Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-16 Thread Michael V. Franklin via Digitalmars-d
I ran into this blog post today:

It peeked my interested, because when I first started studying D, 
the lack of any warning or error for this trivial case surprised 

// Example A
class Test
int Value;

void main(string[] args)
Test t;
t.Value++;  // No compiler error, or warning.  Runtime error!

In C#, you get a compiler error.

// Example B
class Test
public int Value;

public class Program
public static void Main()
Test t;
t.Value++;  // Error: Use of unassigned local variable 't'

But, it's not perfect:

// Example C
class Test
private static Test _instance;
public static Test Instance
get { return _instance; }

public int Value;

public class Program
public static void Main()
Test t = Test.Instance;
t.Value++;  // No compiler error, or warning.  Runtime 


With Microsoft's proposed change, the compiler will emit a 
warning for Example C.  If you want to opt out of the warning, 
you'll need to declare `_instance` as `Test? _instance` (see the 
'?' there).

Notice that that is a "breaking" change for C#, but Microsoft 
still considers it an improvement to the language worth pursuing. 
 Is there hope for D, too?


Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-16 Thread codephantom via Digitalmars-d
On Friday, 17 November 2017 at 01:47:01 UTC, Michael V. Franklin 

// Example A
class Test
int Value;

void main(string[] args)
Test t;
t.Value++;  // No compiler error, or warning.  Runtime 


//Test t;
Test t = new Test;

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-16 Thread codephantom via Digitalmars-d
On Friday, 17 November 2017 at 01:47:01 UTC, Michael V. Franklin 

It peeked my interested, because when I first started studying 
D, the lack of any warning or error for this trivial case 
surprised me.

// Example A
class Test
int Value;

void main(string[] args)
Test t;
t.Value++;  // No compiler error, or warning.  Runtime 


Also, if you start with nothing, and add 1 to it, you still end 
up with nothing, cause you started with nothing. That makes 
completed sense to me. So why should that be invalid?

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-16 Thread codephantom via Digitalmars-d
On Friday, 17 November 2017 at 01:47:01 UTC, Michael V. Franklin 

In C#, you get a compiler error.

// Example B
class Test
public int Value;

public class Program
public static void Main()
Test t;
t.Value++;  // Error: Use of unassigned local variable 


Let's try reversing that question.

Is there hope for C#, so that it will let me do something with 

D let's me do that ;-)

The problem though, seems to be the runtime environment..My code 
specifically said I wanted to do something with nothing, the 
compiler said, sure, go ahead..and then it crashed at execution?

Fix the runtime so it does what I want.

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-16 Thread rumbu via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 17 November 2017 at 02:25:21 UTC, codephantom wrote:
On Friday, 17 November 2017 at 01:47:01 UTC, Michael V. 
Franklin wrote:

It peeked my interested, because when I first started studying 
D, the lack of any warning or error for this trivial case 
surprised me.

// Example A
class Test
int Value;

void main(string[] args)
Test t;
t.Value++;  // No compiler error, or warning.  Runtime 


Also, if you start with nothing, and add 1 to it, you still end 
up with nothing, cause you started with nothing. That makes 
completed sense to me. So why should that be invalid?

You are not ending with nothing, you are ending with a run time 
error in D. In C# it's a compile-time error. Ideally, something 
ending for sure in an error at run time, must be catch at 

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-16 Thread codephantom via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 17 November 2017 at 05:50:24 UTC, rumbu wrote:
You are not ending with nothing, you are ending with a run time 
error in D. In C# it's a compile-time error. Ideally, something 
ending for sure in an error at run time, must be catch at 

Well.. sometimes it's just do nothing, and I'm glad D 
lets me do that.

And the runtime should just stay out of it. It's always 
interfering in something - even when its nothing.

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-17 Thread rumbu via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 17 November 2017 at 06:32:03 UTC, codephantom wrote:

On Friday, 17 November 2017 at 05:50:24 UTC, rumbu wrote:
You are not ending with nothing, you are ending with a run 
time error in D. In C# it's a compile-time error. Ideally, 
something ending for sure in an error at run time, must be 
catch at compile-time.

Well.. sometimes it's just do nothing, and I'm glad D 
lets me do that.

And the runtime should just stay out of it. It's always 
interfering in something - even when its nothing.

I don't even imagine how the runtime can stay out of 
dereferencing a null pointer.

I know your aversion towards C#, but this not about C#, it's 
about safety. And safety is one of the D taglines.

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-17 Thread Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d
On Friday, November 17, 2017 01:47:01 Michael V. Franklin via Digitalmars-d 
> With Microsoft's proposed change, the compiler will emit a
> warning for Example C.  If you want to opt out of the warning,
> you'll need to declare `_instance` as `Test? _instance` (see the
> '?' there).

Personally, I'm flat out against anything that would generate a warning
rather than an error. If the compiler can't guarantee that your code is
wrong, then that check should be left up to a linter. As soon as something
is a warning in the compiler, you're going to be forced to fix it whether it
makes sense to fix it or not, because it's not appropriate to leave warnings
in a project. Having a way to tell the compiler to shut up improves things,
but it would be really annoying and is generally the sort of thing that
would be left to a linter.

If we can add something to the compiler which finds bugs 100% correctly and
generates an error for them, then I have no problem with that. But I don't
want to see any warnings about things that "might" be wrong. I think that it
was a huge mistake for Walter to add warnings to the compiler (which he only
did after a lot of nagging, and I suspect that he agrees that it was a
mistake; I'm sure that he's not entirely happy about it regardless). The
compiler should only ever complain about something that is guaranteed to be
wrong. Warnings are just errors in disguise but where what they're
complaining about isn't necessarily bad code.

> Notice that that is a "breaking" change for C#, but Microsoft
> still considers it an improvement to the language worth pursuing.
>   Is there hope for D, too?

In general, Walter doesn't like stuff that requires code flow analysis. I
believe that dmd does do _some_ code flow analysis, so I don't think that
that's a deal breaker, but it's the sort of thing that I think tends to get
shot down, because it gets complicated fast, and in general, D's solution to
this problem was to default initialize everything to values that were either
perfectly legitimate or as close as possible to error values so that the
problem would be caught quickly (and is simpler than code flow analysis). If
it can be implemented in a way that the compiler generates an error only
when it's completely sure that what you're doing is wrong, then I see no
problem with it, but it has to be an error, and the compiler can't be
generating errors when what you're doing could actually be fine.

Personally, I'm inclined to think that not initializing a variable which
defaults to null is a complete non-issue. Sure, it would be nice if the
compiler caught it and told you so that you didn't have to even run your
unit tests to find the problem (that's always nice), but it's also the sort
of thing that's immediately obvious as soon as you hit that piece of code
(which is very early on in the process if you're unit testing your code),
and it doesn't even require writing additional unit tests to catch it - any
tests that test the code properly will find the problem immediately. So, in
practice, it's a mistake that's quickly found and fixed. As such, while I
have no problem with the compiler giving an error when you've definitively
screwed up and are calling a member function on a null object, I question
that it actually fixes much, and I definitely don't want to be required to
do something to my code to make the compiler shut up, because it's
incorrectly decided that what I'm doing is wrong.

Another thing to consider with things like this though is generic code. It's
pretty trivial to have generic code run afoul of anything warning that what
you're doing might be wrong when it's actually just fine and pretty annoying
to write in a way that makes the compiler shut up about it (a warning for
unused variables would be a prime example where we'd have serious problems
like that). At the moment, I can't think of why that would be a problem in
this case (presuming that the compiler only complained when it definitively
knew that the code was calling a member function on a null reference or
pointer), but it's something that would have to be considered.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-17 Thread codephantom via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 17 November 2017 at 09:44:01 UTC, rumbu wrote:

I know your aversion towards C#, but this not about C#, it's 
about safety. And safety is one of the D taglines.

Well the nice thing about that discussion (at: ), was that not everyone agreed. So maybe there is hope for C# yet.

Indeed many C# users seemed to 'strongly' disagree, and good 
points were made for 'not' making the change.

Sounds to me, like too many people are writing incorrect code in 
the first place, and want to offload responsibility onto 
something other than themself. This is why we have bloated 
runtime checks these days.

I've always thought writing the correct code was the better 
option anyway.

Maybe even (god forbid)..  test it.

As for safety in Dit's already there.

module test;

import std.stdio;

static immutable Exception TheYouIdiot_Exception = new 
Exception("You idiot!");

class Test
int Value;

void main()
Test t; //let assume this was intended. Otherwise the fault 
starts here.

// ..

throw TheYouIdiot_Exception;  // problem solved.


Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-17 Thread Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d
On Friday, November 17, 2017 09:44:01 rumbu via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> I know your aversion towards C#, but this not about C#, it's
> about safety. And safety is one of the D taglines.

Completely aside from whether having the compile-time checks would be good
or not, I would point out that this isn't actually a memory safety issue. If
you dereference a null pointer or reference, your program will segfault. No
memory is corrupted, and no memory that should not be accessed is accessed.
If dereferencing a null pointer or reference in a program were a memory
safety issue, then we'd either have to make it illegal to dereference
references or pointers in @safe code or add additional runtime null checks
beyond what already happens with segfaults, since aside from having
non-nullable pointers/references, in the general case, we can't guarantee
that a pointer or reference isn't null. At best, the compiler can detect it
in certain instances (e.g. when a variable was initialized to null or
assigned null, and it wasn't passed to anything else before it was used),
but in most cases, it can't know.

So, this is purely about the compiler detecting a certain class of bug in
programs and giving a warning or error when it does, not about memory

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-17 Thread Atila Neves via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 17 November 2017 at 10:45:13 UTC, codephantom wrote:
Sounds to me, like too many people are writing incorrect code 
in the first place,

Also known as "writing code".

and want to offload responsibility onto something other than 

That's the whole point of using a safe language, otherwise we'd 
be fine with C.

This is why we have bloated runtime checks these days.

The post was talking about compile-time checks. I'll take bloated 
runtime checks over memory corruption any day of the week and 
twice on Sundays.


Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-17 Thread Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d
On Friday, 17 November 2017 at 01:47:01 UTC, Michael V. Franklin 
It peeked my interested, because when I first started studying 
D, the lack of any warning or error for this trivial case 
surprised me.

You wanna get freaked out?

Try that very same trivial example with the `-O` option to dmd.

$ dmd -O pp
pp.d(20): Error: null dereference in function _Dmain

Yes, the optimizer has a compile time null check... but the mail 
compiler doesn't. Walter has explained it is because the 
optimizer does some flow analysis that the semantic step doesn't. 
But still, so weird.

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-17 Thread Timon Gehr via Digitalmars-d

On 17.11.2017 11:19, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

  If the compiler can't guarantee that your code is
wrong, then that check should be left up to a linter.

I.e., you think the following code should compile:

class C{}

void main(){
size_t a = 2;
C b = a;
size_t c = b;
import std.stdio;
writeln(c); // "2"

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-17 Thread Timon Gehr via Digitalmars-d

On 17.11.2017 12:22, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

On Friday, November 17, 2017 09:44:01 rumbu via Digitalmars-d wrote:

I know your aversion towards C#, but this not about C#, it's
about safety. And safety is one of the D taglines.

Completely aside from whether having the compile-time checks would be good
or not, I would point out that this isn't actually a memory safety issue.

Memory safety is not the only kind of safety. Also, memory safety is 
usually formalized as (type) preservation which basically says that 
every memory location actually contains a value of the correct type. 
Hence, as soon as you have non-nullable pointers in the type system, 
this _becomes_ a memory safety issue.

you dereference a null pointer or reference, your program will segfault. No
memory is corrupted, and no memory that should not be accessed is accessed.
If dereferencing a null pointer or reference in a program were a memory
safety issue, then we'd either have to make it illegal to dereference
references or pointers in @safe code or add additional runtime null checks
beyond what already happens with segfaults, since aside from having
non-nullable pointers/references, in the general case, we can't guarantee
that a pointer or reference isn't null.

