Re: Designing with the GC out of mind

2013-08-06 Thread anonymous

On Tuesday, 6 August 2013 at 14:27:32 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

and there's a gc proxy in the code but idk how to use it.

I have this little piece of hack that uses the proxy to disable 
GC allocations at runtime. It's not tested well, so it probably 
has some issues, but maybe it's a start for someone. See the 
unittest for how to use.


import std.exception: assertThrown;
import std.traits: ParameterTypeTuple, ReturnType;

static import core.memory;

/*NOTE: Deriving from Throwable instead of Exception, because 
with Exception

catch(GCUsedWhenForbidden) doesn't work (dmd 2.063). */
class GCUsedWhenForbidden : Throwable
	this(string gcProcName, string file = __FILE__, size_t line = 

super(gcProcName, file, line);

struct GC
static auto opDispatch(string n, A ...)(A args)
mixin("return core.memory.GC." ~ n ~ "(args);");
private static Proxy proxy;
static this()
foreach(name; __traits(allMembers, Proxy))
private shared static uint forbidCount = 0;
static void forbidUse()
if(forbidCount++ == 0) actuallyForbidUse;
private static void actuallyForbidUse()
static void allowUse()
if(--forbidCount == 0) actuallyAllowUse;
private static void actuallyAllowUse()
private static auto proxyMember(string name)()
mixin("return &proxy." ~ name ~ ";");
private static makeNop(string name)()
*proxyMember!name = &nop!(typeof(*proxyMember!name));
private static makeDie(string name)()
*proxyMember!name = &die!(typeof(*proxyMember!name), name);
int[] h = new int[1];

GC.forbidUse; // 1
assertThrown!GCUsedWhenForbidden(new int[1]);

GC.forbidUse; // 2
assertThrown!GCUsedWhenForbidden(new int[1]);

GC.allowUse; // 1
assertThrown!GCUsedWhenForbidden(new int[1]);

GC.allowUse; // 0
h = new int[1]; // now, GC can be used again

private extern(C) void nop(T)(ParameterTypeTuple!T) {}
private extern(C) ReturnType!T die(T, string 

scope(exit) GC.actuallyForbidUse;
throw new GCUsedWhenForbidden(name);

//NOTE: copied from druntime/src/gc/gc.d
private struct BlkInfo
void*  base;
size_t size;
uint   attr;
//NOTE: copied from druntime/src/gc/proxy.d
private struct Proxy
void function() gc_enable;
void function() gc_disable;
void function() gc_collect;
void function() gc_minimize;

uint function(void*) gc_getAttr;
uint function(void*, uint) gc_setAttr;
uint function(void*, uint) gc_clrAttr;

void*   function(size_t, uint) gc_malloc;
BlkInfo function(size_t, uint) gc_qalloc;
void*   function(size_t, uint) gc_calloc;
void*   function(void*, size_t, uint ba) gc_realloc;
size_t  function(void*, size_t, size_t) gc_extend;
size_t  function(size_t) gc_reserve;
voidfunction(void*) gc_free;

void*   function(void*) gc_addrOf;
size_t  function(void*) gc_sizeOf;

BlkInfo function(void*) gc_query;

void function(void*) gc_addRoot;
void function(void*, size_t) gc_addRange;

void function(void*) gc_removeRoot;
void function(void*) gc_removeRange;
//NOTE: copied from druntime/src/gc/proxy.d
private extern(C) void gc_setProxy(Proxy*);
private extern(C) void gc_clrProxy();

Re: Designing with the GC out of mind

2013-08-06 Thread Dicebot

On Tuesday, 6 August 2013 at 15:20:47 UTC, JS wrote:


I don't think you can do it without building custom druntime with 
own GC hooks.

Re: Designing with the GC out of mind

2013-08-06 Thread JS

On Tuesday, 6 August 2013 at 14:27:32 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

On Tuesday, 6 August 2013 at 13:43:01 UTC, JS wrote:
I'd still like some easy way to hook into the GC to monitor 
what is going on though because ultimately I'd like to disable 
the GC but then must guarantee that memory is not leaking.

