Andrei for the Formal
> Assessment. Please read the procedures document for details on
> what is expected in this review stage:
> The current revision of the DIP for this review is located here:
> f/DIPs/
> In it you'll find a link to and summary of the previous review
> round. This round of review will continue until 11:59 pm ET on
> July 11th unless I call it off before then.
> Thanks in advance for your participation.

Looks pretty good overall, though the name of the __move_post_blt arguably
should be different if we're going to move to copy constructors. I'm also
not sure if going to copy constructors means that we should do something
different with this. It don't think that it's affected by it, but I could be
missing something.

However, I don't agree that opPostMove needs to be nothrow on the basis that
it might be confusing if it's not. Based on that argument, postblit
constructors should be required to be nothrow, and they don't have to be
nothrow. Copying and moving frequently look pretty much the same to the
programmer and may even depend on how the compiler is able to optimize the
code (e.g. it figures out that it can use a move instead of a copy). So,
while it probably is generally better for opPostMove to be nothrow, it
doesn't seem to me like it really should be required that it be nothrow. For
better or worse, we don't even require that destructors be nothrow. So, it
doesn't really fit for opPostMove to have to be nothrow. The motivation for
it is not at all technical in nature and the social aspect of it is already
contradicted by similar features which are allowed to throw.

Also, as soon as we discuss overriding what happens when an object is moved,
that opens up the question of whether it should be allowed to be @disabled.
What happens when someone does

@disable opPostMove();

For better or worse, @disable works on any function in D (even if it's kind
of pointless for functions that aren't constructors or operators). So, it's
going to need to be handled even if it's just making it an error to @disable
it. However, I would argue that if we're going to take the step of allowing
the programmer to hook into the move process to do custom stuff that we
should also allow it to be outright disabled - the use case that comes to
mind at the moment being stuff like mutexes where the object can't safely be
moved, because it's not only not thread-safe, but it's probably not possible
with the mutex's C API, since you handed a pointer off to it and have no
control over what it does with it.

Of course, that also opens the question of what should happen with a shared
opPostMove, since presumably a mutex would be in a shared object, and that
would then require that we finish working out shared - though I'd argue that
we would have to disallow moves on a shared object in order to be
thread-safe anyway. So, maybe the mutex use case doesn't ultimately matter,
since we're likely going to have to disable moves for shared anyway, but
shared and mutexes aside, any use case where you hand the pointer off to
something outside the object won't work with opPostMove, whereas it could be
made to work if we had opPostMove and were then allowed to @disable it.

By no means do I think that this DIP should be contingent on anything to do
with disallowing moving, but I do think that it if we're going to allow
mucking around with moves like this rather than simply leaving it up to the
compiler that we should seriously consider allowing it to be disabled -
especially when opPostMove gives us a really obvious syntax for it, and
while some of the motivations for this DIP are solved by it, others would
really require disallowing moves.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: DIP 1014--Hooking D's struct move semantics--Final Review

2018-07-11 Thread Johan Engelen via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 27 June 2018 at 07:13:14 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
DIP 1014, "Hooking D's struct move semantics", is now ready for 
final review.

after quick read:

(would be much easier to do inline commenting, but it appears 
that's not supported)

### Section "Code emitted by the compiler on move"
Dangerous to talk about what "code is emitted" by the compiler. I 
think this DIP doesn't need that, and semantics is enough. "the 
compiler MUST call " should be reworded, because an _actual_ call 
to the function should not be mandatory, because it would limit 
the optimizer in eliding it or inlining it (note that it will be 
hard to _prevent_ the optimizer from eliding/inlining the call as 
currently specified by the DIP). So this should be reworded such 
that the semantic effect is as if the function is called. Also 
unspecified _when_ the function needs to be called.

### "__move_post_blt SHOULD be defined in a manner that is 
What does "compatible" mean? Some things should be made more 
explicit, such as the order of calls for compound structs.

Why "SHOULD" and not "MUST"?

### "This MUST return true iff a struct or any of its members 
have an opPostMove defined."
Doesn't cover struct A containing struct B containing struct C 
with opPostMove. Reword e.g. into: "hasElaborateMove!S MUST 
return true iff `S` has an `opPostMove` defined or if 
hasElaborateMove!X is true for any member of S of type X.

### What is lacking is a clear list of exactly in which cases 
`opPostMove` will be called (needed for user-facing documentation 
of the function).