There are type systems that do that, which is what is being proposed for 
C#. It's pretty straightforward: If I have a variable of class reference 
type C, it actually contains a reference to a class instance of type C.

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-17 Thread Timon Gehr via Digitalmars-d

On 17.11.2017 03:25, codephantom wrote:

On Friday, 17 November 2017 at 01:47:01 UTC, Michael V. Franklin wrote:

It peeked my interested, because when I first started studying D, the 
lack of any warning or error for this trivial case surprised me.

// Example A
class Test
    int Value;

void main(string[] args)
    Test t;
    t.Value++;  // No compiler error, or warning.  Runtime error!

Also, if you start with nothing, and add 1 to it, you still end up with 
nothing, cause you started with nothing. That makes completed sense to 
me. So why should that be invalid?

Because, for example, 'int' does not have a special null value, and we 
don't want it to have one.

The code starts with nothing, and tries to increment an 'int' Value that 
is associated to nothing. What is this value? There is no null in int. 
And anyway, the code does not say that t is nothing, it says that t is a 
Test. Then it does not say what kind of Test it is. The new features 
allow you to specify that t may be nothing, and they add a type int? 
that carries the cost of a special null value for those who are into 
that kind of thing.

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-17 Thread Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d
On Friday, November 17, 2017 15:05:48 Timon Gehr via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> On 17.11.2017 12:22, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> > On Friday, November 17, 2017 09:44:01 rumbu via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> >> I know your aversion towards C#, but this not about C#, it's
> >> about safety. And safety is one of the D taglines.
> >
> > Completely aside from whether having the compile-time checks would be
> > good or not, I would point out that this isn't actually a memory safety
> > issue.
> Memory safety is not the only kind of safety. Also, memory safety is
> usually formalized as (type) preservation which basically says that
> every memory location actually contains a value of the correct type.
> Hence, as soon as you have non-nullable pointers in the type system,
> this _becomes_ a memory safety issue.

This is definitely not how it is viewed in D. Walter has repeatedly stated
that dereferencing a null pointer is considered @safe, because doing so will
not corrupt memory or access memory that it should not access - and that's
all that @safe cares about. Whether there's an object of the correct type at
that location or not is irrelevant, because it's null. You do have a memory
safety issue if you somehow make the pointer or reference refer to an object
of a different type than the reference or pointer is allowed to point to,
but doing that requires getting around the type system via casting, which
would not be allowed in @safe code, and badly written @trusted code can
always screw up @safe code. Regardless, given that dereferencing null will
segfault, it does not present an @safety problem.

The only issue with dereferencing a null pointer in @safe code is that if
the type is sufficiently large (larger than a page of memory IIRC), you
don't actually get a segfault, and that hole does need to be plugged by
having the compiler add runtime checks where needed. But most null
pointers/references do not have that problem.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-17 Thread Jesse Phillips via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 17 November 2017 at 10:45:13 UTC, codephantom wrote:

I've always thought writing the correct code was the better 
option anyway.

It is interesting that you mention this. Our product manager was 
talking to our senior developer about this very thing. He 
explained that it was a method of development that an employee at 
his previous company came up with at that the approach was very 
effective once implemented.

Our senior developer has really take charge on this and really 
pushing the other developers to just stop writing bugs into the 
program (it really hasn't been helping the company make money). 
Its been a little rocky start, but what new policy isn't. I 
really think this is going to be a savior to our company and that 
others should adopt it. codephantom, go forth and spread the 
knowledge that we should stop writing bugs into our programs and 
instead start with correct code, you won't lose your job over it.

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-17 Thread jmh530 via Digitalmars-d
On Friday, 17 November 2017 at 14:53:40 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
[snip] Regardless, given that dereferencing null will segfault, 
it does not present an @safety problem.

@safe is really more of @memorysafe. Null safety is orthogonal to 
memory safety.

I don't really use null much in D currently, so this isn't all 
that important to me ATM. Regardless, I could imagine that if one 
were writing a language from scratch, you could have a default of 
@nullsafe where there is a compile-time error if you violate some 
null safety rules. You could then have a @nullunsafe where these 
compile-time errors are disabled and you throw an exception at 
run-time if you do. @nullunsafe is effectively the default in 
most languages.

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-17 Thread codephantom via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 17 November 2017 at 12:18:47 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:
That's the whole point of using a safe language, otherwise we'd 
be fine with C.

Personally, I would prefer to teach new students to program in C 
first - precisely because it's an unsafe language - or at least, 
can be used unsafely.

(that's how i first learnt to program - and actually I taught 

Because of C, I 'had to' learn how to write code in a defensive 

These days people often start with a safe language instead, and 
often use it within an overly sophisticated IDE ( a bit like 
having your mother hold your hand everytime you cross the road). 
I think that encourages laziness, in terms of defensive 
programming/thinking. Programmers become complacent and leave too 
much stuff up to compile time checks.

I think people can write more correct code in the beginning, by 
simply changing the way they think about the code and how it 
might interact in the wider ecosystem...and, maybe even by not 
relying on sophisticated IDE's (at least at the early stages).

Of course compile time checks are needed. But they should not be 
at the expense of writing code correctly in the first place. They 
should come in at the latter stage of defensive programming, not 
the first stage.

If you check the validity of an object before going on to 
reference/modify it, then no compile time check is ever needed.

nice Dr Dobbs article about it here:

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-17 Thread codephantom via Digitalmars-d
On Friday, 17 November 2017 at 14:53:40 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 

Regardless, given that dereferencing null will segfault, it
does not present an @safety problem.

"A notion of safety is always relative to some criterion".

If your code dereferences a null pointer, and the program 
segfaults, and that program is supplying me with the oxygen i 
need to survive...then its probably not safe ;-)

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-17 Thread Adam D. Ruppe via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 18 November 2017 at 03:33:00 UTC, codephantom wrote:
If your code dereferences a null pointer, and the program 
segfaults, and that program is supplying me with the oxygen i 
need to survive...then its probably not safe ;-)

If you have a life-essential system that can't survive a single 
part randomly failing, including a process terminating 
abnormally, you're an incompetent engineer.

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-17 Thread codephantom via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 17 November 2017 at 15:27:06 UTC, Jesse Phillips wrote:
It is interesting that you mention this. Our product manager 
was talking to our senior developer about this very thing. He 
explained that it was a method of development that an employee 
at his previous company came up with at that the approach was 
very effective once implemented.

Just give it a nice 'product' name, like "Conscientious Defensive 

Now it's a lot easier to get people on board, even senior 
management ;-)

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-17 Thread Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d

On 11/17/2017 6:05 AM, Timon Gehr wrote:
There are type systems that do that, which is what is being proposed for C#. 
It's pretty straightforward: If I have a variable of class reference type C, it 
actually contains a reference to a class instance of type C.

One of the difficulties with this is you'll still need an "empty" instance of C 
for the non-null reference to point to. Any attempts to use a method on the 
empty instance should throw.

Which is pretty much what a null reference does.

(It's also more or less what floating point NaNs do, where every operation on a 
NaN produces a NaN as a result.)

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-17 Thread Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d

On 11/16/2017 5:47 PM, Michael V. Franklin wrote:

the lack of any warning or error for this trivial case surprised me.

Consider the following code:

  void test() {
int* p;
*p = 3;

Compiling it with -O gives:

  Error: null dereference in function _D5test54testFNaZv

The -O is necessary because the optimizer uses data flow analysis, which makes 
the error easy to pick up.

Note that if the code were written:

  void test(int i) {
int* p;
if (i) p = &i;
*p = 3;

no error is diagnosed. Data flow analysis determines all paths, and some of 
those paths may (legitimately) never happen, and so giving an error would be 

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-17 Thread codephantom via Digitalmars-d
On Saturday, 18 November 2017 at 03:39:50 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe 

If you have a life-essential system that can't survive a single 
part randomly failing, including a process terminating 
abnormally, you're an incompetent engineer.

First semester, programming course.

Write a life-essential system in C, and simulate it.

If patient dies, you fail.

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-17 Thread codephantom via Digitalmars-d

On Saturday, 18 November 2017 at 04:56:19 UTC, codephantom wrote:

First semester, programming course.

Write a life-essential system in C, and simulate it.

If patient dies, you fail.

Second semester. Find vulnerability in another students semester 
1 project.

If you succeed, they fail the whole year, you pass second 

I bet we'd see a lot of conscientuous defensive programming in 
semester 1 ;-)

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-18 Thread Timon Gehr via Digitalmars-d

On 18.11.2017 05:05, Walter Bright wrote:

On 11/17/2017 6:05 AM, Timon Gehr wrote:
There are type systems that do that, which is what is being proposed 
for C#. It's pretty straightforward: If I have a variable of class 
reference type C, it actually contains a reference to a class instance 
of type C.

One of the difficulties with this is you'll still need an "empty" 
instance of C for the non-null reference to point to.

Why would you need an empty instance? Just use a Nullable!C instead of a 
C if a special 'null' state is actually required.

Any attempts to use a method on the empty instance should throw. 

The idea is that the type system makes potential such attempts explicit 
while verifying that they don't occur in most of the cases. Then you can 
grep for potential null dereferences.

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-18 Thread Timon Gehr via Digitalmars-d

On 17.11.2017 15:53, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

On Friday, November 17, 2017 15:05:48 Timon Gehr via Digitalmars-d wrote:

On 17.11.2017 12:22, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

On Friday, November 17, 2017 09:44:01 rumbu via Digitalmars-d wrote:

I know your aversion towards C#, but this not about C#, it's
about safety. And safety is one of the D taglines.

Completely aside from whether having the compile-time checks would be
good or not, I would point out that this isn't actually a memory safety

Memory safety is not the only kind of safety. Also, memory safety is
usually formalized as (type) preservation which basically says that
every memory location actually contains a value of the correct type.
Hence, as soon as you have non-nullable pointers in the type system,
this_becomes_  a memory safety issue.

This is definitely not how it is viewed in D. Walter has repeatedly stated
that dereferencing a null pointer is considered @safe, because doing so will
not corrupt memory or access memory that it should not access - and that's
all that @safe cares about.

The current discussion is about how safety *should* be viewed in D in 
the future, as in, potentially /changing/ how it is viewed. This means 
rehashing the status quo without giving justification for it is not 
useful. Why *should* @safe only mean "does not corrupt memory" or 
"accesses memory that it should not access"? Why can't it also mean 
"does not attempt to dereference null pointers"? Note that it is up to 
the language to _define_ what @safe does and does not mean. If the 
language evolves, that meaning may evolve too.

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-18 Thread Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d

On 11/18/2017 6:16 AM, Timon Gehr wrote:

On 18.11.2017 05:05, Walter Bright wrote:

On 11/17/2017 6:05 AM, Timon Gehr wrote:
There are type systems that do that, which is what is being proposed for C#. 
It's pretty straightforward: If I have a variable of class reference type C, 
it actually contains a reference to a class instance of type C.

One of the difficulties with this is you'll still need an "empty" instance of 
C for the non-null reference to point to.

Why would you need an empty instance?

Consider the ClassDeclaration in the DMD source. Each ClassDeclaration has a 
pointer to its base class, `baseClass`. Except for `Object`, which doesn't have 
a base class. This is represented to assigning `null` to `baseClass`.

So I can run up the base class list by:

for (b = c; b; b = b.baseClass) { ... }

If it cannot be null, I just have to invent something else that does the same 

for (b = c; b != nullInstanceOfClass; b = b.baseClass) { ... }

and nothing really has changed.

Just use a Nullable!C instead of a C if a 
special 'null' state is actually required.