Using a debugger is the easiest way. You can also hack on 
druntime (various ways to do this, including one option that 
doesn't actually edit druntime, linked to earlier in this 
thread).. and there's a gc proxy in the code but idk how to use 

The issue is I may want to use the GC at runtime for various 
tasks but disable clean up until the appropriate time. Also, 
without some automated way to see what the GC is doing, it would 
be a nightmare to have to debug it every time some library 
function is added to see if it's using the GC. (e.g., file 
functions, etc...)

It would be easier and more informative just to hook into the GC 
and then report statistics at the end of the program. I could 
then, by using my allocation strategies, see how beneficial they 

seems the typeid you mention should solve this(but to be 
honest, I don't know if it will completely solve the issue or 
how performant it is).

typeid just fetches the TypeInfo, so they're the same thing I'm 
not sure how fast it is to fetch that info, but that's what the 
gc does so you're at least no worse off.

I guess I'll have to do some sleuthing at some point to see what 
exactly is happening...

Re: Designing with the GC out of mind

2013-08-06 Thread Adam D. Ruppe

On Tuesday, 6 August 2013 at 13:43:01 UTC, JS wrote:
I'd still like some easy way to hook into the GC to monitor 
what is going on though because ultimately I'd like to disable 
the GC but then must guarantee that memory is not leaking.

Using a debugger is the easiest way. You can also hack on 
druntime (various ways to do this, including one option that 
doesn't actually edit druntime, linked to earlier in this 
thread).. and there's a gc proxy in the code but idk how to use 

seems the typeid you mention should solve this(but to be 
honest, I don't know if it will completely solve the issue or 
how performant it is).

typeid just fetches the TypeInfo, so they're the same thing I'm 
not sure how fast it is to fetch that info, but that's what the 
gc does so you're at least no worse off.

Re: Designing with the GC out of mind

2013-08-06 Thread bearophile


There's complete list at - 
paragraph: "D Operations That Involve the Garbage Collector"

I think that list is not fully updated, this was recently a 
little improved:

Array literals (except when used to initialize static data)

Now if you initialize a fixed sized array even if it's not 
static, no allocations will happen for the array literal itself.


Re: Designing with the GC out of mind

2013-08-06 Thread JS

On Tuesday, 6 August 2013 at 12:41:26 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

On Tuesday, 6 August 2013 at 07:19:40 UTC, JS wrote:

1. Is there a way to determine what the GC is doing?

It is probably easiest to just run it in a debugger, and set a 
breakpoint on gc_malloc and gc_qalloc. When it breaks, you can 
see where it is, then continue to carry on.

You can also tell where the gc runs by carefully reviewing the 

1) any instance of "new", obviously

2) any use of array ~ array. Binary ~ on other types doesn't 
necessarily run the gc, since it could be overloaded, but 
generally does. (If you want to avoid gc, a ~ b is something 
I'd avoid entirely.)

3) Some uses of a ~= b. This doesn't necessarily allocate, it 
might be appending to reserved space or be overloaded. If a is 
a built in array though and you're looking at the code, assume 
it allocates and do something else.

4) Passing a nested delegate or lambda to another function, 
sometimes. It won't if a) the receiving function marks the 
delegate argument as scope, or b) the function doesn't 
reference any variables.

But generally if you see a non-scope delegate, assume it 

5) Any array literal that isn't static immutable allocates. 
Hopefully this will be fixed soon, but right now they all do... 
even if the array literal is in an enum!

ummm... I think I might be forgetting something, but I'm pretty 
sure these are all the major ones.

Anything that allocates might call the gc collect.

So to sum up: search your code for "new", "~", calling 
functions that receive "delegate", and "[a,b,c...]" and you'll 
have an idea as to where the gc might run in your code.

Thanks. It looks like the bulk can be avoided except by writing 
custom arrays types.

I'd still like some easy way to hook into the GC to monitor what 
is going on though because ultimately I'd like to disable the GC 
but then must guarantee that memory is not leaking.