Re: DIP 1014--Hooking D's struct move semantics--Final Review

2018-07-11 Thread Dukc via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 5 July 2018 at 10:27:52 UTC, Dukc wrote:

The DIP looks well written. I'm in favour of it.

However, we need to consider how well this interacts with 
Razvan's DIP [1]. We should consider this together with it, so 
the implementations do not end up messing each other.


Re: DIP 1014--Hooking D's struct move semantics--Final Review

2018-07-05 Thread Dukc via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 27 June 2018 at 07:13:14 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
DIP 1014, "Hooking D's struct move semantics", is now ready for 
final review.

Structs are a low level feature that should be able to be used in 
any way programmer sees fit. This is just what is wrong with C# 
structs: In principle they're the same as D structs but disallow 
many things for no obvious reason, thus limiting their usability. 
See my question and it's answers at Stack overflow to see what I 

This is a feature that is likely to be useful for low level 
programming, but is zero cost for those who don't need it. The 
DIP looks well written. I'm in favour of it.

Re: DIP 1014--Hooking D's struct move semantics--Final Review

2018-06-29 Thread aliak via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 27 June 2018 at 07:24:05 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

On Wednesday, 27 June 2018 at 07:13:14 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

Thanks in advance for your participation.

For those of you using the NNTP or mailing list interfaces, 
this is the thread to respond in. Thanks!


This is great!

Just a clarification about the last paragraph phrasing

The last line: "We can further reduce this problem by calling the 
function opPostMove." seemed to imply that an alternate name to 
opPostMove would be mentioned, but am I correct in understanding 
that it is just saying that "naming this second function as op* 
will keep code breakage to a minimum" ?

Also, what should happen if someone defines an opPostMove for a 
class. Compile error or? Should something about that be mentioned?

- Ali

Re: DIP 1014--Hooking D's struct move semantics--Final Review Begins

2018-06-27 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 27 June 2018 at 07:28:07 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

On Wednesday, 27 June 2018 at 07:26:20 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

And I've pasted the wrong link here. The correct thread link is 
this one:


Nope. Wrong one again. This is it:

It's days like this I wish we had a proper forum.

Re: DIP 1014--Hooking D's struct move semantics--Final Review Begins

2018-06-27 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 27 June 2018 at 07:26:20 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

And I've pasted the wrong link here. The correct thread link is 
this one:


DIP 1014--Hooking D's struct move semantics--Final Review Begins

2018-06-27 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-announce
The last chance for community feedback on DIP 1014, "Hooking D's 
struct move semantics", is now underway. Please do not leave any 
feedback in this thread, but rather in the review thread in the 
General forum:

Also, please be sure to review the guidelines for the Final 
Review round before leaving feedback:


When I created the feedback thread via the web interface, I 
received an NNTP server timeout and reposted. That resulted in 
duplicate posts. I've deleted the extra post from the web 
interface and it will be deleted from the NNTP server eventually, 
but if you see both posts in your news reader or via the mailing 
list interface, please ensure you're replying in the proper 
thread so that we don't split the conversation. I've left a reply 
there marking it for you.


Re: DIP 1014--Hooking D's struct move semantics--Final Review

2018-06-27 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 27 June 2018 at 07:13:14 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

Thanks in advance for your participation.

For those of you using the NNTP or mailing list interfaces, this 
is the thread to respond in. Thanks!

DIP 1014--Hooking D's struct move semantics--Final Review

2018-06-27 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d
DIP 1014, "Hooking D's struct move semantics", is now ready for 
final review. This is a last chance for community feedback before 
the DIP is handed off to Walter and Andrei for the Formal 
Assessment. Please read the procedures document for details on 
what is expected in this review stage:

The current revision of the DIP for this review is located here:

In it you'll find a link to and summary of the previous review 
round. This round of review will continue until 11:59 pm ET on 
July 11th unless I call it off before then.

Thanks in advance for your participation.

DIP 1014--Hooking D's struct move semantics--Final Review

2018-06-27 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d
DIP 1014, "Hooking D's struct move semantics", is now ready for 
final review. This is a last chance for community feedback before 
the DIP is handed off to Walter and Andrei for the Formal 
Assessment. Please read the procedures document for details on 
what is expected in this review stage:

The current revision of the DIP for this review is located here:

In it you'll find a link to and summary of the previous review 
round. This round of review will continue until 11:59 pm ET on 
July 11th unless I call it off before then.

Thanks in advance for your participation.