What should the default initializer for a type do?

Any attempts to use a method on the empty instance should throw. 

The idea is that the type system makes potential such attempts explicit while 
verifying that they don't occur in most of the cases. Then you can grep for 
potential null dereferences.

There are cases where the actual path taken guarantees initialization, but the 
graph of all paths does have uninitialized edges. Figuring out which are paths 
never taken is the halting problem. I found this out when testing my DFA (data 
flow analysis) algorithms.

  void test(int i) {
int* p = null;
if (i) p = &i;
if (i) *p = 3;

Note that the code is correct, but DFA says the *p could be a null dereference. 
(Replace (i) with any complex condition that there's no way the DFA can prove 
always produces the same result the second time.)

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-18 Thread Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d
On Saturday, November 18, 2017 15:24:49 Timon Gehr via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> On 17.11.2017 15:53, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> > On Friday, November 17, 2017 15:05:48 Timon Gehr via Digitalmars-d 
> >> On 17.11.2017 12:22, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> >>> On Friday, November 17, 2017 09:44:01 rumbu via Digitalmars-d wrote:
>  I know your aversion towards C#, but this not about C#, it's
>  about safety. And safety is one of the D taglines.
> >>>
> >>> Completely aside from whether having the compile-time checks would be
> >>> good or not, I would point out that this isn't actually a memory
> >>> safety
> >>> issue.
> >>
> >> Memory safety is not the only kind of safety. Also, memory safety is
> >> usually formalized as (type) preservation which basically says that
> >> every memory location actually contains a value of the correct type.
> >> Hence, as soon as you have non-nullable pointers in the type system,
> >> this_becomes_  a memory safety issue.
> >
> > This is definitely not how it is viewed in D. Walter has repeatedly
> > stated that dereferencing a null pointer is considered @safe, because
> > doing so will not corrupt memory or access memory that it should not
> > access - and that's all that @safe cares about.
> The current discussion is about how safety *should* be viewed in D in
> the future, as in, potentially /changing/ how it is viewed. This means
> rehashing the status quo without giving justification for it is not
> useful. Why *should* @safe only mean "does not corrupt memory" or
> "accesses memory that it should not access"? Why can't it also mean
> "does not attempt to dereference null pointers"? Note that it is up to
> the language to _define_ what @safe does and does not mean. If the
> language evolves, that meaning may evolve too.

@safe as it stands provides a way to segregate code that potentially
introduces memory corruption and invalid memory accesses. Trying to add
anything related to null pointer dereferencing would just increase the
amount of code that would have to be @system, making it harder to deal with
problems actually related to memory corruption. And really, to avoid the
possibility of dereferencing null would require introducing non-nullable
pointers and references, because you're never going to be able to guarantee
it for nullable pointers or references, and honestly, I think that it would
destroy @safe to treat dereferencing nullable pointers or references as
@system. Too much code would be @system, making it far more difficult to
segregate code that dealt with actual, memory safety issues.

Perhaps there would be some value in having non-nullable pointers or
references, but they're an issue orthogonal to memory safety. And honestly,
I'm not even vaguely convinced that null pointers or references are much of
a real problem. Personally, pretty much the only time I run into problems
with them is when I forget to initialize a class reference. It's incredibly
rare that I end up with a program that ends up dereferencing null. And when
it does, you get a segfault and potentially a core dump, and the problem is
usually easy to fix.

Really, I don't think that dealing with potentially dereferencing null is
all that different from dealing with potentially dividing by zero. It sucks
when it happens, because it kills your program, but it's really not all that
hard to avoid. And at least when it does happen, it's obvious rather than
introducing subtle and hard to track down problems like you frequently get
with code that isn't memory safe.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-18 Thread Timon Gehr via Digitalmars-d

On 19.11.2017 01:07, Walter Bright wrote:

On 11/18/2017 6:16 AM, Timon Gehr wrote:

On 18.11.2017 05:05, Walter Bright wrote:

On 11/17/2017 6:05 AM, Timon Gehr wrote:
There are type systems that do that, which is what is being proposed 
for C#. It's pretty straightforward: If I have a variable of class 
reference type C, it actually contains a reference to a class 
instance of type C.

One of the difficulties with this is you'll still need an "empty" 
instance of C for the non-null reference to point to.

Why would you need an empty instance?

Consider the ClassDeclaration in the DMD source. Each ClassDeclaration 
has a pointer to its base class, `baseClass`. Except for `Object`, which 
doesn't have a base class. This is represented to assigning `null` to 


I.e., baseClass should have type Nullable!ClassDeclaration. This does 
not in any form imply that ClassDeclaration itself needs to have a null 

So I can run up the base class list by:

     for (b = c; b; b = b.baseClass) { ... }
 > If it cannot be null, I just have to invent something else that does the
same thing:

     for (b = c; b != nullInstanceOfClass; b = b.baseClass) { ... }

and nothing really has changed.

Nullable!ClassDeclaration can be null, so this is not relevant.

Just use a Nullable!C instead of a C if a special 'null' state is 
actually required.

What should the default initializer for a type do?

There should be none for non-nullable types.

Any attempts to use a method on the empty instance should throw. 

The idea is that the type system makes potential such attempts 
explicit while verifying that they don't occur in most of the cases. 
Then you can grep for potential null dereferences.

There are cases where the actual path taken guarantees initialization, 
but the graph of all paths does have uninitialized edges. Figuring out 
which are paths never taken is the halting problem.

The same applies to all other errors prevented by a type system. It's 
just not a useful argument. The halting problem is undecidable mostly 
because it is possible to write ridiculous programs. The ones we write 
in practice are often easier to understand (especially when they come 
with some useful documentation), because they were /designed/ to serve a 
particular purpose. Note that the undecidability of the halting problem 
is not something that applies exclusively to programs, it also applies 
to programmers.

I found this out 
when testing my DFA (data flow analysis) algorithms.

   void test(int i) {
     int* p = null;
     if (i) p = &i;
     if (i) *p = 3;

Note that the code is correct, but DFA says the *p could be a null 
dereference. (Replace (i) with any complex condition that there's no way 
the DFA can prove always produces the same result the second time.)

Yes, there is a way. Put in an assertion. Of course, at that point you 
are giving up, but this is not the common case. Also, you can often just 
write the code in a way that the DFA will understand. We are doing this 
all the time in statically-typed programming languages.

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-18 Thread RomanZ via Digitalmars-d
Is it possible to somehow change the concept of uninitialized 
values to something like 'zeroOrOne' instead of 'null'?

  Instrument instrument1 = new Instrument();
  Instrument instrument2 = new Instrument();

  zeroOrOne!Instrument getInstrument() {
  zeroOrOne!Instrument instrument;
  if( instrument1.power > 10 ) instrument = instrument1;
  else if( instrument2.power > 5 ) instrument = instrument2;
  return instrument;

  //zeroOrOne!Instrument instead of 'InstrumentOrNull'
  auto instrument = getInstrument();

  /*1*/ instrument.setPower( 20.4f );
  /*2*/ instrument.doit();

  /*3*/ instrument1.setPower = 20;

  instrument = getInstrument();
  /*4*/ instrument.doit();
  /*5*/ instrument.setPower( 20.4f );

  1: opDispatch: setPower
  2: opDispatch: doit

  3: Instrument.setPower: 20

  4: opDispatch: doit
  4: Instrument.doit;
  5: opDispatch: setPower
  5: Instrument.setPower: 20.4

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-18 Thread Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d

On 11/18/2017 6:25 PM, Timon Gehr wrote:
I.e., baseClass should have type Nullable!ClassDeclaration. This does not in any 
form imply that ClassDeclaration itself needs to have a null value.

Converting back and forth between the two types doesn't sound appealing.

What should the default initializer for a type do?

There should be none for non-nullable types.

I suspect you'd wind up needing to create an "empty" object just to satisfy that 
requirement. Such as for arrays of objects, or objects with a cyclic graph.

Interestingly, `int` isn't nullable, and we routinely use rather ugly hacks to 
fake it being nullable, like reserving a bit pattern like 0, -1 or 0xDEADBEEF 
and calling it INVALID_VALUE, or carrying around some other separate flag that 
says if it is valid or not. These are often rich sources of bugs.

As you can guess, I happen to like null, because there are no hidden bugs from 
pretending it is a valid value - you get an immediate program halt - rather than 
subtly corrupted results.

Yes, my own code has produced seg faults from erroneously assuming a value was 
not null. But it wouldn't have been better with non-nullable types, since the 
logic error would have been hidden and may have been much, much harder to 
recognize and track down. I wish there was a null for int types. At least we 
sort of have one for char types, 0xFF. And there's that lovely NaN for floating 
point! Too bad it's woefully underused.

I found this out when testing my DFA (data flow analysis) algorithms.

   void test(int i) {
 int* p = null;
 if (i) p = &i;
 if (i) *p = 3;

Note that the code is correct, but DFA says the *p could be a null 
dereference. (Replace (i) with any complex condition that there's no way the 
DFA can prove always produces the same result the second time.)

Yes, there is a way. Put in an assertion. Of course, at that point you are 
giving up, but this is not the common case.

An assertion can work, but doesn't it seem odd to require adding a runtime check 
in order to get the code to compile?

(This is subtly different from the current use of assert(0) to flag unreachable 

Also, you can often just write the 
code in a way that the DFA will understand. We are doing this all the time in 
statically-typed programming languages.

I didn't invent this case. I found it in real code; it happens often enough. The 
cases are usually much more complex, I just posted the simplest reduction. I was 
not in a position to tell the customer to restructure his code, though :-)

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-18 Thread codephantom via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 19 November 2017 at 04:04:04 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
I wish there was a null for int types. At least we sort of have 
one for char types, 0xFF. And there's that lovely NaN for 
floating point! Too bad it's woefully underused.

"I wish there was a null for int types."


Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-19 Thread Patrick Schluter via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 19 November 2017 at 04:19:32 UTC, codephantom wrote:
On Sunday, 19 November 2017 at 04:04:04 UTC, Walter Bright 
I wish there was a null for int types. At least we sort of 
have one for char types, 0xFF. And there's that lovely NaN for 
floating point! Too bad it's woefully underused.

"I wish there was a null for int types."


Yes. The only value that can sometime be used as invalid value is 

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-19 Thread Timon Gehr via Digitalmars-d

On 19.11.2017 05:04, Walter Bright wrote:

On 11/18/2017 6:25 PM, Timon Gehr wrote:
I.e., baseClass should have type Nullable!ClassDeclaration. This does 
not in any form imply that ClassDeclaration itself needs to have a 
null value.

Converting back and forth between the two types doesn't sound appealing.

I can't see the problem. You go from nullable to non-nullable by 
checking for null, and the other direction happens implicitly.

What should the default initializer for a type do?

There should be none for non-nullable types.

I suspect you'd wind up needing to create an "empty" object just to 
satisfy that requirement. Such as for arrays of objects, or objects with 
a cyclic graph.


Again, just use a nullable reference if you need null. The C# language 
change makes the type system strictly more expressive. There is nothing 
that cannot be done after the change that was possible before, it's just 
that the language allows to document and verify intent better.

Interestingly, `int` isn't nullable, and we routinely use rather ugly 
hacks to fake it being nullable, like reserving a bit pattern like 0, -1 
or 0xDEADBEEF and calling it INVALID_VALUE, or carrying around some 
other separate flag that says if it is valid or not. These are often 
rich sources of bugs.

As you can guess, I happen to like null, because there are no hidden 
bugs from pretending it is a valid value - you get an immediate program 
halt - rather than subtly corrupted results.


Making null explicit in the type system is compatible with liking null. 
(In fact, it is an endorsement of null. There are other options to 
accommodate optional values in your language.)

