Re: And here's another interesting algorithm/structure: Randomized Slide to Front

2015-12-08 Thread Jakob Ovrum via Digitalmars-d
On Monday, 30 November 2015 at 21:33:31 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
Now that we got talking about searching in arrays, allow me to 
also share an idea I've had a short while ago.

I wrote a range-based implementation to see how it would look 

The tests are very thin but it seems to do the trick.

Re: And here's another interesting algorithm/structure: Randomized Slide to Front

2015-12-01 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d

On 11/30/15 5:07 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 11/30/15 4:58 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

What about selecting a random element in 0..k/2 instead of 0..k-1?

I think complexity would stay the same. Choosing a tighter range puts a
greater weight on the last search than on recent searches.

In the case where you search for a very small number of elements, it 
puts an upper bound on how soon they make it to the front (log(n) 
instead of n)

One thing I like is that I choose 0..k, not 0..k-1, which means it's
possible that the element stays put (no change in position). That
reduces thrashing for the top (most frequently searched) few elements.

I think insignificantly, depending on the number of "frequently 
searched" elements. But you could tune it, let's say to 8 elements:

const upperBound = max(k/2, min(8, k));

There are a lot of options for tuning that can be played with, probably 
the best way to "prove" what is best is to just try some experiments :)


Re: And here's another interesting algorithm/structure: Randomized Slide to Front

2015-12-01 Thread CraigDillabaugh via Digitalmars-d
On Monday, 30 November 2015 at 21:33:31 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
Now that we got talking about searching in arrays, allow me to 
also share an idea I've had a short while ago.


Perhaps some strategy similar to Working Sets:'s_working_set_structure 
would work (or inspired by the same idea).  You move the element 
from where it is found to T_1, move a random element from T_1 to 
T_2, from T_2 to T_3 and so on to T_i. In this case rather than 
trees you would have lists.  Maybe that has poor cache locality 
properties though.

Re: And here's another interesting algorithm/structure: Randomized Slide to Front

2015-12-01 Thread Richard Hodges via Digitalmars-d
I had a little think about the pathological case of most searches 
being for one of a few elements.

I'm sure my idea is not new, but it seems to me that keeping a 
'hit count' for each element solves this. The decision of whether 
to swap then becomes:

++ Frequency[I]
if I >= Threshold1 then
  choose an index J that is [either I/2 or rand(0...I-1), 
depending on preference]

  if (Frequency[I] - Frequency[J]) >= Threshold2 then
swap Item[I] and Item[J]
swap Frequency[I] and Frequency[J]
I = J
return I

I wrote a little test in c++ (sorry guys, old habits die hard):

struct mrucache
using vector_type  = std::vector;
using iterator = typename vector_type::iterator;
using const_iterator = typename vector_type::const_iterator;

void add(T item) {

iterator find_if(Pred&& pred)
using std::begin;
using std::end;
auto iter = std::find_if(begin(_items),
if (iter != end(_items))
auto i = std::distance(_items.begin(), iter);
++ _frequency[i];
i = maybe_swap(i);
iter = std::next(begin(_items), i);
return iter;

std::size_t maybe_swap(std::size_t i)
if (i >= closeness_threshold)
auto candidate_i = i / 2;
if ((_frequency[i] - _frequency[candidate_i]) >= 
difference_threshold) {

swap(_items[i], _items[candidate_i]);
swap(_frequency[i], _frequency[candidate_i]);
i = candidate_i;
return i;

auto begin() const { return _items.begin(); }
auto end() const { return _items.end(); }

static const size_t closeness_threshold = 4;
static const int difference_threshold = 1;

std::vector _items;
std::vector _frequency;

Re: And here's another interesting algorithm/structure: Randomized Slide to Front

2015-11-30 Thread Ola Fosheim Grøstad via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 1 December 2015 at 01:12:39 UTC, Chris Wright wrote:
People typically use lax terminology. Here, when someone 
doesn't specify whether they're talking about average or worst 
case complexity for an algorithm, they're probably talking 
about average case.