I suppose I can modify the sources, but is there an easier way?

What about writing your own external alloc function like 
std.conv.emplace? Then you'd do it just at the creation site 
without modifying the class.

Well, I am using an interface to allow for various strategies 
that can also change dynamically. e.g..,

interface iNew(T) { final static T New(Args...)(Strategy, Args 
args) { .. } }

all of my objects will inherit this interface.  The only issue is 
that they must do so, I see no need to have to manually add the 
inheritance. I also worry about size allocation but it seems the 
typeid you mention should solve this(but to be honest, I don't 
know if it will completely solve the issue or how performant it 
is). There is TypeInfo, but again, I don't know how performant. 
By having every object implement a Size and return it's size wold 
work fine though.


interface iNew(T)
@property size_t Size();
final static T New(Args...)(Strategy, Args args) { .. }

But it would be nice if Size was automatically implemented in 
each class(since all it does is return a constant). The overhead 
is just a function call rather than some reflection type of 
stuff. Having iNew implicitly inherited and Size() implicitly 
generated is what I'm after. I'll check out the alternative 
Size() methods and see if they are satisfactory.

Re: Designing with the GC out of mind

2013-08-06 Thread Martin Drasar
On 6.8.2013 14:58, QAston wrote:
> On Tuesday, 6 August 2013 at 12:41:26 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
>> On Tuesday, 6 August 2013 at 07:19:40 UTC, JS wrote:
>>> 1. Is there a way to determine what the GC is doing?
> ...
>> You can also tell where the gc runs by carefully reviewing the code:
> There's complete list at - paragraph: "D
> Operations That Involve the Garbage Collector"

Also as Manu and others pointed out, Phobos tends to allocate a lot.
There is also a code from Adam D. Ruppe that you might find useful:


Re: Designing with the GC out of mind

2013-08-06 Thread QAston

On Tuesday, 6 August 2013 at 12:41:26 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

On Tuesday, 6 August 2013 at 07:19:40 UTC, JS wrote:

1. Is there a way to determine what the GC is doing?


You can also tell where the gc runs by carefully reviewing the 

There's complete list at - 
paragraph: "D Operations That Involve the Garbage Collector"

Re: Designing with the GC out of mind

2013-08-06 Thread Adam D. Ruppe

On Tuesday, 6 August 2013 at 07:19:40 UTC, JS wrote:

1. Is there a way to determine what the GC is doing?

It is probably easiest to just run it in a debugger, and set a 
breakpoint on gc_malloc and gc_qalloc. When it breaks, you can 
see where it is, then continue to carry on.

You can also tell where the gc runs by carefully reviewing the 

1) any instance of "new", obviously

2) any use of array ~ array. Binary ~ on other types doesn't 
necessarily run the gc, since it could be overloaded, but 
generally does. (If you want to avoid gc, a ~ b is something I'd 
avoid entirely.)

3) Some uses of a ~= b. This doesn't necessarily allocate, it 
might be appending to reserved space or be overloaded. If a is a 
built in array though and you're looking at the code, assume it 
allocates and do something else.

4) Passing a nested delegate or lambda to another function, 
sometimes. It won't if a) the receiving function marks the 
delegate argument as scope, or b) the function doesn't reference 
any variables.

But generally if you see a non-scope delegate, assume it 

5) Any array literal that isn't static immutable allocates. 
Hopefully this will be fixed soon, but right now they all do... 
even if the array literal is in an enum!

ummm... I think I might be forgetting something, but I'm pretty 
sure these are all the major ones.

Anything that allocates might call the gc collect.

So to sum up: search your code for "new", "~", calling functions 
that receive "delegate", and "[a,b,c...]" and you'll have an idea 
as to where the gc might run in your code.

I suppose I can modify the sources, but is there an easier way?

What about writing your own external alloc function like 
std.conv.emplace? Then you'd do it just at the creation site 
without modifying the class.

(which I think is required over sizeof, classInstanceSize, 
etc... to prevent slicing).

Check out typeid(MyClass).init as well...