Yes, my own code has produced seg faults from erroneously assuming a 
value was not null. But it wouldn't have been better with non-nullable 
types, since the logic error would have been hidden

It was your own design decision to hide the error. This is not something 
that a null-aware type system promotes, and I doubt this is what you 
would be promoting if mainstream type systems had gone that route earlier.

and may have been 
much, much harder to recognize and track down.

No, it would have been better because you would have been used to the 
more explicit system from the start and you would have just written 
essentially the same code with a few more compiler checks in those cases 
where they apply, and perhaps you would have suffered a handful fewer 
null dereferences. Being able to document intent across programmers in a 
compiler-checked way is also useful, even if one manages to remember all 
assumptions that are valid about one's own code. Note that the set of 
valid assumptions may change as the code base evolves.

The point of types is to classify values into categories such that types 
in the same category support the same operations. It is not very clean 
to have a special null value in all those types that does not support 
any of the operations that references are supposed to support. 
Decoupling the two concepts into references an optionality gets rid of 
this issue, cleaning up both concepts.

I wish there was a null 
for int types.

AFAIU, C# will now have 'int?'.

At least we sort of have one for char types, 0xFF. And 
there's that lovely NaN for floating point! Too bad it's woefully 


It can also be pretty annoying. It really depends on the use case. Also 
this is in direct contradiction with your earlier points. NaNs don't 
usually blow up.

I found this out when testing my DFA (data flow analysis) algorithms.

   void test(int i) {
 int* p = null;
 if (i) p = &i;
 if (i) *p = 3;

Note that the code is correct, but DFA says the *p could be a null 
dereference. (Replace (i) with any complex condition that there's no 
way the DFA can prove always produces the same result the second time.)

Yes, there is a way. Put in an assertion. Of course, at that point you 
are giving up, but this is not the common case.

An assertion can work, but doesn't it seem odd to require adding a 
runtime check in order to get the code to compile?


Not really. The runtime check is otherwise just implicit in every 
pointer dereference (though here there happens to be hardware support 
for that check).

(This is subtly different from the current use of assert(0) to flag 
unreachable code.)


It's adding a runtime check in order to get the code to compile. ;)

Also, you can often just write the code in a way that the DFA will 
understand. We are doing this all the time in statically-typed 
programming languages.

I didn't invent this case. I found it in real code; it happens often 
enough. The cases are usually much more complex, I just posted the 
simplest reduction. I was not in a position to tell the customer to 
restructure his code, though :-)

I don't doubt that this happens. I'm just saying that often enough it 
does not. (Especially if the ch

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-19 Thread Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d

On 11/19/2017 11:36 AM, Timon Gehr wrote:

On 19.11.2017 05:04, Walter Bright wrote:

On 11/18/2017 6:25 PM, Timon Gehr wrote:
I.e., baseClass should have type Nullable!ClassDeclaration. This does not in 
any form imply that ClassDeclaration itself needs to have a null value.

Converting back and forth between the two types doesn't sound appealing.

I can't see the problem. You go from nullable to non-nullable by checking for 
null, and the other direction happens implicitly.

Implicit conversions have their problems with overloading, interactions with 
const, template argument deduction, surprising edge cases, probably breaking a 
lot of Phobos, etc. It's best not to layer on more of this stuff. Explicit 
casting is a problem, too.

There's also an issue of how to derive a class from a base class.

What should the default initializer for a type do?

There should be none for non-nullable types.
I suspect you'd wind up needing to create an "empty" object just to satisfy 
that requirement. Such as for arrays of objects, or objects with a cyclic graph.
Again, just use a nullable reference if you need null. The C# language change 
makes the type system strictly more expressive. There is nothing that cannot be 
done after the change that was possible before, it's just that the language 
allows to document and verify intent better.

This implies one must know all the use cases of a type before designing it.

Yes, my own code has produced seg faults from erroneously assuming a value was 
not null. But it wouldn't have been better with non-nullable types, since the 
logic error would have been hidden

It was your own design decision to hide the error.

No, it was a bug. Nobody makes design decisions to insert bugs :-) The issue is 
how easy the bug is to have, and how difficult it would be to discover it.

and may have been much, much harder to recognize and track down.
No, it would have been better because you would have been used to the more 
explicit system from the start and you would have just written essentially the 
same code with a few more compiler checks in those cases where they apply, and 
perhaps you would have suffered a handful fewer null dereferences.

I'm just not convinced of that.

The point of types is to classify values into categories such that types in the 
same category support the same operations. It is not very clean to have a 
special null value in all those types that does not support any of the 
operations that references are supposed to support. Decoupling the two concepts 
into references an optionality gets rid of this issue, cleaning up both concepts.

I do understand that point. But I'm not at all convinced that non-nullable types 
in aggregate results in cleaner, simpler code, for reasons already mentioned.

I wish there was a null for int types.

AFAIU, C# will now have 'int?'.

Implemented as a pointer to int? That is indeed one way to do it, but rather 

It can also be pretty annoying.

Yes, it can be annoying, so much better to have a number that looks like it 
might be right, but isn't, because 0.0 was used as a default initializer when it 
should have been 1.6. :-)

It really depends on the use case. Also this is 
in direct contradiction with your earlier points. NaNs don't usually blow up.

"blow up" - as I've said many times, I find the visceral aversion to seg faults 
puzzling. Why is that worse than belatedly discovering a NaN in your output, 
which you now have to back search it to its source?

My attitude towards programming bugs is to have them immediately halt the 
program as soon as possible, so:

1. I know an error has occurred, i.e. I don't get corrupt results that I assumed 
were correct, leading to more adverse consequences

2. The detection of the error is as close as possible to where things went wrong

Having floats default initialize to 0.0 is completely anti-ethical to (1) and 
(2), and NaN at least addresses (1).

There have been many long threads on this topic in this forum. Yes, I understand 
that it's better for game programs to ignore bugs because gamers don't care 
about corrupt results, they only care that the program continues to run and do 
something. For the rest of us, are we ready to be done with malware inserted via 
exploitable bugs?

By the way, I was initially opposed to having seg faults produce stack traces, 
saying it was the debugger's job to do that. I've since changed my mind. I do 
like very much the convenience of the stack trace dump, and rely on it all the 
time. I even insert code to force a seg fault to get a stack trace. I was wrong 
about its utility.

I'm not fighting for explicit nullable in D by the way.

Thanks for clarifying that.

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-19 Thread Tobias Müller via Digitalmars-d
Timon Gehr  wrote:
>> I wish there was a null 
>> for int types.
> AFAIU, C# will now have 'int?'.

C# had 'int?' (nullable value types) for ages.
The new thing is explicitly nullable classes (reference types). I'm really
looking forward to use those.

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-20 Thread rumbu via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 20 November 2017 at 06:24:31 UTC, Tobias Müller wrote:

Timon Gehr  wrote:

I wish there was a null for int types.

AFAIU, C# will now have 'int?'.

C# had 'int?' (nullable value types) for ages.
The new thing is explicitly nullable classes (reference types). 
I'm really

looking forward to use those.

int? is just syntactic sugar for Nullable. It has been 
around since 2005. Nullable is just a struct with an 
implementation similar to Nullable!T from D's std.typecons

This topic is about a new C# feature called "nullable reference 

1. if you declare SomeClass x, x is assumed to *not hold null 
values*, that means that when you try "x = null" or x =" 
somepossiblenullvalue", this will result in a compiler warning: 
"Warning, x is supposed to hold a value" The warning can be 
avoided by using "x = null!" or "x = somepossiblenullvalue!"

2.if you declare SomeClass? x, x is allowed to *hold null 
values*, meaning that if you try "x.someFunction()", this will 
result in a compiler warning: "Warning, x can be null". The 
warning can be avoided in two ways:

2a. test for null: "if (x != null) { x.someFunction(); }"
2b. show the compiler that you know better:: x!.someFunction()

In fact, this is the introduction of a new operator "!", probably 
named "I know better" operator.

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-20 Thread Biotronic via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 20 November 2017 at 08:49:41 UTC, rumbu wrote:
In fact, this is the introduction of a new operator "!", 
probably named "I know better" operator.

It's called the "bang" operator, because of how things blow up 
when you're wrong.

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-20 Thread codephantom via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 20 November 2017 at 08:55:54 UTC, Biotronic wrote:

On Monday, 20 November 2017 at 08:49:41 UTC, rumbu wrote:
In fact, this is the introduction of a new operator "!", 
probably named "I know better" operator.

It's called the "bang" operator, because of how things blow up 
when you're wrong.

aka the 'dig your own grave' operator.

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-20 Thread Atila Neves via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 19 November 2017 at 04:04:04 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 11/18/2017 6:25 PM, Timon Gehr wrote:
I.e., baseClass should have type Nullable!ClassDeclaration. 
This does not in any form imply that ClassDeclaration itself 
needs to have a null value.

Converting back and forth between the two types doesn't sound 

Converting isn't necessary - one can instead map over nullable 
types, with the mapped function not actually being called when it 
is indeed null. i.e.

struct Nullable(T) {
auto map(alias F)() {
return isNull
? ReturnType!F.init
: F(_value);

What should the default initializer for a type do?

There shouldn't be one - any usage of a non-nullable type that 
hasn't been initialised should be a compile-time error. Similar 
to using a non-initialised reference in C++, but relaxed to allow 
assignment at a place other than the declaration.

Interestingly, `int` isn't nullable, and we routinely use 
rather ugly hacks to fake it being nullable, like reserving a 
bit pattern like 0, -1 or 0xDEADBEEF and calling it 
INVALID_VALUE, or carrying around some other separate flag that 
says if it is valid or not. These are often rich sources of 


As you can guess, I happen to like null, because there are no 
hidden bugs from pretending it is a valid value - you get an 
immediate program halt - rather than subtly corrupted results.

The problem with null as seen in C++/Java/D is that it's a 
magical value that different types may have. It breaks the type 

Yes, my own code has produced seg faults from erroneously 
assuming a value was not null. But it wouldn't have been better 
with non-nullable types, since the logic error would have been 
hidden and may have been much, much harder to recognize and 
track down.

No, it would have been a compile-time error instead.


Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-20 Thread Dukc via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 19 November 2017 at 04:04:04 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
Interestingly, `int` isn't nullable, and we routinely use 
rather ugly hacks to fake it being nullable, like reserving a 
bit pattern like 0, -1 or 0xDEADBEEF and calling it 
INVALID_VALUE, or carrying around some other separate flag that 
says if it is valid or not. These are often rich sources of 

As you can guess, I happen to like null, because there are no 
hidden bugs from pretending it is a valid value - you get an 
immediate program halt - rather than subtly corrupted results.

I don't deny these. Null is an excellent way to denote "empty" or 
"invalid". Thats just what std.typecons.Nullable!T is for. 
Granted, it is not quite as elegant as naturally nullable types.

But that does not mean nullables are always good. Consider:

struct TimeOfDay
{   byte hours
byte minutes
byte seconds

While it might make sense to make the TimeOfDay nullable as 
whole, you definitely do not want all the fields have a null 
value each. You know statically that if the struct is valid, then 
all it's members are valid.
It would be only a performance slowdown to check for null with 
them. You could skip those null-checks by convention but for sure 
you would not always remember, causing sub-optimal performance.

Ideally you would want to leave it up to the type user whether 
you have a null value or not, just like C# does. Whether it's 
worth it's weight is a different question through.

About the question what should be default-initialized value for 
an abstarct type were it non-nulllable, I think the type definer 
should decide that. A library solution here would sound credible 
to me. A type that wraps a reference type behaving like a value 
type. Default initialized value and what to do on copy would be 
passed as template parameters. Perhaps I should try...