Don't use lax terminology when doing complexity analysis. Average 
case analysis is much much much harder to do than worst 

Re: And here's another interesting algorithm/structure: Randomized Slide to Front

2015-11-30 Thread Marcelo Juchem via Digitalmars-d
On Monday, 30 November 2015 at 21:33:31 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

One well-known search strategy is "Bring to front" (described 
by Knuth in TAoCP). A BtF-organized linear data structure is 
searched with the classic linear algorithm. The difference is 
what happens after the search: whenever the search is 
successful, the found element is brought to the front of the 
structure. If we're looking most often for a handful of 
elements, in time these will be near the front of the searched 

Another idea is to just swap the found element with the one 
just before it. The logic is, each successful find will shift 
the element closer to the front, in a bubble sort manner. In 
time, the frequently searched elements will slowly creep toward 
the front. The resulting performance is not appealing - you 
need O(n) searches to bring a given element to the front, for a 
total of O(n * n) steps spent in the n searches. Meh.

So let's improve on that: whenever an element is found in 
position k, pick a random number i in the range 0, 1, 2, ..., k 
inclusive. Then swap the array elements at indexes i and k. 
This is the Randomized Slide to Front strategy.

Insertion and removal are both a sweet O(1), owing to the light 
structuring: to insert just append the element (and perhaps 
swap it in a random position of the array to prime searching 
for it). Removal by position simply swaps the last element into 
the position to be removed and then reduces the size of the 



It seems to me you're trying to implement the array based 
equivalent of Splay Trees (Splay Array rhymes, btw). Would that 
be a close enough description?

I'm assuming you're trying to optimize for some distribution 
where a minority of the elements account for the majority of 
queries (say, Zipfian).

Here are some ideas that come to mind. I haven't thought through 
them too much so everyone's welcome to destroy me.

Rather than making index 0 always the front, use some rotating 
technique similar to what ring buffers do.

Say we initially have elements ABCDE (front at 0) and we search 
for C. We swap the left of front (cycling back to the end of the 
array, thus index 4) with the new front. We now have the 
following array at hand: ABEDC, front at 4 (logically CABED).

Obviously we shouldn't change front if the queried element is 
already it.

An immediate problem with this technique is that we'll frequently 
pollute the front of the array with infrequent items. Say these 
are the number of queries made so far for each element: A:7, B:5, 
C:2, all others 0. Also, assume that this is the state of the 
array at this point: DEABC, front at 2. Say we now query for B. 
This is the new state: DBAEC, front at 1 (logically BAECD). 
Having E in front of C is undesirable, so we need a way to avoid 

From now on I'll refer to indexes as the logical index. That is, 
let i be (front + index) % size. For the sake of brevity, let d 
be the distance between the element and the front = i - front. 
Let q be the number of successful queries performed so far.

What I have in mind boils down to decide between:
- move a newly queried element at logical position i to the left 
of front (technique above). Let's call it move-pre-front for the 
lack of a better name;
- bubble the element up to some position between [0, i), not 
necessarily max(0, i - 1).

Augmenting the array with the number of queries for each element 
would tremendously help the decision making, but I'm assuming 
that's undesirable for a few reasons like:
- the array can't be transparently used in algorithms unaware of 
the structure;

- alignment;
- data bloating.

My immediate thought is to use some heuristic. For instance, say 
we have some threshold k. If d <= k, we bubble up s <= d 
positions to the left, where s could be computed using some 
deterministic formula taking d, q and/or k into account, or just 
randomly (Andrei's RStF). If d > k, we move-pre-front the element.

The threshold k could be computed as a factor of q. Say, sqrt(q), 
log q or log^2 q (logarithm base 2).