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-20 Thread Ola Fosheim Grøstad via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 20 November 2017 at 10:07:08 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:
The problem with null as seen in C++/Java/D is that it's a 
magical value that different types may have. It breaks the type 

Not sure if it breaks the type system, but it would be cleaner to 
construct types with null "int|null", "float|null" etc, but then 
you would have a high level language and there are many NaN 
values (two semantic Nan values, but many encodings that might be 
used for conveying extra information)

assuming a value was not null. But it wouldn't have been 
better with non-nullable types, since the logic error would 
have been hidden and may have been much, much harder to 
recognize and track down.

No, it would have been a compile-time error instead.

Yes, but you don't need non-nullable types, you could have 
subtyping of nullable types instead. For floats that would be 
very useful. E.g. constraint a float to the range [0.0, 1.0> or 
integers or not-infinity/not-nan etc.

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-20 Thread Dukc via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 20 November 2017 at 10:45:20 UTC, Dukc wrote:
A type that wraps a reference type behaving like a value type. 
Default initialized value and what to do on copy would be 
passed as template parameters. Perhaps I should try...

Just realized Unique!T is already pretty close. A few 
(non-breaking) modifications on it could do the trick.

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-20 Thread Timon Gehr via Digitalmars-d

On 20.11.2017 11:07, Atila Neves wrote:

As you can guess, I happen to like null, because there are no hidden 
bugs from pretending it is a valid value - you get an immediate 
program halt - rather than subtly corrupted results.

The problem with null as seen in C++/Java/D is that it's a magical value 
that different types may have. It breaks the type system.

In Java, quite literally so. The Java type system is /unsound/ because 
of null. (I.e. Java is only memory safe because it runs on the JVM.)

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-20 Thread Ola Fosheim Grøstad via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 20 November 2017 at 11:27:15 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:

On 20.11.2017 11:07, Atila Neves wrote:

As you can guess, I happen to like null, because there are no 
hidden bugs from pretending it is a valid value - you get an 
immediate program halt - rather than subtly corrupted results.

The problem with null as seen in C++/Java/D is that it's a 
magical value that different types may have. It breaks the 
type system.

In Java, quite literally so. The Java type system is /unsound/ 
because of null. (I.e. Java is only memory safe because it runs 
on the JVM.)

Are you thinking about this?

I don't think it says that it is unsound because of null, but 
that later features came in conflict with it?

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-20 Thread Nick Treleaven via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 19 November 2017 at 22:54:38 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
There's also an issue of how to derive a class from a base 

If you want null, use a nullable type:

Base b = ...;
Derived? d = cast(Derived?) base;
if (d !is null) d.method;

This implies one must know all the use cases of a type before 
designing it.

Start off with a non-nullable reference. If later you need null, 
change to T?. T? is implicitly convertible to T where flow 
analysis can tell that it is not null (e.g. after it is assigned 
a non-nullable T).

It was your own design decision to hide the error.

No, it was a bug. Nobody makes design decisions to insert bugs 
:-) The issue is how easy the bug is to have, and how difficult 
it would be to discover it.

The compiler would nag you when you try to dereference nullable 
types, you have to act to confirm you didn't forget to check 
null, a common mistake in reference heavy APIs.

No, it would have been better because you would have been used 
to the more explicit system from the start and you would have 
just written essentially the same code with a few more 
compiler checks in those cases where they apply, and perhaps 
you would have suffered a handful fewer null dereferences.

I'm just not convinced of that.

Maybe you use nullable types a lot and rarely use references that 
aren't meant to have null as a valid value. Most programmers have 
plenty of statements where a reference is not supposed to be 
null, and would appreciate having the compiler enforce this. 
Popular new programming languages make nullable opt-in, not the 
default, to reduce the surface area for null dereference bugs.

I'm not fighting for explicit nullable in D by the way.

Thanks for clarifying that.

To avoid breaking existing code, there is a way however. We would 
instead have a sigil (such as '$') for non-nullable references:

T nullable;
T$ nonNullable = new T;

typeof(new T) for full compatibility would still be T, but the 
compiler would know it safely converts to T$.

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-20 Thread Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d

On 11/20/2017 3:27 AM, Timon Gehr wrote:

On 20.11.2017 11:07, Atila Neves wrote:
The problem with null as seen in C++/Java/D is that it's a magical value that 
different types may have. It breaks the type system.

In Java, quite literally so. The Java type system is /unsound/ because of null. 
(I.e. Java is only memory safe because it runs on the JVM.)

I'm curious. Can you expand on this, please?

(In D, casting null to any other pointer type is marked as @unsafe.)

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-20 Thread Mark via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 20 November 2017 at 22:56:44 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 11/20/2017 3:27 AM, Timon Gehr wrote:

On 20.11.2017 11:07, Atila Neves wrote:
The problem with null as seen in C++/Java/D is that it's a 
magical value that different types may have. It breaks the 
type system.

In Java, quite literally so. The Java type system is /unsound/ 
because of null. (I.e. Java is only memory safe because it 
runs on the JVM.)

I'm curious. Can you expand on this, please?

(In D, casting null to any other pointer type is marked as 

This blog post seems to summarize the paper he linked to:

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-20 Thread Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d

On 11/20/2017 5:03 PM, Mark wrote:

On Monday, 20 November 2017 at 22:56:44 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 11/20/2017 3:27 AM, Timon Gehr wrote:

On 20.11.2017 11:07, Atila Neves wrote:
The problem with null as seen in C++/Java/D is that it's a magical value 
that different types may have. It breaks the type system.

In Java, quite literally so. The Java type system is /unsound/ because of 
null. (I.e. Java is only memory safe because it runs on the JVM.)

I'm curious. Can you expand on this, please?

(In D, casting null to any other pointer type is marked as @unsafe.)

This blog post seems to summarize the paper he linked to:

Thank you.

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-20 Thread Meta via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 21 November 2017 at 01:03:36 UTC, Mark wrote:
On Monday, 20 November 2017 at 22:56:44 UTC, Walter Bright 

On 11/20/2017 3:27 AM, Timon Gehr wrote:

On 20.11.2017 11:07, Atila Neves wrote:
The problem with null as seen in C++/Java/D is that it's a 
magical value that different types may have. It breaks the 
type system.

In Java, quite literally so. The Java type system is 
/unsound/ because of null. (I.e. Java is only memory safe 
because it runs on the JVM.)

I'm curious. Can you expand on this, please?

(In D, casting null to any other pointer type is marked as 

This blog post seems to summarize the paper he linked to:

And, like clockwork, the very first post is someone complaining 
that he insulted Javascript with an offhand example with a thread 
going 10 posts deep.

I'm not clear on whether he means that Java's type system is 
unsound, or that the type checking algorithm is unsound. From 
what I can tell, he's asserting the former but describing the 

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-20 Thread Dmitry Olshansky via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 21 November 2017 at 06:03:33 UTC, Meta wrote:

On Tuesday, 21 November 2017 at 01:03:36 UTC, Mark wrote:
On Monday, 20 November 2017 at 22:56:44 UTC, Walter Bright 

On 11/20/2017 3:27 AM, Timon Gehr wrote:

This blog post seems to summarize the paper he linked to:

I'm not clear on whether he means that Java's type system is 
unsound, or that the type checking algorithm is unsound. From 
what I can tell, he's asserting the former but describing the 

The spec describes unsound language, the hole in type-system are 
plugged at VM level by run-time checks.

Also this jawel:

Cat[] cats = new Cat[3];
Animals[] animals = cats; // the same array

animals[0] = new Dog();

cats[0].smth(); // ClassCast exception or some such

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-21 Thread Ola Fosheim Grostad via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 21 November 2017 at 06:03:33 UTC, Meta wrote:
I'm not clear on whether he means that Java's type system is 
unsound, or that the type checking algorithm is unsound. From 
what I can tell, he's asserting the former but describing the 

He claims that type systems with existential rules, hierarchical 
relations between types and null can potentially be unsound. His 
complaint is that if Java had been correctly implemented to the 
letter of the spec then this issue could have led to heap 
corruption if exploited by a malicious programmer.

Runtime checks are part of the type system though, so it isn't 
unsound as implemented as generated JVM does runtime type checks 
upon assignment.

AFAIK the complaint assumes that information from generic 
constraints isn't kept on a separate level.

It is a worst case analysis of the spec...

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-21 Thread Meta via Digitalmars-d
On Tuesday, 21 November 2017 at 09:12:25 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grostad 

On Tuesday, 21 November 2017 at 06:03:33 UTC, Meta wrote:
I'm not clear on whether he means that Java's type system is 
unsound, or that the type checking algorithm is unsound. From 
what I can tell, he's asserting the former but describing the 

He claims that type systems with existential rules, 
hierarchical relations between types and null can potentially 
be unsound. His complaint is that if Java had been correctly 
implemented to the letter of the spec then this issue could 
have led to heap corruption if exploited by a malicious 

Runtime checks are part of the type system though, so it isn't 
unsound as implemented as generated JVM does runtime type 
checks upon assignment.

AFAIK the complaint assumes that information from generic 
constraints isn't kept on a separate level.

It is a worst case analysis of the spec...

I don't quite understand the logic here, because it seems to be 
backwards reasoning. Constrain is a valid type 
because null inhabits it? That doesn't make sense to me. He also 
cites the "implicit constraint" that X extends U where X is ? 
super T, but X does not meet that constraint (Constrainextends U>) so how can  the type checker deduce that X extends U?

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-21 Thread Ola Fosheim Grøstad via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 21 November 2017 at 18:00:37 UTC, Meta wrote:
I don't quite understand the logic here, because it seems to be 
backwards reasoning. Constrain is a valid type 
because null inhabits it? That doesn't make sense to me. He 
also cites the "implicit constraint" that X extends U where X 
is ? super T, but X does not meet that constraint (ConstrainX extends U>) so how can  the type checker deduce that X 
extends U?

I haven't dug into the details of the paper as I think the 
authors didn't try to appear neutral, e.g. quoting null as the 
billon dollar mistake, and made their finding seem more 
spectacular than it is… What I get from skimming over it is this:

You get a call:

upcast(constrain,x) -> String

   constrain is of type Constrain
   x is of type X  (X is unspecified supertype of Integer)
   return type is String, which has X as subclass

   So you get String <: X <: Integer

The deduction that String is a superclass of Integer could come 


   where X = ? super Integer = unknown type that is supertype of 

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-21 Thread Timon Gehr via Digitalmars-d

On 19.11.2017 23:54, Walter Bright wrote:

... > There's also an issue of how to derive a class from a base class.

How so?

While we are talking applicability to D: The main issue is to ensure 
that fields of objects are initialized properly before being accessed. D 
already needs to do this, but fails, which means references to immutable 
data are not guaranteed to yield consistent results between dereferences.

What should the default initializer for a type do?

There should be none for non-nullable types.
I suspect you'd wind up needing to create an "empty" object just to 
satisfy that requirement. Such as for arrays of objects, or objects 
with a cyclic graph.
Again, just use a nullable reference if you need null. The C# language 
change makes the type system strictly more expressive. There is 
nothing that cannot be done after the change that was possible before, 
it's just that the language allows to document and verify intent better.

This implies one must know all the use cases of a type before designing it.

No. The opposite is the case: you can just change the type once the 
requirements change. Then the type system shows you precisely where you 
need to update your code. In D, such a change is quite hard to make.

Yes, my own code has produced seg faults from erroneously assuming a 
value was not null. But it wouldn't have been better with 
non-nullable types, since the logic error would have been hidden

It was your own design decision to hide the error.

No, it was a bug. Nobody makes design decisions to insert bugs :-) The 
issue is how easy the bug is to have, and how difficult it would be to 
discover it.


You added a special invalid instance that does not blow up on 
dereference. That was a conscious design decision. If your point is that 
there can be bugs unrelated to null, well that's unrelated to null.

and may have been much, much harder to recognize and track down.
No, it would have been better because you would have been used to the 
more explicit system from the start and you would have just written 
essentially the same code with a few more compiler checks in those 
cases where they apply, and perhaps you would have suffered a handful 
fewer null dereferences.

I'm just not convinced of that.

I'm confident that you would be able to use null safe languages properly 
if that is what had been available for most of your career.

The point of types is to classify values into categories such that 
types in the same category support the same operations. It is not very 
clean to have a special null value in all those types that does not 
support any of the operations that references are supposed to support. 
Decoupling the two concepts into references an optionality gets rid of 
this issue, cleaning up both concepts.

I do understand that point. But I'm not at all convinced that 
non-nullable types in aggregate results in cleaner, simpler code, for 
reasons already mentioned.


I guess that depends on one's definition of clean and simple. Using 
nullable references for passing around references known to be non-null 
is not clean in my book.

I wish there was a null for int types.

AFAIU, C# will now have 'int?'.

Implemented as a pointer to int? That is indeed one way to do it, but 
rather costly.


It lowers to Nullable, which is a struct with a boolean flag.

It can also be pretty annoying.

Yes, it can be annoying, so much better to have a number that looks like 
it might be right, but isn't, because 0.0 was used as a default 
initializer when it should have been 1.6. :-)


That's not what I was saying.

It really depends on the use case. Also this is in direct 
contradiction with your earlier points. NaNs don't usually blow up.

"blow up" - as I've said many times, I find the visceral aversion to seg 
faults puzzling.

This is a misinterpretation. My language does not carry implicit 
emotional context during technical discussions. Given that you have a 
bug, blowing up is often the ideal outcome. It is even better to not 
have the bug in the first place. That's what explicit null (often) does 
for you.

(Also, I'd posit the reason why you don't understand why segfaults can 
be very painful to some is that you are in the compiler business.)

Why is that worse than belatedly discovering a NaN in 
your output, which you now have to back search it to its source?


That is the opposite of the point I was making. You said: "bugs should 
terminate the program" and then "NaNs are underused". If my program 
calls 'std.math.log' with an argument of '-123.4', then that's probably 
a bug, so there seemed to be an inconsistency.

My attitude towards programming bugs is to have them immediately halt 
the program as soon as possible, so:


My attitude is that ideally they are catched even sooner, during design 
time or compilation.

You are contrasting bugs that produce incorrect outputs and bugs that 
crash your prog

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-21 Thread Timon Gehr via Digitalmars-d

On 21.11.2017 07:46, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:

The spec describes unsound language, the hole in type-system are plugged 
at VM level by run-time checks.

Also this jawel:

Cat[] cats = new Cat[3];
Animals[] animals = cats; // the same array

animals[0] = new Dog();

cats[0].smth(); // ClassCast exception or some such

Actually, the "java.lang.ArrayStoreException" will be thrown already 
when you attempt to add the dog to the cat array. This is by design 
though (and explicitly supported by the JVM). The reason why the 
null-related Java type system hole does not lead to memory corruption is 
that the JVM does not support generics. (It's all translated to explicit 
type casts that are expected to always succeed, but the JVM still checks 

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-21 Thread codephantom via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 21 November 2017 at 20:02:06 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:

I'm confident that you would be able to use null safe languages 
properly if that is what had been available for most of your 

You do realise, that all of the issues you mention can just be 
handled by coding correctly in the first place.

If your program calls 'std.math.log' with an argument of 
'-123.4', then that's probably NOT a bug. It's more likely to be 
incorrect code. Why not bounds-check the argument before passing 
it to the function?

If you access a field of an invalid instance of an object, that's 
probably NOT a bug. It's more likely to be incorrect code. Before 
you access a field of an object, check that the object is valid.

Its seems to be, that you prefer to rely on the type system, 
during compilation, for safety. This is very unwise.

btw. what was the last compiler you wrote?

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-21 Thread codephantom via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 22 November 2017 at 00:19:51 UTC, codephantom wrote:
Its seems to be, that you prefer to rely on the type system, 
during compilation, for safety. This is very unwise.

To demonstrate my point, using code from a 'safe' language (C#):
(i.e. should this compile?)

// --

using System;

public class Program

public static int Main()
return 0;

static void Foo()
const object x = null;

//if (x != null)


// --

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-21 Thread Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, November 22, 2017 00:19:51 codephantom via Digitalmars-d 
> On Tuesday, 21 November 2017 at 20:02:06 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:
> > I'm confident that you would be able to use null safe languages
> > properly if that is what had been available for most of your
> > career.
> You do realise, that all of the issues you mention can just be
> handled by coding correctly in the first place.

While I definitely don't think that it's generally very hard to avoid bugs
with null pointers/references, telling someone to code correctly in the
first place isn't very useful. Of course, it's better to do that, but people
make mistakes all the time. The real question is whether the problem is big
enough in general or bad enough when it happens to add something to the
language to mitigate it - e.g. no one should be failing to initialize
variables, but it happens sometimes, and default-initializing variables like
D does helps prevent a certain class of bugs. The programmer still needs to
make sure that they deal with initialization correctly, but the problems
that they have when they screw it up are less drastic than they are in C/C++
where variables don't get default-initialized unless they're classes with
default constructors.

Personally, I don't think that null pointer dereferencing is enough of a
problem to start insisting on non-nullable pointers or references
(especially at this point in D's development), and when it happens, it's
very clear what went wrong, so you avoid subtle problems like you'd get with
something like initializing a variable to garbage. So, I don't think that
there's enough value in having non-nullable pointers or references to add
them. In my experience, it just isn't hard to avoid problems with null. But
at the same time, I think that it's perfectly legitimate to be looking to
mitigate a source of bugs, and if you have a pointer or reference that
really never should be null, having that guaranteed by the type system
prevents mistakes, which is useful.

> Its seems to be, that you prefer to rely on the type system,
> during compilation, for safety. This is very unwise.

Any time the type system can prevent a bug, it's useful. I don't see why
that would be a problem or unwise. That's part of why many of us prefer
statically typed languages to dynamically typed languages. The compiler
catches more bugs for us that way. The question isn't whether we should use
the type system to prevent bugs. The question is which set of problems
really make sense to prevent with the type system.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-21 Thread codephantom via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 22 November 2017 at 00:49:02 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
While I definitely don't think that it's generally very hard to 
avoid bugs with null pointers/references, telling someone to 
code correctly in the first place isn't very useful.

Fair enough...perhaps I'm being too explicit with my argument.

However, my point is, that one should not overly rely on some 
magical compiler for telling you what is 'true'.

How can a compiler know that G is true if it cannot prove that G 
is true?

You need to take this into account during your coding. Otherwise 
the runtime system is your last line of defence.

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-21 Thread codephantom via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 22 November 2017 at 00:49:02 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
The question isn't whether we should use the type system to 
prevent bugs. The question is which set of problems really make 
sense to prevent with the type system.

- Jonathan M Davis

Those that can be proven.

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-21 Thread codephantom via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 22 November 2017 at 00:49:02 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
While I definitely don't think that it's generally very hard to 
avoid bugs with null pointers/references, telling someone to 
code correctly in the first place isn't very useful.

By 'correct code', I mean code that assists the compiler, so that 
it can determine what the truth is (or is meant to be).

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-21 Thread Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, November 22, 2017 01:25:48 codephantom via Digitalmars-d 
> On Wednesday, 22 November 2017 at 00:49:02 UTC, Jonathan M Davis
> wrote:
> > The question isn't whether we should use the type system to
> > prevent bugs. The question is which set of problems really make
> > sense to prevent with the type system.
> >
> > - Jonathan M Davis
> Those that can be proven.

Sure. If it can't be proven that something is a bug, then the compiler
shouldn't be giving an error in that case (and IMHO, it shouldn't be warning
about it either, since any good programmer doesn't leave warnings in their
project, effectively making warnings errors).

In the case of null, you _can_ prove it if you have non-nullable types. If
it's not legal for a pointer or reference to be null, then the compiler can
guarantee that it's not null. But then you either have the extra
complication of having both nullable and non-nullable pointers/references in
the language, or you force all pointers/references to use something like
std.typecons.Nullable to treat them as nullable or use a construct in the
language which does the same, and that arguably doesn't make a lot of sense
given that underneath the hood, all pointers or references are going to be
nullable, even if you're not allowed to make them null by the type system.
But it would reduce the amount of code where you would have to worry about
potentially having null values.

However, if you don't have non-nullable pointers/references, then you really
can't prove that a pointer or reference is non-null in the general case. You
can prove it under certain circumstances, but ultimately you're going to end
up with an algorithm that only works part of the time. So, best case, it
gives you an error when it definitively knows that you're trying to
dereference null, but that would likely generally be in the cases where you
would very quickly find it yourself as soon as you ran your code. So, while
the compiler check might be useful, I doubt that it would ultimately help
much with preventing bugs in practice.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-21 Thread codephantom via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 22 November 2017 at 01:48:55 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
In the case of null, you _can_ prove it if you have 
non-nullable types.

True ( can at least 'assert' it anyway).

But if the intention is to 'assist the compiler towards knowing 
the truth/correctness about your statement', then this can be 
easily done without introducing a new nullable reference type -

if(object != null)
 use it;

Either way, checks are made.

So I still don't see the point of adding a new nullable reference 
type to a language, unless one is asserting that it is ok to not 
already be checking for null (which seems to be the case for a 
large number of C# programmers - hence the proposal).

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-21 Thread codephantom via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 22 November 2017 at 00:49:02 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
Any time the type system can prevent a bug, it's useful. I 
don't see why that would be a problem or unwise.

That is not unwise.

What is 'unwise' is what I said was unwise..that is, putting your 
trust in the compiler's capacity to always know what the truth 
is. That is unwise.

Consider the Goldbach Conjecture, that every even positive 
integer greater than 2 is the sum of two (not necessarily 
distinct) primes. According to the principle of bivalence, this 
should be either true or false.

But where is the proof that this is either true, or false?

There is a fundamental error in assuming that something can only 
be either true or false. Some things require too much effort to 
prove, or may simply be unprovable. How much time should the 
compiler spend trying to prove something?

The question isn't whether we should use the type system to 
prevent bugs. The question is which set of problems really make 
sense to prevent with the type system.

No, the question should be, what can the compiler prove to be 
true/false, correct/incorrect about your code, and what effort 
have you made in your code to assist the compiler to make that 

If you've made no effort to provide the compiler with the context 
it needs to make a useful determination, then don't complain when 
the compiler gets it wrong. That is my first point.

My second point, is that it is already possible to provide such 
context to the compiler, without having to make reference types 
non nullable, and therefore having to introduce a new nullable 
reference type.

Which make more sense? Knowing that a reference type could 
potentially be null, and therefore check for null, or dealing 
with all the flow on conquences of making a reference type non 
nullable by default?

Even with such a change, the Goldbach Conjecture still cannot be 

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-22 Thread Petar via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 22 November 2017 at 00:19:51 UTC, codephantom wrote:

btw. what was the last compiler you wrote?

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-22 Thread codephantom via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 22 November 2017 at 08:55:03 UTC, Petar Kirov 
[ZombineDev] wrote:
On Wednesday, 22 November 2017 at 00:19:51 UTC, codephantom 

btw. what was the last compiler you wrote?

touché  ;-)

nonetheless. I stand by my arguments.

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-22 Thread Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, November 22, 2017 09:28:47 codephantom via Digitalmars-d 
> On Wednesday, 22 November 2017 at 08:55:03 UTC, Petar Kirov
> [ZombineDev] wrote:
> > On Wednesday, 22 November 2017 at 00:19:51 UTC, codephantom
> >
> > wrote:
> >> btw. what was the last compiler you wrote?
> >
> >
> >
> touché  ;-)

LOL. I assumed that you were legitimately asking what the name of his
compiler was, because I knew that he was writing a D compiler, whereas you
were questioning his knowledge/credentials. Timon is a very smart guy. He
knows a lot and has lots of great things to say. I certainly don't always
agree with him, but he generally knows what he's talking about.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-22 Thread Timon Gehr via Digitalmars-d

On 22.11.2017 01:19, codephantom wrote:

On Tuesday, 21 November 2017 at 20:02:06 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:

I'm confident that you would be able to use null safe languages 
properly if that is what had been available for most of your career.

You do realise, that all of the issues you mention can just be handled 
by coding correctly in the first place.


Yes, just like everyone else, I realize that if correct code is written, 
we end up with correct code, but thanks for pointing it out.

BTW of course you must realize that you can make the compiler brutally 
obsolete by just quickly writing down the most efficient possible 
correct machine code in a hex editor, so I'm not too sure why you 
participate in a discussion on the forums of a compiled language at all.

If your program calls 'std.math.log' with an argument of '-123.4', then 
that's probably NOT a bug. It's more likely to be incorrect code.

Why not bounds-check the argument before passing it to the function?

Walter said NaN is underused, not me.

If you access a field of an invalid instance of an object, that's 
probably NOT a bug. It's more likely to be incorrect code.

Before you 
access a field of an object, check that the object is valid.


If I know that it is valid, I might not want to check it.
Then, if, let's say, you come along and read my code, I do not need you 
to point out that I didn't check the field access. If you still do, I 
can now either explain to you why it is unnecessary, which will waste my 
time and does not guarantee that you will buy it, or I can write the 
code in a language that requires me to provide the proof up front, such 
that you will not have to bother me. And even if you still doubt that 
the proof is actually correct, it will not be my problem, but instead 
you'll need to take it to the guy who wrote the compiler. This is one of 
the reasons why Walter does not like non-null types. ;o)

Its seems to be,

Spelling mistakes can be avoided by just spelling correctly.

that you prefer to rely on the type system, during 
compilation, for safety.

No, I ideally want the type system to point out when the code is not 
obviously correct. That does not mean I assume that the code is correct 
when it compiles (given that I'm using a language that does not require 
me to prove absence of all bugs, and even if it did I'd at most assume 
that either the language implementation is incorrect or my code is 
correct, with a certain margin of error due to undetected hardware 

This is very unwise.

Thanks for pointing that out.

btw. what was the last compiler you wrote?

Embarrassing questions can be avoided by just coming up with the correct 
answer yourself.

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-22 Thread Timon Gehr via Digitalmars-d

On 22.11.2017 02:09, codephantom wrote:

On Wednesday, 22 November 2017 at 00:49:02 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
While I definitely don't think that it's generally very hard to avoid 
bugs with null pointers/references, telling someone to code correctly 
in the first place isn't very useful.

Fair enough...perhaps I'm being too explicit with my argument.

However, my point is, that one should not overly rely on some magical 
compiler for telling you what is 'true'.


That is not the role of the compiler here. The task of the compiler in 
this circumstance is to tell you what is obvious, not what is true.

How can a compiler know that G is true if it cannot prove that G is true?

Because you proved it to the compiler.

You need to take this into account during your coding. Otherwise the 
runtime system is your last line of defence.

You seem to assume that Rice's theorem applies to compilers, but not 
programmers. Why is that?

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-22 Thread Timon Gehr via Digitalmars-d

On 22.11.2017 05:55, codephantom wrote:

... >> The question isn't whether we should use the type system to prevent
bugs. The question is which set of problems really make sense to 
prevent with the type system.

No, the question should be, what can the compiler prove to be 
true/false, correct/incorrect about your code, and what effort have you 
made in your code to assist the compiler to make that determination.

If you've made no effort to provide the compiler with the context it 
needs to make a useful determination, then don't complain when the 
compiler gets it wrong. That is my first point.

My second point, is that it is already possible to provide such context 
to the compiler, without having to make reference types non nullable, 
and therefore having to introduce a new nullable reference type.


It's really not.

Which make more sense? Knowing that a reference type could potentially 
be null, and therefore check for null,

You are saying this as if there was always a reasonable thing to do if 
the reference is in fact null. This is just not the case. I.e. this 
option sometimes makes no sense. Also, if checking for null is always 
required, why wouldn't the compiler complain if it is missing?

or dealing with all the flow on 
conquences of making a reference type non nullable by default?

Even with such a change, the Goldbach Conjecture still cannot be resolved.

If the correctness of a program depends on the Goldbach Conjecture, 
that's still something one might want to know about. We could then just 
add the correctness of the Goldbach conjecture as an assumption, and 
then verify that under the given assumption, the program is actually 
correct. Once the Goldbach conjecture gets resolved, we can get rid of 
the assumption.

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-22 Thread codephantom via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 22 November 2017 at 13:47:19 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:

On 22.11.2017 05:55, codephantom wrote:
No, the question should be, what can the compiler prove to be 
true/false, correct/incorrect about your code, and what effort 
have you made in your code to assist the compiler to make that 

If you've made no effort to provide the compiler with the 
context it needs to make a useful determination, then don't 
complain when the compiler gets it wrong. That is my first 

My second point, is that it is already possible to provide 
such context to the compiler, without having to make reference 
types non nullable, and therefore having to introduce a new 
nullable reference type.


It's really not.

Your arguments need a little more work.

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-22 Thread codephantom via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 22 November 2017 at 13:21:05 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:

On 22.11.2017 01:19, codephantom wrote:

No, I ideally want the type system to point out when the code 
is not obviously correct. That does not mean I assume that the 
code is correct when it compiles (given that I'm using a 
language that does not require me to prove absence of all bugs, 
and even if it did I'd at most assume that either the language 
implementation is incorrect or my code is correct, with a 
certain margin of error due to undetected hardware failures).

This is very unwise.

Thanks for pointing that out.

You're welcome.

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-22 Thread codephantom via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 22 November 2017 at 13:21:05 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:

You do realise, that all of the issues you mention can just be 
handled by coding correctly in the first place.


Yes, just like everyone else, I realize that if correct code is 
written, we end up with correct code, but thanks for pointing 
it out.

You're welcome.

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-22 Thread codephantom via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 22 November 2017 at 13:21:05 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:
BTW of course you must realize that you can make the compiler 
brutally obsolete by just quickly writing down the most 
efficient possible correct machine code in a hex editor, so I'm 
not too sure why you participate in a discussion on the forums 
of a compiled language at all.

I've participated in order to counter the proposition put forward 
in the subject of this thread.

The core language of D does NOT need what C# is proposing - that 
is my view.

If, over time, a large number of D programmers have the same 
laissez-faire approach towards checking for null, as C# 
programmers, then maybe they'll start demanding the same thing - 
but even then, I'll argue the same points I've argued thus far.

I also think that relying too much on sophisticated IDE's and AI 
like compilers, really changes the way you think about and write 
code. I don't rely on either. Perhaps that's why I've never 
considered nulls to be an issue. I take proactive steps to 
protect my code, before the compiler ever sees it. And actually, 
I cannot recall any null related error in any code I've deployed. 
It's just never been an issue.

And that's another reason why this topic interests me - why is it 
such an issue in the C# community? From Mads blog about it, it 
seems to be because they're just not doing null checks. And so 
the language designers are being forced to step in. If that's not 
the reason, then I've misunderstood, and await the correct 

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-22 Thread Mark via Digitalmars-d
On Tuesday, 21 November 2017 at 09:12:25 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grostad 

Runtime checks are part of the type system though

I wouldn't say that, particularly if we are talking about a 
statically typed language (which Java is).

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-22 Thread Wyatt via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 22 November 2017 at 14:51:02 UTC, codephantom wrote:

The core language of D does NOT need what C# is proposing - 
that is my view.

"Need"?  Perhaps not.  But so far, I haven't seen any arguments 
that refute the utility of mitigating patterns of human error.

If, over time, a large number of D programmers have the same 
laissez-faire approach towards checking for null, as C# 
programmers, then maybe they'll start demanding the same thing 
- but even then, I'll argue the same points I've argued thus 

Null references have been a problem in every language that has 
them.  Just because D is much nicer than its predecessors (and 
contemporaries, IMO) doesn't mean the "bad old days" (still in 
progress) of C and C++ didn't happen or that we cannot or should 
not learn from the experience.  Tony Hoare doesn't call null his 
sin and "billion dollar mistake" as just a fit of pique.  In 
other words, "Well don't do that, silly human!" ends up being an 
appeal to tradition.

Perhaps that's why I've never considered nulls to be an issue. 
I take proactive steps to protect my code, before the compiler 
ever sees it. And actually, I cannot recall any null related 
error in any code I've deployed. It's just never been an issue.

Oh, that explains it.  He's a _robot_! ;)

(The IDE thing is entirely irrelevant to this discussion; why did 
you bring that up?)

And that's another reason why this topic interests me - why is 
it such an issue in the C# community? From Mads blog about it, 
it seems to be because they're just not doing null checks. And 
so the language designers are being forced to step in. If 
that's not the reason, then I've misunderstood, and await the 
correct explanation.

Again, it's never _not_ been a problem.  That C# is nearly old 
enough to vote in general elections but they're only just now 
finally doing this should be telling. (And I fully expect this 
conversation has been going for at least half of that time.)  
It's probably galvanised by the recent proliferation of languages 
that hold safety to a higher standard and the community realising 
that the language can and _should_ share the burden of mitigating 
patterns of human error.


Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-22 Thread Ola Fosheim Grøstad via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 22 November 2017 at 17:17:07 UTC, Mark wrote:
On Tuesday, 21 November 2017 at 09:12:25 UTC, Ola Fosheim 
Grostad wrote:

Runtime checks are part of the type system though

I wouldn't say that, particularly if we are talking about a 
statically typed language (which Java is).

Very few imperative programming languages are fully statically 

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-22 Thread Ola Fosheim Grøstad via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 22 November 2017 at 04:55:39 UTC, codephantom wrote:
Consider the Goldbach Conjecture, that every even positive 
integer greater than 2 is the sum of two (not necessarily 
distinct) primes. According to the principle of bivalence, this 
should be either true or false.

«The Goldbach conjecture verification project reports that it has 
computed all primes below 4×10^18»

Which is more than you'll ever need in any regular programming 

Next problem?

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-22 Thread codephantom via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 22 November 2017 at 22:02:11 UTC, Ola Fosheim 
Grøstad wrote:
On Wednesday, 22 November 2017 at 04:55:39 UTC, codephantom 
Consider the Goldbach Conjecture, that every even positive 
integer greater than 2 is the sum of two (not necessarily 
distinct) primes. According to the principle of bivalence, 
this should be either true or false.

«The Goldbach conjecture verification project reports that it 
has computed all primes below 4×10^18»

Which is more than you'll ever need in any regular programming 

Next problem?

Come on. Really?

"It's true as far as we know" != "true"

true up to a number < n  ... does not address the conjecture 

Where it the 'proof' that the conjecture is 'true'.

hint. It's not a problem that mathmatics can solve.

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-22 Thread Ola Fosheim Grostad via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 23 November 2017 at 00:06:49 UTC, codephantom wrote:
true up to a number < n  ... does not address the conjecture 

So what? We only need to a proof up to N for regular programming, 
if at all.

hint. It's not a problem that mathmatics can solve.

By what proof? And what do you mean by mathematics?

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-22 Thread codephantom via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 22 November 2017 at 18:16:16 UTC, Wyatt wrote:
"Need"?  Perhaps not.  But so far, I haven't seen any arguments 
that refute the utility of mitigating patterns of human error.

Ok. that's a good point. But there is more than one way to 
address human error without having to further regulate human 

How about we change the way we think...for example.

I 'expect' bad people to try to do 'bad stuff' using my code. 
It's the first thing I think about when I start typing.

This perspectives alone, really changes the way I write code. 
It's not perfect, but it's alot better than if I didn't have that 
perspective. And all it required was to think differently. No 
language change, no further regulation.

So yeah, you can change the language.. or you can change the way 
people think about their code. When they think differently, their 
code will change accordingly.

My point about sophisticated IDE's and AI like compilers, is that 
they don't seem to have addressed the real issue - that is, 
changing the way people think about their code. If anything, 
they've introduced so many distractions and so much automation, 
that people are just not thinking about their code anymore. So 
now, language designers are being forced to step in and start 
regulating programmer behaviour. I don't like that approach.

You rarely hear anything about defensive programming these days, 
but it's more important now, than it ever was. I'd make it the 
number one priority for new developers. But you won't even find 
the concept being taught at our universities. They're too busy 
teaching students to program in Python ..hahha...the future is 
looking pretty bleak ;-(

Where are the 'Secure Coding Guidelines for Programming in D' 
(I'm not saying they don't exist. I'm just not aware of them).

What if I did a security audit on DMD or PHOBOS. What would I 

What if I did a security audit on all the D code at github. What 
would I discover?

Sophisticated IDE's and AI like compilers have not rescued us 
from this inherent flaw in programming. The flaw, is a human 
flaw. A flaw in the way we think.

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-22 Thread codephantom via Digitalmars-d
On Thursday, 23 November 2017 at 00:15:56 UTC, Ola Fosheim 
Grostad wrote:
On Thursday, 23 November 2017 at 00:06:49 UTC, codephantom 
true up to a number < n  ... does not address the conjecture 

So what? We only need to a proof up to N for regular 
programming, if at all.

That's really the point I was making.

It's the reason you'll never be able to put your complete trust 
in a compiler.

The compiler can only ever know something, about something, up to 
a point.

That's why we have the concept of 'undefined behaviour'.

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-22 Thread codephantom via Digitalmars-d
On Thursday, 23 November 2017 at 00:15:56 UTC, Ola Fosheim 
Grostad wrote:

By what proof? And what do you mean by mathematics?

A mathematical claim, that cannot be proven or disproven, is 
neither true or false.

What you are left with, is just a possibility.

Thus, it will always remain an open question as to whether the 
conjecture is true, or not.

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-22 Thread codephantom via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 22 November 2017 at 00:39:21 UTC, codephantom wrote:
On Wednesday, 22 November 2017 at 00:19:51 UTC, codephantom 
Its seems to be, that you prefer to rely on the type system, 
during compilation, for safety. This is very unwise.

To demonstrate my point, using code from a 'safe' language (C#):
(i.e. should this compile?)

// --

using System;

public class Program

public static int Main()
return 0;

static void Foo()
const object x = null;

//if (x != null)


// --

Here is another demonstation of why you can trust your compiler:

using code from a 'safe' language (C#):
(i.e. should this compile?)

// -

using System;
using System.IO;

public class Program
public static int Main()
Console.WriteLine( divInt(Int32.MinValue,-1) );
return 0;

static int divInt (int a, int b)
int ret = 0;

//if ( (b != 0) && (!((a == Int32.MinValue) && (b == 
-1))) )

ret = a / b;
//   throw new InvalidOperationException("Sorry.. no can 


return ret;


// ---

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-22 Thread codephantom via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 23 November 2017 at 06:32:30 UTC, codephantom wrote:

Here is another demonstation of why you can trust your compiler:

Why you "can't" ... is what i meant to say.

I love not being able to edit posts. It's so convenient.

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-22 Thread Ola Fosheim Grostad via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 23 November 2017 at 01:33:39 UTC, codephantom wrote:
On Thursday, 23 November 2017 at 00:15:56 UTC, Ola Fosheim 
Grostad wrote:

By what proof? And what do you mean by mathematics?

A mathematical claim, that cannot be proven or disproven, is 
neither true or false.

What you are left with, is just a possibility.

And how is this a problem? If your program relies upon the 
unbounded version you will have to introduce it explicitky as an 
axiom. But you dont have to, you can use bounded quantifiers.

What you seem to be saying is that one should accept all unproven 
statements as axioms implicitly. Why have a type system at all 

Thus, it will always remain an open question as to whether the 
conjecture is true, or not.

Heh, has the Goldbach conjecture been proven undecidable?

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-22 Thread Ola Fosheim Grostad via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 23 November 2017 at 01:16:59 UTC, codephantom wrote:

That's why we have the concept of 'undefined behaviour'.

Errr, no.  High level programming languages don't have undefined 
behaviour. That is a C concept related to the performance of the 
executable. C tries to get as close to machine language as 

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-23 Thread codephantom via Digitalmars-d
On Thursday, 23 November 2017 at 07:13:37 UTC, Ola Fosheim 
Grostad wrote:

Heh, has the Goldbach conjecture been proven undecidable?

Not to my knowledge ;-)

At best, it's a possiblity - which can go either way.

No human or computer will ever make it anything more than that. 

Someone saying it's true, up to < n, is not addressing the 

Someone trying to address the problem, does not even understand 
the problem ;-)

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-23 Thread codephantom via Digitalmars-d
On Thursday, 23 November 2017 at 07:20:41 UTC, Ola Fosheim 
Grostad wrote:
On Thursday, 23 November 2017 at 01:16:59 UTC, codephantom 

That's why we have the concept of 'undefined behaviour'.

Errr, no.  High level programming languages don't have 
undefined behaviour. That is a C concept related to the 
performance of the executable. C tries to get as close to 
machine language as possible.

Many high level languages let you use 'unsafe' code, where you 
can write erroneous operations - and then you're back in the 
world of undefined behaviour.

Are you saying, that a high level language can trap *all* errors?

As per the Goldbach conjecture... where is the proof?

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-23 Thread rjframe via Digitalmars-d
On Thu, 23 Nov 2017 01:08:45 +, codephantom wrote:

> So yeah, you can change the language.. or you can change the way people
> think about their code. When they think differently, their code will
> change accordingly.
> My point about sophisticated IDE's and AI like compilers, is that they
> don't seem to have addressed the real issue - that is, changing the way
> people think about their code. If anything, they've introduced so many
> distractions and so much automation, that people are just not thinking
> about their code anymore. So now, language designers are being forced to
> step in and start regulating programmer behaviour. I don't like that
> approach.
> You rarely hear anything about defensive programming these days, but
> it's more important now, than it ever was. I'd make it the number one
> priority for new developers. But you won't even find the concept being
> taught at our universities. They're too busy teaching students to
> program in Python ..hahha...the future is looking pretty bleak ;-(

It's easier to write better tools than it is to change people. That seems 
to me to be a big part of the D language design.

The sophisticated IDEs and compilers exist to help developers write better 
code; large projects are too complex, and open source projects especially 
receive contributions from people that don't know the code, so if the 
compiler can help, it should.

I left Python for D mostly because of variable annotations[1]. The 
following is valid in Python 3.6:

>>> myvar : int = "some string"
>>> print(myvar)
some string

If my compiler/interpreter won't tell me if I do something stupid like 
that, I don't want to waste my time with it. If your language gives me 
explicit types, it needs to give me some sort of type safety with them; 
otherwise your language is a hack. Static analysis will catch this, but I 
shouldn't need to run a static analysis tool or use an IDE to find an 
error like that.

> What if I did a security audit on DMD or PHOBOS. What would I discover?
> What if I did a security audit on all the D code at github. What would I
> discover?

If you have the skills, this would (in my opinion) be an amazing use of 
your time. I'd recommend just auditing the core tools and popular 
libraries, rather than all code unless it's a hobby of yours though.


Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-23 Thread Ola Fosheim Grøstad via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 23 November 2017 at 08:47:43 UTC, codephantom wrote:
Many high level languages let you use 'unsafe' code, where you 
can write erroneous operations - and then you're back in the 
world of undefined behaviour.

Not many, but many allow interfacing with C, then it is up to 
those user to verify the correctness of their C code.

Are you saying, that a high level language can trap *all* 

Not sure what you mean by trap, they use static or runtime checks 
to uphold the language specification.

Whether something is an error or not beyond that is highly 
subjective. I.e. we cannot talk about errors unless we have a 
specification to judge the actual behaviour by.

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-23 Thread codephantom via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 22 November 2017 at 18:16:16 UTC, Wyatt wrote:

Perhaps that's why I've never considered nulls to be an issue. 
I take proactive steps to protect my code, before the compiler 
ever sees it. And actually, I cannot recall any null related 
error in any code I've deployed. It's just never been an issue.

Oh, that explains it.  He's a _robot_! ;)

Actually, you touch on an important point, which is implicit in 
my argument - (i.e changing the way you think, will change the 
way you write code).

We are programmable too ;-)

But who's doing the programming...

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-23 Thread codephantom via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 22 November 2017 at 10:20:49 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
LOL. I assumed that you were legitimately asking what the name 
of his compiler was, because I knew that he was writing a D 
compiler, whereas you were questioning his 
knowledge/credentials. Timon is a very smart guy. He knows a 
lot and has lots of great things to say. I certainly don't 
always agree with him, but he generally knows what he's talking 

- Jonathan M Davis

I thought he was becoming a little confrontational with the 
Master Wizard (W), so I sought to check his credentials ;-)

Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-29 Thread Nick Treleaven via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 19 November 2017 at 22:54:38 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
I can't see the problem. You go from nullable to non-nullable 
by checking for null, and the other direction happens 

Implicit conversions have their problems with overloading,

The C# implementation doesn't affect overloading:

"There is no semantic impact of the nullability annotations, 
other than the warnings. They don’t affect overload resolution or 
runtime behavior, and generate the same IL output code. They only 
affect type inference insofar as it passes them through and keeps 
track of them in order for the right warnings to occur on the 
other end."

interactions with const, template argument deduction, 
surprising edge cases, probably breaking a lot of Phobos, etc. 
It's best not to layer on more of this stuff. Explicit casting 
is a problem, too.

Maybe this can be mitigated by having the compiler just do the 
job of tracking null tests and making this information available 
to a NotNull user defined type.

[OT] Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-24 Thread Nick Treleaven via Digitalmars-d

On Thursday, 23 November 2017 at 06:35:17 UTC, codephantom wrote:

I love not being able to edit posts. It's so convenient.

It's not as much of a problem as not being able to hide all posts 
by a user who repeats arguments, derails the conversation onto 
irrelevant side discussions and judges individuals instead of the 
idea they are conveying.

Re: [OT] Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-24 Thread codephantom via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 24 November 2017 at 12:10:28 UTC, Nick Treleaven wrote:
On Thursday, 23 November 2017 at 06:35:17 UTC, codephantom 

I love not being able to edit posts. It's so convenient.

It's not as much of a problem as not being able to hide all 
posts by a user who repeats arguments, derails the conversation 
onto irrelevant side discussions and judges individuals instead 
of the idea they are conveying.'ve just described your own moron.

Fuck you.

Re: [OT] Re: Introducing Nullable Reference Types in C#. Is there hope for D, too?

2017-11-24 Thread codephantom via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 24 November 2017 at 12:10:28 UTC, Nick Treleaven wrote:
On Thursday, 23 November 2017 at 06:35:17 UTC, codephantom 

I love not being able to edit posts. It's so convenient.

It's not as much of a problem as not being able to hide all 
posts by a user who repeats arguments, derails the conversation 
onto irrelevant side discussions and judges individuals instead 
of the idea they are conveying.

Also, if you had read my posts, instead of 'judging me' perhaps 
you would understand the 'idea i was conveying'..and you wouldn't 
be writing stuff like this in *your* code:

auto text = args[1].readText;

  1   2   >