Re: And here's another interesting algorithm/structure: Randomized Slide to Front

2015-11-30 Thread Chris Wright via Digitalmars-d
On Mon, 30 Nov 2015 23:27:24 +, Ola Fosheim Grøstad wrote:

> On Monday, 30 November 2015 at 21:33:31 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
>> So let's improve on that: whenever an element is found in position k,
>> pick a random number i in the range 0, 1, 2, ..., k inclusive. Then
>> swap the array elements at indexes i and k. This is the Randomized
>> Slide to Front strategy.
>> With RStF, worst case search time remains O(n), as is the unsuccessful
>> search. However, frequently searched elements migrate quickly to the
>> front - it only takes O(log n) searches to bring a given value at the
>> front of the array.
> Something is wrong with the math here.  The randomization means that you
> must assume that you get element k-1 in the worst case, so if you
> repeatedly search for the same element you need O(N) repeats to move it
> to the front, so you get O(N^2) complexity for moving any element to the
> front.
> Right?
> You are probably thinking about the average case analysis, which is a
> more sensible theoretical concept for randomized algorithms than worst
> case, but then you need a model for what is typical.

People typically use lax terminology. Here, when someone doesn't specify 
whether they're talking about average or worst case complexity for an 
algorithm, they're probably talking about average case. Similarly for 
amortized algorithms. Andrei is no doubt aware of the worst case (which 
in this case is O(inf), not O(N)) and has responded to people talking 
about ways to reduce the worst case.

This doesn't mean Andrei was wrong or misspoke; it means that he could 
have been marginally clearer. Most people instantly grok the intent, but 
some who are blessed with pedantry don't.

Identifying these cases is a skill that took me years to learn.

Re: And here's another interesting algorithm/structure: Randomized Slide to Front

2015-11-30 Thread Ola Fosheim Grøstad via Digitalmars-d
On Monday, 30 November 2015 at 21:33:31 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
So let's improve on that: whenever an element is found in 
position k, pick a random number i in the range 0, 1, 2, ..., k 
inclusive. Then swap the array elements at indexes i and k. 
This is the Randomized Slide to Front strategy.

With RStF, worst case search time remains O(n), as is the 
unsuccessful search. However, frequently searched elements 
migrate quickly to the front - it only takes O(log n) searches 
to bring a given value at the front of the array.

Something is wrong with the math here.  The randomization means 
that you must assume that you get element k-1 in the worst case, 
so if you repeatedly search for the same element you need O(N) 
repeats to move it to the front, so you get O(N^2) complexity for 
moving any element to the front.


You are probably thinking about the average case analysis, which 
is a more sensible theoretical concept for randomized algorithms 
than worst case, but then you need a model for what is typical.

Re: And here's another interesting algorithm/structure: Randomized Slide to Front

2015-11-30 Thread Denis Koroskin via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 30 November 2015 at 22:11:09 UTC, deadalnix wrote:
On Monday, 30 November 2015 at 21:50:09 UTC, Andrei 
Alexandrescu wrote:

On 11/30/15 4:41 PM, H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d wrote:
What about when element i is matched, swap it with the 
(i/2)'th element?

Randomization is essential - without it you have thrashing if 
you search for 2 elements in alternation. -- Andrei

You'd end up swaping the 2 element in front, but keep them both 
in front, so that sounds like it would have the same behavior 
as the randomized algorithm.

Where it gets hairy, is when you access 2 elements in the array 
that would swap each other without getting in the front 
(because they are at 2n and 2n + 1 with n big).

Imagine that there are 1000 elements, 500th elements is X and 
1000th element is Y.

1) search for Y: Y is last, takes 1000 iterations, swaps X<->Y
2) search for X: X is last, takes 1000 iterations, swaps X<->Y
3) back to 1

Re: And here's another interesting algorithm/structure: Randomized Slide to Front

2015-11-30 Thread Ola Fosheim Grøstad via Digitalmars-d
On Monday, 30 November 2015 at 21:33:31 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
With RStF, worst case search time remains O(n), as is the 
unsuccessful search. However, frequently searched elements

If you just do a linear search then shifting down the array in 
another pass won't change the complexity. O(2N) == O(N) But you 
could also just shift down the array while searching since if the 
elements are less than the cacheline-size then you already have 
everything in registers/first level cache.

(The write back cost from cache to memory is contextual and 
depends on many factors.)

Re: And here's another interesting algorithm/structure: Randomized Slide to Front

2015-11-30 Thread Chris Wright via Digitalmars-d
On Mon, 30 Nov 2015 16:58:16 -0500, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

> On 11/30/15 4:50 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
>> On 11/30/15 4:41 PM, H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d wrote:
>>> What about when element i is matched, swap it with the (i/2)'th
>>> element?
>> Randomization is essential - without it you have thrashing if you
>> search for 2 elements in alternation. -- Andrei
> What about selecting a random element in 0..k/2 instead of 0..k-1?
> -Steve

You can use that to put a hard upper bound of O(log n), and maybe you'll 
want to use that. However, that also means you have greater odds of a 
single rare query making it to the front of the stack.

If you want to prevent that and still get a guarantee of O(log n), you 
could choose a range of floor(sqrt(k))..k/2.

Re: And here's another interesting algorithm/structure: Randomized Slide to Front

2015-11-30 Thread deadalnix via Digitalmars-d
On Monday, 30 November 2015 at 21:50:09 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 11/30/15 4:41 PM, H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d wrote:
What about when element i is matched, swap it with the 
(i/2)'th element?

Randomization is essential - without it you have thrashing if 
you search for 2 elements in alternation. -- Andrei

You'd end up swaping the 2 element in front, but keep them both 
in front, so that sounds like it would have the same behavior as 
the randomized algorithm.

Where it gets hairy, is when you access 2 elements in the array 
that would swap each other without getting in the front (because 
they are at 2n and 2n + 1 with n big).

Re: And here's another interesting algorithm/structure: Randomized Slide to Front

2015-11-30 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 11/30/15 4:58 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

On 11/30/15 4:50 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 11/30/15 4:41 PM, H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d wrote:

What about when element i is matched, swap it with the (i/2)'th element?

Randomization is essential - without it you have thrashing if you search
for 2 elements in alternation. -- Andrei

What about selecting a random element in 0..k/2 instead of 0..k-1?

I think complexity would stay the same. Choosing a tighter range puts a 
greater weight on the last search than on recent searches.

One thing I like is that I choose 0..k, not 0..k-1, which means it's 
possible that the element stays put (no change in position). That 
reduces thrashing for the top (most frequently searched) few elements.


Re: And here's another interesting algorithm/structure: Randomized Slide to Front

2015-11-30 Thread H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d
On Mon, Nov 30, 2015 at 04:58:16PM -0500, Steven Schveighoffer via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:
> On 11/30/15 4:50 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
> >On 11/30/15 4:41 PM, H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> >>What about when element i is matched, swap it with the (i/2)'th element?
> >
> >Randomization is essential - without it you have thrashing if you
> >search for 2 elements in alternation. -- Andrei
> >
> What about selecting a random element in 0..k/2 instead of 0..k-1?

Or selecting the (i/k)'th element for k = uniform(1..i)?


People walk. Computers run.

Re: And here's another interesting algorithm/structure: Randomized Slide to Front

2015-11-30 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 11/30/15 4:55 PM, deadalnix wrote:

I guess randomizing would avoid hitting pathological cases too often,
but would converge more slowly ?

That's it. Problem is with deterministic approaches pathological cases 
are easy to hit and relatively common. -- Andrei

Re: And here's another interesting algorithm/structure: Randomized Slide to Front

2015-11-30 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 11/30/15 4:53 PM, H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d wrote:

On Mon, Nov 30, 2015 at 01:41:12PM -0800, H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d wrote:

What about when element i is matched, swap it with the (i/2)'th

Then it will take just log(n) searches to bring it to the front of the
array, but it won't (immediately) compete with whatever's currently
the most popular item in the array. Furthermore, when it does compete
with it, it will already have been moved closer to the front of the
array, so the previous most-popular element won't be pushed far back
into the deep recesses of the array, but remain close to the front
where it will be quickly found.

In fact, it's probably provable that if there are 2 most popular items
in the array, they will eventually migrate to the 1st two positions of
the array. Not so sure about the case of n most popular items for n>2,
as position 3 is a kind of odd case where it gets displaced only by
elements from indices that aren't a power of 2, but it would seem at a
cursory glance that the 3 most popular items would tend to settle around
the first 4 elements of the array.

Hmm... it seems that in the worst case (the most popular n items all lie
precisely at indices of the form 2^j) the most popular items will end up
within the first 2^n positions of the array. Not sure how to compute the
average case; intuitively at least it seems that it should lie somewhere
between the first n positions and the first 2^n positions.

With RStF it's easy to prove (e.g. by reductio ad absurdum) that if you 
search only for k items out of n, they will end up in the top k 
positions of the array. Then they'll churn there :o). The key to the 
proof is that in the stationary state no element migrates in our out of 
the top k slots. I think it would be difficult to achieve this property 
with a deterministic approach.

The more interesting question would be what the element distribution is 
if both elements and searches are Gaussian-distributed (probably a 
frequent case in practice).


Re: And here's another interesting algorithm/structure: Randomized Slide to Front

2015-11-30 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d

On 11/30/15 4:50 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

On 11/30/15 4:41 PM, H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d wrote:

What about when element i is matched, swap it with the (i/2)'th element?

Randomization is essential - without it you have thrashing if you search
for 2 elements in alternation. -- Andrei

What about selecting a random element in 0..k/2 instead of 0..k-1?


Re: And here's another interesting algorithm/structure: Randomized Slide to Front

2015-11-30 Thread deadalnix via Digitalmars-d
On Monday, 30 November 2015 at 21:33:31 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
Now that we got talking about searching in arrays, allow me to 
also share an idea I've had a short while ago.

(Again, we're in the "I'd prefer to use an array if at all 
possible" mindset. So let's see how we can help searching an 
array with as little work as possible.)

One well-known search strategy is "Bring to front" (described 
by Knuth in TAoCP). A BtF-organized linear data structure is 
searched with the classic linear algorithm. The difference is 
what happens after the search: whenever the search is 
successful, the found element is brought to the front of the 
structure. If we're looking most often for a handful of 
elements, in time these will be near the front of the searched 

For a linked list, bringing an element to the front is O(1) 
(just rewire the pointers). For an array, things are not so 
pleasant - rotating the found element to the front of the array 
is O(n).

So let's see how we can implement a successful BtF for arrays.

The first idea is to just swap the found element with the first 
element of the array. That's O(1) but has many disadvantages - 
if you search e.g. for two elements, they'll compete for the 
front of the array and they'll go back and forth without making 

Another idea is to just swap the found element with the one 
just before it. The logic is, each successful find will shift 
the element closer to the front, in a bubble sort manner. In 
time, the frequently searched elements will slowly creep toward 
the front. The resulting performance is not appealing - you 
need O(n) searches to bring a given element to the front, for a 
total of O(n * n) steps spent in the n searches. Meh.

So let's improve on that: whenever an element is found in 
position k, pick a random number i in the range 0, 1, 2, ..., k 
inclusive. Then swap the array elements at indexes i and k. 
This is the Randomized Slide to Front strategy.

With RStF, worst case search time remains O(n), as is the 
unsuccessful search. However, frequently searched elements 
migrate quickly to the front - it only takes O(log n) searches 
to bring a given value at the front of the array.

Insertion and removal are both a sweet O(1), owing to the light 
structuring: to insert just append the element (and perhaps 
swap it in a random position of the array to prime searching 
for it). Removal by position simply swaps the last element into 
the position to be removed and then reduces the size of the 

So the RStF is suitable in all cases where BtF would be 
recommended, but allows an array layout without considerable 

Related work: Theodoulos Garefalakis' Master's thesis "A Family 
of Randomized Algorithms for List Accessing" describes Markov 
Move to Front, which brings the searched element to front 
according to a Markov chain schedule; and also Randomized Move 
to Front, which decides whether a found element is brought to 
front depending on a random choice. These approaches are 
similar in that they both use randomization, but different 
because neither has good complexity on array storage.


What is the advantage compared to let's say a ringbuffer ? On 
find you can put the element to the front, and swap the old 
element with the new element ?

I guess randomizing would avoid hitting pathological cases too 
often, but would converge more slowly ?

Re: And here's another interesting algorithm/structure: Randomized Slide to Front

2015-11-30 Thread H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d
On Mon, Nov 30, 2015 at 01:41:12PM -0800, H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d wrote:
> What about when element i is matched, swap it with the (i/2)'th
> element?
> Then it will take just log(n) searches to bring it to the front of the
> array, but it won't (immediately) compete with whatever's currently
> the most popular item in the array. Furthermore, when it does compete
> with it, it will already have been moved closer to the front of the
> array, so the previous most-popular element won't be pushed far back
> into the deep recesses of the array, but remain close to the front
> where it will be quickly found.

In fact, it's probably provable that if there are 2 most popular items
in the array, they will eventually migrate to the 1st two positions of
the array. Not so sure about the case of n most popular items for n>2,
as position 3 is a kind of odd case where it gets displaced only by
elements from indices that aren't a power of 2, but it would seem at a
cursory glance that the 3 most popular items would tend to settle around
the first 4 elements of the array.

Hmm... it seems that in the worst case (the most popular n items all lie
precisely at indices of the form 2^j) the most popular items will end up
within the first 2^n positions of the array. Not sure how to compute the
average case; intuitively at least it seems that it should lie somewhere
between the first n positions and the first 2^n positions.


Любишь кататься - люби и саночки возить. 

Re: And here's another interesting algorithm/structure: Randomized Slide to Front

2015-11-30 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 11/30/15 4:41 PM, H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d wrote:

What about when element i is matched, swap it with the (i/2)'th element?

Randomization is essential - without it you have thrashing if you search 
for 2 elements in alternation. -- Andrei

Re: And here's another interesting algorithm/structure: Randomized Slide to Front

2015-11-30 Thread H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d
On Mon, Nov 30, 2015 at 04:33:27PM -0500, Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d 
> One well-known search strategy is "Bring to front" (described by Knuth
> in TAoCP). A BtF-organized linear data structure is searched with the
> classic linear algorithm. The difference is what happens after the
> search: whenever the search is successful, the found element is
> brought to the front of the structure. If we're looking most often for
> a handful of elements, in time these will be near the front of the
> searched structure.
> So let's see how we can implement a successful BtF for arrays.
> The first idea is to just swap the found element with the first
> element of the array. That's O(1) but has many disadvantages - if you
> search e.g. for two elements, they'll compete for the front of the
> array and they'll go back and forth without making progress.
> Another idea is to just swap the found element with the one just
> before it.  The logic is, each successful find will shift the element
> closer to the front, in a bubble sort manner. In time, the frequently
> searched elements will slowly creep toward the front. The resulting
> performance is not appealing - you need O(n) searches to bring a given
> element to the front, for a total of O(n * n) steps spent in the n
> searches. Meh.
> So let's improve on that: whenever an element is found in position k,
> pick a random number i in the range 0, 1, 2, ..., k inclusive. Then
> swap the array elements at indexes i and k. This is the Randomized
> Slide to Front strategy.

What about when element i is matched, swap it with the (i/2)'th element?

Then it will take just log(n) searches to bring it to the front of the
array, but it won't (immediately) compete with whatever's currently the
most popular item in the array. Furthermore, when it does compete with
it, it will already have been moved closer to the front of the array, so
the previous most-popular element won't be pushed far back into the deep
recesses of the array, but remain close to the front where it will be
quickly found.

More generally, you could pick the (i/k)'th element for swapping when
you've matched an element, with k being a constant, chosen parameter.
You may be able to optimize for certain use cases (e.g., if you knew
beforehand the average number of "popular" elements) by choosing an
appropriate value of k.


Nobody is perfect.  I am Nobody. -- pepoluan, GKC forum

Re: And here's another interesting algorithm/structure: Randomized Slide to Front

2015-11-30 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d

On 11/30/15 4:33 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

I just posted to reddit:
